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Chapter No.1 Introduction

1.1 Background
Impulse purchase is an unplanned decision in a spur of moment just before the time of purchase. According to the marketing studies emotions and feelings plays a vital role in impulse buying similarly exposure to the well crafted presentation of the product. These impulse purchases ranges from the small daily consumption products such as chocolates, match boxes, cigarettes to the large products such as vehicles, work of arts etc but a large percentage results in negative feelings and disappointments from various sources. Previous marketing research conducted in the Great Britain and United States which are known as the individualist cultures has shown that many factors influence impulsive buying behavior such as the consumer emotional moods and feelings. (Donovan, et al, 1994; Rook, 1987; Rook & Gardner, 1993: Wein- berg & Gottwald, 1982), trait buying impulsiveness (Puri, 1996; Rook & Fisher, 1995; Weun, Jones, & Beatty, 1998), normative evaluation of the appropriateness of engaging in impulse buying (Rook & Fisher, 1995), self-identity (Dittmar et al., 1995), and demographic factors, such as age (e.g., Bellenger, Robertson, & Hirschman, 1978; Wood, 1998). These are the various studies that mainly conclude that several emotional feelings highly results in the impulse buying behaviours. Rook and Gardner (1993) found that impulse buying occurs in two type of moods of the customers i-e positive and negative, although impulse buying occurred under both types of moods.however the impulse buying in a positive mood is higher than the impulse buying in the negative mood. Beatty and Ferrell (1998) they also follow the same idea i-e consumers with strong emotional state i-e positive mood to the products results in the impulse buying of that product than the negative feeling ____________________________________________ Institute Of Management Sciences 1

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about that product. Donovan et al. (1994) discovered that there is a positive relationship between the consumerss feeling of pleasure in the shopping environment and the impulse buying behaviors. In each of these studies, pleasurable feelings led to increased unplanned spending. Demographic characteristics such as age of the individual are also related to the impulse buying behaviour. According to the national sample of adults in United States concluded that age has an inverse relation with the impulse buying. (Wood, 1998). However, the relationship is non-monotonic - between the ages of 18 and 39 impulse buying increases slightly and thereafter declines. Bellenger et al. (1978) found that the consumers under 35 are more directed to the impulse buying than the consumers over 35. Basically impulse buying results from experiencing a need. This need is felt suddenly and strongly and is often irresistible. Also, it involves the impulsive idea, acting spontaneously without fully considering the circumstances. (Welles, 1986). Marketers and retailers exploit this impulse buying, which is tied to the basic need for "instant gratification." For example, a shopper in a supermarket might not specifically be shopping for candy. However, candy, gum and mints are prominently displayed at the checkout aisles to trigger impulse buyers to buy what they might not have otherwise considered. Sale items are displayed in much the same fashion. Humans are intended to purchase certain categories of products on impulse or we can say that, folks get impulsive about commodities (for example, food, clothing, shampoo etc i.e. mostly the convenience goods). Convenience goods is a category of consumer goods which are bought frequently, quickly and are very widely distributed, consumer buy these goods according to their convenience acquisition rather than going for a particular brand or value, e.g. petrol, cigarettes. People also get impulsive about stuff on sale. ____________________________________________ Institute Of Management Sciences 2

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Many stores counts on the impulsive customers so they arrange there products accordingly so that they catch the customer eye. Attractive displays for new products, pairing two products such as chips and soda on the same aisle, and various other tactics enables the customers to buy more than they came for. Stores love big spenders, they prey on impulsive buyers. An effective sale is not achieved unless the customer is able to examine the product and his need or problem is solved and he purchases the product confidently (Bayley et al, 1998). Strong shelf lay-out, well placed display material, additional off-shelf display, all contribute to effective merchandising. Displays in the windows and inside the shop are the means by which many purchases are influenced. In store, displays are intended to sell, and prominence must be given to those lines, which are on special. Customers will enter the business to buy a product, which may be one of a number of different brands. They may have the brand leader in mind but will often buy a completely different brand on impulse if it is well displayed. Counter displays on sales counters can also be used very effectively when place at till points or on counters. The consumer has a chance to browse while waiting and the counter display offers a desire to purchase (Shamdasani et al, 1989). Effective display of goods guarantees larger repeat business. Impulse buying is enhanced by the use of special displays. (One study estimates that at least 5 percent of total sales are the result of special displays.) Special displays provide a way to accomplish this because the consumer is responding emotionally, not through a reasoned process (Wood, 1998). Finally, special displays create impulse sales for new or novel products by instigating the desire to "try something new! The salient feature to remember about impulse sales is that they are a response to an emotional appeal. A successful appeal may take many forms, but those most universal and easiest to communicate are identified by simple phrases such as: "low price,"

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"new," "free," "extra," etc. A special display is used to get the customer's attention for each of these messages.

1.2 Purpose of the Study

This report/study is partially meant to: 1. Understand what factors are influencing the consumer behavior to make them purchase on impulse. 2. Identifying the product category where impulse buying mostly occurred. 3. Identifying the demographic and psychological situation of the target market involved in the impulse buying.

1.3 Research Hypothesis

H1: attractive price of the products leads to the impulse buying of that product. H2: Males are more likely to plan their purchases. H3: Attractive packaging of product leads to impulse buying. H4: Behavior of the peer groups lead to impulse buying behavior.

1.4 Scope of the Work:

Scope of this report is limited to certain well-known and famous superstores from different areas of Peshawar where the consumers are most likely to purchase the consumer goods for their everyday use. These superstores include Jans Arcade, Wadud Sons (Hayatabad Branch), Garrison Department Store.

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1.5 Limitations of the Study:

Expected limitations of this research can be: Unavailability or Lack of data: sufficient data was not available on impulse buying behaviors of customers of Peshawar market or the strategies of local stores on impulse buying. Limited time: as the scope of the research is vast and includes survey on major retail stores of Peshawar for which limited time was a major limitation. Resource constraint: there was a lack of resources, as explained earlier the scope of the research is vast and requires sufficient resources to conduct survey on a larger sample size. This is the reason the sample size is limited to 100 respondents.

1.6 Scheme of the Report:

The report will comprise of following sections: Chapter 1: Chapter 2: Chapter 3: Chapter 4: Chapter 5: Introduction Literature Review Framework and Research Methodology Analysis and Findings Conclusion and Recommendations.

