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Tears for a Dying Nation By: John West Im tired Ive had it Im through with America 1776 to 2001

on its headstone A war every 20 years Irradiated food Poisonous water The killing fields of the mind Big Pharma allows no natural cures And the rest of medicine follows suit The Pied Piper of Pharmaceutical finance America, why do you allow this? Why did you roll over for George Bush? Why do the police kill innocent civilians and get off scot free? Why do you let this be? Docile, apathetic, hateful Dick Cheney, go f@%k yourself And I hope Blackwater folds for goodgoddamned mercenaries This is not the country I was born in Though my first breaths were in Williamsburg and The battlefields of Yorktown, my playground I recognize not this place, except from Huxley and Orwell Nightmarish visions manifest

And this Barack has not been a blessing Change isnt always for the good I need a planan escape route Batheas already gone and I doubt hell ever return America, why are your history books filled with lies? America, when will you set your people free? And be that bastion of liberty you promised? And restore the Constitution? We are nothing without it The 1st and 4th amendments gone But they never forget the 16th Especially in April Even though no law has been passed concerning it America, my list of grievances is far too long for my pen to withstand And my heart hurts to think of these things These things I try hard to forget and ignore
But none-the-less creep back up to seize me With their dirty claws I know this is what they want What they plan for extensively Spend billions of dollars To turn the world into either dullards or demons I cannot support this America, Im tired of martyred heroes and mediocre moguls Substance of heart sacrificed to the illusory machine Only to be replaced by vessels void of all that is real

No character, no substance, no redeeming factor Just clones pumped out of adulation factories And sold like the products they are It appears things have gone too far Things have gotten out of hand We need to dust off the drawing board and figure this out Im afraid to think of what will be if we dont Gestapo and KGB becoming one in the land of milk and honey Not to mention weve long been out of money How many trillions do we owe China? Old Red China, our supposed communist enemy Who now bails us out like the bilges of an empty cargo ship Floating aimlessly on a desolate economic sea America, this is not for me I want the rights you endowed me as a child Not what is artificial, watered-down, and mild I want to have pride in my country, not shame And remove those like Helms from the helms Ignorant, old, greedy men steering the ship towards the rocks Whose only concern is for their stocks, not yours and mine Americaseriouslywere almost out of time

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