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When two or more waves travelling in the medium simultaneously, the of a particle at any instant of time is the algebraic sum of the displacements of the same particle due to individual waves , in the absence of others .This is called SUPERPOSITION PRINCIPLE: Let y1, y2, y3, be the individual displacements, the resultant displacement is

= =
(y=y1---y2 )
TYPES OF INTERFERENCE: There are two types of interferences. (i)

(y=y1+y2 )


Division of wave front Division of amplitude

Division of wave front: In this type of interference wave front is divided

into two parts and these parts travel unequal distances and interfere. Ex: Youngs double slit experiment Fresnel Bi prism. Division of amplitude: In this type of interference amplitude of incident wave is divided into two parts and they reunite producing interference. Ex: Newtons rings experiments and Michel sons experiment.

CONDITIONS TO GET INTERFERENCE: To produce a stable and unchanging interference pattern, it is essential that the two sources be coherent

Important definitions:

Amplitude : The maximum displacement of a particle when a wave is propagating in the medium is called Amplitude . It is denoted by A. I A2 I=KA2

DISPLACEMENT: At any instant the displacement of a particle of medium from its mean or equilibrium is called DISPLACEMENT. It is denoted by Y. Wave length : It is the distance between two successive crests or two successive troughs. OR the normal distance between two consecutive wave fronts of the same phase, whose phase difference is 2 is called wave length. Denoted by . PHASE DIFFERENCE:

Complicating the task of observing the interference of visible light

waves is the fact that light from the two sources must be coherent. Two light sources that maintain a constant phase difference with each other are said to be coherent light sources. If two sources maintain the same difference in phase, they are considered coherent light sources.

Even if the sources of light do not stay in step with each other, as long as the amount by which they are out of step remains the same over time, the light sources are said to be coherent. PRODUCE COHERENT WAVES


Light visible to the human eye makes a complete cycle

of vibration from crest to trough and back to crest in roughly 1015 seconds. A light wave as a transverse wave pattern with crests and troughs, then a crest is typically created every 10-15 seconds.

Consider two light sources producing light waves at the same frequency, but one source is creating a crest just prior to the moment in time when the other source is creating a crest. Such light sources are not at the same phase in their cycle of light production. They are said to be out of phase.

TWO INCANDESCENT LIGHT BULBS CANNOT PRODUCE COHERENT WAVES: Typical light sources such as incandescent light bulbs have an intrinsic irregularity associated with the manner in which they produce light. The production of light results when atoms of the filaments or source become electrically excited and produce an electromagnetic or light wave. Since these excitations occur in an unpredictably random fashion, the light waves that they produce do not maintain a constant phase difference with each other. Approximately once every 10-8 seconds, a source will randomly alter its phase. While waves from these sources will interfere to produce an interference pattern, the lack of coherence means that the pattern will constantly change with time. In fact, the patterns change so

rapidly with time (once every 10-8 seconds) that there is no possibility that the human eye could ever discern a pattern..
PATH DIFFERENCE: Difference in the path is called path difference. In the

given figure the path difference is . These waves are said to be in phase.

constructive interference:

If crest of one wave falls on crest of second wave OR trough of one wave falls on trough of another wave the resultant amplitude is equal to sum of amplitudes due to individual waves. This is called CONSTRUCTIVE AMPLITUDE.

A= A1+A2 Hence intensity is maximum at these points. Here this intensity is called constructive interference.


If crest of one wave falls on trough of another wave the resultant amplitude is equal to the difference of amplitudes of individual waves. This is called DISTRUCTIVE INTERFERENCE. Intensity is minimum at these points.


YOUNGS DOUBLE SLIT EXPERIMENT: The theory of interference was first demonstrated by Thomas Young in 1801.

In this experiment the sun light was allowed to pass through a pin hole S ,

Spherical wave fronts spread in all directions.

At some distance another card board is placed and S 1, S2 are two pin holes made to it. Spherical wave fronts are divided at two pin holes when they pass through them

The two parts will interfere producing interference. At a distance a screen XY is placed. A few colored bright and dark fringes are observed on the screen. EXPLAINATION:

When the sun light passes through the first pin hole Spherical wave fronts are produced. According to Huygens theory every point on the spherical wave front acts as a center for secondary wavelet. Thus S1, S2 also produce spherical wave front. The radii of wave fronts increase as they move away from S1, S2. They superimpose and if crest of one wave falls on crest of second wave OR trough of one wave falls on trough of another wave the resultant amplitude is equal to sum of amplitudes due to individual waves. This is called CONSTRUCTIVE AMPLITUDE. Hence intensity is maximum at these points. Here this intensity is called constructive interference. If crest of one wave falls on trough of another wave the resultant amplitude is equal to the difference of amplitudes of individual waves. This is called DISTRUCTIVE INTERFERENCE. Intensity is minimum at these points. Thus on the screen alternative bright and dark fringes are formed.

