The Market Foundation 2012 Annual Report

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2012 Annual Report



Thank you for being a vital part of the Market community. Your gifts help make Pike Place Market the heart and soul of our community. More than 10,000 moms, dads, children and grandparents rely on the vital services offered at the Markets Food Bank, Medical Clinic, Senior Center, Preschool and in our low-income supportive housing. During the year we celebrated our 16th annual Sunset Supper, benefited from the first Arcade Lights artisan food celebration, andwith the help of Senator Ed Murray and Mayor Mike McGinnwe opened a brand new and expanded Preschool. The Preschool opening on January 29, 2012 completed our decade-long effort to refurbish and expand the facilities housing the Markets human services, following the opening of a new Senior Center in 2006, and an expanded Clinic in 2008.



TWO LUNCHEONS RAISED $365,800. The 2011 2012 year included two luncheon events on May 6, 2011 and March 6, 2012. The first event featured a panel of local chefs and cookbook authors and was enjoyed by nearly 350 guests. In 2012, we celebrated our 30th anniversary with 550 supporters, including speakers Molly Shen of KOMO-TV, Kurt Dammeier of Beechers Handmade Cheese and the world famous fishmongers of Pike Place Fish Market.

Thank you, Marlys!

After more than 27 years of leadership and inspiration, Marlys Erickson stepped down as the Executive Director of the Pike Place Market Foundation at the end of March 2012. Marlys innovation, leadership and enthusiasm for the entire Pike Place Market community have improved the Market in so many wonderful ways. Her fingerprints are on every surface of the Market, from the creation of our beloved piggy bank Rachel, to hundreds of Rachel replicas adorning the city streets during Pigs on Parade, and numerous remodeling projects. Marlys was at the center of it all, creating a solid foundation for the social services of the Market and the future work of the Market Foundation. Our Market community is forever grateful. In celebration of Marlys many contributions to the Market community, the Market Foundation board of directors has initiated a legacy fund in our endowment. With you, we aim to raise funds to expand the Market Foundations ability to serve our low-income neighbors into the future. This fund will keep Marlys legacy and leadership alive in the Market. Interested in contributing to Marlys legacy fund? Give us call, we would love to talk with you and to hear your story of how she inspired you!

This year2012marks our 30th anniversary year. We celebrated with long-time donors and past board and staff members at a reunion on March 6. The festivities that day also included a record-breaking luncheon full of fish tossing, cheese tossing and inspiring words from the teams from Pike Place Fish and Beechers Handmade Cheese. The luncheon also featured an announcement of our leadership transition. After 27 years, Marlys Erickson retired from the Market Foundation (see sidebar) and we welcomed Lillian Hochstein into the role of Executive Director. We remain inspired by you, the donors who make all of our work possible. Thank your for helping us feed the hungry, care for the sick, educate the kids, and find homes for those without. With gratitude,

RACHEL THE PIGGYBANK CELEBRATED HER MILESTONE 25TH BIRTHDAY ON AUGUST 17. The month-long festivities raised more than $6,000, and featured exciting surprises, including a mini-Rachel birthday cake and a flash mob performance! To date, Rachel and her cousin Billie (located along Western Ave.) have raised more than $200,000 for the Markets human service agencies.

SUNSET SUPPER RAISED $140,000 Under the stars at Pike Place Market, nearly 1,200 guests sipped and savored their way through the best of Northwest cuisine, wine and beer during our 16th annual Sunset Supper on August 19, 2011. Fun was had by all and $140,000 was raised to support the mission of the Market Foundation.

Becky Bogard President, Board of Directors 2

Lillian Hochstein Executive Director




$755,820 granted to support the social services of Pike Place Market


ARCADE LIGHTS On October 7, Pike Place Market PDA hosted the inaugural Arcade Lights, an after-hours event celebrating artisan food, beer and wine in the Markets historic North Arcade and DownUnder. The event raised nearly $9,000 for the Market Foundation.



PRESCHOOL $163,460
PIKE MARKET PRESCHOOL After more than three years of planning and fundraising, the new, expanded Preschool opened its doors on January 29, 2012. Mayor McGinn and Senator Ed Murray assisted students with the official ribbon cutting at the open house.





GOING PLACES ONLINE AUCTION On March 15 25, 2012, the Market Foundation hosted its annual Going Places online auction, with items ranging from trips and cruises to wine and art. The auction raised $23,000 in just 10 short days!

VOLUNTEERS MAKE ALL THIS HAPPEN! More than 200 individuals contributed nearly 3,000 hours to produce events, assist in the office, collect produce for the Food Link program, and put their talents to use in many other ways to support the Market Foundations mission.


Im 61 years old and its the first time Im doing what the doctor tells me to. This is a big step for me. I was a mess.



This place changed the quality of our life and has been a gift for me and my family.



to the Pike Market Medical Clinic to cover the unfunded costs for 11,150 visits for uninsured patients45% of all the Clinics anticipated visits for the coming year. In 2011, the Clinic provided 26,350 visits for 4,879 uninsured patients. The resident advocacy and social service program provides additional support to help patients who are homeless or recently housed.


to the Pike Market Child Care & Preschool to fund scholarships for 19 low-income families with children ages 18 months to 5 years. In 2011, the Preschool served 89 children and provided 115,680 hours of high quality education.

By coming in here, I now have a home. I couldnt imagine spending one more winter out on the streets. This place basically saved my life.




The Food Bank is like a family and everyone has been very supportive of me.


to the Pike Market Senior Center to cover 1/3 of all the Centers programs, including meals, wellness activities, resident advocacy and social services. In 2011, the Senior Center provided 38,039 warm nutritious meals, and increased its offerings by adding daily breakfast service.


to the Pike Market Food Bank to cover the costs of 10,000 bags of groceriesnearly 1/3 of all bags the bank will distribute in the coming year. In 2011, the Food Bank distributed 568,106 lbs of food and served more than 45,000 individuals facing food insecurity.


