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Saint Dennis C atholic School

1201 South Washington Street Lockport IL 60441 815-838-4494 Fax: 815-838-5435

PeacePass It On
August23,2012 Itseemstoosoon,butwearebacktoschoolfulltimenow.Iamhappytoreportthatso fareverythingisrunningsmoothly(!).Thisfirstweekisalwaysalittletrickywithpickupand figuringoutschedules,butbynextweekallwillbeworkedout.Ourkindergartenersandfirst gradersareintheprocessofadjustingtonewschedulesandnewbuildings,butallofour teachersarehelpingthem. andwemustreceiveanAcknowledgementofReceiptfromyourfamilythatyouhavereadand understandthecontentsofthehandbook.PleasereturnInternetsafetyformsquicklysothat yourchild/renmayusethecomputers(openthefileasaPDFtoprinttheform). ItisalsoimportanttocheckyouremailforthelinktotheThursdayfoldersothatyoudonot missweeklyannouncements. PICKUPREMINDER:DoNOTuse12thStreetheadedeastasapickuplaneunlessyou haveastudentintheELC.Ifyouonlyhaveachild/reninthebigschool,pleaseuse Washingtonor12thStreetheadedwest. FAMILYHOURSCOUPONBOOKSANDRAFFLETICKETS: o Whenyouvolunteerforajob,haveyourcouponsignedbythatsupervisor,and turnthewhitecopyinrightaway!Keeptheyellowcopyforyourownrecords.If yourunoutofcoupons,contacttheschoolofficeandwewillsendanother booklethome. o Mostfamiliesseemtohavereceivedtheirraffleticketpackets.Please sell/purchasethoseandreturnstubswithpayment.Ifyouneedabooklet,we haveashortsupplyofthemintheschooloffice. SCHOOLSUPPLYKITS:Itmaybepossiblethatyourchildsschoolsupplykitwasmissing somesupplies.Ifthisisthecasewithyourchild,pleasecontactErinArgianasdirectly NEWPARENTINFORMATIONALMEETING:TonightisourNewParentInformational Meetingfrom7:008:00PMintheschoolartroom.Allnewparentsareinvitedto attend.Mrs.Smithwillexplainschoolpolicyandansweranyquestionsyoumaystill have.Also,dontforgettomarkyourcalendarsforMeettheTeachersNight (CurriculumNight)onSeptember6(7:009:00PM)aswell.Youcanmeetyourchilds teacher/s,learnaboutourcurriculum,andmeetourboardmembers.

ELCEXTENDEDCAREFAMILIES:YouwillreceivealistofallELCrulesandtheschedule fortheyear.OurExtendedcarewillprovidesnackandsomeopportunityforplaytime andhomeworktime,butitisnotintendedtobetutoringorahomeworkclub.Ifyour childdoesnotcompletetheirhomeworkduringextendedcare,itisfamilyresponsibility toprovidethattimeathome.PleaserememberthattheELCisopenat6:45AMand closesat6:00PM.Pleasebepromptinpickingyourchildrenupattheendoftheday. GOLFOUTING/CASINONIGHT:WithmanythankstoourGolfCommittee,thisyears outingappearstohaveraisedmorethan$20,000.00fortheschoolbudget!Iwouldalso liketothankthemanygenerousgolferswhocameoutonthebeautifulSaturdayto supportourschoolandkickoffthe20122013schoolyear! IMPORTANTDATES:
Thursday,August23 Friday,August24 Wednesday,August29 Tuesday/ThursdayPreschoolBegins ChildcareBegins NewParentMeeting M/W/FPreschoolBegins AllSchoolMass 8:00AM11:00AM 12:00PM3:00PM 7:00PM8:00PM SchoolArtRoom 8:00AM11:00AM 12:00PM3:00PM 8:15AM


