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Issue 3 Fall 2012


The Classroom, Its a Changin

We Deliver, 30 or Less
Remember that old pizza delivery slogan? Well, its not pizza, but OCLRE has an arguably better deal. The Center will deliver on-site professional development to your school or district at no charge, if just one educator in attendance is a current OCLRE member ($30 membership fee) and there are a minimum of five who will attend the professional development session. For $30 or less, several teachers can learn about the Centers challenging academic, hands-on, student-driven programs. Schools/districts may request program-specific professional development (We the People, Mock Trial, Middle School Mock Trial, Youth for Justice, Project Citizen) or an orientation session at which teachers will become familiar with the Center and learn a bit about all of its programs and resources for teachers and students. The Center programs will work according to teachers needs and time parameters. Contact us today so we can get you on the calendar! To learn more or to schedule a professional development session, contact Jared Reitz or Kate Strickland at or, respectively, or call toll-free (877) 485-3510.

Networking is a big bonus at the annual Law & Citizenship Conference. Change is in the air. It might be political change. It could be new technology in the classroom. It could also be the new SB 165 mandates, requiring teaching founding documents and changes in state standards. The Center is staying ahead of the curve and helping you do the same! This years Law & Citizenship Conference is designed to support you through the transitions. cratic Parties will come together to offer their views on Ohio: The Heart of it All Politically.

Founding Documents
Senate Bill 165 was signed into law this past spring, mandating the teaching of American and Ohio founding documents, including the US Constitution, Bill of Rights, Declaration of Independence, the Northwest Ordinance, and the Ohio Constitution. Multiple conference sessions will help refresh your content knowledge on these documents.

Politics & 2012 Elections

Politics and elections this fall will be dominating dinner table conversation, television commercials, and chat at the water cooler. Your students will want to talk about it too. The Conference will have the sessions to help you stay ready to answer any question, no matter the curveball. Learn from a newspaper and radio reporter about Politics and Media in a Changing World. A Findlay University professor will discuss American Presidential Campaigns and Political Memorabilia from Washington to Obama. Conference favorites return the chairmen of the Ohio Republican and Demo-

Todays students are very savvy when it comes to technology. Meet them by integrating it into your classroom. Sessions will focus on incorporating Google programs, iPads, Twitter, and social media into your teaching. Learn from a new generation of teachers and pre-service professionals how easy it is to use the most current technology in the classroom. Continued on page 9

Mock Trial Case Summary ..........4 Law & Citizenship Conference Speakers...................................10 MY OHIO Special ......................14 Supreme Court Spotlight ..........15


Letters to the Editor: A natural blend of Freedom of Speech and Freedom of the Press
by Jared Reitz, OCLRE director of programs One of my favorite quotes: Most peoples idea of reasoning is to find ways to continue thinking as they already do. Its true. Well watch a particular network with our favorite news program knowing well find support for what we may be politically or socially thinking. Those pesky political ads give many of us the fodder to go on thinking as we already do about a particular candidate or issue. We also know that those ads and even the network programming are designed to influence us and not necessarily with good reasoning or factual content. I am often more curious about what my fellow citizens think about an issue, candidate or hot topic in the community. Lettersalmost sounds archaic in the age of Twitter, Facebook, blogs and textsour newspapers are filled with them. Letters to the Editor are written by people who want their voices to be heard. They believe they have important information to offer based on their education or personal experience, feel a need to correct incorrect information found in another letter or a newspaper article or react to policy makers. The voices of the people with whom we live, work and play can be more informative and accurate than information gotten elsewhere. Of course there are those folks who want their voices heard but really have nothing to say. However, it is such a democratic process to freely express oneself in a free press without retribution. There will be plenty of letters, more than usual, in our local papers as the Election Day draws near. National, state and local candidates, local school and community issues, and more will be the topics on which people will want to express themselves. Have students read the Letters to the Editor section of the local newspaper. Ask students to bring to class the letters with which they agree or disagree. Have them write a response letter then clip it to the newspaper letter and hand it to you for your comments. Teachers can select a few letters and use them as discussion topics in the classroom. Students could read the letters section daily to see if there is a trend among the voters in their community toward a particular candidate or issue. Can Election Day results be predicted simply by using the Letters to the Editor? Perhaps there will be students who feel strongly about a candidate and/or issue and may want to write a letter to the editor. Students should check to see what restrictions may be in place on letters to the local newspaper. Students could also read on-line Letters to the Editor found in the New York Times, Chicago Tribune or any other major newspaper maybe the local newspaper as well.