Pike Place Market is often referred to as the Market community. A community of farmers, craftspeople, artists, musicians, small businesses, the list goes on. This sense of community especially rings true within the Markets human service agencies (clinic, preschool, senior center, food bank). The agencies go beyond just providing the basic needsthey also cater to clients emotional well-being, help them navigate each step of their life transition, and provide a safe and welcoming place to create their own close-knit community.

While Mr. Shay is a man of few words, he loves to joke around with Sandra and Shannon and even manages to crack a smile on occasion. Want me to run you over? he jokingly says as he maneuvers his wheelchair out of the office at the end of a meeting. Some think he is rough and gruff, but Shannon and I know him best, Sandra says. We have fun while we work, we really do. Shannon adds, Its making all these connections directly with people that make our jobs so fun and rewarding.

The work that Sandra Dunn has been doing as the Senior Centers Outreach Social Services Coordinator and Resident Advocate for the past 20 years is an excellent example of this unique approach to caring for the whole individual. Sandra assists clients with everything from scheduling doctors appointments to tracking down affordable furniture for their homes in the Markets low-income housing. Sandra mentions that she couldnt do her job without the help of other individuals in the Market community, such as residential managers and Pike Market Medical Clinic staff members like Shannon Bailey. Shannon is the Clinics Community Health Educator and has been collaborating with Sandra for 5 years with the clients they share. One such client is Terry Shay, whom they meet with several times a month. During a typical office visit, Sandra helps Mr. Shay schedule medical appointments, organize his mail and arrange a list of chores for his weekly in-home caretaker. Shannon then visits Mr. Shays apartment in the nearby Vincent House to ensure hes staying on track with this diabetes medication. We really work hand-in-hand, says Sandra. I couldnt do my job without Shannons help, I really couldnt.

These connections are especially significant since they are involved in so many aspects of clients personal and private lives. Sandra mentions that she often receives invitations to birthday parties and other special occasions. Clients do become like family since we work very closely together for so many years, she says. Long-time client Gail Long echoes that sentiment, saying she considers Sandra a sister and the Senior Center, Food Bank and Clinic staff her newfound family. When Gail first moved to the Market community, she was very shy and would often spend time alone in her apartment. Shes now a regular volunteer at the Senior Center and helps coordinate monthly birthday celebrations for members. Despite going through some very tough situations, the clients of the Markets human service agencies are able to find a silver lining through the support and encouragement of our community. Its more than just financial support from the Market Foundation and our community, Shannon says. Its validation that what were doing really matters and that people really do care.

(Pictured left to right) Shannon Bailey, Community Health Manager at Pike Market Medical Clinic with her client Terry Shay, a resident of the Market community, and Sandra Dunn, Outreach & Resident Advocate at Pike Market Senior Center.

