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Tea Party Patriots 2012 Action Plan to WIN!

b Action
Coalitions: Identify and create a list of groups with mutual interests. Contact and discuss your GOTV plans with key leaders of coalition groups. Make sure you're not duplicating efforts and join efforts if mutually beneficial. (i.e. agreements among leaders to share each others emails with their own groups, collect business cards, etc). Identify a Coalitions Coordinator.

Coalitions: Identify key leaders in each of your target groups who have a network and can help you communicate your message and recruit Team Leaders.

Coalitions: Identify local opinion leaders within each key coalition and recruit them to support your efforts.

Coalitions: Identify surrogates in target coalitions to speak at events and to speak to the media

Coalitions: Target coalition groups on issues they care about and that will motivate them to vote in supporting your issues and/or core values

Coalitions: Work with Communications Coordinator to announce key opinion leaders' support of your issues/core values

Coalitions: Invite potential coalition groups to attend your groups next meeting and send someone to each of the potential coalitions groups' events and gatherings

Coalitions: Be sure to keep supportive coalition groups up-to-date, particularly on issues that may be of special interest to them.

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arty Patriots 2012 Action Plan to WIN!

Responsible Party or Area Leader Task Responsible Person Date Due Date Complete

Coalitions Coordinator

Coalitions Coordinator

Coalitions Coordinator

Coalitions Coordinator

Coalitions Coordinator

Coalitions Coordinator

Coalitions Coordinator

Coalitions Coordinator

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Tea Party Patriots 2012 Action Plan to WIN!

b Action Responsible Party or Area Leader Task Responsible Person Date Due Date Complete

Communications: Determine your message (i.e. Local issues, TPP core values, etc). Some materials will be available through TPP for you to use. Identify a Communications Communications Coordinator Coordinator.

Communications: Plan how to best use earned media (radio, tv, newspapers) to communicate your message

Communications Coordinator

Communications: Check local papers for who submits on a regular basis

Communications Coordinator

Communications: Letters-to-editor Campaign & calling radio shows. Set weekly goals as to how many letters will be submitted. Note: A detailed guide is available. This link also provides contact info and requirements for Letters to the Editor & Op-Eds for all major nationwide newspapers

Communications Coordinator

Communications: Press release to announce your message

Communications Coordinator

Communications: Identify which social media platforms will best suit your message (i.e. Facebook, Twitter). Use social media to promote and drive the discussion around your Communications Coordinator message. Sample social media messaging will be available.

Communications: Monitor opposition sites and emails. Work with leadership to develop Communications Coordinator quick & appropriate responses

Communications: Give all press outlets positive information (let them know of events in 1 page synopsis: when, where, what, why, date/day/time, location, contact name and Communications Coordinator phone)

Communications: earn regular media in news outlets by coordinating submissions and appearances from members of your organization. Remember to take advantage of the Communications Coordinator extensive email list of supporters in your area when doing so

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Tea Party Patriots 2012 Action Plan to WIN!

b Action Responsible Party or Area Leader Task

Door to Door: Set a goal of how many people you need to reach at the doors. Look at the past three presidential general elections, how many total votes cast in your county or precinct? (This information can be obtained from your County Election Commission.) Calculate the average number of votes cast. In order to win you will need half of this Door to Door Coordinator number plus one. Your goal should be to knock on anywhere from two-thirds to all of the number of votes needed to win. (EXAMPLE: average number of votes cast = 1,000, half that plus one equals 501. Therefore you would need to knock on a minimum of 331 doors.) Identify a Door to Door Coordinator.

Door to Door: After you have determined how many doors you need to knock and the area you will be knocking,please fill out this online form to request walking data: Note: you will need Door to Door Coordinator to be logged into the TPP website to view the form. Be sure to follow all procedures associated with the walking lists.

Door to Door: Work with Volunteer & Training Coordinators to request, place and train volunteers. Be sure to coordinate schedules.