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CHAPTER No.2 Literature Review

2.1 Introduction
Impulse buying is a purchase decision made in the spur of moment just before the time of purchase by the customers there is no recognition of brand or product in the mind of the customer. (Kollat & Willett, 1967). Impulsive purchase also can be defined as consumers ability to purchase spontaneously and immediately. High impulse buying is because the consumers are experiencing spontaneous purchasing stimuli their shopping behaviors is un predictive, they have relatively unreflective thinking, the buying is prompted to the physical proximity to the desired product, they are dominated by emotional attraction and the promise of immediate gratification (Hoch & Loewenstcin 1991; Thompson et al, 1990). Impulse buying is a familiar term to most business executives and marketing academicians. Indeed it is common to refer to certain items as impulse item and/or account for certain kinds of behavior by classifying it as impulse purchasing. Impulse buying is not only associated with any product or retail setting. The phenomenon has been used to describe purchases of such products as durable goods, wearing apparel, hardware items, drugs, toiletries and grocery products (Locander, & Pollio 1990). Unplanned buying in supermarkets is of interest to manufacturers as well as retailers. Manufacturers spend' large sums each year 'advertising' their brands to consumers, hoping to increase awareness, trial, and ultimately market share. These manufacturers also spend large amounts of money 'promoting' the same brands in retail outlets, although the annual amount expended on in-store activity is toiletries sector is a specific example of high-volume, large turnover business in ____________________________________________ Institute Of Management Sciences 6

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supermarkets that is extremely competitive, with manufacturers competing both 'outside' and 'inside' the major retail chains for the attention of the consumer. The significance of impulse buying has been greatly recognized by marketers. Retailers also things that the number of impulsive purchases is increasingly continuously with the store, product displays and designs (Abrahams and Ben 1997). Impulse buying opportunities are expandable in addition to the commonly practiced marketing novelties e-g the convenient stores, TV channels and online shoppings.(Rook, Dennis W. 1987).it increases all the purchases upto 80 % in USA in certain categories of the products. (Bayley et al, 1998) in addition it has been suggested that new product plays an important role in the impulse purchases rather than prior planned purchases (Abratt, Russell & Goodey 1990). According to the recent marketing studies impulse purchasing is the distinctive personal trait tendency. (Shamdasani & Rook 1989). The impulse buying tendencies of individuals can also be conceptualized as the consumer trait." (Cobb, Cathy & Hoyer 1986)

2.2 Conceptualization of Unplanned Purchasing

An unplanned purchase results from the difference between the consumers alternative intentions and actual purchases. The typology based on intentions basically consists of major planning stages that exist just before the consumer is exposed to the in-store stimuli. The major intentions are: 1. Brand and product a consumer knows about the product and brand before entering the store of that product or brand to be purchased.

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2. Only the product- A consumer knows about the product he or she wants but have not decided which brand of that product should be bought. E.g. he wants potato chips but the particular brand is not mentioned by him. 3. only product class- A consumer knows about the class of the product he or she want to buy but the products in that class are yet not decided by them e.g he wants to buy meat(product class)but he must specify ham burger or steak.(products). 4. Recognition of need- A consumer before entering the store recognizes his need or problem that exists. He do not decides anything about the product-class, product or brand he just want to find out what he needs what is his problem. 5. Need is not recognized-In this stage the consumer does not recognize a need for a product or he does not know about the problem he is facing until and unless he is exposed to the stimuli in the store i-e need is latent here. Intention typology provides the basis for the specification of prior planning of the customers who are going to the supermarkets. Its various kinds also indicate the extent and kind of in-store decision making. The outcome typology mainly consists of the various kinds of behaviors that generally come from the shopping in stores. The three basic outcomes are the following; 1. Purchase of product and brand; 2. When and product or brand is not purchased i-e no purchase takes place. 3. A brand substitution exists i-e product is purchased but the brand is not purchased;

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Outcomes Product Intentions Product and No purchase purchased; Brand 2 5 7 purchased 3 not Brand purchased Product and Brand 1 4 6 8 9

mentioned Product only mentioned Product class mentioned Need recognized Need not recognized

Conceptually there are 15 categories that result from the pairing of the above intentions and outcomes. Fortunately, this categorization can be compressed since several categories are not empirically identifiable (Locander, & Pollio 1990). When the conceptual intentions-outcomes matrix is modified, the resulting matrix can be collapsed into nine categories. Using these intentions-outcomes matrix, Category 9 becomes the definition of unplanned purchasing. 2.2.1: Variables Not Associated With Unplanned Purchasing a. Economic and Demographic Variables: 1. Income of the household 2. Number of full-time wage earners in the household 3. Occupation of the household head 4. Formal education of the household head b. Personality Variables:

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1. Impulsiveness 2. Dominance 3. Optimism 4. Self-confidence 5. Self-sufficiency 6. Belief in fate 7. Future time orientation 8. Desire for certainty 9. Belief in the predictability of life 10. Belief in multiple causation of events c. General Food Shopping Behavior Variables: 1. Size of shopping party 2. Existence of a food budget 3. Frequency of food budget revision 4. Role of wife in determining food budget 5. Use of food coupons 6. Use of trading stamps 7. Recalled exposure to newspaper advertisements for grocery products 8. Frequency of discussion about grocery products

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2.2.2: Variables Associated with Unplanned Purchasing a. Demographic variables: 1. Number of people living in the household 2. Sex of the shopper b. General Food shopping behavior variables: 1. Number of shopping trips made per week 2. Distance traveled to the store 3. Day of week 4. Time of day 5. Size of store The shopper's sex does not affect unplanned purchasing behavior. The percentage of unplanned purchase by the women is very high, because they usually make more purchases. If the number of purchases remains constant the degree of effect of women and men is the almost the same to the impulse buying. Day of week does not affect unplanned purchasing (Hilgard, 1962). In-store promotional activities are, of course, more intensive on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. Percentages of unplanned purchases are higher on Friday and Saturday, only because more products are purchased on these days; when the number of purchases remains constant, day of week is not related to unplanned purchasing.

2.2.3: Variables Affecting Unplanned Purchasing Three categories of independent variables affect customer unplanned purchasing and are related to it. They are: ____________________________________________ 11 Institute Of Management Sciences

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(a) Variables based on the size of transaction (b) Variables based on the structure of transaction (c) Shopping party characteristics. a. Transaction Size Variables: Two measures of transaction size: (a) Number of different products purchased and (b) Grocery bill. The relationship suggests that when the number of various products purchases is low, the proportion of unplanned purchases may be either high or low, but when the product purchase number is high, the percentage of unplanned purchases is also high. Generally, if the purchase of different products is high then the percentage of impulse buying will also be greater (Willet, 1969). So percentage of impulse buying = no. of unplanned purchases/total no. of different products purchased. b. Transaction structure variables: Transaction structure refers to the mixture of products purchased. Two measures of transaction structure affect customer unplanned purchasing and are related to the behavior: (a) kind of shopping trip and (b) product purchase frequencies. Kind of shopping trip may measure some of the things that transaction size measures, but some it does not. When transaction size is held constant, kind of shopping trip is still significantly related to the percentage of unplanned purchases. Major shopping trips are generally characterized by a larger percentage of unplanned purchases than are filling in trips (Nancarrow et al, 1998).

