Intro Ack Dedi TOC

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Act as if what you do makes a difference. It does.

William James
As two of the Four Pillars of Education states, Learning to do and Learning to
be, it is demanded to pre-service teachers by the present teacher education curriculum
by the Department of Education that they be in the real classroom setup, or in other
words, the actual teaching and learning settings. Aside from these Pillars of Education,
the laws of education such as the Law of Exercise and Law of Practice asks for actual
immersion of learners in the fields they need and intend to learn. With these theories
and laws at hand, it is but a must that students be in the actual field they need to be into
for them to learn. As students who needs to learn, and as future mentors who needs to
learn how to sharing their knowledge to students, it is believed by modern educators
that immersion of future mentors is needed. With this, field study observations and
student teaching is conducted to aid Education students who will be future mentors to
practice the concepts and ideas they have gathered in their earlier years to the truth in
the actual teaching environment in the public school setup.
And to achieve this goal, the College of Education of the Angeles University
Foundation unceasingly prepares and trains its students by giving them chances to be
immersed in the real teaching and learning environment they are about to join.

Field study courses are given to Education students in their earlier years where
continuous analyses of the connection of their Professional Education subjects to the
real classroom setup and related reflections for concretizing these learning are done.
These field study courses help student-teachers appreciate and apprehend the
prevailing situation in the Philippine Educational System.
Meanwhile, in their last year in the academe as students of the College of
Education, they are given the privilege to create, plan, manipulate and employ their own
strategies and methods as they demonstrate their prowess in the teaching world, as a
result of their previous years of learning in the academe. Such experience will provide
the future mentors to exercise their learning.
Undeniably, the above quotation is in every way, true and acceptable which is
why students of the College of Education, a Center of Excellence in Teacher Education
here in the Philippines, aspire for the best and strives for excellence.


A teacher affects eternity. A quotation rendered by Henry Adams (1838-1918).

In every way, the above quotation is very true. In this light, the student-teacher would
like to extend his sincerest gratitude to the following key persons who played a vital role
in the accomplishment of his goals and affecting the eternity within:
Dr. Joel Tubera, his supervising professor, for the all-out guidance, never-ending
patience and support during the entire Practice Teaching course;
Mrs. Yolanda Valencia, his adviser in the College of Educations Official
Publication, Teachers Pen and professor in numerous English and Professional
Education subjects, for sharing her expertise and insights in every endeavor he is into
and for being his mother in the tertiary level;
Mrs. Jimelo Silvestre Tipay, his Assessment and Evaluation of Learning 1 and
Educational Technology 2 professor, for inspiring him to continue this field he is into;
The College of Education faculty, for their time, expertise and support during his
actual demonstrations and throughout this journey;
Teresita Nogoy and the rest of the student-teachers family, for starting and
keeping the fire of inspiration blazing in him;
Mrs. Sandy Fatima Cajurao - Miclat, his cooperating teacher, for her motherly
guidance, constructive criticisms and friendly advises during the student-teachers
assistance to her;


Ms. Maria Clara Palisuc and Mr. Pureum Han (Jonas), his student-teaching
partners, for sharing the teaching experience with the student-teacher;
II-Darwin, II-Leeuwenhoek, IV-Einstein, IV-Galilei and IV-Newton for making the
experience of teaching of the student-teacher worth remembering;
The Blazing Etherons and the rest of the student-teachers friends, for the
constant support and encouragement and for the memories spent in school and
Lastly, to God, the Almighty Creator for showering us, His children, with
wonderful talents, unwavering skills, sufficient resources and eye-opening wisdom,
throughout this journey towards nobility.



This work of love and sacrifice which had a great deal of effort and labor is
wholeheartedly and sincerely dedicated to all the people who have been with the
student-teacher, through thick and thin, through goodness and bad. Endless thanks to
all of you!


Introduction ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------i
Table of Contents-----------------------------------------------------------------------------vi

I. Professional Development Plan------------------------------------------------------------------1

a. List of Certificates------------------------------------------------------------------------2
b. Certificates--------------------------------------------------------------------------------5
II. Teaching Philosophy and Reflections---------------------------------------------------------32
a. Duties and Responsibilities of a Student Teacher----------------------------------33
b. Teachers Creed-------------------------------------------------------------------------37
c. Code of Ethics for Teachers----------------------------------------------------------38
d. Reflections--------------------------------------------------------------------------------53
III. Evidences of Effective Teaching------------------------------------------------------------100

Lesson Plan (Local Demonstration)-------------------------------------------------101


Technology Plan (Final Demonstration)-------------------------------------------104


Evaluators Comments---------------------------------------------------------------114


Assessment Tools---------------------------------------------------------------------122


Students Output-----------------------------------------------------------------------139


Classroom Activities------------------------------------------------------------------144


Cooperating Teachers Evaluations ------------------------------------------------145


Students Evaluation------------------------------------------------------------------148


Students Messages------------------------------------------------------------------154


Daily Time Record---------------------------------------------------------------------163

IV. Community Service and Other Activities--------------------------------------------------168

a. Description of the Activity----------------------------------------------------------------169


b. Community Service Program----------------------------------------------------------171

c. Pictures-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------173

V. Appendices----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------174
a. Detailed Resume-------------------------------------------------------------------------175
b. History, Mission and Vision of Angeles University Foundation----------------------178
c. History, Mission and Vision of AUF-College of Education----------------------------194
d. History, Mission and Vision of Angeles City Science High School-----------------200
e. Pictures of Cooperating School--------------------------------------------------------207
f. Others----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------211


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