Accident Report Procedure 1

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PURPOSE : To establish a procedure for reporting of factory accident in Mungi Group and keep a track on the improvement ,corrective and preventive actions to avoid accidents. SCOPE : This procedure is appliable to all MUNGI GROUP plants located in Nashik, Chankan and Zahirabad PROCEDURE OWNER : Plant Head at each location ( In case the Plant Head and designated Factory Manager are different persons ,then the "Factory Manager" shall be the process owner .) INPUT : - Accident Report filled up by the shop shift engineer /supervisor PROCESS : All Foremen/shift incharge/Supervisor in each shift shall maintain a " ACCIDENT REPORT LOG " & shall report in writing for any *Minor / Major accident involving any employee in his shop for absence from the place of work for< or > 4 hrs respectively.He shall report in the standard ACCIDENT REPORT "( F/.) .He shall fill up all details in the columns as described. The time duration for ACCIDENT REPORT filling shall be within 24 hrs. However, any major or serious / fatal accident shall be reported to the Plant Head immediately A FIRST AID KIT * is to be provide by the Plant Head to the shop Incharge/Foreman/Supervisor and subsequnetly maintained by them. In a minor accident * , a First Aid is given to the employee concerned and the accident is reported as Minor Accident in the Accident Report Log by the shop incharge Forman/ Engineer/Supervisor Such Minor Accidents are reported only in numbers ( Not in details ) in the Accident Summery sheet. All Reportable Accidents and Near Miss Incidenses are reported in the Accident Report Formats in details and included in the Accident Summery Report by HR every month. The names and addresses of the Plant Head and two nominees nominated by him to act on his behalf ,during his ( Plant Head) absence,shall be displayed in the Accident Reoprt File and Security Booth in the factory. In case of a major accident , shop Engineer/Foreman/Supervisor shall report immediately to the Security Staff on duty , who in turn shall arrange to shift the affected emploee to Hospital and report the matter immediately to the Plant Head concerned. In case of NO INJURY to any human beign but due to the accident, there is a damage to machine and equipment or there is likeyhood of any serious mishap in future , Shift Incharge/foreman/Supervisor shall fill up only sht. no.2 of Accident Report ( Incedent/Near miss) The Accident Report Register/File shall be circulated by the shop incharge to the Plant Head on daily basis who in turn shall take the cognigence of the accident & depending upon the sevearity of the case, take appropriate improvement,Corrective or Preventive actions through concerned. All corrective actions pertaining to the shift incharge shall be initiated within 24 hrs of the incidence and all preventive and small actions within the perview of the shift in charge shall be completed within reasonable and practicle time span. The concerned Action taking department shall make a Action Plan with corresponding actions and follow up is maintained by the Action plan initiator to ensure timely completion. HR shall prepare a summery of ACCIDENTS / NEAR MISS incidence reports in the prescribed format and sumerise the Actions taken during the reported month. * A minor accident ( Non Reportable ) is termed as minor wherein the victim is given first aid and is absent from his assigned duty for less than 4 hrs. When the Accident victim is absent from his assigned duties due to such accident for more than 4 hrs. it is termed as Reportable Accident




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The concerned Action taking department shall make a Action Plan with corresponding actions and follow up is maintained to ensure timely completion. The Plant Head shall prepare a quarterly statistics on all Accidents in the plant and report to CEO about the status and summery of the actions taken . Maintain an Accident and Inspection Registar as per Factory Act Rules. OUTPUT : - Acident Report Register / File - Action Plan on each reported accident - Quarterly Summery Statistics PROCESS MEASURABLES : Sr.No. Measurable Parameter UOM Data Source Review Frequency 1 Reportable Accidents Nos. Monthly Statistics Quarterly 2 Non Reportable Accidents Nos. Monthly Statistics Quarterly 3 New Safety Actions Generated during the report period Nos. Monthly Stats. Qrtly. 4 Number of Safety Actions Completed during the report period. 5 Total Number of Safety Actions ( Old or New ) Pending :


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Accident Report No. Date

LOCATION : MB , PVM , Na/MEPL , Ch/Plant 3 / 5/ 6, Zb/MEPL Circulation :

Shop In charge - Dept Head - Plant Head - CEO - Shop In charge Major /Reportable Minor/Non Reportable Shop : Time:

Type of Accident

Name of the Person: Date & shift of accident : Machine / Work Station Involved :

1. Was the machine/equipment was equipped with safety gadgets/accessories at the time of accident Yes 2. Associate was using the safety gadgets at the time of accident (e.g. Ear plugs,safety goggles,hand gloves ,helmet etc.)


Yes No 3 Was the concerned associate was trained for the opertion ? How long he is carrying out such operation ?