Door to Door Coordinator

Door to Door: Develop a timeline. Initial door to door is voter ID, as the election gets closer, door to door will move to strictly GOTV.

Door to Door Coordinator

Door to Door: Create a schedule of days & times to go door knocking. Determine meetup & after door to door location(s).

Door to Door Coordinator

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Tea Party Patriots 2012 Action Plan to WIN!

b Action Responsible Party or Area Leader Task

Door to Door: A detailed 'Neighborhood Walk' (Door to Door) Guide with tips and checklist is available

Door to Door Coordinator

Door to Door: At the end of each day, please scan the completed walkbooks and email the pages to with the subject line, "COMPLETED Door to Door Coordinator WALKBOOKS."

Door to Door: Extra footwork going door-to-door in these "swing precincts" goes a lllooooonnnnnggg way!

Door to Door Coordinator

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Responsible Person Date Due Date Complete

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Responsible Person Date Due Date Complete

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Tea Party Patriots 2012 Action Plan to WIN!

b Action
Events: Develop a timeline, determine what type(s) of events (i.e. statewide, county, local, neighborhood, etc), determine whether your event is issue focused, promoting TPP core values, etc, schedule events and volunteers for each event, determine an Event Coordinator

Responsible Party or Area

Leader Task

Event Coordinator

Events: Create calendar of events that will compliment your GOTV plans. If possible, post on TPP and local group website, email blast and/or in newsletter. Coordinate with the Communications Coordinator to be sure all events are being sent to media.

Event Coordinator

Events: Determine how many House Parties your group would like to host. Note: A 'How To Host a House Party' guide is available. (Goal: Have one House Party per every Event Coordinator 10 people in your group.)

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Tea Party Patriots 2012 Action Plan to WIN!

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Tea Party Patriots 2012 Action Plan to WIN!

b Action Responsible Party or Area Leader Task

Lit drops: Determine target neighborhoods, appoint neighborhood leaders, set date, time place to meet prior and after lit drop (lit drops are typically done between midnight Lit Drop Coordinator and 5am)

Lit drops: Prepare lit package. (Printed literature inside plastic bag. Depending on size of literature, sandwich bags work well, or newspaper plastic bags. Use candy to weigh down package. Two or three pieces of small candy, make sure it is fully sealed. If using Lit Drop Coordinator newspaper bag make sure the end of the bag is sealed.) Make sure all literature is compliant with the law.

Lit drops: Execute. Drive by addresses and toss lit drop package into appropriate driveway. DO NOT place anything on, in or adjacent to the mailbox, this includes the newspaper slot. There are hefty fines associated with this.

Lit Drop Coordinator

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Tea Party Patriots 2012 Action Plan to WIN!

b Action Responsible Party or Area Leader Task

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Tea Party Patriots 2012 Action Plan to WIN!

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Tea Party Patriots 2012 Action Plan to WIN!

b Action Responsible Party or Area Leader Task

Phone banking: Set a goal of how many people you need to call. Look at the past three presidential general elections, how many total votes cast in your county or precinct? (This information can be obtained from your County Election Commission.) Calculate the average number of votes cast. In order to win you will need half of this number plus Phone Bank Coordinator one. Your goal should be to knock on from one-third of the number of votes needed to win. (EXAMPLE: average number of votes cast = 1,000, half that plus one equals 501. Therefore you would need to call a minimum of 165 doors.) Identify a Phone Banking Coordinator.

Phone Banking: After your goal has been determined, email to obtain phone banking instructions.

Phone Bank Coordinator

Phone Banking: Work with Volunteer & Training Coordinators to request, place and train volunteers. Be sure to coordinate schedules.

Phone Bank Coordinator

Phone Banking: Schedule phone banking parties. Identify dates, times & location(s). Making phone calls with a group is fun, less intimidatiing & more effective.

