Dévény Ágnes - Angolul Az Irodában

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Dvny gnes

K e z d K
Dvny Agnes
Angolul az irodban
k e z d klkereskedelmi l e v e l e z k szmra
Pro Lingua Kft.
Anyanyelvi lektor: Szab Zoltnn
Szakmai lektor: Paul Kirk
Szeds: Sedlacsek Tams
Minden jog fenntartva.
A jelen kiadvnyt. ill. annak rszeit tilos a kiad
engedlye nlkl brmilyen formban reproduklni,
rendszerben trolni.
A kiadsrt felel dr. Kelecsnyi lszln a Pro lingua Kft.
Pro lingua Kft. 1994
ISBN 963 85179 2 1
1. Az. zleti levl 5
2. Az. zleti levl megtervezse, nyelve, stlusa 14
3. Az. merikai s az angol zleti levl kztti klnbsgek 16
4. Az. ajnlatkrs 19
5. Vlasz az ajnlatkrsre, az ajnlat.. 25
6. A megrendels 34
7. A megrendels visszaigazolsa,
feladsi rtests, a megrendels visszautastsa 40
8. A szllts 47
9. Szmlk s kiegyenltsk 56
10. Reklamcik, vlasz a reklamcis levelekre 76
11. Levelezs a 87
12. Egyb tmk 95
13. Sz- s 103
Angol - magyar 103
Magyar- angol 116
14. Rvidtsek 124
Felhasznlt irodalom 126
I. Az zleti levl
Kzismert, hogy az zleti letben kommunikcis formk egyre sok-
rWbbekk, vlnak. Az zleti levl azonban nemhogy
cskkenne, hanem egyre nvekszik, br formai s stilisztikai szempontbl is fontos vl-
tozsokon esett t. A levlnek van meg az a kizrlagos adottsga, hogya stilris, tar-
talmi s formai elemek a clnak varilhatk benne, egyttal a levl doku-
mentum is, archivlhat anyag.
A vllalatoknak komoly gondot kell fordtaniuk arra, hogy levelezsk ne csak tartalmi-
lag legyen korrekt, de formjval, klalakjval is j benyomst keltsen, hiszen zleti
partnereik ez alapjn forminak vlemnyt rluk. A leveleket j angolsggal kell rni,
vilgos, tmr megfogalmazsban, udvarias stlusban. Kerlni kell a szksgtelen rsz-
leteket, ismtlseket, de felttlen tartalmaznia kell minden fontos informcit. Nemcsak
a szp formra s elrendezsre kell figyelni, de mg a levelezsre hasznlt papr
a nyomtats vagy gpels rskpe is fontos lehet.
Az zleti levl rszei:
1. A fejlc (Letterheads)
A cgek ltalban nyomtatott fejlcet hasznlnak, amely sok informcit ad a A
fejlc tartalmazza a cg nevt, cmt, emblmjt (logo), telefonszmait, tviratcmt,
telex- s telefaxszmt, postafikszmt, a cg VAT (Value Added Tax=hozzadott
rtktbbletad) referenciaszmt.
A cg neve al gyakran tevkenysgi krt s sok esetben az igazgatk nevt is.
A fejlc kzpre vagy jobb oldalra kerl.
A cg neve utn ll rvidtsek a trsasgi formra PI.: Az Ltd. a Limited (lim-
ited liability company) rvidtse, amely kb. megfelel a magyar kft.-nek (korltolt
trsasg), azt jelzi hogy az zletrszek tulajdonosai csak bevitt
erejig vllalnak zleti tevkenysgkrt. A PLC/plc a Public Limited
Company (magyarul rszvnytrsasg) rvidtse. Ebben a trsasgi formban a
cgek rszvnyei nyilvnosan eladhatk. Az Inc. (Incorporated) rvidts az USA-ban a
rszvnytrsasgi formra utal. Az & Co. rvidts azt jelzi, hogya cg kt vagy tbb
szemly zleti trsulsa (partnership). Ez a trsuls lehet korltolt vagy nem korltolt
Csaldi vllalkozs esetn gyakran hasznljuk az & Son, Sons, Bros
(Brothers) vagy ritkn Daughter/s/ kifejezst. Ha sem az Ltd. sem az & Co. kifejezs
nem jelenik meg a cg neve utn, akkor ez egyszemlyes vllalkozsra (sole trader)
utal. Ha a cget igazgatsg (Board of Directors) irnytja, az elnk (Chairman; az
6 Dvny gnes: Angolul az irodban
USA-ban President), az igazgatk (Directors) s az igazgat (Managing
Director, az USA-ban Chief Executive) nevt is meg szoktk adni.
Szintn a cg neve utn llnak a cmek (addresses). Itt a cg kzpontjnak s kln-
gazatainak (branches), irodinak cmt adjk meg.
Nhny levlpapron lthat a cgbejegyzs nyilvntartsi szma s a VAT (Value
Added Tax) szm is.
2. Hivatkozsok (References)
A levlpapron nyomtatva olvashatk a Your ref.:, illetve az Our ref.: kifejezsek.
Ide a levelek hivatkozsi szmt szoktk rni. A hivatkozsi kd szmokbl vagy
vagy ezek kombincijbl ll. A szmok a levelek sorrendjt, gyiratszmt s a
kibocst osztly szmt jelzik, a az s a gpr nevnek
A hivatkozsok a levlpapron jobb vagy bal oldalra kerlnek s kvetik vagy
a cimzst.
3. A keltezs (Date)
A dtum a hivatkozsokkal egytt szerepel. ltalban jobb oldalra kerl a hivatkozsok
al, vagy velk egy sorba. A dtum rvidtett formjnak hasznlata, amely Eurpban
igen elterjedt, kellemetlen flrertsekhez vezethet az angol levelezsben,
ugyanis Nagy-Britanniban a keltezst a nap megjellsvel kezdik, az amerikai
levelezsben viszont a hnap kerl a keltezs elejre. Teht a 11.08.93 Nagy-
Britanniban 1993. augusztus 11-t jell, az USA-ban 1993. november 8-t. Ez a fl-
rerts ha kirjuk a hnap teljes nevt, termszetesen mindig nagy
pl.: 11 August 1993. A napot sorszmnv utn nem tesszk ki a 'st, nd,
th' rvidtseket. Fontos megjegyezni, hogy az Eurpban szoksos gyakorlattal szem-
ben, nem teszik ki a vros nevt a dtum el.
4. A belsO cfmzs (Inside address)
A cmzs a baloldali marghoz kerl s tbb ll attl hogy meny-
nyit ismernk a cmzett adataibl.
AJ - Ha a cmzett neve ismert, ez kerl a cmzs lre. El rjuk a Mr/Mrs/
Miss/Ms megszltst mindg rvidtett alakban. Egyb, a nv el cmek
I. Az zleti levl 7
lehetnek mg akadmiai s orvosi titulusok, pl.: Doctor(Dr.), Professor
(Prof.), katonai rangok, pl.: Captain(Capt.), Major(Maj.), Colonel(Col.),
General(Gen.), nemesi titulusok, pl.: Sir, amely nem a meg-
szltsban Sir-rel. A cmzett keresztnevt illik kirni teljes alakban,
kivve, ha tbb keresztneve van. Ezeket csak jelljk:
Mrs R S Carson
A Messrs kifejezs tbb szemlynv vagy ll cgnv el ke-
Messrs M K Barley and L B Jonson
Messrs Brown & Smith & Co.
Az Esq.(Esquire) kifejezst ma mr ritkn hasznljk. Mindig a vezetknv utn
ll s sohasem szerepel a Mr kifejezssel egyszerre:
Mr John Brice vagy John Brice Esq.
- Ha a cmzett nevt nem ismerjk, de hivatali rangjt, beosztst igen, ezt fel-
ttlenl emltsk meg:
The Production Supervisor
The Sales Manager
The Personnel Officer
(Ezt termszetesen olyankor is fel szoktk tntetni, ha tudjk a nevt.)
- A levelet cmezhetjk egy osztlynak is:
The Sales Department
The Accounts Department
Ha semmit nem tudunk a cg a cgnek is cmezhetjk a le-
Euros Ltd.
Howard & Dickinson & Co.
BI - A cmzett neve s hivatali beosztsa, illetve a cg neve s a trsasgi forma
jellse utn a cm kvetkezik. Ez Nagy-Britanniban a alakul:
- az irodahz neve
8 Dvny Agnes: Angolul az irodban
- hzszm, utcanv (az utcanvben nem hasznljuk aRd., St.,Ave. rvidtseket
a Road, Street, Avenue szavak helyett.
- helysgnv/vrosnv s postai kd
- orszgnv
Kisebb helysgek esetn kiteszik a grfsg nevt is. Ilyenkor a helysgnv kln sorba
kerl s al rjuk a grfsg nevt s a postai kdot:
The Sales Manager
Business Newspaper Ltd.
Thames House
21 Warwick Road
Lancashire FY3 SUL
C/ - 'For the attention of (Attention line)
Ez a sor tulajdonkppen a b e l s cmzs egy msik mdja. Ilyenkor a cg neve
s cme utn, kln bekezdsben, rendszerint alhzva kzljk, hogy kinek a
kezbe szeretnnk eljuttatni a levelet:
GA Software Ltd.
Richfield House
12 Green Street
London SW14 KHS
For the attention of the Sales Manager
/. Az zleti levl
5. A megsz6lfts (Salutaton)
A megszlts mindig a lap bal margjhoz kerl. A brit angolban ltalban
az amerikai angolban kveti.
Dear Srs,
Dear Sr or Madam,
Dear Mr/Mrs/Mss/Ms Brown,
A titulussal egytt ki kell rni a nevet is:
Dear Captan Bernard
frfi, akinek nem tudjuk a nevt
akinek nem a nevt
olyan szemly, akinek nem tudjuk a nemt
olyan szemly, akinek ismerjk a nevt
barti kapcsolat esetn
A leginkbb hasznlatos amerikai fordulatok a
Dear Mr (Ms, Mrs, Miss, Dr, Professor) Brown:
Dear Bob:
Az un. "open punctuation" (nylt kzpontozs) hasznlatakor sem a cmzs sorai,
sem a megszlts, sem pedig a levl sora utn nem tesszk ki a
6. A levl trgya (Subject line)
A megszltst kveti. A bal marghoz, vagy kzpre kerl kln bekezdsben, alhzva.
Dear Mr Clifford
Order No. 23347
We have just receved ...
7. A levl tartalmi rSZe (Body of the letter)
A levl rdhat gynevezett "bekezdses" formban (indented form) - ilyenkor minden
egyes bekezdst nhny letssel beljebb kezdnk rni, vagy bekezdsek nlkli for-
10 Dvny Agnes: Angolul az irodban
mban (block form) - ilyenkor minden sor a bal margnl Abekezdsek
kztt ltalban kihagyunk egy-egy sort. Egyes cgeknl minden levl egyforma elren-
dezsben kszl, mshol a gpr maga vlaszlja ki az zlse szerinti formt. A levl
tartalmi rszt egy bekezds nyitja s a vgn egy zr mondattal zrul.
A nyit s zr bekezds kztt minden egyes gondolat nll bekezdsbe kerl.
8. A levl befejezse s alfrsa (Complimentary closes and Signatures)
Yours faithfully,
Yours sincerely,
Yours truly,
Yours sincerely,
With best wishes.
A levl befejezsnl hasznlt fordulat attl fgg, hogy milyen mdon szltottuk meg a
Dear Sir, Dear Sirs,
Dear Mr Brown,
A alrs alatt a levl rjnak gppel rt neve szerepel. A keresztnevet lehet
csak jellni. Ilyenkor zrjelben utalni szoktak r, hogy pid. kisasszonyrl,
vagy asszonyrl van-e sz. A nv alatti sorban kzlni szoktk a levlr hivatali
beosztst, rangjt is. A p.p.(per pro) rvidts azt jelzi, hogy az alrnak a vllalat,
illetve egy msik szemly van alrsra felhatalmazsa.