OCLRE bids adieu to Deborah DeHaan and welcomes new executive director
On July 31st, Executive Director Deborah Dehaan retired after 13 years at the helm. During Debs tenure, OCLRE has grown to become the largest state provider of law-related education both in the number of programs offered and teachers and students served. More importantly however, OCLRE has become a better, stronger organization because of Debs vision and passion. In recognition of her exceptional dedication to OCLREs mission, Deb will be honored with the Founders Award to be presented during the 2012 Law and Citizenship Conference. We are grateful for Debs significant contributions to OCLRE and wish her much happiness as she begins a new chapter. The Centers Board of Trustees has established the Deborah DeHaan Scholarship Fund to support schools that need financial assistance to participate in OCLRE programs and activities. Questions regarding the DeHaan Scholarship Fund may be directed to Lisa Eschleman at (614) 485-3500. Contributions of the Fund can be made in care of OCLRE at 1700 Lake Shore Drive, Columbus, Ohio 43204. The Centers Board of Trustees and staff are happy to welcome Lisa Eschleman as OCLREs new executive director. Ms. Eschleman is the Centers fifth director in its 30-year history and is the first director who is also a lawyer. It certainly is an honor to follow Deb, Eschleman said. Through her leadership, OCLRE has grown to become one of the most respected programs in the country. As an OCLRE volunteer since 1996, Ms. Eschleman serves as the chairperson of the Mock Trial Case Committee. Previous to her leadership position with the Ohio Environmental Review Appeals Commission, Eschleman served as associate director for pro bono at the Ohio Legal Assistance Foundation, as a senior attorney at the Capital University Law School Family Advocacy Clinic and as a partner with Porter, Wright, Morris & Arthur. Welcome Lisa!

I am sure the students will find those letters with which they agree so they can go on thinking as they already do. Hopefully, they will also discover the importance of difference of opinion, the importance of using correct information in support of arguments and that Freedom of Speech and Freedom of Press are alive and well. Interesting to note, someday these students may say Remember Letters to the EditorRemember newspapers when they were paper?

Keep in touch with the Center and be up-to-date with the latest programming notes, news, and professional development opportunities.


Mock Trial: Opening Statement strategies

by Todd burch, Esq., OCLRE Mock Trial coordinator Editors note: The Center has asked Mock Trial Coordinator Todd Burch to share some tips with readers. Todd first became involved in mock trial through the Centers program in high school and continued his career at the University of Cincinnati where he competed for four years and coached for three years. It would be appropriate to start this column at the beginning: with opening statements. The first thing to note is that its called an opening statement as opposed to a closing argument. The distinction is clear: you should not make arguments in an opening. An opening should explain to the judges your theory of the case and the applicable law and inform them of the evidence and witnesses you plan to present. An effective opening will leave the judges with a clear understanding of your teams view of the case. As with any trial element, an opening can be constructed in many different ways. One structure that I taught my students and is effective in achieving the goals of an opening statement is writing an opening around five main sections: 1) theme 2) story 3) law 4) witnesses 5) repeat theme. Always begin an opening with a strong theme. A theme should succinctly encapsulate the teams theory of the case in a way that the judges will remember throughout the trial. One way to create a theme is to finish the sentence this case is about... . For example, this case is about greed or this case is about choices. The next several sentences should then be spent explaining how greed or choices are important to the case. There are certainly other effective themes such as a quote or a story. Whatever you choose, the theme should be no longer than a few sentences to a paragraph. Students can often be very creative when developing a theme. A brief summary of the story or expected facts of the case from your teams point of view should follow. This section of an opening can build on the theme by further explaining key issues in the case. Be careful not to make arguments or focus on facts that may not come out at trial. Phrases such as it is expected the evidence will show can be effective ways preface facts or testimony. Continue by explaining the applicable law in the case. Again, be careful not to make arguments or legal conclusions. Your goal is simply to explain to the judges what you see as the most important law in the case. This law can often be drawn from the briefs or case law excerpts included in the case materials. Use a paragraph to discuss each witness you will call. Tell the judges who the witness is and what the witness will discuss. Each witness paragraph should conclude with the most important testimony the witness will give. Conclude the opening statement by again recounting your theme or at least an abbreviated version of it. This will reinforce your theme and theory of the case to the judges. The final few sentences should compose the prayer or what you are asking the court to do. For example, at the conclusion of this case the defense will request this Court grant the Motion to Suppress.

Todd burch, Esq. better convey their case theory to the judges and usually score more points in the process. Obviously many students use notes. However, it is important not to rely on notes. A student who never looks up will struggle to connect with the judges. Always remember to make eye contact and use gestures and inflection where appropriate. Even if an opening is given from behind a podium you should make an attempt to move to the extent possible and especially during transitions. Hopefully some of these strategies will help your team deliver more effective opening statements. As always in mock trial, the best approaches are those that make the students comfortable as well as accentuate their strengths and talents.

As with any other aspect of mock trial, presentation is also critically important. An opener who is confident and well spoken will


Defendant uses 5th & 14th Amendments to fight criminal charges in 2013 Mock Trial
State of Ohio v. Dakota Allen
A high school sophomore is suspected of setting a fire at the school that resulted in the death of a maintenance worker. The police then engage in a lengthy interrogation process that involves driving to the scene of the crime and the victims home, as well as various interrogation techniques. Late in the day, the defendant makes a statement claiming responsibility for the fire and is subsequently charged with murder and arson. However, the defendant later recants the confession. The defendant has alleged that the statements were improperly coerced by the police in violation of the Fifth and Fourteenth Amendments and filed a Motion to Suppress.


