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Journal of Beijing Institute of Technology, 2011, Vol. 20, No.

Trajectory shaping guidance law with terminal impact angle constraint

LIU Dawei() 1, , XIA Qunli() 1 , WU Tao() 2 , QI Zaikang() 1
2. China Research and Development Academy of Machinery Equipment, Beijing 100089, China) Abstract: In order to strike hard targets underground or warships and tanks with expected impact angle by missiles or guided bombs, trajectory shaping guidance law with terminal position and impact angle constraints is derived based on linear quadratic optimal control theory. The required accelera tion expressed by impact angle and heading error is obtained in lagfree guidance system in order to find the optimal relationship of those angles in terminal phase. The adjoint systems of miss distance and impact angle error of firstorder guidance system are established based on statistical linearization adjoint method ( SLAM) in order to study the impact performances of the guidance law. Simulation results show that the miss distance and impact angle error of trajectory shaping guidance law are both according with the impact position and angle constraint and the required acceleration at impact can be decreased by an optimal relationship of impact angle and heading error. Key words: trajectory shaping; required acceleration; miss distance; impact angle error CLC number: V 448 133 Document code: A Article ID: 1004 0579(2011)03 0345 06 (1. School of Aerospace Engineering, Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing 100081, China;

In order to attack hard target effectively, guided weapons have to impact the target not only with high accuracy in impact position but also with specific terminal impact angle constraint. Therefore, optimal terminal guidance law be comes an important field of homing guidance nowadays. Kim and Grider have proposed an op timal impact angle control guidance law for the reentry vehicle in the vertical plane [1] . Ryoo and Cho have investigated an optimal guidance law for constant speed missiles with constraints on the impact angle and control input [2] . Ernest and Craig have proposed and evaluated a new guid ance law termed generalized vector explicit guid ance [3] . Liu Dan and Chang Chao have proposed an optimal guidance law for constant speed mis
Received 2010 10 14 Supported by the Aeronautical Science Foundation of China (20060112123) Author for correspondence Email: 20031145@ bit. edu. cn

siles with constraints on small impact angle and extended to big impact angle constraint in nonlin ear simulation [4 - 5] . However, none of those pa pers give us the overload characteristic, and we don t know the miss distance and impact angle error of those guidance laws. In this paper, first ly, a simple geometry is given and an optimal guidance law based on linear quadratic optimal control theory is obtained with impact position and angle. Then, required acceleration with lag free system is given to disclose the overload char acters with initial conditions and impact con straints. Finally, miss distance and impact angle error of trajectory shaping guidance law are stud ied by SLAM. Simulation results show that trajec tory shaping guidance law accords to the terminal guidance problem with impact position and angle constraints perfectly.

1 Trajectory law



Considering the homing guidance geometry


Journal of Beijing Institute of Technology, 2011, Vol. 20, No. 3

for a stationary or a slowly moving target, three two orthogonal plane guidance

dimensional guidance problem can be analysed as ometry of guidance is shown in Fig. 1. Here, R and z denote the relative distance between missile ( LOS) , respectively. V, V r and v are the missile and the normal velocity component, respectively. and target and the distance to initial line of sight total velocity, the relative velocity in initial LOS q,,q f and are the angle of line of missiletarget and initial LOS, the angle of flight path, the im pact angle constraint, and the heading error, re spectively, and a m is the acceleration applied nor mal to the velocity vector. . The planar ge

where (x(T),T) = cz (z(T) - ze ) 2 / 2 + cv (v(T) v e ) 2 / 2. tion is the control energy and the effect of the in duced drag to the velocity become minimum. Here, c z ,c v are the parameters which can be de are, the better constraints are met, and the con c v . The physical significance of the object func

signed to meet Eqs. (1) (2) . The bigger c z and c v straints equations will be met strictly if c z and The Hamilton is obtained as H= 1 2 a + v z + a z v . 2 z
2 z

The adjoint equations therefore are - z = - v

(6) (7) (8)

Thus, the optimal control is 0=

(1a 2 H 1 = = a v v ( 2 (1a 2
2 z

H = z z

+ v z + a z v + v z + a z

) = 0,

2 z

) = .

H = a z a z

+ v z + a z v

) =a

+ v . (9)

That is,
Fig. 1 Terminal guidance geometry

in terminal phase, we can suppose that V r is con

The velocity of missile is not rapidly changed

The constraints of impact can be described as ( T) z z ( T) - = 0 ( T) v ( T ) v (11)

a z ( t) = - v ( t) .


stant, is small, and the target is stationary or moving slowly. So that, impact constraints of this optimal guidance law can be described as the nor

mal velocity arriving at v e and the position coming to z e at the final guide time. The impact constraint equations are z( T) = z e , v( T) = v e . z = v, v = az .

optimal problem as a c ( t) =

We can obtain the analytic expression of the 6 ( z e - z( t) ) ( T - t) 2

The state equations of the system are

(1) (2) (3) (4)

ance law with impact position and angle con straints by the position of missile z( t) , the veloc and time to go t go = T - t. ity of missile v ( t) , the desired point of impact z e , the predetermined impact normal velocity v e pact angle and the final normal velocity as the fol lowing. We can get the relationship between the im