Az angol levelezsben pecstet nem hasznlnak.
Yours faithfully,
(Miss) J: PIIIIHt'
(Miss) L Payne
Purchasing Manager
Yours sincerely,
(;UrS) J:
p.p. K Wilson
Managing Director
I. Az zleti levl .
9. Egyb jellsek
Az enc./Encl. rvidts a levl aljn baloldalon azt jelzi, hogya levlhez mellkletet,
klnfle dokumentumokat csatoltak.
A c.c.(=carbon copies) rvidts szintn a levl vgre kerl abban az esetben, ha a
levl msolatt msoknak is megkldik.
A Private and confidential (bizalmas) megjells mindig a cimzs alatt szerepel,
illetve a bortkon, ha azt akarjk, hogya levl csak a cmzett kezhez jusson el.
10. ltalnosan hasznlhat s zr6s0rok a levelezsben
- Thank you for your letter of...
- We thank you for your letter dated..
- Many thanks for your letter...
- informing us of...
- enquiring abouL
- asking us...
- advising us of...
- confirming your earlier telephone call.
- enclosing your catalogue...
- We are pleased to hear that...
- Your letter of ... has been passed to me for reply.
- We are pleased to give you the information requested in your letter addressed to
our local agent.
- As we mentioned in our previous letter...
- By now you will have received my letter of... with the enclosures..
- Many thanks for your letter dated ... which has crossed in the post my letter to
you of. ..
- We confirm our telegram of today reading: ..
- Thank you for phoning me yesterday to say that...
- We refer to our telephone conversation oLin which you agreed to...
- Following our last meeting and conversation regarding...
- You will be pleased to hear that...
- I should like to take this opportunity of suggesting...
BI A levl zrsorai:
- We look forward to hearing from you as soon as possible.
- We look forward
12 Dvny Agnes: Angolul az irodban
- to hearing your further news.
- to your final decision.
- to your confirmation by return post.
- to our next meeting.
- We hope to hear from you soon.
- We would appreciate a prompt reply.
- We would be grateful to hear from you by return.
- A prompt reply would be greatly appreciated.
- Will you please give the matter your urgent attention.
- Please let me know within ten days from this date of your decision.
- We expect your reply by telex or cable.
- We hope that the above suggestion will be acceptable to you.
- Please acknowledge the receipt of this matter in writing as soon as possible.
- We await your instructions by return.
- Your instructions will receive our prompt attention.
- May we have this information at once please. We cannot proceed without it.
- I feel sure there must be some misunderstanding about this matter, and I trust
that this letter will help to bring about a solution.
- We apologise for the misunderstanding which has arisen.
- We regret the inconvenience..
- Thank you for your courtesy and cooperation.
- Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any queries.
11. Mintalevl
A levl teht kszlhet bekezdses, vagy bekezdsek nlkli formban. Az utbbi eset-
ben a sorok a baloldali marghoz igazodnak. Szintn elterjedt szoks a pontok s
elhagysa a cmzsben, megszltsban s a levl befejezsnl.
Termszetesen a levl tartalmi rsznl rtelemszeren ki kell tenni a pontokat s

I. Az zleti levl
K. Lawrance & CO. Ltd.
(Head office), Nelson House, Oak Street. London EC46 5EE
Telephone No.: 071 6411432 Reg.No.:87549 London
Fax: 071 642 1433 VAT NO.:764 5541 20
Telex: 564781
Fantex Ltd.
102 West Street
Wellngton 8
For the attention of Mr J H Tanner
Dear Mr Tanner
Our order No. 1211
Your Ref:
Our Ref:
Date: 25 August 19-
I am writing with reference to the above order for baby clothes, which we
received yesterday.
Nine of the boxes in which the baby clothes were packed were damaged and
quite a few garments cannot be sold as new articles in our shops. We sug-
gest you contact your forwarding agent with regard to compensation.
I must ask you to arrange for the immediate dispatch of replacements. as we
have firm orders from our own customers for the entire quantity.
I enclose a list of the contents of the damaged boxes, and the consignment
will be kept in our warehouse unti! we receive your instructions.
Yours sincerely
l'PHfIlS Will/PH
p.p. Peter Hart
Enc.: A list of the contents of the damaged boxes.
14 Dvny gnes: Angolul az irodban
1. Az zleti levl hossza. m&gtervezse
Az zleti levl hosszt termszetesen befolysolja annak trgya, stlusa s
a hasznlt nyelvezet. Igen fontos azonban, hogy tartalmazza a legfontosabb inform-
cikat, amelyeket partnernkkel kzlni akarunk mghozz a logikai sorrend-
ben. Igen zavar lehet egy kapkodan sszelltott levl, ahol az egymst
bekezdsek nem logikus sorrendben kvetik egymst.
Levelnk megrsakor tegyk fel magunknak a krdst:
Mit akarunk elrni a levllel?
Mire szeretnnk vlaszt kapni?
Szerepel-e benne az sszes fontos problma?
Minden informci helyes-e?
Vilgos, sszefogott s udvarias-e a levl?
J benyomst kelt-e majd a cmzettben?
Klalakja, rskpe
Levelnk megtervezsekor vegyk figyelembe:
a) Az bekezds
A levl mondata igen fontos, mert ez hatrozza meg a levl hangnemt s az
olvas ekkor kapja az benyomst a levl rjrl s ltalban az
bekezdsben megksznjk partnernk levelt, bemutatjuk nmagunkat vagy
cgnket, kzljk levelnk trgyt s cljt.
b) A bekezdsek
Ez a levl legfontosabb tartalmi rsze. Mondanivalja levltpusonknt vltozik.
A tovbbi fejezetekben sok pldt fogunk ltni arra, hogy mi minden kerlhet a
c) Az utols bekezds
Itt rviden sszefoglalhatjuk mg egyszer a levl legfontosabb pontjait,
megksznhetjk partnernk ha nem tettk ezt meg az bekez-
dsben, kifejezhetjk jkvnsgainkat s remnynket, hogy hamarosan vlaszt
kapunk levelnkre.
2. Az levl megtervezse, nyelve, stlusa
2. Az zleti levl strlusa s nyelvezete
A kereskedelmi levelezsben gyakran a rgimdi, daglyos stlus, amely ne-
hezti a megrtst s sokszor azt a benyomst kelti, klnsen a nem ol-
vasban, hogy egy ltala ismeretlen nyelven rdott a levl. Trekednnk kell teht az
vilgos fogalmazsra, amely azonban nem mehet az udvariassg rovsra.
Kerlnnk kell a hossz, sokszorosan sszetett mondatokat, mert ezek zavaross s
nehezen tehetik mondanivalnkat. Ne hasznljunk kznapi (argo) kife-
jezseket zleti levelezsnkben, mert ez igen rossz benyomst kelthet. Fogalmaz-
zunk gy, hogy ez ne legyen partnernk szmra, de ne legyen tlsgosan bizal-
maskod sem. Br az zleti levlben szeretnek semlegesen fogalmazni, azrt ne
hasznljunk tl sok szerkezetet.
Igen fontos a vilgos, fogalmazs, nehogy partnernk flrertsen minket.
Vigyzzunk arra, hogya levlben hasznlt rvidtsek mindkt fl szmra ugyanazt
jelentsk. Ilyen rvidtsek pldul a nemzetkzi megllapodsokban szablyozott
kifejezsek, pl.: f.o.b.(free on board), c.i.f.(cost, insurance and freight) stb. Nhny
nemzetkzi szervezet, pid.: EU (European Union) nevnek rvidtse
nyelveken mskppen hangzik (magyarul pl.:EU), ms szervezetek nevnek rvidtse
viszont minden nyelven ismert, pl.: NATO. Fontos, hogy soha ne hasznljunk olyan
rvidtst, amely nem
Sokszor a szmok hasznlata is lehet. Korbban emltettk adtumban
klnbsgeket az angol s amerikai zleti levelekben. Ms, szmokkal
kapcsolatos, klnbsgek is lehetnek. A brit s amerikai hasznlatban pontot tesznek
ott, ahol a legtbb eurpai orszgban hasznlnak. PI.: az angolok vagy
az amerikaiak 2.623-t rnak ott, ahol mi vagy a francik 2,623-at rnnk. Ez utbbit vi-
szont az angolok ktezer-hatszzhuszonhromnak olvasnk. Ezrt ajnlatos a sz-
mokat s szmmal is kirni.
Klnsen gondosan kell megadni a mreteket, slyokat, rakat s egyb specifik-
cit, hiszen ezek flrertse slyos problmkat okozhat.
A hivatalos levelezsben kerljk az sszevont alakok hasznlatt. PI.: don't helyett
do not, won't helyett will not stb. hasznland.
Egyes cgek szeretik levelezskben a we szemlyesnvmst hasznlni - ez jobban
tkrzi, hogya cg ll az zenet mgtt, ugyanakkor ezltal a levlr
szemlyes / am sorry if this de/ay has caused any inconvenience.
We are sorry if this de/ay has caused any inconvenience.
16 Dvny gnes: Angolul az irodban

Az utbbi jelentktelenebb vlt a klnbsg az amerikai s a brit angol nyelven
rt kereskedelmi levelek kztt, mint mondjuk 15-20 wel ezeltt. Tulajdonkppen ele-
ha jl ismerjk az egyik levltpust, ugyanis az angoloknak s amerikaiaknak
semmi nehzsget nem okoz egyms leveleinek megrtse. Mgis van nhny klnb-
sg, amelyet j, ha ismernk.
Az amerikai levl szerkezete gyakorlatilag azonos angol ltalban, a
tartalmi rsz kivtelvel, nem tesznek ki pontokat s s minden
sor a baloldali marghoz igazodik.
Az amerikai zleti levl fejlce nem klnbzik lnyegesen az angoltl. A Limited tr-
sasgi forma helyett az Incorporated hasznland. Pid.: The James Smith Manufac-
turing Co. Inc. Az amerikai cgeknl az igazgatk neve ritkn jelenik meg a cges le-
vlpapron. Hasonltsuk ssze az angol s amerikai levelek nhny elemt:
23 December 19-
Dear Sir, Dear Sirs,
Dear Mr Brown,
Yours faithfully,
Yours sincerely,
With best wishes,
December 23, 19-
Dear Sir: Gentlemen:
Dear Mr Brown:
Yours very truly,
Sincerely yours,
Very truly yours,
Respectfully yours,
Sincerely yours,
Cordially yours,
With kind/best regards,
3. Az amerikai s az angol zleti levl kztti klnbsgek
-gue helyett -g
-our helyett -or
-re helyett -er
-ce helyett - se
A bortk megcmzse
property tax
A bortkra a nv s a cm lnyegben ugyangy kerl, mint a b e l s cmzsben, de itt
az utcaneveknl hasznlhatjuk a rvidtett alakokat (Rd.,St.,Ave.). A vros s az
orszg nevt mindig nagy betkkel rjuk s a postai kd mindig legalulra, kln sorba
kerl az angol zleti levelezsben (kivve, ha orszgnv is szerepel a bortkon), mg
az amerikai levelezsben egy sorba kerlhet a vros neve, az llamot j e l l rvidts
s a postai kd.
Brit stlus cmzs
Messrs White & Sons
P.O. Box 432
Amerikai stlus cmzs
Dvny Agnes: Angolul az irodban
Overseas Trading Co. Inc.
61 East 5th Street
San Francisco, Calif. 94045
4. Az ajnlatkrs
(An inquiry)
Az zleti letben, a kereskedelemben igen gyakran van szksg arra, hogy inform-
cikat szerezznk be egy partnercg knlatrl, vagy az ltalunk mr kivlasztott
Az informcigyjtsnek sok mdja van. Bngszhetjk az jsghir-
detseket, jrhatunk szakkilltsokra, fordulhatunk gynksgekhez, kereskedelmi
kpviseletekhez, de az informcikrs leggyakoribb mdja az levl.
