Víctor Falguera: Curriculum Vitae

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Vctor Falguera
Date of fulfillment: 05/16/2013 Date of birth: 10/17/1985

Personal postal address: 33 Dr. Robert, Albatrrec (Lleida, Spain). 25171. Phone number: 0034 620615916 E-mail: victorfalguera@gmail.com

Current professional status

Organization: Institute of Agrifood Research and Technology (IRTA) Dept./Sect./Str. Unit: Irrigation Technology. Postal address: 191 Rovira Roure, Lleida (Spain). 25198. Starting date: 01/01/2013 End date: 04/30/2013

Academic training
Degree B.D. Agricultural Technical Engineer B.D. Agricultural Engineer Master of Research in Agricultural Production Systems Ph.D. Food Science and Technology Ph. D. Engineering and Advanced Technologies Center University of Lleida (UdL) University of Lleida (UdL) University of Lleida (UdL) University of Lleida (UdL) University of Barcelona (UB) Date 07/10/2006 07/03/2008 10/07/2009 10/17/2012 03/07/2013

Professional expertise
1) Organization: University of Lleida (UdL) Dept./Sect./Str. Unit: Food Technology Department Postal address: 191 Rovira Roure, Lleida (Spain). 25198. Starting date: 01/01/2009 End date: 12/31/2012

Duration: 4 years

Languages of scientific interest (Regular, Sufficient, Well)

Language Catalan Spanish English Speak Well Well Well Read Well Well Well Write Well Well Well


Achievements (Scholarships and awards)

Classification: Scholarships Issue: Collaboration scholarship for teaching material edition in the Food Technology Department of the Agricultural Engineering Superior School of the University of Lleida (ETSEAUdL). Dates: 03/05/2007 - 05/25/2007 Broad field: Local Classification: Scholarships Issue: Collaboration scholarship of the Ministerio de Educacin y Ciencia of the Spanish Government in the Food Technology Department of the Agricultural Engineering Superior School of the University of Lleida (ETSEA-UdL), in the project Preparation of emulsions of encapsulated melanin synthesized in a bioreactor. Effects on food nutrients in a model digestion. Dates: 01/07/2008 - 06/30/2008 Broad field: National Classification: Scholarships Issue: Researcher training scholarship (Formaci de personal investigador, FI-A) of the Catalan Government (Resoluci de 9 de desembre de 2008). Dates: 01/01/2009 - 07/31/2009 Broad field: National Classification: Scholarships Issue: University teacher-training program scholarship (Formacin de Profesorado Universitario, FPU) of the Ministerio de Educacin y Ciencia of the Spanish Government, (Resolucin de 8 de julio de 2009, de la Secretara General de Universidades, BOE del 11-072009). Dates: 08/01/2009 - 12/31/2012 Broad field: National Classification: Awards Issue: Extraordinary award of Agricultural Technical Engineer of the University of Lleida (140/2007, Consell de Govern de 21 de juny de 2007, BOU n 89). Broad field: Local Classification: Awards Issue: Second National Award in the category of Agricultural Technical Engineer of the academic year 2005-2006 (Orden ECI/3313/2007, de 24 de octubre, BOE 274 de 15/11/2007). Broad field: National Classification: Awards Issue: Extraordinary award of Agricultural Engineer of the University of Lleida (128/2009, Consell de Govern de 27 de maig de 2009, BOU n 110). Broad field: Local Classification: Awards Issue: Second National Award in the category of Agricultural Engineer of the academic year 2007-2008, (Resolucin de 24 de abril de 2010, BOE 108 de 04/05/2010). Broad field: National


Research Stays
Year: 2010. Country: Colombia. City: Ibagu. Center: Centro de Desarrollo Agroindustrial del Tolima. Universidad del Tolima. Topic: Characterization of polyphenol oxidase activity in tropical fruits. Duration: 1 month. Year: 2011. Country: United States of America. City: Pullman (WA). Center: Center for Nonthermal Processing of Food. Washington State University. Topics: (1): Inactivation of polyphenol oxidase in apple juices from different varieties using high hydrostatic pressure. (2): Improving Thermal Processing of Foods Sealed in Military-Ration Polymeric Trays. Duration: 4 months.