Mock Trial Competition changes

A team roster is required to complete the registration process. Teams will only be assigned to a competition site if a completed roster is submitted by January 7th. Teams that submit rosters after that date will be allowed to compete only on a space available basis. All scores, including the team score, will be evaluated on a 10-point scale. There will be separate scores for witness direct and witness cross for a total of 110 points per score sheet. Team rosters may only be submitted online at

The Indian Hill High School team is jubilant after winning Mock Trial 2012.

Mock Trial Made Easy

Are you new to mock trial or interested in learning more? This session, the day prior to the Law and Citizenship Conference, will prepare both middle and high school teachers to bring mock trial to their classrooms. Learn to develop legal strategy and perform all steps of a trial including delivering speeches, questioning witnesses and making objections. Attendees will leave this session with a better understanding of how to teach the mock trial process. The program will be led by Lori Urogdy Eiler who has been involved with High School Mock Trial since it was founded 30 years ago. Attendance is complimentary with Law & Citizenship Conference registration, or pay just for the day. Participants will receive a certificate of participation for contact hours. Register online at professionaldevelopment/mocktrial. Please contact Todd Burch, High School Mock Trial program coordinator at (877) 485-3510 or with any questions.

Mock Trial supporters to receive both Center awards in 2012

Mock Trial reminders

The 2013 Ohio Mock Trial Case is released Monday, September 24th at the Centers Law & Citizenship Conference. Team Registration and Request for Materials forms are available now at The registration deadline is December 7th. Teams registering between December 7th and January 7th will be assessed a $30 late fee. Teams registering after January 7th will be able to compete only on a space available basis. Teams withdrawing before January 7th will be assessed a $5 processing fee. The remaining balance will be refunded. After January 7th, no refunds are available. Questions may be submitted regarding the case and answers will be posted to the Errata Sheet at The Errata Sheet will be updated every two weeks beginning October 16th and ending January 22nd. District site assignments and competition times will be released on the Centers website on January 11th.

paul Nick

Ken Donchatz

The Centers board of trustees has voted unanimously to present the 2012 Lori Eiler Award for Coaching Excellence to Paul Nick who is an attorney/advisor for the Thomas Worthington Mock Trial team. In nominating Mr. Nick, Thomas Worthington students cite not only his commitment to the program itself but also his commitment to them as individuals and his dedication to the educational principles that will serve the students well as citizens long after mock trial competition has ended. Ken Donchatz will receive the Centers highest award, the Founders Award for his work on the Westerville School levy to save Mock Trial there. 5


The Case Committee who devoted many hours to create the 2012-2013 Ohio Mock Trial case is gratefully acknowledged: 2012-2013 Ohio Mock Trial Case Committee Sara Clark, Esq., School Boards Association Paul Cox, Esq., Fraternal Order of Police Tyson Crist, Esq., Ice Miller LLP *Lisa Eschleman, Esq., Ohio Center for Law Related Education Bob Hart, Esq. Jon Hsu, Esq., Ohio Environmental Review Appeals Commission Charles Lease, Esq., Law Offices of Charles Lease Julie Lindstrom, Esq. Brad Miller, Esq., Burton Law LLC Kristin Mutchler, Esq., Supreme Court of Ohio Stephanie Graubner Nelson, Esq., Supreme Court of Ohio Diana Ramos Reardon, MPA, JD, Supreme Court of Ohio Jeremy Young, Esq., Roetzel & Andress *Chair of the Case Committee

Fine literature never out of style at MSMT

Middle School Mock Trial is starting its second decade with a classic book that still resonates today. The focus case for the 2012-13 school year will be State of Mississippi v TJ Avery, based on the novel Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry by Mildred Taylor. Set in Great Depression-era Mississippi, this story centers on a family looking to overcome poverty and race relations. Educators can teach themes of tolerance, acceptance, and peace while preparing for mock trial. Bring this interactive, interdisciplinary program to your school by attending a Mock Trial Professional Development on September 22 or November 14. The 11th annual Middle School Mock Trial State Showcase will take place April 11-12, 2013 at the Thomas J. Moyer Ohio Judicial Center in downtown Columbus. For more information or to register for the professional development or state showcase, visit You can also contact Tim Kalgreen at or (614) 485-3515.

2012-2013 High School Mock Trial Competition Committee Jeffrey Ginsburg, Esq. Competition Committee Chair Shirley Cochran, Esq. Attorney at Law and Mediator The Honorable Jerry McBride Clermont County Court of Common Pleas Alvin Bell Retired educator, Hancock County

Middle School Mock Trial students ham it up at the Supreme Court of Ohio following the 2012 showcase. 6

Learn more about Youth for Justice 2013

Professional Development Workshop

who? Teachers, Counselors, School Resource Officers, After-School Program and Youth Group Leaders Wednesday, October 24, 2012 Ohio Center for Law-Related Education 1700 Lake Shore Drive Columbus, OH 43204 Youth for Justice is student-led and designed to empower youth, grades 4 through 9, to be actively engaged citizens who work together to make a positive difference in their community. This workshop will walk you through the program from creating a team and setting goals to facing challenges presenting at the Youth for Justice Summit. $25 for current OCLRE members (1 year OCLRE membership is $30) $70 for non members The 2013 Youth for Justice Summit will be held Tuesday, May 7, 2013 in Columbus, Ohio.

when? where?