ANNUAL FUND DONORS $100+ Anonymous (20) 206 Inc Margaret Adam Diane Adams Scott Akre Christy A. Alden Jack C. Alhadeff Rosalie A. Alhadeff Annie Allender Robbins Ed Almquist Amgen Foundation Matching Gifts Rodney and Eleanor Anderson Virginia Anderson Mark Astor AstraZeneca Pharmaceuticals LP PAC Match Program Thatcher Bailey Kendall and Sonia Baker Gunjan Banerjee William Barks Gwen and Fred Bassetti Gary L Bauch Crystal Bauer Celina Bednar Lynn and Howard Behar Penelope Bell Hatten Susan Beller Barbara A Bennett Daniel Berger Richard and Bobbie Berkowitz Brenda Berry Bruce and Jill Bjerke Suzanne Black and W.N. Zagotta Karyn Blasi Sean R Bleck Lawrence and Gweneth Bliss Judy Bloom Karen M Bocz Bola Architecture & Planning Joseph Boldan Jacqueline Brackett David Braza Sean Brennan JA Bricker Kathy A Brown Melinda A Buckley Rosemary Purcell Burkhart Cafe Umbria Donald Caffrey Michael and Judith Canatsey James and Emily Carlisle Sandy Carovano Chris and Gary Carpenter Carolina Cartier Amber Caska-Wright Stephen and Donna Cass Donna L Cauthorn David and Lynne Chelimer Chuck M. Chin Jeannie Citoli City of Auburn City of Bellevue City of Kirkland David and Mari Clack Jeff Clark Denna Cline Else S Cobb Thomas and Berta Cohen Noelle Cooper Frederick P Corbit Michael and Pamela Courtnage Luce Cousineau and Tim Aguero Joann Cowan Carol Cowing Wendy Cox Crepe de France Sharon and Arthur Crisera Donna Cronk Bruce M. Cross Barbara Crowe Steve Cunetta Jann Curley Margaret Curtin and Jim Wilder Susan Dahl Randy Daniels and Susan Ephron Patricia Dean DeLaurenti Specialty Food & Wine Elli DeLong Marjory Devers Peggie Dickens Janice Dilworth and Gregory Denton Dwight and Susan Dively Nancy Donier Shannon Donohue Downtown Seattle Association Patty Doyle Dragons Toy Box Susan J. Drake Donna and Robert Dughi Peter Dukes Lauren Dunlap David Dunneback Nancy A Eastham Ed Newbold - Wildlife Artist JoLynn Edwards and Hal Opperman Patrick and Kelli Elliott John R Ellis William D. Ellis Judith Endejan Jean and Scott Eshelman Lottie Eskilsson Jenny Estes Kimberly Marie Fabel Susan Fahringer Tom Falkner John H. Fawley Victor and Patricia Feltin Cynthia Ferrell Joanne Fiaschetti and David Warner Ken and Denise Fine John Finke and Jamie Enslin Sarah and Kevin Finney First & Pike News Mary A. Fischer Suzanne M. Fletcher Barbara Flynn Judith and Daniel Foley Scott Forslund Dennis Forsyth Andy Foster Rodney M. Fowler Jr. Johan E. Fredrikson Bart and Esme Freedman Janet Freeman Irene F Fury Marcia Garrett Mary E Gary Celeste F. Gazarek and Michael D. Roberts Filiz Genca Jennifer Gerend Julie Gerrard Kathryn and Paul Gift Lisabeth Sue Gildea Maren and Bruce Gilliland Peggy Gilmer Jacqui Gilroy Gerald and Sylvia Goldstein Kim and Brian Golik George Goodall Patricia Gossler Bruce Goto Anna Gottlieb Gene O Graham Carol and Brian Gregory Sharon Griggins Margaret Grisley Helen L Gurvich Julie Anne and Jonathan Hale Allyssa Jayne Hale Jay Hamilton Larry Hamilton Roy A Hamrick Hands of the World Ellen Hansen Ilse Harley Wade Harman Abigail Hartman Dennis Haskell Phyllis Hatfield Mark D Hatlen Willard and Lyn Hay James Healy and Loretta Metcalf Teresita Heiser Alvin Hendricks Jane Hendricks Misha C Henshaw Heritage House at the Market Charles Steve Herndon Jr Christophe Herrbach Edward Hewitt William D Hewitt Tim Higgins and Nancy Reichley Michael and Judith Hill John and Rochelle Hill Bruce Hilyer Rodney Hines John and Michele Hobbs Dawn B Hobson William Hochberg Lillian and Matt Hochstein Michael W Hoge William D Hood Barry Hoonan and Cecilia Fong Rebecca Hope Stephanie Hubley Richard and Margaret Hudson Randal T. Hurlow Ann and Christopher Huston Jennifer Huston Walter and Celine Impert Charles Ingrasci Stella Jacobs Mary Lee K Jahn Mike and Donna James Frank and Roberta Jenes Patrick Jennings and Steven Hensel Jewish Community Foundation of Greater Kansas City Melinda A. Jodry and Ed Waldock Seattle Bites Foods Tours Janet Johnson Laurie Johnson Sally Johnson Suzanne C Johnson Terry L Jones JP Morgan Chase & Co Matching Gift & Volunteer Grant Program Debbie Juntunen and Steve Evans Rodney Louis Juntunen JustGive Janna Kach Dysa Kafoury Daniel Kahn Megan Karch Julie Karle Paul Kassen Duane Kelly Jane L Kilburn John Franklin Kincaid Laila Kinnunen Johnson Daniel Kivlahan and Dina Benedetti Seymour and Evelyn Klebanoff Cindy and Terry Klett Daniel and Kari Knutson-Bradac Alan Kristal and Jason Lamb Lyn and Richard Krizanich Dan Kully Arthur Kuniyuki Frances J Kwapil Ruben L Ladlad Paul Lambros Darby Langdon Kathie G Larsen Paul and Linda Larson Aana Lauckhart Brian and Anne Lawler Alan and Sarah Lawrence Steven D. Lawrenz and Jennifer Perduset Bernadette Lee Candy J Lee Kevin Lee Margaret Lemberg Nicole Lemke-Richardson Marge Levy and Larry Lancaster Nicolas Licata James and Sandra Liming Kelly Lindsay Karin Link Laura Lippman and Henry Mustin Hillary Liss Cyrus Lo Vicki Long Mary Jane Loomis Stephen Lovell John Lusk Kate Lyon Laura Macdonald Shelley MacElveen Jill Mackie Vince and Pam Madden Maggies Shoes Father Paul Magnano Eric J Mandel Cynthia J Marin MarketSpice Sarah Mars Linda Maudslien Lisa Mayfield Harriet and Ronald McClain Patrick McGowan Ruth McLuckie Jack C McRae Karen L Melton Paul Meyer Edith Middleton Michael and Michele Miller Robert and Pamela Miller Melinda L Miller Yori Milo Linda Mitchell Robert B Mitchell Molly Moons Homemade Ice Cream Ryan R. Montecucco Elaine and Bob Montgomery Sudha A. Moodliar Mary and Steve Moreno Mary Kay Morse Judith A. Murdock Katherine M Nash Gretchen Nehrling Thomas H. Nelson Steve Nicholes Timo Norring Lenell Nussbaum NW Asian Weekly Fdn Jody D Nyquist Heidi M. Ochoa Batur Oktay Sue S Oliver