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Kinematics in Two or Three Dimensions; Vectors

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Units of Chapter 3
Vectors and Scalars Addition of VectorsGraphical Methods Subtraction of Vectors, and Multiplication of a Vector by a Scalar Adding Vectors by Components Unit Vectors Vector Kinematics Projectile Motion Solving Problems Involving Projectile Motion Relative Velocity
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3-1 Vectors and Scalars

A vector has magnitude as well as direction. Some vector quantities: displacement, velocity, force, momentum A scalar has only a magnitude. Some scalar quantities: mass, time, temperature

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3-2 Addition of VectorsGraphical Methods

For vectors in one dimension, simple addition and subtraction are all that is needed. You do need to be careful about the signs, as the figure indicates.

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3-2 Addition of VectorsGraphical Methods

If the motion is in two dimensions, the situation is somewhat more complicated. Here, the actual travel paths are at right angles to one another; we can find the displacement by using the Pythagorean Theorem.

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3-2 Addition of VectorsGraphical Methods

Adding the vectors in the opposite order gives the same result:

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3-2 Addition of VectorsGraphical Methods

Even if the vectors are not at right angles, they can be added graphically by using the tail-to-tip method.

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3-2 Addition of VectorsGraphical Methods

The parallelogram method may also be used; here again the vectors must be tail-to-tip.

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3-3 Subtraction of Vectors, and Multiplication of a Vector by a Scalar

In order to subtract vectors, we define the negative of a vector, which has the same magnitude but points in the opposite direction.

Then we add the negative vector.

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3-3 Subtraction of Vectors, and Multiplication of a Vector by a Scalar

r A vector V can be multiplied by a scalar r c; the result is a vector c V that has the same direction but a magnitude cV. If c is negative, the resultant vector points in the opposite direction.

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3-4 Adding Vectors by Components

Any vector can be expressed as the sum of two other vectors, which are called its components. Usually the other vectors are chosen so that they are perpendicular to each other.

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3-4 Adding Vectors by Components

If the components are perpendicular, they can be found using trigonometric functions.

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3-4 Adding Vectors by Components

The components are effectively one-dimensional, so they can be added arithmetically.

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3-4 Adding Vectors by Components

Adding vectors:
1. Draw a diagram; add the vectors graphically. 2. Choose x and y axes. 3. Resolve each vector into x and y components. 4. Calculate each component using sines and cosines. 5. Add the components in each direction. 6. To find the length and direction of the vector, use: and .

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3-4 Adding Vectors by Components

Example 3-2: Mail carriers displacement. A rural mail carrier leaves the post office and drives 22.0 km in a northerly direction. She then drives in a direction 60.0 south of east for 47.0 km. What is her displacement from the post office?

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3-4 Adding Vectors by Components

Example 3-3: Three short trips. An airplane trip involves three legs, with two stopovers. The first leg is due east for 620 km; the second leg is southeast (45 for 440 km; and the third ) leg is at 53south of west, for 550 km, as shown. What is the planes total displacement?

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3-5 Unit Vectors

Unit vectors have magnitude 1. can be written in terms of its components:

r Using unit vectors, any vector V

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3-6 Vector Kinematics

In two or three dimensions, the displacement is a vector:

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3-6 Vector Kinematics

As t and r become smaller and smaller, the average velocity approaches the instantaneous velocity.

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3-6 Vector Kinematics

The instantaneous acceleration is in the r r r direction of v = v2 v1, and is given by:

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3-6 Vector Kinematics

Using unit vectors,

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3-6 Vector Kinematics

Generalizing the one-dimensional equations for constant acceleration:

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3-7 Projectile Motion

A projectile is an object moving in two dimensions under the influence of Earth's gravity; its path is a parabola.

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3-7 Projectile Motion

It can be understood by analyzing the horizontal and vertical motions separately.

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3-7 Projectile Motion

The speed in the x-direction is constant; in the ydirection the object moves with constant acceleration g.
This photograph shows two balls that start to fall at the same time. The one on the right has an initial speed in the x-direction. It can be seen that vertical positions of the two balls are identical at identical times, while the horizontal position of the yellow ball increases linearly.
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3-7 Projectile Motion

If an object is launched at an initial angle of 0 with the horizontal, the analysis is similar except that the initial velocity has a vertical component.

