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Conservation of Biodiversity

In biodiversity conservation, we study how human activities affect the diversity of plants and animals and develop ways of protecting that diversity. In order to retain the life supporting systems it is essential to save and maintain species and ecosystems ultimately for survival of human race. Ex-situ In-situ

Ex-situ Conservation
Conservation of species in suitable locations outside their natural habitat. (conservation in
artificial setting)

Need to conserve species in ex-situ arise when its population is so fragile /fragmented that its survival in wild may no longer be possible or threatened or endangered

Suitable locations in field

(biodiversity conservation)

(1) Botanical/zoological gardens, and research centers.


~1600 botanical gardens in the World, holding about 4 million plants and cover ~ 30% (80,000 species) of all known species. Largest botanical garden Kew Garden in England which has 25,000 species. Botanical gardens are of significant educational value to both scientists and students. These increasingly focus on rare and endangered species. IN INDIA 35 botanical gardens, 275 zoos, deer parks, safari parks, and aquaria.

Suitable locations in field

(biodiversity conservation)

(2) Field Gene Banks: these are the places where collections of growing plants have been assembled including as many individuals of species as possible in order to maintain the widest practicable range of biodiversity.

Suitable locations in field

(biodiversity conservation)

3. Seed banks: most efficient and effective method of ex-situ conservation of plants whose seeds are suitable for long term storage.
More than 100 seed banks in the World and they hold more than 4 million seeds. Seed represents a wide range of genetic viability, its storage ensures conservation of genetic diversity Seed could remain viable for 5-25 years at -5C and could be viable for hundred years if preserved at -20C.

Suitable locations in field

(biodiversity conservation)

(3) Seed Banks: Advantages: 1. Store a large amount of plant genetic material in a small space. 2. Safe from habitat destruction, climate change and general destruction. 3. Can help reintroduce extinct species (if seeds are

Suitable locations in field

(biodiversity conservation)

(3) Seed Banks Disadvantages 1. Seeds need to be dried out before storage and some seeds can not tolerate this process. 2. No seed remains alive indefinitely and every seed must be periodically germinated and new seeds collected for storage. 3. Expansive and difficult process 4. Seeds in the bank are not evolving in relationship to the outer environment/circumstances. When they are later reintroduced into the field may be less fit for survival.

Suitable locations in field

(biodiversity conservation)

In Vitro (in Glass): storage under laboratory conditions. The meristem tips, buds and stem tips are kept under low temperature (-3C to 12 C) for slow growth and long storage.

In-situ conservation
preservation of species in its natural ecosystem. It is being done by declaring the area as protected area with emphasis either to save entire area or an endangered species. Protected areas are being identified and maintained for natural conservation of species by individual countries in the world.

In-situ conservation
In Indian context,
Protected area network of biosphere, national park and sanctuaries with objective to save entire specified area, tiger reserves, elephant and crocodile projects etc. to save particular endangered species.

(A) Biosphere Reserve

A biosphere reserve has two distinguished zones (1) core zone and (2) buffer zone.
Core zone or internal area of biosphere is protected as such almost no or very little human interference (R & D permitted). Buffer zones are open for research, education, tourism, sustainable agriculture, beneficial and ecological sound development programmes.

(A) Biosphere Reserve

Bio-geographic zones for India with distinct physical, geographical and biological component for each zone
1. Trans Himalayas (Ladakh) 2. Himalayas 3. Desert 4. Semi Arid 5. Western Ghats 6. Deccan Peninsula 7. Gangetic Plains 8. Coast 9. North East 10. Island

(B) National Park and Sanctuaries

India has
80 National Parks 441 Sanctuaries And covers about 14.87 million hectare area which is over 4% geographical area of the country

Similar to core area of biosphere reserve, the biotic interference and tourism activity are not allowed national park while we can have bio interference and tourism activities to certain extent in sanctuary area.

(C) Tiger Reserve

Followings are the objective to set up tiger reserve in India
1. To maintain a viable population of tigers in India for Scientific, economic, cultural and ecological values. 2. To preserve for all times, areas of such biological importance as a natural heritage for benefit, education and enjoyment of people. The programme tiger reserve was started in 1973 with tiger population around 270.

Levels of action for conservation of biodiversity

1. Biodiversity conservation is gaining ground precisely because the issue is so vast that it can encompass the interest of so many countries. Four major steps have been taken to shape an international response to the loss of biodiversity, to support the actions already underway at local, regional and national levels.

Levels of action for conservation of biodiversity

(2) Global Environment Facility (GEF), World Bank, United Nations Development Programme, United Nations Environment Programme established the Global Environment Facility in 1900 on a three pilot basis. The GEF is expected to commit $400 million to conserve biodiversity.

Levels of action for conservation of biodiversity

(3) International biodiversity strategy programme and more than 40 government and non-government organizations outlined the programmes to stop the loss of biodiversity and mobilize its benefits to human needs sustainably and equitably.

Levels of action for conservation of biodiversity

(4) Convention on biological diversity, under the auspices of United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), more than 100 nations met during Earth Summit at Brazil to establish a legal framework government international support for biodiversity conservation, the identification of international conservation priorities and technology transfer for conservation and use of biodiversity.

Levels of action for conservation of biodiversity

(5) Agenda 21, Developed through a series of inter-governmental preparatory meetings with input from a variety of nongovernmental processes including the biodiversity strategy programme.

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