5 Benefits of Expanded Lovemaking DR Patti Taylor

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Patricia H. Taylor, PhD, and ExpandedLovemaking.

com present a special report:

Five Benefits of Expanded Lovemaking

Copyright 2006 Patricia Taylor, PhD, All Rights Reserved

December, 2006
Updated April, 2012

Expanded Lovemaking an outcome and a process

Expanded Lovemaking: Im amazed how many people have enjoyed this truly extraordinary experience at least once, and often many times. Have you? Youre spending erotic time with someone laughing, kissing, lusting, bonding you are connecting, immersing in mutual attraction, longing to feel your partner more fully, to merge, to breathe one breath, to feel skin against skin dissolving, to taste your beloveds sweetness, to offer yourself as your greatest gift fully. And this dance of meeting-and-being-met becomes increasingly engaging, spiraling into ecstasy. All this seems to occur effortlessly, even inevitably. Time either stops altogether or flies so quickly that the next glance at the clock reveals that many hours have passed. I call this the event form of Expanded Lovemaking. Not everyone has experienced this type of event. To some, Expanded Lovemaking (by whatever name you choose to call it)

seems serendipitous, out of their control something wonderful that just happens when conditions concatenate just so. I wonder if such people feel a little sad that the appearance of sublime mystery seems so capricious. Fortunately, Expanded Lovemaking can be learned, regardless of past experiences. Many are so drawn, and so moved, by the promise of Expanded Lovemaking, that they choose to enter Expanded Lovemaking as a lifelong path. Perhaps you have had Expanded Lovemaking events so powerful that you wish to arrange your life to increase the likelihood of experiencing these events repeatedly, in all the many ways you may be blessed to receive them. Or, maybe you have researched Expanded Lovemaking, and without even a single experience, are so intrigued and resonant that you are willing to commit yourself and begin the journey. Now the thing about a path into this intriguing and blissful land is that (like the Yellow Brick Road) you get on it, and follow this road wherever it may lead. You learn that while goals may be wonderful, its really the journey that is the reward. You
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dont go to the opera to hear the last note, or to a fine gourmet meal just for the dessert. You go to enjoy the whole experience! Likewise, on the Expanded Lovemaking path, you seek to savor each moment ever more richly as you connect with yourself and your partner. You open to experiencing the exquisite nature of all the moments along the way. Such a path is life-changing at a deep level.

unrelentingly strung one after the other so much so that we fail to recognize the multilayered blissful nuance of a fully conscious, fully present lovers touch. In short, are we acquiring sexual ADD? Where do we emerge from the expectations of Hollyporn into the messy, real-life sexual world of striving to discover rapturous bliss with that beloved partner we think we know so well? That adventuremate with whom we hope to enter the portal of extraordinary erotic experience we call Expanded Lovemaking? What do we do when the music stops? Where is the script? Can we just be and breathe and feel and fullyfully!awaken to this absolute moment of loving connection? Many of my incoming clients have sexual ADD, but thats not how they think of it. All they know is that they are bored. Typically the men are frustrated that their women dont want to have more sex, and the women are angry that the men dont take the time to figure out what they want (usually, via mind-reading, since they arent going to tell the men, now are they? They dont know what they want either, but are hoping to be swept away by a magic so immense that it compels surrender). And yes, even the men are getting only a fraction of the pleasure out of sex that they know is possible.

Is Expanded Lovemaking your path?

These days we are all bombarded, relentlessly, on TV and movies, by billboards and the Internet, by sound and word bites that jangle our senses with ten second stimulus packages (these info-bites used to be more like a minute but our attention span has progressively withered away). Perhaps we have created an environment that produces children with ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder but what about adults, who are everywhere exposed to sexually-charged images (accompanied, of course, by an ad for liquor or an expensive resort.)? Do we see ever see more than a hint of foreplay and afterplay? Not often mostly we get some variation of kiss-wham-bams shot with acrobatic perfection available only to twenty-somethings. And its sex in the service of something sex to sell something, sex to prove something. Do we ever learn something we can take into our own sexual lives? Or, instead, are we wiring our brains and bodies to recognize only those moments of intensity,
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Who is on this path of Expanded Lovemaking?

People who want to retrain their minds and bodies (we call this the wiring) to reverse the sexual ADDand to explore what they know is possible because of an event
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experience or because so potent a longing must have a real object. Such people want learn to be fully present to every moment of connection and stretch that connection out, like warm taffy, in time and space. Our bodies were trained to go numb with sexual ADD, and they can be trained to reawaken!

goal is not the reward, there are many rewards to the journey. A part of Expanded Lovemaking is the study of Expanded Orgasm. Here, as in Expanded Lovemaking, we teach that even orgasm, as a goal, is but a fleeting (though amazing) moment (which may be quite a long moment) of delight. The paths of Expanded Orgasm and Expanded Lovemaking are strewn with surprisingly delightful experiences. In fact, a key experience of these paths is that you develop your ability to contain and spread ever greater quantity of pleasure and delight to all parts of your being. On the path, you experience the ups and downs that come with life. You are always on the path, no matter how skilled, or new, you are to the practice. One of our private studies shows that new practitioners get just as much value from Expanded Orgasm as do those who have been practicing for over ten years. Truly, when you learn to love each and every moment, this kind of outcome makes total sense!

Is Expanded Lovemaking a form of Tantra?

