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Abu Jundal: Prize catch or a
victim of a turf war?
Amaresh Misra
28 June 2012, 01:56 PM IST
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While the Delhi Police is patting itself on the back for
the deportation and subsequent arrest of Abu Jundal,
one of the alleged 26/11 mastermind, whose voice
apparently was instructing the terrorists on the fateful
day of the attack on Mumbai, sections within the
Maharashtra Police, the Intelligence Bureau (IB) and
other security agencies do not think Abu Jundal is a
prize catch.
Abu Jundals arrest is a sham. He has nothing to do
with 26/11. He is either an informer of the Mumbai
Crime Branch or the Maharashtra ATS or any other
agency connected with the Maharashtra Police. He
helped the police in the Aurangabad arms haul of
2006. The Delhi Police are settling scores with the
Maharashtra Policethats all, an IB source revealed
on the condition of anonymity.
Another source in the Maharashtra Police said that
there are so many underworld figures living in Saudi Arabia. But they are
never deported. To me, it seems that Abu Jundals story is a frame-up. It is
designed to enforce an Indian link in the 26/11 attacks.
This indeed is a serious allegation. Pakistan is already talking of an Indian
link in 26/11. This goes against the Indian casebuttressed by revelations
made by David Headleythat the 26/11 conspiracy was hatched in
Pakistan, by Pakistaniswith or without the knowledge of ISI, Mossad and
CIAwith sections within the Pakistani establishment keeping the
Government of Pakistan probably in the dark.
It is incredible that some major figures of the Indian establishment are
gleefully rejoicing at Abu Jundals deportation. In fact, the incident might end
up helping Pakistan to establish an Indian hand in 26/11 and thus, wash
their hands off the entire affair.
Let us expand this argument further: the Indian government is trying hard to
get to the truth in the murky 26/11 saga. Till now, on the basis of revelations
made by David Headley and Ajmal Kasab, it was assumed that during the
26/11 attack, Pakistani handlers were talking to terrorists fighting Indian
Police and commandoes in Mumbai. Kasab had allegedly taken the name of
one Abu Humza, whose voice was supposedly heard on the transmissions
during the 26/11 attacksAbu Hamzas identity was till now not clear; most
security analysts had painted him either as a Pakistani national or an ISI
mole gone rogue.
Now suddenly, out of nowhere Abu Jundal, a native of Beed and an Indian
nationalwhose real name is Zabiuddin Ansari and who has an established,
positive connection with the Maharashtra Policeemerges as the one
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Amaresh Misra is an independent historian, author
and novelist. Currently resident in Delhi, he is also a
freelance journalist, political commentator, columnist
on foreign policy, an anti-fascist, civil/minority/Dalit-
Adivasi rights activist, and a film critic. His
publications include War of Civilizations: India AD
1857, Vols 1 and 2 (Delhi: Rupa, 2007); Mangal
Pandey: The True Story of an Indian Revolutionary
(Delhi: Rupa, 2005); Lucknow: Fire of Grace: The
Story of its Renaissance, Revolution and the
Aftermath (Delhi: Harper Collins, 1999.) and The
Ministers Wife (a novelPenguin, 2002). He is a
recipient of several anti-communal awards, and has
lectured widely in Indian and American universities
on the nationalist war of 1857, medieval and modern
Indian history, vicissitudes of contemporary Indian
politics and the battle for secularism in the Indian
subcontinent. Presently, he is working on a new
novel, a new book on Indian cinema, and a biography
of Emperor Akbar. He is also Convener, Anti
Communal Front, Uttar Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh
Congress Committee.
The views expressed in The Mainstream
Maverick are the authors own.
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whose voice samples are supposed to match those of Abu Hamza! So at
least for now, officially as per the Delhi Police Special Cell, Abu Jundal is
Abu Humza!
To understand the counter view that Abu Jundals arrest has nothing to do
with 26/11and that it is related to the intense turf war currently being
waged between various Indian security agenciesone has to bring in two
more personalitiesNaquee Ahmed and Qateel Siddiquiinto the equation.
