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Welcome to the Component Exchange! Please feel free to download and use these components in your own applications. If you have comments or
suggestions for additional components, please email us.
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Application Templates
Business Objects Framework
Business Process Manager (BPM)
Desktop Development Kit (previously DTC)
Documentum Foundation Class (DFC)
ECI Services
Related Articles/Content
Web Development Kit
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Accessing SBOs from .NET

This convenience class allows developers to access Documentum Service-based Business Objects (SBOs) from .NET languages. The
class allows .NET developers to make use of the existing Java-based business objects that ship with Documentum products or are
downloaded from the Component Exchange.

ASP.NET Custom Controls




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These custom ASP.NET controls provide some Documentum functionality such as Login, Querying and Tree Navigation. These controls
leverage new features available in ASP.NET 2.0 (Visual Studio 2005).

ASP.NET XSL Transform User Control

This example illustrates how to invoke a Service Business Object from ASP.NET. The sample user control applies an XSL stylesheet to an
XML file in a Documentum Repository and displays the results. The XSL file may contain XDQL statements. This example references the
SBO Bridge that was discussed in a separate article on the Developer web site.



Application Templates

Prototype Application for Pharmaceutical Labeling

This application template uses WDK, XML and business objects to illustrate how to build a pharmaceutical labeling solution. When drugs
are released to market, certain information must be printed to support the drug, including the label on the bottle, the insert in the box, and
more. This application template allows a user to manage the label data and produce the variety of output data using Documentum.

SAM: A Prototype Application of eCTD with Documentum

Common Technical Document (CTD) is an emerging standard used by the pharmaceutical industry for submissions to regulatory
agencies. This month we are proud to present SAM, a prototype electronic CTD submission application built using the Webtop platform.
Included in the prototype are all of the following:
An overview of the eCTD standard,
An AVI recording of the prototype demonstration and storyboard,
A high-level architectural overview,
Low level technical descriptions of the SAM components,
Links to generic 'utility methods' written specifically for SAM,
Comprehensive installation instructions,
The components and source code to install SAM on your own development system.

Transmittals System Scenario

This article demonstrates how to utilize a general-purpose component for an industry-specific application. Using the 'Document Bin'
component, which can be downloaded form the Documentum Developer Program Component Exchange, we will create a solution for
creating an engineering transmittal package and notice that can then be electronically sent to a supplier.

Documentum Collaboration Edition API and Developer Guide

This document provides a guide to developers using Documentum Collaboration Edition. It includes sample code and javadocs for the
collaboration code packaged under The code samples provide examples of how to use and
leverage the collaboration API.

ASP.NET Sample Application

This sample ASP.NET application implements the basic Documentum library functions login, import, view, checkin and checkout. It also
implements a hierarchical tree view of the Documentum repository using Microsoft's free ASP.NET tree control. The code manages the
user's authentication and sessions throughout the application providing a 'user context' containing all of the current session's information.







XtenderSolutions License Server Monitor


This NT service monitors a XS License Server. This service utilizes a script to deliver configuration and process license server information.
The script provides the License Server connection information and polling interval.


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Business Objects Framework

TBO for Inheriting Document Attributes from Linked Folder


This TBO automatically populates some of a documents attributes based on the folder it is linked to.

Creating a Custom Module in DFC

DFC 5.3 introduced the concept of modules. A generic definition of a module is that it is a discrete, self-contained unit that can be
combined with other modules to create a larger application. Service-based Business Objects(SBOs) and Type-based Business Objects
(TBOs) are types of modules. This article discusses the process for creating a custom module.

Utility Methods - Create a Virtual Link.

This sample code describes the utility methods used in our samples to create WDK virtual links and URLs, and to get an object's linked
folder information.

Utility Methods - Executing XDQL using DFC

Learn how to execute XDQL using DFC. This article contains a snippet of code and instructions to show you the way.

Utility Methods - Generate a Docbase Object's Checksum

This sample code describes the utility methods used to generate a checksum for a repository object's content using the Java Crypto API.

Utility Methods - Object Type Hierarchy

This sample code describes two utility methods designed to help you to find the relationship between two object types. The first determines
whether one type is a supertype of a second. The second method gets all the subtypes of a specified type.

Utility Methods - Create a Complete Docbase Folder Path.

This sample code describes a utility method to do a 'deep folder create'. The method takes a string representing a cabinet/folder hierarchy
and creates all levels of the path that do not already exist.

XML Configuration File Framework & Test Application - Version 2

We often choose to store an application's configuration information in an XML file and business objects are no exception. To this end, we
previously developed a standard XML configuration file framework to read XML configuration files. This updated version leverages a more
standard and powerful XML storage model to support access using standard Xpath expressions

Business Object Shells (aka My First Business Object)

These sample service-based and type-based business objects provide a starting point for your business object development. The code
samples illustrate how to implement a type-based business object that invokes methods that are provided by a service-based business

Documentum Business Objects Framework - Developer's Guide 5.1

Download the most comprehensive guide to developing applications using Documentum business objects; the Documentum Developer
Guide will walk you through details of the architecture, the different types of business objects and some basic examples. The examples in
this guide have been implemented as code samples on the Component Exchange.
Please note: This is the BOF 5.1 Developer's Guide; the BOF guide has been merged in to the DFC Developer's Guide for version 5.2 and

Enabling Logging in DFC Applications

Log4j is an open source project that provides a reliable, fast and extensible logging library for Java. The Documentum DFC class, DfLogger












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is available with DFC 5.1 or higher and can only be used with Java. It uses the log4j logging library to enable logging from DFC
applications. This paper gives an overview of how to use DfLogger in existing and new applications.

