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MM ;M. $M EM WMO$@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@#OMM #M cM QM Another Cake by tM MM SciLor CMO .MMMM oMMMt 1MO 6MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM iMM .M1 BM For all Portal Lovers! vM ,Mt 1M @M............................... WM M6 MM .A8OQWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWOAz2 #M MM MM. @MMY vMME UMMMbi i8MMMt C@MMMMMbt;;i.......i;XQMMMMMMt ;ZMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM@A;. ReadMe You will need the .NET Framework 4.0 SciLor's grooveshark(tm).com Downloader is a tool for downloading and playing mu sic from grooveshark(tm).com. I am not responsible for any violations to the Terms of Use of grooveshark(tm).c om this tool may do. It is more or less a proove of concept. I am not related to grooveshark(tm).com in any way! ToDo: Additional: If you create a file named "customIcon.ico" in the SciLor's grooveshark(tm).com Downloader directory you can override the icon in the taskbar (Requested by a us er) Known Bugs: If you like my hard work PLEASE DONATE! :) ChangeLog:

v0.4.9.5(2012-06-10) -Fix: Problems with missing write-access fixed (Admin-rights) ----------------------v0.4.9.4(2012-04-29) -Fix: UTF8 Encoding working fine now =) -Change: Songs downloaded with ".tmp" extension, which is removed when the song is successfully downloaded (Usefull for people using iTunes auto import) -New: Russian language (Thank you BBob) -Fix: Autocomplete working again v0.4.9.3a(2012-03-14) -New: Hebrew language -Updated: Json Library -Fix: Problems with some json errors when searching v0.4.9.3(2012-03-13) -New: Updater for GrooveFix.xml (Small updates) -New: Auto language detection. -Fix: Grooveshark(tm) changed again... -Removed/Fix: Gema message with tor. v0.4.9.2e(2012-02-29) -Fix: Grooveshark(tm) changed :P v0.4.9.2d(2012-02-22) -Fix: Grooveshark(tm) made a little change again :P -New: Hebrew language included (thank you omerbennun!) v0.4.9.2c(2012-02-07) -Fix: Grooveshark(tm) is funny, they changed something again ;) v0.4.9.2b(2012-01-30) -Fix: Delete Skipped Songs! v0.4.9.2(2012-01-30) -Update: Finnish translation (thank you babaz!) -Fix: Downloading more than a couple of songs shouldn't make any problem ;) v0.4.9.1(2012-01-27) -Enhancement: Save some bandwidth (Api) -Fix: Another change on grooveshark(tm) - You may be blocked after some songs! v0.4.9u(2012-01-21) -Fix: Seemed to stop downloading after 5 songs ;) -Enhancement: Don't start downloading songs when skipping. v0.4.9t(2012-01-21) -Enhancement: Fallback to the mobile version (again) is now fixed. Should work f or germany fine again! v0.4.9s(2012-01-20) -Update: Portuguese language (thank you hugo_luiten) -Enhancement: Now available from germany without the mobile version or tor. Full features for you! -Enhancement: Some country api included again! v0.4.9r(2012-01-19)

