Tidings For July 2012

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Boones Creek Baptist Association Serving, Encouraging and Supporting Christs Churches

Bro. John Ryder-Director of Missions Angel Kane, Secretary Floyd & Gale Holbrook-Camp Manager Office (859) 744-0037 Fax (859) 744-1069 E-mail: boonescreekbapti@bellsouth.net Web-Site-www.boonescreekbaptistassoc.com Printed July, 2012, Volume 45, issue 7 Deadline for next Issue: Aug.15, 2012

A Note to you -Remember in prayer and please attend our Association Revivals in September and October. They are as follows: September 17-21 at Calvary Baptist Church in Irvine, pastors from the Winchester area will be preaching each night at 7PM. October 1-5 at Central Baptist Church in Winchester, pastors from the Mt. Sterling area will be preaching each night at 7PM. October 22-26 at Jeffersonville Baptist Church in Jeffersonville, pastors from the Irvine area will be preaching each night at 7PM. - We are holding Fall Hymn Sings on August 27 at Providence Baptist Clark County, August 28 at Salem Baptist, Irvine, and August 30 at Reid Village Baptist, Mt. Sterling. Please support with your attendance the one closest to your area. -The next executive board meeting for the association is September 10 at Calvary Baptist Church in Irvine at 7PM. Food For Thought: Lev 19:16 You shall not go about as a talebearer among your people Rev. Bryant Evans wrote, Do church members gossip? Do they gossip about each other? I think we know the answer. And I think we know that all of us have been guilty of gossip at some time. But we also know that gossip is a horrendous habit that can assault, crush and destroy even the strongest believer. Gossip is particularly damaging in the local church because people are often more open with fellow Christians about their weaknesses and needs. And because those weaknesses are out in the open it may be that gossip is more common in the church than anywhere else. A frightening thought wouldnt you say? Just think for a moment. How many people have been the target of gossip from within the church? How many have been hurt, even mortally wounded by the careless comments of another? Too many I am sure. Here are five ideas to help put the brakes on waging tongues. Start with yourself first. 1. Make a conscious effort to monitor your own words. Actively listen to yourself. Make careful note of what you talk about, who you talk about and precisely what you say. Ensure that your words are Godly words that directly build-up, not tear down. 2. Make a conscious effort to monitor your own hearing. Whatever comes into your mind makes an impression. Dont listen to the juicy details about someone you know. Either move the conversation to a new subject or move along yourself. 3. Speak out to stop gossip. There is no need to be nasty but just let people know you will not be a party to gossip. It might be easier to tell your close friends before gossip begins that you are trying to break a bad habit. When the talk starts, interrupt and remind people that youd rather not talk about other people. 4. Assume unflattering stories are false. When you hear something tawdry about someone do you assume it is true? What if we all just assumed that the gossip was false? Would that slow things down? 5. Let gossip end with you. What if every piece of gossip depended upon you? Would it live or die? Slay gossip by refusing to repeat it. Keep count for the next week. How many pieces of gossip did you kill? You might be surprised. Gossip is incredibly common and incredibly destructive. There is no place for gossip anywhere but especially in the church where there are brothers and sisters and servants of the Most High. Do your part to squelch wagging tongues!