These Youth for Justice Students were proud to display their hard work at the Youth Summit.


Contact Sarah Wessling at (877) 485-3510 (toll free) (614) 485-3517 (direct)

State Representative Ted Celeste comes every year to listen to students at the Youth for Justice Summit.

Register today at


Sb 165

We the People Updates

We the People creates Constitutional scholars like these students at both the middle and high school level. Especially with the passage of SB 165, We the People is one of the best resources a teacher can use when it comes to teaching the founding documents. The curriculum allows students to thoroughly examine the US Constitution, the Bill of Rights, and the Declaration of Independence. Learn more about We the People at one of the professional developments this school year: October 10, 2012 and January 25, 2013. Both will be held in Columbus. Information about the professional development programs can be found at development/wethepeople or by contacting Tim Kalgreen at (614) 485-3515 or The Center for Civic Education is considering a Middle School We the People National Competition in the spring of 2013. All Middle School We the People classes with 15 or more students will be eligible, with a limit of 56 classes nationally, on a first-come, first-served basis. Currently, the Center for Civic Education is gauging interest, feasibility, and pricing. If you are interested or would like more information, contact Bob Leming at


Free Materials to Teach the Constitution to a Wired Generation

Constitution Classroom uses current Supreme Court cases about students and actual issues they face in todays world to teach them about the Constitution. Nearly 200 pages of lesson plans, activities, and PowerPoints were developed by lawyers and written for teachers. These materials are a public service of the Ohio State Bar Foundation to enhance student understanding of the Constitution. In addition, OSBF lawyers are available as resource speakers in your classroom. Constitution Classroom is accessible online at Teachers can also contact Beth Gillespie at or (614) 4874474 for a free DVD and notebook. Center on Congress announces New Civic Quotes application for ipad Now available as a free app. for the iPad and also on the web, Civic Quotes is a new resource that uses notable quotations and images to teach about American government and citizenship in an engaging, interactive way. Teachers can use Civic Quotes in the classroom to supplement their civics, government, or American history curricula. The quotes and images also can be used as discussion starters, encouraging the students to learn more about the person being quoted and the history of the event. To access Civic Quotes on an iPad or the web, go to http://


The Law & Citizenship Conference will offer sessions that are highly recommended for elementary school teachers!
Here is a sampling of sessions that fit the needs of elementary teachers: My Ohio: A Closer Look at Local, State, and National Citizenship Activities through an Ohio Lens Addressing the Northwest Ordinance & Ohio Constitution Elementary School Teaching with an iPad OCLRE Programs Across the Curriculum We the People: Teaching the Founding Documents and Literacy in Social Studies Its Learning: An Online Platform And of course, all keynote and plenary sessions will provide content important for all grade levels: The Ohio Constitution by Ohio Supreme Court Justice Robert Cupp Ohio: The Heart of It All Politically by Ohio Republican Party Chairman Bob Bennett and Ohio Democratic Party Chairman Chris Redfern The Ohio Secretary of State by Secretary of State Jon Husted

Teachers are delighted to receive a jump drive loaded with more than 30 ready-to-use lessons and resources at the Law & Citizenship Conference. Attendees receive a flash drive with 30+ lessons and resources relating to the conference sessions to help you bring even more back to the classroom. Participants receive a contact hour certificate; and graduate credit from Ashland University is also available. Come rejuvenate your learning at the 22nd annual Law & Citizenship Conference on September 23-24. Visit LawAndCitizenshipConference/default.htm to register or for more details.

They made a difference!

The Classroom, Its a Changin continued from page 1

Much More
There will be sessions on financial literacy, mock trial, social studies literacy, and more. And if the content sessions werent enough, all attendees receive a flash drive with lesson plans, websites, and resources to help bring the conference back to your classroom. Graduate credit from Ashland University and contact hours are available as well! While things may be changing in the world, you can still expect a solid, informative, and fun conference from the Ohio Center for LawRelated Education. Visit LawAndCitizenshipConference/default.htm and sign up to attend today! The texting while driving project Citizen team from Main Elementary School poses with Governor Kasich after witnessing the House vote banning texting while driving in Ohio. They were invited because of their continued involvement with the passing of the bill. 9


Law & Citizenship Conference Sessions by Day

Monday, September 24, 2012
Sessions subject to change. Visit http://www. default.htm for complete session descriptions and for the most up-to-date information Title: MY OHIO: A Closer Look at Local, State, and National Citizenship Activities through an Ohio Lens presenter: Cindi Gahris Snyder, retired educator Title: ODE and SB 165: What it Means and What ODE is Doing presenter: Dwight Groce, social studies consultant, Ohio Department of Education Title: Objection, Sustained: Teaching the Rules of Evidence and Using Objections presenter: Kevin Hillery, principal, Archbishop Hoban High School; Dan Cody, Esq., legal advisor, Archbishop Hoban High School Title: A View from the Bench: A Discussion with Experienced Mock Trial Judges presenter: Todd Burch, Ohio Center for LawRelated Education; Julie Lindstrom, Esq.; Bob Hart, Esq.