What is a Business Object?

This paper is essential reading for anyone interested in the Documentum Business Objects Framework. The paper gives a clear and
concise technical overview of business objects; it covers the reasons for using them, the different types of business objects and how they
are implemented.

XML Configuration File Framework & Test Application

We often choose to store an application's configuration information in an XML file and business objects are no exception. To this end, we
have developed a configuration file framework which includes a general purpose XML configuration file and a Java class that provides
methods to access its content. This package also includes a simple Java application that illustrates how to use the XML Configuration

Trapping Import in a TBO

This article discusses means of trapping the import functionality using a Type business object (TBO). For example,a common scenario
when you might want to do this is if you wanted to apply a lifecycle to objects when they are imported, or apply a certain value to a

BOF Component Development Guidelines

Documentum engineers have gained considerable experience over the years developing reusable business objects for our client
applications. In an effort to capture lessons learned from this experience, several key engineers collaborated to produce a collection of best
practices and guidelines for business object development. These are now used internally by all Documentum engineers when developing
and unit testing business objects.
We are pleased to make this development guide available to our developer community. Please remember that the goal is to facilitate
component reuse, extendibility, and quality; they are not intended to be an exhaustive list of requirements.

Business Objects Hints, Tips and Best Practices

This document contains best practices, tips and lessons learned by the Developer Program team through our experience writing the
business objects found on the Component Exchange. This document will be updated frequently - please check back for new information.

Custom Full-Text Index Filter

In 5.3 SP2, full-text indexing includes a new feature that allows the Index Agent to skip certain documents from being indexed. A common
example is job reports because there are so many of them. This article discusses the process of writing a custom index filter and provides
a sample index filter that skips documents in system cabinets such as 'System', 'Resources', 'Temp' and 'Templates'.

Deep (Recursive) Import of a local folder

The service is used to perform a deep import of a local file system folder. The internal hierarchy (structure) of the local folder including the
contained documents is recreated in the Docbase.

Web Content Downloader with Asynchronous and Multiple Simultaneous Downloads

This service-based business object extends the original 'Web Content Downloader' code to include asynchronous downloads and multiple,
simultaneous downloads. The code imports content from specified URLs into a repository, it will attempt to 'guess' the objects' formats,
object_names, and titles if they are not supplied.

Send Repository Objects as Mail Attachments

This Webtop customization allows you to send repository documents, or folders, as attachments in an email. The standard Webtop product











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only allows you to send URL links to repository objects as email attachments, however this customization exposes the functionality through
a WDK mail component and uses an SBO to send the messages using the Java Mail API and a SMTP server.
Updated January 2005

Zip service - Version 2

The service provides utility functions related to zip archives and Docbase objects. The following types of utilities are included - creating a
zip of a Docbase folder contents and storing it in the Docbase, extracting a zip into a Docbase folder, exporting a Docbase folder contents
as a zip, and creating a zip of a file system folder and importing it.
Updated January 2005

Multi-Repository Search
This service-based business object executes asynchronous, multi-repository queries and can be used through any Documentum client that
uses DFC 5.2.5 or above. The enclosed WDK component illustrates how to display the combined results of a multi-repository search.

Asynchronous Framework for Business Objects

Running a process asynchronously can significantly improve the user experience. This set of classes provides the means to execute
business object code in an asynchronous manner by using a thread pool. The code is used in some of our other examples but has been
packaged separately here to help you to decode and re-use it.

SBOs as Web Services using BEA Workshop 7.0

It is possible to 'wrap' a service-based business object, (SBO), in a Web service and then invoke it remotely. This Web service provides a
wrapper for the Autonaming SBO, in this example we used BEA's Weblogic Workshop 7.0 product to simplify the development of the

Autonaming Service (BOF 1.0 Service-based Object)

This service-based business object returns a string based on your company's own naming rules. Each rule is defined in your own custom
class file and called by this business object. A typical use would be to call it from a type-based business object that overrides an object's
setObjectName() method inorder to get a new object name.

AutoNumber (BOF 1.0 Type-based and Service-based Object)

Provides a service to generate unique numbers that can be used to number or name Docbase objects. The example shows a type-based
business object that stores, increments and validates the number against a set of simple business rules. It also contains a service-based
business object that shows how to call the type-based business object

Apply lifecycle on Checkin

This type-based business object (TBO) extends the checkin method of our 'dp_checkinwithlifecycle' object type and applies a lifecycle
upon checkin. An XML configuration file is used to specify the lifecycle to be applied.

Project Folder Creation Service (BOF 1.0 Type-based Object)

This service-based business object (SBO) is used to create a Docbase folder structure based on a template specified in a XML
configuration file. The internal structure of the folder can consist of multiple folders and documents. The template to be used can be either
defined in the XML configuration file of the SBO or supplied to the service by a method call that passes the Java Config class to the SBO.

Webtop Recycle Bin

This code implements functionality similar to the Microsoft Windows' Recycle Bin. A type based business object traps all calls to an object
type's destroy() method and soft deletes objects; this behavior is independent of the client. Using a WDK component in Webtop, users can
then view the recycle bin contents then restore, or permanently delete, the objects.
Updated March 2004 to include the version 1 BOConfig classes.











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Rendition Service (BOF 1.0 Service-based Object)

This service-based business object (SBO) provides an interface to send a rendition request for a document. The request is sent to Content
Rendition Services (formerly AutoRender Pro).

