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Edition 05/July 2012


2 August: Welcome Back Concert with Brett Carter and Hayley Sugars at the Swiss Club in Melbourne 30 November: Semi-Finals 1 December: Finals 2013 MTOGerman-Australian Opera Grant at BMW Edge, Federation Square

S A R A H J O N E S C u r r e n t W i n n e r ( 2 0 1 2 )
endless administrative tasks that come with moving overseas. ThenitwasofftotheUKonMay 21 to begin my adventure. My younger sister Penny moved to Cambridge in January with her partner Owen, who has a re search position at the university there. It was great to catch up with them, and it gave me a chancetogetovermyjetlagprior to my arrival in Germany! We spentfivedaysinExmoorNation al Park in southwestern England, which has spectacular walks through moorland, woodland and alongafamouscoastalpath. After ten days with Penny, I flew into Frankfurt on Saturday June 2. I was welcomed at the airport by Helen Centner from the Hes sisches Staatstheater Wiesbaden (HSW) and Sharon Kempton, the very first GAOG winner. I am staying at Brett Carters flat (another GAOG winner) for my first month in Wiesbaden, which isinalovelypartoftowncloseto the theatre and across the road from the leafy Kurpark. Wiesba den is a similar size to my hometown of Hobart, so I feel quiteathomehereandamenjoy ing the fact that most things are within walking distance. It is a very green city andthe old build ingsarebeautiful!Ithinkitwillbe averydifferentexperienceforme living in the small German flats though I have been here less than a week, but have already had two music coachings for my first role, and attended a Konzeptionsgesprch, the intro ductory talk that a director gives to explain their ideas for a new production. I am lucky enough to be singing in Aida, which will openthenewseasononSeptem ber8.MyroleistheoffstageHigh PriestessorTempelsngerin,soI willnothavetoworryaboutblock ingorcostumesformyfirstshow! It sounds like there will be small rolesinseveralshowssuitable for my voice, but I will sing on the stage for a panel from HSW on 23 June before they decideonfurtherrolesforme. I have seen Turandot and Don Pasquale already (both featuring Brett) and it seems like they do some very inter esting productions here. Im looking forward to the chance togetuptheremyself! So far everyone at the theatre hasbeenverywelcoming,and IamveryluckytohaveSharon and Brett looking after me. They are showing me around, explaining how the theatre works, and generally helping me out when I dont under stand something in German! I have been trying to speak to mycolleaguesinGermanfrom the beginning, butmy vocabu lary is not very extensive yet so I have trouble following people in conversation. But everyone tells me I will pick it upquicklynowthatIamhere. I am looking forward to an ex citing and challenging year with plenty of hard work, fun anddeliciousGermancake!





Sarah Jones speaking to the audience at BMW Edge after being announced Winner of the 2012 German-Australian Opera Grant

Sarah reports from her first days in Germany:

HerzlicheGreausWiesbaden! IhavefinallyarrivedinGermany and am excited to be beginning my year as the neue Stipendi atin,ornewscholarshipholder, for2012. The six months between win ning the German-Australian OperaGrant(GAOG)inNovem ber last year and leaving Aus traliainMaywentveryquickly!I waskeptbusyperforminginthe chorus of Turandot and Handa Opera on Sydney Har bour - La Traviata for Opera Australia, as well as covering Costanza in Vivaldis Griselda forPinchgutOpera.Icompleted anotherGermancoursewiththe Goethe-Institut in Sydney in April, and also tried to look at arias and roles which might be usefulaspartofmyrepertoirein Europe. After packing up my life in Syd ney,IhadtendaysinTasmania to see my family and friends, and to complete the seemingly


Anonymous Peter&AnitaBachem RichardBcher MarkusHenkell Hartmut&RuthHofmann PaulKnig Denys&IngeborgMcCullough Douglas&MonicaMitchell DrJens&LindeMohr LadyPrimrosePotterAC HermannCSchulz MirjamSiebel IgorZambelli