Participation in Research Projects

Project title: Improving Thermal Processing of Foods Sealed in Military-Ration Polymeric Trays (Phase I). Center: Washington State University. Principal Investigator: Gustavo V. Barbosa-Cnovas. Funding body: Defense Logistics Agency (US Department of Defense). Project dates: From: 2009 To: 2011 (Phase I) Participation: From: 2011 To: 2011 Project title: Inactivacin de enzimas, degradacin de compuestos txicos y efectos colaterales en zumos de frutas mediante irradiacin UV. Center: Universitat de Lleida. Principal Investigator: Albert Ibarz Ribas. Funding body: Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovacin (Spanish Government). Project dates: From: 2011 To: 2014 Participation: From: 2011 To: 2014

Membership of professional associations

Association: International Society of Food Engineering (ISFE-IUFoST). From: 2010. Broad field: International. Association: Associaci Catalana de Cincies de lAlimentaci (ACCA-IEC). From: 2011. Broad field: National.


Teaching experience
Academic year: 2010-2011 Subjects: Food chemistry and physics; Principles of food biotechnology. Degrees: B.D. in Agricultural Technical Engineering; B.D. in Agricultural Engineering. Teaching hours: 40. Academic year: 2011-2012 Subjects: Food chemistry and physics; Food biotechnology; Innovation in the fruit juice industry (subject coordinator). Degrees: B.D. in Agricultural Technical Engineering; B.D. in Biotechnology; Master in Management and Innovation in the Food Industry. Teaching hours: 40. Acedemic year: From 2008-2009 to 2012-2013 Subject: 9 directed or co-directed end-of-cycle projects of students from the degrees: B.D. in Agricultural Technical Engineering; B.D. in Agricultural Engineering; B.D. in Biotechnology; Master in Management and Innovation in the Food Industry. 7 directed or co-directed research stay projects of students from the Institut Universitaire de Technologie (IUT) Crteil-Vitry (Universit Paris-Est Val de Marne).

Other important activities

Classification: Technical projects funded by private enterprises. Issue: Study on the possibilities of use of calcium pidolate in the production of fruit juices, jams and gelatins, as well as their impact on the physical and organoleptic qualities of these products. Indstries GMB, S.A. Dates: 09/20/2008 - 12/31/2008 Broad field: Local Classification: Scientific referee. Issue: Project evaluator for Program Ideas Exploratory Research Projects (PCE), National Council for Scientific Research, Romania (2011). Dates: 2011 Broad field: National Classification: Scientific referee. Issue: Scientific referee for the JCR-indexed journals: Food Chemistry, LWT-Food Science & Technology, Journal of Food Engineering, European Food Research & Technology, Food Biophysics, Journal of Food Biochemistry, Chemistry of Materials, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Environmental Engineering and Management Journal, Brazilian Journal of Chemical Engineering. Dates: 2011- current Broad field: International Classification: Public office. Issue: Councilor for Education in the Council of Albatrrec (Lleida, Spain). Dates: 06/11/2011 05/10/2013 Broad field: Local Classification: Public office. Issue: Mayor of Albatrrec (Lleida, Spain). Dates: 05/10/2013 current Broad field: Local 4/9

Publications or Scientific-technical documents (JCR-indexed Journal publications)

1) Ibarz R, Falguera V, Garvn A, Garza S, Pagn J, Ibarz A. (2009). Flow behavior of clarified orange juice at low temperatures. Journal of Texture Studies, 40, 445-456. 2) Falguera V, Ibarz A. (2010). A new model to describe flow behaviour of concentrated orange juice. Food Biophysics, 5, 114-119. 3) Falguera V, Mengual A, Vicente M, Ibarz A. (2010). Effect of calcium pidolate on the rheological characteristics of jams and gelatins. Food Research International, 43, 882-885. 4) Ibarz A, Falguera V, Garza S, Garvn A. (2010). Rheology of redcurrant juices. Afinidad, LXVII (549), 335-341. 5) Ibarz A, Falguera V, Garvn A. (2010). Rheological and thixotropic behavior of banana (Musa cavendishii) puree. Afinidad, LXVII (550), 415-420. 6) Falguera V, Vlez-Ruiz JF, Alins V, Ibarz A. (2010). Rheological behaviour of concentrated mandarin juice at low temperatures. International Journal of Food Science and Technology, 45, 21942200. 7) Falguera V, Pagn J, Ibarz A. (2010). A kinetic model describing melanin formation by means of mushroom tyrosinase. Food Research International, 43, 66-69. 8) Falguera V, Gatius F, Pagn J, Ibarz A. (2010). Kinetic analysis of melanogenesis by means of Agaricus bisporus tyrosinase. Food Research International, 43, 1174-1179. 9) Augusto PED, Falguera V, Cristianini M, Ibarz A. (2011). Influence of fibre addition on the rheological properties of peach juice. International Journal of Food Science and Technology, 46, 1086-1092. 10) Falguera V, Quintero JP, Jimnez A, Muoz JA, Ibarz A. (2011). Edible films and coatings: Structures, active functions and trends in their use. Trends in Food Science & Technology, 22, 292-303. 11) Falguera V, Pagn J, Ibarz A. (2011). Effect of UV irradiation on enzymatic activities and physicochemical properties of apple juices from different varieties. LWT - Food Science and Technology, 44, 115-119. 12) Falguera V, Miarnau O, Pagn J, Ibarz A. (2011). Inhibitory effect of melanins from Agaricus bisporus polyphenol oxidase and two different substrates on carboxypeptidases A and B activity. European Food Research and Technology, 223, 1075-1079. 13) Falguera V, Esplugas S, Vicente M, Ibarz A. (2011). Modeling of absorbed radiation profiles in a system composed by a plane photoreactor and a single lamp. Food Research International, 44, 3111-3114. 14) Falguera V, Pagn J, Garza S, Garvn A, Ibarz A. (2011). Ultraviolet processing of liquid food: A review. Part 1: Fundamental engineering aspects. Food Research International, 44, 1571-1579. 15) Falguera V, Pagn J, Garza S, Garvn A, Ibarz A. (2011). Ultraviolet processing of liquid food: A review. Part 2: Effects on microorganisms and on food components and properties. Food Research International, 44, 1580-1588. 5/9