Webtop Document Bin/Shopping Cart

This Webtop customization implements a document bin (aka shopping cart) to which users can add documents from the Docbase. The
customization also includes functionality to create an archive package of the documents along with a manifest document.
To see the end results of using the document bin component see the 'Transmittal System Scenario' article which can be downloaded from
the Component Exchange.

Transformation Service (BOF 1.0 Service-based Object)

This service provides an interface to apply an XSL stylesheet to an XML document. It uses the DFC Transformation APIs to achieve its
purpose and provides the result of the transformation as raw data that can be used by presentation layer for display. In the example
provided, the output is saved to an HTML file.
UPDATED 31 March, 2005

Start Workflow on Checkin

This type-based business object (TBO) extends the checkin method of our 'dp_documentwithworkflow' object type so that a workflow is
automatically started whenever a document of that type is checked in. The format of the document being checked in is used to determine
which workflow is started. An XML configuration file is used to map content format types to workflow objects.

Request a PDF Rendition upon Checkin

This type-based business object (TBO) checks in a document and performs a request for a rendition. This component is dependent on the
service-based 'Rendition Service' business object.

Docbase Folder Deep Export

Developers often have a need to export a Docbase folder including its subfolders and content to the file system. Since this functionality is a
common requirement for several client applications, we wrapped it in a service-based business object, (SBO) so that it can be called easily
cross-platform and cross-application. This SBO performs an export of a Docbase folder with its internal structure and content to the file
system. The folder structure can contain virtual documents as well as simple documents and sub-folders.
Note: This functionality can be extended by using the 'Zip Service' business object available from the component exchange. The zip
service will take the exported content and create a single zip file which can then be automatically imported back into the Docbase.

Google Web Search

With this service-based business object, developers can search the Internet and manipulate the results. The service uses the APIs
provided by Google to access the Google search engine using a Web service.

Template Management Service

This service-based business object provides methods to create templates, create documents from templates, search for templates and
provide a listing of templates of a specific object type. It is used by the "Project Folder Creation" business object to populate the newly
created folders.

Web Content Downloader

This serviced-based business object (SBO) imports content from a specified URL into the Docbase. The service will attempt to 'guess' the
object's format, object_name and title if they are not supplied.

Zip Service
The service-based business object (SBO) creates a zip archive file of a Docbase folder. It contains three utility methods. One will zip a file












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system folder structure and import the zip file into a Docbase. Another will export a Docbase folder structure including its content and zip it
leaving the zip file on the file system. The third exports a Docbase folder structure with its content then zips it and imports the resultant zip
file into a Docbase.

SBO to Apply a Lifecycle to a Folder and it's contents

This Service business object(SBO) provides helper methods to attach/detach a lifecyle and promote/demote all documents contained in a
folder. One usage of this SBO would be to invoke it from a workflow containing a folder as a package to perform lifecycle-related
operations on all documents in that folder. The SBO is based on code submitted by David Hollister from CUNO.

Microsoft Word Document Filler Service

This Service-based Business Object (SBO) allows the managing of MergeFields inside Micorosoft Word Documents. The component
allows update of MergeFields with plain text or images from the repository. The SBO acts as a bridge between Documentum Foundation
Classes (DFC) and the WordWriter libraries from OfficeWriter.

Attribute Replicator Service

The ReplicationWrapper SBO allows the replication of Documentum object attributes to remote data providers in an easy and transparent
way. The component permits extending its functionalities and the data providers supported with the "DataSource" definition concept.

Duplicate Name Correction Business Objects

This code sample implements a 'Duplicate Object Name Checking Service'. It is used to check whether a particular object name already
exists in a folder, if a duplicate object name is found then the code uses the Auto Naming Service business object to change the new object





Documentum Business Objects Registry Overview and Utility


'DBORManage' is a utility for managing the Documentum Business Objects Registry. It allows you to register, remove and list the entries in
the business object registry. This zip file contains the DBORManage jar file, the related JavaDocs, a set of batch files and an overview of
both the Documentum Business Objects Registry and the DBORManage utility.


Jar File Editor for XML Properties Files


In many of our examples we store our XML configuration file in the main Jar file. This application lets you edit these configuration files
without having to first unpack the Jar file. The application will also edit standalone XML files and allow you to transform the XML content. It
was written using the Eclipse Standard Widget Toolkit.


Business Process Manager (BPM)

XML Transformation using BPM Workflow

The purpose of this article is to illustrate a convenient way to perform an XSL/T transformation as a part of an automated workflow activity.
In addition to performing the transformation, this code provides a simple mechanism for configuring common business rules around how to
perform that transformation, and where put the transformation results. For example, will the XSL come from a workflow package, or should
we use the XSL associated with the XML via a dm_relation (the Web Publisher method)? Should we create a new rendition of the original
XML object with the transformation results? Or should we create a new object? Should that new object be attached to the workflow? These
are common requirements that in the past might have required the creation of a separate workflow method to solve each scenario.
With the introduction of 'Activity Templates' in Business Process Manager 5.2.5, we are able to create one single workflow method to
implement all of this behavior, and a single Activity Template that can be used to describe which behaviors should be used in a particular



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BPMN Whiteboard - Process Modeler


This Modeler provides you a set of BPMN graphical objects with which you can draw business process diagrams. Once completed,
process flow diagrams can be exported to XPDL, BPEL, or PAPX. Processes exported to PAPX, BPEL, and XPDL can be imported into
the Documentum Business Process Analyzer. Processes exported to XPDL can be imported into Documentum Business Process


Writing Your First Custom Activity Template Tutorial

A Business Process Manager (BPM) activity template represents a particular task that you can add to a business process, for example
rendering a Word document to PDF. The template identifies any underlying workflow methods required to complete the task and
determines what configuration attributes must be set in order to accomplish the task. The template may also set default values for some
common attributes.
Business Process Manager comes with several predefined activity templates that enable users to easily create automated activities. If BPM
does not include an activity template that meets your business needs then you can create your own custom template. You can create a
new template from scratch or you can copy an existing template then modify it. In this tutorial we walk you through the process of creating
a new activity template from scratch.


