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Welcome, Class of 2016! My name is Frank Avino, and its a real honor to introduce the Thomas G. Ayers Residential College of Commerce and Industry. Thats a really long name, so we call it CCI for short! The opportunities that lie ahead for you as a CCI resident are bigger in size and scope than any other dorm at Northwestern. With firesides about topics ranging from building a better resume for yourself to learning how to do celebrity impressions with ease, CCI has programming throughout each week that makes living in our building a blast. In CCI you will meet some of your best friends throughout Northwestern because of the friendly atmosphere that exists in our dorm. Get ready for an awesome ride this year, fellow CCI residents! You have been given the opportunity to get a Northwestern education, and our job as the CCI Exec board is to make sure you make the most of that opportunity - through providing advice on everything Northwestern has to offer, from academics to IM sports and everything in between. If you have any questions about CCI, Northwestern, or anything in general, send me an email at and Ill get back to you swiftly! Rock on, and Ill see you all very soon!





Frank Avino





The Ayers College of Commerce and Industry is located on the north side of Northwestern's Evanston Campus at: 2324 Campus Drive, Evanston, IL 60201-5100. The building is right across from SPAC (Sports Pavilion and Aquatics Center) and North Beach, and minutes away from the Technological Institute, Sargent and Elder dining halls, and Lisas Caf (open late!). The best room views of Lake Michigan are at CCI! THEME Residential colleges are structured around a "theme" that provides a focus for academic and social programming. Ayers CCI seeks to promote a broad understanding of business ("commerce and industry") and related institutions in the United States and the world. Our residents explore the realities of the business world through firesides, seminars and other programs like our annual Business Symposium.




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BUILDING AND ROOMS The building currently occupied by our residential college was built in 1991. CCI houses 164 students in single and double-occupancy rooms. Men and women live in separate wings on each floor, with alternating floors. Facilities include a main lounge with couches and a projector screen, a TV lounge with an HDTV, a recreation room (pool table, ping pong table, foosball table), a study/seminar room, a computer lab, a music and resource room (with piano), kitchenettes on every floor, vending machines, and carpeted halls. The average CCI rooms are among the largest on campus (~200 square feet). Furnishings in doubleoccupancy rooms include: 2 desks and 2 chairs 2 bunkable (adjustable height) twin beds (80" long, mattress provided) 2 single bookshelves that attach to the bed frames 2 bedside drawers with 3 compartments each 2 dressers with 5 drawers each 2 closets: each with one rod for hangers and a top shelf for storage (1st floor rooms have 2 shelves) 4 pairs of outlets and 2 Ethernet ports A central light and light switch Two garbage cans Two recycling bins **There is a central heating unit for CCI and each room has an individual air conditioning unit! MEET THE EXECUTIVE BOARD The Executive Board is elected by CCI residents in order to make your rescollege experience more enjoyable and orderly. We are the ones who organize social events, IM sports, firesides, and make sure that your showers dont get clogged. Well be the first people that you meet in CCI, and please never hesitate to email us or ask us about anything from CCI related things to what on earth distribution requirements are! Were all very excited to meet you come September! President: Frank Avino
[MEAS 15 - Mechanical Engineering, Economics] Vice President: Sonia Lipov [WCAS 14 - Cognitive Science] Treasurer: Masha Bovkun [MEAS 14 - Industrial Engineering, Economics] Secretary: Scott Dunaisky [MEAS 15 - Materials Science and Engineering] Technology Chair: Patrick Weston [MEAS 15 - Computer Science] Academic Affairs Chair: Amy Zhou [MEAS 14 - Industrial Engineering, Classics] Corporate Affairs Chair: Jason Smullen [WCAS 15 - Economics, History] Social Chair: Jenn Huang [MEAS 15 - Industrial Engineering, Economics] Philanthropy Chair: Puja Thakker [WCAS 15 - Economics] University Relations Chair: Kyle Taylor [MEAS 15 - Biomedical Engineering] Internal Affairs Chair: Jack Hopper [WCAS 15 - Economics]