Politics and the 2012 Elections

Title: Civic Learning Through Practice presenter: Jon Husted, Ohio Secretary of State Title: Electoral College 102 presenter: Al Bell, retired educator Title: Ohio: The Heart of It All Politically presenter: Bob Bennett, chair, Ohio Republican Party & Chris Redfern, chair, Ohio Democratic Party Title: Parties, Candidates, and Issues 2012 presenter: TBA Title: Political Ideology Beyond Conservative and Liberal: Lessons for all Students in High School Social Studies presenter: Drew Ostendorf, teacher, Sycamore High School Title: Politics & Media in the Changing World presenter: Ann Fisher, host & executive producer, WOSU Radio

Social Studies Literacy

Title: OCLRE Programs Across the Curriculum presenter: Jared Reitz, director of programs, Ohio Center for Law-Related Education Title: Why Do We Have to Read? This Isnt English Class! Literacy Instruction in Social Studies Classes presenter: Lisa Eubanks, teacher and literacy coach, Ross High School

Other Sessions of Interest

Title: Civic Voices: An International Democracy Memory Bank presenters: Matt Doran; Michelle StasaColeman; Doreen Uhas Sauer; Hal Howard teachers, Columbus City Schools Title: Free Resources on Financial Literacy for Ohios Youth presenter: Bob Niemi, Ohio Department of Commerce, Division of Financial Institutions

Technology in the Classroom

Title: Its Learning: An Online Learning Platform presenter: Barb Adams, teacher, North Union Middle School, Chuck Pollington, Its Learning Title: Social Media in the Classroom presenter: Professor Mary Lia Reiter, Columbus State Community College Title: Teaching with the iPad presenter: Professor Mary Lia Reiter, Columbus State Community College

Founding Documents - SB165

Title: Addressing the Northwest Ordinance & Ohio Constitution Elementary School presenter: Virginia Moore, social studies content specialist, Ohio Resource Center Title: Addressing the Northwest Ordinance & Ohio Constitution Middle School presenter: Virginia Moore, social studies content specialist, Ohio Resource Center Title: The Basics: The Ohio Constitution presenter: David Gold, Esq., Ohio Legislative Service Commission Title: Dust Off Those Old Documents presenter: Cheryl Campbell, Amelia High School

It Is Easy Being Green

Times have changed, Kermit. And the Center is doing its best to keep up. In an effort to be environmentally conscious, and to continue to provide quality service and convenience to those we serve, the Center now offers online registration. Whether you wish to attend professional development, register a team for an upcoming competition or youre interested in serving as a volunteer, you may do so in a matter of clicks, saving time and paper. Payments and purchase orders can be accepted via our secure site. Visit today and get involved!

Mock Trial
Title: 2013 Ohio High School Mock Trial Case Presentation presenters: Todd Burch, Esq., Ohio Center for Law-Related Education; Lisa Eschleman, Esq., 2013 High School Mock Trial Case Committee chair, Ohio Center for Law Related Education; Bob Hart, Esq., 2013 High School Mock Trial Case Committee member Title: Confession and the Fifth Amendment presenters: Doug Jerome, chief of police, Brookville Police Department; Bob Bowman, chief of police, Perry Twp. Police Department


Sunday, September 23, 2012

Sessions subject to change. Visit http://www. default.htm for complete session descriptions and for the most up-to-date information. Title: The Power of Collaboration: Using Literature to Improve Literacy and to Prepare Students to Become Effective Citizens in the 21st Century presenters: Bryan Ashkettle, Robert Northrup, Jess Tresko, Jennifer Wobser, teachers, Solon High School

Conference Speakers
Justice Robert Cupp, Supreme Court of Ohio An Insiders View of the Ohio Constitution

Politics and the 2012 Elections

Title: American Presidential Campaigns and Political Memorabilia presenter: Jim Taylor, history & methods instructor, University of Findlay Title: Analyzing the Ads presenter: TBA Title: Electoral College 101 presenter: Al Bell, retired educator Title: Electoral College 102 presenter: Al Bell, retired educator Title: Tweet the Vote: Voter Empowerment and Social Media presenter: Shakyra Diaz, policy director, ACLU of Ohio

Technology in the Classroom

Title: Implementing Google: What A New Generation of Teachers is Bringing to the Classroom presenter: Katie Post, Howard Gilson, preservice professionals, Miami University Title: Its Learning: An Online Learning Platform presenter: Barb Adams, teacher, North Union Middle School; Chuck Pollington, Its Learning Title: Tweet the Vote: Voter Empowerment and Social Media presenter: Shakyra Diaz, policy director, ACLU of Ohio