Desktop Development Kit (previously DTC)

Connecting to a Docbase with the Login Manager

The Login Manager (dcloginmgr.dll) is used to establish a connection to a Docbase. This document explains the purpose of the DTC Login
Manager and provides tips and Component for optimal use.

Enabling Pathname & Parameters in Menu System Designer

Desktop Client Developers often need to add menu items that call Window's applications. The "Menu System Designer" application
supplied with DDS enables developers to do this. Developers often find that the Pathname and Parameter textboxes used to supply the
executable's path are disabled. This paper walks you through the steps necessary to enable and use these parameters.

Invoking Components with the Component Dispatcher

The DTC Component Dispatcher is used to launch any Desktop Client component or your own custom component. Learn more about the
Component Dispatcher.

Writing Asynchronous Components in Visual Basic

With complex business logic, high network latency or low network bandwidth, performance of customized "Checkin", "Checkout" or
"Search" operations can be less than optimal. One solution is to create asynchronous components, this paper provides examples of how to
code asynchronous components in Visual Basic. Download the zip file, it contains the paper and also two example zip files.

Calling DTC Office Integration Dialog Boxes

The Documentum Desktop Client, (DTC), consists of a set of components that are integrated into both the Microsoft Office and Windows
Explorer products. This document is an overview of how you can invoke some of the dialog boxes that are used in the Office integration.
The sample code is written in Visual Basic.

Desktop Client Event Handling

Have you ever needed to take a specific action each time a user logs in to the Docbase? This paper, and the accompanying code samples,
illustrate one way of doing this using DTC event handling. The code samples include a tool for 'watching' all events as they occur and an
application that launches a pop-up dialog each time the user logs into a Docbase. Download both code samples and the overview
document in a single zip file or view just the overview document.

Documentum Desktop Component Cabinet Creator.

Given a custom Documentum Desktop component's ProgID, this application will package up the component as a cabinet file (.cab) file and









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give you all of the relevant information for including it in a DocApp. The application makes use of DcComponentInstaller.exe and
dccabmgr.dll from the Documentum Desktop to assist the development of the .cab files.

Using DTC Components in Custom Applications

This series of articles, code samples and papers will help you to understand how to use Documentum Desktop Client components in your
own custom applications. The tutorial assumes a basic knowledge of Visual Basic and a good understanding of the Documentum object
model and core capabilities

XML Transform Component

This Documentum Desktop 5.2 component allows you to select an XML document in the Docbase and transform it using an XSL
stylesheet. The output of the transformation can be saved to the local file system, as a new Docbase object, or as an HTML rendition of the
original XML document. Sample XML and XSL documents are provided, as well as the Visual Basic 6 source code for the component.



Documentum Foundation Class (DFC)

Persisting Objects to Documentum using Annotations

Persisting objects using Java 5 annotations helps developers reduce the complexity of code as compared to using traditional methods.
This approach promotes re-usability and better design. With this class, you can extend your classes which map to Documentum types and
get the functionality of persisting the class to a Documentum object type with a single call.

Using Jython to connect to Documentum Docbases via DFC

This article demonstrates how to use Jython to connect to a Documentum docbase using DFC and get Docbase session information. Also
demonstrated is how to query for a document and display attribute values.



ECI Services

ECIS JDBC Sample Adapter


The JDBC Adapter is used to connect ECI Services to relational databases. This is the standard ECI JDBC Adapter packaged as a
standalone Adapter, including the source code. It can be extended or be used as an example of a complex Adapter

ECIS HTTP Sample Adapter


The HttpSample Adapter helps the adapter developer to get started and create his own java adapter on an HTTP source. It is a
complementary material to the ECIS adapter development guide. The provided files should be customized and not used 'as is'

ECIS Base Sample Adapter


The BaseSample Adapter helps the adapter developer to get started and create his own java adapter. It is a complementary material to the
ECIS adapter development guide. The provided files should be customized and not used 'as is'.

ECIS Koders Code Search Adapter


The Koders Code Search Adapter is used to connect ECI Services to the Koders search engine ( The adapter
contains a backend on the EMC developer network code search, which uses the Koders search engine
( This adapter is packaged as a standalone Adapter, including the source code. It can used as an


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example of a complex Adapter or customized for specific needs.

ECI Services Adapter Exchange

Documentum Enterprise Content Integration enables the integration of all content sources inside and outside the enterprise, allowing end
users to access all relevant content with a single query - no matter where content is located and how it's accessed. Visit the ECI Services
Adapter Exchange to download a variety of unsupported adaptors.

Excite Web Site ECI Services Adapter

This ECIS adapter provides access to the Excite Web site. Excite's patented ICE search technology gives you access to more than 50



million Web pages, 140,000 pre-selected Web site listings, and thousands of Usenet postings. 60 million pages updated every 3 weeks

Eclipse News ECIS Adapter

An adapter to the Eclipse home site. The content should be of good interest for developers. ECI ADK version 4 and 5.3.

Google Web Services

This is an adapter to Google through its SOAP webservice API. It requires a "personal" key, see A very good
example of an adapter to a SOAP webservice.