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Only product purchase frequencies are significantly related to product unplanned purchase rates. Products such as milk, bread, eggs, etc., which have a high frequency of purchase, tend to have a relatively low percentage of impulse buying In contrast, products having a low frequency of purchase like drugs, toiletries, and dessert items, tend to have a relatively high percentage of impulse buying. c. Characteristics of the shopping party: Only two of the shopping party characteristics affect customer unplanned purchasing. These characteristics are: (a) presence of a list of shopping (b) no. of years the shopping party has been married. The shopping list effect on impulse buying percentages is uncertain. Analysis indicates that the effect of a shopping list on unplanned purchasing depends on the transaction size. When more than 15 or 20 products are purchased, shoppers having a list make a smaller percentage of unplanned purchases. However, when less than 15 or 20 products are purchased, the shopping list does not affect the percentage of unplanned purchases. Finally, couples married less than 10 years have the lowest rate of unplanned purchasing. Generally, the percentage of unplanned purchasing increases irregularly as length of marriage increases. (David et al, 1967) Impulse buying which is also known as unplanned buying describes any purchase that the consumer makes without any planning for it in advance. According to the recent marketing studies such type of purchasing like impulse buying is increasing in a wide range. (Hawkins Stern, April 1962)

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2.3 The Impulse Mix

Impulse buying is the affluent function of economic, cultural forces, time, personality and location. This purchase varies among different consumers regarding the same item similarly it also varies among different consumers purchasing the same item but also under different puchase. There are four broad classifications of impulse buying which can be identified as; 2.3.1 Pure Impulse Buying. It is the most distinguished kind of impulse buying. This is the pure unplanned purchase and truly impulse buying it breaks the normal buying pattern. But there are relatively smaller impulse purchases in pure impulse buying.since housewives tend to develop strong habits in budgeting, in where and when to shop, and in the preplanning of the shopping trip. This reliance upon habit tends to make the housewife a more efficient shopper, but also eliminates much of the whimsy or impulsiveness from her buying. 2.3.2 Reminder Impulse Buying. That type of impulse buying in which the consumers gather some information about the products, he sees that item which he needs or recalls an advertisement about that item. The main factor is the prior experience with the product and some knowledge about it which results in the impulse purchase of that product and there is also a previous decision involved to buy that product. 2.3.3 Suggestion Impulse Buying. That type of impulse buying in which the consumer sees a specific product for the first time and a need is visualized about that product with having any previous ____________________________________________ 14 Institute Of Management Sciences

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knowledge about the product. Suggestion buying is differentiated from reminder purchase because there is no prior knowledge about the product to the consumer which can assist him to buy that product. Evaluation about the product quality and function is done on the point of sale. The main difference in pure impulse buying and suggestion buying is that in suggestion buying can be entirely rational and functional purchases while it opposes the emotional factors which spark the pure impulse buying (Quelch, 1983). 2.3.4 Planned Impulse Buying. Although impulse buying through planning may seem anomalous, it is accurate. Such type of purchases occurs when the consumers enters the store with some specific purchases in his mind along with certain other expecting purchases depending upon special offers, coupons, special prices or discounts he likes the products and purchase them. It is a recently developed consumer buying trait and likely to be a most important one. On the surface, it appears to indict female shopping habits. But this may be an unfair and unrealistic indictment (Wood-side, 1975).

2.4 Factors Which Influence Impulse Buying

In general, impulse buying makes the buying easier. Purchasing an item includes the spending certain resources: money, for any costs or for the item itself incurred in going to and coming from the store; time, in going to or from the place of purchase, such as walking or driving to or from the place of purchase; and finally, mental effort, of scheduling the trip to the store and budgeting for the purchase (Wilkinson, 1982). When the act of buying requires a relatively heavy expenditure of these resources, then the buying becomes more difficult and the purchase is subjected to more ____________________________________________ 15 Institute Of Management Sciences

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thoughtful consideration and planning. Conversely, when buying is easythat is, when the spending of physical or mental effort, time and money is smallthere is a greater likelihood that the purchase will be an impulse purchase. Marketers have accomplished a great deal to make shopping easier for the consumer. The introduction and expansion of self-service in stores is a good example. One-stop shoppingeither in a diversified single store or a shopping center parking lots, night and Sunday openings, and a number of other innovations have also been aimed at making shopping an easier task (Peak & Peak, 1977). Since the incidence of impulse buying also has been steadily increasing during the last decade, it would be safe to assume a relationship between techniques of mass merchandising and impulse buying. Mass merchandising has provided a favor able environment for impulse buying; and in turn, impulse buying has shaped the development of certain mass-merchandising techniques. For in stance, the initial success of scrambled merchandising in stores (the introduction of variety store items in drug stores, drug items into supermarkets, and the like) indicates that consumer are willing to purchase goods assuming on impulse normally they do not perceive the availability of scrambled merchandize (Chevalier, 1975) Specifically, at least ten factors can be identified which (because they primarily are associated with ease of consumer buying) appear also to encourage consumer impulse buying. These factors can be used as criteria in identifying impulse items themselves. Such criteria are guideposts rather than absolute measures, since no impulse items per se exist, but only items which for most consumers most of the time are purchased on impulse.

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In addition, the presence of these factors in a purchase does not necessarily mean that the item is an impulse purchase, nor does their absence preclude an impulse item. However, the following ten factors are major influences in impulse buying. 2.4.1 Low Price: Among several factors the low price effect exerts the most direct control over impulse buying. It automatically eliminates m, shopping goods, such as automobiles, as impulse purchased items. Price also has an effect on the impulse buying of easily available goods. for instance, if a shopper plans to buy two bars of soap at a price of around 25 cent each but finds soap on special sale at three bars for 69 cents, she might well buy the 3-bar special. The special price converts the additional bar into an impulse item. Price also a pure impulse buying. The impulse, which encourages the shopper to pick up an appealing toy or kitchen gadget for which you cant go wrong at 49 cents, might well be curbed if the price were $1.49 (Faber et al, 2000). At just what price level an item becomes an impulse item cannot be precisely determined. Rack jobbers handling nonfood items in food stores which are generally considered to be impulse items in these outletsclaim that most of their merchandise falls into the $.19 to $3.00 price range, which might be considered a broad impulse price range as well. Additionally, vending-machine operators have trouble-moving items priced at over a dollar. This may be caused by the fact that up until recently vending machines accepted only coins, but it might also be that consumer planning for purchases commences at around a dollar.