Jon Husted, Ohio Secretary of State Civic Learning Through Practice

Mary Lia Reiter, professor, Columbus State Community College Social Media in the Classroom

ann Fisher, host & executive producer, WOSU Radio Politics & Media in the Changing World

Founding Documents
Title: Dust Off Those Old Documents presenter: Cheryl Campbell, Amelia High School Title: An Insiders View of the Ohio Constitution presenter: Justice Robert Cupp, Supreme Court of Ohio Title: Northwest Ordinance presenter: Jared Reitz, M.Ed., director of programs, Ohio Center for Law-Related Education Title: ODE and SB 165: What it Means and What ODE is Doing presenter: Dwight Groce, social studies consultant, Ohio Department of Education Title: We the People: Teaching the Founding Documents and Literacy in Social Studies presenter: Mike Browning, teacher, Gahanna Middle School South

Mock Trial
Title: Mock Trial Behind the Scenes: Strategies for Successfully Managing a Mock Trial Program presenter: Robert Rivera, teacher, Solon High School Title: Taking the Stand: Developing Effective Witnesses presenter: Josh Leckrone, Esq., legal advisor, University of Cincinnati Mock Trial Title: A View from the Bench: A Discussion with Experienced Mock Trial Judges presenter: Todd Burch, Ohio Center for LawRelated Education; Shirley Cochran, Esq., 2012 High School Mock Trial Competition Committee member; Kara Keating, Esq., assistant prosecuting attorney, Franklin County Prosecutors Office; Josh Leckrone, Esq., University of Cincinnati Mock Trial Legal Advisor
Katie post, pre-service professional, Miami University Implementing Google: What a New Generation of Teachers is Bringing to the Classroom

Lisa Eubanks, teacher, Ross High School Why Do We Have to Read? This Isnt English Class! Literacy Instruction in Social Studies Classes Virginia Moore, formerly with ODE, social studies Contact for the Ohio Resource Center

Other Topics of Interest

Title: A Little Economic Analysis Goes a Long Way presenter: Doug Haskell, Economics Center, University of Cincinnati

Social Studies Literacy

Title: OCLRE Programs Across the Curriculum presenter: Jared Reitz, director of programs, Ohio Center for Law-Related Education

Drew Ostendorf, teacher, Sycamore High School Political Ideology beyond Conservative & Liberal


Thank You, Donors!

The Ohio Center for Law-Related Education is grateful to the following individuals and organizations for their kind and generous support of our mission to partner with teachers to bring citizenship to life. Donations listed were given between August 1, 2011 and July 31, 2012. Many parents recognized teachers who have made a difference in their childrens lives. Congratulations and thank you! Sponsors Supreme Court of Ohio Attorney General of Ohio Ohio State Bar Association American Civil Liberties Union of Ohio Foundation Corporate & Charitable Funders Ohio State Bar Foundation Barnes & Noble Books Giant Eagle Half-Price Books Huffmans Market Kroger Sams Club Target $1000 or more Daniel Hilson, Esq., in celebration of Deborah DeHaan $500 - $999 Anonymous Richard Dove, Esq., in celebration of Deborah DeHaan Jeff Lyttle, in celebration of Deborah DeHaan Terence Sullivan, in celebration of Deborah DeHaan $300 - $499 Lee Belardo, Esq., in celebration of Deborah DeHaan Deb Schimmoeller, in celebration of Democracys Boot Camp National Underground Railroad Freedom Center $200 - $299 Alvin R. Bell Joseph Rakowski Pierce Reed, Esq. Marion Smithberger, in celebration of Deborah DeHaan $100-$199 Thomas Adamec, in celebration of Stephen Adamec Douglas Buchanan & Christine Ardley Robert Debelak, in celebration of Coreen Debelak and teacher Carol Hoover, Mentor HS Mark Dickman Thomas E. Friedman, Esq., in celebration of Deborah DeHaan Jeffrey Houser, Esq. Nancy Patterson, Ph.D. Diana Ramos-Reardon, Esq., in celebration of Deborah DeHaan D. Sangeeta & R. Mukund, in celebration of S.M. DiPali Thomas & Margaret Webster $50 - $99 Challa Ajit, in celebration of Nayanjka Challa; teacher Greg Bell, Centerville HS, and Fred Dressel, Esq. Shirley Cochran Joseph & Tracy Dankoff, in celebration of Archbishop Hoban HS Mock Trial teams 2011 & 2012 The Hon. Mike Fain, Second District Court of Appeals, in honor of Sophia Qin Wu Ken & Kari Habegger, in celebration of Mitchell Habegger and teacher Zach Wilkerson of Westerville North HS Mark Halstead & Barbara Ramlo-Halstead, in celebration of the Wyoming HS Mock Trial team Robert & Deborah Hutchins, in celebration of Stephen Hutchins and teacher Kelly Cronin of Summit Country Day School Georgia Lang Clyde Miyagawa Donald Wietmarschen Vera Yodovina $26-$49 Debby Cooper Gregg Flowers, in celebration of teacher Chad Sinnot, Lancaster HS Theresa Hairston Vicci & Brett Jaffe, in celebration of Dorrian Jaffe and teachers Kelly Tederous & Jane Hubbard, Upper Arlington HS Tim Kalgreen Melissa & Tim Quick Amanda Smith, in celebration of Lia Smith and teacher Jeff Eckles, Riverside HS Kate Strickland Victoria Unger Donald Wise, in celebration of Lauren Wise and teacher Robert Rivera, Solon HS Up to $25 Cliff & Christine Clore, in celebration of Sarah Clore and teacher Jen Calvo, Tuscarawas Central Catholic HS Scott & Patricia Neill, in celebration of Gene Neill and teacher Kim Wile, Warren HS Richard F. Simcox Shobha Wani


