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Class: Grammar Grade: 7th

More than three hundred years ago, when America was inhabited by Indians, two brothers in England, Lawrence and John Washington, resolved to remove hither. English colonist where settled in the wilderness of Virginia, they know of that particular portion of the world. John married Miss Anne Pope they live on Bridges Creek, Lawrence married Mildred Warner, they had three sons. George was born February 22, 1732. George lived with his mother on Popes Creek. It is fortunate that the materials of Washington early life where preserved. Augustine Washington resorted to the following device to impress his son with a proper conception of God. In due time the regiment embarked for the West Indies, and George was obliged to part with his brother. Lawrence had served by two years in the West Indies campaign, and return to Virginia in autumn of 1742. The military spirit of George did not abate when Lawrence came home from the war. George went to school when he was five years of age. George was one of the best of the teacher. George became Mr. Hobby most important pupil, because he was an example of obedience, application, method and thoroughness. George was at his home on the playground, he love sports and games at his school days. George was not more than thirteen or fourteen years of age when he surveyed the land about the school house. Lawrence was strongly attached to his young brother whom was a future noble manhood. One of Georges copy books attracted much attention in school, because it was unlike that of any scholar. The school days of George ended one month before he was sixteen years of age. A strong bond united him to his teacher and schoolmates. His schoolmates were removed to tears on parting with him, and so was his teacher. His father came home one day so sick that he took to his bed at once, it was an old illness. Mr. Washington was relieved of severe pain but further than that he did not improve. Hastening into his father presence he was appalled by the change. All hearts were melted by the child honest exhibition of love and sorrow. The children by the second marriage were severally well provided for George. Obedience and truthfulness are cardinal virtues to be cultivated, said Mrs. Washington to her husband before he die. We might quote much more of equal value from this treasure of wisdom. George Washington character was formed upon the basis of those instructions, under the moulding power of the superior mother. There are many stories told of her which illustrate her character better than plain statement. Washington always acknowledged his indebtedness to maternal influence. George can make his home with me, now that his school days are over, said Lawrence to his mother. There is evidence to believe that Lawrence had not wholly abandoned the idea of introducing George into military life. He saw in George foreshadowing of a distinguished man. He had more ideas than his mother of the boys ability and promise.

Washington left Williamsburg on October of 1753. Washington joined Van Broom in Federickberg and went for supplies and horses to Alexandria and Winchester. The French general died on the twenty ninth day of October a month away. Washington and Frazier enganged a canoe and send Currin and Steward down the river. Washington go where the commander of the French forces resided, and found three officer on the house. Monsieur la force and three other soldiers accompanied Washington to see the commander at the next fort. Washington waited for the commander of the fort and let know his business and present the letter of Governor Dinwiddie. They met Currin at Venago and the horses by land. They traveled for three days the snow was increasing and the horse became ill. Washington concerning the plans French created intense excitement in Virginia and the neighboring colonies. Washington anticipated a rush of volunteers when the governor sent out his call for troops. The morning of July 4, 1754 the little army marched out of the fort, with banners and the band. They defeat of Washington did not appear to modify the public confidence in him, he had to defend fort necessity and so successful. With 27 years old Washington was sent by governor Dinwiddie

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