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2.4.2 Marginal Need for Item: The degree of consumer need for an item is an influence on whether or not it is an impulse item. Some consumer convenience goods, such as staples in the food store bread, milk, meat, and the like or packaged health aids and medications in the drug store, are necessities for which the shopper must schedule regular trips to the store. Many convenience goods, how ever, are in the no necessity category. These are marginal need items, in that the shopper can post pone their purchase until it is easy to purchase these goods since these goods are not central purpose of a shopping trip, and the need for them is not urgent, they are less likely to be planned purchases and more likely to be impulse items (Gardner and Rook, 1988). 2.4.3 Packaging: Packaging plays a vital role in creating impulse buying just think about it if packaging does not have any effect on the purchase of that good why would companies spend a lot of money on the packaging. Attractive and stunning packaging draws the attention of the customers and results in the impulse purchase of that product without having any proper knowledge about the product. Attractive packaging creates a difference between your products and that of competitors being sold. Like promotion, advertising and pricing packaging also plays a vital role to increase the overall sales of a company (Youn et al, 2000). 2.4.4 Mass Distribution: The more numerous the outlets in which an item is available, the more opportunities the consumer has to find and buy it. Since she is not shopping specifically for the item, it should be made available to her in as many places where she does shop as possible.

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2.4.5 Self-Service: Certainly self-service permits the shopper to buy more quickly and with greater freedom than does clerk-service operation. Be cause many items are easily available to the self-service customer; there is increased opportunity for impulse buying. 2.4.6 Mass Advertising: Much of impulse buying, such as reminder or planned impulse buying is predicated on a high degree of consumer knowledge about the item. This knowledge is gained from prior experience with the item, or from advertising. Although the primary purpose of mass advertising is to create preplanned purchases (prefer ably brand purchases), the reminder benefit of this advertising should assume greater importance as the incidence of impulse buying increases. 2.4.7 Prominent Store Display: Since, according to this definition the customer is not specifically looking for impulse products in the store, prominent display of these items is necessary to increase the opportunity for consumer impulse buying. Display here includes favorable shelf position, special in-store promotions, and distinctive packaging. 2.4.8 Short Product Life: An item which is either perishable, or I or some other reason has a short product life, obviously is subject to purchase more frequently than a longer-lived product. With the exception of necessities, which might also be, perish able or short-lived, the shorter the buying cycle for an item, the more likely it is to be purchased on impulse. The fact that the shopper purchases the item frequently reduces her need to ____________________________________________ 19 Institute Of Management Sciences

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plan for it. She is more likely to rely on encountering it at the store and buying it on impulse. 2.4.9 Small Size or Light Weight: Quite apart from price, size or weight of an item influences impulse buying. For instance, if a shopper notes a particularly good buy on a garden hose at her neighborhood drug store, she may curb her impulse to buy if the hose is either too heavy or too awkward to carry home. The weight or size problems connected with the item oblige the shopper to do some special planning and thus reduce her impulse buying. On the other hand, small, light, easily transported items present no such problems and are more likely to be impulse items. 2.4.10 Ease of Storage: The problem of where to put the item once the shopper gets it home also influences impulse buying. For instance, a shopper may want to buy bulk ice cream on impulse, but remembers she has no room for it in the freezer. Conversely, those items which present no storage problems are more likely to be impulse items.

2.5 Why impulse buying occurs?

There are two basic explanations about the occurance of impulse buying;. i. Exposure to in-store stimuli. This view states that in-store stimuli proreminders of shopping needs. They help to make to the purchase decisions and offer new ways for satisfying the recedes. (Kollat & Willett, 1969).

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The second explanation is the customer-unplanned purchasing, or differences between purchase intentions and actual purchases, are attributeplans (Kollat & Willet, 1969).

The conclusion made by Kollat & Willett in their 1967 study of 600 supermarket slippers is: 'Unplanned purchasing can also be described as a blend of hypotheses. Some impulse purchases are probably precipitated by exposure to in-store stimuli. Others are not impulse at all, but are caused by the way in which the behavior is usually measured.' If this conclusion is accepted, then the results of various studies viewing technique referred to by Kollat & Willett, would be inflated to a degree. That is, the rate of unplanned purchase would be lower due to the 'exposure' and the consumer-commitment explanation weighting. Both the consumer commitment and exposure reply on in-store-stimuli. Thus the importance of such stimuli is in no way diluted; whichever explanation is applicable under the 'exposure' explanation 'in-store stimuli1 play a vital role in generating impulse purchases. Under stimuli play a vital role in reminding the consumer that certain products were (subconsciously) planned and should be purchased? 2.5.1 In-Store Stimuli These are the promotional techniques employed to increase subconsciously or impulse purchase of products. These include price off promotions, point-ofpurchase displays, sampling, coupons, in-store demonstration and on-shelf positions. Different tests measure the relationship between the purchase of the brand and its shelf space. In a test to measure the influence of shelf space upon sales of two brands of salt and powdered coffee cream, (Cox ,1970) there is no relationship between the staple product brand the amount of shelf space given and total unit sales of that brand. Cox found a positive relationship on the basis of high consumer ____________________________________________ 21 Institute Of Management Sciences

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acceptance between the amount of shelf space given to the impulse product brand and the total unit sales however there is a negative relationship between these two if there is low consumer acceptance. The key point arising from the various studies is that the effect of increasing shelf space is likely to vary by brand, by product, by category and by in-store location, by store, but all of these diminish when a certain number of shelf spaces is obtained. On-shelf position is an important factor. In the shelf structure is similar to those found in North America and Europe. According to various tests in Europe and Germany has concluded that the on-shelf position as an effect over the unit sales of the products of supermarkets. Displays of the products and brands should be such that they are perceived by the customes and therefore plays a vital role in impulse buying. (Peak & Peak, 1977; Quelch, 1983). Many studies have been conducted in an attempt to quantify the sales responsiveness of displays. All these found trial displays increased the sales of items displayed (Chevalier, 1975; Wilkinson , 1982). In-store signage can effectively increase unit sales of products (Wood-side & Waddle, 19751. Studies by Doyle & Gidengil(1977) found price reduction to have a significant but often unpredictable effect on unit sales (Wilkinson, 1982).

2.6 Tips for Boosting Impulse Sales:

Creating a frequent change in the displays of regularly sold merchandise and they are moved from one plays to another from time to time to catch the customers eye. Replace the products which have less contribution in sales with the products that creates high sales appeal. Tip 1: colours should be selected in such a way that they creates an original and eye catchable displays. ____________________________________________ 22 Institute Of Management Sciences

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Tip 2: themes should be used to create interest in unusual products and also to refresh the intrests in everyday items. Tip 3: special products and categories should be displayed in such a way that it emphasizes the speciality of that brand or product. Tip 4: change the displays and stocks every week so that the consumers are attracted to the departments. Tip 5: the arrangements should be flexible enough that the less selling products can be easily replaced with the fast selling products. It can be very comfortably inferred that, 1. Emotional appeal of advertisements 2. Brand image of the product 3. Product placement in the store 4. Income of the customer 5. Various festival seasonal discounts 6. Effective pricing and discount strategy 7. Emotional Bonding and usage of the product in festivals affects impulse buying behavior of the consumer very strictly. (

2.7 Stress and Impulse Buying

Impulse buying also results in some negative Stress can be defined as the feeling of taxing a persons resources or being overwhelmed (Lazarus & Folkman, 1984), it is one of the negative emotional states which causes impulsive behaviours. It can be possible that highly stressed indivisuals engages in impulse buying in order to escape from the negative emotional state.(Youn & Faber, 2000). According to the recent marketing studies about 75 % indivisuals feels better following the impulse purchase. (Gardner & Rook, 1988).