Phone Bank Coordinator

Phone Banking: If some volunteers will be phone banking from home, be sure that they Phone Bank Coordinator have been through training and understand the procedures and instructions.

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Tea Party Patriots 2012 Action Plan to WIN!

b Action Responsible Party or Area Leader Task

Phone Banking: Be sure to follow all phone banking & data collection procedures.

Phone Bank Coordinator

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Tea Party Patriots 2012 Action Plan to WIN!

b Action Responsible Party or Area Leader Task

Absentee/Early Vote Program: learn County Registrar's system of building the county voter file

Absentee/Early Vote Coordinator

Absentee/Early Vote Program: learn County Registrar's system of information collection

Absentee/Early Vote Coordinator

Absentee/Early Vote Program: Work with County Registrar to learn: any additional information that you can collect from the Registrar will make all programs more successful

Absentee/Early Vote Coordinator

Absentee/Early Vote Program: Work with County Registrar to learn: do they keep track of people who vote absentee

Absentee/Early Vote Coordinator

Absentee/Early Vote Program: Work with County Registrar to learn: how often they clean and update their lists with movers, deaths, etc.

Absentee/Early Vote Coordinator

Poll watching: Identify a Poll Watching Coordinator. If possible try to coordinate your poll watching activities with organizations like 'True the Vote'. Poll Watching and Poll Poll Watching Coordinator Working are two very different activities. For Poll Working you must contact one of the political parties.

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Tea Party Patriots 2012 Action Plan to WIN!

b Action Responsible Party or Area Leader Task

Poll watching: If you are unable to coordinate with a group like 'True the Vote' to obtain poll watcher training, you can contact your County Election Commission and/or Poll Watching Coordinator Secretary of State for laws & procedures regarding poll watching.

Poll watching: Contact the County Election Commission to find out when absentee ballots will be mailed out. This includes to the military. Follow up with County Election Commission to ensure ballots were mailed on time.

Poll Watching Coordinator

Poll watching: More detailed information regarding poll watching is available from groups like True the Vote, your County Election COmmission and Secretary of State.

Poll Watching Coordinator

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Tea Party Patriots 2012 Action Plan to WIN!

b Action Responsible Party or Area Leader Task

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Tea Party Patriots 2012 Action Plan to WIN!

b Action Responsible Party or Area Leader Task

Volunteer recruiting: Identify a Volunteer Coordinator. This person will need to coordinate and communicate closely with ALL other Coordinators (Coalitions, Communications, Door to Door, etc) to place volunteers, get them trained, etc.

Volunteer Coordinator

Volunteer recruitilng: Always be recruiting and start early. Recruit tea party members, supporters from coalition groups, like-minded people from organizations with Volunteer Coordinator similar values, people on your Christmas card list, etc.

Volunteer recruiting: Recruit for every single GOTV activity your group is involved in. Particularly phone banking and door to door. Note: Try to plug volunteers into where YOU need them. "We are in need of phone bankers and people to go door to door.."

Volunteer Coordinator

Volunteer recruiting: Inform new volunteers of training schedules.

Volunteer Coordinator

Volunteer recruiting: Determine where volunteers are most needed and recruit heavily for these activities.

Volunteer Coordinator

Volunteer recruiting: Be sure to collect all the Volunteer Information Sheets & Waivers from the Training Coordinator after each volunteer training session. File these forms in an alphabetical accordian file folder

Volunteer Coordinator

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Tea Party Patriots 2012 Action Plan to WIN!

b Action Responsible Party or Area Leader Task

Volunteer recruiting: Send all volunteers Thank You Notes within one week after the election

Volunteer Coordinator

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Tea Party Patriots 2012 Action Plan to WIN!

b Action
Signage: assign people per intersection and precinct: flag intersection and precinct with name and phone number, give them signs + extras for assigned location

Responsible Party or Area

Leader Task

Signage Coordinator

Signage: field signs: create list of large sign helpers

Signage Coordinator

Signage: field signs: locate field (4x4) sign locations

Signage Coordinator

Signage: field signs: obtain permission to put up field signs

Signage Coordinator

Signage: goals for signs to be posted: 2004 signs for 2004 Elections?