On January 2012, the Maharashtra ATS arrested Naquee Ahmed, a
resident of Bihar, in connection with the July, 2011 blasts in Mumbai. The
Delhi Police Special Cell protested officially claiming that Naquee was their
mantheir sourcewho was helping them nab Yasin Bhatkal, an alleged IM
operative, wanted in several terror related cases, including the 2011
Mumbai blasts. The Home Secretary went on record to say that though
Naquee could have been a Delhi Police Special Cell informer, it is more
likely that he is also a terrorist who got caught by the Maharashtra ATS.
What is going on? A Delhi Police Special Cell informer is arrested as a
terrorist! The home secretary does not rule out the possibility of him being a
police informer! Going strictly as per the statements of the home secretary
himself, Indian Police forces are actually harbouring terrorists as informers
if that indeed is true, why wasnt any action taken against the handlers of
Naquee in the Delhi Police Special Cell? Home ministry officials cannot have
their cake and eat it tooit is unethical to say that Naquee was a police
informer and a terrorist.
Now, during the David Headley saga, US authorities too claimed that
Headley might have been their man who then went rogue and helped
Lashkar-e-Toiba in executing 26/11 attacks!
As mentioned above, Abu Jundal too is being seen as a Police informer who
turned rogue!
Are we ordinary Indians fools? Cant we see through the game being played
here by Indian security agencies, US authorities, ISI, Mossad and God
knows who all?
So many innocent and precious lives were lost during the 26/11 attacks. So
many Indians have died in innumerable bomb blasts and terrorist activities.
Whomsoever, is arrested, emerges as an informer of some agency or the
other. So, even if we go by official versions, most blasts and terrorist actions
are being undertaken by people known to security forces and various state
police forces. So basically, our brothers, sisters and children are being
butchered mercilessly by these modern bhasmasursdemons created by
security agencies who then turn against their creatorsbut waitno, not
against their creators but the ordinary people of India! At least, I have not
heard till date of any near relative of a security official dying in a major terror
But then there is the other angleit can also be said that these bhasmasurs
are only paper tigersthat, instead of going after the real perpetrators,
Indian security agencies have made it a habit to implicate their own
informers in terror related cases!
Some years back, a Delhi Court ordered a CBI enquiry into a case where
the Delhi Police had claimed that it caught two terrorists. The CBI enquiry
confirmed what the accused had been saying all alongthat they were not
terrorists but informers for the Delhi Police!
In the December 2000 Red Fort attack case too, the man who was held
guilty went on record stating that he was actually a Pakistani citizen working
for RAW who was implicated, in the Red Fort case simply out of nowhere.
The Peoples Union for Democratic Rights (PUDR) also took up this case.
The icing in the case of course concerns Qateel Siddiqui, the alleged IM
operative belonging to the so called Darbangha module. Officially Qateel
was arrested by the Delhi Police Special Cell, made an accused in the Jama
Masjid firing and other terror incidents. Then the Maharashtra ATS sought
his custody. Subsequently, Qateel was murdered inside the Pune Yerwada
Jail premises.
The manner, in which Qateel was bumped off, through Hindu underworld
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figures, carries the unmistakable stamp of some high ranking Mumbai Police
officers, including Rakesh Maria, the current Maharashtra ATS chief. It is
well known that as many as seven Muslim accused in the 1993 Mumbai
bomb blasts were assassinated extra-judicially by members of the Chota
Rajan gang. This gang supposedly split away from Dawood after the 1993
blasts on patriotic grounds. Then it went on a killing spree.