Where are they now?

Editors note: If you know where a Center alum is located, please let us know! In the ten years Warren Local has been part of the OCLRE Mock Trial program, seven students have attended law school, including Casey arnold who has just finished her first year at Yale School of Law. Chas Runco, a former Steubenville High School 2002 mock trial team member, lives in Denver, Colorado and is an attorney for The Tipton Law Firm, P.C. Edward Littlejohn, Jr., a former Steubenville High School 2004 mock trial team member, lives in Steubenville and is an attorney with his own practice in Winterville. Ohio. Five-time Best Attorney in 95, Mary beth Elllis Hunter, a student at Mother of Mercy High School, is a freelance writer who is at work on her second book while providing content for She writes, In 2009 I found myself in traffic court, but emerged victorious because I calmed myself with the knowledge that Id certainly argued in a courtroom before! A 1985 graduate of Mother of Mercy High School, Maureen boeing was a member of one of the two Mock Trial teams Mercy fielded that year. Coached by their history teacher and a local attorney both Mercy teams met in the finals that year, so Mercy was destined to win. Ms. Boeing was the prosecuting attorney on her team, and even had her 15 minutes of fame when her picture made it into the Cincinnati Enquirer from one of the competitions. 27 years later, she is 20 years into a career in the insurance worldwhich, she says, Comes close to the legal field sometimes when you have to read and interpret insurance policies for clients! alycia walker, a member of Readings 2008 final four team, led her Miami University team to a 6th and 4th place finish in the 2011 and 2012 National Collegiate mock trial competition. She plans to attend Chase Law School at Northern Kentucky University this fall. Nick Dismukes, from the 2006 Jackson Mock Trial team that finished 10th in Ohio, attended Ohio State University and competed for 3 years on its mock trial team. He currently is attending the Indiana University McKinney School of Law and has been on its mock trial team for two years. Dismukes also works as an intern in the in-house claims department for Baldwin and Lyons Insurance Corporation. pratik Shaw, who was part of an Archbishop Hoban State Championship team in 1994, clerked for Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer and now works as an attorney in the Solicitor Generals office. Pratik has argued cases before the Supreme Court in that role! alex bluebond, Hoban class of 2006, this year coached the Duke University Mock Trial team (undergraduate) to its first national championship. Alex is coaching the team as he attends law school at Duke. Michael Hendershot, a former We the People student at Findlay High School, is an attorney at the Attorney Generals office and has judged WTP. Another former We the People student at Findlay, Robert Sprague, is a member of the Ohio House of Representatives, representing Ohio House District 76.

Mentor Teachers for Center Programs

High School Mock Trial Kevin Hillery HilleryK@Hoban.rog Dick Smith Lori Eiler Steve Reger we the people (Elementary School) Miriam Herrick Anne Barnett barnetta@ Julie Nelson we the people (High School) Mark Dickman mdickman@ Bob Priest Curt Hansen PJ Babb Middle School Mock Trial Jim Holmes James_holmes@ Jenny Ainsworth Matt Berkal we the people (Middle School) Deb Schimmoeller Schimmoeller_d@ Phil Hammer Jenny Ainsworth project Citizen Martha Verde Jessica Parthemore Jessica.parthemore@ Scarlett Meyer Deborah Glynn Deb.glynn@ Nancy Clendenen Youth for Justice Teddy Mwonyonyi Teddy.n.mwonyonyi@ Joan Paskert Amita Snyder Ohio Government in action Julie Oswalt (Elementary School) James Lautzenheiser (High School) Lautzenheiser.james@ Melissa Kendralla (High School) 13

Center offers Transition Special for 3rd and 4th Grade Teachers
To make it easier to transition to the new standards The Ohio Center for LawRelated Education is offering a special discount on MY OHIO: A Closer Look at Local, State and National Citizenship Activities through an Ohio Lens. CDs versions of the text for 3rd and 4th grades are being offered for $15 each with membership of $30, shipping is free. This special is for a limited time only. The 3rd grade material is centered on the local community while the 4th grade content is Ohio and the National Government through an Ohio lens; perfect for the new standards. The activities offered are not the typical paper/pencil type activities. Lessons are aimed at an in-depth understanding of local, state and national governments, necessary and historical documents (local charters, Ohio Constitution, The Declaration of independence and the U.S. Constitution) as well as lessons on citizenship rights and responsibilities. Also included are lessons that prepare students as future global citizens and citizen with a better understanding and appreciation of the cultural, religious, and ethnic diversity that surrounds us especially in Ohio. MY OHIO is aligned to the 2010 Ohio Academic Content Standards for the Social Studies. To review MY OHIO and the related standards, go to to order, go to For additional information contact Jared Reitz, director of programs at or toll free at 877485-3510.