16) Falguera V, Ibarz A. (2011). Inhibitory effect of enzymatic browning products on trypsin activity. Afinidad, LXVIII (556), 435-438. 17) Augusto PED, Falguera V, Cristianini M, Ibarz A. (2012). Rheological Behavior of Tomato Juice: Steady-State Shear and Time-Dependent Modeling. Food and Bioprocess Technology, 5, 1715-1723. 18) Ibarz A, Falguera V, Garza S, Garvn A. (2012). Discoloration Kinetics of Clarified Apple Juice Treated with Lewatit S4528 Adsorbent Resin During Processing. Food and Bioprocess Technology, 5, 2132-2139. 19) Falguera V, Snchez-Riao AM, Quintero-Cern JP, Rivera-Barrero CA, Mndez-Arteaga, JJ, Ibarz A. (2012). Characterization of polyphenol oxidase activity in juices from 12 underutilized tropical fruits with high agroindustrial potential. Food and Bioprocess Technology, 5, 2921-2927. 20) Falguera V, Gatius F, Pascual M, Villar JM, Cubero MA, Ibarz A, Rufat J. (2012). Influence of fresh and processed fruit quality attributes on peach pure consistency index. LWT - Food Science and Technology, 45, 123-131. 21) Echavarra AP, Falguera V, Torras C, Berdn C, Pagn J, Ibarz A. (2012). Ultrafiltration and reverse osmosis for clarification and concentration of fruit juices at pilot plant scale. LWT Food Science and Technology, 46, 189-195. 22) Falguera V, Aliguer N, Falguera M. (2012). An integrated approach to current trends in food consumption: Moving toward functional and organic products? Food Control, 26, 274-281. 23) Falguera V, Pagn J, Garza S, Garvn A, Ibarz A. (2012). Inactivation of polyphenol oxidase by ultraviolet irradiation: Protective effect of melanins. Journal of Food Engineering, 110, 305-309. 24) Falguera V, Gatius F, Ibarz A, Barbosa-Cnovas GV. (2012). Changes on colour parameters caused by high-pressure processing of apple juice made from six different varieties. International Journal of Food Science and Technology, 47, 2158-2164. 25) Falguera V, Garza S, Pagn J, Garvn A, Ibarz A. (2012). Effect of UVvis irradiation on enzymatic activities and physicochemical properties of four grape musts from different varieties. Food and Bioprocess Technology (in press), DOI: 10.1007/s11947-012-0781-1. 26) Falguera V, Forns M, Ibarz A. (2012). Effect of UV-vis irradiation of must on Cabernet Franc and Xarello wines chemical quality. International Journal of Food Science and Technology, 47, 2015-2020. 27) Falguera V, Gatius F, Ibarz A, Barbosa-Cnovas GV. (2012). Kinetic and multivariate analysis of polyphenol oxidase inactivation by high pressure and temperature processing in apple juices made from six different varieties. Food and Bioprocess Technology (in press), DOI: 10.1007/s11947-012-0874-x. 28) Falguera V, Folch A, Garvn A, Ibarz A. (2012). Protective effect of melanoidins from fructose-glutamic acid on polyphenol oxidase inactivation by ultraviolet-visible irradiation. Food and Bioprocess Technology (in press), DOI: 10.1007/s11947-012-0887-5. 29) Falguera V, Lordan J, Gatius F, Pascual M, Villar JM, Ibarz A, Rufat J. (2012). Influence of nitrogen fertilization on polyphenol oxidase activity in peach fruits. Scientia Horticulturae, 142, 155-157. 6/9