-Update: Portuguese language (thank you hugo_luiten) -Update: Now use the mobile version of grooveshark(tm), if the normal version is n't available (Works without Tor in germany). -Update: It is only asked for Tor, if the mobile version fails. -Enhancement: Various new translatable strings. -Fix: A problem that occours with long filenames and existing files. -Fix: Crash when Tor installation is missing. v0.4.9q(2012-01-19) -Update: Portuguese language (thank you hugo_luiten) -Fix: A problem that may caused much high cpu usage while doing nothing -Fix: Automatically ask for running the Downloader + Tor if the user is from Ger many (+commandline switch & .bat file). -Fix: Show error for germans -Fix: Buggy proxy support -Fix: "Start reconnecting" Should be translated at app start, too -Fix: Various things now translatable. v0.4.9p(2012-01-08) -New: Loading Bitrate for a song (Right mouse) -New: Romanian language (thanks you speednsx) -New: Portuguese-Brazil language (thanks you szanini) -Update: Portuguese language (thanks you hugo_luiten) -Fix: PathTooLongException fixed, now we can have longer filenames :) -Fix: Some System.NullReferenceException Errors that occoured for some users -Fix: No search results for some users -Fix: A too small download queue button for other language texts. -Fix: Autocomplete working again v0.4.9o(2012-01-03) -Feature: Tray Icon to minimize to tray -Feature: New commandline arguments for setting username/password and fetching t he playlists -Enhancement: Select first playlist after login automatically -Change: Keep everything in the search box in commandline mode when working with playlists -Fix: A possible problem with the search, that some users had. -Fix: A crash on WinXP when not at 96dpi. -Fix: A commandline bug (-add) v0.4.9n(2011-11-17) -Feature: Show length of some songs ;) -Fix: Change on the excelent grooveshark(tm) webservice -Fix: Aero Theme on XP v0.4.9m(2011-08-31) -Fix: Songname empty Problem -Feature: Makes the Commandline arguments asynchronous so you can see whats happ ening -Feature: Commandline "-playlistById <id>", "-add <number/all>" -Feature: Dump Playlist login via enter-key v0.4.9l(2011-08-09) -Fix: Batch and Search - Autocomplete bug -Feature: Command line: Try "-help" v0.4.9k(2011-07-19) -Fix: Change on the excelent grooveshark(tm) webservice -Fix: Reappearing downloads that were already deleted.

v0.4.9j(2011-05-04) -Fix: A bug resulting in problems with downloads. (Conversion from string "Begin fetching streamkey for " to type 'Double' is not valid) v0.4.9i(2011-05-04) -Feature: GridSplitter that allows to change the size of the Search/Download tab les (forgot it on the last release). -Feature: Filter search results. -Feature: Debug mode with "-debug" as command line parameter v0.4.9h(2011-04-26) -Feature: Ignore certificates by creating a "nocert" file -Feature: GridSplitter that allows to change the size of the Search/Download tab les. -Fix: Another change on the excelent grooveshark(tm) webservice -Fix: Possible bugs when not in admin mode. -Fix: A wrong caption of the download button. -New: Facebook button v0.4.9g(2011-03-13) -Fix: Song Preview Fixed v0.4.9f(2011-03-13) -Feature: Open a song on grooveshark(tm) with right click on the song. -Feature: Username/Password Proxy support(experimental), including a test button . -Enhancement: Better Country handling (50 and more songs...). -Enhancement: Better Skinhandling on missing elements. v0.4.9e(2011-03-12) -Enhancement: Various language file updates -Feature: Get a playlist by its id -Fix: A problem that occured on download of 50 or more songs -Fix: Languagefile use of "tabConfigConnection". -Fix: Ensure that the application is really closed. v0.4.9d(2011-03-06) -Fix: "Cowbell not found" error fixed, due to a change on the very nice groovesh ark(tm).com service. v0.4.9c(2011-02-19) -Fix: A bug that may crash the app on chaning the language ('=' is an unexpected token. The expected token is ';'. Line 1, position 124.) v0.4.9 Beta(2011-02-19) -Feature: Italian, Turkish, Danish, Hungarian Translations :) Thank you all -Feature: Autoconnect on Startup. -Feature: Proxy (Settings). (grpConfigConnection/grpProxy/lblProxy/txtProxy) v0.4.8 Beta(2011-01-04) -Enhancement: Faster inital connect :) -Fix: Improved autoartistsearch (crashes/bugs) v0.4.7 Beta(2011-01-04) -Feature: Language Engine :), including some translations(catalan, french, germa n, germanbavarian, portuguese, spanish, swedish) Thanks fly out to all translato rs! -Feature: Click on Search result marks/unmarks it