Later pin hole is replaced by slit and sun light is replaced by monochromatic light. ANALYTICAL TREATMENT: Consider a source of monochromatic light. In front of that two slits are placed separated by distance d.

Let a screen is placed at a distance of L. Q is the midpoint of S1,S2 and P is a point where we want to find out the intensity which are at distance of r1,r2 from Q to P. Let be the phase difference between them. Let Y1,Y2, are the displacements of two waves and the resultant wave displacement is Y then

Y= Y1 + Y2 Y1 =A Sint and Y2= A Sin(t+)

Y = A Sint +A Sin(t+) =

Let A ( Y =R cos S =R cos and += R sin A = R sin

=R Sin (t+) R2 = = = = (1+Cos2 +2 Cos (2+2 Cos (1+1 Cos Cos2 ]

=4Io Cos2 I=4Io Cos2


Let =0o

I=4 Io Intensity is maximum and 4 times to that of individual source. Bright fringe is formed. Case2: Let =180o I=0
fringe is formed.

Since Cos2 ie (2)

intensity is zero and dark


Let =360o


I=- 4 Io

Intensity is maximum again bright fringe is

When phase difference is 0, 2, 4 ie corresponding path difference is 0, , 2, 3. n I=4 Io & is maximum bright fringes are formed.

When =, 3, 5.. ie corresponding path difference is /2, 2/2, 3/2,.(2n+1) /2, I=0 & is minimum and dark fringes are formed.

ENERGY DISTRIBUTION: At bright points intensity is 4A2 and dark fringe intensity is zero. The intensity is 2A2 . Due to individual waves in the absence of inteference the intensity is A2+A2=2A2 Thus it does not violate law of conservation of energy.



Consider The

a monochromatic source , let S1, S2 are two narrow slits.

distance between them is d, and the distance between the slits and screen is L

is the mid point of S1,S2. Let P is a point on the screen at a distance y from the center of the screen O. S1P= r1, S2P= r2 and angle OQP is . difference = S2P- S1P = r2- r1 = dSin








It is defined as the distance between two successive bright fringes or the distance between two successive dark bands.




Consider two adjescent bright fringes n and n+1 at a distances of y1 and y2 from the center of the screen. For bright fringes path difference should be n where n=1,2,3,.

- =
To show dark fringe width is also equal to Consider two adjescent dark fringes (2n+1) and (2n+3) at a distances of y1 and y2 from the center of the screen. For dark fringes path difference should be n=0,1,2,3,. (2n+1) /2 where

Note 1: fringe width (i)


Proportional to Wave length. Proportional toDistance between sources and screen.

(iii) Distance between two slits.

PHASE CHANGES UPON REFLECTION: When light ray is travelling from dense medium to less dense medium phase will not change upon reflection.

When light is travelling from less denser medium to more denser medium phase will change by rad.


Consider AB,CD are two parallel surfaces of transperent slab of thickness t . Let light ray incidents on AB at P with angle of incidence I refracts at an angle r. At P a part is reflected in the direction PQ and a part refracted in the direction PN2. By the time refracted ray reaches R after reflected light reaches Q. The path difference is



S i

C v

r r
v v


v D



Actual path difference due to reflection is 2tCosr /2 For air =1, For normal incidence Cosr=1 Condition for bright fringe: The path difference should be n 2tCosr - /2 = n 2tCosr =n +/2 2tCosr = (2n+1)/2 2t=(2n+1)/2

Condition for Dark fringe : The path difference should be (2n+1)/2

2tCosr + /2 = (2n+1)/2


When a thin film is exposed to white light colours will be formed on the surfaces of the films due to reflection. These can be explained as follows. Consider a soap bubbleof thickness t.If it is exposed to white light rays reflect from the surface. The path difference is 2tCosr. In this expression ,r are variables. For different colours s will be different so s. When white light incidents on soap bubble angles of incidence will be different so angles of refraction will be different. That colour which satisfies condition for constructive interference, forms bright fringe. At different points for different colours the condition will be satisfied. Thus colours will be formed in thin films. Similarly we can explain fringe formation in oil surface. If the surface is flat i,r will be constants but t may vary and , will be different colours. In thin films dark bands are not seen because at a point let say destructive interference takesplace for one colour() but at the same time it may satisfy the condition for constructive interference for some other colour so there bright band wilbe formed. So we dont find dark bands. : Consider


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