La Traviata for Opera Australia

Backstage photo of Sarah in

P a s t W i n n e r s

S h a r o n K e m p t o n ( 2 0 0 3 )

the oven, Olivia turned and screamed overthetopoftheorchestraILLSAVE YOUMUMMY!!!!OfcourseIdidnthear her, but I shant ever forget seeing her relieved little face after theperformance! LuckilyshewantedtocomeagainwhenI performed it in January! Harrison, now eightyearsold,hadbeencomingtosee this delightful production for the past three seasons and has well and truly conqueredhisfearoftheWitch! I amalso a member of the Baroque En sembleMattiacisandwewillbeperform ing Amadigi di Gaula (Hndel) in Con cert as part of this years Internationale Maifestspiele.Iwillbesingingtheroleof Melissa who is an evil Sorceress it is great fun to play the wicked character onceinawhile! My husband Ivan, who is also a profes sional singer, has been performing in LohengrinwhichopenedtheInternatio nale Maifestspielethis year. The Chorus plays a very large role in this opera and ourChorusneededsomebolstering!Ivan verymuchenjoyedperforminginalarge scale opera again and has taken some timeoutfrombeingourbelovedHausVater!

C h r i s t o p h e r B u s i e t t a ( 2 0 0 9 )
Christopher reports on his experiences since leaving Wiesbaden:
Ispentthe2009/2010seasonwithHSW, performingsixrolesandunderstudyinga furthertwo.Itwasaveryhecticyearand a very steep learning curve, but I came out the other end with a two-year con tract as a Spieltenor for Theater Augs burg for 2010-2012, which has been ex tended for a third season until August 2013. AugsburgisasmallertheatrethanWies baden, but the quality of singers and musiciansisveryhighandithasbeena wonderful theatre to performwith. It is a very small ensemble and I have been single-castinalmosteveryoperaproduc tion they stage, which means I perform (and rehearse) a lot. Inmy two seasons withTheaterAugsburg,Ihaveperformed 17 new roles with 162 performances in 14 opera productions and concerts. This doesnotincludemyperformancesonthe stages of Staatstheater am Grtnerplatz (Munich) or my various concert appear ancesoutsideofthetheatre. The highlights of my career in Augsburg include singing Alfred (Die Fleder maus), Basilio (Le Nozze di Figaro), Goro (Madama Butterfly), Fatty (Der AufstiegundFallderStadtMahagonny), Arturo and Normanno (Lucia di Lam mermoor). Towards the end of June I will be per forming Der Steuermann in Wagners Der Fliegende Hollnder. This has a specialsignificance,beingthefirstopera that I performed in as an excited young second tenor in the offstage chorus for

Sharon shares her experiences with the readers after a busy year in Wiesbaden:
ThisyearIhavehadthepleasureofde buting three operatic roles: Marzelline (Fidelio), Christel (Der Vogelhndler) and Norina (Don Pasquale). All very differentrolesbutbyfarthemostfunfor me to sing and play was Norina a per fect role for me and one I enjoyed re hearsingandperformingverymuch. Other roles I performed this season in cludedPamina,GretelandRosina.Iwas also invited by Theater Osnabrck to singfiveperformancesofTheBarberof Seville which included a guest perfor mance at the Festspielhaus in Reckling hausen.LastDecemberIperformedmy first Weihnachtsoratorium with Voces Cantantes in Mainz. The performance tookplaceintheCollegiateChurchofSt. StephanwhichhasthemagnificentCha gall choir windows, which are unique in Germany. Between 1978 and his death in 1985, the Russian Jewish artist Marc Chagall created nine stained-glass win dows of scriptural figures in luminous blue.Theyarereallybeautiful! In December I alsosang thefirstperfor mance of Hnsel und Gretel for the season.Iwasparticularlyexcitedtohave my whole familysittinginthebox above the orchestra to watch the performance, particularlyasitwasOlivias(agedthree andhalf)firstoperaever!Beforetheper formance they came to my dressing roomtoseemeandtomeettheWitchI thought it might just alleviate any fears Olivia might have had. However, during the third act when the Witch captures HnselandGretel,Oliviascrambledonto Ivans lap, sobbing into his chest saying poor Mummy, poor Mummy!. At the endoftheact,justasHnselandGretel wereabouttopushthewickedwitchinto

Stage photo HSW (Martin Kaufhold): Sharon Kempton (left) as Norina and Brett Carter (right) as Dottore Malatesta in Donizettis Don Pasquale

The2012/13operaseasoninWiesbaden contains some lovely new roles for me including Valencienne (Die Lustige Wit we), Najade (Ariadne auf Naxos) and Marie(TheBarteredBride).WithRosi na, Norina, Gretel and Christel to keep me company as well, there will certainly be enough to keep me busy!!! We are also looking forward to meeting and greetingSarahJonesinJune.Thankyou to all those who sponsor this wonderful awardwithoutyoursupportthismarvel ousopportunitywouldnotbepossiblefor Sarah. WearelookingforwardtocomingtoAus traliathissummertovisitourfriendsand familiesasithasbeenthreeyearssince our last visit. Lets hope Melbournes winterweatherwillbekindtousweare leaving a beautiful European summer behind!