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ABOUT THE MASTER STAFF The Master Staff is the liaison between CCI residents and faculty. They plan fun and interesting events and cross-residential college trips, working with residents to enrich the residential college experience. THE MASTER Sara Broaders is a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Psychology at Northwestern University. She teaches a variety of courses, including: Introduction to Psychology, Developmental Psychology, Cognitive Psychology, Research Methods, Psychology and Law, Children and the Law, and a Freshman Seminar on Psychology and Weird Beliefs. Her research interests concern the role of gesture in cognition and communication, particularly in the contexts of forensic interviews and problem solving. THE ASSOCIATE MASTER Michael Smutko teaches astrophysics and physics and manages the operations of the Dearborn Observatory. Since arriving at Northwestern in 2003, he has taught thousands of students in courses and hosted thousands more at observatory events. Smutko worked for nearly a decade as an Astronomer at Chicagos Adler Planetarium. As an expert in his field, Smutko has given countless interviews, including one for a cartoon robot (Toonami). THE ASSISTANT MASTER Lauren Beck is a third-year in the Interdisciplinary PhD Program in Theatre and Drama. Her dissertation explores audio tours, augmented sound games, and artistic audio walks as works of urban theatre. Before life at Northwestern, Lauren earned a BAin Theatre from UC San Diego, then taught high school English for five years before returning for her MA in Theatre Arts from San Diego State. In her free time Lauren enjoys playing her electric ukulele, crocheting funny objects, and roller skating to music from 1979. CCIS FACULTY FELLOWS Faculty participation is at the heart of the very existence of residential colleges. A great advantage of being part of a residential college is having the support of faculty, staff, and visiting scholars in addition to the master staff. The faculty associated with CCI serve as Fellows. As a residential college, CCI gives students the opportunity to become acquainted with faculty Fellows outside the classroom via firesides held in the dorm, tutorials, research awards, or over meals. Karen Brown IMC Clarke Caywood IMC Mark DArienzo Housing Allan Drebin Kellogg Richard Gordon Medill Ben Gorvine Psychology Susan Hespos Psychology Paul Hirsch Kellogg Ming-Yang Kao EECS David Nelson Medill Sacha Patera IBiS H. David Smith Psychology Yang Tang Statistics Charles Thompson Industrial Engg Bill White Industrial Engg Sandy Zabell Statistics


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THEMED AND ACADEMIC EVENTS BUSINESS SYMPOSIUM The annual Ayers CCI Business Symposium is CCIs largest event. The Business Symposium connects Northwestern students with business professionals in a discussion about the realities of the business world outside the classroom. Each year, the symposium is based on a theme chosen by the students and is applicable to the current issues affecting world markets. The Business Symposium also provides a way for residents to invite Northwestern students outside of the residential college to engage in CCIs business-related programming. FIRESIDES Firesides are one of the most unique experiences for students living in a Residential College. These openended and informal talks are given regularly in the CCI lounge and highlight anyone from NUs most celebrated professors to executives of renowned companies. However, the fireside topics are not confined to just business. The goal of these presentations is to enlighten and provide fun. Yo-Yo Ma, Divya Narendra, Morton Shapiro, and Coach Fitz have been a few of our guests. Its also worth mentioning that residents can host their own firesides as well! SOCIAL EVENTS CCI offers tons of social events, giving residents an opportunity to get to know each other and experience what the city has to offer. This past year, our social calendar included the Chicago Symphony Orchestra, Wrigley Field, a Super Bowl party, comedy clubs, and a ski trip. CCI also has a holiday party with a dorm-wide Secret Santa and gingerbread house-making contest. Residents get together to decorate and celebrate Homecoming, Halloween, and even Cinco de Mayo. And as always theres free food! In the winter, residents can anticipate a night of fun, food, music, and dancing with CCIs annual formal. This past year the formal was held at the beautiful Michigan Shores Club, and has been held at the Drake Hotel and Crystal Gardens at Navy Pier in the last few years. OTHER ACTIVITIES INTRAMURAL SPORTS The Intramural Sports program offers students, and faculty the opportunity to play sports in a fun and enjoyable way. During fall quarter, the sports are dodgeball, football, and volleyball. During winter quarter, the sports are basketball and hockey. During spring quarter, the sports are soccer, softball, and ultimate Frisbee. There are also three different leagues in order of competitiveness: co-rec, white, purple. PHILANTHROPY CCI regularly sponsors philanthropy outings, allowing members to devote their time to help out, give back to the community, and make an impact on others. In the past, we have worked with Dance Marathon, YMCA Childrens Center, NCDC, Relay for Life, etc. Some annual CCI fundraising events are the Service Auction and Date Action for Dance Marathon, and Pie or Dye for Relay for Life.


