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Purdue Student Government

Over 95 Years of Commitment to Purdue Students Purdue Student Government Application for Position
Please type or print neatly:

Full Name: __________________________________ Student I.D. Number: _______________ Birth date: ______________ Campus Address: ____________________________________ Phone: __________________ E-mail: _________________ Classification: ______ School/Major: ______________________ Cumulative GPA: ______ Semester GPA: _________ Expected No. of semesters left at Purdue: ___________ Academic Hours next semester: ______________________ How did you hear about PSGs Application? ______________________________________________________________________ Please attach your resume to the end of this application. Please read this entire petition. Follow all directions. Please submit this cover sheet with your responses attached. Please refer to the attached sheet for the positions responsibilities and organization chart. Please sign the Grade Release Waiver and Statement of Understanding on the back of this sheet and return with completed application. If you would like to submit this electronically, please email to

Please mark which roles for which you would like to be considered (Role explanation on following pages):

___Associate Director (10 openings)

ADs are generally freshman or sophomores who are looking to make an impact on campus, but arent sure quite where their niche is. During their first semester, Associate Directors are given the opportunity to work on projects for each team. Following their first semester, they will have an opportunity to be a Director within a team that fit their interests and personality the best, as well as the organizations needs. They are expected to serve a minimum of three office hours a week.

___Director of Diversity and Inclusion

The Director of Diversity and Inclusion will work hand and hand with Purdue Cultural Centers and minorities on campus to create more unity and foster more collaboration across campus.

___Director of International Outreach

This Director will work to represent a growing population of international students on campus. They will work with international organizations and international students to better discover the needs and the wants of these students on campus.

___Director Athletic Outreach (must be an athlete)

This Director must be an athlete at Purdue and will be the liaison between the many student athletes here on campus and Student Government.

___Director of Sustainability
This Director will work with Strategic Planning and Assessment to maintain current green initiatives as well the creation of new ones in attempts to move Purdue University towards a more sustainable future.

___Webmaster (Director of Communications)

This position will include the re-creation, outfitting as well as overall general upkeep of the Purdue Student Government Website.

___Student Supreme Court Clerk 1

Below you will see a flowchart of how PSG Executive Branch is structured and descriptions for different teams and positions.

Executive Director As an Executive Director of a team, you will be responsible for managing your team and effectively delegating projects. You will be responsible for ensuring your team members are actively engaged in the organization and are proactive with their projects. It is expected that you will serve at minimum five office hours a week, weekly Wednesday meetings, and attend other PSG functions. Director As a Director in a team, you will report directly to your Executive Director. In addition to projects delegated to you by your Executive Director, you are highly encouraged /expected to create projects of your own relating to your area of expertise within PSG. It is expected that you will serve at minimum three office hours a week, attend bi-weekly Wednesday meetings, and other PSG functions. Associate Director: ADs are generally freshman or sophomores who are looking to make an impact on campus, but arent sure quite where their niche is. During their first semester, Associate Directors are given the opportunity to work on projects for each team. Following their first semester, they will have an opportunity to be a Director within a team that fit their interests and personality the best, as well as the organizations needs. They are expected to serve a minimum of three office hours a week.

Team Descriptions Programming Have creativity with many types of programs for the Purdue Student Government. This job entails demonstrating adequate management acumen with other students. Other duties: Coordinating Student Developed Programs throughout the Purdue Campus Working with various university officials on program related issues Develop PSG programs relating to special events throughout the year Governmental Relations Facilitates and supervises all communication between federal, state, and local governments and officials. Other duties: Working with City Councils Working with State Governmental Agencies Informing Student Body from an objective manner on Political viewpoints Student Outreach Have creativity with many types of programs for the Purdue Student Government. This job entails demonstrating adequate management acumen with other students and student organizations. Other duties: Coordinating Student Developed Programs throughout the Purdue Campus Working with various university officials on program related issues Actively pursue co-sponsorship collaboration with student organizations Communications Serve as chief media and public relations consultant. Must have the ability to understand projects taking place in PSG and be able to craft a message for PSG regarding the overall tone of the organization and its activities. Marketing will also serve to inform and promote clear communication of the progress PSG is making. Other duties: Overseeing the publicity of PSG programs and initiatives Overseeing creation of PSG internal and external communications Oversee technology communications Working as liaison between The Exponent and other University media groups Understand Press Release development Strategic Planning and Assessment Aid in policy writing and implementation and work with executive team to carry out platform objectives. Must have the ability to express projects and goals clearly as well as be able to delegate roles effectively. Other duties: Coordinate and lead meetings with administrators regarding policy and platform objectives Delegate effectively duties relating to other Purdue Student Government members Make sure policy and platform initiatives are on track and always progressing

Duties for all teams Serve 3-5 Office Hours a week Attend meetings o Cabinet every other Wednesday (Executive Directors only) o Senate every other Wednesday (EDs: mandatory, Directors/ADs: 1 per semester) o Board of Directors every other Wednesday opposite of Senate Self-Driven, Goal- Oriented, and Motivated Willingness and ability to speak in front large groups of people on a regular basis Please answer the following. Do not exceed 250 words. 1. Please list all known co-curricular activities, academic course loads, and all other time commitments for the Fall 2012 and Spring 2013 semesters (list each semester separately). Please specify how much time you will be devoting to each commitment.

2. Please explain which area within PSG, of those listed above, you feel you are most qualified for and explain why. Please include experiences and other positions held on campus that are relevant.

3. As a second choice, please cite another area you believe would enable you to contribute the most to the organization and explain why.

4. Purdue Student Government is unique among student organizations in that there is little precedent in what has been accomplished each year. Successful members must be highly selfmotivated and eager to learn. Please describe a time where you took initiative and led a project or a team where there had not been a precedent. What was the outcome and what did you learn from that experience?

5. What ideas do you have for campus improvement?

6. What do you hope to gain from your involvement from Purdue Student Government (personally and professionally)?

Grade Release Waiver

With my signature below, I give permission for the Office of the Dean of Students to release my current number of credit hours, graduation index and previous semester index, including my academic standing, to the student body officers.

Signature: _______________________________________ Date: ________________ Student I.D. Number: ______________________________

Statement of Understanding
If selected for an Executive Position, I agree to abide by and uphold all the responsibilities listed on the following pages (Minimum Requirements Purdue Student Government Executive Position) for the position that I attain. If at any time I do not perform my duties, I understand that my immediate supervisor may recommend my removal from my position, and that the Student Body President may also recommend my removal from my position. Signature: _______________________________________ Date: ________________

Important Notes
This petition is due in the Purdue Student Government office (STEW G-6) by 5pm on Wednesday, September 5, 2012. You will be notified via e-mail following your submission if you will receive an interview. It is your responsibility to confirm your interview time. Any conflicts or questions regarding interviews should be referred to Please be sure to read and sign the grade release waiver and statement of understanding. Purdue University Stewart Center, Box 640 128 Memorial Mall West Lafayette, IN 47907-2034 Phone: 765.494.7201 Fax: 765.494.3299 E-mail:

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