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3-8 Solving Problems Involving Projectile Motion

Projectile motion is motion with constant acceleration in two dimensions, where the acceleration is g and is down.

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3-8 Solving Problems Involving Projectile Motion

1. Read the problem carefully, and choose the object(s) you are going to analyze. 2. Draw a diagram. 3. Choose an origin and a coordinate system. 4. Decide on the time interval; this is the same in both directions, and includes only the time the object is moving with constant acceleration g. 5. Examine the x and y motions separately.

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3-8 Solving Problems Involving Projectile Motion

6. List known and unknown quantities. Remember that vx never changes, and that vy = 0 at the highest point. 7. Plan how you will proceed. Use the appropriate equations; you may have to combine some of them.

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3-8 Solving Problems Involving Projectile Motion

Example 3-6: Driving off a cliff. A movie stunt driver on a motorcycle speeds horizontally off a 50.0-m-high cliff. How fast must the motorcycle leave the cliff top to land on level ground below, 90.0 m from the base of the cliff where the cameras are? Ignore air resistance.
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3-8 Solving Problems Involving Projectile Motion

Example 3-7: A kicked football. A football is kicked at an angle 0 = 37.0with a velocity of 20.0 m/s, as shown. Calculate (a) the maximum height, (b) the time of travel before the football hits the ground, (c) how far away it hits the ground, (d) the velocity vector at the maximum height, and (e) the acceleration vector at maximum height. Assume the ball leaves the foot at ground level, and ignore air resistance and rotation of the ball.
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3-8 Solving Problems Involving Projectile Motion

Conceptual Example 3-8: Where does the apple land?
A child sits upright in a wagon which is moving to the right at constant speed as shown. The child extends her hand and throws an apple straight upward (from her own point of view), while the wagon continues to travel forward at constant speed. If air resistance is neglected, will the apple land (a) behind the wagon, (b) in the wagon, or (c) in front of the wagon?
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3-8 Solving Problems Involving Projectile Motion

Conceptual Example 3-9: The wrong strategy.
A boy on a small hill aims his water-balloon slingshot horizontally, straight at a second boy hanging from a tree branch a distance d away. At the instant the water balloon is released, the second boy lets go and falls from the tree, hoping to avoid being hit. Show that he made the wrong move. (He hadnt studied physics yet.) Ignore air resistance.

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3-8 Solving Problems Involving Projectile Motion

Example 3-10: Level horizontal range.
(a) Derive a formula for the horizontal range R of a projectile in terms of its initial speed v0 and angle 0. The horizontal range is defined as the horizontal distance the projectile travels before returning to its original height (which is typically the ground); that is, y(final) = y0. (b) Suppose one of Napoleons cannons had a muzzle speed, v0, of 60.0 m/s. At what angle should it have been aimed (ignore air resistance) to strike a target 320 m away?
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3-8 Solving Problems Involving Projectile Motion

Example 3-11: A punt. Suppose the football in Example 37 was punted and left the punters foot at a height of 1.00 m above the ground. How far did the football travel before hitting the ground? Set x0 = 0, y0 = 0.

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3-8 Solving Problems Involving Projectile Motion

Example 3-12: Rescue helicopter drops supplies.
A rescue helicopter wants to drop a package of supplies to isolated mountain climbers on a rocky ridge 200 m below. If the helicopter is traveling horizontally with a speed of 70 m/s (250 km/h), (a) how far in advance of the recipients (horizontal distance) must the package be dropped? (b) Suppose, instead, that the helicopter releases the package a horizontal distance of 400 m in advance of the mountain climbers. What vertical velocity should the package be given (up or down) so that it arrives precisely at the climbers position? (c) With what speed does the package land in the latter case?

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3-8 Solving Problems Involving Projectile Motion

Projectile motion is parabolic: Taking the equations for x and y as a function of time, and combining them to eliminate t, we find y as a function of x:

This is the equation for a parabola.

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3-8 Solving Problems Involving Projectile Motion

Examples of projectile motion. Notice the effects of air resistance.