ZDNet Web Site ECI Services Adapter v4

This has been updated to include ECI ADK version 4 and Documentum 5.3. This ECIS adapter provides access to the ZDNet Web site.
ZDNet is a worldwide network of Web sites for people who want to buy, use, and learn about technology.

EDGAR Web Site ECI Services Adapter

This ECIS adapter provides access to the EDGAR Web site. EDGAR contains submissions and fillings by public companies with the US





Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) such as 10-K (annual) and 10-Q (quarterly) reports.

Internet Archive Web Site ECI Services Adapter

This ECIS adapter provides access to the Internet Archive Web site. The Internet Archive is building a digital library of Internet sites and


other cultural artifacts in digital form. Like a paper library, it provides free access to researchers, historians, scholars, and the general

InvisibleWeb Web Site ECI Services Adapter

This ECIS adapter provides access to the InvisibleWeb Web site.



Java Developer Connection (SUN) Web Site ECI Services Adapter

This ECIS adapter provides access to the Java Developer Connection (SUN) Web site.


Library of Congress Web Site ECI Services Adapter

This ECIS adapter provides access to the Library of Congress Web site.

Component Web Site ECI Services Adapter

This ECIS adapter provides access to the Web site. is the world's largest Open Source software





development web site, providing free hosting to tens of thousands of projects. The mission of is to enrich the Open
Source community by providing a centralized place for Open Source developers to control and manage Open Source software


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development. To fulfill this mission goal, we offer a variety of services to projects we host, and to the Open Source community.

Usenix Web Site ECI Services Adapter

This ECIS adapter provides access to the Usenix Web site.



U.S. Newswire Web Site ECI Services Adapter

This ECIS adapter provides access to the U.S. Newswire Web site. U.S. Newswire distributes news and information to media nationwide



for the White House Press Office, the Federal Government, the Congress, Political Organizations, Foreign Embassies, Associations,
Unions, Civic Groups, Universities, Think Tanks, and Research Organizations.

ZDNet Web Site ECI Services Adapter

This ECIS adapter provides access to the ZDNet Web site. ZDNet is a worldwide network of Web sites for people who want to buy, use,


and learn about technology.


WDK for Portlets version 5.2.5 - Sample Code

WDK for Portlets, version 5.2.5 includes a set of unsupported sample portlets. This article and accompanying sample code show how to
use these sample portlets. The article shows how to convert the WDK DQL editor component in to a portlet. It also explains how to develop
a portlet to launch the WDK simple search component, a portlet to display Docbase data and launch other WDK components, and a logout
portlet to log the user out of all Documentum portlets but not out of the portal.

Object Search and Display Portlet

This sample portlet gives developers an example of how to develop a 'content consumer portlet' that is linked to a specific Documentum
object type and attribute set. The end user will be able to search for and access documents based on attributes exposed by the



Related Articles/Content

Setting the Class Path

Information about the different ways of setting your classpath from Sun's developer library.



JobAgentManager Method Component

In this article, David describes the JobAgentManager Method Component developed using Java and DFC (Documentum Foundation
Classes). This Method Agent has been designed to allow distribution of job workload between different Content Server instances and in
case of failure, the automatic reassignment of the target server responsible of the execution of the jobs.



ACL Utility - Creating ACLs Outside of a DocApp


This piece of code aids in creating ACLs outside of a docapp. All the creation in specified in an XML File, which the utility will process and
create ACLs. This can also be invoked using the popular build and deploy tool Ant.

WDK Eclipse Plugin

WDK-based applications (e.g Webtop, WebPublisher, DA) consist of components and actions organized into various layers. Developing a



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WDK-based application involves customizing these components. This generally involves wading through deep folder hierarchies and XML
files. This Eclipse plugin provides an abstraction over this folder structure and the XML config files.

Eclipse DQL and API Editor Plugin


An Eclipse plug-in that allows you to execute DQL queries and API calls. Both the DQL editor and the API editor come with 'code assist'
and syntax highlighting. The plug-in was developed by Christopher Harper from EMC Consulting.
UPDATED MAY 2005 - The plugin has been updated to include type & relation navigation, table navigation, repository structure navigation,
group hierarchy navigation, users,inbox, previous DQL statements, predefined DQL & API statements for each navigation tree node,
check-in/check-out and many more.


Content Transformation Services Product SDK


The Content Transformation Services Product SDK has been updated for 5.3 SPx versions of Content Transformation Services products
and is now available for download. The Content Transformation Services Product SDK contains all the tools that developers need to follow
the Content Transformations Services Transformation Plug-in framework and create their own Transformation Plug-ins. Transformation
Plug-ins allow you to extend the features and capabilities already provided by a standard installation of Content Transformation Services
Content Transformation Services products includes Media Transformation Services, Document Transformation Services, Advanced
Document Transformation Service, and Regulatory Publishing Transformation Services, as well as additional add-on components that are
available for some products.


Eclipse - New DFC Project Wizard


This Eclipse wizard creates a new Java project configured for DFC development. The wizard automatically references all the DFC jars and
configuration files and sets up the source and output folders. It basically automates the steps described in our previous article Configuring
DFC Development Environment in Eclipse.


Eclipse - New Service-based Business Object (SBO) Wizard


This Eclipse wizard creates a new Service-based Business Object (SBO) and opens it up for editing within Eclipse. It accepts the SBO
interface name and generates the implementation class containing the necessary overriden methods. The wizard can be used with any
Java project that references DFC libraries.