4. How the accident occurred ( In Brief and to the point ) 5 Primafacy Major Cause of Accident 1 PPE was not adequate or not provided 2 PPE issued but not used 3 Safety Instructions not given prior to work 4 Safety Instructions not followed (Including Operator Neglegence) 5 Un authorized use of m/c or equipment 6 Untrained for the operation/machine 7 Faulty process / machine / equipment 8 New operator / New to subject operation 9 Any other major causes 6. What type of Injury he suffered & which body part is affected & to what extent , due to the accident 7 Name & Dept. of the eye witness to the accident : . 8. How long the affected person was absent from work due to accident < 4hrs.

> 4 hrs.

9. In case of a major accident ,at what time the person shifted to hospital and what time he was admitted 10. What is his condition now.

11. What improvement/ corrective/preventive actions are suggested to avoid recurrence of such accident (Consider all similar equipment/work stations/machines while action plan is finalised )

12. Who is responsible for Initiation and exectution of the planned actions.

13. When the actions are expected to be completed for live demonstration on all places 14. Fill up sht. No. 2 for No Injury to any human but accident occurred and damage to machine/equipments For Near Miss Incidence Reporting



Shop Engineer/Forman/Supervisor




Incidence Report No. Date

LOCATION : MB , PVM , Na/MEPL , CHK/PLANT/3/5/6, Za/MEPL Circulation :

Shop In charge - Dept Head - Plant Head - CEO - Shop In charge Major /Reportable Minor/Non Reportable Shop/Area : Time:

Type of Incident

Reporting Person: Date & shift of fire incident Add extra sheet ,if space is not sufficient Machine / Area Involving fire. 1. Was the fire noticed and reported ?

Yes Yes Yes

No No No

2. Was fire extinguishers available in sufficient quantity nearby & used ? 3.Was a fire safety trained person/team available at site & acted ?

4.Within what time the fire was brought under control and normalcy established ? 5. Was any casualty reported ? 6.How many persons injured and shifted to hospital ? 7. How many persons were treated for minor injuries and discharged 8. What is the preliminary estimated extent of damage to machines ,equipment & building ? 9. Was the incident reported to Local Fire Brigade ? If yes, at what time ? 10. When the first water tender arrived and started action ? 11. Was company provided fire fighting equipment sufficient ? How many fire extinguishers used ? 12. What type of fire it was ? A / B / C /D 13.What is the preliminary cause of fire ? Yes No

14.Are necessary authorities ( as per F.A.) informed about the incident ?

15.What are the lessons learnt ?

16. What corrective actions suggested 17.When the last mock fire drill conducted ?


Security/HR/Safety Coordinator

Shop Engineer/Supervisor




Incident /Near miss Report No. Date

LOCATION : MB , PVM , Na/MEPL , CHK/PLANT 3/5/6, Za/MEPL Circulation :

Shop In charge - Dept Head - Plant Head - CEO - Shop In charge Major /Reportable Minor/Non Reportable Shop/Area : Time:

Type of Incident

Name of the Person: Date & shift of incident Machine / Work Station Involved :

1. Was the machine equipped with safety gadgets/accessories at the time of accident 2. Was the equipment fitted with safety gadgets/guards 3. Associate was using the safety gadgets at the time of incident (e.g. Ear plugs,safety goggles,hand gloves ,helmet etc.)

Yes Yes Yes

No No No

4 Was the concerned associate was trained for the operation ? How long he is carrying out such operation ?

5. How the incident occurred ( In Brief and to the point )


Any known recorded history of such incident available :

6. What is the extent of damage to Machine/Equipment/Plant / Building/ 7. When last PMI of machine/equipment was carried out : 8. Name /Dept. of the person who is an eye witness to the incident 9. Was the operator / supervisor trained to handle the situation arising because of the incident 10. What improvement/ corrective/preventive actions are suggested to avoid recurrence of such incident (Consider all similar equipment/work stations/machines while action plan is finalised )

11. Who is responsible for Initiation and execution of the planned actions. 12. When the actions are expected to be completed for live demonstration on all places



Shop Engineer/Forman/Supervisor



1 PLANT LOCATION ( Use separate sheet for each Plant )







6 TOP 5 LOCATIONS IN FACTORY ( e.g. Welding : 5 , Light Press :2 , Assembly :1) with number of accidents reported. Position 1 2 3 4 5
Area Number

7 Major causes vs. numbers of Accidents CAUSE 1 PPE not adequate or not provided 2 PPE issued but not used 3 Safety Instructions not given prior to work 4 Safety Instructions not followed a.m. 5 Un authorized use of m/c or equipment 6 Untrained for the operation/machine 7 Faulty process / machine / equipment 8 New operator / New to subject operation 9 Any other major causes 8 Major Body part distribution Body Part Number 1 Fingers 2 Hand 3 Head 4 Eye 5 Ears 5 Toe 6 Leg 7 Shoulders 8 Back 9 Chest



TIME Number

07 12 a.m 12 06 p.m 06 12 p.m 12 p.m to 07a.m.