Signage Coordinator

Signage: know the laws and rules for signage within county and cities and HOAs

Signage Coordinator

Signage: make master list of county signage: location, name, phone

Signage Coordinator

Signage: names/locations of intersections

Signage Coordinator

Signage: names/locations of precincts

Signage Coordinator

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Tea Party Patriots 2012 Action Plan to WIN!

b Action Responsible Party or Area Leader Task

Signage: names/locations/phone of individuals

Signage Coordinator

Signage: Identify a Signage Coordinator. Determine what signs you will be using. If available you can order signs from TPP or make your own signs (professional or handmade).

Signage Coordinator

Signage: Follow the 'How to Adopt an Intersection' guide to determinesignage plan for intersections.

Signage Coordinator

Signage: Research and follow all state, county and municipal laws regarding signage and placement. Particularly at the polls. You can call your County Election Commission, County Codes Department and City Codes Department.

Signage: For placement of signs at homes or business, keep track of the name of who has the sign, their address, phone number and date the sign was placed.

Signage Coordinator

Signage: Create a schedule of dates, times and locations for sign waving parties. The last 72 hours are particularly important for sign waving.

Signage Coordinator

Signage: Precinct sign placement the morning of the election. Start at about 5:30am, this reduces the chance of your sign be stolen. Know the law regarding placing signs at Signage Coordinator polling locations, you can call your County Election Commission for this information.

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Tea Party Patriots 2012 Action Plan to WIN!

b Action Responsible Party or Area Leader Task

Signage: Be sure to follow all laws regarding the placement and removal of signs. Please leave your public spaces cleaner than you found them. Note: Your sign tracking Signage Coordinator lists will be very handy in keeping track of sign removal.

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Tea Party Patriots 2012 Action Plan to WIN!

b Action Responsible Party or Area Leader Task

Training: Identify a Training Coordinator. This should be someone who is very familiar and experienced in GOTV operations and has people/communication skills, if possilbe. Training Coordinator It is advisable to have more than one person available who can do trainings. Note: If no one is available TPP can help 'train the trainer'. Training: Create training schedule for volunteers. Be sure that the Volunteer Coordinator is aware of training schedule so they can relay training times to new volunteers. You will need separate trainings for different GOTV activities.

Training Coordinator

Training: Collect all necessary supplies and training materials needed for volunteer training sessions.

Training Coordinator

Training: Training Coordinator is responsible for having ALL volunteers fill out a Volunteer Information Sheet & Waiver. This must be done before you can start any Training Coordinator training. Give all Volunteer Information Sheets & Waivers to the Volunteer Coordinator.

Training: Train volunteers in why we are doing what we're doing, what it is that we are doing & how to do it.

Training Coordinator

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Tea Party Patriots 2012 Action Plan to WIN!

b Action Responsible Party or Area Leader Task

Voter registration: Make a plan, develop timeline, outreach to organizations already involved in voter registration (i.e. Smart Girl Politics), schedule voter registration events Voter Registration Coordinator and volunteers for each event, determine a Voter Registration Coordinator

Voter registration: Identify local regulations & laws regarding registering voters. Check with your County Election Commmission. Know when the last day to register to vote is.

Voter Registration Coordinator

Voter registration: Set a goal of how many people you need to register to vote. Look at past three presidential general elections, how many total votes cast in your county or precinct? (This information can be obtained form your County Election Commission) Calculate the average number of votes cast. In order to win you will need half of this number plus one. Your goal should be 6% of the number of votes needed to win.

Voter Registration Coordinator

Voter registration: Demographics. Where to do voter registration? Locate conservative events: nascar, gun & knife shows, country music concerts, movie theaters playing conservative movies (Atlas Shrugged), etc. Locations near military bases (idea: have a Voter Registration Coordinator Veteran wear military hat and man the voter registration near the base), hunting & fishing stores, conservative schools (private, Catholic, etc).