Production photo Theater Augsburg: Christopher Busietta (right) as Werner in Emil von Rezniceks Ritter Blaubart

P a s t W i n n e r s

( c o n t . )

Backstage photo of Hayley after being made up as a man for her latest role as Eustazio in the opera Rinaldo by Hndel at Landestheater Coburg

OperaAustraliasMelbourneperformanc esin2004.Ihavedreamedofperforming this role and would watch the perfor mance, particularly Der Steuermann, fromthewings,andnowIgettosingit! Following this I have a major break through, having been offered the role of Don Ottavio in Don Giovanni for the opening production at Theater Augsburg next season. This is also another role I havecovetedsinceIdiscoveredIwanted tosingopera:IbelieveIhavebeenwork ingonDonOttaviostwoariasforthelast eight years now! Having two such pro ductions back-to-back is a dream come true. IwillalsobeperforminginrevivalsofLa Traviata, Ritter Blaubart and Tristan und Isolde. I am also playing roles in Ltoile (Chabrier), Elektra and Violanta and Der Ring von Polykrates(bothbyKorngold). Once again, I am forever indebted to MTO for running the GAOG. Getting thrown onto a professional opera stage was the experience that took me to the next level as a performer, a singer and as a musician. I hope the competition continuestoreceivethefinancialsupport it needs to survive so that other lucky singerscanhavethesameopportunities and experience that I have had and as usual,IwishMTOandthenextrecipient ofthegrantallthebestfortheirendeav ours.

B r e t t C a r t e r ( 2 0 0 7 )
Thislastyearhasbeenverychallenging andalsoveryrewarding.Myworkonthe stagehascontinuallyallowedmetogrow andkeepmeinspired.IhaveaddedMa latesta and Ping to my repertoire, two new roles which have been a joy to de velop.OtherroleswhichIhavecontinued singingareFigaro,FalkeandPapageno. The highlight for me personally was working on the new production of Don PasqualewithMarkusBotheasDirector andagreatcastofcolleagues.Myexpe rience with Markus in 2009 on Viva la Mamma was equally as inspiring and allowedfreerangeforcreativeinterpreta tion and experimentation. I always con sider this a blessing, when you can feel free to explore a role on stage without conflictingviews. The biggest challenge, however, has beenspendingalargeportionoftheyear apart from my wife Kylie, and my son William. After William was diagnosed withautism,inearly2011,wedecidedit was best for Kylie and Will to return to Australia to have family support and to initialize some early intervention pro gramsforWilliam. In order to help raise awareness for au tism,andtohelpwithfundingforthecon tinuation of Williams development, Kylie and I recently performed together in Perth.Thiswasagreatopportunitysing ing together again because it has been overfiveyearssincewewerebothyoung artistswithOperaQueensland.Itwasan evening of Love and Laughter filled with opera ari as, songs and musi cal theater duets, which ex plored our journey together overthelastfewyears.Theconcertwas held in Trinity Church in Perth with ac companiment from a dear colleague of mine, David Wickham, and an audience of around 200.We werethrilled with the response and support from everyone, andwewereabletoraisesomefundsto helpcontinuewithWilliamsdevelopment duringhislaststintinPerth. We return to Wiesbaden in August as a family again, with a completely new awareness and foresight into our future, whichisveryexciting!