Documentum Command Line Shell


Documentum Command Shell (DOCS), is a light-weight, read-only, command-line Documentum client. The shell can process simple
commands that allow you to navigate the Documentum repository, examine objects in the repository, and retrieve objects from the
repository. The shell was contributed by M. Scott Roth (scott.roth AT from Flatirons Solutions.
UPDATED December 2006 - The source code for the project has been released on


Repository Interrogation Utility on D6


The Repository Interrogation Utility allows a user to navigate repositories, perform a properties dump, view the type tree of a repository and
run DQL or xDQL queries. The utility now includes some additional features such as integration with the 'Object Reference Manual', a
listing of SBOs and detection of registered TBOs. The utlity is available as both a standalone application and an Eclipse plugin. The
standalone application can be used without the need to know or install the whole Eclipse IDE.
UPDATE: A development build of the next version of Repoint has been released. The next version has improved query view performance
and a changed repository browser. The latest development build works with D6.



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Documentum Application Archive - Summary Tool


Murali Krishnan Mani contributed this tool that provides a detailed summary of a DocApp archive content in a format presentable to the
application users. The tool can be used against DocApp Archives that have been created using any version of Documentum Application
Builder up to version 5.3., and does not require connectivity to Docbase.


Deploying Modules Outside of a Docapp Part 1


DAB is a very good tool for creating docapps but has some limitations. The only way is to build your jars on a box and update your modules
by updating the jars, creating a DocApp and deploying them through the Appinstaller. In this article Harjit Singh proposes an alternative


WDK Developer Help Plugin

This plugin integrates WDK developer documentation guides with the Eclipse IDE Help system.


Web Development Kit

Adding Locales to Documentum WDK-Based Applications

The Documentum 5 platform provides numerous features for the creation, management, and delivery of content in many different
languages and to many different locales. The process of localizing a Documentum-based application may involve many different activities.
Documentum provides tools to facilitate the localization at the repository and WDK level, and although the processes for adding various
levels of localization support are documented on an individual level, it is not always easy to know where one should start. The purpose of
this whitepaper is to give a 'cook-book' style approach to adding support for new locales to applications based on the 5.2.x WDK

WDK Drag and Drop using Document Bin

This component expands on our previous Simple Drag and Drop article and some type and service based components available on the
Component Exchange. With the support of drag and drop in Webtop, we decided to extend the Document Bin so that a user could drag



and drop a document into the current active bin. This article is not specific to the document bin customization. The document bin
functionality has been merely used to illustrate one example of drag and drop.

Simple Drag and Drop Example

WDK/WebTop 5.3 introduced support for Drag and Drop operations. This enables users to drag and drop files within their browser between
cabinets, folders and virtual documents. It also enables them to drag files from their local file system into the repository. This article
describes the process of enabling Drag and Drop for a simple custom component.

Using Tracing and Logging in a WDK Component

When developing custom WDK components it is essential to be able to trace the component's behavour. In this tutorial, you will create a
tracing class for your custom code and add a tracing flag to your code, then turn on tracing and inspect the log.

WDK 5.2 Authentication Service - Single-Sign On Scheme for Policy Servers

WDK 5.2 introduces a new extendable authentication service that supports custom authentication schemes. Bundled with WDK 5.2 is the
'single sign on' sample scheme that supports authentication against policy servers using the 'Trusted Content Services for the Content
Server'. This article gives an overview of how to configure this scheme.

Tree Control Part 2: Understanding the Webtop Browser Tree






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This article builds on the 'Understanding the WDK Tree Control' article to explain the architecture of the browser tree component used in
Webtop's classic mode to navigate the cabinet/folder structure. As an example, the article shows how to add the 'Recycle Bin' to the
browser tree as a new static node.

Tree Control Part 3: Displaying a virtual document tree in the Webtop Browser Tree.
This document and the accompanying sample code show how to modify the Webtop browser tree to display the contents on a virtual
document. The virtual document can be expanded and collapsed to display its children within the browser tree.

WDK 5.2 Authentication Service

This article discusses the architecture of the authentication service introduced in WDK 5.2. It details how to implement your own custom
schemes so you can authenticate users using your own policy servers or your specific business processes. Example schemes are
available from the Component Exchange. These include an auto-login authentication scheme and a paper on configuring the single sign on
scheme for policy servers that is bundled with WDK 5.2.

Tree Control Part 1: Understanding the WDK Tree Control

This article, and the associated code, explain the architecture of the WDK tree control and illustrate how to programmatically create your
own tree. The sample code allows you to view an XML file as a hierarchical tree.
This is part one of a three part series on customizing the Webtop browser tree.

Your First WDK Component Part 1 - Hello WDK World

Writing your first WDK component? Like most developers you probably just want to jump in and start coding without reading associated
developer documentation. Obviously, we would never do this ourselves - right! This paper will walk you through the process of adding a
new component to WebTop; the component will be invoked from a menu item. The paper covers the steps involved in adding the menu
item, the associated action and the actual component. The component will simply display 'Hello World' in the WebTop main frame.

Your First WDK Component Part 2 - Adding Controls

This paper extends the previous "Your first WDK Component" article. This article shows you how to add dynamic text to that component by
using WDK label controls.

Your First WDK Component Part 3 - Using Datagrid Controls

This paper extends the previous "Writing your first WDK Component" article. The previous article walked you through adding dynamic
controls to a WDK component in Webtop. This article shows you how to add a datagrid control to that component; a datagrid component
will allow you to display the results of a Docbase query in a component.

WDK 5.3 UI Theme Customization

In this article UI designer Evan Snow, discusses the process for modifying the UI theme in WDK/Webtop 5.3.