Yours in Christ,

Bro. John Ryder

NEWS & UPCOMING EVENTS from the Association and our CHURCHES CAMP REPORT Camp season is over. So anybody or church group that had adopted a cabin or said they would help with repairs, now is the time to start. Call and let us know what you want to do. EX. BOARD REPORT The Mtg. was held at Boones Creek Baptist Camp. Had 19 churches present with 83 total attending. The Ground Water Protection Plan was voted and approved. They voted and approved to go into partnership with Fayette Baptist Church (in Memphis, TN). The Family Mission Fest was voted and approved to be held in Boones Creek Baptist Association in 2014. ALLANSVILLE No Report BEECH GROVE Homecoming Sept 9th. 2012 BOONES CREEK Our Annual Homecoming service will be Sept. 23rd at 11am. Former Pastor, Wendell Romans will be bringing our morning message. We will have a pot luck after Church, everyone is invited. CALVARY VBS was a great success, 147 avg. with total enrollment of 193. Family night we had 191. Custodian Bill Eckler retired after 50+ yrs. of service. Homecoming, Sunday Aug. 19th. Bro. RC Flynn will be preaching. Glory Road Gospel will provide the special music. CENTRAL Central will have its Annual Labor Day Picnic on Sunday, Sept. 9th. There will be an Assoc. Revival at Central on Oct. 1st-5th. CLAY CITY We participated in a county wide 4th of July Service at Stanton First Church of God. Rev. David Rule brought a wonderful message. Rev. David Rule went to be with the Lord on Aug. 6, 2012. Planning for Revival Aug. 26-29 6pm on Sun. night 7pm the other nights. Bro. Freddie Helton will be the quest speaker. CORINTH No Report COW CREEK Homecoming scheduled for Aug. 26, 2012. EPHESUS Held annual Sunday School leaders retreat at Shaker Village on July 21 to establish goals and action plans for the upcoming Sunday School year. Prayer walked Pilot View Elementary School and collected school supplies for the students. Had a successful VBS with a total of 100, which resulted in Bro. Todd having several pies thrown in his face! Will begin the study Read the Bible for Life on Sunday nights beginning Sept. 9 in preparation for our Bible reading campaign starting in January. EMMANUEL No Report FAITH Had a Church singing and refreshments afterwards. Our Pastor even sang. Had a wonderful time singing praises to our Lord! Bro. Todds working on Revival for getting Eastern Baptist Students to come on Youth Sunday with Phillip Smith as our speaker. FRIENDSHIP Had a fellowship meal on July 29th. Collected School supplies for give-away. Making plans for bus ministry. GREENBRIAR No Report HEIDELBERG No Report HERITAGE The garden continues to yield bountifully as we deliver weekly to the Community Needs Center to help meet their ministry needs. We targeted 2 neighborhood near our church to had out flyers announcing a school supply give away. We had over 50 children respond and were able to assist those families with all the items the school system requires for them to start school. God continues to bless as we have added 3 new members this month. HOWARDS MILL No Report IRVINE FIRST Picnic on 4th of July was well attended. It was so hot, we picnicked in the Fellowship Hall. Youth attended Legends game and Faith Day in Lexington. Youth hosted Ice Cream Social and donation benefited Mitch Baber/ JL Thomas Scholarship Fund. Looking forward to our Homecoming and the Guest speaker will be Bro. Raymond Flynn. IVORY HILL No Report JEFFERSONVILLE Sent 3 boys to Senior Co-Ed camp. July 16 a special surprise Bro. Paul came adorned in Hula Apparel. Our theme Promise Island -Hawaii. Night before VBS had kick-off with Ice Cream Dinner, registration and more. Sept. 9, Homecoming-Guest Speaker, Rev. Scott Rogers, Special Singing with The New Found Four to start at 10:30 am, Dinner after morning worship. No Evening Service. Gathering schools supplies. See you in Sunday School and Worship. May God bless you. KIDDVILLE-No Report MACEDONIA We voted to pursue a building fund for a multi-purpose building. A missionary from the Philippines spoke regarding his work on the July 1st PM service. Bro. Ed Davis filled in for Bro. Kevin while he was on vacation, July 15 and 22. Our Miles of Pennies Program