30) Ibarz A, Pagn J, Garvn A, Ibarz R, Gatius F, Falguera V. (2012). Enzymatic peeling and discoloration of Red Bartlett pears. International Journal of Food Science and Technology (in press), DOI: 10.1111/ijfs.12009. 31) Falguera V, Moulin A, Thevenet L, Ibarz A. (2012). Inactivation of peroxidase by ultravioletvisible irradiation. Effect of pH and melanoidin content. Food and Bioprocess Technology (in press), DOI: 10.1007/s11947-012-1019-y. 32) Falguera V, Vicente M, Garvn A, Ibarz A. (2013). Flow behavior of clarified pear and apple juices at subzero temperatures. Journal of Food Processing and Preservation, 37, 133-138. 33) Augusto PED, Falguera V, Cristianini M, Ibarz A. (2013). Viscoelastic Properties of Tomato Juice: Applicability of the CoxMerz Rule. Food and Bioprocess Technology, 6, 839-843. 34) Falguera V, Forns M, Ibarz A. (2013). UV-vis irradiation: an alternative to reduce SO2 in white wines? LWT-Food Science and Technology, 51, 59-64. 35) Falguera V, Garvn A, Garza S, Pagn J, Ibarz A. (2013). Effect of UV-vis photochemical processing on pear juices from six different varieties. Food and Bioprocess Technology (in press), DOI: 10.1007/s11947-013-1069-9. 36) Pascual M, Villar JM, Lordan J, Fonseca F, Falguera V, Rufat J. (2013). Relationship between polyphenol oxidase activity and nutrition, maturity and quality parameters in flat peach. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture (accepted).

Publications or Scientific-technical documents (non-JCR-indexed Journal publications)

1) Ibarz R, Falguera V, Garza S, Pagn J, Ibarz A. (2007). Comportamiento al flujo de zumo clarificado de naranja a bajas temperaturas. Alimentos, ciencia e ingeniera, 16 (1), 150-152. Ecuador. 2) Falguera V, Garza S, Garvn A, Ibarz A. (2007). Pardeamiento no enzimtico de zumo de mandarina clarificado y concentrado durante el almacenamiento. Alimentos, ciencia e ingeniera, 16 (1), 242-244. Ecuador. 3) Falguera V, Burguet J, Garvn A, Garza S, Pagn J, Ibarz A. (2009). Comportamiento al flujo de zumo clarificado de naranja a bajas temperaturas. Alimentos hoy, 18. Colombia. 4) Quintero JP, Falguera V, Muoz JA. (2010). Pelculas y recubrimientos comestibles: importancia y tendencias recientes en la cadena hortofrutcola. Revista Tumbaga, 5, 93-118. Colombia. 5) Ibarz A, Falguera V. (2011). Innovacions en lenginyeria daliments: Tecnologies emergents. TECA: Tecnologia i Cincia dels Aliments, 13(1), 11-20. Catalonia. 6) Siche R, Falguera V, Ibarz A. (2012). Influencia de la temperatura y adicin de fibra en el comportamiento al flujo del zumo de naranja. Scientia Agropecuaria, 3, 303-308. Per.