Modify WDK Search Queries

The WDK simple search query submits the string entered by the user in the text box. The string is queried against all indexed attributes as
well as the full-text index. The advanced search query submits one or more query clauses based on user selection of attributes on the
search UI plus any string entered in the full-text box. This article from Lani looks discusses the process of modifying the search queries
after the user submits them.

WDK Component Development Guidelines

Documentum engineers have gained considerable experience over the years developing reusable components for our client applications.
In an effort to capture lessons learned from this experience, several key engineers collaborated to produce a collection of best practices
and guidelines for WDK component development. These are now used internally by all Documentum engineers when developing and unit












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testing components.
We are pleased to make this component development guide available to our developer community. Please remember that the goal is to
facilitate component reuse, extendibility, and quality; they are not intended to be an exhaustive list of requirements.

Advanced Search with Conditional Value Assistance

This example is a customization of the Webtop Advanced Search Component. It adds conditional value assistance support to the
'Advanced Search with Value Assistance' component available on the Component Exchange.

Auto Login to a Specific WDK Component

The Component Exchange has a component that performs auto login to WDK-based applications. That component is built as an
authentication scheme within the WDK authentication service. Sometimes its necessary to perform auto login only for a certain behavior
such as DRLs. This article will discuss how to restrict auto login to only certain components.

WDK 5.2 Authentication Service - Auto Login Authentication Scheme

WDK 5.2 introduces a new extendable authentication service that supports custom authentication schemes. This sample authentication
scheme automatically logs users in to Webtop without them having to enter credentials. The scheme reads the default username and
password from a property file and uses these credentials for all users. The code includes a backdoor to allow administrators to bypass the
automatic login.

Admin Report - Disk Space Usage by User

We have had numerous requests for system administration reports that can be called from Webtop. In the spirit of component-based
programming, we are making use of a component that is already available for download from the Component Exchange, a generic WDK 5
Reporting component to execute and display reports. This article contains the XML source file and installation instructions to create a
report showing the Documentum repository disk space usage per user.

Admin Report - Expired Content by Modifier

We have had numerous requests for system administration reports that can be called from Webtop. In the spirit of component-based
programming, we are making use of a component that is already available for download from the Component Exchange, a generic WDK 5
Reporting component to execute and display reports. This article contains the XML source file and installation instructions to create a
report showing objects with a status of 'Expired' ordered by modifier.

Advanced Search With Value Assistance

This example adds value assistance support to the 'Webtop Advanced Search Component'. When value assistance is specified for an
attribute, the customization presents a dropdown list of all possible search values rather than having the user enter free text. Note: The
component works for BOTH WDK 5.1 and WDK 5.2. It has been tested on both 5.1 and 5.2

Checkin with PDF (WDK 5 Action)

Modified Checkin action that also creates a PDF rendition upon checkin. The component also demonstrates the process of hooking into
WDK 5 Actions and starting a new action.

Creating a Webtop Content Qualifier

This article forms part of the pharmaceutical labeling sample application built to illustrate the power of WebTop and WDK as a development
One of the great features of the sample Equidocs application is the ability to edit and view XML inline. The first step in this process is to
recognize the fact that the selected object is XML. Content qualifiers are the mechanism used to recognize the current content and override
the default behavior.

A Simple Search Component (WDK 5 Component)











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This article and the accompanying Component demonstrates the procedure used to create a new custom component within the WDK 5
framework. In order to demonstrate the procedure, we will walk you through the creation of a simple one-box search component. The
article covers creating your own component, configuring it, handling server-side events and performing navigation between pages of a

Creating a new WDK 5 Action

This article demonstrates how to create your own WDK Action, associate it with a component and invoke it using action controls. We create
a component that allows the user to select an object and then create an email containing a URL back to that item. Clicking on the URL
contained within the email enables the recipient of the email to view that document using Webtop.

WDK 5 Date Value Formatter Control

Corporations often standardize on a common date format for use in all written communication across the company. Webtop, however,
provides only limited control over how dates are displayed and how date input is accepted. This customization allows you to enforce a
single date format for all Webtop pages. Alternatively, you can select a specific date format to be used in a single control. For example,
specifying a global format of "yyyy.MM.dd G 'at' hh:mm:ss z" would give you dates that look like "2003.09.26 AD at 11:49:26 EDT" - if that's
what you really want!

Date Value Formatter

Many companies define a standard format for displaying dates, however, Webtop provides only limited control over setting date formats.
With this control, you can enforce a single date format across all Webtop pages or select a specific date format for a single control. As an
example, specifying a global format of "yyyy.MM.dd G 'at' hh:mm:ss z" would display dates in the form "2003.09.26 AD at 11:49:26 EDT" if that's what you really want!
UPDATED November 29,2005 to correct bugs related to WDK 5.3

WDK Docbase Name Qualifier

As you know, it is possible to override the default behavior of WDK components. One common requirement is to enable different behavior
depending on the Docbase that the user has logged into. The class file included with this article enables the use of "Docbase name
qualifiers" to achieve this goal.

Building a WebTop HTML Assembly Component

This article forms part of the pharmaceutical labeling sample application built to illustrate the power of WebTop and WDK as a development
platform. The transformation from XML to HTML is actually done by the underlying XML application. This custom WDK component invokes
the XML application. This download also includes an overview of the process and the code.

Webtop Most Recently Used (MRU) List

This Webtop customization implements functionality similar to that found in many Windows' applications where a list of the 'most recently
used' (MRU) items is available. Objects are added to the MRU menu when they are selected for editing; when the user selects an item
from the MRU the streamlined view's file list component is launched.

WDK 5.1 Component - Silent Sign On

This WDK 5.1 component saves the user from having to log in to the Docbase each time a new WDK browser window is opened, the
enhancement is implemented through a customization of the default WDK 5.1 login component.