Activities and Lessons for Grades 3-4


Supreme Court Spotlight

The Supreme Court of Ohio is a Center sponsor that also offers tours, exhibits and other resources through its Civic Education Center including a You Decide exhibit that describes interesting or important Ohio court cases. Educators may find it useful to discuss the cases in class and encourage students to offer their thoughts regarding an appropriate outcome. Students may also research the issues in the cases using the US Constitution or Ohio Constitution and Ohio Revised Code, both of which are available online at http://www.

State v. Moore
This case involves Fourth Amendment protections against unreasonable searches and seizures. The Center examined similar issues in the 2011-2012 State of Ohio v. Storm Jackson Mock Trial case. Facts: A state trooper thought he smelled marijuana inside a car he pulled over. While the driver sat in the patrol car, the trooper called to check on the license. Even though the license was valid, the trooper decided to search the interior and trunk of the car. Marijuana was found in the trunk, but not inside the car. The driver filed a motion contesting his arrest, claiming that the search of the trunk was unconstitutional. Issue: Under the Fourth Amendment, does the smell of burning marijuana justify a search without a warrant? Holding: The Supreme Court of Ohio ruled that the smell of marijuana was enough to justify a police search without a warrant.

for the stadium, the newspaper was denied permission. Officials said many of the expense records were kept by private companies hired to build the stadium and they were not open to the public. The newspaper went to court to obtain the records. Issue: Are the records considered public and accessible by the newspaper? Holding: The Supreme Court of Ohio held the records were public and ordered them released to the newspaper. The public had a right to know about cost overruns since the structure was built with public funds, regardless of who held the records.

or jacket as required by Ohio regulation. Bontrager argued in court that the rule violates the U.S. and Ohio Constitutions. Issue: Does the regulation requiring hunters to wear bright orange clothing violate Amish religious freedoms? Holding: The Court of Appeals in Hardin County (3rd District Court of Appeals) weighed the Amish obligation to wear dark colors with the responsibility of the state to regulate hunting for safety. The court ruled that it was not a violation of religious freedom because hunting is recreational and not central to the Amish faith. The Supreme Court of Ohio Visitor Education Center features interactive exhibits, bold graphics and video clips that convey the role, responsibilities and history of the Ohio judiciary. Supreme Court visits include mock trial activities for elementary and middle school students, while high school students breakdown exhibit topics and learn the value of civilized debate. Visits can be arranged for groups between 8-120 people. Call (614) 3879223 to schedule a tour.

Cincinnati Enquirer v. Krings

This case examines whether certain records and information are public or private. The Centers 1991-1992 Koe v. Provider X Mock Trial case also focused on this issue. Facts: Paul Brown Stadium, home of the Cincinnati Bengals, was financed by a sales tax increase approved by Hamilton County voters. When The Cincinnati Enquirer asked to inspect all records related to cost overruns

State v. Bontrager
This case involves issues of religious freedom under the First Amendment. The Centers 2007-2008 The Peoples Church v. The City of Urbanopolis Mock Trial case explored a similar issue. Facts: As a member of the Older Order of Amish faith, Joas Bontrager is supposed to wear dark blue or black clothing at all times. While deer hunting, he was cited by officers for not wearing an orange colored hat, vest


P.O. Box 16562 Columbus, Ohio 43216-6562 1700 Lake Shore Drive Columbus, Ohio 43204 614-485-3510 Toll free 877-485-3510


Schedule of events for 2012-2013

September 11&12: Ohio Government in Action Thomas J. Moyer Ohio Judicial Center September 22: Mock Trial Professional Development (MS & HS) Dublin Justice Center September 23 & 24: Law & Citizenship Conference Crowne Plaza - Dublin October 10: We the People Professional Development (all grade levels) October 24: Youth for Justice Professional Development October 30: Project Citizen Professional Development November 14: Middle School Mock Trial Professional Development January 25: We the People High School Competition - Thomas J. Moyer Ohio Judicial Center January 25: We the People Professional Development - Thomas J. Moyer Ohio Judicial Center February 1: High School Mock Trial District Competition February 22: High School Mock Trial Regional Competition March 7-9: High School Mock Trial State Competition Columbus april 11&12: Middle School Mock Trial Showcase May 7: Youth for Justice Summit Riffe Center, Columbus May 17: Middle School We the People Showcase

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