Peace, Mrs. Lisa Smith

We all know that T U I T I O N IS E X P E NSI V E. Some of us know how to P A Y L ESS F O R I T!!!! How much are Y O U going to pay? All schools have fundraisers, but they usually require you to spend more money and buy more S TU F F .Iftherewasafundraiserthatdidntrequire you to spend more, accumulate more stuff, yet pay less tuition, would you participate? Itssimple.Reallyitis. 1. 2. Using Scrip means buying gift certificates to all of your favorite stores, gas stations and restaurants. Although you write your check to St. Dennis Scrip Program, they are the exact same certificates you would buy from the store itself. Check the St. Dennis website for the new revised and easy to use Scrip order form. You will be amazed at all the stores, restaurants, etc., that are on the list. See the percentage amount next to the vendor name? That is the amount you will earn. St. Dennis earns 2% on all purchases. Place your order and send payment for a weeks worth of grocery and gas certificates. Order some restaurant certificates. Really live it up and order some certificates to hold onto and use when you start your holidayshopping.Youdbe spending this money anyway, so why not use Scrip?? Gift certificates can be sent home with your child or you can purchase in person at school or after masses (see schedule below). Notice how some gift cards are paper and some are plastic? Lookatalltheprettycolors.Nowgospendem! You use the certificates just like cash. Spend them yourself or give them as gifts. Repeat previous steps as often as needed. You will receive your Scrip credit at the end of the school year and it will be appliedtothefollowingyearstuition.Inthepast,somefamilieshaveearned over $500 credit! The amount you earn will be deducted from your tuition balance for the next school year. Have friends and relatives buy Scrip certificates, too! This will increase your tuition credit. See website for complete list of vendors available or or


4. 5. 6. 7.


You can send your order and payment (check payable to St. Dennis Scrip) to the school office any day of the week, just write SCRIP on the envelope. Please DO NOT send cash through school. Gift cards are ordered every Sunday night and will be in stock again on Thursday. Limited amounts of Scrip certificates are on hand and can be purchased:
Thursdays in the Parish Center, 8:00 9:00 a.m. Fridays in the School Library, 8:00 9:00 a.m. After all weekend masses
Any questions can be e-mailed to Denise Salvino at



NAME:______________________________________GRADE:__________ CHECKNO:______________
Ace Hardware $25.00 $25.00 AMC Theatres $25.00 American Eagle $25.00 Applebee's $25.00 Barnes & Noble $10.00 Bass Pro Shops $25.00 Bath & Body Works $10.00 Berkot's $25.00 / $100 Best Buy $25.00 Buffalo Wild Wings $25 Build-A-Bear $25.00 Burger King $10.00 Chili's $25 Chipain's $10 / $50 Chipotle Mexican Grill $10.00 Chuck E. Cheese $10.00 Cinemark Theatres $25 Claire's $10.00 Cracker Barrel $10.00 CVS Pharmacy $25 Dick's Sporting Goods $25.00 Disney $25.00 Dominick's $25.00 / $100 Dunkin' Donuts $10.00 Fannie May Candies $10.00 GameStop $25.00 Gap $25.00 Great Clips $25.00 Home Depot $25.00 / $100 iTunes $15.00 JCPenney $25.00 Jewel-Osco $25.00 Jewel-Osco $100.00 Jo-Ann Fabrics $25.00 KFC $5.00 Kohls $10 Kohls $25 Kohls $50 Kohls $100 2% 2% 5% 8% 6% 7% 7% 10% 3% 1% 6% 6% 2% 8% 2% 8% 6% 2% 7% 7% 4% 6% 1% 2% 1% 23% 1% 10% 6% 2% 3% 3% 2% 2% 4% 6% 2% 2% 2% 2%

$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Lettuce Entertain You $25.00 Macy's $25.00 Marcus Theatres $25.00 Marriott Hotels $100.00 Menards $25.00 Menards $100.00 Office Max $25.00 Old Navy $25.00 Olive Garden $25.00 Outback Steakhouse $25.00 Panera Bread $10.00 PetSmart $25.00 Pizza 4 U $20 Pizza Hut $10.00 Quiznos $10.00 Red Lobster $25.00 Sears $25.00 Shell $25.00 Shell $100.00 Speedway $25.00 Speedway $100.00 Starbucks $10.00 Starbucks $25.00 Steak & Shake $10 Studio 305 $10 / $20 Subway $10.00
T.J. Maxx/Homegoods $25.00

