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In the foregoing chapter we have discussed different components relating to the performance appraisal system in OHPC. In this chapter, an attempt have been made to give an integrative or comparitive picture of OHPC on the basis of the analysis and some suggestions are made by the researcher for improving the existing Performance appraisal system in OHPC and to overcome the barriers relating to performance appraisal. Findings of this survey are as follows: From the study it is found that the corporation has a well-furnished training center, which has been conducted at Chandaka Industrial Estate with the financial assistance of DFID. The training center takes care of managerial, supervisory, induction, technical and other specific training requirements of the employees. Modern methodologies of classroom presentations with the use of OHP and LCD projects/panel workshops. The corporation has made compulsory for every officer to undergo training, conducted either in house or outside. The corporation had organized several training programs for managers, supervisors and staff. The organization had also invited executive from other states and from private companies for conducting short term workshop and seminars for trainees. The organization is also conducting some test for recognizing the need of training by the employees. get supplemented with well-equipped labratories and


Every organization having strong willed and efficient manpower can always hope to reach the zenith of success. For this purpose training and development of the employees is very essential and this is normally decided on the basis of performance appraisal. Hence we see that implementing a well thoughtout, well-designed and planned appraisal system can do proper utilization of human resources. In this study, the perception of the respondents on the existing system. i.e. self-appraisal, acceptance of thep revailing system, desire for a new system etc. are analyzed statistically and presented in a systematic manner. Its effectiveness is judged from the opinion of the sample executives at OHPC. Most of the executives consider the appraisal process as an evaluation process useful for the employees and for the organization. Majority of them are satisfied with the selfappraisal system but due to lack of proper implementation and knowledge regarding the system the executives show some amount of dissatisfaction. They admit there is no system of 360-degree appraisal, and no feedback is provided to enhance the effectiveness of the employees. Organizations have to be alert and be in position to anticipate change and development strategies to counter change. While we always identify areas of growth and high performers in the organization, one must be conscious of those people who need improvement. Strategic plans must be in place to enhance the performance level of employees who are below par. It may not be due to skill mismatch but due to differences in integrating into the organizational culture. The system should also constantly identify and bridge the gaps, which arises from time to time. In addition, a successful performance evaluation system will need a well-defined succession plan. This must be carefully prepared by evaluating the skill set of the incumbent, based on which managers have to make an assessment to the possible successor.


On the basis of the analysis and interpretation of collected data the following suggestions are put forth to make the system effective and satisfactory. A new development oriented appraisal system should be introduced in OHPC, where emphasis should be given to analysis than appraisal. Performance planning and developmental plans should be carried out purposefully. The purpose of appraisal system should not only be promotion but should be developmental. Task force or committees should be formed regularly to study the working of appraisal process and its implementation. Peer rating and subordinate rating which means a 360 degree appraisal system should be introduced to make the appraisal system more objective. The task and target given to the appraise in time and must decided through mutual consent of both appraiser and appraise. The performance review meeting should be carried out periodically. Performance counseling should be given more attention. Proper attention should be given to developmental plans. Proper evaluation process should be carried out and biasness on part of the appraiser should be avoided. Commitment of the top management which is the foremost requirement for a successful appraisal system and so it should come forward. Without their active involvement a new system may not achieve its ultimate goal. Management at every level should recognize their role in making the system successful.



Respected Sir/Madam, I am conducting a survey on performance appraisal in your organization as a part of my course curriculum of MBA in Madhusudhan Institute of Co-operative management, Bhubaneswar. So, I request you to spend some of your valuable time in completing this questionnaire. Your responses with respect to this questionnaire will be strictly used for academic purpose only. I would rquest you to provide your frank opinion. Thank you for your co-operation Your sincerely Chiranjeeb Bose

Demographic Feature
Please mark a tick ( ) wherever applicable. 1. Sex: 2. Age Group: male female





3.Designation: 4.Qualification: a) Graduate b) Post graduate 5.Years of experience in this organization: (a)0-5 (b) 6-10 (c)11-15 (d)16 & above


Please mention A, B, C, D OR E for the questions where required, A. B. C. D. E. Mostly true True Cant say False Mostly False

1.Do you think performance appraisal system is necessary for OHPC? a. Yes b. No c. No idea

2. Is the existing performance appraisal system in OHPC helps in improving the overall performance of the organization? a. Yes b. No c. No idea

3. The objective of appraisal system is clear to all employees. a. Mostly true e. Mostly False 4. Performance appraisal system provides an opportunity for self review and reflection. a. Mostly true e. Mostly False 5. Performance appraisal system consumes more time. a. Mostly true e. Mostly False 6. The appraisal system helps interested appraise to gain more insights into their strengths and weakness. a. Mostly true e. Mostly False 7. The appraisal system helps manager to plan their performance well. a. Mostly true e. Mostly False b. True c. Cant say d. False b. True c. Cant say d. False b. True c. Cant say d. False b. True c. Cant say d. False b. True c. Cant say d. False


8. The appraisal system provides an opportunity for each appraise to communicate the support needed from his superior to perform his job well. a. Mostly true e. Mostly False 9. Personal development plan do exist. a. Mostly true e. Mostly False 10. Team objectives does not exist. a. Mostly true e. Mostly False 11. The HRD department follows up effectively for training needs identified during appraisal. a. Mostly true e. Mostly False 12. The appraisal data are used by the HRD for other development decision like job rotation, job enrichment and like that. a. Strongly Agree e. Strongly Disagree 13. How many meetings are scheduled in a year to discuss employee performance? a. 1 b. 2 c. 3 d. Quarter or more e. Can`t say b. Agree c. Neutral d. Disagree b. True c. Cant say d. False b. True c. Cant say d. False b. True c. Cant say d. False b. True c. Cant say d. False

14. What is your Satisfaction level with the current Appraisal System? a. Very Low e. Very High 15. Do you feel that presence of performance appraisal system in each and every organization for the employees is required. a. Yes b. No c. No idea b. Low c. Average d. High



Rao V.S.P., Human Resource Management. Gupta C.B., Human Resource Management P. Subba Rao, Human Resource Management. Annual reports of OHPC.

. www. www.


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