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5 economic indicators of Austria (for the year 2007-2011)

1) GDP per Capita current prices

For the Year

GDP per capita, current $US 44913.7 49975.2 45685.9 44986.5 48350.2

GDP per Capita Current PPP

38367.5 39889.1 38566.9 39634.1 40978.7

2007 2008 2009 2010 2011

GDP Per Capita current prices for Austria in year 2010 was US$ 44,986.58 & GDP Per Capita (PPP) was US$ 39,634.13 This makes Austria No. 13 in world rankings according to GDP Per Capita Current Prices in year 2010. The world's average GDP Per Capita Current Prices value was US$ 11854.11 whereas Austria was US$ 33,132.47 more than the average. In the previous year, 2009, GDP Per Capita Current Prices for Austria was US$ 45,685.9 GDP Per Capita Current Prices for Austria in 2010 was 1.53% less than it was in 2009. GDP per Capita (PPP) was US$ 38,566.99 GDP Per Capita (PPP) in 2010 was 2.77% more than it was in 2009. Similarly for the year 2011, GDP Per Capita Current Prices for Austria was US$ 48350.26, which is 7.28% more than the 2010 figure. GDP Per Capita (PPP) was US$40,978.71 , which is 3.39% more than the 2010 figure.

2) GDP Current Prices

For the Year

GDP current prices, $US In Billions 372.8 416.6 382.1 376.8 405.6

GDP, current PPP In Billions 318.3 332.4 322.9 333.5 351.9

2007 2008 2009 2010 2011

GDP Current Prices for Austria in year 2010 was US$ 376.841 Billion. This makes Austria No. 26 in world rankings according to GDP Current Prices in year 2010. The world's average GDP Current Prices value was US$ 1403.50 Billion; Austria was US$ 1,026.66 Billion less than the average. In the 2009, GDP Current Prices for Austria was US$ 382.07 Billion; GDP Current Prices in 2010 was 1.37% less than it was in 2009. For the Year 2011, GDP Current Prices for Austria was US$405.68 Billion, which is 7.65% more than the 2010 figure.

3) Unemployment Rate

For the Year

Unemployment rate according to World banks record in %

Unemployment rate according to IMF record In %

2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

4.7 4.7 4.4 3.8 4.8

4.8 4.4 3.8 4.8 4.4




Unemployment Rate for Austria in year 2010 was 4.4 % according to IMFs records. This makes Austria No. 89 in world rankings according to Unemployment Rate in year 2010. The world's average Unemployment Rate value was 4.82 % for 2010 while Austria was 0.42 less than the average. In 2009, Unemployment Rate for Austria was 4.80 % Unemployment Rate for Austria in 2010 was 8.33% less than it was in 2009. Similarly In the year, 2011, Unemployment Rate for Austria was 4.30 %, which is 2.27% less than the 2010 figure.

4) GNI Current

For the Year

GNI current $US

2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

7702864742.00 8316686910.00 9107032741.00 9925462658.00 10814480797.00

5) Inflation

For the Year

Inflation, Average Consumer Prices (% change)

Inflation, End of period consumer prices (% change)

2006 2007 2008

2.2 3.2 0.4

3.5 1.4 1.0

2009 2010 2011

1.7 3.2 2.5

2.2 2.6 -

Inflation (Average Consumer Price % change) for Austria in year 2010 was 1.69 %. This makes Austria No. 142 in world rankings according to Inflation (Average Consumer Price % change) in year 2010. The world's average Inflation (Average Consumer Price % change) value was 4.73 %; Austria was 3.04 less than the average. In the previous year 2009, Inflation (Average Consumer Price % change) for Austria was 0.40 % Inflation (Average Consumer Price % change) for Austria in 2010 was 321.45% more than it was in 2009. For the year 2011, Inflation (Average Consumer Price % change) for Austria was 2.50 %, which is 47.93% more than the 2010 figure.

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