both with the Landestheater Orchestra (ed:Hayleyreceivedveryfavourablepressreviews). Some of the challenges I have met during the past include singing in Czech for the first time (in Katja Kabanova) and performing two major principal roles in close proximity (Rosina and Varvara) with little rehearsal besides watching a DVD of the productions - a character buildingexperience! I have enjoyed continuing my German language study by attending a weekly class at the local Volkshochschule and bymeetingwithalovely,elderlypatronof theLandestheatereachweektopractice conversational Deutsch (when my rehearsalscheduleallows).Ofcoursemy proficiencyinGermanisstillverymucha work in progress but it is exciting to realize how much I have improved compared to when I arrived some 12 monthsago. On a more personal note, through my workatthetheatreandGermanlessons, I have made wonderful friends and met colleagues from all over theworld. Also, ithasbeengreattoexperiencefirsthand the extraordinary beauty of the German countryside (especially in Spring), the interesting old cities and the quality and tasteofGermanbeer! I am very pleased to be able to share with you all that I have been invited to work in Coburg during the 2012-13 Spielzeit. Projected roles include: Rinaldo (Rinaldo, Hndel), Donna Elvira (Don Giovanni, Mozart), Mrs Gross(TheTurnoftheScrew,Britten), Suzuki (Madama Butterfly, Puccini) needless to say, I will have my head buried in music scores over the upcomingSummerbreak! Toconclude,IammostgratefultoHans Henkell, MTO and GAOG, who have all supportedmewellaboveandbeyondthe call of duty during the period of the Grant.Thelearningexperiencehasbeen outstandingandwillcontinuetoinfluence mypersonalandprofessionalculturallife fordecadestocome.

H a y l e y S u g a r s ( 2 0 1 1 )
Hayley reports on her exciting year and plans for the future:
Iamveryhappytoreportthatmyyearin Germany as the 2011 winner of the GAOG was a positive, productive and successful endeavour. I was able to performattheHSWintherolesofBerta (Il Barbiere di Siviglia, Rossini) and Sandmann (Hnsel und Gretel) and then also had the opportunity of guest performances at the Landestheater Coburg.Coburgisadelightfullittlecityin Bavaria, with a lovely theatre. Bodo BusseisthecurrentIntendant.(Editorsnote:
Bodo Busse is well-known to GAOG supporters for his role as representative of the HSW on the adjudication panel of GAOG and has been general and creative manageratLandestheaterCoburgsinceOctober2010.)

In Coburg I have performed the roles of Rosina (Il Barbiere di Siviglia), Varvara and Glascha (Katja Kabanova, Janacek), Rosalia (Westside Story), Jessica Cranshaw (Curtains, Kander) and I am currently preparing the role of Eustazio (Rinaldo, Hndel) which opens in mid June (see photo)! I also enjoyed singing Sea Pictures by Elgar and a concert of Hndel Baroque arias,

Hayley can be seen at an exclusive Welcome Back Concert on 2 August 2012 in Melbourne, together with Brett Carter.

We wish Brett and family all the best for the future!

5 8 T H G A L A D I N N E R A U S T R A L I A N - G E R M A N W E L F A R E S O C I E T Y

S t e p h a n i e G o o c h ( 2 0 1 0 )
Stephanie has been busy since arriving back in Australia . Let her tell you why:
So much has been happening since arriving home in Perth! My performance for the Art Song Perth went very well and David Dockery (accompanist)andIperformedwelltogether.Iwasquitenervousabout finallyperformingtheStrausspieces(oneneedslungsofsteel),butthey wereactuallyquiteenjoyable.NowthatIhaveperformedthem,Icanadd themtomyrepertoire.Wehadlotsofwonderfulfeedback,withrequests foranotherconcertassoonaspossible. For Easter, I sang at two concerts. The Trinity Church programme consistedofworksbyBach,includingErbarmedichfromStMatthew's Passion,andHndel,withAshleyArbuckleonviolin,suchalovelyman and a pleasure to work with. The programme at St. Mary's Church includedMozart'sExsultatejubilateandalsosomeHndelarias. IthentravelledtoMelbourneformyOperaFoundationAustraliaaudition. Ifeltveryexcitedontheday,whichwasanewfeelingforme.Usually,I justfeelnervous.IknewthatIhadbeenworkingveryhard,andthatmy ariaswerepreparedtomybestcapabilities.Iwasjusthappytobethere andtohavetheopportunitytosingforsuchexperiencedjudges.Ifeltas thoughitwasoneofthebestauditionsIhaveeverdone. IamnowhappytoreportthatIhavemadeitthroughtothefinalsofthe LadyFairfaxNewYorkAwardfortheOperaFoundationAustralia.There waslotsofworktodoinpreparationforthecompetition,andtherewillbe lotsmorerequiredforthefinal.ThisfinalwillbeheldinSydneyattheend ofJuly.ShouldIwin,IwillbeabletotraveltoNewYorktoworkwitha variety of professionals, and organise auditions where I can. I will be leavingforGermanystraightafterwardstoattendtheLyricOperaStudio of Weimar. I then intend to stay in Germany to continue work with coachesandauditionforasmanyagentsaspossible. Thesenextfewmonthswillbequitebusy.Ihaveafewsingingstudents andamcurrentlytryingtobuildupmorenumbers.Ihavejustsungata concert featuring the works of James Penberthy (ed:Australiancomposer). ThisisbyfarthehardestmusicIhaveeverhadtolearn,butIwasupfor thechallenge.IhavealsoenteredfortheSydneyEisteddfod.Following this,myfriendRobertHofmann(baritonefromPerth)andIhavedecided to host our own concert in Perth in July. I'm in the final stages of organisingavenueandanaccompanist. Inbetween,Imstilllovingsimplepleasuressuchasgloriousweatherand takingmydogforawalkthroughthebush!