Sources in Mumbai Police allege that Chota Rajans killing spree had the
blessings of officers like Rakesh Maria who is credited with cracking the 93
blasts case. Salim Khan Durrani, one of the accused in the 93 blastslater
exonerated of the charges of conspiracy and harbouring by the TADA
special courtis on record for having stated that in 1994, he too, like
Qateel in 2012, was lodged in the anda (high security) cell of a Maharashtra
prison (Arthur Road Jail, Mumbai). In 2012, the entry to Qateels cell in Pune
Yerwada jail was left unguarded and he was murdered by Mohol and
Bhalerao, two heinous criminals. In 1994, the jail authorities `forgot to lock
the inner gate of Salim Khans cell. Members of the dreaded Ashwin Naik
gang tried attacking Salim Khan at night. He was saved literally by divine
intervention as his screams attracted other inmates.
Rakesh Maria has been accused of horrifying human rights violations,
including parading Muslim women naked, making men drink urine and eat
human faeces and forcing incest during interrogations.
All of this is documented in a book called `Voices written by an anonymous
victim of what Amnesty International termed then as fourth degree tortures
(far more brutal than the horrible third degree torture, the usual norm in
Indian jails!).
But why was Qateel killed? A possible answer might lie in the turf war
between the IB and the Delhi Police Special Cell. Sometime in 2010, some IB
officers were probing a fake currency international network (FCIN) network
in West Bengal. They were looking for a person named Qateel Siddiqui,
whom they thought was a key person in the network.
The IB took help of the West Bengal Police in this operation. They raided
Qateels house in Darbhanga in Bihar once, but he managed to escape.
Later they kept watch on certain mobile numbers from the FCIN operators.
Success followed as some persons associated with the FCIN were arrested
in 2010. One of them happened to be Yasin Bhatkalthe most wanted IM
operative. But as per the official version, as Yasins pictures were not
available then, the IM operative was jailed for a while in the fake currency
case and later released.
The IB team chasing Qateel was not aware of this. In October 2011, the
team managed to get leads about Qateel and found out that he was holed
up in Delhi. Naturally, the IB team sought help from the Delhi Police Special
Cell. This innocuous request made to the Delhi Police proved costly for the
West Bengal police and the IB officers.
Initially, according to sources, the Delhi Police Special Cell detained Qateel
Siddiqui as a person wanted by West Bengal police. But after a brief
interrogation Qateel became an IM operative with an association to Yasin
Bhatkal! The Delhi Police arrested seven IM suspects from Darbhanga,
keeping the West Bengal police in dark.
Not just that, local media in Delhi carried reports, apparently leaked by Delhi
Police, on how West Bengal police let Yasin Bhatkal escape. This was a
blow which was difficult to digest for the West Bengal police and the IB group
associated with them. They now started looking for an opportunity to teach
Delhi Police a lesson. The Mumbai operation of the Delhi Police (the
Naquee Ahmed affair cited above) came in handy.
It is equally interesting to understand why the West Bengal police and a
section of the IB, decided to pit Maharashtra ATS against the Delhi Police
Special Cell. The Maharashtra ATS comprising of some former senior
officers of the Mumbai crime branch do not see eye to eye with the Delhi
Police Special Cell.
Seeds of distrust were sown far back, as Mumbai crime branch did not take
Delhi Police in confidence while looking for fugitive IM leaders Riyaz and
Iqbal Bhatkal when they were holed up in Delhi in 2008. When the Delhi
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Police came to know that a prized catch was holed up in their domain, they
launched the notorious Batla house encounter in which some terrorists
were killed but the Bhatkal brothers were nowhere in the picture! Mumbai
Police has since blamed the Delhi Police of highhandedness and spoiling
their operation.
Of late, just before Abu Jundals arrest, Delhi Police blamed the
Maharashtra Police of circulating pictures of dreaded Pakistani terrorists
who later turned out to be Lahore based traders!
Several lessons can be drawn from the Abu Jundal and related operations:
1. It is obvious that a strange anti-terrorism competitiveness (the race to
catch an alleged terrorist) between various Police organs of different States,
is violating all constitutional procedures and penal codes of Indian law. This
race has reached absurd proportions.
2. The unhealthy competitiveness is producing a phenomenon where in a
game of one-upmanship, the various security forces are arresting
innocents, particularly Muslim boys, often their informants, and showcasing
them as terrorists.