Conference contributions
1) Ibarz R, Falguera V, Garza S, Pagn J, Ibarz A. Comportamiento al flujo de zumo clarificado de naranja a bajas temperaturas. Poster. VI Congreso Iberoamericano de Ingeniera en Alimentos (CIBIA VI). Ambato (Ecuador), 2007. 2) Falguera V, Garza S, Garvn A, Ibarz A. Pardeamiento no enzimtico de zumo de mandarina clarificado y concentrado durante el almacenamiento. Poster. VI Congreso Iberoamericano de Ingeniera en Alimentos (CIBIA VI). Ambato (Ecuador), 2007. 3) Falguera V, Garza S, Pagn J, Ibarz A. Rheological behaviour of concentrated orange juice at low temperatures. Oral presentation. 10th International Congress on Engineering and Food (ICEF 10). Via del Mar (Chile), 2008. 4) Falguera V, Garza S, Pagn J, Ibarz A. Rheological behaviour of concentrated orange juice at low temperatures. Poster. 10th International Congress on Engineering and Food (ICEF 10). Via del Mar (Chile), 2008. 5) Ibarz A, Falguera V, Garvn A, Pagn J, Garza S. A kinetic model to describe melanin formation by means of mushroom tyrosinase. Poster. 11th Mediterranean Congress of Chemical Engineering. Barcelona (Spain), 2008. 6) Ibarz A, Falguera V, Garvn A, Pagn J, Garza S. A model describing the flow behaviour of concentrated orange juice. Poster. 11th Mediterranean Congress of Chemical Engineering. Barcelona (Spain), 2008. 7) Falguera V, Burguet J, Garvn A, Garza S, Pagn J, Ibarz A. Comportamiento al flujo de zumo clarificado de pera y manzana a bajas temperaturas. Poster. VII Congreso Iberoamericano de Ingeniera de Alimentos (CIBIA-VII). Bogot (Colombia), 2009. 8) Falguera V, Pagn J, Garza S, Garvn A, Ibarz A. Efecto inhibitorio de la melanina sintetizada a partir de L-tirosina y polifenol oxidasa de Agaricus bisporus sobre el enzima proteoltico carboxipeptidasa-A. Poster. VI Congreso Espaol de Ingeniera de Alimentos. CESIA 2010. Logroo (Spain), 2010. 9) Ibarz A, Garvn A, Falguera V, Garza S, Pagn J. Proceso cintico de decoloracin de zumo clarificado de manzana con resina adsorbente. Poster. VI Congreso Espaol de Ingeniera de Alimentos. CESIA 2010. Logroo (Spain), 2010. 10) Garza S, Falguera V, Garvn A, Ibarz A. Efecto de la temperatura de almacenamiento sobre el color de zumo concentrado de mandarina. Oral presentation. VI Congreso Espaol de Ingeniera de Alimentos. CESIA 2010. Logroo (Spain), 2010. 11) Falguera V, Ibarz A, Pagn J, Garza S, Garvn A. Ultraviolet processing of liquid food: a review. Oral presentation. International Conference on Food Innovation: FoodInnova 2010. Valencia (Spain), 2010. 12) Falguera V, Ibarz A, Pagn J, Garza S, Garvn A. Inactivation of polyphenol oxidase by UVVis irradiation. Protective effect of melanins. Poster. International Conference on Food Innovation: FoodInnova 2010. Valencia (Spain), 2010. 13) Augusto PED, Falguera V, Cristianini M, Ibarz A. Viscoelastic properties of tomato juice. Communication. 11th International Congress on Engineering and Food (ICEF 11). Athens (Greece), 2011.


14) Augusto PED, Falguera V, Cristianini M, Ibarz A. Time-dependent rheological behavior of tomato juice. Poster. I Congresso Brasileiro de Reologia. Rio de Janeiro (Brasil), 2011. 15) Echavarra AP, Falguera V, Torras C, Berdn C, Pagn J, Ibarz A. Clarificacin y concentracin de zumos de fruta mediante procesos con memebranas a escala planta piloto. Poster. VIII Congreso Iberoamericano de Ingeniera de Alimentos (CIBIA-VIII). Lima (Per), 2011. 16) Falguera V, Garza S, Garvn A, Pagn J, Ibarz A. Inactivacin de polifenol oxidasa en zumos de pera de distintas variedades mediante irradiacin ultravioleta. Poster. VIII Congreso Iberoamericano de Ingeniera de Alimentos (CIBIA-VIII). Lima (Per), 2011. 17) Falguera V, Garza S, Garvn A, Pagn J, Ibarz A. Polyphenol oxidase inactivation in grape juices from different varieties by means of ultraviolet irradiation. Oral presentation. 12th Mediterranean Congress of Chemical Engineering. Barcelona (Spain), 2011. 18) Bermdez-Aguirre D, Reitzel J, Falguera V, Shepherd S, Barbosa-Cnovas GV. Innovative thermal processes to reduce processing times on military rations. Poster. IFT12. Las Vegas (NV, USA), 2012. 19) Ibarz A, Pagn J, Garvn A, Ibarz R, Falguera V. Decoloracin enzimtica de peras Red Bartlett. VII Congreso Espaol de Ingeniera de Alimentos. Poster. CESIA 2012. Ciudad Real (Spain), 2012.


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