Voter registration: Locate unregistered voters. Locate neighborhoods in conservative precincts. Find streets where large amount of homes are not on the list of registered voters. List of registered voters by precinct can be obtained from your County Election Commission.

Voter Registration Coordinator

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Tea Party Patriots 2012 Action Plan to WIN!

b Action Responsible Party or Area Leader Task

Voter registration: Needed supplies door to door registration : Lists, maps, registration forms, pens, clipboards, scripts, water, postage for voters to mail-in registration form (check laws on this), etc

Voter Registration Coordinator

Voter registration: Needed supplies for event registration: table, chair, American flag, registration forms, pens, signage identifying 'voter registration drive', postage for voters Voter Registration Coordinator to mail-in registration form (check laws on this), color copier (some states must provide copy of ID with registration), etc

Voter registration: Execute your scheduled voter registration events. Remember to make registration simple and easy for the voters.

Voter Registration Coordinator

Voter registration: Depending on laws & regulations, take a sign-up sheet for your group. Sign-up new voters that are interested in more info about your group or would like to volunteer.

Voter Registration Coordinator

Voter registration: Mail or turn in registration forms prior to the cutoff date in your state. Voter Registration Coordinator Note: This may not apply in all states, check the laws.

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Tea Party Patriots 2012 Action Plan to WIN!

b Action Responsible Party or Area Leader Task

Coalitions: Identify and create a list of groups with mutual interests. Contact and discuss your GOTV plans with key leaders of coalition groups. Make sure you're not duplicating efforts and join efforts if mutually beneficial. (i.e. agreements among leaders Coalitions Coordinator to share each others emails with their own groups, collect business cards, etc). Identify a Coalitions Coordinator.

Coalitions: Identify key leaders in each of your target groups who have a network and can help you communicate your message and recruit Team Leaders.

Coalitions Coordinator

Coalitions: Identify local opinion leaders within each key coalition and recruit them to support your efforts.

Coalitions Coordinator

Coalitions: Identify surrogates in target coalitions to speak at events and to speak to the media

Coalitions Coordinator

Coalitions: Target coalition groups on issues they care about and that will motivate them to vote in supporting your issues and/or core values

Coalitions Coordinator

Coalitions: Work with Communications Coordinator to announce key opinion leaders' support of your issues/core values

Coalitions Coordinator

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Tea Party Patriots 2012 Action Plan to WIN!

b Action Responsible Party or Area Leader Task

Coalitions: Invite potential coalition groups to attend your groups next meeting and send someone to each of the potential coalitions groups' events and gatherings

Coalitions Coordinator

Coalitions: Be sure to keep supportive coalition groups up-to-date, particularly on issues that may be of special interest to them.

Coalitions Coordinator

Communications: Determine your message (i.e. Local issues, TPP core values, etc). Some materials will be available through TPP for you to use. Identify a Communications Communications Coordinator Coordinator.

Communications: Plan how to best use earned media (radio, tv, newspapers) to communicate your message

Communications Coordinator

Communications: Check local papers for who submits on a regular basis

Communications Coordinator

Communications: Letters-to-editor Campaign & calling radio shows. Set weekly goals as to how many letters will be submitted. Note: A detailed guide is available. This link also provides contact info and requirements for Letters to the Editor & Op-Eds for all major nationwide newspapers

Communications Coordinator

Communications: Press release to announce your message

Communications Coordinator

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Tea Party Patriots 2012 Action Plan to WIN!

b Action Responsible Party or Area Leader Task

Communications: Identify which social media platforms will best suit your message (i.e. Facebook, Twitter). Use social media to promote and drive the discussion around your Communications Coordinator message. Sample social media messaging will be available.