Nzznk nhny pldt arra, hogy milyen elemeket tartalmazhat az ajnlatkrs (attl
milyen clbl rdott):
1. Bevezets, sajt cgnk s tevkenysgi krunk rvid bemutatsa
- We are considering the purchase of...
- We understand that you are manufacturers ofIdealers ini agents for ... and
should like to know whether you can supply us with...
- We are one of the main producers of...
- We are in the market for...
- We are the /eading exporters of. ..
- We are a/so working in the market...
- Our company is a subsidiary of. ..
- You have previous/y supplied us with ... and we wou/d be g/ad if yau wou/d now...
2. Utals arra, hogy mirt van szksgnk az informcira s mirt fordultunk
ppen az adott cghez ajnlatkrssel
- Your firm has been recommended to us by...
- We have obtained your name and address from...
- We have read your advertisement in the .
- We were impressed by the se/ection of disp/ayed on your stand at this year's
- X has advised us that you may be ab/e to...
- X has advised us to contact you...
- Our associates in ... speak highly of your products.
- We understand from ... that you can supply...
- Please forward details of ... as advised in...
3. A piaci helyzet rvid rtkelse
- There is a promising market here for good quality ...
- There is abrisk demand here for high-quality ... of the type you manufacture.
- Demand for this type of ... is not high here, but sa/es this year will probab/y
exceed f30,OOO.
20 Dvny gnes: Angolul az irodban
- There is no market here for articles of this type in the higher price ranges, but less
expensive models sell very weil throughout the year.
- You can count on abrisk tumover if prices are competitive and deliveries prompt.
4. Katalgusok, prospektusok, rlistk, mintk krse
- We would welcome your latest/current catalogue...
some samples of your...
the following technical data...
any technicalliterature abouL
full details of your terms of sale...
- We would be grateful if you would send us...
- We would appreciate your sending us...
- Please send us prices and samples of...
- Would you please let us have your current catalogue showing...
- Could you please send your current catalogue and an up-to-date price-list for...
- When replying, could you please enclose a ...
- Please send us your complete catalogue and particulars/full details of...
your brochure and wholesale price-list with terms of payment.
5. Rszletes informci6krs. utals az ru mennyisgre s
- Could you please give me more information about. ..
- I would appreciate more details abouL.
- We would be glad to receive specifications of your ... , together with your current
export price list and details of trade discounts.
- We should be grateful if you would forward any further information you may be
able to give us about...
- What qua/ities are you able to supply from stock?
- Will you please quote for the supply of ... of standard/ medium/best/finest/prime/
superior quality...
- We consider buying only the very latest models meeting ali the requirements
of the up-market customer...
- The ... must correspond in weight, size, and shade to the enclosed sample...
- We consider placing substantial orders (or: an initial order for 1,000 units).
- You can count on regular orders (or: on orders for at least 3,000 ... a year) ...
- We would be prepared to place a bulk order with you, provided the terms are
6. rajnlat krse, a fizetsi felttelek irnt
- Will you please send us full details of your prices...
- Please let us have your export prices...
- Will you please quote for the following items...
- Please quote us your lowest/best/most competitive prices for...
4. Az ajnlatkrs 21
- Would you kindly quote your best prices and terms of payment for...
- Will you please also state your terms of payment...
your special terms for large or regular orders...
- We are also interested in your terms of payment and in discounts offered for
regular purchases and large orders.
- Let us know if you allow cash or trade discounts.
- Please let us know if you could supply us with ... quoting your prices on GIF/FDa
... terms.
- We normally effect payment by letter of credit.
- Payment will be made by cheque/bank transfer.
- Please send us a pro-forma invoice for customs purposes.
- We usually deal on a 25% trade discount basis with an additional quantity
discount for orders over 1,000 units.
- We would also like to point out that we usually settIe our accounts on a
document against acceptance basis with payment by 30-day bill of exchange.
- We intend to place a substantialorder, and therefore would like to know what
quantity discounts you allow.
- As we are likely to place large orders regularly we would like to know whether
you would be wi/ling to grant us a special discount.
7. A szllfts mdjnak, idejnek, feltteleinek megtrgyalsa
- Will you please state you eariiest delivery date.
- Prompt shipment is a precondition to our order.
- It is essential that the goods are delivered in time for the opening of...
- Early delivery would be necessary as we have a fast turnover in this trade.
We would therefore need your assurance that you could meet ali delivery dates.
- If we place orders with you we will have to insist on prompt delivery. Gan you
guarantee delivery within three weeks of receiving orders?
- Would you please forward details of packing and delivery charges as weil as
terms of payment and discounts.
- Please let us know whether you can supply from stock.
whether you would be able to deliver within four weeks of
receipt of order.
- Delivery/Shipment would be required
within six weeks of order.
before 1 September.
by 1 September at the latest.
- Prices quoted should include packing and delivery to our warehouse/to the above
- Please quote your prices c.i.t. Hamburg.
franco Hungarian border.
- The prices should be c.i.f. Hamburg including export packing.
22 Dvny Agnes: Angolul az irodban
- We would a/so be glad to have an estimate of the number of containers required
and the approximate cost of packing.
8. Igret a megrendelsre, ha k e d v e z k a felttelek
- Provided you can ofter favourable terms/
you can guarantee delivery within ... weeks/
your quotations are reasonable
we will order on a regular basis.. .I
we are in a position to place regular orders.
- Our requirements in ... are substantial ... and we would be interested in a long-
term contract provided
the prices quoted are competitive.
you can ofter favourable terms.
your products are of the most up-to date design.
- If the prices quoted are competitive and the quality up to standard, we will order
on a regular basis.
9. B e f e j e z sarok
- We would appreciate a prompt reply...
- Your reply by telephone would be appreciated...
- We look forward to your ofter...
to receiving your quotation/prices/reply by retum/as soon as
- Thank you in advance for any information you can give us.
- An early answer would be appreciated.
- Thank you for your attention. We hope to hear from you in the near future.
- If the product is satisfactory, we will place further orders with you in the future.
- We are looking forward to hearing from you.
- As our own customers are pressing us for a quotation, we hope you will be
able to make us an ofter within a fortnight from today's date.
- Since the season will soon be under way, we must ask you to reply by the end of
this month.
- As we are working to a very tight schedule we should Iike to have the information
by 1September.
- Please let us know by retum of post whether you would be interested in such an
4. Az ajnlatkrs
Import and Export (London Office) Grant House,Victoria Street, London EC1 BDO
Manchester Office: 321 Elm Street, Manchester M24 3LR Telephone: 071 765213
Birmingham Office: 63 Sunshine Street, Birmingham B4 710 Fax: 071 765919
Liverpool Office: 1BShoemaker Road, Liverpool L54HW Telex: 97432
Directors: T H Wilson, D R Matthews Reg.No. England 433217
Your ref: Our ref: Inq.CB312 Date: 4 January 19-
The Sales Manager
Leather and Shoe Manufacturing Co. Ltd.
Juan Granados 38
Madrid 103846
Dear Sirs
We were impressed by the selection of shoes that were displayed on your
stand at Barcelona International Fair.
There is a steady demand in Great Britain for high-quality goods of this type.
Sales are high and a good price can be obtained for fashionable designs.
We are a large chain of retailers and are looking for firms who could supply
us with a wide range of high quality goods.
As we usually place large orders, we would expect a quantity discount in
addition to a 10% trade discount off net list prices, and our terms of payment
are normally 60-day bill of exchange, documents against acceptance.
If these conditions interest you, please send us your latest catalogue and
price-list. We hope to hear from you soon.
Yours faithfully
Richard Harrison
24 Dvny Agnes: Angolul az irodban
32 Riverside. Cardiff CF2 1JE
Telephone: (0222) 51622
Telex: 42327
27 Shephard Road
Wellington NW5
Reg.No C 057633
Your ref:
Our ref: BC/RT
Date: 12 June 19-
We have been informed by Chicken & Chips Co., who have been doing busi-
ness with you for a number of years, that you may be able to supply us with a
wide range of kitehen equipment and kitchenware for our fast food restaur-
Please quote us for the supply of the items listed on the enclosed enquiry
form, giving your prices e.i.f. Cardiff. Will you please also indieate delivery
times. your terms of payment, and details of discounts for regular purehases
and large orders.
Our annual requirements for kitchen equipment and kitehenware are eonsider-
able, and we may be able to place substantial orders with you if your prices
are eompetitive and your deliveries prompt.
We look forward to reeeiving your quotation.
Yours faithfully
T. Reynolds
5. Vlasz az ajnlatkrsre, az ajnlat
(An after)
Minden levelet illik azonnal megvlaszolni. Ha a krt informci nem ll
rendelkezsnkre, vagy az rajnlat sszelltsa hosszabb vesz ignybe, illik le-
vlben jelezni, hogy hamarosan rdemben vlaszolunk a krdsekre. Az ajn-
latkrsre adott vlasz lehet egy egszen rvid levl, amelyet kldnk
a katalgusok vagy rlistk mell, vagy lehet rszletes ajnlat, rajnlat.
Az ajnlatkrsre adott vlaszunkat mindig kezdjk azzal, hogy megksznjk az ajn-
latkrst, utalnunk kell annak dtumra s hivatkozsi szmra. Az ajnlat ltalban
tartalmazza a felknlt rucikk pontos s teljes lerst, mennyisgt, cso-
magolsi kltsgt, rt (rengedmnnyel s anlkl), a szlltsi feltteleket, a szl-
lts idejt, a fizetsi feltteleket s az ajnlat rvnyessgi idejt. Az ajnlatok
ltalban nem (an ofter without engagement). De kldhetnk
ajnlatot is (a firm or binding after). Ebben az esetben ktelezettsget vl-
lalunk, hogy tartjuk az ajnlatunkat, feltve, hogy megkapjuk a megrendelst egy
Az ajnlatot sokszor formanyomtatvnyon adjuk meg, ilyenkor azonban
kell mellkelnnk.
Nha egy cg ajnlatkrs nlkl is kld ajnlatot, ha j partnereket keres
vagy egy rgebbi kapcsolatot akar feljtani.
1, Bevezets s a partner biztostsa arr61, hogy segtnk
1.1. ajnlatkrs esetn
- We were pleased to hear from your /etter of ... that you were impressed by our
se/eetion of ...
- We are g/ad to learn from your /etter of oo. of your interest in our products..
- / wou/d Iike to thank you for your inquiry of ... and am pleased to teJJ
you that we wou/d be ab/e to supp/y you with the ...
- Thank you for your enquiry of ... in which you asked abouL.
- We were very pleased to receive your enquiry abouL
- We have p/easure in quoting as foJJows: ...
submitting our quotation subject to the standard eonditions
shown be/ow (or: over/eaf).
ene/osing our estimate for the supp/y of. ..
ene/osing our detailed quotation.
26 Dvny Agnes: Angolul az irodban
- As you have placed many orders with us in the past, we have decided to make
you a special ofter.
- With reference to our personal talks/ our exchange of telexes/ our telephone
- I am pleased to say that we will be able to deliver the ... you require.
- We think you have made an excellent choice in selecting .., and once you have
seen the samples we are sure ...
1.2. Ajnlat e l z e t e s ajnlatkrs nlkl
- We are manufacturers of ... and are anxious to extend the market for our
- We feel you will be interested in the new ... we have just introduced on the mar-
- We are pleased to inform you that we have resumed production of our ... and are
nowable to start accepting orders again.
- We regret to find that you have not placed any order with us for some time, and
we hope that you have no reason to be dissatisfied with the execution of your
past order.