3. A lot of tax payer money is thus being wasted while ordinary Indian
citizens are getting killed frequently. There is no accountability on part of the
security agencies.
4. Indian security agencies cannot be trusted. The Police charge-sheet filed
in Sadhvi Pragya/Raj Kumar Purohit 2008 Malegaon and Samjhauta
Express blast case shows that Mossad and ISI have penetrated Indian
security forces with the help of RSS type organizations .
5. The Maharashtra ATS arrested Naquee Ahmed, an informant of the
Delhi Police. So has the Delhi Police done a tit for tat by arresting Zabuiddin
Ansari, an informer of the Maharashtra Police, and presenting him as Abu
Jundal, the terrorist?
6. An impartial, judicial enquiry should be set up to probe the Naquee
Ahmed/Qateel Siddiqui/Abu Jundal cases.
7. The focus ought to shift back to the line taken by the National
Investigation Agency (NIA), wherein the hand of Sangh Parivar related
terrorists was found in major blasts and terror attacks that shook India. The
NIA probe was leading to the involvement of Indresh, a high ranking RSS
functionarywhy has this line of investigation not progressed? Is it because
the current Home Minister is being blackmailed by the BJP-RSS (to shift the
limelight away from Sangh Parivar terrorism back to innocent Muslim boys)
in exchange for letting the Home Minister breathe easy in the 2G case and
other allegations of corruption against his family members? If BJP-RSS are
actually tolerating corruption where the Home Minister is involved, only to
save their skins in terror cases, the Sangh Parivar hypocrisy needs to be
Finally, there can be no compromise on National Security.
Hindu/Muslim/Sangh Parivar or any x, y, z entity, cannot be forgiven. Neither
can one community (in this case the Muslims) be singled out for

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tina kaushik (indore) says:
July 04,2012 at 05:52 PM IST
People around the world discovering God particles..and making
headways into the world of research and technologyand their
world is f ar much more in order than ours. Our world is
crumbling in its own cuz the people who make our worlds are
destroying each other. Hindus think muslims cant love us af ter so
many years of being with us, knowing us and muslims f eel short-
changed, no matter what always crying f owlboth communities
sulking going nowhere. So all those guys who f eel one
community muslims hereare being targeted, please raise
your hand. Ooooh! So many wowso should u all receive an
award f or f eeling that ways?? What solid have you done on
ground? If you f eel bad about having a weak community
have you sponsored the smallest of littlest things.small thing as
providing stationery item to weak ( I dont why we just think
muslims are weak here, more hindus die everyday in abject
poverty in dismal circumstances in their own country with no
supposed maai-baap sitting of them in Saudi or any other
country, surely minorities should stop f eeling sorry f or
themselves..enough bad happening to all communities f or them
to f eel not worst of f s). So ok, back to the pointif you f eel bad
abt ur community or other community.sponsor their education,
build hospitals f or them, build hygienic lif e f or them. Clearly, if you
can spend money on buying them guns, you can rather do all of
the above. If members of one community are f ound in ace of
places clearing competitive exams, topping universities, doing
path breaking research work etcand not f ound siding with
vicious people or at crime scenespeoples perception would
changetheyll have no option. It goes f or all communities. Lets
wish we have a good monsoons this time .prices are as it is
July 23,2012 at 10:44 PM IST
(Reply to tina kaushik)-
Tina, thanks f or showing your concern f or the
backwardness of Indian Muslims. In f act Indian Muslims are
not backward and doing very good in their country and you
don't need to be so sympathetic f or them. Indian Muslims are
politically strong, educationally very high and economically
well of f . Do you remember who is Mr. A. P.J Abul Kalam, the
f ormer Indian President and the Nuclear Scientist who made
India a Nuclear Power. Do you know who is Prem Ji the
owner of the biggest Pharmaceutical Company "Wipro"
which is biggest not only all over India but throughout the
world. So don't worry about Indian Muslims and about their
weaknesses. Indian Muslims are not f eeling sorry but they
are very happy in India, rising educationally and
economically living side by side with their Hindu and Sikh
brothers and contributing to their mother land. Excuse me
your language looks to me more satirical than showing
concern f or Muslims like a language of a hate mongers so
please be caref ul and ref rain f rom such thinking and
Indian (Haridwar) says:
July 02,2012 at 12:48 PM IST
Why is Saudi Arabia a saf e place f or all the terrorists, their
inspirations?... 9/11 or 26/11 or any other terror attack anywhere
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else... somehow there is a link to KSA. We should question the
government of KSA instead of catching one or two individuals
who are caught only af ter some 3rd country's pressure.