Communications: Monitor opposition sites and emails. Work with leadership to develop Communications Coordinator quick & appropriate responses

Communications: Give all press outlets positive information (let them know of events in 1 page synopsis: when, where, what, why, date/day/time, location, contact name and Communications Coordinator phone)

Communications: earn regular media in news outlets by coordinating submissions and appearances from members of your organization. Remember to take advantage of the Communications Coordinator extensive email list of supporters in your area when doing so

Door to Door: Set a goal of how many people you need to reach at the doors. Look at the past three presidential general elections, how many total votes cast in your county or precinct? (This information can be obtained from your County Election Commission.) Calculate the average number of votes cast. In order to win you will need half of this Door to Door Coordinator number plus one. Your goal should be to knock on anywhere from two-thirds to all of the number of votes needed to win. (EXAMPLE: average number of votes cast = 1,000, half that plus one equals 501. Therefore you would need to knock on a minimum of 331 doors.) Identify a Door to Door Coordinator. Door to Door: After you have determined how many doors you need to knock and the area you will be knocking, please fill out this online form to request walking data: Note: you will need Door to Door Coordinator to be logged into the TPP website to view the form. Be sure to follow all procedures associated with the walking lists.

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Tea Party Patriots 2012 Action Plan to WIN!

b Action Responsible Party or Area Leader Task

Door to Door: Work with Volunteer & Training Coordinators to request, place and train volunteers. Be sure to coordinate schedules.

Door to Door Coordinator

Door to Door: Develop a timeline. Initial door to door is voter ID, as the election gets closer, door to door will move to strictly GOTV.

Door to Door Coordinator

Door to Door: Create a schedule of days & times to go door knocking. Determine meetup & after door to door location(s).

Door to Door Coordinator

Door to Door: A detailed 'Neighborhood Walk' (Door to Door) Guide with tips and checklist is available

Door to Door Coordinator

Door to Door: At the end of each day, please scan the completed walkbooks and email the pages to with the subject line, "COMPLETED Door to Door Coordinator WALKBOOKS."

Door to Door: Extra footwork going door-to-door in these "swing precincts" goes a lllooooonnnnnggg way!

Door to Door Coordinator

Events: Develop a timeline, determine what type(s) of events (i.e. statewide, county, local, neighborhood, etc), determine whether your event is issue focused, promoting TPP core values, etc, schedule events and volunteers for each event, determine an Event Coordinator

Event Coordinator

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Tea Party Patriots 2012 Action Plan to WIN!

b Action
Events: Create calendar of events that will compliment your GOTV plans. If possible, post on TPP and local group website, email blast and/or in newsletter. Coordinate with the Communications Coordinator to be sure all events are being sent to media.

Responsible Party or Area

Leader Task

Event Coordinator

Events: Determine how many House Parties your group would like to host. Note: A 'How To Host a House Party' guide is available. (Goal: Have one House Party per every Event Coordinator 10 people in your group.)

Lit drops: Determine target neighborhoods, appoint neighborhood leaders, set date, time place to meet prior and after lit drop (lit drops are typically done between midnight Lit Drop Coordinator and 5am) Lit drops: Prepare lit package. (Printed literature inside plastic bag. Depending on size of literature, sandwich bags work well, or newspaper plastic bags. Use candy to weigh down package. Two or three pieces of small candy, make sure it is fully sealed. If using Lit Drop Coordinator newspaper bag make sure the end of the bag is sealed.) Make sure all literature is compliant with the law. Lit drops: Execute. Drive by addresses and toss lit drop package into appropriate driveway. DO NOT place anything on, in or adjacent to the mailbox, this includes the newspaper slot. There are hefty fines associated with this.

Lit Drop Coordinator

Phone banking: Set a goal of how many people you need to call. Look at the past three presidential general elections, how many total votes cast in your county or precinct? (This information can be obtained from your County Election Commission.) Calculate the average number of votes cast. In order to win you will need half of this number plus Phone Bank Coordinator one. Your goal should be to knock on from one-third of the number of votes needed to win. (EXAMPLE: average number of votes cast = 1,000, half that plus one equals 501. Therefore you would need to call a minimum of 165 doors.) Identify a Phone Banking Coordinator.