2. Katal6gusok, rtistk, prospektusok, mintk kldse
- We have pleasure in enclosing our latest price-list and catalogue.
- We are pleased to send you the current catalogue and price-list asked for.
brochures giving details of our range of products.
- Please find enclosed some descriptive leafiets which will give you technical
details of several of our new products.
- We are sending you a full range of samples with this letter.
- You will find enclosed a number of samples and we trust you will be convinced of
their high quality.
- We have pleasure in sending you by airmaiI parcel a range of samples, specially
selected for the purpose you mention.
- By the same post, we are sending you a price list and a full range of patterns.
- Our latest export catalogue has been sent to you under separate cover.
- Our il/ustrated price list and the five specimens we are posting under separate
cover will give you an idea of the excellent quality, style and precision of our
3. Nem tudunk azonnal rdemben vlaszolni; javaslat ms megoldsra
- Before we are able to quote, we would like to clear up the following points:...
- As soon as we receive the above information, we will send you our lowest inclus-
ive quotation.
- We will send you a quotation within a few days.
5. Vlasz az ajnlatkrsre, az ajnlat
- We will study your requirements carefully and will send you a very competitive
quotation within the next week.
- Unfortunately the product you mention is not available at present but we would
suggest that you take type ... which is a/so very popular with our customers.
4. Arajnlat
- The net price of this article is f ..., to which VAT must be added at .... %, making a
gross price of f ...
- Prices are subject to variation without notice, in accordance with market fluctua-
- Our prices range from f ... per /itre upwards, according to quality.
- Prices for the quality you mention range from ... to ...
- These are the keenest export prices and we cannot go beyond this limit.
- We can quote you a gross price, inclusive of delivery charges, off... per ... items.
These goods are exempt from VAT.
- We can ofter you a price of f ... per item, firm for 30 days, after which the price
will be subject to an increase of ... %.
- The prices quoted above are provisional, since we may be compelled by
increased costs of raw materia/s to increase our prices to customers.
- We are working on a profit margin of %.
- The margin of profit on this article is %on the cost of production.
- We ene/ose our price-list, together with details of our terms for bulk buyers.
- Our prices are quoted neV ex worksl f.o.b. Londoni carriage forward.
- These prices are net, carriage and packing extra.
4.2. Arvltozsok
- Prices have undergone considerable fluctuations...
- Prices are expected to rise...
- The present rise in prices has been caused by ...
- Owing to the increased cost of manufacture, prices are expected to rise before
- There is every indication that a further rise in prices will shortly take place.
- The recent devaluation of the currency has been an important factor in raising the
prices of imported raw materia/s, and we in tum have been obliged to raise some
of our own prices slightly.
- Last week's sudden fali in prices was due to ...
- Prices are beginning to slip (or: are going down, falling, dropping)...
- From the list enclosed you will see that the prices are surprisingly low, and as
they are Iikely to rise very soon we would advise you in your own interest to
place your order as soon as possible.
28 Dvny gnes: Angolul az irodban
- Although costs have been rising steadily we have not yet raised our prices, but
may have to do so when present stocks run out.
- Please note that although prices have remained steady over the last five months
a rise of between 3 and 6 per cent is anticipated for this spring.
4.3. Arengedmnyek
- We would like to draw your attention to our new discounts for bulk purchases...
- There is a trade discount of ... %...
- We would be willing to allow you a special ... % discount, on ali orders over f ...
net value.
- We are prepared to allow you a special first-order-discount of ... %.
- We ofter you a ... %reduction in price on ali orders over f... net value.
- No special allowance could be given on annual total purchases below f ....
- Our low prices make it impossible for us to grant any'discounts.
- This is a special ofter and not subject to our usual discounts..
- The prices shown in our price-list are nel, but we ofter discounts by negotiation,
depending on the size of orders.
4.4. K t e l e z rajnlat
- We must stress that this ofter is firm for days only.
- These special terms are open only until ..
- If this quotation is not accepted within ... days of the date shown above we
reserve the right to raise the price according to the official int/ation index.
- Prices are valid until...
- We cannot leave this ofter firm for more than ... days, so would you please telex
your order without delay.
5. Fizetsi felttelek
- Ali prices are quoted f.o.b. Hamburg and are subject to a ... %trade discount with
payment by letter of credit.
- We usually ofter a oo. % trade discount on f.o.b. prices, and would prefer payment
by irrevocable letter of credit.
- The prices quoted are ex-works, but we can arrange freight and insurance if
required, and unless otherwise stated, payment is to be made by 30-day bill of
exchange, document against acceptance.
- Our terms of payment are: net cashl spot cashl cash on delivery(C.O.D.)1 cash
within oo. daysl cash with order(C. W. 0.)1 cash against documents(C.A.o.).
- Payment terms are: payment on receipt of invoicel goods
monthlyl quarterly settlement.
document against payment (OIP).
documents against acceptance (DIA).
5. Vlasz az ajnlatkrsre, az ajnlat 29
- Payment by banker's draftl irrevocable letter of credit/bill of exchange is request-
- Payment for an initial order would be required on pro-forma invoice.
- Credit is al/owed for three months, if required, against bill of exchange. Cash pay-
ments within fourteen days, however, are subject to a discount of ... per cent.
- According to our policy, export transactions are dealt with on terms of cash with
order, and we must therefore ask you to make the necessary arrangements to
ensure payment by banker's draft on receipt of our pro forma invoice.
- We can sell these goods on a cash basis only, because of the heavy reductions,
and shall be pleased to receive a cheque from you for the full amount, plus
freight, when you order.
6. ltalnos felttelek
- This offer is subject to contract/ firm for .oo days.
- We offer you any of these patterns firm for ... days, but cannot promise anything
definite beyond that period.
- We offer these goods subject to their being unsold on receipt of your order.
- This offer must be withdrawn if nor accepted within oo. days.
- Please note that goods supplied on approval must be retumed, carriage paid,
within .oo days if not required.
- This is a special offer and cannot be repeated.
is not subject to our usual discounts.
- May we remind you that only contracts sent by us are legal/y binding.
- Goods ordered from our old catalogue can be supplied only unti/ stocks are
7. Referenciakrs. referenciaads
- As we have not previously done business together, perhaps you would kindly
supply either the usual trade references, or the name of a bank to which we may
- After receiving the usual references we shall be glad to offer you open-account
- If you require short-term credits we shall be prepared to comply with your request
provided you have the guarantee of a banker.
- Meanwi/e, I am enclosing testimonials from some of our regular customers.
- We have in the past carried out quite a number of simi/ar jobs to the complete
satisfaction of our clients.
8. Az. ru lefrsa, mel1J1yisge. m i n s g e , kiszerelse
- The specimens sent to you will convince you of the excel/ent quality of OUf...
- We are confident that you will find our products the finest on the market.
30 Dvny Agnes: Angolul az irodban
- Most of the working parts are standard components and, in the event of being
damaged, are easy to replace.
- These products are the result of many years' research and development and are
engineered to an exact and unvarying standard.
- We have in stock a/l the ... mentioned in this offer.
- Ali the items listed in our catalogue are in stock.
- Ali our products are fully guaranteed against...
made of quality materials...
designed specially for...
- We can offer you a wide range/ a choice/ a selection of ... sizes and colours/
types from stock and can deliver as soon as we receive your order.
- At the present moment only limited quantities of oO. are available. Large orders can
be accepted for delivery in January only.
- Bulk supplies are obtainable from ...
9. SzlJrtsi felttelek, a szllfts mdja, ideje stb.
- Our prices are c.i.f./CIF (cost, insurance and freight)
c.& f./CF (cost and freight)
f.o.b.lFOB (free on board)
f.o.r.lFOR (free on rail)
f.a.s.lFAS (free alongside ship)
franco domicile/ free (buyer's address)
ex works/ ex factory/ ex warehouse
ex ship
franco quay
c.p. or Clp (carriage paid)
cJ. or C/f (carriage forward)
- Delivery is not included in the price.
- We can arrange delivery either to your bulk store or individual out/ets.
- Our firm has its own delivery service.
- You will have to allow us at least ... weeks for delivery.
- We would send the consignment in our own van/ by refrigerated trucks/ by rail/ by
air on receipt of your order.
- Delivery can be made in three equal partshipments within ... months.
- As we have ali the materials in stock we are sure that the consignment will reach
you within the time you specified.
- We can promise delivery by 8 June.
- Orders will be dealt with in strict rotation and can only be accepted as long as
stocks last.
- The stated dates of delivery are approximate, but in no case would these dates
be exceeded by more than ten days.
5. Vlasz az ajnlatkrsre, az ajnlat 31
10. Zr mondatok
- We are sure our ofter will interest you and look forward to receiving your order.
- You may rely on us to give your requirements immediate attention.
- We hope we have the pleasure of receiving your order for the above and look for-
ward to hearing from you.
- We are sure that these goods will meet your requirements, and we look forward
to your first order.
- If there is any further information you require, please do not hesitate to contact
us. Meanwhi/e we look forward to hearing from you soon.
- We hope to hear from you soon and can assure you that your order will be dealt
with promptly.
- Our services are at your disposal.
- We will do our best to execute your orders to your satisfaction.
- We look forward to the pleasure of serving you.
to doing business with you.
- We trust you will find our quotation satisfactory and look forward to your first order.
- We thank you for your interest, and if there is any further information you would
Jike to have, please do not hesitate to write to us again.
- If you wish to place an order for any of our products please use the order form
- We think we have covered every point of your enquiry. If not, do let us know and
we will do our best to help you.
If we have not covered alJ the points in your inquiry please write to me or tele-
phone at the above number...
If you accept our ofter please advise us by telex.
- Orders are executed the day they are received, and we are confident that both
our terms and our goods will give complete satisfaction.
11. Negatrv vlasz, az ajnlat visszautastsa
- Owing to insufficient demand, we no longer produce the ... you are interested in,
however we can supply a simi/ar type...
- We regret we no longer supply this product and suggest you try...
We thank you for your enquiry of ... and regret to inform you that
we stopped production of. ..
we cannot supply this ... as we have ceased its manufacture.
the items mentioned are out of stock.
- Meanwhi/e we advise you to get in touch with who are speciaJists in this line.
- Here is an aJternativp t h ~ t -':1ight be acceptable: .
- The model you ask for has been discontinued and replaced by...
Please accept our apologies for our inability to meet your needs this time.
- We very much appreciate the interest you have shown in our products and regret
that we cannot help you at present.
12. Mintalevelek
Dvny gnes: Angolul az irodban
Date: 27 Nov. 19-
Bombay House. Warwick Road. London SW16 7DN
Telephone: 081 2621654 Reg.No.: 94116 London
Telex: 302712 VAT No.: 506
Fax: 081 261 1837
Messrs Jonson & Right
421 Michigan Avenue
Chicago, III. 60602
Dear Mr Right
Thank you for your letter of 21 November. We appreciate your interest in our products
Please find enclosed our latest catalogue and price list, as weil as the details of
our trade discounts and special terms for large or regular orders. Our prices are
CIF. ..
Since your inquiry does not specify the kind of goods nor the quanty you require,
we are not able to give you details about the present availability of the goods.
However, we can assure you that on receipt of confirmation, we normally require
no more than two weeks before despatch.
We hope that you will find our terms satisfactory and we look forward to receiving
Yours sincerely
T. Burton
5. Vlasz az ajnlatkrsre, az ajnlat 33
Fax: 0315 51892
Date: 10 Dec. 19-
Telex: 66 08552 Tel: 031551622
Kepplerstrasse 14
Dear Sirs
We thank you for your letter of 1 December and have pleasure in submitting
the enclosed quotation.
Unfortunately we regret that we cannot allow a discount of 6% as requested.
Manufacturing costs and freight charges have risen considerably in recent
months and our profit margin does not enable us to meet your full request.