Eq. ( 12 ) shows the optimal terminal guid

4 2 v( t) v . ( T - t) T -t e


the normal acceleration a z ( t) . Now, let us con a z ( t) , which minimizes J, defined by J( t0 ) = ( x( T) ,T) +

The control variable of the optimal problem is

sider the following optimal control problem: find


1 2 a ( t) dt, 2 z



LIU Dawei( ) et al. / Trajectory shaping guidance law with terminal impact angle constraint

pressed as the following:

When z t = 0, the angle of LOS can be ex zt - z zt - z -z tan q = = = . R V r t go V r t go (13)

the velocity of 250 m / s in horizontal plane, and the target is stationary at 5 km far from the mis sile on the ground. In order to penetrate the tar

sion above can be represented as qtan q = LOS is

When the angle of LOS is small, the expres zt - z zt - z -z = = . R V r t go V r t go

get, we require a vertical top attack, that is, the path angle are shown in Fig. 2, considering the

desired falling angle is 90. Trajectory and flight dynamics of guidance system with a time constant of 0 5 s. Simulation results show that the trajec tory is smooth and resulting in a miss distance of high accuracy of guidance and satisfaction of the

Then, the rotational velocity of the angle of


LOS, time to go t go and the relative velocity of the LOS V r form Eq. (14) . z( t) = - q( t) t go V r . (16) (17)

The position can be replaced by the angle of

z ( t) z( t) q ( t) = . t go V r t2 V r go

0 03 m and impact angle error of - 0 67. The (15)

terminal constrains reveals that the guidance law large falling angle.

is suitable for airtoground guided weapons with

can also be replaced as

From Eq. (15) , the derivative of the position As define in Eq. (3) , v ( t) = z ( t) , we can

z ( t) = - q ( t) t go V r - z( t) / t go .

get the normal velocity as


Then,substitute Eq. (18) in Eq. (12) , there a c ( t) = 4 q ( t) V r +

v( t) = - q ( t) t go V r + q( t) V r .


Fig. 2 Trajectory and history of flight path angle

2 2 6 q( t) V r - v e + 2 z e . t go t go t go

q f , therefore Eq. (18) becomes

At the impact point, z e = z t = 0,t go = 0,q( t) = v e = v( T) = q f V r .

(19) (20)

2 Required acceleration with lag free system

Required acceleration is one of the most im portant performance indexes to a terminal guid without the effect of the control system dynam ics, lagfree system is chosen. ance law. In order to study the guidance law

Substitute Eq. (20) in Eq. (19) , we can get

minal guidance law is made up by two parts, one position accuracy, another is the impact angle this optimal terminal guidance law as trajectory shaping guidance law because it can guide missile in an optimal trajectory to guarantee both the im pact position and angle.

It is not difficult to find that the optimal ter

a c ( t) = 4V r q ( t) + 2V r ( q( t) - q f ) / t go . (21)

required acceleration can be given by the initial condition and expected constraints as

Another expression of the closedform of the

is the proportional navigation to guarantee high constraint to ensure the impact angle. We can call

12z(0)(t go -0 5T) + T z (0)(6t go -2T) + T z (T)(6t go -4T) . T3

a c ( t) =

ground missile starts at the altitude of 1 km with

Consider the terminal phase of the airto

z(0) = 0,z (0) = V r , z ( T) = V r q f .

According to assumptions above, we have


required acceleration is

Take those equations into Eq. (11) , then the


Journal of Beijing Institute of Technology, 2011, Vol. 20, No. 3

a c ( t) = -

2V r t 2 -3 T T

t ) - 2VTq ( 1 - 3 T ) .
r f

quired acceleration, one is caused by the impact .

We can see that there are two parts of the re


3 Miss distance and impact angle error with firstorder system based on SLAM
The statistical linearization adjoint method is a new computerized approach for the complete statistical analysis of nonlinear missile guidance systems through the combination of the CADET excellent design and analysis tool for missile guid miss distance and contains information concern ing the system behavior [8] . In order to simplify the homing guidance sys method and the adjoint technique [7] . SLAM is an ance systems that provides an error budget for

angle q f , another is caused by the heading error tion and impact constraints, acceleration is pro acceleration appears at the initial or final time. cal guidance times from Eq. (23) : To a certain guidance time T, initial condi

portionable to the flight time t, so the maximal So, we take more attention to the following typi a c ( t = 0) = - 2( q f + 2) V r / T, a c ( t = T / 3) = - 2V r / T, a c ( t = T / 2) = ( q f - ) V r / T, a c ( t = 2T / 3) = 2q f V r / T, a c ( t = T) = 2(2q f + ) V r / T.

tem, the dynamics of seeker is ignored and the (24) that is

dynamics of autopilot is assumed as firstorder [7] , a L ( s) 1 = . a c ( s) T g s + 1 (22)

guidance times in different relationship between 3, and we can see that: heading error and impact angle are given in Fig.

The required accelerations at these typical

firstorder lag system is given in Fig. 4. Here, Z t guidance time, T g is the time constant of autopi heading error, which represents the initial devia tion of the missile from the LOS.