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Tea Party Patriots 2012 Action Plan to WIN!

b Action Responsible Party or Area Leader Task

Phone Banking: After your goal has been determined, email to obtain phone banking instructions.

Phone Bank Coordinator

Phone Banking: Work with Volunteer & Training Coordinators to request, place and train volunteers. Be sure to coordinate schedules.

Phone Bank Coordinator

Phone Banking: Schedule phone banking parties. Identify dates, times & location(s). Making phone calls with a group is fun, less intimidatiing & more effective.

Phone Bank Coordinator

Phone Banking: If some volunteers will be phone banking from home, be sure that they Phone Bank Coordinator have been through training and understand the procedures and instructions.

Phone Banking: Be sure to follow all phone banking & data collection procedures.

Phone Bank Coordinator

Poll watching: Identify a Poll Watching Coordinator. If possible try to coordinate your poll watching activities with organizations like 'True the Vote'. Poll Watching and Poll Poll Watching Coordinator Working are two very different activities. For Poll Working you must contact one of the political parties.

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Tea Party Patriots 2012 Action Plan to WIN!

b Action Responsible Party or Area Leader Task

Poll watching: If you are unable to coordinate with a group like 'True the Vote' to obtain poll watcher training, you can contact your County Election Commission and/or Poll Watching Coordinator Secretary of State for laws & procedures regarding poll watching.

Poll watching: Contact the County Election Commission to find out when absentee ballots will be mailed out. This includes to the military. Follow up with County Election Commission to ensure ballots were mailed on time.

Poll Watching Coordinator

Poll watching: More detailed information regarding poll watching is available from groups like True the Vote, your County Election COmmission and Secretary of State.

Poll Watching Coordinator

Volunteer recruiting: Identify a Volunteer Coordinator. This person will need to coordinate and communicate closely with ALL other Coordinators (Coalitions, Communications, Door to Door, etc) to place volunteers, get them trained, etc.

Volunteer Coordinator

Volunteer recruitilng: Always be recruiting and start early. Recruit tea party members, supporters from coalition groups, like-minded people from organizations with Volunteer Coordinator similar values, people on your Christmas card list, etc. Volunteer recruiting: Recruit for every single GOTV activity your group is involved in. Particularly phone banking and door to door. Note: Try to plug volunteers into where YOU need them. "We are in need of phone bankers and people to go door to door.."

Volunteer Coordinator

Volunteer recruiting: Inform new volunteers of training schedules.

Volunteer Coordinator

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Tea Party Patriots 2012 Action Plan to WIN!

b Action Responsible Party or Area Leader Task

Volunteer recruiting: Determine where volunteers are most needed and recruit heavily for these activities.

Volunteer Coordinator

Volunteer recruiting: Be sure to collect all the Volunteer Information Sheets & Waivers from the Training Coordinator after each volunteer training session. File these forms in an alphabetical accordian file folder

Volunteer Coordinator

Volunteer recruiting: Send all volunteers Thank You Notes within one week after the election

Volunteer Coordinator

Signage: Identify a Signage Coordinator. Determine what signs you will be using. If available you can order signs from TPP or make your own signs (professional or handmade).

Signage Coordinator

Signage: Follow the 'How to Adopt an Intersection' guide to determinesignage plan for intersections.

Signage Coordinator

Signage: Research and follow all state, county and municipal laws regarding signage and placement. Particularly at the polls. You can call your County Election Commission, County Codes Department and City Codes Department.

Signage: For placement of signs at homes or business, keep track of the name of who has the sign, their address, phone number and date the sign was placed.

