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The Early Signs Of Cancer That Are Often Ignored

Dear Reader, Experts all agree that diagnosing cancer at an early stage is one of the key factors in treating the disease successfully. Obviously, routine tests and check-ups, like pap smears and colonoscopies, are extremely important when it comes to detecting any abnormalities. However, it's also vital to pay close attention to sudden and unexplained changes in our bodies. These changes could indicate that something much more serious is going on. Here are ten warning signs that could signal the early onset of cancer: 1. Wheezing or breathlessness "I couldn't even manage to walk across the street without wheezing. At first, I thought it could be asthma, but since I've never suffered from it, I brushed it off." Many lung cancer patients utter these words when they think back to when things started going wrong. Thyroid cancer can also cause breathing problems when a nodule or tumour begins to press on the trachea, or windpipe. You should consult your doctor straight away if you experience persistent breathing difficulties. 2. Difficulty swallowing and hoarseness Both these symptoms are commonly associated with oesophageal or throat cancer. Difficulty swallowing can sometimes also be one of the first signs of lung cancer. A hoarse or low, husky voice or the feeling of something pressing on the throat, or that something is stuck in your windpipe can be early indicators of thyroid cancer or a precancerous thyroid nodule. 3. Frequent fevers or infections These can be signs of leukaemia a cancer of the blood cells that starts in the bone marrow. Leukaemia causes the marrow to produce abnormal white blood cells. These 'bad' white blood cells crowd out the healthy white blood cells and inhibit the body's infection-fighting capabilities. Often, doctors diagnose leukaemia only after the patient has visited the surgery a number of times suffering from fever, achiness, and flu-like symptoms. 4. Stomach problems Stomach cramps, bellyaches or frequent upset stomachs may indicate colorectal cancer. At first, your doctor may think that you are simply suffering from irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) or a stomach ulcer however, persistent stomach pain shouldn't be ignored as it can also be the first sign of tumours developing on your liver. If your stomach problems persist, request that you have an ultrasound to see if there are any signs of intestinal tumours. 5. Weakness and chronic fatigue Generalised fatigue and weakness can be symptoms of many different kinds of cancer, especially when it occurs in combination with other symptoms. Chronic fatigue can be an early indication of leukaemia. It's important to speak to your doctor as soon as you start suffering from exhaustion that doesn't dissipate even when you get more sleep.

6. Sudden weight loss If you notice sudden weight loss without having made any changes to your diet or exercise regime, you need to ask why. As well as being a symptom of diabetes, unexplained weight loss is also an early sign of colon and other digestive cancers; it's also a sign that cancer might have already spread to the liver, which will affect your appetite and your body's ability to rid itself of waste. 7. Changes in fingernails A brown or black streak or dot under the nail can indicate skin cancer. Enlargement at the ends of the fingers, with nails that curve down over the tips, can be a sign of lung cancer. Pale or white nails can indicate that your liver is not functioning properly and can signal the early onset of liver cancer. Unexplained changes to the fingernails can be a sign of several types of cancer, so as soon as you notice these, it's a good idea to visit your doctor. 8. Chronic acidic stomach or feeling full after a small meal The most common early sign of stomach cancer is pain in the upper or middle abdomen that feels like trapped gas or heartburn. Stomach cancer is often aggravated by eating and you may feel full even when you haven't eaten much. What's particularly confusing is that the pain can be relieved by antacids, falsely confirming your suspicion that your symptoms are a result of a build-up of acid in the stomach. If you have frequent bouts of stomach acidity, abdominal pain, or a full feeling after meals (even when you've eaten less than normal), make an appointment with your doctor. 9. Chronic heartburn If you ate a pizza too quick, you'd expect to get heartburn. However, if you have frequent episodes of heartburn or a constant low-level of pain in your chest after eating, ask your doctor about screening for oesophageal cancer. Gastro-oesophageal reflux disease (GERD) a condition in which stomach acid rises into the oesophagus, causing heartburn and an acidic taste in the throat can trigger a condition called Barrett's oesophagus, which can be a precursor of oesophageal cancer. 10. Bowel Problems Constipation, diarrhoea, and changes in stools can all be signs of cancer. As with many other cancer symptoms, if they persist for a few days without having any obvious cause (such as flu or food poisoning), you may have cause for concern. People diagnosed with colon cancer say they noticed more frequent stools, as well as a feeling that their bowels weren't emptying completely. One of the early signs of pancreatic cancer is fatty stools frequent, large stools that are paler than normal and very smelly. This is a sign that your body's not absorbing your food properly, and it should be brought to your doctor's attention straight away. ..continue reading for more alternative health breakthroughs
...and another thing Our regular readers, will remember that we first wrote about the astounding cancerfighting abilities of flax seed lignans back in September 2008. Now, almost 2 years later, the medical mainstream is finally catching on to this potential cancer treatment breakthrough. Flax seed lignans are not flax seed, instead they are concentrated directly using a special process from flax seed shells, or hulls. The major lignan in flax seed is called

secoisolariciresinol diglucoside (SDG). The hulls typically don't make it into the bags of flax seed that line health food store shelves. Which is a shame, because it turns out the vast majority of the disease-fighting lignans in flax seed are located in the hull that encases the seed. For instance, one teaspoon contains the nutritional equivalent of two gallons of flax seed. Yes, gallons! And flax seed oil? Forget it. There are practically no lignans contained in the oil. While the nutritional value of flax seed lignans certainly is a bonus, its true value is in its promise as a potent cancer-killer. One of the most exciting cancer studies was carried out in Canada on a group of postmenopausal women with newly diagnosed breast cancer. Each day for a month, the women in the test group ate a flax seed muffin containing a predetermined concentration of SDG. After only one month, the growth of the cancer cells was reduced by 34.2 per cent. Even better, 31 per cent of cancer cells were completely killed, and the expression of the cancer growth receptor Her2 (c-erB2) which causes tumours to grow more quickly and become more aggressive decreased by 71 per cent. Flax seed lignans are available in most health food stores and can also be ordered online. If you or a loved one has been diagnosed with cancer, you need all the available information on the disease and the very best treatments for it at hand... it's not enough to simply cross your fingers, pray for a miracle and place your entire trust in the experts. Knowledge really is power, so if you want to learn more about tomorrow's alternative cancer breakthroughs today, click here: Here's to healthy living, Francois Lubbe UK Editor

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