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*Sierras POV* -1 week laterBye Courtney Im going out!

I call to my best friend whos lying on the couch with a pint of ice cream next to her. She waves goodbye like nothings going on. What she doesnt know is tonights the night that me and Harry are going to sleep together for the first time. Actually, Harry doesnt even know. But he wont be able to say no when he sees what Im wearing: a long coat with some ahem, very skimpy underwear underneath. I hop in my car and drive to Harrys, when I arrive I walk up the steps leading to his door and unbutton the first few buttons of my coat, then lean against the door frame. I ring the bell then wait The first thing I see are a set of brown eyes, which widen immediately. ZAYN! Oh my gosh! I say as I quickly cover up. Still looking slightly surprised Zayn snickers then turns around; Harry. Someones here to see you! I hear him call into the apartment. One second mate! Harry calls from within. I look at the ground, all the confidence I had a minute ago is gone, my face burning red. Oh, hey Sierra. Whats up? I hear harry ask me. I take a deep breathe then look up at him; Harry! I just thought we could hang out I say, receiving a snort from Zayn. I shoot him a glare then move past them to sit on the couch. Can I take your coat? Harry asks me. Oh! No no, Im fine thanks. I say, then quickly look over at Zayn again, whose laughing. Zayn what is so funny? Harry asks him. Nothing, Im gonna go see you tomorrow Harry. Sierra, have fun. He says with a wink then heads out the door. Um, ok. Harry says as he sits down on the couch next to me. Lets try this again. I put my hand on his leg and slowly move it upward until its on his upper thigh. He sighs, and then takes my hand in his. Maybe another night Sierra. Theres a lot going on right now. I look at him, surprised, then pout. I get off of the couch and go into the bathroom, trying to come up with a plan. *Harrys POV* I rub my temples with my fingers, wanting this headache to go away. Management just announced they needed to new album in two weeks, and were only half done. I hear the bathroom door open and look up- my breathe catches and all I can do is stare at Sierra, whose leaning against the door frame with a seductive look on her face. Shes only wearing a red lacy bra and matching underwear and she looks absolutely smokin. So Harry, you sure we couldnt make tonight work? she asks in a husky voice. I swallow, the clear my throat; I think we could, uh make it work. I say to her. I watch as she slowly walks over to me and sits on my lap, bringing her lips to mine. I reach up and put my fingers into her hair, then let my hands slide slowly down her sides to rest on her hips; earning a small groan from her.

She slides off my shirt then starts to unbuckle my belt, pulls off my pants then sits on top of me again. I bring her lips down on mine again and deepen the kiss- she slowly grinds her hips on mine and I cant take anymore. I need you now Sierra I whisper. She pulls back to look into my eyes for a long minute, kisses me once more on the lips then leads me to the bedroom. *Courtneys POV* I wake up to the front door closing, throw off the covers and walk into the living room and see Sierra tip-toeing towards the kitchen. Late night? I ask her. She screams and grabs her chest, bending over and laughing hysterically. Courtney! Dont do that! I almost died woman! she yells at me. I take a seat at our table as she fills up a huge glass with milk and grabs 3 donuts from the box that I got last night. Um werent you trying to lose weight Sierra? I ask her. YES! But Im just SO hungry. She tells me, looking rather guilty. So have anything you want to tell me? I ask suspiciously. She looks up and her face turns bright red. Well I did the deed. She tells me. My eyes widen in surprise. Oh well how, how was it? I ask. She blushes; It was perfect. He was really gentle. Well remember that one conversation we had when we were 15? Well according to that I have to ask- how big was it? I cringe as I ask this. Her face breaks into a huge grin; That is for me to know and for you to never find out. She says slyly. Alright. Well, school starts soon do you want to go shopping for some new clothes? I ask her. Yeah sure. Ill just go change. She says a she gets up from the table and walks into the bedroom. 40 minutes later we arrive at the shopping center. We hop out of the car and head into Forever 21. So hows Niall? she asks me casually while holding a top up to her body. A blush creeps up my neck. Oh hes great hows Harry? I ask her. Hes amazing. We should all go on a double date soon! Bowling or something. She turns to me excitedly. Yeah. Lets do it. *Nialls POV* I knock loudly on Harrys door, then step back when he opens it. I notice he has a slightly dreamy look on his face Whats up with you? I ask as I make my way over to the kitchen, Im starving. What? he asks me with a confused look on his face. Ok somethings definitely up. Why are you acting so weirdly? I ask him again. Oh you know stuff happened last night. Sierra came over. He says, lifting his eyebrows. Oh! So you guys I say, not sure how to say this without making it awkward.

Well yeah. And it was probably the best night of my life. How was your night with Courtney? he asks me. My heart flops in my chest just thinking about it, even though its been a week since it happened. Yeah, I guess it was the best night of my life too. Im in love with her you know. Harry nods. I get it. I love Sierra. Theres a long silence and all I can think about is Courtney; her perfect lips, her hair, the way her eyes light up when I Do you think these are the people were supposed to be with for the rest of our lives? Harry asks me seriously. I know we havent known them for that long but theres something really special about them. I never want to lose Courtney, shes my princess. I say. Harry smiles, probably thinking about Sierra; I know what you mean. Sierra is so amazing. Haha yeah. If anything ever happened to them I think we would be screwed. I say jokingly. You got that right. But come on, it isnt like they are going to get kidnapped or something. He jokes back. *Courtneys POV* I have to pee. Sierra tells me while were sitting in the food court. I look around and see that several people are giving her weird looks, classic Sierra. Ok lets go then. I say and then get up and start to walk towards the bathrooms that are down the hall. When we reach the hall that leads to the bathroom I notice that most of the lights are off and there arent any other people down here. This is kind of sketchy. I whisper to Sierra, the hairs on the back of my neck standing on end. She shrugs then continues down the hallway. I follow her reluctantly, walking quickly to catch up with her. When we reach the bathroom door Sierra tries to open the door but its locked. Huh. Thats weird. She says. I nod, turning to leave- turning right into a solid body. Oh, sorry sir. I say, trying to step past him. Much to my discomfort he steps in front of me again. I back up, running into another person. A horrible feeling makes its way into my stomach; I hear Sierra let out a little scream and I turn around to see two huge guys grabbing her and putting a black cloth over her face. I try to let out a scream but a large hand covers my mouth before I can, someone ties my hands behind my back and another puts a black cloth over my face also, making my world go black. I hear a door open and am pushed roughly out of it and into a car. If you make a sound we will kill you. Got it? a low voice says. I hear a whimper that must have come from Sierra, I nod my head.

The car lurches forward quickly and I hit my head against something hard. My brain goes crazy; how did no one see us leaving? Was it a back exit? What was going to happen to us? Are we going to die? After what seems like forever the car stops and Im dragged out of the car and through a door- I hear another door open and Im thrown into a room with a thud. I hear another thump that must be Sierra. I hear the door close and lock and my heart sinks, whats going to happen to us?

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