had grown to over 37,000 pennies. MACEDONIA (Continued)-The men are planning their trip to the Promise Keepers, Aug. 17th and 18th. The WMU are planning to give away school supplies and gently used clothing to our youth. MEANS-No Report MT. OLIVE-No Report NEW COVENANT REFORMED-No Report NORTHSIDE We were proud to sponsor 5 of our youth to attend camp this summer. The WMU chose Dessie Scott Childrens Home as their mission project. They had a shower on July 23rd. Mrs. Banks was so excited to receive a van full of donations. We were blessed to support and be a part of a wonderful evening. The Senior Adults visited our shut-ins and Nursing Home Members. They enjoyed lunch at Jerrys. Our Seniors went to Versailles to see Smoke on the Mountain. The Youth are preparing a fall presentation of WNBC Old Time Radio Show PANOLA Sept. 30th is our 200th celebration. Special moments in Church History, Pictures, Food and Singing, all is welcome. POWELLS VALLEY We had 2 to attend Family Fest in Memphis, TN. We had our Meal Ministry and served 200. We had a great worship, fellowship and good attendance at our 5th Sunday Hymn Sing. Looking forward to the Fall Hymn Sing on the 30th at Reid Village BC. PROVIDENCE, C.C. Hosting Assoc. Hymn Sing on Aug. 27th. Planning special October Fest Day for Oct 13, 11:00am to 7:00pm. Lots of singing , food, games and preaching. Having a Bake Sale at Wal-mart Sept. 8th from 11 am to 3:30 pm to raise money for our October Fest. Everyone invited. PROVIDENCE, E.C. Providence has had a Blessed month in July, we had an avg. of 124 in VBS, we had 3 children saved during the week. It was wonderful week to spend in Gods house with all those precious kids! We were able to help a lot of families with school clothes on the 28th, we have started a bus ministry at Providence and the kids on that van have been such a blessing to our church, they are so excited to be at the Lords house. When was the last time we were excited to get to go to Church? We had a large group of youth attend the Water Park in Somerset! We are in the process of re-modeling the parsonage, and doing some painting in the Sunday School area at the Church. REID VILLAGE Our final total raised by our Relay for Life team was $3071. Thanks to our team leader Debra Stephens and everyone who helped in this effort. Our new sign has been installed. Charlotte Roper were speakers at our WMU meeting and gave a presentation on the growing problem of sex trafficking in our country, Please visit their website www.covenantfriendshipministries.com to learn more about their mission and how you can help. Please also visit their Facebook page. The youth had a lock-in at the church. We delivered supplies to Gateway Childrens Services. We had a special dinner on Sunday Aug. 5th as a farewell to our music minister, Dustin Estridge and his wife Jina and to Philip and Berlinda Stockdale and their family who have relocated. We will truly miss them, but we trust God has great plans for their lives. Everyone enjoyed our 5th Sunday Hymn Sing. We are hosting the Association Fall Hymn Sing on Thursday Aug. 30th at 7 PM. Our kids Worship group will be going to Boonesboro for a picnic and swimming as a reward for their attendance and participation. CIA will begin a new program where they will earn vest and badges for their participation. Well begin practice for our children and youth Christmas program. Our CIA is sponsoring Christmas in August to collect school supplies and personal items for the Dessie Scott Childrens Home. Our WMU/CIA is sponsoring a Pure Water/Pure Love project. Well collect water bottles filled with dimes and use the money to help purchase water filters for our foreign missionaries. Our fall revival is scheduled for Oct. 28-Nov.2 with Bro. Gary McCammon. SALEM Provided scholarships for 9 kids to attend Boones Creek Baptist Camp. Floretta Thorpe was part of the team from Boones Creek Assoc. to attend Family Mission Fest in Memphis, TN. Had a back to school pizza party for students (K-12). Each one received a package of school supplies. Looking forward to hosting the Assoc. Hymn Sing on Aug. 28th. Also looking forward to our Annual Give-Away on Sept. 3rd or Labor Day. Continued on Next Page