-Feature: Mark your results, right click and Select! -Feature: Search Autocomplete :) -Enhancement: Better resizing of the Controls to fit longer/shorter language str ings ;) v0.4.6 Beta(2010-12-22) -Feature: Go to download directory(May have problems with long paths) under the "Extra" menu entry ("mniGoToDownloadDir" in the Skinfile!) -Fix: Change on the grooveshark(tm).com Website made some problems ;) v0.4.5 Beta(2010-12-15) -Fix: Problems with loading Skin if starting from Shortcut(thanks fly out to ane rathil) v0.4.4 Beta(2010-12-12) -Feature: Import Batch Search & Add from file (New button in the skin "btnImport Batch") -Feature: Skip/Overwrite/Autorename existing files (New radiobuttons "rbtExistin gSkip"/"rbtExistingOverwrite"/"rbtExistingAutoRename" -Fix: Counting from one instead of zero (deleting) v0.4.3 Beta(2010-12-03) -Fix: Cowbell error fixed ;) v0.4.2 Beta(2010-12-02) -Feature: Right click any song to search for all songs having the same album or same artist :) -Enhancement: Timeout set to 10 from 5 seconds -Fix: Possible crash on Timeout on reconnect -Fix: Broken downloadlists should be handled correctly now! v0.4.1 Beta(2010-11-25) -Feature: Recover Downloadlist on Startup(May need admin rights!) -Enhancement: Most things are now working in an extra thread (Downloading etc.) to make the app more responsible -Fix: Icon was broken -Fix: Sorting of the download list would cause errors, now it's disabled v0.4.0 Beta(2010-11-23) -New: .Net Framework 4.0 should be needed (untested) -New: Completely new WPF based Window that can be skinned by your needs if you a re able to write in XAML -Enhancement: Auto reconnect on token error. If it fails 2 times in a row an err or is thrown v0.3.9 Beta(2010-10-21) -Fix: Wrong sorted playlists fixed -Fix: Possible crash on loading playlists. v0.3.8 Beta(2010-10-21) -Enhancement: Auto check for updates on startup -Feature: Download your playlists from grooveshark(tm).com :) v0.3.7 Beta(2010-10-12) -Enhancement: Select All etc. -Feature: Batch Search & Add. -Feature: Custom Icon via "customIcon.ico" v0.3.6 Beta(2010-09-16) -Enhancement: Experimental reconnect dialog on invalid token

-Enhancement: Reconnect Button v0.3.5 Beta(2010-09-07) -Enhancement: misterious "privacy" ;) -Fix: New revision v0.3.4 Beta(2010-07-10) -Enhancement: Better error handling (especially on wrong incoming data) -New: Uncheck all checked search results after adding them to the download list (Can be disabled in the settings) -Fix: Filename handling now allows directories again. v0.3.3 Beta(2010-07-06) -Enhancement: Better error handling -Feature: Check by click on entry -Feature: Immediately download abortion -New: Nice icon -Fix: Config.xml and missing administration rights -Fix: Real use of repaired filenames v0.3.2 Beta(2010-06-26) -New: Settings dialog, including selection of the download directory and the son g renaming patterns -Feature: Popular song search -Feature: Delete songs of the download list with a click -Enhancement: Better error handling and Debug log -Fix: Enter key to start search v0.3.1 Beta(2010-06-23) -Quickfix: Crash on any search... v0.3.1 Alpha(2010-06-23) -Enhancement: New revision, country fix included ;) -Fix: Crashes on illegal file characters in track names -Fix: Language specific characters fixed (letters with circumflexes, points, uml auts etc.) v0.3 Alpha(2010-05-09) -Enhancement: New API and new form. v0.2.3 Beta(2010-04-15) -Enhancement: GrooveFix.xml for easy fix for token and client problems. -Fix: New clientRevision on grooveshark(tm).com -Fix: New staticRandomizer on grooveshark(tm).com v0.2.2 Beta(2010-03-24) -Fix: I fixed another revision change :) -Feature: SciLor's Update Checker included ;) v0.2.1 Beta(2010-02-23) -Fix: Big change adjusted, working but it is very dirty ;) v0.2 Beta(2010-01-31) -Fix: I fixed another revision change :) -Fix: I fixed a token change :) v0.2 Alpha (2009-12-11) -Fix: New Grooveshark Client Revision v0.1 Alpha (2009-11-15)

-Initial Release ---------------LINKS------------------------My Website: SciLor's grooveshark(tm).com Downloader Website: rk-downloader.html Donation: -

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