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That the war against corruption will be successful that the objectives of freedom and independence long forgotten will be remembered that 48 years after oppression, subordination and humiliation and ethnicity we will come together as a people, Kenyans. To summon a new spirit of patriotism, of responsibility where each of us resolves to pitch and hard work, not just to look to ourselves but each other... Kenyans. In this country we rise or fall as a nation. We can choose to elect our leaders basing on our ethnic background, but woe to us if we don't see the importance of sticking together... making a decision as a nation. Let us resist the temptation to fall back on the same ethnicity, racism, Majimbolism, dictatorship and political immaturity that has poisoned our politics for so long. We are not enemies but friends though passion may have been strained; it must not break our bonds of affection. Let us remember that it is the same country that we lost our sons and daughters in the post election violence... FOR WHAT?? Its in the same country we blindly continue to support our leaders taking a firm nationalistic stand against colonialism, imperialism, corruption and democracy is oppression by foreigners any different from oppression by one of our own brothers. Our own skin color? Are our ideologies of national unity any different from the white mans philosophy? I hope to dream that our leaders will forever focus on one thing, our nation. Not their quest of entrenching themselves into power but help beat the gap between the rich and the poor. Open up the entire country and forget the word infrastructure. That hard earned tax payers money will be used to build our nation for

generations to come by creating more jobs for the pending unemployment not yet addressed. Kenya we have come so far, since independence. There is still s much to do. Let us ask ourselves: if our children live to see vision 2030, what change will they see? What progress will we have made? This is our chance to answer that call, this is our time. To our leaders and us aspiring leaders in the front line, set a good example, be responsible. You are our pace setters. We have a purpose to live on. Lets open doors of opportunity for our kids. Lets restore the fundamentals of freedom. Lets come together and reaffirm the value that we all share...KENYA. Let us do so with a measure of peace, love and unity. When we wake up one morning, we have two simple choices; Go back to sleep and dream, or wake up and chase those dreams. The choice is ours.

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