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LSTA e LEA ae Rete MIR) CE em es a) Lee grammar topics and stru A can a oR. Richmond Publishing 19 Berghem Mews Blythe Road London W14 ON UK © David Bolton and Noel Goodey, 1997 Published by Richmond Publishing® First Published 1997 All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior permission in writing of the publishers. ISBN: 84-294-5065-3 Depdsito legal: M. 19.015-1997 Printed in Spain by Huertas S.A. Design and layout Mike Cryer, eMC Design Cover design La Pot Mhustrations Philip Bannister, Kathy Baxendale, Greg Becker, Peter Cornwall, Stephen Dew, Mark Daffin, Richard Duszezak, Debbie Ryder, Clyde Pearson, Kath Walker ir 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 ‘The present simple: She wears glasses 6 The present continuous: The phone's ringing 8 The present continuous or the present simple? He's smoking or He smokes? 10 The present continuous and the present simple with future meaning 14 The past simple: He was late for work. He arrived at 9.15 16 The past continuous ox the past simple? Twas waiting for the bus OR I waited for the bus? 18 The present perfect: I’ve lost my job 20 ‘The present perfect with already, yet, just, ever, never, before 22 The present perfect (other uses) 24 The present perfect or the simple past? They've left London or They left London? 26 The present perfect continuous: He's been waiting for hours 28 ‘The present perfect continuous ox the present perfect simple? 30 ‘The past perfect and the past perfect continuous: He had taken/He had been taking 32 ‘The future: will/won’t, shall/shan't 34 Going to on Will? It's going to rain. He'll be 20 tomorrow 36 The future continuous and the future perfect 38 The passive (1) Forms and main uses: He was taught by his parents 40 The passive (2) Other constructions 42 Have/Get something done: He had his.carserviced 44 Questions 46 Question tags: i's cold, isn'tit? 48 Who, what, which? Do you know who/what/if? etc. 50 I think so, I hope so, ete. So do |, Neither dol,ete. 52 Auxiliary verbs used alone: She likes cheese, but! don't 54 Can, could, be able to 56 Can, could, may, would ix requests, offers and invitations 57 Must/mustn’t Have to/don't have to 58 Must, can't Must have done, can’t have done 60 May (have), might (have), could (have) 62 Should/ought to Had better Should have/ought to have 64 Have got/Have: I've got $200. She's having a bath 66 Phrasal verbs: / got up and turned off the light 68

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