However, we would be pleased to ofter you a special discount of 4% for this
first order, as weil as our usual 3% discount if payment can be made within
one month from date of invoice. Delivery is guaranteed within three weeks of
receiving your order.
We hope that these terms will meet with your approval and that we will
receive confirmation of your order in the very near future.
We look forward to the pleasure of serving you.
Yours faithfully
L. Hamilton
34 Dvny gnes: Angolul az irodban
6. A
(An order)
Az ajnlatok, rajnlatok esetleg mintk ttanulmnyozsa utn a feladhatja a
megrendelst. A megrendelshez igen gyakran elkszitett formanyomtatvnyt
hasznlhatunk, de ehhez mindig mellkelnk. Termszetesen nll le-
vlben is feladhatjuk megrendelsnket, amely tartalmazza a legfontosabb inform-
cikat a megrendelt rurl: az ru lerst, mennyisgt, rt, a szllts,
csomagols, biztosts mdjt, a szllts idejt, a fizetsi feltteleket s a szksges
specilis okmnyok felsorolst. A telefonon feladott rendelst is mindig meg kell
rsos formban.
1. mondatok
- Thank you for your ofter of ... , which we aeeept on the terms quoted.
- Your letter of ... eonvineed me to plaee at least a trial order for .... Therefore,
please find enelosed our offieial order No .
- Please find enelosed our Order No. ... for .
- We have pleasure in ordering the following artieles from your eatalogue: ...
- With referenee to your quotation, we enelose our order for immediate delivery.
- Many thanks for yoqr quotation for .... Please send us at once...
- Thank you for letting us have samples of .... We would be glad if you would sup-
ply us with ...
- Will you please arrange immediate despateh of ...
- To eonfirm our order, please find encJosed our order form for ... for immediate
- We eonfirm our telephone conversation of this morning and enelose our official
order for...
- After your visit here last month, we have deeided to plaee the encJosed order with you,
on the understanding that you supply from stoek and can guarantee delivery by ...
2. Az ru lerrsa min6sge, mennyisge, katalgus szma, csomagolsa, a szJl(t-
mny jellse, stb.
- The quality must be up to sample...
- The quality must correspond preeisely with the samples supplied.
- Weight and eolour must be as sample supplied...
- The materialsupplied must be absolutely waterproof/ eolour-fast! unshrinkable.
- First-class material and workmanship are essential.
- A medium quality would be suitable...
- We must point out that goods must be guaranteed to be to our own speeifieation.
- Please supply in assorted eolours, preferably 10 dozen eaeh of red, green, blue
and brown.
6. A megrendels 35
- Ali grades of ... are acceptable, but we prefer top qua/ities.
- The ... content must be under 20%.
- We are arranging for the consignment to be inspected before shipment and must
ask you to send only goods in perfect condition.
- Marks and blemishes on the surface may make it necessary for us to reject the
- The minimum quantity required is ...kg., but we would accept up to a maximum of
... kg. if the quality is high.
- The over-ali length must not exceed ... metres, and the total weight must not be
above ...kg.
- Please ensure carefui packing.
- Please wrap each item separately in plastic bags/ grease paper/ tissue paper/
laminated waterproof paper, etc.
- Cases must have an inner, waterproof/ damp-resistentl airtightl fireproof /ining,
they must be nai/ed, battened and secured by overall metal strapping.
- Cases must be fully /ined with styrofoam.
- To avoid movement inside the cartons the ... must be protected by plastic mould-
- We must insist on certain packing conditions, both in our interest and to comply
with the demands of our customs authorities.
- Packing insructions must be strictly observed.
- Cases must be marked 'HJT' and the word FRAGILE stenci/led in large letters on
ali sides of the container.
- Each case should be marked with the following: your own marks and numbers,
the name of the country of origin etc.
- The greatest care must be given to packing and correct marking.
- On the attached sheet you wi/l find detai/ed instructions regarding packing and
- Ali other marks and the name of the country of origin are to be removed from the
crates betore shipment.
3. Az rral, rengedmnyekkel kapcsolatos kzlend6k
- We confirm the order we placed with you by telephone yesterday and wish you to
supply .... at the /ist price of f ... each, less 30% trade discount, carriage paid.
- We agree to your price, but should /ike to know if you are prepared to grant us a
discount of ... % for a quantity of. ..
- We could send you much larger orders if you could see a way to bringing your
prices down to a level comparable with that of your competitors in this market.
- We ene/ose our order, but must point out that the fa/ling market here wi/lleave us
/itt/e or no margin of profit. We must ask you for a keener price in respect of
future supp/ies.
36 Dvny gnes: Angolul az irodban
- Although we have not placed in order with you for over two years, we were very
pleased to receive your circular of ... and to note that your prices for ... have once
again became competitive.
- I understand that the usual ... per cent discount for cash wll be granted.
- We would fike to thank you for the ... % trade discount and ... %quantity discount
you allowed us.
- We thank you for extending the discount to the trialorder.
- If I am not entirely satisfied I understand I may return the goods within ... days
and have my money refunded in full.
- We will certainly take advantage of the cash discounts you offered for prompt settJe-
- I understand that no charge is made for packing or transport on orders amounting
to more than L ..
- Although the rather low trade discount of ... % disappointed us, we will place an or-
der and hope that this al/owance can be reviewed at some time in the near future.
- We would fike to thank you for the ... % trade discount and the ... % discount on
orders over the value of ... pounds sterling.
4. Afizets mdja
- As this is our first order with you, we shall pay cash against documents as agreed.
- We would like to confirm that payment is by irrevocable letter of credit.
- Once the order/ your advice is received, we wll forward a banker's draft to...
- As agreed you will draw on us at 30 days, documents against acceptance, with
the documents being sent to our bank at...
- Our cheque for the total cost of the order, plus postage, is enclosed.
- Please send the goods C.OD. (cash on delivery).
- Payment will be made by banker's transfer on receipt of your pro forma invoice.
- Please let us know whether you are prepared to give us open-account terms.
- We have instructed our bank to open a credit for L. in your favour, effective unti/....
- The credit we have arranged is sufficient to cover invoice cost and any further
- Before accepting your draft, which should include ali charges to London, the bank
will require you to produce the following documents: a full set of clean shipped
BiIIs of Lading, a commercial invoice in triplicate (3 copies), an insurance policy
for L., a certificate of origin, a consular invoice.
- As we expect to place even larger orders with you we would appreciate quarterly
sett/ement terms.
5. A szIlfts ideje, mdja, biztosits, stb.
- It is a condition of this order that the goods are delivered to our offices not later than ...
- This order is for immediate delivery.
- Would you please arrange early delivery.
6. A megrendels
- We would appreciate prompt attention to this order since our stocks are low.
- Please delete from the order any items which you cannot supply from stock.
- It is essential that the goods are delivered before ...
- Delivery before March is a firm condition of this order, and we reserve the right to
refuse goods delivered after that time.
- Please forward the consignment by air.
- Please send the goods by scheduled freighter.
- Please arrange for delivery by train.
- Please confirm that you can complete the work before ...
- We advise delivery by road to avoid constant handling of this fragile consigment.
- Please ensure that the enclosed packing instructions are followed carefully.
- Please arrange to send the consignment by road to Southampton to be shipped
by MV Ra/eigh due to sail for New York on 12 January, and ensure that ali the
cases are e/early marked and numbered as shown in our official order.
- Our forwarding agents will give you marking and despatch instructions and will
inform you of their charges.
- Please arrange for the insurance cover.
- Please insure the shipment for the amount of your invoice, adding 10 per cent
imaginary profit to the purchase price.
- Further instuctions regarding insurance wll follow short/y.
6. Egyb kiktsek
- ln case of Itigation the courts in ... wll have exc/usive jurisdiction.
- This order is placed subject to the terms and conditions printed overleaf.
- we reserve the right not to accept the goods or pay invoice if our order number is
not quoted on ali advice notes, invoices, etc.
7. B e f e j e z mondatok
- If this first order is satisfactorily executed we will p/ace further orders with you.
- Your early attention to this order will be appreciated.
- We look forward to receiving your shipmentl advice of despatch/ confirmation
of.. ./acknowledgement of...
- We hope that this will be the first of many orders we wll be p/acing with you.
- If the goods seU as weil as we hope, we will send further orders in the near future.
- We will submt further orders, if this one is comp/eted to our satisfaction.
- Please let me know by return whether you are prepared to supply the goods
mentioned upon the above terms.
- We will be grateful for prompt delivery as the goods are needed urgently.
8. Mintalevelek
Dvny gnes: Angolul az irodban
4 Rosemary Street, LONDON SW 08
Order No.: DH543/93
To: Longwood Manufacturing CO.
41 Fulton Avenue
Kings House
Yourref: MKS/33/GD
Our ref: JT/RP/93
Please supply the following
Date: 6 June 19-
Discounts: 5% for orders
over f 1,000
2% for settlement
within 30 days
Catalogue/ item No.
Unit cost Total cost
f 35 f 100
f 320 f5,760
f 20 f 640
f 30 f 750
Subtotal: f 7,850
f 392.50
f 157 f 549.50
TOTAL f 7,300.50
Method of payment: irrevocable UC
Date required: 6 July 19-
Packing: 6 containers
Marks: MGW 76-32
Delivery address: Highwood Furnishing
Export-Import Ltd.
4 Rosemary Street
6. A megrendels
54 East Street, Oxford, A01 lOB
Your ref: JH/fs/55
Our ref: PT/193
Mr Zen Li Chien
Sales Manager
TENlANG Computers
5 August 19-
Dear Mr Chien
Order for CompuStar 486DX-LR40 PCs
We thank you for your letter of 24 July, in which you enclosed your catalogue
and price list.
We have been convinced by your representati ve's demonstration that the
above model will meet our requirements. Your ofter of 15% trade discount,
with a further discount for bulk orders, is also quite satisfactory.
We are therefore placing an order for 40 CompuStar 486DX-LR40 PCs. We
enclose our official order form. We would like to confirm that payment is to be
made by Documentary Credit. Our bank will issue a Documentary Credit in
your favour, CIF Southampton. You will be informed, through your bank, of
the type and number of documents that you must prepare.
Delivery by 1 September is essential, and we reserve the right to cancel order
and/or return the shipment at your risk and expense at any time after that
We look forward to receiving the shipment and doing business with you in the
Yours sincerely
David Richardson
Purchasing Manager
40 Dvny gnes: Angolul az irodban

(Acknowledging an order, advice of dispatch, refusing an order)
Ha cgnk megrendelst kap valamilyen ru szlltsra, ezt illik visszaiga-
zolni. A visszaigazolsban megksznjk a rendelst s rtestjk a ha brmi
vltozs van az rban vagy a egyb feltteleiben. Ha a megrendelt ru kifo-
gyott, ajnlhatunk helyette valami mst.
Ha a megrendelsnek minden felttelt teljestettk, s az ru kszen ll a szlltsra,
feladsi rtestst kldnk a
Ha minden igyekezetnk ellenre sem tudunk a rendelkezsre llni, a megren-
delst visszautasthatjuk. Ebben az esetben is vigyzzunk arra, hogy levelnk udvarias
legyen s
Nzznk nhny pldt a fentiekre:
1. A megrendels visszaigazolsa
1.1. mondatok
- We are pleased to acknowledge your order for ...
- Thank you for your order No. oo. which we received yesterday. We are now deal-
ing with it and you may expect delivery within the next two weeks.
- We thank you for your above order for .. o and enclose our relevant confirmation.
- We were pleased to receive your order dated .. o for ... and we confirm that we
have adequate stocks of .. o in our warehouse, and that delivery dates can be met.
- Your order is already being carried out! executed, and delivery will be made in
accordance with your instructions.