Julianne Olson Tim OMara Diane and Walter Orenstein Gordon and Elizabeth Orians Peg ORoarke Bradley and Brian Bradley Sean ORourke Michael and Susan Otten Jennifer Pan Kristi A Pangrazio Pappardelles Pasta Christie D Parker Jens Pascucci Denise Passinetti and Rollin Fatland Savitha Pathi Patrick F Patrick Janine Patry Kenneth E Payson Richard and Nancy Peebles Daniel Peplinski Ellie and Davie Phelps Jenne Pierce Natalie Pierson Pike Place Chowder Joan Poultridge Quentin Powers Sharon U Primm-Dayot John and Priscilla Privat Leigh and Louise Rabel Katherine and Douglass Raff Andrea Ramage Hal Rappaport and Michael Iverson Joan Reeves Renton School District Residents Council of Horizon House Michael and Gale Reynvaan Steven J Rice Michael Richards and Rita Brogan Carol Riddell James and Joyce Riley Ronald Robinson Terry Roche Melessa J Rogers Michael Rogers Emily Rollins Denise Roscoe Lynn Rosskamp and Wilhelm Fitzpatrick Rotary Grocery Dr. Alan Rothblatt and Dr. Sima Kahn RaeAnne Rushing Jayne Davis Russell Russell Matching Gift Program Dorothy L Sager Jerret E. Sale and Rachel E. Klevit Lisa Samuelson Richard Sanders Jason Sargent Michael Schick and Katherine Hanson Jackson Schmidt and Maxine Weyant Jeff and Julie Schoenfeld Julia and Chris Schroeder Nancy Sclater Mark and Linda Secord Laura Sell Marilyn R. Sellers Albert Shen Kathryn Shields Mark and Anais Sidran Jonathan F Sigmund Eugene and Jane Silberberg Peter and Marcia Sill Jim Simon and Lori Fujimoto Bruce Siqueland Glen Smith and Mary Magnano Smith James Smith Matt Smith Ryan Smith Snohomish County PUD Charitable Giving Program Snyder Hartung Kane Strauss Architects, P.S., Inc Dr. and Mrs. Hugh C. Sobottka Leonard Sorrin Sotto Voce Eric and Judy Spangenberg Stephen Sprenger Richard L. Starke Peter Steinbrueck Dale Steinke Michael Stenchever Sterling Financial Corp Edwin and Kathryn Sterner Elaine Stevens Melanie S. Stewart and Wayne Williams Michael Stewart Diane Stielstra Bruce and Carole Stock James and Lou Ann Street Erik Strom Peter Stross and Pat Kulgren Sarah Studer Jeff Suver Sweeties Candy Nancy Swierkos Lauri H Taft Bryan Tagas Carol Teitz The 1215 Jewish Community Foundation of Greater Kansas City The Crumpet Shop David and Margaret Thouless Bonnie and Ross Tibbles Tip Top Creative, LLC Lianne Toby and Sarah Morgan Shelley Tomberg Pamela and Bill Torrance 1215 Fund of the Jewish Community Foundation of Greater Kansas City Everett and Sandra Trout Ulis Famous Sausage United Way of Snohomish County Carol Ure Nancy J Uscher Catherine L Varca Amy Vattuone Frank Vincenzo Craig Voegele Benjamin Vogt Rhonda L Vowinkel Jolene Vrchota Judith and James Wagonfeld Amy M Wales Mary Beth Walker Taylor Washburn Amy L Watson Alan Waugh Bill Way Clifford A Webster Newell Weed Robert and Christine Weisel Carin Weiss Mary M. Welk Matthew and Marianne Wells Julie Wenger Jerome D. Whalen Teri and Robert Wheeler Gerlinde and John Whetzell Tracey M Wickersham Linda Willanger Carole Jo Williams James F. Williams Mary L Williamson Michael and Nancy Windus Molly Wizenberg Susan and Douglas Woods Carolyn and A.R. Woodson John Wuest Virginia Wyman Catherine Yoshimoto Carly C Young Erin Younger and Ed Liebow Rosemary Zilmer Zymogenetics $250+ Anonymous (7) Susan Andersen Mari Anderson AT&T United Way Employee Giving Campaign Sharon K. Baden and Stephen Winston Jamie Bahr Katherine Bell Shannon Boldizsar Andrew and Brenda Bor Bruce and Tina Borrus Botanical Designs, Inc. Robert Brennan Wilfrid Broderick and Bea Kumasaka Carol Brown Elizabeth Brown Mark Anthony Brown Sue A Brush Carol Bryant Suzy Burke-Myers Mark Busto Cairncross & Hemplemann Traci Carman Linda Carriveau CH2M Hill Bruce and Sarah Chapman Lulu C Chou City Fish Alexandra F Collier Shirley and Alfred Collins Jim Copacino Cornerstone Advisors, Inc Andrew Coveler and Elizabeth Leber Craft Brewers Alliance Catherine and John Crowley Colleen M. Cullen and Mark F. Martino Ali Daniels Jennifer Davis Susan M. Detmer and Mike Root Susan Eidenschink Kelly Evans Robert and Diana Forman Ben Franz-Knight Helen M Gamble Lucy Gaskill Gaddis and Terry Gaddis Susan Gilleland Thomas H Goldstein Lisa Goodman John and Beverly Graham Janice Granberg Shannon Greene Pamela Grinter Heather N Hager Susan Harvey Adam Hasson Louise Hasson Janis C Henry Renee and Josh Herst Sarah E Holte Hotel Max Theresa Huard Sherrill Huff Chris Hurley Kenneth and Jody Jackson Ted and Kris Johnson Jane A Johnson Monique Johnson Susan Jane Jollineau and Robert Bowen Susan Ellen Kahan Robert Kaplan and Margaret Levi Timothy Kasen Sandeep Kaushik and Elizabeth Goodwin King County Library System Ingrid and Andrew Krueger Jane and Peter Lamb Kay and Andy Landis Barbara Larimer and Bob Royer Rhoda and Thomas Lawrence Le Panier Le Pichet Patricia Lein Eileen Lennon M A Leonard Lisa Harris Gallery William and Martha Longbrake Bruce and Andrea Lorig Lowells Restaurant Anna Lea Mackay-Mejia Emily Mansfield Marsh Michael Marsh Richard Maturi Leasa Mayer Jennifer A McCausland Pamela McClaran Paula and Joe McGee Edward McLaughlin MERCK Partnership for Giving Metsker Maps of Seattle Maria A. Milano and Robert M. Howie James and Cheri Minorchio Joanne and Bruce Montgomery Martha Moreno Rebecca Morrow Christine B. Moss Sherry and Eric Nebel Sharon Nelson Northshore School District #417 Tom and Linda Norwalk Pam Olah Ruth Olsen Lawson and Robert T. Lawson Warren and Jana Ostrom Valerie and Bryan Paganelli Michael Parham Partner Match Peterson Sullivan LLP Katherine and Bill Pettit Michael D Pierson Pike & Western Wine Shop Place Pigalle Linda H Preizler Mark Proulx and Nancy Kuehnoel Wendy J Pugnetti Sadaf Quddusi Kay D Ray RedHook Brewery, Inc Elizabeth 12