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Summary of Chapter 3
A quantity with magnitude and direction is a vector. A quantity with magnitude but no direction is a scalar. Vector addition can be done either graphically or by using components. The sum is called the resultant vector. Projectile motion is the motion of an object near the Earths surface under the influence of gravity.
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Chapter 4 Dynamics: Newtons Laws of Motion

Copyright 2009 Pearson Education, Inc.

Units of Chapter 4
Force Newtons First Law of Motion Mass Newtons Second Law of Motion Newtons Third Law of Motion Weightthe Force of Gravity; and the Normal Force Solving Problems with Newtons Laws: Free-Body Diagrams Problem SolvingA General Approach
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4-1 Force

A force is a push or pull. An object at rest needs a force to get it moving; a moving object needs a force to change its velocity.
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4-1 Force

Force is a vector, having both magnitude and direction. The magnitude of a force can be measured using a spring scale.

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4-2 Newtons First Law of Motion

It may seem as though it takes a force to keep an object moving. Push your book across a tablewhen you stop pushing, it stops moving. But now, throw a ball across the room. The ball keeps moving after you let it go, even though you are not pushing it any more. Why? It doesnt take a force to keep an object moving in a straight lineit takes a force to change its motion. Your book stops because the force of friction stops it.
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4-2 Newtons First Law of Motion

This is Newtons first law, which is often called the law of inertia: Every object continues in its state of rest, or of uniform velocity in a straight line, as long as no net force acts on it.

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4-2 Newtons First Law of Motion

Conceptual Example 4-1: Newtons first law. A school bus comes to a sudden stop, and all of the backpacks on the floor start to slide forward. What force causes them to do that?

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4-3 Mass
Mass is the measure of inertia of an object, sometimes understood as the quantity of matter in the object. In the SI system, mass is measured in kilograms. Mass is not weight. Mass is a property of an object. Weight is the force exerted on that object by gravity. If you go to the Moon, whose gravitational acceleration is about 1/6 g, you will weigh much less. Your mass, however, will be the same.
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4-4 Newtons Second Law of Motion

Newtons second law is the relation between acceleration and force. Acceleration is proportional to force and inversely proportional to mass.

It takes a force to change either the direction or the speed of an object. More force means more acceleration; the same force exerted on a more massive object will yield less acceleration.

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4-4 Newtons Second Law of Motion

Force is a vector, so coordinate axis. is true along each

The unit of force in the SI system is the newton (N). Note that the pound is a unit of force, not of mass, and can therefore be equated to newtons but not to kilograms.

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4-4 Newtons Second Law of Motion

Example 4-2: Force to accelerate a fast car. Estimate the net force needed to accelerate (a) a 1000-kg car at g; (b) a 200-g apple at the same rate. Example 4-3: Force to stop a car. What average net force is required to bring a 1500kg car to rest from a speed of 100 km/h within a distance of 55 m?

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4-5 Newtons Third Law of Motion

Any time a force is exerted on an object, that force is caused by another object. Newtons third law: Whenever one object exerts a force on a second object, the second exerts an equal force in the opposite direction on the first.

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4-5 Newtons Third Law of Motion

A key to the correct application of the third law is that the forces are exerted on different objects. Make sure you dont use them as if they were acting on the same object.

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4-5 Newtons Third Law of Motion

Rocket propulsion can also be explained using Newtons third law: hot gases from combustion spew out of the tail of the rocket at high speeds. The reaction force is what propels the rocket.

Note that the rocket does not need anything to push against.

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4-5 Newtons Third Law of Motion

Conceptual Example 4-4: What exerts the force to move a car? Response: A common answer is that the engine makes the car move forward. But it is not so simple. The engine makes the wheels go around. But if the tires are on slick ice or deep mud, they just spin. Friction is needed. On firm ground, the tires push backward against the ground because of friction. By Newtons third law, the ground pushes on the tires in the opposite direction, accelerating the car forward.
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4-5 Newtons Third Law of Motion

Helpful notation: the first subscript is the object that the force is being exerted on; the second is the source.