Yes! Tantra is a path of expanded consciousness. Actually, Tantra includes many paths to this expanded state. Each person must find their own way amongst the many alternatives. But this multiplicity of paths lives on the same mountain, and there are many fellow-travelers as well as definite clues and signposts. Tantra allows people to use sexuality as a path, and hence, contains ancient and time-honored methods and approaches. Today, you can discover for yourself which Tantric paths are best for you. Expanded Lovemaking is a path that includes body, heart, spirit and mind. It includes all parts of your being. As a whole, Expanded Lovemaking works with your energy, which has been generated from all of these areas.

What is the value of being on a path?

Studies show that those on a deliberate path are far more likely to have Expanded Lovemaking experiences. Even though the
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What are (some of) the benefits of choosing Expanded Lovemaking as a path?
When you train yourself to wake up! you train to re-engage yourself at the levels of body, heart, spirit, and mind. Mind may be the big key here. Why do I say this? Because you hired your mind at birth to run the show called Survival for you. You must enroll, and then befriend, the mind in this venture. All are important but, make the mind your ally, and you have an astonishingly potent friend. If I were to distill all the benefits into one, you are training yourself to wake up in one of the most pleasurable ways I can imagine! In fact, in my (and others) experience, the pleasure of waking up! continues to amaze me. What is it to wake up? You awaken to your own essential free nature. You learn that every moment you have choices to make. Ultimately, Expanded Lovemaking is a tantric path of living in freedom in every moment. And, living in freedom means living in choice. So my five benefits are all benefits of freedom of choice. There are many more than five benefits to entering the Expanded Lovemaking path. This should give you a flavor strong enough so you can decide whether the path is for you at this time. Which of these do you choose?

Benefit One: You feel more pleasure more deeply than ever (Domain of the Body)
You train yourself to become more orgasmic, to feel moremore intense pleasure, longer pleasure, deeper layers of pleasure, and pleasure more fully involving all of you. As most people age, they go into anesthesia, or numbness, partly because of having to deal with the traumas of daily life (including relationships with our partners), and partly because (I believe) we are biologically pre-disposed to do that. The good news is that this somatic anesthesia (shut-down) is not biologically inevitable. Learning Expanded Lovemaking will teach you to re-wire your body for all-over experiences of bliss, and connect you with yourself in wonderful new ways.

Benefit Two: You live life with more turn-on, connection (with yourself and others), and love (Domain of the Heart)
People on this path universally report increased feelings of love for themselves, their partners, and the world around them. Research has shown that the more vulnerable, open, and alive you are, the more turn-on you feel. By living with more emotional vulnerability and openness, Expanded Lovemaking practitioners learn to

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bring about ever increasing levels of turnon.

Benefit Three: You enjoy a more deeply spiritual life, accompanied by heightened creativity (Domain of the Spirit)
Practitioners experience access to expanded states of consciousness. While they call this state various names, such as the connecting with the Divine, they report increased awareness, a sense of greater moment-tomoment presence, rapture, bliss, profound understanding, and heightened creativity.

Benefit Five: You get to live in a pleasure-oriented, mindful world (Domain of the Community)
We have found that people learn Expanded Lovemaking best by practicing, and by sharing their experiences with others. People find classes and forums in which to learn and grow. In a group setting, you have the ability to break up individual, stuck patterns youve acquired with a long term partner, and also, you get to learn so much more from observing the range of other peoples experiences.

Benefit Four: Your mind becomes your friend (Domain of the Mind)
Your mind is the central driver in your conscious system of being. It is not the same thing as your ego, which is that part of you that has a separate sense of self (in other words, your identity). In Expanded Lovemaking we are going for full engagement, so we cant drop the mind, which is something people often try to do in other spiritual or mind-body disciplines. Here we want to include the mind, and better yet, use the mind to help us focus ourselves as master givers and receivers of pleasure.

Expanded Lovemaking: Ready for You?

The beauty of Expanded Lovemaking is that at any time you can choose to enter this path. Tantra teaches that there is only Now, that Now is perfect, and that enlightenment is immanently available to us in each and every moment. Through Tantra and organizations such as ours, you can become acquainted with a vast array of literature and classes in which to practice and learn. We invite you to learn about the products and events we offer, so that you can choose your own level of ongoing learning, fun, and pleasure! We currently have three books
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and a dvd/video for sale at www.ExpandedLovemaking.com, and several exciting new products in production. Online we offer e-zines and special reports, available to those on our mailing list. If you currently arent on our national mailing list, please visit www.ExpandedLovemaking.com to sign up today. We offer exciting, fun-filled, growthfull courses for singles and partners as well. So tune-in, stay tuned, and turn-on! We welcome you to a path of awake, pleasure-oriented awareness, brimming with possibilities for learning, connection, and bliss!

For more information All of us at ExpandedLovemaking.com support you in creating a life-long path of wholeness and connection at the level of self, relationships, community, and to the spirit of the world (in whatever form you may find that as a reality). We are unique in our specific focus on the arts of Expanded Lovemaking and Expanded Orgasm. Through books, talks, and media, as well as classes and private coaching sessions, we seek to inspire adults from all walks of life to learn to experience far more pleasure, inner peace, turn-on, and joy with themselves and with their partners. Questions? Write Dr. Patricia Taylor at pattiluv@gmail.com. Patricia Taylor is available for private consultation in San Rafael, CA

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