and William Rennebohm Kristi Rennebohm Franz and Eldon Franz Randall and Ann Revelle Erin F Rice Miriam Rosen Jean T Ross Gary and Sandi Russell Joan Samson Sasquatch Books James Savitt Tamara Schendel Shelley Schermer Harry Schneider Ceneth Schoettler Derrick R. Simonds Gloria and Michael Skouge G Mark Snapp Joseph Sparacio and Richmond Tracy Carolyn and Sam Sperry Ms. Linda Spoor Kay and John Stimson Marlene and Lewis Stone Linda Straley Aki and Mark Tameling David and Dorothy Teeter Ann Tegen Hill and Mark Hill Sallie Teutsch The Pink Door The Spanish Table Teresa Tippett Victoria A. Trigg David E. Trulson and Carla Essenberg Kristine Tryon Katherine and James Tune C. Vaughan and Sons Michael Vaughn Dr Jill A. Wakefield Ruth Warren Thomas and Katherine Weed Gordon and Virginia Wilcox Kathyrn B. Wilkinson William Wilson Thomas and Dolores Wilson-Files Shelly Yapp Rogan Zangari and Domenica Zangari Rick Zieve $500+ Anonymous (8) Michael Alder Inez D Allan Ellsworth and Eve Alvord Laurie Jo Anderson Bob and Clodagh Ash Axio Harriett and Jon Bakken Bank of America United Way Campaign Len Barson and Margie Wetherald John Bauer Doug Beighle and Kathleen Pierce Albert and Pamela Bendich Charitable Trust Albert & Pamela Bendich Charitable Trust Bertschi School William Block BNY Mellon Wealth Management Michael J. Borgen Judith J. Borth and John Cleve Borth Robert and Marty Bradley Brudvik Family Charitable Gift Fund Bruce Burger and Cheri Cornell Butzel-Reaber Family Fund Dena Chavez Grace and Adolph Christ Chukar Cherry Company, Inc City of Seattle Name Bracelets Judy Clegg and Lynn Davison Cochran Inc Stacey Crawshaw-Lewis and Jeff Lewis Kris Cromwell Michael E Dederer James Degel and Jeanne Berwick Caroline Dermarkarian Kati Dunn Expedia Gives Matching Program Jeannie Falls Anne Fennessy and David Moseley Beverly and Paul Fletcher The Honorable Betty B Fletcher and Robert Fletcher Susan E. Frederickson Betti and Derrick Fujikado Joe Fuller Jean F Gardner Kathleen Gary Ruth and William Gerberding Goldmine Design Jewelers Ellen Greene Gail Grinnell Nancy and Robert Grote Murad Shahnawaz Habibi Steven Haluschak Hard Rock Cafe James Harkins and Joan Kitterman-Harkins David and Michele Hasson Lisa A. Hayes Carol and Robert Hille Bryan M. Houghton Cynthia Huffman and Ray Heacox Pamela G. Hynes Patricia and Steve Jones Kevin Kelly Kirkpatrick Family Foundation Terri Kitto Denise Klein and David Soper Aaron Kraemer Stewart Landefeld and Margaret Breen Catherine Leschen Jane Lewis Betsy Lieberman and Richard Groomer Daniel Lieberman and Tania Fernandez de Castro LeAnn Loughran Claudia Lowman McEachern Family Foundation Lynn Meyer Donald and Pamela Mitchell Debra Morrison Donald Munsil and Sarah W. Stone Paul S Neal Lisa Nelson Marianne and Ken OBara Susan Parker Gwendolyn Payton Bowen Peck Janet Pelz and Bob Koplowitz Mary K and Richard K Pelz Michele Peterson Rep. Eric Pettigrew Kim R. Rancans Razorfish Regence BlueShield Jay and Jane Reich Janey L. Repensek and Warren Weissman George R. Rolfe and Lois G. Duncan Lisa Samson and Michael Gamsky Seattle Food Tours Mary and John Snyder Colette M. Stallbaumer Warren Stickney Ethan Stowell Janet Strand Selby and Peter Selby Fredric and Marilyn Tausend The Athenian Inn The Regence Employee Giving Campaign Duncan A Thieme Judy Tobin and Michael Baker Bill and Ruth True Susan Tuller John H. Turnbull and JoAnn Cowan Betty L. Wagner The W Foundation David and Cathrine Wheeler Cynthia B Whitaker Bonnie Williams-Mackey and Jim Mackey April Williamson Marjory Willkens Thomas and Marlene Wissler Jodie Wohl and Richard Hert Jane Zalutsky and Mark Kantor Marla and Jerome Zink Rhetta Spring Zoog and Richard T. Marks $1,000+ Anonymous (13) Advisory Services & Investments, LLC Karine Allouche Salanon Amazon.Com American Endowment Foundation Jerome and Rita Anches Kim Anderson and Andrew Bentley Ray and Edith Aspiri Phil Avison Colymbus Foundation Nicole Bahr Sarah Ballard Richard Barbieri and Lyn Tangen BECU Renee and Carl Behnke Arnold and Judith Bendich Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Matching Program Carol and Carl Binder Rebecca L. Bogard Anita Braker and Dave Olsen DeeAnn and David Burman Debbie and Michael Campbell Celebrated Chefs Randy Cepuch Suzanne Cohen Copacino+Fujikado Peter Danelo Barbara and Theodore Daniels James B Denton Memorial Fund Vasiliki Dwyer Thomas A Ellison Marlys Erickson and Christine Hurley Jean Burch Falls Ellen L Ferguson Kenneth and Michele Ferguson Susan and Frank Finneran Fisher Communications Inc Kathryn I. Fleischer Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center Maureen Frisch Sally and Rob Garratt Katharyn Alvord Gerlich Shannon and Benjamin Girlando Allan C. Golston and Stephen Bryant John and Faith Hogan Rick and Kandace Holley Horizons Foundation Inn at the Market Isador Simon Family Foundation B. Gerald Johnson and Linda R. Larson Pamela Keenan Fritz and Gary Fritz Deborah Killinger Mary and Allan Kollar Karen L. Koon and H Brad Edwards Geraldine Lane Christopher and Alida Latham Janet Levy Pauli and William J. Pauli Market Optical John and Sandra McCullough Kaaren and James McElroy John Mead Randa Minkarah Dan Moore Carla Murray and Thomas Robinson Blake and Molly Nordstrom Northwest Cellars Glenna Olson and Conrad Wouters Pacifica Law Group Theresa Pan Hosley and Larry Hosley Patricia J Patterson Valerie Payne Neal and Patricia Pedersen Perkins Coie Morningside Foundation John and Vicki Pierce David S. Pietka and Rebekah Pape Pike Place Market PDA Pinkerton Foundation Pinkerton Foundation PMI PosnerWallace Foundation Herbert and Lucy Pruzan Pure Food Fish Market Ann Ramsay-Jenkins RealNetworks Foundation Matching Gift Program Anne Redman Walter Reese Renaissance Charitable Foundation, Inc Raleigh M. Roark and Mary E. Preslar Russell Investments Schwab Charitable Fund Seattle Metropolitan Magazine Michele Shaw Ernest D Sherman Barbara and Joe Shickich Anne and Langdon Simons Gerald R. Smith and Vicki Halper Sosios Produce Sound Transit SRG Partnership, Inc Catherine A Stanford Starbucks Coffee Company Barbara Blywise & Joan and Sheldon Steier Liann and Stephen Sundquist The Commerce Bank of Washington Arlene and Mark Tibergien Shawn and Hope Toldo United Way of King County US Bank Private Client Group Virtuoso Walker Family Foundation Washington Womens Foundation Cora Weed Wheeler Family Foundation Wright Janeway Family Fund Wyman Youth Trust Evelyn P Yenson Anthony G. and Mary E. Zona $5,000+ An Anonymous Advisor (1) Mark and Heather Barbieri Ross Brown Lynn Claudon and Charles Royer Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund King County Combined Federal Campaign King County Employee Giving Cynthia and Mike McKee Meridian Geographics LLC Muckleshoot Charitable Fund Anne E. Nordstrom Gittinger and D. Wayne Gittinger Cynthia L. Phelps Riddell Williams PS Seattles Convention & Visitor Bureau H Martin Smith III State of Washington Sterling Savings Bank The Overton & Katharine Dennis Fund The San Francisco Foundation Washington RE Holdings LLC $10,000+ Anonymous (2) Amgen Foundation Beechers Handmade Cheese Melody and Ross Brown Cape Flattery Foundation Coalition for Charitable Choice Jody Foster and Dr. John Ryan Joshua Green Foundation, Inc Market Foundation - General Microsoft Matching Gifts Program Jeannie and Bruce Nordstrom Premera Blue Cross Helen Stusser The Norcliffe Foundation Vigor Industrial LLC Wells Fargo Advisors $100,000+ Seattle Hotel Association The Seattle Foundation