The trajectory shaping guidance loop with

is the position of target, T is the total terminal lot, q f is the impact angle constraint and is the

Fig. 4 Trajectory shaping guidance loop Fig. 3 Required acceleration at typical guidance times

cusing on the final position only. Trajectory sha

In narrow sense, miss distance is defined fo

lie on impact angle q f and heading error , how heading error and impact angle q f , respectively.

The acceleration commands at t = 0,T / 2,T

ping guidance law pays attention to both impact miss characteristics both including the two factors SLAM.

position and angle. We defined the generalized above and study their characteristics based on 3. 1 Miss distance based on SLAM

ever, the accelerations at t = T / 3,2T / 3 depend on If we hope the missile maneuver accelera

tion minimum at impact, the heading error must be twice of the impact angle q f , but in opposite direction.


We can obtain the adjoint system from Fig. 4 by adjoint system transform method. Then, T = T / T g , s = sT g , make the adjoint system output

LIU Dawei( ) et al. / Trajectory shaping guidance law with terminal impact angle constraint

nondimension relative to the extraneous parame step input which equal to an impulse pass an inte grator as shown in Fig. 5.

ters. Finally, the impulse input is replaced by

ance loop with firstorder lay system in Fig. 4 can be rewritten, and the adjoint system of impact an gle error can also be obtained by the same princi ple as one of the miss distance in Fig. 7.

After replace q by , trajectory shaping guid

/ V r .


Fig. 5 Adjoint loop of miss distance

twooutput system. So, we can assume that the angle, that is, k = / q f . And the outputs can be expressed by one input and a coefficient k. The the nondimension time in different coefficient k is given in Fig. 6.

The adjoint system above is a singleinput

Fig. 7 Adjoint loop of impact angle error

heading error is k times of the size of the impact

acterisitc with the nondimension time in different coefficient k is given in Fig. 8.

The nondimension impact angle error char

nondimension miss distance characteristic with

Fig. 8 Nondimension impact angle error of different k Fig. 6 Nondimension miss distance of different k

3. 2 Impact angle error based on SLAM

ror, we can only obtain three results - / 2, 0 and - / 2 because of the impact angle is calculat and V r t go = 0. However, in missile homing guid the velocity vector, so the angle of LOS q is re point. And the angle of flight path can be ob tained by ed by the missile position z and distance of LOS V r t go , and the calculation is singularity when z0

In firstorder lag system of impact angle er

tory shaping guidance law due to the firstorder missile guidance model show that: Trajectory shaping guidance law can in

Simulation results of terminal errors of trajec

sure both the impact position and angle to meet the expected value. The convergence times of the miss distance and the impact angle error are a bout 12 and 15 times of the firstorder time con stant T g , respectively. The bigger the heading error is, the bigger

ance engineering, people pay more attention to placed by angle of flight path near the impact

the miss distance and impact angle error are for the same impact angle constraint, and the longer the converge time is.


Journal of Beijing Institute of Technology, 2011, Vol. 20, No. 3

4 Conclusions
tion and angle based on optimal control problem Optimal guidance law both with impact posi

Optimal guidance laws with terminal impact angle constraint [ J ] . Journal of Guidance, Control and [3] Ohlmeyer Ernest J, Phillips Craig A. Generalized [4] Liu Dan, Qi Zaikang. Impact angle and final position constrained optimal guidance law [ J ] . Journal of Beijing Institute of Technology, 2001, 21(3) : 278 281. ( in Chinese) Control and Dynamics, 2006, 29(2) : 261 - 268. Dynamics,2005,11(4) :724 - 732. vector explicit guidance [ J] . Journal of Guidance,

is deduced and trajectory shaping guidance law

with lag free system is given upon the assumption of linear model and small angle. It is concluded that: Trajectory shaping guidance law can be guide problem both with impact position and an gle; In order to obtain minimal required accel error angle must be twice of the impact angle ex used in guided weapon to implement the terminal

[5] Chang Chao, Lin Defu, Qi Zaikang, et al. Study on the optimal terminal guidance law with interception and impact angle [ J] . Journal of Beijing Institute of [6] Cai Hong, Hu Zhengdong, Cao Yuan. A survey of 332. ( in Chinese) [ J] . Journal of Astronautics, 2010, 31 (2) : 315 ance[ M] . 4th ed. [ S. l. ] : American Institute of Astronautics and Aeronautics, Inc. , 2002: 541 nonlinear missile guidance systemsSLAM [ J ] . Technology,2009,29(3) :233 - 236. ( in Chinese)

eration at impact in lagfree system, the heading pected; Miss distance and impact angle error will go to zero, when terminal guidance times are time constant, respectively. All of which give us homing guidance engineering. above 12 and 15 times of the firstorder system an important enlightenment and reference in the

guidance law with terminal impact angle constraints

[7] Paul Zarchan P. Tactical and strategic missile guid

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[8] Paul Zarchan P. Complete statistical analysis of Journal of Guidance and Control, 1979, 2(1) : 71 -


( Edited by Wang Yuxia)


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