Ashish (Gangtok) says:
July 02,2012 at 01:38 AM IST
Anonymous source.. Anonymous victim and tons of BS
MB Qasmi (Mumbai, India) says:
July 01,2012 at 10:42 PM IST
WOW! First thing comes in mind af ter reading this thought
provocation piece of article is something undoubtedly f ishy in the
bottom. I am delighted to read that TOI at least carried an
alternative argument by a f amous and known historian Mr.
Amaresh Misra. We may not agree on all that Mr. Misra has
revealed but we also cannot throw away his arguments. He has
some solid points which he categorically made clear to his
readership. What the hell our intelligence agencies are actually
doing. It is a f act that hundreds of young boys who were
arrested with much f anf are under terror tags bef ore all media
gag were later proven to be innocent and released by the courts
only af ter ruining their lives. I am of the opinion that things are not
clear and our intelligent agencies must be able to work their own
without f ollowing the dictation made by CIA, MOSSAD or even
sometimes ISI.
Bappa Chowdhury (Kolkata) says:
July 01,2012 at 07:58 PM IST
Did 26/11 even happen or was it staged f or TRP? I am
conf used.... Fool. Who is your daddy?
sudhir (Bhunaneswar) says:
July 01,2012 at 03:22 PM IST
Congrats Mr.Mishra and Times of India. A very good piece in
Indeed. Some of the wild reactions to the article do indicate its
powerf ul impact.
July 01,2012 at 10:01 AM IST
An eye opening article, af ter reading the book name who killed
karkare and your above article also seeing videos like loose
change on 9/11 attacks, its quite clear that now things are
planned in those levels where a common man cannot even think
of . We thank your kind of journalism who think reverse of stream
and bring truth in f ront of everyone without f earing any backlash.
Khan (Oman) says:
July 01,2012 at 02:56 AM IST
very valid points raised by the author ..and a rather inf ormative
article ..i hope all indians read this article and know whats really
going on ..the f aith in our police system is kinda low these days
with the ways they been parading innocents as terrorists and
den the courts throwing the cases out ..the Batla house, the
Mecca masjid .. the malegaon blast and the sohrabudding/ishrat
case are examples whr the cops rushed in to announce xyz as
guilty ..these days am taking all such publicity announcements
with a pinch of salt ..and hoping our cops do a just and good job
of saving our country rather than licking asses of political bosses
and playing to the galleries ..jain hind ..
Circe (India) says:
July 01,2012 at 02:35 AM IST
Wow, the writer of this article must be a certif ied conspiracy

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theorist. Hes doesn't even stop at dishonesty. He posts a link to a
Tehelka magazine article, which he claims shows that Mossad
and ISI have penetrated the Indian security agencies. The article
cited says no such thing! In f act, the only mention is that the
members of Abhinav Bharat had the grandiose scheme of
f orming a government in exile in Israel (how they convinced
themselves that a mostly India-f riendly state like Israel would
allow them to do this is beyond imagination). How the writer of
this piece gores f rom this claim to "Mossad has penetrated Indian
security agencies" is a matter of conjecture. Its a shame to Times
of India that they allow such dishonest writers to write posts f or
them, even if not in their news section.