WORKPLACE DONORS Anonymous (14) Paul Adler Gloria Albetta Karine Allouche Salanon Daniel Anderson Patrick Baker Valerie Batey Jennifer Benn Rebecca L. Bogard Annie Brooks Carol Bryant Kristie Cain Thomas Campbell Maaren Chapman Lulu C. Chou Brenda Cooper Stephen Coretti Anthony Crider Colleen M. Cullen Randy S. Daniels Jennifer Davis Christopher Davis Judith L. Delaittre Maureen DiGiacomo Dwight D. Dively Amy Domres Kerri Dowd Kathryn T. Duncan Lauren G. Dunlap David Dunneback Chris D. Ebert Michael Eisner Lynda Emel Marlys Erickson Kimberly M. Fabel Sarah Finney Kevin Fisher Mark Fleming Patricia A. Foster Ben Franz-Knight Leslie Gallagher Jesse Grindeland Shaun Haggett Alan Hale Steven Haluschak Jay Hamilton Margaret Harris Lewis Hauenstein Lisa A. Hayes Dean R. Heerwagen Christophe Herrbach Bruce Hilyer Kristen Hoffman Sarah E. Holte Christine Hosler Michelle Hudlicky Sherrill Huff Elsie Janson Jeffrey Jarvis Kirste Johnson Carolynn Johnson Mark Johnson Freedom Johnson Kevin Kelly David Kerr Bria Knowles Daniel Knutson-Bradac Arthur Kuniyuki Deanna Lanier James Lema Sandrisa M. Lewellyn Katherine Lichtenstein Cyrus Lo Thomas Long Marti Louther Sarah Lynch Donald E. MacFarlane Barbara A. Mack Eric J. Mandel Chris Manojlovic Cynthia Martin Timothy McClure Peggy McPartland Justin Monwai Kathleen A. Moriarty DAnne Mount Briana Nelson Paul Owens Randy Pagulayan Christie D. Parker Wayne Porter Sharon U. Primm-Dayot Timothy Randolph Steven J. Rice Erin F. Rice Kristin Richardson Emily Routledge Dawn Rutherford Deborah Schneider FR Shuman Susana Sison Rainelle Sizemore Susanna Smith William L. Stremel Erika Sweet Carol Tashiro Dorothy F. Teeter Robert R. Thompson Engelberta Thompson Shawn Toldo Gayle J. Torgerson Casper Van Schothorst Christine VanderWerf Mark Waggoner Thomas Weed Newell Weed Cat Whitaker William Wilson Riann Wishon Yung-Chin Wu John Wuest Michelle Yapp Judy Yuen CAPITAL FUND DONORS EVENT SPONSORS
Committee of 33 PACCAR Foundation Sunshine Jewelry & Villanueva Arts Thomas and Connie Walsh Antony Yazzolino BECU Bennett Bigelow & Leedom Botanical Designs, Inc. Causality Charlies Produce Christ Our Hope Catholic Church Holland America Lines KMTT The Mountain Muckleshoot Charitable Fund Jeannie Nordstrom Pacifica Law Group Perkins Coie Pike Place Market PDA Premera Blue Cross Printco Regence BlueShield Riddell Williams PS Russell Investments Safeco Insurance Seattle Uncorked Seattle Weekly Seattles Convention & Visitor Bureau SieMatic Seattle Starbucks Coffee Company Sterling Savings Bank Sur La Table The Commerce Bank of Washington Turner Construction Company Washington RE Holdings LLC Wells Fargo Advisors Shirley and Alfred Collins Marlys Erickson Anne Fennessy & David Moseley Denis & Ken Fine Christina Hooko Andrew Hough Daniel Lieberman Kay Mesirow Jeannie Nordstrom Cyndie Phelps Loretta Pirozzi Helen Stusser

