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Making History

When I was a kid I used to dream of fame. Like many young boys, I had hoped of one day hitting a grand slam for the Yankees in the bottom of the ninth inning during game seven of the World Series. That was my preferred method of how John Lee would become a household name. Now, when asked the question: Who is John Lee ?, the New York Yankees cannot be associated. However, there are other honorable ways to make history. So far, the history I have made is that I have had more judges recused in one case than any other American. I also have the most litigated Family Court action in Kentucky history with over 495 documents tucked away in the files of the Jefferson Clerks office. If you want a copy of a document in case number 08-CI-504095, the Clerk will tell you that the case file sits not on a shelf in alphabetical order like the rest of the cases, but on a 2-wheeled dolly in a stack of boxes located in the garage of the Judicial Center. I have written 2 books (Bitchslapped &Heaven.Every Other Weekend) that cannot be published due to a gag order by Judge Stephen M. George. I have challenged the Kentucky Judicial Conduct Commission in Franklin County Court, sued Judge George 3 times in Federal Court using a very old but current law called the Stripping Doctrine of Ex parte Young 1949 and took on the Kentucky Board of Examiners for Psychologists by my documentary I am producing called The-Rapists. Perhaps the most rewarding title I have been labeled with, outside of being a father of course, is having the title of hero. I was recently contacted by a group of 143 dads out of Eastern Kentucky that told me they followed my case and read my filings on The Crock or obtained copies of them from the clerks office. These dads lack the resources and knowledge to fight the legal machine known as Family Court. They tell me that my fight has given them hope. They tell me that they cannot wait for the next step in my adventure, much like the next episode of ER or something. For years, I believed that the only way to unseat judges was through the Judicial Conduct Commission or general elections. It turns out that the Judicial Conduct Commission is not only

Kentucky agency that can unseat, retire or impeach a sitting judge. Under Section 1.6 of the Kentucky Constitution, any aggrieved party can file a petition for impeachment against a public official. Mr. Wes Collins of Winchester, Kentucky did so earlier this year against a sitting Family Court Judge in his county. Greg Stumbo, Speaker of the House in Kentuckys House of Representatives has yet to take the petition forward. Under Kentucky law, Speaker Stumbo MUST assign a committee to look into Mr. Collins petition. Because Mr. Collins action is rare and only one man, Speaker Stumbo apparently believes he can thwart Mr. Collins attempt to unseat a corrupt family court judge by ignoring him. So, one morning in November, 2012, six (6) other aggrieved fathers will file petitions for impeachment against six (6) other judges with the Administrative Office of the House of Representatives, so that these petitions will be addressed in the upcoming General Session of the House of Representatives of Kentucky. This unprecedented act will place national focus on Kentucky and these 7 individuals for the need for Judicial Reform. These petitions will gain media attention all over the country, making it impossible for Speaker Stumbo to ignore a HUGE problem that plagues our state and nation. When a foreign country commits civil rights violations against their citizens, our government reacts with immediate negotiations, sanctions or even military force to cease such actions. When one government chooses to attack one of our allies, we launch missiles at them in hopes that they will stop invading our friends. If EVERYONE agrees that our nation has a problem with unfair courts and rogue judges like Stephen M. George, Michelle M. Keller and Laurance VanMeter (both Court of Appeals judges), then why are we not attacking the problem? The arbitrary and capricious decisions that these judges impose affect far more lives in the United States than slavery. This country, rightfully agreed in 1865 that slavery was an atrocity. One human being owned by another seemed like a good idea to someone early on in this country. Now, we look back on slavery, our countrys worst mistake in my view and say What the hell were we thinking? It is far past the time for our country to address this national problem. Americans in every state are having their rights stripped of them. The sad part is that most of these Americans are children that cannot fight for themselves for their right to have a healthy relationship with their fathers with EQUAL time. This country claims that it will do whatever is necessary to

protect the welfare of our children. isnt the mental and development well-being of a child considered to be the welfare of the child? Everyone agrees that a child deserves to have both mom and dad involved in their lives. If this is the case, whats the problem? Why wont any of the politicians that these children elect, with their parents votes introduce proposals to the Houses and Senates of our nation to repair this deficiency. The reason: most of our elected representatives are former attorneys that will protect their buddies in judicial positions. Since I am not a politician or a New York Yankee, I guess I will take the initiative to become other childrens hero, just as I have this group of dads, to restore their rights to equal access to their fathers and mothers and promoting positive childhood memories. I am certainly not a hero. I am just a dad fighting for his childrens rights to have their father involved in their lives. I appreciate the support of 143 strong of this group. Lord knows I have at least 143 enemies in the legal confines of 700 West Jefferson Street at the Jefferson Judicial Center.

Look out Frankfort! Here we come!

John D. Lee One Great Dad

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