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There is no row at position 0. The Leader! Peace must be our Ideology, Progress our Horizon!

We, The Living Live Democracy. The second freedom of struggle has started. 'All for Knowledge & Knowledge for all' is The Mantra. Life Ka Mantra! This time to ensure that India is free for ever from hunger, disease, poverty and corruption! We have achieved 'the critical mass'. We are initiating discussion on the issues of energy, environment and education. 3E! No faith is in danger in our country, and the continuing commitment to gender equality is one of the great narratives of our times. Our chief national problems are eradication of poverty, illiteracy and disease. We, The Living live in the institutions whose are the applications of synthesis, Samyavada, of what might seem on surface to be implacable opposites. We, The Living live in The System. We, The Living live in The Constitution of India! We, The Living have honoured the great vision of National Stalwarts, as a nation and as a society. The

highest honour in our democracy does not lie in any office, but in being a Citizen of India, Our Motherland! We are all equal children before our mother; and India asks each one of us, in whatsoever role we play in the complex drama of nation-building, to do our duty with integrity, commitment and unflinching loyalty to the values enshrined in our Constitution! Jai Hind!




Namami shamishanam Nirvaan Rupam VibhamVyapkam Brahmn Veda SwaRupam! ...

Indian Game Of Life! Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam! ...

End Of Duality! ...

I have 'just' participated in the Eud Of Ideology! I have 'just' participated in the End of WorldGame! I have 'just' participated in the End of HistoryQuest! ...

The State!

In Western Ideology State is an Borrowed Idea Form The Idea of India An State build on the Premices of Democracy!

Everything built on the Structure of Democracy Is The Civilization! ...

Vedas has created the India Geeta was the Constitution of India! ... Vedas was written by the Living We, The Living! ...

The Final Victory! ...

Deva Shree Ganesha...

Jwala Si Jalti Hai Jis Ke Dil Me! ...


Person of the Year has a Claim A claim over Nobel!

Nobel is most prestigious Award It must be compiled with Time I mean to say complied by the Time!

And It may be complied by the time I don't Care!

The Civilization has three basic Constituents The Person, Place and Time! ...


Wright person at right time and at right place A Word Wright Civilization!

The Constitution of India Im by Guide! ...

Hunger, Disease, Poverty and Corruption Brahman, Kshtriya, Vaishya and Sudra All are our Weaknesses!

We must be get rid of it Whatever the Cost!

Civilization The Fifth Element! ...

The Three elements Space, Time and Energy And now the Civilization The fifth element What is Missing? ...

The Forth State Is ManMade! ...


The Sixth Sense! The Six Philosophy of Vedas! ...

'The Critical Mass'

Poverty includes Hunger And corruption is cause of Illiteracy!

The critical energy of a person To Live! ...

Energy, Time & Space Leads to the three Issues Of Energy, Environment & Education! ...


The applications of Synthesis of Opposites On Surface Is The Samayavada! ...

I.e. The Gist of the Constitution! ...

Eisenstein was Wright! ...

A BOOK... ^-I300I< Mahaveer Ko Naman!...Mahaveer Ko Naman!...

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