10 Status of Actions after Investigations New Safety Actions Generated during the report period Number of Safety Actions Completed during the report period. Total Number of Safety Actions ( Old or New ) Pending :





Some Useful Material on Safety Rules, Accidents & Hazards etc.

Definition: a) " Industrial Activity" means, an operation or a process carried out in a factory involving or likely to invole one or more hazardous chemicals and includes on site storage or on site transport which is associated with that operation or process as the case may be. b) " Major Accident " means , an accident involving loss of life or outside the factory,or ten or more injuries inside and/or one or more injuries outside ,release of toxic chemical or explosion or fire,or spillage of hazardous chemical resulting in on-sire or off-site emergencies or damage to equipment leading to stoppage of process or adverse effect to the environment. c) Fume includes gas or vapours d) "Manager" means the person responsible to the occupier for the working of the factory for the purpose of the act.

115. Notification of accidents or dangerous occurrences . (1) Where any accident specified in sub-clause (a) of clause 1 of the Schedule hereto appended or any dangerous occurrence specified in clause 2 of the said Schedule takes place in a factory the manager of the factory shall, within 4 hours of the happening of such accident or occurrence, send notice thereof by telephone, special messenger or telegram to the Inspector and the Administrative Medical Officer, Employees State Insurance Scheme, Bombay, appointed as Additional Inspector under the Act; and where the accident is fatal or of such a serious nature that it is likely to prove fatal, notice as aforesaid shall also be sent to(a) the District Magistrate or Sub-Divisional Magistrate; (b) the Officer-in-charge of the nearest police station; and (c) the nearest relatives of the injured or deceased person. (2) The notice so given shall be confirmed by the Manager of the factory to the authorities mentioned in sub-rule (1) by sending to them a written report in the case of an accident in Form 24 or in Form 16 appended to Employees State Insurance (General) Regulations, 1950, and in the case of a dangerous occurrence, in Form 24A within 12 hours of the taking place of any such accident or occurrence referred to in that sub-rule. (3) Where any accident of a minor character specified in sub-clause (b) of the said clause (1), takes place in factory, the manager shall, within 24 hours after the expiry of the period specified in the said sub-clause (b), send notice thereof to the Inspector in Form 24 or Form No. 16 appended to Employees State Insurance (General) Regulations, 1950. (4) If in the case of an accident, the injured person subsequently dies due to such accident, information of his death wherever known shall be sent by the manager by telephone, special messenger or telegram within 24 hours of the occurrence to(a) the Inspector; (b) the Administrative Medical Officer, Employees State Insurance Scheme, Bombay;. (c) the District Magistrate or Sub-Divisional Magistrate; and

(d) the Officer-in-charge of the nearest Police Station. Explanation. - For the purpose of this rule, "accident of a serious nature" means an accident which results in(i) immediate loss of any part of the body or any limb or part thereof: (ii) crushed or serious injury to any part of the body due to which loss of the same is obvious or any injury which is likely to prove fatal; (iii) unconsciousness; or (iv) severe burns or scalds due to chemicals, steam or any other cause. 123. Register of accidents and dangerous occurrences. (1) The manager of every factory shall maintain a Register of all accidents and dangerous occurrences which occur in the factory in Form 30 showing the(a) name of injured person (if any); (b) date of accident or dangerous occurrence; (c) date of report on Form 24 to Inspector; (d) nature of accident or dangerous occurrence; (e) date of return of injured person to work; (f) number of days of absence from work of injured person. (2) The manager of every factory shall furnish to the Inspector annually on or before the 15th February a copy of the entries in Form 30 relating to the year immediately preceding the 1st January. 124. Maintenance of Inspection book. (1) The manager of every factory shall maintain a bound Inspection Book in Form 31 of the size 35 cms X 20 cms. and shall produce if when so required by the Inspector or Certifying Surgeon. (2) The Inspection Book shall contain at least 180 pages. Every third page thereof shall be consecutively numbered and the other two numbered pages between each consecutively numbered pages shall have a vertical perforated straight line on the margin side at a margin of 2.54 cm. (3) In case of the Inspection Book containing remarks passed by the Inspector or Certifying Surgeon is lost, the manager of the factory shall forthwith report in writing the loss of the Inspection Book to the Inspector in charge of the area and immediately maintain a new Inspection Book. The manager shall obtain as early as possible copies all available remarks from the Factory inspection Office concerned, on payment of necessary typing charges.

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