HERITAGE CLUB Donors who have named the Market Foundation in bequests or trusts.

SECOND CENTURY SOCIETY In 2010 the Market Foundation began a campaign to grow its endowment. A challenge fund was initially created by a generous gift from Bruce and Jeannie
Nordstrom to match bequests for $25,000 or more. Members of the Second Century Society will effectively double their gift and a matching fund established in their name will begin working immediately. Dan Carmichael Peter Danelo Vasiliki Dwyer Jean B Falls Frank & Susan Finneran Dave Olsen & Anita Braker Barbara Powell Warren Stickney Cynthia Whitaker


IN KIND DONATIONS 2100 Bistro and Bar 5th Avenue Theatre A Better Bath & Kitchen A La Mode Pies Mike Adams Adriatic Grill In Tacoma Airfield Estates Winery Alaska Airlines. Alaskan Brewing Co. Amore Infused Andaluca Heather Anderson Anthonys Pier 66 Argosy Cruises Bacco Cafe Bavarian Meats and European Delicatessen Beechers Handmade Cheese Katherine Bell Bloedel Reserve Rebecca L Bogard BOKA Kitchen + Bar Brian Carter Cellars Melody and Ross Brown Bunnell Family Cellar DeeAnn and David Burman Cafe Campagne Calidora Skin Clinic Debbie and Michael Campbell Cantinetta Causality Chandler Reach Vineyards Charlies Produce Chez Shea & Sheas Lounge Christophers Lamp Chukar Cherry Company, Inc Cintli by Beto Yarce Lynn Claudon and Charles Royer Clipper Navigation, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. David Cottrell Coupe Rokei Salon Crepe de France Cutters Crabhouse Peter Danelo DeLaurenti Specialty Food & Wine Dicks Drive In Dimitrious Jazz Alley DiStefano Winery Don & Joes Meats Dragons Toy Box DRY Soda Co. Estate of Betty Ure Esther Briques Winery Ettas Susan and Frank Finneran Fjellene Cellars Nancy Ford Four Seasons Hotel Seattle Frans Chocolates Joe Fuller Gamache Vintners Gard Vintners Gilbert Cellars Gingko Forest Winery Gourmondo Catering Hagensborg Chocolates Hands of the World Hanna Boys Center David and Michele Hasson HEAVY Restaurant Group Hilton San Francisco Union Square Hilton Seattle Holland America Lines Hoodsport Winery Hotel Andra Hotel Deca Hotel Monaco, Seattle Icon Grill Image Source Inc. Inn at Langley Inn at the Market Intrigue Chocolates Company Ivars Acres of Clams John Howie Restaurants Jan Marie Johnson and Mark Breitfuss Julias Restaurants Kana Winery Kaspars Special Events & Catering Leslie Kelly Kerloo Cellars KMTT The Mountain Melanie Kristoferson Kukuruza Gourmet Popcorn Inc Kyra Wines Freeda Lapos Babson Barbara Larimer and Bob Royer Lazy Boy Brewing Co. Lazy River Vineyard Le Panier Le Pichet Library Bistro & Bookstore Bar Local Color Lodmell Cellars Lowells Restaurant Macrina Bakery and Cafe Madison Park Conservatory Maritime Pacific Brewing Co. Market Foundation - General MarketSpice Matts in the Market McCrea Cellars Kaaren and James McElroy Metsker Maps of Seattle Monterey Marriott Hotel MoonValley Organics Jay Moulton Cindy Mounts NHV / Naches Heights Vineyards Nota Bene Cellars Olivar Restaurant On Safari Foods Barbara and Greg Owens Palisades Waterfront Restaurant Pan Pacific Hotel Seattle Patricia J Patterson Peaks Frozen Custard Corliss Perdaems Perennial Tea Room John and Vicki Pierce Pike Place Chowder Pike Place Market PDA Pike Place Merchant Association Place Pigalle Printco Ravish on Eastlake Rays Boathouse Restaurant RedHook Brewery, Inc Regatta Bar & Grille Jay and Jane Reich Reininger Winery Renaissance Seattle Hotel Residence Inn by Marriott Ride The Duck Scentsy Seattle Arthur Murray School of Dance Seattle Bike Supply Seattle Mariners Seattle Marriott Waterfront Seattle Seahawks Seattle Sounders FC Seattle Theatre Group Seattle Uncorked Seattles Convention & Visitor Bureau Serafina/Cicchetti Sheraton Seattle Hotel SieMatic Seattle Sierra Promotion Group Silver Cloud Broadway Hotel Laura Sisti Sixth Avenue Inn Rainelle Sizemore and Wayne Porter Sky River Meadery Skylite Cellars Smasne Cellars So Much Yarn Sorrento Hotel / The Hunt Club Sotto Voce Soundview Cafe St. Clouds Stickney Research & Well Planned Companies Stopskys Delicatessen Shirley A Stubben Sur La Table Sweet Valley Family Winery / Righteous Wines Symbols In Art Tapteil Winery The Athenian Inn The Museum of Flight The Pike Brewing Company The Pink Door The Ruins The Soap Box The Spanish Table The Truffle Cafe The Westin Gaslamp Quarter Hotel The Westin Seattle Theo Chocolate Philip E. Thompson Tom Douglas Restaurants Totem Smokehouse Toulouse Petit Treehouse Point Triamp Group Tulio Ulis Famous Sausage Unexpected Productions Urban Yoga Spa Urbane Restaurant & Bar Carol Ure Va Piano Vineyards Virginia Inn John and Martha Warden Waterbrook Winery Wild Ginger Willis Hall Wines Willows Lodge / Barking Frog Wilridge Winery Workforce Development Council of Seattle-King County Yellowleaf Cupcake Co.
Kim Anderson the wedding of Jim Blair & Brad Meryhew Becky Bogard Marlys Erickson Ben Franz-Knight Amy Gadoury Sue Geisler Robert Hader Amy and Brock Johnson Tom and Rhoda Lawrence Our family & friends who helped celebrate our 25th wedding anniversary Janet Pelz Richard Rosenberg Barbara Shickich Joan and Ed Singler Rainelle Sizemore and Wayne Porter Gloria Skouge Helen Stusser Natalie Toevs