In This Issue look for:

1-DOM (A note to you) 2-Disaster/Emergency Relief 3-To all Churches in the Association 4-Building Fund 5.Notice to Annual Church Profile Directors 6-Calendar 7-Aug. Birthdays and Anniversaries 8-Mission Opportunities-(NEW ONE ADDED) 9-New Beginning Pregnancy Center 10-Clark County Community Center 11-Cumberland University Fall Schedule 12-Fall Hymn Sings 13-Camp retreat for Children-Irvine, KY 14 Attn. Pastors-Don Spencer KBC

TO ALL CHURCHES IN THE ASSOCIATION: The Disaster Emergency Relief Committee is available to the churches for projects that require manpower. Call the Association Office 859/744-0037 if you need help.

II Corinthians 8:20-21
20-Avoiding this, that no man should blame us in this abundance which is administered by us: 21-Providing for honest things, not only in the sight of the Lord, but also in the sight of men.


Building Fund For The Camp You can donate to the Boones Creek Baptist Association in MEMORY or in HONOR of a Love One. Please write on your check memo: Building Fund.

Please send in your ACP as soon as possible.

NEWS & UPCOMING EVENTS from the Association and our CHURCHES (Continued) SPEARS MILLVBS The Adventures on Promise Island on July with 93 enrolled and an avg. of 75 nightly. We had no profession of Faith but VBS was enjoyed by everyone. An offering of 195.15 was given to Boones Creek Baptist Camp as is done every year. The 4 members that went to Memphis, TN Family Mission Fest gave a report of their missions. July 29th evening Spears Mill hosted Sons of Liberty Quartet. What a blessing! Concert was well attended and the songs of praise were so inspiring. A wonderful evening was enjoyed by all. The Junior Church that one of our deacons Fred Cornett and his wife Diana began July 22nd with13 kids ages 8-12 attending. The majority of the kids come to Sunday School and Church on the Van. Praise God for our Van Ministry! We are excited with the new ministry to see how God is blessing it. The youth also had a pool party with17 attending. Aug. 23rd the Senior Day Trip will be to spend the day with Bro JT and Sue Rafferty. Also continuing collection for Christmas Shoe Boxes. Another mission has been started first of Aug. for Donations for Bags to be sent home with Children on Wed. and Sun. Night. These bags will be packed with non-perishable foods and some fruit. This is similar to the back pack programs. Another new ministry for Spears Mill. As always stay safe and may God bless you each and every day!. Love and praises from Spears Mill Baptist Church. SPRING STREET 60th Anniversary and 4 day Revival Aug. 22-26. On Sunday Special singing by the Daltons and dinner served. THOMASPlanning a fall Revival and Homecoming. Our youth group is planning a puppet skit. Dates to be determined. VALLEY VIEW No Report WM. MEMORIAL We had a good VBS the 1st week in June and a Back to School Block Party the 1st Saturday in Aug.

Don Spencer (Director of KBC Church Financial Benefits Department) will be in our Association Oct. 15, 2012. He will hold interview times from 9AM-4PM for Pastors, Treasurers, or anyone that have questions on Church/Minister Compensation/Taxes and Retirement plans, you can schedule an interview by calling the Association Office.

Best Wishes to Sept. Birthdays: 1-Ron Montgomery-Pastor-Emmanuel 13-Nancy Rader-Pastors Wife-Ephesus 14-Shirlene Ronk-Pastors WifePanola 24-Andrea Coates-Pastors Wife-Allansville Best Wishes Sept. Anniversaries: 4-Barry and Lisa Proctor-Spears Mill 4-Bill and Shelia Meece-Providence EC 17-John and Phyllis Runyon-Spring Street

MISSION OPPORTUNITIES 1. Disaster Emergency Relief Volunteers Needed 2. Go Metro USA and Find It Here 2012. Contact the association office for more information 3-Be part of the team to Charleston, Missouri. We
leave on Thursday , Oct. 11 and return on Monday, Oct. 15. Contact Marcia Ballard, 859-771-1586 or Twlya Sheffield-859-842-0785. You can email Marcia at Marcia.ballard@uky,edu Dead Line is Sept. 16th, 2012

