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Play House

An Erotic Love Story Friday St. James

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Copyright 2012 Friday St. James All Rights Reserved Excerpt Maybe under the influence, she did not realize how devoid of human emotion her husband really was. But she had forgotten about it that night. Inside this very room, he had tossed her onto the king size canopy bed, stripped off his trunks and crawled up between her legs, running his hands over her smooth skin and underneath the elastic edge of her bikini. He traced his finger back and forth, slowly, in the crease of her thigh, brushing the sides of her pussy but going no further. She let out a frustrated shudder. Touch it, she urged, moving her hips to get his fingers to go where she needed them. Touch what, baby? He loved to taunt her, to make her ask him for what she wanted. It was different back then. Touch my clit. He would not. He touched her every place but there. Richard loved her ass. He flipped her over and pressed his hands between her legs, palming the smooth flesh and going higher and higher until his fingers parted her thighs and brushed the crotch of her flimsy bikini bottom. She squirmed, rubbing her overheated pussy against the bed. Richard lifted her hips and buried his face in the juncture, then shifted to rub the top of his forehead against the damp material. Her pussy throbbed. He reached for her and stripped the bottoms down her legs, over her calves, and then stretched and ripped the material, using it to tie her ankles together. The expensive designer swimsuit was ruined. They were beyond caring. With Kennedy face down, her soft breasts pressed into the mattress and her legs bound together, he lay on top of her. She could feel his rock hard length pressed between the cheeks of her ass, pulsing and throbbing with his excitement, and then his hands as he pried open her buttocks. Slipping his cock between the curves, he rode her then, not entering, just stroking in the tight, moist crevice between her legs. They were both panting at the exquisite sensations. Each time Richard pulled out she could feel her clitoris jump. She whimpered and slipped one hand under her hips to try to touch herself but Richard stopped her. Untying her bikini top and tugging it loose, he reached beneath her to pull on her engorged nipples. Kennedy was on fire. Richard What, baby? Richard She did not know what she wanted. She only knew she wanted more. Richard grabbed her hips and pulled her up so she was kneeling on the mattress. He used her halter top to blindfold her then she felt him leave the bed. Kennedy did not know where he

was or what to expect next. A breeze from the open window sent a chill across her upended buttocks. A minute passedthen two. It felt like forever. She reached up to remove the blindfold. Dont! He stung her ass with a towel. Fluid pooled in her vagina and gathered between her closed legs. He swatted her again, this time on her thigh. She moaned and gyrated her hips. Richard placed one hand between her legs, sawing back and forth, back and forth, increasing the pressure on her pussy until she pushed down, trying to get his fingers inside her. At the same time, he lodged a finger in her ass, then followed the finger with his tongue. Hello? Anybody home? Kennedy heard approaching footsteps and was shaken from her reverie. Just as she whirled about to move toward the voice, a broad expanse of shoulders, chest, and powerful legs filled the doorframe and her field of vision. She looked up into a pair of piercing brown eyes looking down into her jade green ones. He was well over six feet, a solidly built wall of muscle. Suddenly the room was much smaller than it had seemed moments ago.

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