Dr David Kram, Creative Director of MTO, and 2012 Winner Sarah Jones

Beinginglow,workingtheroomthesewerethekeyelementsofa successful sendoff for MTOGAOG grantee Sarah Jones, soprano, on 4 May 2012 at the woodpanelled Athenaeum Club in Collins StreetsParisEnd,oneofMelbournesiconicstreetscapes. MTOs GAOG (, now in its tenth year, offersAustralianprofessionaloperasingersforgingacareerajump start to Europe, in the bosom of the permanent ensemble of principalsoftheAratedHSWcapitalofthestateofHessen(near Frankfurt). This was the opportunity for Sarah to perform for her GAOG supporters. This year MTO teamed up with the German AustralianWelfareSocietyontheoccasionoftheirannualdinner. SarahJoneshadflowndownfromSydneyandmagnificentlybaritone voicedRobertBeasleyhadbravelysteppedinatveryshortnoticeas a substitute for an injured singer (face slammed by a car door suddenly opening as he was riding his bike). Dr David Kram, the masterfulCreativeDirectorofMTO,madethembothfeelcomfortable andcreativeduringthierbriefrehearsalbeforetherevampedconcert (theinjuredsingerwasatenor,sotherepertoirechangedonlyhours priortotherecital). Therewasnodoubtabouttheirabilities,soDavidsjobwastomake them feel at ease with themselves, each other, the space and the audience.Thiswastheorderofpriorityandonethingleadtoanother. Its not so much as doing things right as to creating an inner glow which incandesces ones innatedesiretoshareonescreativetruth. Humourandquietlaughterareimportantingredientsleadinguptoa show.Freedomofmovementandtheabilitytomovearoundaspace and shape it to ones creative best are essential, especially to entertainguestsinadinnersetting. Davidworkedoutsomebasicpositionsbasedonbasicpsychological charactermappingthesingersdidtherest,charmingandbeguiling theaudience,makingthemfeelatease,bringingalivetheirrepertoire ofHndel,Mozart,ClaraSchumann(DieLorelei),JohannStrauss andPuccini.Theappreciativeglowoftheguestsmanifesteditselfin numerousspontaneouscomplimentsattheendoftheevening.David Krams anecdotal links to thenumbershelpedtobringtheaudience closer in touch with the artists offerings. Edutainment is alive and well,especiallyundertheMTObanner. UltimatelythoughitwasSarahscharm,innateintelligenceandpretty voice, supported by Robert Beasleys heartfelt singing, which made theeveningthesuccessitwas.

MTO German-Australian Opera Grant Administration (editor: Ingrid Gng) PO Box 2160 FITZROY VIC 3065 Phone: (03) 9417 4144 Fax: (03) 9419 8873 E-mail: Website:


TheMTOGerman-Australian OperaGrantacknowledgesthesupportofits sponsorsandbenefactorsintheGerman-Australian businessandartscommunityasthefoundationof itssuccesssince2003. Fordetailsonhowtobecomea sponsororbenefactor,pleasecontactouroffice.


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