University of the Cumberlands Offers Courses for Credit or Audit through Winchester Extension Center Fall Schedule, 2012 Tuesdays, September 11-December 19, 2012 Expository Preaching, 6:00-7:20pm (in Winchester). Psalms II (90-150) Proverbs and Ecclesiastes, 6:00-7:20pm (in Winchester). Ancient and Medieval Church History, 7:25-8:45 pm (in Winchester). Thursday September. 6-Dec.ember 20, 2012 Elementary Greek-6:00-7:20pm (in Winchester) Psalms II (90-150), Proverbs and Ecclesiastes, 6:00-720 pm (in Stanton) Ancient and Medieval Church History, 7:25-8:45 pm (in Stanton) Costs per Course: Books only ($25.oo-$40.00) Register now by calling (859)749-5327 or (859)-771-6526) or (606)663-7870 Need a minimum of 10 students

FOOD PANTRY DONATIONS 9 THRIFT STORE DONATIONS 3,012 MONETARY DONATIONS 27 Check out our newly designed web site listed at the top of the page! Clark County Community Services has received $15,000 from the Bluegrass Community Foundation and $10,000 from the Lykins Foundation. These monies are being used for general program support such as essential services and housing stability. A portion of these funds are set aside for the needs of at-risk school children identified by Family Resource Center personnel. During the month of July, vouchers were issued for $12,251.65. This does not include the cost of food for 1152 families! Also during July, an Emergency Solutions Grant was submitted to Kentucky Housing Corporation. This is a highly competitive federal grant to provide housing for those who are literally homeless. We will be working closely with the Clark County Homeless Coalition to best utilize these funds if awarded the grant. Monies for homeless prevention is not a priority with our funders this year. Our agency was approved for $40,000 under Phase II of the Emergency Shelter Grant in July, however, we have not received the release of these funds. For Clark County Residents Only!


August 27-Providence Baptist (C C)-7pm August 28-Salem Baptist-7pm August 30-Reid Village Baptist-7pm
New Beginnings Pregnancy Center in Winchester has an ongoing need for baby wipes, diapers (sizes 4, 5, 6) and formula (Good Start in green and orange cans), as well as continued financial support. Churches are encouraged to support local Pregnancy Centers in honor of Sanctity of Human Life Sunday, Jan. 16, as well as throughout the year. Please call 859-744-5988 with any questions or to arrange drop-offs.

CAMP FOR CHILDREN AGES 6-12 that has lost a love one in the past 2 yrs. SEPT. 7-9-2012 at Cathedral Domain Camp and Conference Center. Irvine, KY- $30.00 per child-$35.00 per family. For more information to register call Martin Weinstock at 859-277-2700 or 800-876-6005

As an expansion of our ministry my wife Judy & I will be co/hosting with Bro. Jack Studie & his wife Judy. We will depart Nashville TN. Oct. 29, 2012 for 11 day pilgrimage. We will be visiting Tiberias and taking boat ride on the sea of Galilee, Nazareth Jericho, Jerusalem. Visiting the Dead Sea, Eilat. Going to Jordan visiting the ancient city of Petra. If you are interesting in traveling with us, please contact me, Pastor Foy Back 270-922-1084 or 270-922-6769. Email-back.judy@yahoo.com or Bro. Jack Studie-270-889-7604

Sun Mon Tue Wed

Thu Fri


3 Labor Day Office Closed

(1)Committee on Constitution and Bylaws-KBB (2)Retired DOM-Spouse Luncheon TBD

(1)Grandparents Day (2)Season of Prayer for State Missions and Eliza Broadus Offering (9th-10th)

10 Ex. Board MtgCalvary BC Irvine-7pm




Business and Finance Committee-KBB



SBC Ex. CommitteeNashville, TN-(17th18th)



20 21 Pastors Prayer Fellowship-Kathys Clay City-11:30 am 27

Committee on Nominations-KBB

Children in Action Day Camp-TBA




Missionary RetreatTBA (226th-28th)



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