Logan County Email Policy

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Logan County reserves the right, on computers owned or leased by Logan County, to examine, at any time, any computer, application software, computer files, messages, and memory of any type (to include, but not limited to hard drive, RAM, ROM, PROM, CD ROM, DVD, floppy). Supervisors will have readily available, but keep confidential, all passwords for all employees and to all files under their supervision. The issuance of a password does not make communications sent or received on County computers private. Communications deleted by the employee may be retrieved by the system administrator. Logan County employees may use County owned/leased computers, and computer equipment, to include the Internet and email, for personal benefit with the following provisos: 1. Users must have the permission of their supervising Elected Official or Department Head and permission may be subject to any conditions imposed by the Elected Official or Department Head; County computer equipment may never be used for a commercial or profit-making venture; Any paper/ink used (printer or copier) will be reimbursed to the County; Equipment may be used only during non-duty hours (break, lunch, before and after work hours, provided that the equipment is not then needed or in use for County business purposes; Equipment may not be used for political or religious purposes.

2. 3. 4. 5.

INTERNET AND EMAIL POLICY Employees should be aware that it is technologically possible to record all URL's or websites reached, all downloads, and all email communications. "Deleting" such does not necessarily erase same from the hard drive. Employees should assume that the County is making such recordings at all times; County equipment shall not be used to visit URL's or websites, or send email, which contain sexually graphic content, is demeaning to any particular gender, race, religion, national origin, or sexual orientation, or which content contains similar innuendoes or overtures of profanity; Employees should realize that email may become evidence in lawsuits; Any personal em ail sent should have the word "PERSONAL" in the subject line. This will prevent the recipient from mistakenly interpreting the email received as an official communication of the County; Any software downloaded from the Internet (to include email attachments) will be scanned for viruses prior to opening; Equipment may not be used to download anything that would normally be protected by copyright. This includes, but is not limited to, music and other audio files, certain executable software, certain graphics, and certain games; Email maynotbeusedforanywrongful.offensiveoriliegalpurpose.This limited to false, harassing, slanderous messages or attachments copyrights; includes, but is not or any messages that violate

Email may not be used to violate any other County policies or regulations; Employees may subscribe to listservs, discussions groups and/or chat rooms that are directly related to business purposes. No other such subscriptions are permitted.

Rev. 06/2008


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