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2.7.1 Emotion Regulation and Impulse Buying As we know that stress leads to impulse purchase, so on way to reduce the impulse buying is to reduce the stressful environment but this is not always possible. So another feasible method is to effectively regulate the stress response of an indivisual. In other words, decrease the indivisuals negative emotional state that results from a stressful situation. Emotional regulation means modifying any aspect of the indivisual response including experience and expressive behaviours. (cf. Eisenberg & Spinrad, 2004; Goldsmith & Davidson, 2004; Gross, 1998; Gross & John, 2003). (Dr. Iris B. Mauss, June 2008)

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Chapter No. 3 Frame work and Research Methodology

3.1 Frame Work
This is a descriptive research so the framework mainly consists of dependent and independent variables. On the basis of these variables certain hypothesis are made which will be proved in the analysis and findings section later on. The dependent and independent variables are mentioned below;

Dependent variable;

Independent variables; Factors of consumer behaviors. Product categories. Demographics and psychographics situations of the target market.

Impulse buying.

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3.1.1 Independent variables; This research is mainly about the impulse buying. The basic independent variables involved in this research are; 1. Factors of consumer behaviour and the impulse buying by the consumers within various behaviours. However the factors of consumer behaviour may be internal factors, external factors and marketing factors. These factors influence the impulse buying behaviour of the consumer. External factors can be culture, groups and situations. While the internal factors involves perceptual filtering, attitude, knowledge, personality and lifestyle of the consumer. And the marketing factors are product, promotion, price, distribution and services etc. 2. Product category like what is the product class or category e.g pharmaceuticals, FMCGs, garments, cosmetics, electronics etc. 3. Demographic and psychographic situation of the target market. Like age, gender, mentality, occupation, income etc.

3.1.2 Dependant variables; There is only one dependent variable that is impulse buying all of the above variables affects the impulse buying in different ways either positively or negatively.

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3.2 Research Hypothesis;

On the basis of these variables certain hypothesis are created i-e H1: Attractive price of the products leads to impulse buying of that product. H2: Males are more likely to plan their purchases. H3: Attractive packaging of the product leads to the impulse buying. H4: Behavior of peer group Leeds to impulse buying behavior. These are the four hypotheses they are to be proved later on.

3.3 Research Methodology:

The methodologies used for the research are as follows: 3.3.1 Sample Unit: The respondents selected were belonging to different social backgrounds with a varied income level and different professions. Also the questionnaires were filled randomly from the individuals with different qualifications without considering any special age group people. 3.3.2 Sample Population: The study was conducted in some specific superstores of Peshawar namely Jans Arcade, Wadud Sons (Hayatabad Branch) and Garrison Department Store. 3.3.3 Sample Size: A total sample size of 100 respondents was fixed for the research. ____________________________________________ 27 Institute Of Management Sciences

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3.3.4 Sampling Procedure: The sampling was on the basis of Convenience Sampling i.e. Non-Probability Sampling Method was used.

3.4 Data Collection

Both primary and secondary methods of data collection are used in the study. 3.4.1 Primary Data: The data-collecting tool for primary data was the questionnaire. The questionnaires were compromised of questions about personal information of the respondents along with questions on the subject of study. The questions used dichotomous scale and category scale. This enabled the respondents to answer questions by marking most suitable answers. 3.4.2 Secondary Data: The most important source of secondary data for the study was articles from different websites on internet. Also different books and some related articles in different magazines and journal of marketing served as a source of secondary data.

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Chapter 04:

Analysis and Findings

This chapter is base on the analysis of data. Structured questionnaire was distributed among the respondents, a sample of 100 people were selected for this research randomly. Before starting the data analysis section it's important to mention the demographic profile of respondents of the study. Demographic characteristics of profile were Gender and Age.

Table: 4.1 Total number of respondents was 100 of which 76 were male and 24 were female

Graph: 4.1 ____________________________________________ 29 Institute Of Management Sciences

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Table: 4.2

Graph: 4.2 The minimum age of the respondent was 19 and the maximum age was 26, but 67/100 were from 23 to 24.

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Q1. I often buy things spontaneously/by chance. * Male or Female

Male or Female Male I often buy things Strongly Disagree Count % within Male or Female Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree Total Count % within Male or Female Count % within Male or Female Count % within Male or Female Count % within Male or Female Count % within Male or Female 2 2.6% 14 18.4% 20 26.3% 21 27.6% 19 25.0% 76 100.0% spontaneously/by chance. Female 0 .0% 6 25.0% 8 33.3% 6 25.0% 4 16.7% 24 100.0% Total 2 2.0% 20 20.0% 28 28.0% 27 27.0% 23 23.0% 100 100.0%

Table: 4.3

Graph: 4.3 According to the data collected for the question I often buy things spontaneously/ by chance, in agree and strongly agree categories the male result shows 28% and 25% respectively. Whereas female responses for these categories were 25% and

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17% respectively. This shows that males are using more impulse buying as compared to female. Q2. I buy things according to how I feel at the moment. * Male or Female
Male or Female Male I buy things according to how i Strongly Disagree Count feel at the moment. Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree Total % within Male or Female Count % within Male or Female Count % within Male or Female Count % within Male or Female Count % within Male or Female Count % within Male or Female 4 5.3% 4 5.3% 23 30.3% 30 39.5% 15 19.7% 76 100.0% Female 2 8.3% 0 .0% 8 33.3% 8 33.3% 6 25.0% 24 100.0% Total 6 6.0% 4 4.0% 31 31.0% 38 38.0% 21 21.0% 100 100.0%

Table: 4.4

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Graph: 4.4 According to the data collected for the question I buy things according to how I feel at the moment, in agree and strongly agree categories the male result shows 39.5% and 20% respectively. Whereas female responses for these categories were 33.3% and 25% respectively. This shows that males buy things according to what they feel at the moment more as compare to females.