WebTop XML Editor Component.










This article forms part of the pharmaceutical labeling sample application built to illustrate the power of WebTop and WDK as a development
Having recognized that a file is XML this component will display the XML in a form 'TEXTAREA' control for viewing or editing. Our XML
editing partners will not worry about this component as competition in their space however it is a great example of a simple but effective


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WDK 5.1 Action - View PDF Rendition

This custom WDK 5.1 action modifies the default behavior of the standard WDK view action such that when a user views a document the
system checks to see if a PDF rendition exists. If the PDF does exist then that rendition will be launched; if it does not exist then the default
behavior is invoked, (i.e. the primary rendition will be launched).

WDK 5 Reporting Component

This WDK 5 component allows you to run reports from within Webtop. The reports are specified using an XML file which contains a DQL
query and formatting instructions. The Developer Program team will make use of this component to create administrative reports which will
be released in the Component Exchange.
UPDATED Jan 17, 2006: Various bug fixes.

WDK 5 Component Testbed

This component provides an interactive listing of the new WDK 5.1 components, and allows you to dynamically invoke them, modify their
configuration settings and test them prior to using them in your custom application. This is a great way to become familiar with the contents
of the WDK component library and to experience them running first hand. Please note that this is actually a WDK component itself and as
such needs to be installed into a previously existing WDK installation. The download archive includes a document titled
"WDK_componentTestbed_Install_Instructions.doc" which will direct you on the steps necessary to perform the deployment of this
component. This component is unsupported at this time, however we plan to add it to future versions of the WDK. If you have questions or
comments on its functionality please direct them to the WDK 5 Developer Community

Creating a New WDK 5 Control

This article and the accompanying sample code demonstrates the procedure used to create a new control within the WDK 5 framework.
WDK 5 comes with a 'text only' date control, this sample code implements a simple graphical calendar control. The article also gives a brief
overview of controls in WDK 5.

Formatting Dates in the WDK Docbase Attribute List Control

Dates are rendered in WDK-based applications using either attribute controls such as docbaseattributelabel or by controls within the
docbaseattributelist control. A customization for formatting dates rendered by attribute controls is available on the Component Exchange.
In this article, Lani shows how to format dates in a docbaseattributelist control.

Using Dropdown Lists in a WDK Datagrid Control

Multivalued fields such as repeating attribute values are shown as a comma-separated string within a WDK datagrid. The customization
presented here extends the datadropdownlist control in WDK so that its possible to show comma-separated values in a dropdown list
within a datagrid.







NLS Translator Tool for Documentum


This program assists in the creation of localized NLS files not included in the Documentum Language Packs. In other words, NLS files for
all of your custom applications and objects, so long as you used NLS files for their strings. Read more...


WDK iTrace tool for Documentum


Kunal Gaba submitted this utility for WDK developers. Launched with a keyboard shortcut, the tool displays complete WDK component
tracing information in real time after the form is rendered.



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Custom Attribute Rendering

The WDK 'docbaseattributevalue' control is used to render the values of repository attributes. This customization looks at how you can
change the control (e.g. Text, TextArea) that renders the attribute value.

Custom WDK 'objectgrid' Component

When browsing cabinets using Webtop classic view, the component that shows the file list in the right-hand pane is the 'objectlist'
component, which extends the 'objectgrid' component. To view all objects of a certain type, you can create a custom object grid component
that displays custom attributes. This custom component can be launched from the Webtop classic tree or from a menu item in the
streamline view

Import Listener Example WDK 5.3

In this tutorial, you will create a content transfer listener component that calls the import action and gets the new object IDs after import. If
your custom component will perform some operation outside of content transfer, it is better to create a listener component rather than
extend the content transfer component itself. Specifically, this component gets the map of object IDs for new objects that are imported by
UCF content transfer introduced in WDK 5.3

Manage Import Types

The WDK Import component can be configured to limit the list of types to a type and all its subtypes. This customization fulfills the
requirement of providing a limited set of types that do not derive from the same type. It can also be used to make only selected subtypes
visible. Thus, this customization limits the types that can be imported.

Creating a WDK Actionlist Component

In this tutorial you will create a simple WDK actionlist component that reads information from all of the action definition files in your
application. Summary information about the actions will be displayed with drilldown pages that display detailed information about a specific

Modifying WDK Component Behavior

When logging in to a WDK-based application you may want to restrict the repository names displayed. In this tutorial you will limit the
number of repositories listed on the login page of Webtop by making changes to the login component.

WDK Silent Export

In this tutorial, you will create a class that extends the UCF export container in Webtop and overrides the methods that supply the export
location. You will create a method that reads the default location from the component definition file and another that sets the location based
on the user home directory.

Removing the Add Repositories Option in Webtop

If you want to restrict users from adding repositories, the 'Add Repositories' option should be disabled in Webtop. You can create simple
extensions of the Webtop browsertree class and tag class and the browsertree component class to do this. In this article, Lani discusses
the details for implementing this customization which also includes the complete source code.

Using a Prompt (popup) within a Container

The prompt component can be used by containers to display popup dialogs. Such dialogs are useful for showing a warning, error or an
informational message. The prompt component can be used by any container. In this article, Lani discusses the process for using the
prompt component. The package also includes the complete source code for the customization.











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The information provided here is offered for instructional use only and are not supported in any way by EMC. While every attempt has been made to
ensure that they are functionally correct, EMC does not provide that guarantee. Please do not call EMC Technical Support with questions about these

2012 EMC Corporation. All rights reserved.


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