10% 8% 7% 6% 1% 1% 3% 10% 7% 6% 7% 2% 48% 6% 8% 7% 2% 1% 1% 2% 2% 5% 5% 6% 2% 1% 5% 3% 1% 7% 1% 4% 1% 1%

$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $

Taco Bell $10 Target $25.00 TGI Friday's $25.00 Ultra Foods $25.00 Walgreens $25.00 Walmart $25.00 Walmart $100.00


Questions? August12


DearParents, AsyouknowthereisnofeeforanychildtoparticipateinJubilation,ChimeorAngelchoirs,soonbehalfof Mrs.Johnson,Iamaskingforyourhelpwithourlargestandmainfundraisingproject,TheSt.DennisMusic MinistryFallHousewalkandBakeSale.TheHousewalkisonSunday,September16thfromNoonto4pmanda BakeSaleonSaturday,September15thfrom4pmto6pmandSunday,September16thfrom8amto2pmin theChurchNarthex.ProceedswillbeusedtobenefitALLmusicchoirs.WellneedvolunteerhelpersMonday, Sept.10th&Thursday,Sept.13thduringthedaytohelpbakeinFracaroHallandFriday,Sept.14thtohelp withpackagingofbakeryandsetupforSaturdaysbakesale.Thewonderfulmusicparentswhohavehelped withthisinthepasthadagreattime!Anymomordadwhoisfreewouldcertainlybewelcometocomeand help.Wedontneedyouthewholetime,unlessyouareavailabletoworkthefulldayoryoucancomein foracouplehoursonanygivenday. Ifyouareaworkingparentandunavailabletogiveanybakerytime,wealsoneedvolunteerworkerstohelp sellbeforeandafterallmassesthatweekend,Sept.15th430pmmass&Sept16thuntileverythingissoldor 2pm. Theabovevolunteerhourscountasparenthours.Bringyourcouponvouchers;fillthemout;bringthemto me,Mrs.JohnsonorMrs.Reardonforasignature;thenturntheminattheschooloffice. AwonderfulbakerfromJoliet,ElaineBice,willbedonatinghertimetohelpwiththebakesaleproject. Pleasefilloutthebelowformoremailmekjpbell@sbcglobal.netandletmeknowbySeptember7thwhereyou wouldbeabletohelp.IwillprovideyouwithmoredetailsonceIknowwhereyouwillbehelping.Pleaselet meknowifyouhaveanyquestions.Icanalsobereachedat7085250635. OnbehalfofMrs.JohnsonandtheSt.DennisMusicMinistry,wereallyappreciateyouandyourwonderful childrenandyoursupport!YouareallablessingtoSt.Dennis. Blessing! KimberlyBell
VolunteertimestoworkattheHousewalkBakeSale.Youwillneedtobeatthetablesahalfhourbeforemassanda halfhouraftermass:PleasereturnbyFri.,Sept.7thtotheschooloffice. Sat.,Sept.15th4:30Mass:_______________________________________________________________________ Sun.,Sept.16th7:30Mass:________________________________________________________________________ Sun.,Sept.16th9:15Mass:________________________________________________________________________ Sun.,Sept.16th11:00Mass:_______________________________________________________________________ Sun.,Sept.16thNoonto2pm(ortillsoldout)__________________________________________________________ Ifyouareinterestedinvolunteeringduringthedaytohelpbakepleasecontactmedirectlyandwecantalk detailsregardingyouravailability.

Saint Dennis School PTC

Welcome back to school parents, teachers, staff, and students! We are looking forward to another fun-filled year! Our PTC meetings will be during the day in the Parish Office at 1:30pm to accommodate our busy afternoon schedules with our children and families. Please join us for our first meeting A ugust 29th!!! Especially if you are a new family and want to get involved with the really fun and exciting events we have planned for the students! Our first event will be the Daddy/Daughter Dance! Last years dance was so much fun for the girls and their dads, and we are really looking forward to this years! Please come if you can help out in any way, want to hear what we are all about, or justcurioustoseewhatsgoingon. Plus, PTC is a FUN way to earn your required parent hours!!! The more helpers we have the better the events are for our children! We truly enjoy making memories for our children that will last a lifetime!!! If you have any questions or comments please contact our PTC President Brandi Kamper at Thank you, Janice Alexander PTC Secretary

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