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4-5 Newtons Third Law of Motion

Conceptual Example 4-5: Third law clarification. Michelangelos assistant has been assigned the task of moving a block of marble using a sled. He says to his boss, When I exert a forward force on the sled, the sled exerts an equal and opposite force backward. So how can I ever start it moving? No matter how hard I pull, the backward reaction force always equals my forward force, so the net force must be zero. Ill never be able to move this load. Is he correct?
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4-6 Weightthe Force of Gravity; and the Normal Force

Weight is the force exerted on an object by gravity. Close to the surface of the Earth, where the gravitational force is nearly constant, the weight of an object of mass m is:


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4-6 Weightthe Force of Gravity; and the Normal Force

An object at rest must have no net force on it. If it is sitting on a table, the force of gravity is still there; what other force is there? The force exerted perpendicular to a surface is called the normal force. It is exactly as large as needed to balance the force from the object. (If the required force gets too big, something breaks!)

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4-6 Weightthe Force of Gravity; and the Normal Force

Example 4-6: Weight, normal force, and a box. A friend has given you a special gift, a box of mass 10.0 kg with a mystery surprise inside. The box is resting on the smooth (frictionless) horizontal surface of a table. (a) Determine the weight of the box and the normal force exerted on it by the table. (b) Now your friend pushes down on the box with a force of 40.0 N. Again determine the normal force exerted on the box by the table. (c) If your friend pulls upward on the box with a force of 40.0 N, what now is the normal force exerted on the box by the table?
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4-6 Weightthe Force of Gravity; and the Normal Force

Example 4-7: Accelerating the box. What happens when a person pulls upward on the box in the previous example with a force greater than the boxs weight, say 100.0 N?

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4-6 Weightthe Force of Gravity; and the Normal Force

Example 4-8: Apparent weight loss. A 65-kg woman descends in an elevator that briefly accelerates at 0.20g downward. She stands on a scale that reads in kg. (a) During this acceleration, what is her weight and what does the scale read? (b) What does the scale read when the elevator descends at a constant speed of 2.0 m/s?

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4-7 Solving Problems with Newtons Laws: Free-Body Diagrams

1. Draw a sketch. 2. For one object, draw a free-body diagram, showing all the forces acting on the object. Make the magnitudes and directions as accurate as you can. Label each force. If there are multiple objects, draw a separate diagram for each one. 3. Resolve vectors into components. 4. Apply Newtons second law to each component. 5. Solve.
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4-7 Solving Problems with Newtons Laws: Free-Body Diagrams

Example 4-11: Pulling the mystery box. Suppose a friend asks to examine the 10.0-kg box you were given previously, hoping to guess what is inside; and you respond, Sure, pull the box over to you. She then pulls the box by the attached cord along the smooth surface of the table. The magnitude of the force exerted by the person is FP = 40.0 N, and it is exerted at a 30.0 angle as shown. Calculate (a) the acceleration of the box, and (b) the magnitude of the upward force FN exerted by the table on the box.
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4-7 Solving Problems with Newtons Laws: Free-Body Diagrams

Example 4-12: Two boxes connected by a cord. Two boxes, A and B, are connected by a lightweight cord and are resting on a smooth table. The boxes have masses of 12.0 kg and 10.0 kg. A horizontal force of 40.0 N is applied to the 10.0-kg box. Find (a) the acceleration of each box, and (b) the tension in the cord connecting the boxes.

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4-7 Solving Problems with Newtons Laws: Free-Body Diagrams

Example 4-16: Box slides down an incline. A box of mass m is placed on a smooth incline that makes an angle with the horizontal. (a) Determine the normal force on the box. (b) Determine the boxs acceleration. (c) Evaluate for a mass m = 10 kg and an incline of = 30 .

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4-8 Problem SolvingA General Approach

1. Read the problem carefully; then read it again. 2. Draw a sketch, and then a free-body diagram. 3. Choose a convenient coordinate system. 4. List the known and unknown quantities; find relationships between the knowns and the unknowns. 5. Estimate the answer. 6. Solve the problem without putting in any numbers (algebraically); once you are satisfied, put the numbers in. 7. Keep track of dimensions. 8. Make sure your answer is reasonable.
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Summary of Chapter 4
Newtons first law: If the net force on an object is zero, it will remain either at rest or moving in a straight line at constant speed. Newtons second law: Newtons third law: Weight is the gravitational force on an object. Free-body diagrams are essential for problemsolving. Do one object at a time, make sure you have all the forces, pick a coordinate system and find the force components, and apply Newtons second law along each axis.
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