Dibankar (india) says:
July 01,2012 at 12:26 AM IST
Amaresh Misra , interesting story .. care to peddle it to pakistani
f ilm industry ? maybe they can lap it up First i thought this was an
article on the turf war within pak or saudi security agencies then
some interesting titbits then he is like at his diggi raja best with
incest and sex mixed in ... hillarious or what ? If some comments
are true the only reason toi has placed this post because it is the
good f riend of congress
Shailesh (Mumbai) says:
June 30,2012 at 10:42 PM IST
Certif ied lunatic this guy...
Khara Mandakki (Dvg) says:
June 30,2012 at 04:33 PM IST 13 Followers
Well done. This is a very complicated subject and you have done
your best to simplif y the same and present it in a manner which
is understood by layman. Many thanks f or the write up.
ACommenter (MCT) says:
June 30,2012 at 04:19 PM IST
Misra-ji, who's the author of this book "Voices" mentioned in your
article above?? Bhai, Internet pe dhoondh dhoondh ke pareshan
ho gaye par author ka ya book ke bare mein kahin koi inf o nahi
mila. Kindly divulge some more details about the book so that it's
contents can be accessed.
Satish Chandra (Toronto) says:
June 30,2012 at 03:52 PM IST
RAW's Traf f icking of Indian Children to Israel to be Used As
Food: http://RAWsTraf f ickingOf IndianChildren.blogspot.in
Satish Chandra (undefined) says:
June 30,2012 at 03:42 PM IST
RAW's Traf f icking of Indian Children to Israel to be Used As
Food: http://RAWsTraf f ickingOf IndianChildren.blogspot.in
Akhil (Mumbai) says:
June 30,2012 at 02:11 PM IST
I simply dont understand that f rom where such authors crop up
every time any Muslim is arrested. They have all the sympathy

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8/15/12 The Mainstream Maverick : Amaresh Misra's blog-The Times Of India
8/12 blogs.timesofindia.indiatimes.com//abu-jundal-prize-catch-or-a-victim-of-a-turf-war
f or Muslims. For them Muslims are the only real Indian Nationals.
Rest are all Communal. SHAMEON YOU AMRESH. India is week
due to such people
Subhas Bose (Kalkutta) says:
June 30,2012 at 09:02 PM IST
(Reply to Akhil)-
Mr. Akhil, f irst of all please correct your spelling "week" is
wrong and "weak" is correct. Why are you worried about
that if Mr. Misra raises his voice on arresting Muslim
wrongf ully. Do Muslims have not the same right as the other
Indian Citizens have in India. Please if you are prejudiced
and biased against Muslims don't open your mouth on this
blog so that people should not know about you.
darkallley (lko) says:
June 30,2012 at 01:08 PM IST 9 Followers
misraji...you must be enjoying the attention you get, despite the
f ilth you write, and by now you would have grown accustomed
to all these snide remarks..so let me say that no matter what
happens you are just going to def end muslims... just answer my
if not, run..because it is not too late.
darkallley (lko) says:
June 30,2012 at 01:08 PM IST 9 Followers
misraji...you must be enjoying the attention you get, despite the
f ilth you write, and by now you would have grown accustomed
to all these snide remarks..so let me say that no matter what
happens you are just going to def end muslims... just answer my
if not, run..because it is not too late.
Sridhar (Chennai) says:
June 30,2012 at 12:44 PM IST 21 Followers
Author is messed up.
June 30,2012 at 11:24 AM IST
The word "THANKS" can not be enough f or your bold, brave and
brilliant article. You have worked so hard to bring out the true
story of the incidence that you deserve congratulations. You
have proved by your investigative journalism that the truth can
not be kept secret f or too long and it can be brought to surf ace
no matter how hard it is to bring it. Only an impartial, unprejudiced
and open mind can do this and Misra Ji you have it. You are the
hope f or the hopeless people.You are the strength and power
f or the weakest sections of people. Your determination and
courage is unparalleled and unbeatable. A person like you can
change the tides how strong it might be and shows the mirror in
which culprits and criminals can see their f aces. India and a true
Indian like me always f eel pride and salutes you f or your great
job that you are doing. Keep it up and very soon you are going to
get your reward of your bravery and courage in appreciation
and admiration. You are very right that at no cost National
Security should be compromised. A criminal is always a criminal.