- We are pleased to say that we have already made up your order No. ... for o , and
are now making arrangements for shipment to oo
- Your order No. .oo is now being processed and should be ready for despatch by
next week.
- Your instructions have been carefully noted and we hope to have the goods ready
for despatch on 0'0
1.2. Afizetsi felttelekkel s az rral kapcsolatos megjegyzsek
- Delivery will be made immediately on receipt of your cheque/ remittance/ letter
of credit.
- We are accepting your order at the prices stated in our letter of ... but can
accept future orders only at the prices quoted on the attaehed list.
- We appreciate your order but regret we cannot agree to your request for a spe-
cial discount of o" %.
7. A megrendels visszaigazolsa, feladsi rtests, visszautasts... 41
- It is not our policy to grant longterm credits for a first transaction, but after taking
up your references , we are prepared to make an exception to the r u ~ e in this
particular case.
- On receipt of your remittance for f ... we will be pleased to process your order.
- We very much regret that the goods you have requested can only be sent if we
receive cash with order.
- The shipping documents, insurance certificate and consular invoice will be
released against payment of the amount due, as usual.
- The goods wiJJ be forwarded through the services of our forwarding agent as
soon as we are in receipt of your acceptance of the enclosed BiJJ of Exchange,
due sixty days after date, covering our invoice No. ...
1.3. Aszllrts idejvel s feltteleivel kapcsolatos megjegyzsek
- We have the goods in stock and wiJJ despatch them tomorrow by rail.
- We wiJJ arrange for the goods to be deJivered to you in three days' time.
- Your order wiJJ be shipped as soon as possible and certainly not later than the
end of this month.
- The goods wiJJ be despatched to you by parcel post! in our van/ by rail/ by sea/
next week.
- We wiJJ do our best to deliver by the end of this month, in accordance with your
wishes, but we cannot guarantee delivery date.
- We regret that we cannot accept responsibility for delay. However we, can give
you our firm assurance that every possible effort wiJJ be made to achieve deJivery
by 1 June.
- We very much regret that item No. ... wiJJ not be available untiJ 3 April. We should
be obJiged if you would indicate whether you wish to wait or order an alternative
- We estimate that deJivery of your order wiJJ only be delayed by about three weeks
at most.
1.4. B e f e j e z mondatok
- We trust that this initial order wiJJ lead to further deaJings between our two compa-
- We assure you that your order will have our carefui and prompt attention.
- We trust that the execution of your order wiJJ give you full satisfaction, and that this
first transaction wiJJ lead to a pleasant and lasting connection between our firms.
- As requested, we wiJJ notify you by air maii as soon as your order is shipped.
42 Dvny Agnes: Angolul az irodban
2. Afeladsi rtesrtsben hasznlt jellegzetes kifejezsek
(A szlltssal, szmlzssal, biztostssal, csomagolssal, stb. kapcsolatos kife-
jezsekre sok pldt lthatunk a m e g f e l e l fejezetekben.) ,
- We are pleased to advise you...! We have pleasure in informing you...! We are
pleased to confirm that
- your order was shipped on S.S ... and should reach you within the next 15
- your order No has now been placed on board..
- your order No has been completed and is awaiting collection.
- the articles which you ordered on ... have now been obtained and are packed
ready for despatch.
- arrangements have been made to ship the goods you ordered on .
- the goods have been despatched today, and should reach you in days.
- your order for ... which you placed on ... is now ready for shipment.
- your packing instuctions will be carried out in every detail by our forwarding
- Your order No ... was put on board S/S ... sailing from ... on ... and arriving at ...
on .... Enclosed is Consignment Note No. ... and copies of your invoice.
- The above-mentioned consignment awaits collection at our warehouse and con-
sists of ... cases, each weighing about ...kg.
- Special care has been taken in the selection of these articles and we trust that
they will give you full satisfaction.
- Please contact us immediately should any problems arise.
- Meanwhile our bank has forwarded the relevant documents to the ...
3. Amegrendels visszautasrtsakor hasznlt kifejezsek
- We regret to inform you that the goods ordered are out of stock/ no longer available.
- As we would not be able to promise delivery before April, we feel we must return
your order, with our apologies and thanks.
- It is with great regret that we have to inform you of our inability to carry out your
order No. ... of ... , as the goods have been sold in the meantime. You will
remember that our ofter was made subject to prior sale.
- Much to our regret we cannot accept your order as we no longer manufacture the
items listed in your order.
- As our factory is at present fully occupied with contract orders, we regret having
to decline your order.
- We will be unable to accept any more orders for this item until further notice.
- Supplies of raw materials are becoming difficult to obtain and we have no alterna-
tive but to decline your order.
- Production difficulties force us to decline further orders for this model for the time
- We hardly believe it possible to be able to deliver the goods at such short notice.
7. A megrendels visszaigazolsa, feladsi rtests, visszautasts... 43
- It would not be possible to produce the small quantity you require economical/y.
- Much as we should like to do business with you, we fear we cannot produce ... of
reasonable quality at the price you ask.
- Owing to changed market conditions we are unable to accept your repeat order
on the same conditions.
- We are at present supplying only to wholesalers, and therefore refer you to ... ,
who would be pleased to supply your needs.
- We are not in a position to supply the goods you require as it would require the
readjustment of our machinery, which would be uneconomical at this price.
- It would be impossible for us to supply this smal/ quantity of varying design and
colour, without considerably raising the prices.
- We cannot give you a definite date for delivery as orders are executed in strict rota-
tion and it seems most unlikely that we could deliver within the next six months.
- The demand for this material has exceeded our expectations, and in spite of
strenuous eftorts we have been unable to cope with the rush of orders.
- We can ofter you a substitute which is the same price and of similar quality to the
goods ordered.
- We would advise you to purchase our new model instead, which we can safely
recommend as an excel/ent product at a comparatively low price.
- Labour costs have risen considerably since your last order and we can accept
your order only at the prices quoted on the enclosed list.
-If conditions change we will not fai! to contact you.
- We regret that this time we have been unable to come to an agreement but we
hope that we shall have an opportunity to do business with you later.
- We hope you will understand the circumstances which compel us to decline your
order this time, and that you will contact us again in the near future.
- You may rely on us to inform you as soon as we are able to supply these goods
- Do let us have other orders at any time, as we shal/ be only too pleased to meet
you if it is within our power.
Amegrendels visszaigazolsa
Dvny gnes: Angolul az irodban
Telefono: Roma 758812
Via di Pietro, 00123 Roma
Telefax: (06) 643 7654 Telex: 27451
VS.rif.: Order HG6754
Mr R. Davies
DataMix Co. Ltd.
Epson House
OIdweIl Street
Liverpool L4 5EL
Dear Mr Davies
NS.rif.: T/2213
7 August 19-
We were very glad to receive your order NO.HG6754 which we are now mak-
ing up.
Ali these items are in stock, and we can guarantee delivery to your Liverpool
warehouse weil before 1 September.
Please inform us what arrangements you have made for payment. Shipment
will be effected immediately after we have your reply.
We will advise you of the day of despatch and will be pleased to assist you to
the best of our abi/ity at ali times.
Yours sincerely
Julio Benedetto
Sales Manager
7. A megrendels visszaigazolsa, feladsi rtests, visszautasts...
Feladsi rtesrts
TEL: 071 452331
TELEX: 8502661
McKern Bros Ltd
27 Green Street
South Africa
Dear Sirs
Order PK1763
Registered No.: 726114
VAT Reg. No.: 1244681 12
22 February 19-
We have pleasure in informing you that the above order has now been com-
pleted and is awaiting loading onto the SS Victory saiJing for Durban, South
Africa on 24 February and arriving on 2 March.
We have taken special care to see that the goods have been packed as per
your instruction. The consignment consists of 10 crates, each weighing 422
kg and measuring 4ft x 5ft x 6ft.
Transport, insurance and freight are being arranged by our forwarding
agents, Dalvin and Co. We can vouch for their expertise and efficiency.
We will send you our invoice and the shipping documents as soon as we
receive details of forwarding charges from our agents.
If there is any further information you require, please contact us. Thank you
very much for your order, and we look forward to hearing from you again
Yours faithfuJJy
Sales Manager
Amegrendels visszautastsa
Dvny gnes: Angolul az irodban
TEL: 071 2344321
W. & T. Ryder Limited
41 Conduit Street
Dear Sirs
TELEX: 887654 FAX: 071 2344566
16 March 19-
Thank you very much for your order No. 1313DN, but we regret toinform you
that due to a strike at our factory we are unable to fulfil your order by the end
of this month.
As we realise our new model NoZN26, that we have in stock, will not suit
your requirements as a substitute, we have come to the coneIusion that it
would be better for you to approach another manufacturer in this instance.
We are realfy sorry not to be more helpfuI. As our difficulties are only tempor-
ary, we would welcome your orders in the future.
Yours faithfulfy
R. Ashley
Sales Manager
8. A szllts
1. Szllftsi felttelek
8. A sZLLfrs
Az rak, szlltsi s biztostsi kltsgek klnfle rtelmezse sok kellemetlensget
okozhatna. Ennek elkerlsre kidolgoztk az INCOTERMS (International Commercial
Terms) szablyzatot, amely a nemzetkzi kereskedelem feltteleit tartalmazza.
Nzznk nhny pldt a jelenleg rvnyes szablyzatbl:
EXW - EX WORKS - a visel minden kltsget, ha az ru a gyrat elhagyta
FCA - FREE CARRIER - kltsgmentesen a fuvaroznak
FAS - FREE ALONGSIDE SHIP - kltsgmentesen a hajig
FOB - FREE ON BOARD - kltsgmentesen hajra rakva
CFR - COST AND FREIGHT - (C&F) az rban benne foglaltatik a szllts s a
hajra val berakods
CIF - COST, INSURANCE, FREIGHT - kltsg, biztosts s fuvardj
ClP - CARRIAGE, INSURANCE PAID TO... - fuvardj, szllts s biztosts
DAF - DEL/VERED AT FRONTIER - clorszg hatrig szlltva
OOP - DEL/VERED DUTY PAID - vmolsi s szlltsi kltsg, amig az ru el
nem jut a
2. Szlltsi okmnyok
A nemzetkzi kereskedelemben hasznlt legfontosabb okmnyok: a kereskedelmi
szmla (Commercial lnvoice), a hajraklevl (Bill of Lading - B/L), a vasti fuvarlevl
(Railway Consignment Notes - CIM), a lgi fuvarlevl (Air Waybill/ Air Consignment
Note), biztostsi bizonylat (Insurance Certificate), vmru-nyilatkozat (Customs
Declaration forms), szrmazsi bizonytvny (Certificate of Origin),stb.
3. Ajnlatkrs
- Please let us know the present freight rates for ...
- Please advise us of the current rates of freight on ...
- Please quote your inclusive rates on the following consignment.
your lowest rates for regular shipments...
your groupage rates for small consignments.
your general cargo rates, including collection from our works and
delivery to...
- We would be grateful if you would send us your current tariffs.
48 Dvny gnes: Angolul az irodban
- Would you please quote for collecting from the address above and delivering to
.... the following consignment.
- We will be glad to know your lowest rates for large shipments.
- We have an order for the despatch of ... from ... to ... and should be grateful if you
would quote us your lowest rate.
- We have received an urgent order for the shipment of ... from ..., and would appre-
ciate an ali-in rate including collection from works, ..., and delivery to station, .
- We wish to ship a consignment of ... weighing ... and measuring ... from ... to .
Could you inform us which vessels are leaving before the end of the month and
quote your freight rates.
- Please let us know the difference in cost between transport by train-ferry via
Dover/Dunkerque and road-ship-road via Newhaven/Dieppe.
- We are prepared to pay the G. V. rate by train-ferry if absolutely necessary, to
avoid delay.
- We shall be glad to know time of transit and frequency of sailing, and whether cargo
space must be reserved. If so, please send us the necessary application forms.