Signage Coordinator

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Tea Party Patriots 2012 Action Plan to WIN!

b Action Responsible Party or Area Leader Task

Signage: Create a schedule of dates, times and locations for sign waving parties. The last 72 hours are particularly important for sign waving.

Signage Coordinator

Signage: Precinct sign placement the morning of the election. Start at about 5:30am, this reduces the chance of your sign be stolen. Know the law regarding placing signs at Signage Coordinator polling locations, you can call your County Election Commission for this information.

Signage: Be sure to follow all laws regarding the placement and removal of signs. Please leave your public spaces cleaner than you found them. Note: Your sign tracking Signage Coordinator lists will be very handy in keeping track of sign removal. Training: Identify a Training Coordinator. This should be someone who is very familiar and experienced in GOTV operations and has people/communication skills, if possilbe. Training Coordinator It is advisable to have more than one person available who can do trainings. Note: If no one is available TPP can help 'train the trainer'. Training: Create training schedule for volunteers. Be sure that the Volunteer Coordinator is aware of training schedule so they can relay training times to new volunteers. You will need separate trainings for different GOTV activities.

Training Coordinator

Training: Collect all necessary supplies and training materials needed for volunteer training sessions.

Training Coordinator

Training: Training Coordinator is responsible for having ALL volunteers fill out a Volunteer Information Sheet & Waiver. This must be done before you can start any Training Coordinator training. Give all Volunteer Information Sheets & Waivers to the Volunteer Coordinator.

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Tea Party Patriots 2012 Action Plan to WIN!

b Action Responsible Party or Area Leader Task

Training: Train volunteers in why we are doing what we're doing, what it is that we are doing & how to do it.

Training Coordinator

Voter registration: Make a plan, develop timeline, outreach to organizations already involved in voter registration (i.e. Smart Girl Politics), schedule voter registration events Voter Registration Coordinator and volunteers for each event, determine a Voter Registration Coordinator

Voter registration: Identify local regulations & laws regarding registering voters. Check with your County Election Commmission. Know when the last day to register to vote is.

Voter Registration Coordinator

Voter registration: Set a goal of how many people you need to register to vote. Look at past three presidential general elections, how many total votes cast in your county or precinct? (This information can be obtained form your County Election Commission) Voter Registration Coordinator Calculate the average number of votes cast. In order to win you will need half of this number plus one. Your goal should be 6% of the number of votes needed to win. Voter registration: Demographics. Where to do voter registration? Locate conservative events: nascar, gun & knife shows, country music concerts, movie theaters playing conservative movies (Atlas Shrugged), etc. Locations near military bases (idea: have a Voter Registration Coordinator Veteran wear military hat and man the voter registration near the base), hunting & fishing stores, conservative schools (private, Catholic, etc). Voter registration: Locate unregistered voters. Locate neighborhoods in conservative precincts. Find streets where large amount of homes are not on the list of registered voters. List of registered voters by precinct can be obtained from your County Election Commission. Voter registration: Needed supplies door to door registration : Lists, maps, registration forms, pens, clipboards, scripts, water, postage for voters to mail-in registration form (check laws on this), etc

Voter Registration Coordinator

Voter Registration Coordinator

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Tea Party Patriots 2012 Action Plan to WIN!

b Action Responsible Party or Area Leader Task

Voter registration: Needed supplies for event registration: table, chair, American flag, registration forms, pens, signage identifying 'voter registration drive', postage for voters Voter Registration Coordinator to mail-in registration form (check laws on this), color copier (some states must provide copy of ID with registration), etc

Voter registration: Execute your scheduled voter registration events. Remember to make registration simple and easy for the voters.

Voter Registration Coordinator

Voter registration: Depending on laws & regulations, take a sign-up sheet for your group. Sign-up new voters that are interested in more info about your group or would like to volunteer.

Voter Registration Coordinator

Voter registration: Mail or turn in registration forms prior to the cutoff date in your state. Voter Registration Coordinator Note: This may not apply in all states, check the laws.

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