A traitor or a "Desh Drohi" should be brought to justice and
severely punished who so ever he might be.
Kumar (Delhi) says:
June 30,2012 at 04:08 PM IST

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8/15/12 The Mainstream Maverick : Amaresh Misra's blog-The Times Of India
9/12 blogs.timesofindia.indiatimes.com//abu-jundal-prize-catch-or-a-victim-of-a-turf-war
It is OK to praise a person that you choose but do not
choose the person that the majority of the country rejects.
Some people keep quite when the need to comment is
utmost and shout when there is no need. The nation treats
all its people equally it is time f or some to wake up and pay
the country by joining in the mainstream at least when the
country bleeds. Everyone gets chased by karma and will
have to pay or get blessed only time can tell.
June 30,2012 at 08:26 PM IST
(Reply to Kumar)-
Mr. Kumar, I can not understand that why a person like you
can not digest the truth which is so glaring and is brought to
surf ace with such a hard work. Can any bdy deny the f acts
that are mentioned in this article and if yes please try to
explain how this is wrong. People should avoid to express
their prejudiced mind. I will request you to come f orward and
write a comment denying the f acts which are mentioned in
this article. You are wrong by saying that the majority of
people rejects the writer but to the contrary he is "THE
MAINSTREAM MAVERIC" and tried to bring the truth on
srf ace by his hard work and doing research work on this
subject. Any body has right to dif f er f rom the f acts
mentioned in this article but he has to prove that the writer is
wrong by bringing out the f acts contrary to the f acts
mentioned in this article, merely saying that he is wrong can
not satisf y the readers. So please ref rain f rom writing such
type of comment in f uture. Thank you.
JK Dutt (Kolkata) says:
June 30,2012 at 11:04 AM IST
It is high time we closed the f arcical enquiry coupled with
occasional meaningless statements f rom the Home Ministry on
the 26/11 story. Nothing will ever come out of it as has been the
case with all previous enquiries of similar incidents. Abu Hamza
will join Mohd Af zal and Ajmal Kasab in VIPstyle existence at the
taxpayer's cost as was the scene earlier with Omar Sheikh and
Azhar Masood.
Indian (indian) says:
June 30,2012 at 10:27 AM IST
Well said Amaresh Mishra, truth never dies, no matter millions
stand against truth. We as masses f ollow hype based on
conspiracy theories hatched. Targeting one particular community
or religion will not solve . The Original culprit is hidden or saved
by these so called prize catch. Long live truth.
darkallley (lucknow) says:
June 30,2012 at 01:00 PM IST 9 Followers
(Reply to Indian)-
good, true colours are already visible of this
community..when they are caught then it's a conspiracy,
and when those f rom hindus are caught, then they are the
ills who do all things wrong..
sane (Bengaluru) says:
June 30,2012 at 10:10 AM IST
Amrish Khan, is your tip nibbled of f too?
parbat panwar (Kota Rajstahn prefers to write Raj)
June 30,2012 at 09:37 AM IST 42 Followers
It is all internal game played with the help of media,otherwise hoe
Chadram comes and ask Pakistan to accept the guilt, as if it is a

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8/15/12 The Mainstream Maverick : Amaresh Misra's blog-The Times Of India
10/12 blogs.timesofindia.indiatimes.com//abu-jundal-prize-catch-or-a-victim-of-a-turf-war
Lateef Khan (Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh) says:
June 30,2012 at 01:43 AM IST 4 Followers
Inf ormers are Terrorists
zombie (NY) says:
June 29,2012 at 11:30 PM IST
With all due respect, YOU ARENUTS!!!
Indu Mati Jaisawal (DELHI) says:
June 30,2012 at 08:52 PM IST
(Reply to zombie)-
Zombie, a person like you can not respect any one and you
are starting your comment by saying "with due respect" and
just af ter that cursing the writer and hurling abuse by hiding
your real name. Shame on you.