- Please advise us of the loading dates.
- According to the terms of the contract the shipment is to be effected by ... and we
must have the 8s/L by ... at the latest.
- Please inform us of the frequency of your sailings and the approximate length of
the voyage.
- Would you please handie ali the shipping formalities and insurance, and send us
... copies of the bill of lading and the insurance certificate.
4. Vlasz az ajnlatkrsre
- ln reply to your letter of ..., the rates we can quote you are as follows: ...
- Freight rates are very high at the moment as few ships are available. The net
freight amounts to...
- Our prices are subject to alteration without previous notice, except in the case of
special contract.
- V/e can ship your consignment by S.S.lM. V.... c/osing for cargo on ...
- We can include your consignment of ... on our next flight to ... The departure will
be on ... Our air freight rate for crated consignment is...
- Weekly sailings are available from ... to ... every Monday.
- We thank you for your inquiry of ... ana' attach our quotation for the packing as
required. As you know, freight will depend on the size and weight of the cases.
- We can quore f ... for picking up and delivering your consignment of ... from your
address to the consignee's premises. This includes loading and unloading plus
- We enc/ose our shipping instructions form and would be glad if you would fill this
in and return it to us, together with a copy of the invoice, for customs clearance
8. A szllts 49
abroad. We will then undertake ali formalities on your behalt, in accordance with
our usual conditions.
- The length of the voyage is about days as ... is the first port of call/discharge.
- The vessel commences loading on and the last day she receives general
cargo is ...
- You wll find enclosed our sailng card for MN ... which contains ali the information
you may require.
- The closing date for cargo by SS ... is ...
- Enclosed is a list of several available vessels. If you tell us which of them you
would consider suitable, we will be pleased to inspect them.
- With reference to your enquiry of ... , we regret we have not been able to find the
size of ship you require for...
- We can ofter you a substantial rebate for regular shipments.
5. Szllrtsi utastsok
- Please reserve shipping space on the SS ... on our behalf.
- We enclose your shipping instructions form, duly completed, together wth com-
mercial invoice in triplcate and certfcate of origin.
- We learn from our forwarding agents that no shipping space is available on
board the vessel sailng on ... You would perhaps agree to our sending the
goods by SS ...
- WII you please collect from the address above and arrange suitable land trans-
port to ..., for a consignment by steamer of the ... Line.
- F.O.B. charges are to our a/c. Ali other charges are to be debited to the consignee.
- Ali charges are payable by us and Bs/L are to be marked 'freight prepaid'.
- The cargo is to be placed in a bonded warehouse until it can be loaded on to the
SS ... Warehousing costs will be borne by us.
- To avoid undue risk of breakage we would like to have the carboys sent by train-
- We are enclosing Bill of Lading, together with two copies of commercial invoice,
certficate of origin and Import Licence No...
- If there is any likelihood of delay we would prefer to have the goods sent by air-
- According to the terms of the letter of credit the consignment has to be shipped
by ... at the latest.
- Please ensure that packing instructions are strictly observed.
Dvny gnes: Angolul az irodban
Tel: 071 4453247
10 Grover Street
Manchester MS 6LD
64 Girton Street, London SW2 EU4
Fax: 071 4412789 Telex: 896544
23 July 19-
We intend to ship a consignment of book-binding machines and their equip-
ment from London to New York by the first possible sailing but by 15 August
at the latest.
The consignment consists of 20 wooden crates, each measuring 3 x 2 x 3.5
metres and weighing 200 ki/os and 18 cases, each measuring 2 x 1.2 x 0.6
metres and weighing 52 ki/os.
Please inform us which vessels will be able to meet our requirements, and
kindly quote us a rate for the voyage.
We look forward to hearing from you.
Yours faithfully
G.M. Cooper
8. A szllts
Vlasz az ajnlatkrsre
Tel: 045 5564322
64 Girton Street
London SW2 EU4
Oear Mr Cooper
10 Grover Street, Manchester M5 6LD
Fax: 045 5577832 Telex: 776954
27 July 19-
Thank you for your enquiry of 23 July. We are pleased to inform you that the
S.S. Blue Ocean of the Atlantc Line wll be receivng cargo from 1 to 6
August inclusive, and is expected to commence loading on the 3rd. We sug-
gest that the consignment should be delvered to the ship on the opening
date. The voyage takes about 4 days.
Our freight rate for crated consignments is f33.00 per tonne and for cases
f12.00 per tonne.
We ene/ose our sailng card and shipping instructons form. We would appre-
ciate it if you would kindly complete and retum the latter as soon as possible.
We look forward to assisting you.
Yours sincerely
T. McPherson
Aszlltmnyomknak adott utasftsok
Dvny gnes: Angolul az irodban
Tel: 071 6714536
Smith, Payne & Co. Ltd
33 Vorley Road
London N19 5HD
Dear Mr Addison
51 Lowland Street, London EC1 2RH
Fax: 071 6755432 Telex: 453217
21 March 19-
Could you please pick up a consignment of 34 cases of textile machinery
parts and make the necessary arrangements for them to be shipped to
Machinex Ltd., 23 South Street, Sydney AB34, Australia?
Please handie ali shipping formalities and insurance, and send us six copies
of the bill of lading, five copies of the commercial invoice, the insurance certi-
ficate and the certificate of origin in duplicate.
We will advise our customers of shipment ourselves. We would appreciate it if
you could treat the matter as urgent. Please send your chwges to us in the
usual way.
Yours sincerely
G. Payne
6. A biztosfts
6.1. Arajnlatkrs s a biztosftsi ugynknek adott megbfzs
- Will you please send us quotations for the following insurance: ...
- Please inform us on what terms you can provide the following insurance cover:
- Please quote your lowest AIR (=all risks) rEtes for shipments of. ..
- Please let us know your lowest rates at which you would cover us to the extent of
f ... on (ru megnevezse) ...
- Please cover for us the goods detailed below...
8. A szllts 53
- Please arrange insurance cover on the terms quoted.
- Please insure for us the following: ...
- We would be gratefu/ if you wou/d arrange insurance for the invoice value plus... %
- We wish to renew the above policy for the same amount and on the same terms
as before to cover...
- The policy is to cover the following risks: ...
- We require immediate cover for f ... We wou/d be gratefu/ if you would let us
have the policy as soon as it is ready. In the meantime, please confirm that you
hold the consignment covered.
- The consignment is to be covered under 'open cover' terms.
- The cargo is to be covered w.p.a. (with particular average)/ f.p.a. (free of particu-
lar average)/ against ali risks/ warehouse to warehouse/ against fire, etc.
o We leave the insurance arrangements to you but we wish to have the goods cov-
ered against ali risks. The premium is to be charged to the consignees, together
with ali expenses of forwarding, and will be paid by them on presentation of the
documents by your agents in...
- We wish to renew our Floating Policy No... on the same terms as before, to
cover consignments of ... to ...
- The above-mentioned consignment is to be covered under our open cover policy
No. ...
6.2. Akrigny bejelentse
-In accordance with the terms of our policy No....we inform you of an accident,
details of which are as follows: ...
o We ciaim damages on our general policy No...
- We regret to report that our lorry, registered number ..., was invo/ved in a serious
accident. ..
- During discharge from the vessel it was noticed that 83 cases had been severely
damaged by sea-water.
- Aconsignment of clothes covered under Policy No... was stolen in transit. Please
send us the appropriate c/aims form to comp/ete.
- We enclose the surveyor's report declaring that...
- The average has been estimated at f .
- We estimate that about f ... worth of was bad/y damaged.
- ln accordance with the terms of our policy, we are giving you immediate notice of
this damage.
- We enclose copies of the report of the survey and of a declaration by ship's
agents to the effect that the damage was noticed when the case was unloaded.
A biztosit6nak adott megbizs
Dvny Agnes: Angolul az irodban
Tel: 071 223546
33 Vorley Road. London N19 5HD
Fax:071 229875 Telex: 546789
12 Willmington Road
London SW4 HG2
Dear Sirs
30 March 19-
We will be sending on behalf of our clients, TEXMACH MANUFACTURING
CO.LTD., 51 Lowland Street, London EC1 2RH, a consignment of 34 cases of
textile machinery parts to Machinex Ltd., 23 South Street, Sydney AB34,
Australia. The consignment is to be loaded on to the SS Mercury sailing from
London on 10 April and is due to arrive in Sydney on 22 May.
We leave the insurance arrangements to you but we wish to have the goods
covered against ali risks from port to port. Please quote your lowest rates.
We would appreciate a prompt reply. Thank you.
Yours faithful/y
L. Addison
8. A szllts
Akrigny bejelentse
Tel: 071 223546
33 Vorley Road, London N19 5HD
Fax:071 229875 Telex: 546789
12 Wil/mington Road
London SW4 HG2
Oear Sirs
30 March 19-
When the SS Mercury arrived at Sydney on 22 May it was noticed that case
No. 18 had been badly damaged. We enclose the surveyor's report that the
damage was noticed when the case was unloaded.
The average has been estimated at f1,500. We therefore wish to lodge a
claim under the terms of our policy and would be glad if you sent us the ne-
cessary claim form.
Yours faithful/y
L. Addison

56 Dvny gnes: Angolul az irodban

Az ruszmla (commercial invoice) fontos dokumentum a kereskedelemben.
Tulajdonkppen a fuvarokmnyok egyike, mivel krheti a bank, az export/import gy-
nk, a vmhivatal, a hajstrsasg, a konzultus, stb. Az ruszmlt a postn, az
gynksgen keresztl vagy a banktl kapja meg. Egyszeri zletkts esetn a szl-
lts vagy a szlltskor kell fizetni (payment on invoice). "Nyitva" szllts esetn
(open account) a nylt szmlja van az eladnl. Ez azt jelenti, hogya
elkldtt szmlkrl s a nyilvntartst vezetnek s havonta
vagy negyedvente folyszmla-kivonatot (statement of account) kldenek, feltntetve
az adott elkldtt rukat s a berkezett befizetseket. vagy
pro-forma szmlt (pro-forma invoice) kldenek informci cljbl vagy
abban az esetben, ha az rurt leszlltsa kell fizetni.
A szmla, a pro-forma szmla, a folyszmla-kivonat cljra nyomtatvnyt .
hasznlnak, de ezeket ltalban szoktk elkldeni.
1. A szmlt levlben hasznlt fordulatok
- Please find enclosed our invoice No... for f. .... The ... you ordered have already
been despatched to you, carriage forward, and you should receive them this week.
- We enclose invoice amounting to f. "'p covering the consignment per S.S. Athenai.
- Our invoice No... for f. ... net is attached. We look forward to receiving your cheque
from which you may deduct 2% cash discount if payment is made within 8 days.
- A copy of the invoice is enclosed. The shipping documents wll be handed to you
by the ... Bank against settlement of the amount shown.
- The enclosed invoice ( No... .) for f. ... is for 4 'Lark' DeskJet 100 printers at
f. ... each less 20% trade discount. We look forward to receiving your remittance
and wll then send the printers on carriage forward.
- The enclosed invoice in duplcate covers goods sent against your order No. .. o
2. A pro-forma szmlt levlben hasznlt fordulatok
- We are sending the enclosed pro-forma invoice (No.. .) for f. ... gross, for the con-
signment of ... you ordered on approval. We would appreciate your returning the
balance of unsold ... by the end of April, as agreed.
- We enclose our pro-forma invoice as requested. Ali costs to Hamburg are included
in it.
- Pro-forma invoice, No ..., is for your order, No... , in confirmation of our quotation.
The total of f. ... includes cost, insurance, and fr.eight.
- The enclosed pro-forma No... for f. ... is for your order No..., which is now packed
and awaiting despatch. As soon as we receive your cheque we wll send the
goods which will reach you within a week.
