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More discussions in User Interface TechnologyWhere is place located? 4 Replies Latest reply: May 2, 2008 6:18 PM by Daniel McWeeney

Binding Data through function module in adobe to display charts

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indrakaran reddy Jan 12, 2008 7:20 AM Hello Gurus,

This is the requirement :Through function module output i have to display the chart. For ex:-In sales order transaction there is a field called status.For every order there is status (open, complete, inprocess). Display the chart based on the order status that how many open, complete and inprocess are there.

Thanks, Karan


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Re: Binding Data through function module in adobe to display charts

Durairaj Athavan Raja Jan 12, 2008 10:10 AM (in response to indrakaran reddy) option 1. Consume the RFC as a webservice from flex as told in this thread Code for Webservice in adobe flex (its your thread, you should atleast say thanks if that helped you and close that thread)

options 2: write a BSP which returns the data in xml format and then use mx:HTTPService on the flex side to get the data


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Re: Binding Data through function module in adobe to display charts

Satyanarayana Murthy Karaka Mar 18, 2008 4:30 PM (in response to indrakaran reddy) continuing the above option just write a logic by comparing the strings in XML data(xml data handles acts as dataprovider for comparing strings) and increase the count.Finally handle the count in array and take that array as dataprovider to chart.

o o o

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Re: Binding Data through function module in adobe to display charts

Satyanarayana Murthy Karaka Apr 23, 2008 5:08 PM (in response to Satyanarayana Murthy Karaka) Hi, As i said continuing with above steps handle data in XML object (here in code xmldata).then compare the status you need with xmldata and take status count.see the code Finally this array can useful for chart. [Bindable] public var StatusArray:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection(); public function getChartValueOfOrder():void{ var openVal:Number = 0; var completeVal:Number = 0; var inprocessVal:Number = 0; StatusArray.removeAll();

for(var i:int= 0 ;i<xmldata.dataProvider.length;i++){

if(xmldata.dataProvider<i>.overAllStatus.toString() == 'open'){ openVal++; } else if(xmldata.dataProvider<i>.overAllStatus.toString() == 'complete'){ completeVal++; } else if(xmldata.dataProvider<i>.overAllStatus.toString() == 'inprocess'){ inprocessVal++; }

var objStatus:Object = ; StatusArray.addItem(objStatus); }

Thanks.i hope this help you.

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Re: Binding Data through function module in adobe to display charts

Daniel McWeeney May 2, 2008 6:18 PM (in response to Satyanarayana Murthy Karaka) Just to provide a bit more color, a more actionscript way of doing this is to use E4X:

openVal = (xmldata.dataProvider.(overAllStatus == 'open')).length;

Here is some info about E4X, if you are doing lots of XML parsing with actionscript knowing how to use E4X will save you tons of time:

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