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Episcopal Women's Caucus calls Episcopal Church to action on reproductive justice

[August 24, 2012] The Board of the Episcopal Womens Caucus, a social justice advocacy group within the Episcopal Church, expresses our outrage at the current political discourse regarding reproductive justice. We are appalled by the misinformation that speaks of forcible rape as something different from ordinary rape and asserts that, in a legitimate rape, a woman will not get pregnant, because her body has a way to shut that whole thing down. Those of us who have worked to raise awareness about womens rights and promoted changes in laws to more actively prosecute rapists, strengthen jail sentences, and help victims of rape and sexual assault find help and hope feel that we have back tracked in time. We are living a nightmare. The Episcopal Womens Caucus is committed to changing this nightmare, reinforcing and increasing acts of justice. The Episcopal Womens Caucus is committed to changing this nightmare, reinforcing and increasing acts of justice. First, we take a firm stand against any and all representatives, senators and other legislators who aim to limit the health care options any woman particularly a raped and pregnant woman has available to her.

Second, the Episcopal Womens Caucus supports Rev. Harry Knox, president and CEO of the Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice, when he writes: Congressman Akin misunderstands the Biblical meaning of the word justice. He talks about bringing rapists to justice, but he apparently doesnt realize that true justice requires that a woman who has been raped have every resource available to her as she rebuilds her life after trauma. One of those resources must be the option to end a pregnancy caused by her rapist. Additionally, the Episcopal Womens Caucus calls upon the membership and leadership of the Episcopal church at international, national, diocesan and local levels to write to their representatives, senators and other legislators to express their outrage and distress about this archaic ideology and deeply flawed theology that is the foundation of this political and anti-women position. In turning nightmares into dreams of justice, the Episcopal Womens Caucus will actively work to ensure that people are informed and not misinformed. We actively work to promote the well-being of all people. Each woman should have the right to choose how to best care for herself, her whole self. Because we are made in the image of God, and that is sacred. The Episcopal Womens Caucus is a justice organization dedicated to Gospel values of equality and liberation and committed to the incarnation of Gods unconditional love. For more information, visit

See for information on how to reach the U.S. Senate & House of Representatives

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