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The Interfaith Guild of Chaplains August Picnic and Strategy Session notes Thursday, August 23, 2012 Frazer

Park, NE 52nd Avenue & Hassalo Street, Portland, Oregon 97213 Present: Donna Van Horn, Sarah Morrigan 1. Re-envisioning and reorganization process Sarah continued her work on the re-envisioning since the July 30, 2012 reenvisioning document draft and proposes the following: A. The group needs a wider, expanded membership and support base, including those who are not necessarily qualified or interested in chaplaincy. B. With the evolution and changes Occupy movement is undergoing in both Portland and worldwide, we must adapt to the changing movement. C. Chaplaincy as a spiritual support for Occupy movement and Occupiers is still relevant, especially when it also brings voices of conscience to help the movement refocus itself on economic justice and human rights issues. D. Some members and prospective members were interested more in direct actions, protests and other more visible political activities, and there should be a room for them as well. E. The Faith and Spirit Council has been inactive for over half a year but we may be able to reach out to them for possible reentry into Occupy movement. F. Therefore: (1) We should establish a broader umbrella organization called Interfaith Solidarity (proposed name) under a unified branding, to open the group to a broader, expanded membership and support base. (2) Under the Interfaith Solidarity would be two (initially) subgroups * Interfaith Solidarity Chaplains' Guild (ISCG), which continues the current IGC's activities and membership, which is primarily supportive in nature. * Interfaith Solidarity Action Team (ISAT), the activist wing of the Interfaith Solidarity, which would be a new group dedicated to social justice direct actions and political activities.

Proposed emblem of the Interfaith Solidarity and unified branding, which is based on the traditional IGC color scheme and the heart symbol, as well as the letter I as a candle. (Design by Sarah Morrigan)

2. Outreach activities for the Occupy Anniversary events There will be two Occupy Anniversary events in Portland, one in September (anniversary of OWS) at St. Francis the Occupy Portland Open House and another on October 6-7 at the downtown parks. Tabling is a possibility. 3. Outreach activities at Occupy outside Portland Members make an effort to visit other General Assemblies such as Gresham, the Gorge, Ashland, and Vancouver, Washington. This would also be a good opportunity for remote members in such cities to get involved. 4. Vigil support. In the past IGC officially endorsed the city hall prayer vigil, but we have not made a concerted effort to be plugged in. The prayer vigil turned into a camping on sidewalks, which presented similar problems of the past. Now that the city has forced the vigil to downsize and bring its focus back to the prayer vigil this would be a good time for us to start getting involved. The vigil people are now actively looking for people to participate.

5. Public messages and rotating weekly columns. One of the problems with IGC and greater Occupy Portland was the lack of clear public messages. Donna proposed an idea of publishing a weekly column on our website, dealing with spirituality, ethics and social justice. This would also be a good way for presently inactive members who cannot attend meetings and such to stay active in this group (especially Jason, Rivkah, and Tim, who are great writers). 6. Booklet We had an idea to publish a book of interfaith prayers back in October. Why not revive this and also have the prayers interspersed with columns (above) and quotes from classic sacred texts (public domain items)? 7. Wild Goose Festival will be over the Labor Day weekend in Corvallis. 8. Scavenger hunt at Powell's and other fun activities! 9. Fall event line-up: Sukkah party maybe Sara Hope or P'nai Or might have a sukkah for this? Day of the Dead/Samhain/All Saints' Day Celtic Christian contemplative service (like the one at Ss. Peter and Paul Episcopal Church) Occupy Thanksgiving PDX 2012! Three months to plan. Maybe this time indoors? (A possible location: St. David of Wales Episcopal Church? Occupy Christmas PDX 2012 maybe a good idea to start planning this before Thanksgiving.

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