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Q3. How often do you buy things on impulse? * Male or Female

Male or Female Male How often do you buy Very Rarely things on impulse? Rarely Sometime Often Very Often Total Count % within Male or Female Count % within Male or Female Count % within Male or Female Count % within Male or Female Count % within Male or Female Count % within Male or Female 4 5.3% 13 17.1% 23 30.3% 25 32.9% 11 14.5% 76 100.0% Female 2 8.3% 2 8.3% 8 33.3% 8 33.3% 4 16.7% 24 100.0% Total 6 6.0% 15 15.0% 31 31.0% 33 33.0% 15 15.0% 100 100.0%

Table: 4.5

Graph: 4.5

According to the data collected for the question How often do you buy things on impulse, in agree and strongly agree categories the male result shows 33% and 14.5% respectively. Whereas female responses for these categories were 33.3% and

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17% respectively. This shows that females more often do buy things on impulse as compare to males. Q5. Rank the following factors on the basis of their importance in your impulse (showing your priority by writing 1.6, in the boxes in front.1 being highest and 6 being lowest.

A A:- Low Price B B:- Prominent store display C C:- Immediate need of the product D D:- Mass advertisement of the product E E:- Attractive packaging F F:- Peer group influence
35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 price display need advert pack group males females

Graph: 4.6 In this question the respondents were asked to rank order the six factors on the basis of priority in their impulse buying. The results shows that the highest ranking was given to price by the respondents, peer group influence was on second priority, on ____________________________________________ 35 Institute Of Management Sciences

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3rd priority was advertisement, 4th priority was given to the need for the product on 5th rank packaging was there and the lowest priority was given to the display of product in stores. This shows that lower prices as well as word of mouth influence of friends and relatives are prime reasons for attracting consumers for impulse buying. Q5. Attractive price of the product affect my impulse buying behavior. * Male or Female

Male or Female Male Attractive price of the Strongly Disagree Count product impulse behavior Neutral Agree Strongly Agree Total affect my buying Disagree % within Male or Female Count % within Male or Female Count % within Male or Female Count % within Male or Female Count % within Male or Female Count % within Male or Female 6 7.9% 8 10.5% 18 23.7% 32 42.1% 12 15.8% 76 100.0% Female 2 8.3% 2 8.3% 6 25.0% 10 41.7% 4 16.7% 24 100.0% Total 8 8.0% 10 10.0% 24 24.0% 42 42.0% 16 16.0% 100 100.0%

Table: 4.6

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Graph: 4.7 According to the data collected for the question Attractive prices of the product affect my impulse buying behavior, in agree and strongly agree categories the male result shows 42% and 16% respectively. Whereas female responses for these categories were 42% and 17% respectively. This shows that attractive prices affect the impulse buying of female more rather than in males.

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Q6. Discount offers regarding product attracts me. * Male or Female

Male or Female Male Discount offer regarding Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree Total Count % within Male or Female Count % within Male or Female Count % within Male or Female Count % within Male or Female Count % within Male or Female Count % within Male or Female 6 7.9% 13 17.1% 20 26.3% 23 30.3% 14 18.4% 76 100.0% product attracts me. Female 0 .0% 2 8.3% 6 25.0% 12 50.0% 4 16.7% 24 100.0% Total 6 6.0% 15 15.0% 26 26.0% 35 35.0% 18 18.0% 100 100.0%

Table: 4.7

Graph: 4.8

According to the data collected for the question Discounts offer regarding product attracts me, in agree and strongly agree categories the male result shows 30% and 18% respectively. Whereas female responses for these categories were 50% and

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17% respectively. This shows that females are attracted more by the discounts offer as compare to males. Q7. Schemes like (buy 1 get 1 free) affect my behavior positively. * Male or Female

Male or Female Male Schemes like (bu1 Strongly Disagree Count get 1 free) affect my behavior positively. Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree Total % within Male or Female Count % within Male or Female Count % within Male or Female Count % within Male or Female Count % within Male or Female Count % within Male or Female 14 18.4% 10 13.2% 15 19.7% 21 27.6% 16 21.1% 76 100.0% Female 2 8.3% 4 16.7% 4 16.7% 6 25.0% 8 33.3% 24 100.0% Total 16 16.0% 14 14.0% 19 19.0% 27 27.0% 24 24.0% 100 100.0%

Table: 4.8

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Graph: 4.9 According to the data collected for the question Schemes like (buy 1 get 1free) affect my behavior positively, in agree and strongly agree categories the male result shows 28% and 21% respectively. Whereas female responses for these categories were 25% and 33% respectively. This shows that 28% males agree and 33% of the females strongly agree that schemes like this affect their behavior positively.

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Factors Affecting Impulse Buying Behavior of Consumers

Factors Affecting Impulse Buying Behavior of Consumers

______________________________________________ Q8. Advertisements of products in print and visual media attracts me to buy, * Male or Female

Male or Female Male Advertisement of products Strongly Disagree Count in print and visual media attracts me to buy. Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree Total % within Male or Female Count % within Male or Female Count % within Male or Female Count % within Male or Female Count % within Male or Female Count % within Male or Female 6 7.9% 8 10.5% 23 30.3% 24 31.6% 15 19.7% 76 100.0% Female 0 .0% 4 16.7% 6 25.0% 10 41.7% 4 16.7% 24 100.0% Total 6 6.0% 12 12.0% 29 29.0% 34 34.0% 19 19.0% 100 100.0%

Table: 4.9

Graph: 4.10 According to the data collected for the question Advertisement of the products in print and visual media attracts me to buy, in agree and strongly agree categories the male result shows 32% and 20% respectively. Whereas female responses for

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______________________________________________ these categories were 42% and 17% respectively. This shows that females respond more to the advertisement and its results in buying. Q9. In-store displays of the product lead me to impulse buying.
In-store display of product lead me to impulse buying. Frequency Valid Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree Total 4 10 29 38 19 100 Percent 4.0 10.0 29.0 38.0 19.0 100.0 Valid Percent 4.0 10.0 29.0 38.0 19.0 100.0 Cumulative Percent 4.0 14.0 43.0 81.0 100.0

Table: 4.10

Graph: 4.11 The above table and figure shows that the highest frequency among all of them is of AGREE (i.e: 38) and the mean is 4 which shows that all of the respondents agree that in-store display of the product leads to impulse buying. Q10. Attractive packaging of product attracts me to buy on impulse. ____________________________________________ 42
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Factors Affecting Impulse Buying Behavior of Consumers


Attractive packaging of the product attracts me to impulse buy. Cumulative Frequency Valid Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree Total 4 18 26 42 10 100 Percent 4.0 18.0 26.0 42.0 10.0 100.0 Valid Percent 4.0 18.0 26.0 42.0 10.0 100.0 Percent 4.0 22.0 48.0 90.0 100.0

Table: 4.11

Graph: 4.12 Here Mean is 4 and the highest frequency is 42 for Agree which shows that people AGREE that attractive packaging plays an important role in purchase of things and the data shows that good and attractive packaging leads to more sales. Q11. Compatibility (smaller size and lighter weight) of the product attracts me to do impulse buying.