Rittwik Bhattacharyya (Guwahati) says:
June 29,2012 at 11:24 PM IST 22 Followers
Each and every word f rom Pakistan ought to be taken with a
grain of salt. Yet again, they have betrayed our trust. The
Pakistanis need to be taught a lesson f or their insane and
ridiculous act. Moreover, Indian terrorists belonging to
organizations like the Indian Mujahihideen and Lashkar should
also be handled ef f ectively f or carrying out operation af ter
operation on the Indian state. These f anatics are traitors to our
Lakshay Dutta says:
June 29,2012 at 10:11 PM IST 1 Follower
this jerk has a habbit of posting such ridiculous and senseless
articles. in one of his previous articles he wrote that azaruddin
was charged in match f ixing scandal because he was a muslim
but he f ailed to answer why was jadeja charged ? and now he
came up with this piece of crap. Ameresh it is high time that u
should now contact a psychiatrist bef ore it is too late. May haf iz
sayed bless ya.
peoples' voice (new delhi) says:
June 29,2012 at 10:01 PM IST
The person writing this piece is either an ISI agent or is writing
f or money. He may also be trying to settle scores with Rakesh
Maria. Times of India is a paper where such trash can be
published by the traitors. It is serving a usef ul purpose f or
Pakistan. Such people are the curse f or India. The Police and
Intelligence agencies now have a sacred duty to expose this anti
Jay Rao (Bangalore) says:
June 30,2012 at 03:06 AM IST
(Reply to peoples' voice)-
Amaresh Mishra is just toeing his master Digvijaya Singh's
line. His post lacks all semblance of logic/reason. A class 1
student can write better!

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8/15/12 The Mainstream Maverick : Amaresh Misra's blog-The Times Of India
11/12 blogs.timesofindia.indiatimes.com//abu-jundal-prize-catch-or-a-victim-of-a-turf-war
Concerned Indian (Jeddah) says:
July 07,2012 at 11:01 AM IST
(Reply to Jay Rao)-
@peoples voice Bef ore you put out a blanket judgment
about the author and his article, please bring the arguments
in your f avor. The author has used ref erences and provided
enough evidence to justif y his claims. What ref erence do
you have to say he is attacking Maria to settle scores? What
scores??? And why is he the curse of India. Because he
dared to go against the MSM and provided an alternative
explanation; its people like you who sometimes make me
wonder if democracy is really worth it. Are you so
unscrupulous that you are not ready to hear an objective
analysis about those accused of carrying out terrorist
attacks, and possibly f acing lif e sentences. Do you
understand what this means? It means if we as a society
make a wrong decision and indict these alleged terrorists,
their entire f amily will be ruined. And then try to sleep at
night, because you can, but none of us Indians who care
about each and every one of us and f eel f or them when
they are wronged. Or if you have another rational
alternative please do enlighten us! @jayrao his posts lack
semblance of logic. Logic is not a relative term. Its an
absolute and theref ore to arrive at it you go about an issue
every which way possible. If anything this person had taken
a very bold decision to go against the MSM to provide an
alternate explanation and perhaps made us closer to the
semblance of logic you look f or.
Satish Chandra (Toronto) says:
June 29,2012 at 09:17 PM IST
What You Should Know About RAW :
WhatYouShouldKnowAboutRAWDOTblogspotDOTcom CIA-RAW
Terrorism In India And Elsewhere :
darkallley (lucknow) says:
June 30,2012 at 01:02 PM IST 9 Followers
(Reply to Satish Chandra)-
aa gaya bhanchod tu... maa k laude teri maa kaa. aal bal
backchodi katta hai aur uske baad. maa chudata hai bhaag
yahan se madarchod.
Shanti Om (Bombay) says:
July 24,2012 at 10:20 AM IST
(Reply to darkallley)-
KHAKEBEMAZA NA HUA" . Please watch your language
Mr. Dark this is not a private galery or your bath room.

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