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A dollar picked up in the road is more satisfaction to us than the 99 which we had to work for, and the money won at Faro or in the stock market snuggles into our hearts in the same way. ~Mark Twain INTRODUCTION A Portfolio is a combination of different investment assets mixed and matched for the purpose of achieving an investors goal(s). Portfolio management is the art of making decisions about investment mix and policies, matching investments to objectives, asset allocation for individuals and institutions, balancing risk against performance. They are, indeed, a step-by-step process of developing a personal roadmap for your financial wellbeing. Portfolio management is all about the strengths, weakness, opportunities and threats in choice of debt v/s equity, domestic v/s international and growth v/s safety encountered in the attempt to maximize return at a given appetite for risk. Portfolio management is also known as investment management. Portfolio management primarily reduces risk rather than increasing returns. OBJECTIVE OF THE STUDY The main objective of the project report is directed towards the motive that MONEY SAVED IS MONEY EARNED. Every individual or organization is always interested in earnings. For this the surplus funds should be always invested outside so that there is proper utilization of financial resources; funds dont remain idle and there will be return on investment, which increases the profitability. How this aim is achieved and what are the different ways of managing portfolio and the facts that an investor should know would be the basic pillars of this project report. SCOPE OF THE STUDY Portfolio Management is an original research and principally it has great and in-depth application on the securities market. The study of Portfolio Management has a broad scope but has to be carried out on the limitations of constraints of market conditions and countrys economic and political policies. Portfolio management is the professional management of various securities, assets, to meet specified investment goals for the benefit of investors. CONTENTS The major constituents of the project report will be: Review Of Basic Principles In Finance

Portfolio Construction Portfolio Management Portfolio Protection And Contemporary Issues In Portfolio Management Besides it would also include the provision of Portfolio Management Services includes elements of financial analysis, asset selection, stock selection, plan implementation, on going monitoring of investments, power of compounding through investments, right time for investments, golden rules for investments, keys to attain good return on investments, cost of investments and computation of returns, risk management, portfolio diversification METHODLOGY The study will be conducted with the guidance and practical reviews from portfolio managers. References from various books will be taken. The data will be quantitative implicating qualitative inferences on the report. DETAILS IN REGARDS TO CASE STUDY ANALYSIS In terms of case study, I intend to exercise a practical interview session with two portfolio managers on their working and include it in the project. The portfolio managers from either of Two Brokerage house and Investment Hubs will be approached: 1. IL&FS Invest Smart Limited 2. CAB Securities Limited 3. Reliance Money Enterprise 4. Kotak Securities Limited 5. Share Khan Limited SOURCES FOR INFORMATION The information shall be gathered from primary as well as secondary sources i.e. Books, Journals, Websites, Presentations, Brochures, Media and so on. The study is based on quantitative data published by the NSE, BSE, SEBI, various Listed Companies and Brokerage houses. Most of the information collected will be from the secondary sources; hence, the limitations of the secondary sources are applicable to this project report. Practical knowhow imparted by portfolio managers will be also considered as a key source of information. CONCLUSION To sum it all, in this project report, I will try to cover all aspects of Portfolio Management so that we can empower ourselves into a new realm of knowledge and prosperity capable of elevating our financial planning into future well being After all a good investment strategy needs all Time, Money & RESEARCH


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