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Factors Affecting Impulse Buying Behavior of Consumers

Compatibility (small size and lighter weight) of the product attracts me to do impulse buying. Frequency Valid Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree Total 10 26 44 12 8 100 Percent 10.0 26.0 44.0 12.0 8.0 100.0 Valid Percent 10.0 26.0 44.0 12.0 8.0 100.0 Cumulative Percent 10.0 36.0 80.0 92.0 100.0

Table: 4.12

Graph: 4.13 Mean is 3 and highest frequency is of NEUTRAL (i.e: 44) which shows that compatibility does not matters in buying goods because they dont go for luxuries, they go for what they want or need. Q12. Behavior of the sales person affects my impulse buying behavior.

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Factors Affecting Impulse Buying Behavior of Consumers

Behavior of the sales person affects my impulse buying behavior. Frequency Valid Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree Total 21 27 18 24 10 100 Percent 21.0 27.0 18.0 24.0 10.0 100.0 Valid Percent 21.0 27.0 18.0 24.0 10.0 100.0 Cumulative Percent 21.0 48.0 66.0 90.0 100.0

Table: 4.13

Graph: 4.14 Here the maximum frequency is 27 and which is of DISAGREE shows that maximum number of male and female said that behavior of the sale person affect their impulse buying. This may be due to the fact that every one prefers to buy on his or her own will, and dont like any interference when buying any product. Here mean is 2. Q13. Behavior of the peer group affects my impulse buying behavior.

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Factors Affecting Impulse Buying Behavior of Consumers

Behavior of the peer group affects my impulse buying behavior. Frequency Valid Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree Total 12 12 23 41 12 100 Percent 12.0 12.0 23.0 41.0 12.0 100.0 Valid Percent 12.0 12.0 23.0 41.0 12.0 100.0 Cumulative Percent 12.0 24.0 47.0 88.0 100.0

Table: 4.14

Graph: 4.15 Opinion of the peer groups matters a lot for the people because they want to buy those things which are liked by their peer groups and its proved by the above figure and table that highest frequency is 41 for AGREE and mean is 4 which shows that they agree that peer groups have affect on their impulse buying. Q14. Self service positively affects my impulse buying behavior.

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Factors Affecting Impulse Buying Behavior of Consumers

Self service positively affects my impulse buying behavior. Frequency Valid Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree Total 13 22 21 27 17 100 Percent 13.0 22.0 21.0 27.0 17.0 100.0 Valid Percent 13.0 22.0 21.0 27.0 17.0 100.0 Cumulative Percent 13.0 35.0 56.0 83.0 100.0

Table: 4.15

Graph: 4.16 Data shows that AGREE has the highest frequency i.e. 27 and mean we have is 4 which show that self service positively affects the impulse buying behavior of the consumers.

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Factors Affecting Impulse Buying Behavior of Consumers


Chapter No. 5 Conclusions and recommendation

Based upon the analysis and findings of data collected and interpreted it can be concluded that: Impulse buying is mostly done by the male respondents as we have 100 total respondents out of them 76 are male and just the rest 24 are females. So it is concluded that mostly males adopt the impulse buying behavior. Age has a bell shaped effect on impulse buying first it goes on increasing with the age then it goes on decreasing from the data at the age of 19 just seven respondents carry out the impulse buying behavior the maximum number of respondents were of 23 or 24 years of age so it means that impulse buying behavior mostly occurs at this age mostly youngsters. i-e 67 out of 100 respondents adopt the impulse buying behavior who were of 23 or 24 years of age. It is suggested that the distributors or the shopkeepers must target the youngsters especially in the mentioned age range for impulse buying. Males buy things impulsively more as compared to women so males can be the focused area for impulsive sale. Like in the data collected 28 % males agree that they mostly buy things impulsively while the percentage here for females was 25%. As mentioned earlier that males buy things on impulse behavior more as compared to women now this impulse buying is followed by the way they feel about the product at the time of purchase whether to buy it or not. In this category males also responded higher than the females i-e 39.5 % while the degree of females was 33.5% which means males buy things according to what they feel about the product. So emotional, rational and functional factors should also be considered in the impulse buying. Speaking of the degree of buying things on impulse women buy things more often on impulse as compared to men. It may be because of the ____________________________________________ 48
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______________________________________________ shopping environment the shopping habits of the females their purchasing power and the urge that arises to buy a product which they do not intended to buy. Women are more emotional and less rational then men so the shopkeepers should concentrate on the emotional and delegate factor of the women behavior. Certain variables like low price, prominent store displays, immediate need of the product, advertisement, attractive packaging and peer group influence etc plays a vital role in creating an impulse purchase. From the data collected it is concluded that most of the people are price conscious about the purchase of a good impulsively so if you want to attract your customers to buy something extra on impulse basis you should keep your prices low and will provide quality product as compare to your competitors because mostly impulse buying occurs in FMCGS and convenience goods so they dont go for brands or value the main things by which you can focus can be the price. Similarly peer group influence also plays a vital role in making an impulse purchase from the analysis of the collected data people mostly buy products impulsively on the basis of peer group influence i-e word of mouth so if your product is being used by someone else and he/she is satisfied with the product it can also help you in making your sales volume bigger. Advertisement is also the key factor to give some knowledge about the product which creates interests of the customers and raise an urge about that product in the mind of consumers so through creative and attractive advertisements you can make the consumer to buy your product even if it is not in his intentions. Packaging do not play a really good role in impulse buying because people seek value for money as I have mentioned earlier that they do not go for brands or value or attractive packaging. The main thing is price e.g if a package of a matchbox or milkpack is prepared very costly the customers are not influenced by its packaging they dont even pay attention to this packaging they just want to satisfy their basic need that is milk. From the data it is clear that both women and men strongly agree that they buy things impulsively because of the attractive prices i-e which they can afford and ready to purchase. However the females are a bit more influenced by the low ____________________________________________ 49
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Factors Affecting Impulse Buying Behavior of Consumers

