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20/7/2012 No other thought ( anainaya chintha)

16/7/2012 Shounakha approaches ankirasa for brahma vidya Content with the world fulfilled his obligation to family/society and ready for receiving kwg got the to keep your mind at peace awareness / consc - kwg you gain is conditioned kwg/object other than consc suffixed with some object - drop the object and has cons/awareness/realisation reach unconditioned consc. objectless awareness base/substractum/ultimatum

19/7/2012 I do not know I have to learn once you believe that you become that best seeker feel you knowdevelop humility to conceive his kwg you have to have extraordinary kwg what is my kwg compared to my ignorance - I know nothing einstein you have the humility that you have to learn vidya vinya (humility) goes together . Pluralistic phenomenon is world. World is made of Time (eternal) space( all pervading) causation (infinite) .These are qualities of the B. vasanas are relatively imperishable. Micro (individual) Macro ( total ) is supported by B. cotton is the substratum of thread (micro) and cloth (macro) both are supported by cotton. Hence individual are supported by atman. Electricity passing through bulb, AC, coller (manifestation) individual unit is micro . Homogeneous principle functioning through heterogeneous varieties of HB . Fire, air, water, space it occupies, goes back to earth If you dont understand/recognise reality you project it differently. You are ignorance of B is you are seeing the pluralistic world . Pacify the mind of seeker World is made of dwanthvas ( made up of opposites); 16/7/2012 Mundaka upanisha is Addressed to shounaka by ankirasa No arrogation of knowledge by great masters no copyrights

2 types of knowledge para (higher kwg unconditioned consc objectless awareness, waking state.)/ apara (conditioned consc dream state) Vedas are apara because you understand. Real kwg is not knowledgeable aware of awareness aware of consc. Vedas lead you to higher state lion can wake you up in a dream and make you come to the next state. Vedas and its appendix put together is a lower kwg All religion as a philosophy that is Vedanta acquainted Vedanta (understood part) and gave it to the audience at a particular time called religionsWhat we see his only illusion limitation of audience created religion vedas are the highest authority but they are consider as lower( apara) Para is supreme bramhan (B) cannot be defined. Anything defined is kwg it cannot be conditioned. Sense cannot reach them B is god- imperceptible cannot see cannot perceive with sense concept of god cannot be grasped by M & I un-linear- un-originated - no lineage no eyes/ ears/hands/feet - cannot heard/seen/contacted no perception no movement- not object of seeing it is the subject in you which make you see- you can see everything in the telescope but you cannot be seen in the telescope. It is consc which enables to see, smell, touch, hear all action within and subject in the organ which enables to act what is that which besides the finger in the finger which makes it move that which makes the organ to function is apara what makes the What is real is eternal existed (past, know, future) dreamer waker- sleeper deep sleeper Cons in one but expression are infinite sun is one but the rays are infinite dew drop / mirror/ lake/ ocean/ - infinite reflection from the sun one consciousness manifold expression I never perishes see it as the cause of the universe illusion snake to rope- entire universe has come from universal reality Yatha/thata spider makes the web out of its saliva- that is how universe came out of supreme example is similarity and not congruence no example can reflect the truth if you take an example beyond the scope it become absurdity. B has become the world body and hair coexist B & universe does not coexist Seeker does not want to follow what is said why world is pair of opposites (dwandvas). Sun will not understand night nothing can be understood without opposites - cross over dwandvas From B him is omniscience B knows general/particular all knowing B is pure consciousness backs every conditioned consciousness without it is the subject Food - (object, emotion, thoughts) Creation and destruction in this change you are maintained Out of B 3 Gods were created it is a concept they cannot exist without the other 3 gods are personality World is made up of CDM MNEN in this chain of creation and destruction day is maintained you are maintained year is maintained

Not understand Deep Sleeper dreamer waker Cannot service debt of the dream actually you are a rich person

Offer oblation (fire is atman; k) End of rituals ash is distributed to everyone; each one should offer it to the world Between the two fires (selfish/unselfish) perform selfless activity No action perse is good/bad . motive of action ( name, fame, money) is selfish If action is betterment of life catering to your welfare Just do it - selfless action No motives to help self/ others Whoever does what you ought to do without any interest in result of the action. Not to slip into desired ridden activity What are you doing it to offer is important Impoverished if the action is self-centred What type of fire will decide the result Result oriented action ( anashridha karma balam sakara karma ( desire driven action)- karya karma balam) Without ego and ego centric action Enjoy sojourn of tranquillity Prayer has become begarry 17/7/2012 Only hb have motive we suffer Your are born with certain vasanas , HB is given opportunity to get rid of vasans and get spiritual enlightment Vasanas manifests as thoughts desire actions (TDA) seed grows germinates into sapling tree find conducive environment . vasanas find conducive environment they become TDA . in this natural

process you desire for the experience you have gone through. The desire makes you go thorugh again and again. Action desire instead of reducing and eliminating the vasanas, you come into the world create further vasanas Possibility of redemption potential to reach the highest you call idiot Desired ridden activity produces more desires Act with negative desires you develop bad vasanas (gambling, ) Causes agitation these are referred to hell and heaven (they are mental state) Milton said mind makes hell out of heaven and vice versa Find your identity youre caught up in the world enmeshed. No mad man knows he is mad. To the extent of madness you dont know ( relative madness) loss of intellect Impossible to transact with people you know Awareness / significance of rituals Follow what they indicate Sacrifice of inferior action Smooth surface externally internally desire, attachment, tension comes from shell of ignorance(shell) -3 dots ( last few desire tufts) gyana chakshu - Fleshy eye reminds obligation of life Candle as wick wick stands erect because Blind leads the blind I know what I am doing. The problem that humanity faces you know what you are doing is right Josh billings The trouble with most people is, , it is not so much their ignorance but they believe that they know. Rituals are not end in themselves ( poor feeding, building temple, etc) essential thing you have to perform as HB . Charitable deeds considered to be supreme. It is not superior in degree but in kind it is not better but it better of different kind. They get peace you will come back to the world as inferior. Hollowness of Karma kanda - not the role of HB , UNDERSTAND WHAT YOU ARE WHEREEVER YOU ARE HOW YOU SHED IGNORANCE AND UNDERSTAND THE SELF Na akaam - state of no sorrow - it is not positive joy -it is not bliss- +ve experience of joy is different ( deep sleep) bliss sleep It starts with faith and develop knowledge faith is believe in a thing you do not know until you come to know what you believe in. Tagore : faith is the bird that feels the light and sings while the dawn is still dark

Relatively secluded

Birth is created by your vasanas, as a HB, given an opportunity to get rid of vasanas and get spiritual enlighten Experience are conditioned to reach unconditioned (stage of spiritual enlightment) complete eradication of vasanasVasans manifest as thoughts- desires actions in a conducive environment natural phenomena Just as seed grows into sapling plant tree conducive environment see germinates put it in a bottle it will not germinate Desire for experience you have gone through

Culmination of kwg. w/o Upanishads vedas become empty shell BG w/o mahabartha car w/o engine Religion followed without philosphy

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