Capital & special projects Grants & earned income Events




Events Grants & earned income Contributions Capital & special projects TOTAL $605,667 $380,995 $329,805 $41,590 $1,358,057 $285,506 $1,643,563 45% 28% 24% 3%



In-kind contributions

IN MEMORY OF Louise Cromwell Timothy Gabutero Naomi Gilbert Thomas Michael Hutchins Michael J Lemberg Hugh Lineweaver Aileen Mandel Clifton Norris Maudslien Douglas McCaughey George Starkovich Mary Torgerson Papa Weed Roberta Weeks Gigi Wilson VOLUNTEERS
Aleja Amesquita Kim Anderson Emilia Anderson Barbara Antonio Nicole Bahr Joice Barnard Carol Binder Brook Boeskov Rebecca L. Bogard Melody M. Brown DeeAnn Burman Debbie M. Campbell Leonora B. Clarke Stella Clarke Lynn Claudon Elizabeth Coppinger Peter Danelo Cheryll Davis Alan Figura Carol Figura Susan Finneran Nancy Ford Ben Franz-Knight Joe Fuller Sally G. Garratt Shannon Girlando Natalee Haldeman Molly Harmon Kate Harrington David Hasson Pauley Henderson Cher Hisken Erica Hoffman John Howard Kenneth Jackson Jane A. Johnson Kelsey Johnson Stephanie Jones Pamela Keenan Fritz Eddie Kirshenbaum Mary Kollar Eileen Lambert Larry Lancaster Geraldine Lane Megan Lee Jeri Lee Kathleen Lendvay Marge B. Levy Lauren Lukjanowicz Lindsey Lund Vince Madden Amanda Miller Randa Minkarah Dan Moore David Moosavi Robert Morrow Catherine Morrow Ed Murray Carol Nichols Nancy Nipples Marilyn Pabros Theresa Pan Hosley Patricia J. Patterson Michele Peterson Eric Pettigrew John Pierce Wayne Porter Anne Redman Randy Rogers Lisa R. Samson Jackson Schmidt Michele Shaw Ernest D. Sherman Barbara Shickich Ruth Shimano Susie Shubin Janeen Simmons Joe Slattery Rita Spangler Warren Stickney Kay Stimson Peter Stross Tiffany Taylor Susan Veninga Ed Waldock David Watkins Jessica Whetzell Gerlinde Whetzell Lynda Wilcox Shelley Wilson Conrad Wouters Evelyn P. Yenson

WORKPLACE DONORS Amgen Foundation Matching Gifts AT&T United Way Employee Giving Campaign Axio Bank of America United Way Campaign Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Matching Program Bola Architecture & Planning CH2M Hill City of Auburn City of Bellevue City of Kirkland City of Redmond City of Seattle Coalition for Charitable Choice Expedia Gives Matching Program Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center Graham & Dunn JP Morgan Chase & Co Matching Gift & Volunteer Grant Program King County Combined Federal Campaign King County Employee Giving King County Library System MERCK Partnership for Giving Microsoft Matching Gifts Program Northshore School District #417 Partner Match Peterson Sullivan LLP Pike Place Market PDA Plum Creek Foundation Readers Digest Matching Gifts/Volunteer Incentive Programs RealNetworks Foundation Matching Gift Program The Regence Employee Giving Campaign Renton School District Russell Matching Gift Program The Seattle Foundation Sno-Isle Library Snohomish County PUD Charitable Giving Program Sound Transit State of Washington United Way of King County United Way of Metropolitan Dallas, Inc. United Way of Snohomish County Washington Poison Center Wizards of the Coast, Inc. USA Zymogenetics

Administration & depreciation Events Fundraising Heritage programs & merchandise

Grants to human service programs Events Fundraising Administration & depreciation Heritage programs & merchandise TOTAL Reserved for Market human service emergencies $775,537 $283,542 $125,379 $66,576 $15,591 $1,266,985 $91,072 61% 22% 10% 5% 1%
We apologize for any missing, incorrect or misspelled names. We would greatly appreciate assistance in helping us correct our records. Please call Rainelle Sizemore with changes at (206) 774-5262.

Grants to human service programs



85 Pike Street Room 500 Seattle, WA 98101 206.682.7453

2011 2012 Board of Directors

Kim Anderson Nicole Bahr Carol Binder Becky Bogard, President Melody Brown DeeAnn Burman Secretary Debbie Campbell Vice President Lynn Claudon Elizabeth Coppinger Peter Danelo Past President Susan Finneran Treasurer Ben Franz-Knight Pamela Keenan Fritz Joe Fuller Shannon Girlando Theresa Pan Hosley Ken Jackson Jane Johnson Jerri Lane Vince Madden Randa Minkarah Dan Moore Sen. Ed Murray Pat Patterson Rep. Eric Pettigrew John Pierce Lisa Samson Jackson Schmidt Michele Shaw Ernie Sherman Barbara Shickich Janeen Simmons Joe Slattery Michael Stenchever Warren Stickney David Watkins At-Large Exec. Conrad Wouters Evelyn Yenson

2011 2012 Staff

Jennifer Davis Marlys Erickson Lillian Hochstein Rainelle Sizemore Erika Sweet Tom Weed

Design by Causality Photos by Jennifer Davis, Art Kuniyuki, Gary Matoso


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