______________________________________________ prices as compared to men because they buy things very carefully keeping all the aspects in mind i-e price, value, durability, reliability etc. The discount offers given on the products also attracts the customers to buy that product whether he intended for or not. In this case women are more attracted to the discount offers on goods as compared to men. From the data the degree of agreement by females with the discount offers and to buy these products is 50 % and that of males is 30%. Certain other schemes such as buy 1 get 1 free coupons etc also attracts customers for the impulse purchase of these products data shows that both the males and females agree strongly to these schemes which effects there behaviour positively to make an impulse purchase of the product but the degree of females is a bit higher than the males. I-e from the data 33% of females strongly agree to these schemes while 28 % males agree. In store displays and arrangement of the products effectively and efficiently can also enable the customers to make the impulse purchase of the products. Because whatever they need are visible to them I-e there may be certain products which the customers need along with the ordinary purchases and routine shopping but because of the improper displays they do not catch the customers eye and thus they are not even remembered by the customers to be asked for. So the products should be arranged in a visible and effective manner in windows racks different products and brands should be given separate displays and prominent places with proper lightning and themes etc. from the data highest frequency of the respondents agree that they leads to the impulse buying because of the proper in store displays. Compatibility of the product in case of impulse buying is not important because in impulse buying people dont go for luxuries they just want to fulfill there basic need they do not go for anything extra or high quality or high price premium etc. from the data it is concluded that the respondents were neutral when they were asked that if compatibility of the products leads them to the impulse purchase of that products. Impulse buying is always done by a persons own will he or she does ____________________________________________ 50
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______________________________________________ not like any interference in this kind of purchase. So here a fact arises that the self service technique in impulse purchasing can be very useful. In order to enable the customer to pick whatever he wants. The research hypothesis; H1; attractive price of the products leads to the impulse buying of the product; From the collection, analysis and conclusion of the data this hypothesis comes true. i-e attractive price leads to the impulse purchase. It is the first priority of the respondents that leads to the impulse buying of the product with attractive prices. H2; males are more likely to plan their purchases. This hypothesis comes false from the analysis and conclusion of the data because most of the males do not plan their purchases they often buy things spontaneously/by chance without any planning for the purchase. H3; attractive packaging of the product leads to the impulse buying; However packaging is not the first or second priority for impulse buying by the consumers but from the collection of the data and analysis this hypothesis comes true because most of the respondents agrees that the attractive packaging leads to the impulse buying.

H4; behaviour of the peer group leeds to the impulse buying; From the collection and analysis of data from the respondents this hypothesis comes true because almost all of the respondents agree that peer group influence ____________________________________________ 51
Factors Affecting Impulse Buying Behavior of Consumers

Factors Affecting Impulse Buying Behavior of Consumers

______________________________________________ leads to the impulse purchase. And they have given it second priority after the price. i-e after the attractive prices the most important factor that influences the consumers for the impulse purchase is the peer group influence.

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Factors Affecting Impulse Buying Behavior of Consumers


Kollat and Willett, (1967), consumer impulse purchasing behavior, journal of marketing research, 4,febrary, 21-31. Hoch and Loewenstcin (1991),"Time-inconsistent Preferences and Consumer selfcontrol", journal of consumer research, 17(March), 492-507. Thompson, Locander, and Pollio (1990),"The lived meaning of free choice: An extensional-phenomenological description of everyday consumer experiences of contemporary married women, journal of consumer research, 17(December), 346361. Rook, Dennis W. (1987), "The Buying Impulse," Journal of Consumer Research, 14 (2), 189-99. Bayley, Geoff and Clive Nancarrow (1998), "Impulsive Purchasing: A Qualitative Exploration of the Phenomenon," Qualitative Market Research, 1 (2), 99-114. Shamdasani, Prem N. and Dennis W. Rook (1989), "An Exploratory Study of Impulse Buying in an Oriental Culture: The Case of Singapore," Singapore Marketing Review, 4, 7-20. Hilgard Ernest R.(1962),"Impulsive versus Realistic thinking: An Examination of the distinction between Primary and Secondary Processes in Thought", Psychological Bulliten,59(November),477-488. Kollat and Willett, 1969) is impulse purchasing really a useful for marketing decisions? Journal of marketing 33,January 79-83.

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______________________________________________ Kollat, David T. and Ronald P. Willett (1967), "Customer Impulse Purchasing Behavior," Journal of Marketing Research, 4 (February), 21-31. Cox (1970) the effect of shelf space of branded products, journal marketing research 7,febraray, 55-8 Peak and Peak, (1977)supermarket merchandising and management, eaglewood cliffs: NJ,Prentice-Hall Quelch, 1983), its time to make trade promotion more productive, Harvard Business Review, May/June, 130-136 Chevalier, (1975) increase in sales due to in store display. Journal of marketing research12, November 426-31. Wilkinson et al,, 1982).assessing the impact of short term supermarket strategy variables. Journal of marketing serearch19, February , 72-85. Doyle and Gidengil (1977) a review of in store experiment. Journal of retailing 53,summer, 46-62. Rook Dennis W (1987),"The Buying Impulse," journal of consumer research, 14(September), 189-199. Wood-side and Waddle, (19751), the effect of in-store advertising. Journal of advertising research June , 29-33. Rook, Dennis W. and Stephen J. Hoch (1985), "Consuming Impulses," in Advances in Consumer Research, Vol. 12, Morris Holbrook and Elizabeth Hirschman, eds. Provo, UT: Association for Consumer Research, 23-27.

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Data from Different Sites

1:- 2:- 3:- 4:- 5:- onsumer.html?cat=35 (

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Factors Affecting Impulse Buying Behavior of Consumers


Annexure - I
Gender Male Age 17 and Below 18-24 25-34 35 and above Female

Q1. I often buy things spontaneously/by chance. Strongly agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree

Q2. I buy things according to how I feel at the moment. Strongly agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree

Q3. How often do you buy things on impulse? Very rarely Rarely Sometimes Often Very often

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Factors Affecting Impulse Buying Behavior of Consumers

Factors Affecting Impulse Buying Behavior of Consumers

______________________________________________ Q4. Rank the following factors on the basis of their importance in your impulse (showing your priority by writing 1.6, in the boxes in front.1 being highest and 6 being lowest. Low Price Prominent Store Display Immediate Need Of The Product Mass Advertisement Of The Product Attractive Packaging Peer Group Influence

Q5. Attractive price of the product affect my impulse buying behavior. Strongly agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree

Q6. Discount offers regarding product attracts me. Strongly agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree

Q7. Schemes like (buy 1 get 1 free) affect my behavior positively. Strongly agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree

Q8. Advertisements of products in print and visual media attracts me to buy . Strongly Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly agree Disagree Q9. In-store displays of the product lead me to impulse buying. Strongly agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree

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Factors Affecting Impulse Buying Behavior of Consumers

Factors Affecting Impulse Buying Behavior of Consumers

______________________________________________ Q10. Attractive packaging of product attracts me to buy on impulse. Strongly agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree

Q11. Compatibility (smaller size and lighter weight) of the product attracts me to do impulse buying. Strongly agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree

Q12. Behavior of the sales person affects my impulse buying behavior. Strongly agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree

Q13. Behavior of the peer group affects my impulse buying behavior. Strongly agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree

Q14. Self service positively affects my impulse buying behavior. Strongly agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree

____________________________________________ 58
Factors Affecting Impulse Buying Behavior of Consumers

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