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WHAT TO BRING We know how difficult it is to remember what to pack, so we came up with a list of items that weve found to be useful!
CLOTHES: Cold and warm weather wear Hardcore coat for winter! Work out clothing Sleeping clothing Gloves, scarves, and hats Bathrobe for awkward trips to the showers Professional clothing for interviews Fancy attire for formals or parties SHOES: Your essential shoes Rain boots and/or snow boots Dorm shoes (old flip-flops are fine) Shower shoes Professional/fancy shoes PERSONAL TOILETRIES: Your essentials Shower caddy Mini medicine kit and first aid kit Face washcloth and body towel LAUNDRY & CLEANING: A hamper Detergent and dryer sheets All-purpose spray or wipes Air freshener Paper towels BEDDING: Mattress pads - not essential, but makes your mattress much more comfortable! Pillows and bed sheets (twin XL) SCHOOL & ELECTRONICS: Materials for classes and studying A planner/calendar Desk organizers Computer, printer, cables (HDMI optional) A clock (or several) with an alarm!! Extension cords Ethernet cable* Flash drive Calculator (for math classes) Desk lamp (these are not provided) *CCI does get high-speed wireless, but you need an Ethernet cable to get NU TV. OTHER ESSENTIALS: Pictures/posters and sticky tack Sturdy umbrella (it rains quite a bit) Essential paperwork Food, drinks and utensils Ziploc bags Storage boxes: under-bed boxes or a drawer cart to stash random items. Removable wall hooks Closet canvas shelves for more closet area A whiteboard for your door Personal items: athletic equipment, instruments, video games and consoles etc. Bike (can be stored in our bike room) FOR COORDINATION WITH ROOMMATE: Refrigerator (highly recommended) Floor lamp (highly recommended) Rug TV Things you cant bring/are illegal: Halogen lamps Microwaves Coffee machines Items that stick to the walls and cant be removed Bed lofting items Hot water heater (we have hot water taps on each floor!) Alcohol if you are under 21 Christmas lights for decorations Explosives and weapons Animals including fish

Be selective with what you bring; you can always buy items here!

A FINAL WORD: Dont go overboard buying things, because trust us, you wont really use all of it. Be selective with what you bring, because you can ALWAYS buy items here in Evanston or surrounding areas if you need it. There are stores like Target, CVS, Jewel and even Old Orchard Mall, within the area to buy any essentials you forgot. Use this guide to coordinate with your roommate and bring what you feel is necessary. Dont hesitate to email any exec members if you have any questions at all!

Join us on Facebook!

2324 Campus Drive Evanston, IL 60559

1. Through our website: (make it your homepage so you can be informed about upcoming events!) 2. Through Facebook: Search for the page Ayers CCI (under Organization) or go to the link on the left for the 2012-13 group 3. Through Twitter: 4. Sign up for our Mentorship Program in which you get paired up with an upperclassman or alumnus:

CCIs First Annual Alumni Barbecue and Networking Event, May 2012


Hey Class of 2016! Welcome to Northwestern, and welcome to CCI the greatest dorm on campus! I cant wait to welcome you guys to campus in September. Youre going to have an awesome experience at Northwestern and at CCI!!! But first, theres something I need you to do... Please email me ( with your full name and preferred t-shirt size. This way, well easily be able to keep you updated with any information you might want to know before arriving in Evanston in the fall. Enjoy the rest of your summer! Scott Dunaisky

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