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Who is PMI Who is PMI-Malaysia Chapter Roles in Promoting Efficient and Effective Monitoring

Project Management Institute Malaysia Chapter

SoonKheng Khor, PMP Director of Membership Governing Council of 2004/2005

PMI Goal and Core Purpose

Envisioned Goal:
Worldwide, organizations will embrace, value, and utilize project management and attribute their success to it Core Values

PMI Core Values

Essential and enduring principles guide an organization Professionalism

Competence Ethical behavior Honesty

Community & Volunteerism

Inclusiveness Member participation Constructive synergies Openness with out stakeholders Diversity Consideration of all cultures

Core Purpose
The organizations reason of being To advance the practice, science and profession of project management throughout the world in a conscious and proactive manner
Source: PMI Strategic Plan , revision 11, 6 Nov 2004

Sharing Information Thought Leadership Standards-setting Educational Excellence

Value of PM to business
Importance of business & government

Source: PMI Strategic Plan , revision 11, 6 Nov 2004

History of PMI
1969: PMI Founded by 5 volunteers 1970: PM Journal published 1974: First PMI Chapter 1984: PMP Certification Examination 1994: PMI Malaysia Chapter Founded 1995: PMI World Seminars 1996: PMBOK 1996 Edition published 1999: Exceeded 50,000 members 2000: PMBOK 2000 Edition published 2003: Exceeded 100,000 members 2004: PMBOK@2004 Edition published

Today (Feb 2005)

More than 150,000 members worldwide More than 290 components ( chapters, SIG ) worldwide PMP
Entire program benefited 102047 individuals Current valid PMP 55,000 worldwide, about 22,000 resided in Asia Pacific Region. 12 months in 2004 : 6,097036 visits ANSI Standard Translated into 9 languages and many extensions 2000 edition 815495 copies in circulation Third edition ( 2004 version): 164159 copies in circulation From Aerospace, to Government Projects From Outsourcing Project to Women in Project PMBOK@ Guide

Special Interested Group (SIG)

PMI Malaysian Chapter is one of the OLDERS Chapter in Asia Pacific Region. Source: PMI Today Feb 2005

PMI is growing in Asia Pacific

2004 PMP Growth
Malaysian 109% Taiwan 165% Hong Kong 154% Singapore 147% New Zealand 128% Australia 113% India 247% South Korea 133% Japan 179% China 189%

PMI Websites (

2004 Membership Growth

Malaysia 12% Taiwan 126% Hong Kong 54% Singapore 19% New Zealand 19% Australia 37% India 115% South Korea 121% Japan 27% China -55% ( drop !!)

PMI Asia Pacific Service Center Open in Singapore on 3 Jan 2005 ( 4 fulltime staff) PMI China Representative Office office open in Beijing 3 Jan 2005 (1 fulltime staff) PMI Congress Asia Pacific in Singapore, 21 23 Feb 2005 ( 600 participants from 20 nations, 41 International papers (2 from Malaysia)
Source: PMI Today Feb 2005. Over 12 mths period

PMI Malaysian Chapter

Founded in 1994 (Component ID C070)
One of the oldest chapter in Asia Pacific Established under the influenced of development of KLIA and KLCC

Governing Council Members of PMIMY (2004/2005

President Mr. Megat Ahmad Zainuri Mohamed, PMP

Promote the art and science of project management in Malaysia Inculcate awareness of the benefit/significance of project management in industry Encourage membership in PMIMY chapter through communications sessions
Saidatul Kesuma Dewi (Dee)

Deputy President Mr. Zaidi Hussain

Treasurer Mr. Gurucharan Singh

Members of PMIMY: 279 Potential Members : 648

Members of PMI not PMIMY currently resided in Malaysia Didnt renew their PMI or PMIMY Membership due last 6 months

Public Relations Mr. Gurucharan Singh

Professional Development Mr. Robert Gan

Membership Mr. Ho Ming Kang

Total PMP in PMIMY : 50 Registered interested individuals via web and local SIGs: 1000+
Source: PMI DEP Database 31st Jan 2005

Publication Mr. Brian Bong

Membership Secreatary David Guan, PMP Yongsoi7@yahoo,com Mr. Khor Soon Kheng PMP

Special Interest Groups (SIGs)

PMIMY Websites (

Information Communication Technology

Chair Mr. Ho Ming Kang

Mr. Cheah Kam Yen


Chair Mr. Gurucharan Singh


3 local SIG with 1000+ members in e-groups

What PMI / PMIMY Provides

Professional Standards Certification
PMPs Code Of Conduct

PMI Asia Pacific Regional Service Centre (Frequently Asked Questions)

When did the Service Center Open
Officially Open on 3 Jan 2005

Why did PMI open the AP service Center?

Born out of PMIs strategic focus of advocating and advancing the project management profession globally, the Center will play a major role in ensuring that PMI provides customer support and services for its members, customers, component leaders and other stakeholders in the Asia Pacific Region.

Research & Wisdom Center Publications Professional Development Education & Training Corporate Relationships

What will the AP Service Center offer?

First Phase
Customer call center Fulfillment of undelivered items Regional language support ( Feb 2005 Chinese, English , Japanese) Support for chapter, SIG and college development Regional electronic newsletter Asia Pacific Service Centre Web pages

PMI Asia Pacific Regional Service Centre (Frequently Asked Questions)

What does the future hold for the AP Service Center?
New initiatives and activities will be identified and announced soon.
For more information: Email Mr. David Goh at Email Ms Or visit Project Management Institute Regional Service Centre Asia Pacific 73 Bukit Timah Road #03-01 Rex House Singapore 229832 Tel : +65.63306733 Fax : +65. 63362263 Email:

Contact us at:
PROJECT MANAGEMENT INSTITUTE Malaysia Chapter Business Advanced Technology Center Universiti Teknologi Malaysia Jalan Semarak, 54100 Kuala Lumpur Malaysia Tel +60-3-2615.4646 Fax 2615.4645 E-mail Website OR ANY Governing Council Members

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