9. Szmlk s kiegyenltsk 57
3. Afoly6szmla-kivonatot k i s r levlben hasznlt fordulatok
- With this letter we are sending you a statement for September invoices total/ing f ...
- Please find enclosed your statement of account as at 30 April this year. If the balan-
ce of f ... is cleared within the next eight days, you can deduct a 2% cash discount.
- The balance of f ... left uncJeared by your June payment has been brought for-
ward to the enclosed statement for July and we would appreciate early settJe-
ment of the total amount now due.
- Would you kindly settle the balance of f ... outstanding against statement No...
- We have pleasure in enclosing our statement of account for alJ transactions up to
25 August. Please check the entries and if you find them correct, kindly carry for-
ward the total of f ... to the September account.
- Attached to this letter you will find our statement showing a balance of f ... : we
are drawing on you for this amount.
- I encJose your statement as at 30 April. May I remind you that your March state-
ment is stlJ outstanding, and ask you to settle as soon as possible?
- On checking our books we find there is a balance of f ... due to us.
- Will you please let us have your cheque for the amount of the encJosed statement.
Szmlt k i s r levl
Dvny gnes: Angolul az irodban
Tel: 055 574322
Dear Mr Bright
40 Girton Road, Cambridge CS3 2EU
Fax:055578965 Telex:875543
Date: 8 March 19-
We have pleasure in informing you that your order No. 12DX is at present
being processed and wll be sent on to you within a week.
Please fnd enclosed our invoice to the amount of f1,264, on payment of
which the order wll be despatched.
Thank you for your order. We are sure you wll be pleased with the units when
you receive them.
Yours sincerely
Folyszmla-kivonatot k i s r levl
Tel: D71 1243567
32 Grosvenor Street, London, W.l
Fax: D71 1278964 Telex:32567
10 November 19-
Dear Mr Kennedy
We have pleasure in enclosing our statement of account for ali transactions
up to 1 November.
We would Ike to remind you that the statement shows a balance in our
9. Szmlk s kiegyenltsk
Please check the entries and if you find them correct, kindly send us your
remittance as soon as possible.
Yours sincerely
David Wright
4. Aszmla kiegyenUtse
4.1. Fizetsi mdok a klkereskedelemben
Mieltt a fizetssel kapcsolatos beszlnnk, nzzk meg a leggyakoribb
fizetsi mdokat a klkereskedelemben:
A csekk (cheque) lehetsges, de nehzkes fizetsi md, mert a szllt tl lassan jut a
pnzhez. A nemzetkzi postacsekk (International Gira) hasznlata esetn a postahi-
vatalban killtott postacsekket a kedvezmnyezett sajt orszga pnznemben be-
vlthat postacsekk formjban veheti t. Ha banktutals (bank transfer) trtnik, a
utastja sajt bankjt,hogy utalja t az sszeget egy tengerentli bankba. Az
utals mdja szerint beszlhetnk pldul tvrati tutalsrl (telegraphic transfer),
levlbeli tutalsrl (maii transfer), jabban szmtgpes tutalsrl. A nemzetkzi
bankvlt6 (international banker's draft) hasznlata esetn ltalban a s az elad
bankjai kztti megllapods alapjn a bankcsekket vsrol bankjtl s elkldi
azt a szlltnak. A vlt (Bill of Exchange) gyakran hasznlatos az export gyekben. A
vlt szlhat ltra (at sight), amely bemutatskor vagy bemutats utnra
(after sight), amely egy meghatrozott Az
kzvetlenl, vagy a bankjn keresztl kldheti el a vltt az A
ltalban alrsval el kell fogadnia a vltt, mg az ru leszlltsa Az
okmnyok kiszolgltatsa vlt ellenben (documents against acceptance) vagy a
okmnyos behajtsa (documentary collection) azt jelenti, hogy az
bank csak akkor adja ki a az rut okmnyokat, ha a
elfogadja, illetve kifizeti a vltt. Az okmnyos meghitelezst (documentary credit),
amely a hitellevlnek (letter of credit - UC) a klkereskedelemben hasznlatos gyakori
formja, a bankja lllja ki. Az rszleteket tartalmaz a hitel tipusrl, amely
lehet visszavonhat (revocable) vagy visszavonhatatlan (irrevocable), az rurl, az
a hitel lejrati a szksges okmnyokrl, stb. Ez a forma garantlja,
hogya kibocst bank egy bizonyos bell fizet egy megllaptott sszeget az
elad rszre, amennyiben az elad bemutalja az elfogadott vltt s a megnevezett
szlltsi okmnyokat.
60 Dvny gnes: Angolul az irodban
4.2. Afizetsi rtesits (an advice of payment):
- We have pleasure in enclosing our bank draft /Cheque/Postal Order for f ... in
payment of your invoice /pro-forma invoice /statement No... dated .. ,
- Thank you for your prompt sending of the invoice. We have today transferred the
amount of f ... to the .... Bank, London, for your credit.
- We have instructed our bank to arrange for a letter of credit for f ... to be paid
against your pro-forma invoice No.... The amount will be credited to you as soon
as the .... Bank receives the documents.
- Please find enclosed our draft for f ... drawn on ... Bank. Could you please
acknowledge receipt?
- Your statement of account for the last quarter has been received and found cor-
rect. We have instructed our bank to remit the amount of f ... for the credit of your
account at .... Bank, London.
- We are pleased to tell you that your order No... has been shipped on SS ... due to
arrive in ... on ... The shipping documents, including the bill of lading, insurance
policy, certificate of origin and consular invoice have been passed to the ... Bank
and will be forwarded to your bank who will advise you.
- You will be pleased to hear that we have accepted your bill and now have the
documents. We will col/ect the consignment as soon as it arrives in ... and honour
your draft at maturity.
- We have instructed our bank to transfer f ... to your account in payment of your
310etober statement.
- We have today insructed our bank, the ...., to telegraph the amount due. Please
acknowledge receipt.
- Our bank informs us that they now have the shipping documents, and will be
transferring the proceeds of our letter of credit to your account.
- We would like to inform you that we have arranged for a credit transfer through our
bank, the .... The transfer is for f ... in payment of invoice No.... Could you confirm
the transfer has been made as soon as the correspondent bank advises you?
- We have arranged payment through the ... Bank in Dublin of the sum of f ... as
the first instalment under our agreement.
- The sum of f ... remitted yesterday through the .... Bank clears our account up to 1
9. Szmlk s kiegyenltsk
Tel: 071 9867542
43 Longwing Street
Dear Mr Raven
25 Winters Street, London SW3 EC2
Fax: 071 9854325 Telex: 786544
4 December 19-
Many thanks for your pro-forma invoice No.6754DH. We accept the price and
have immediately instructed our bank to arrange for a letter of credit for
[4,234 to be paid against it and the proceeds will be credited to you as soon
as Central Trust receive the documents.
Would you please take special care to see that the goods have been packed
as per our instructions. This was not done with the last consignment and as a
consequence there were breakages.
Yours sincerely
M. McKean
4.3. Afizets visszaigazolsa (acknowledgement of payment):
- Thank you for your draft/ credit transfer! Cheque for [ ... in payment of our
invoice/ pro-forma invoice/ statement No.... dated ...
- We thank you for your remittance for [ ... in part payment of our invoice No. .. of ....
- Our bank has informed us that you accepted our bill of exchange (No... .) and the
documents have been handed to you. We are sure you will be pleased with the
- We have just received your Giro slip informing us that you had paid [ ... into our
account in seWement of lnvoice No. ...
- Our bank advised us today that your transfer of [ ... was credited to our account.
Thank you for paying so prompt/y.
62 Dvny Agnes: Angolul az irodban
- The .... Bank in ... have told us that the proceeds of your letter of credit have been
credited to our aecount.
- We have pleasure in enclosing our official receipt and hope that we may have the
pleasure of serving you again.
TEL: 071 9988765
FAX: 071 9987654 TELEX: 77654
7 June 19-
44 High Street
4500 Southport
Dear Mr Greenfield
We were pleased to receive an advice from our bank, the Anglo-Australian
Bank Ltd., this morning that your transfer for invoice No BA1243 has been
credited to our account. We are sure you will be pleased with the consign-
We would like to thank you, and enclose our newest catalogue which we are
sure will interest you and ask you to contact us if you need anything else in
Yours sincerely
Mark Larry
9. Szmlk s kiegyenltsk
5. Ksedelmes fizets
5.1. Fizetsi haladk krse
- We are forced to ask permission to defer payment until the end of September.
- We very much regret having to ask you for an extension of credit on your
February statement.
- We are placed in a most uncomfortable position and are obliged to ask you for a
further extension of credit on our November account.
-I am sorry to have to ask.you for an extension of credit, as it would be extremely
difficu/t for us to meet this liability at the moment.
- Very much to our regret, we must ask you if it would be possible to extend the
date of maturity of your draft No... amounting to f ... for two months.
- ln the circumstances we would appreciate an extension of two weeks if it were
acceptable to you.
- Meanwhi/e the enclosed cheque for f ... is part payment on account.
- We can assure you that payment at this late date will be made in full.
- We regret we were unable to send a cheque to settle our account for the last
quarter because of ...
- We were not able to settle the account because of the bankruptcy of one of our
main customers. His debt was considerable and his lass has made it difficu/t for
us to pay our suppliers.
- We are waiting for our insurance company to settle our claim, and once we have
received this sum the account will be paid in full.
Tel: 065987655
12 Richmond Road
London SW2 EU1
Dear Mr Cliff
45 Harrison Avenue. Bedford BE2 TU4
Fax: 065 987761 Telex: 65432
17 Apri/19-
We have received your quarterly statement and found it correct.
As you know, we have always settled your account promptly and regret very
64 Dvny gnes: Angolul az irodban
much that we now find it necessary to ask you for an extra few weeks in which
to clear the current liability.
Our government has put an embargo on ali meat produce exports to South
Africa, and consequently we have found ourselves in temporary difficulties as
we had two major cash consignments for that country. I am sure that our diffi-
cu/ties are only temporary as I am at present discussing sales of these con-
signments with a large American mporter.
We would appreciate it as a helpfuI gesture if you could grant us a further 60
days to settJe our statement.
Yours sincerely
5.2. Afizetsi felsz6lfts
a) E l s felszlts
- We are writing conceming your outstanding account of. .. . Could you please forward
your remittance as soon as possible as the account has not yet been cleared.
- This is just a friendly reminder to let you know that we have not received your
payment of f ..., the balance owing on your account, which was due the first of
last month.
- Will you please let us have your draft in settJement of our invoice No.... of ...
- We would Iike to remind you that we have not yet received a credit advice from
our bank in connection with the consignment of 6 July.
- With reference to your invoice No... , for f ... which we expected to be cleared two
weeks ago, we still have not received your remittance. Would you please either
let us have your cheque, or an explanation of why the invoice is still outstanding.
- No doubt it is through an oversight on your part that settlement is now ... weeks
- May we draw your attention to our invoice No.... As we have not yet received your
payment, we should be grateful if you would send your remittance as soon as
- We are sorry to have to inform you that we have not yet received a credit advice
from our bank in connection with the consignment which was sent to you on ...
(our invoice No.. .).
9. Szmlk s kiegyenltsk 65
- We sent you our monthly statement on 2 May, but snce we have not receved
any advce of payment we are enclosng a copy of the statement and would be
glad f you would kndly arrange early settlement.
- You may have overlooked nvoce No.... for f ... whch was due last month.
Please could you let us have your cheque to clear the amount?
- We have to draw your attenton to our statement dated 8 October for the amount
of f ..., and remnd you that settlement was due by 200ctober.
- If you have already sent the requred amount, please gnore this remnder.
- If, however, you have already sent a remttance, then please dsregard this letter.
Tel: 066 3424521
22 Hillsborough Street, Liverpool LH4 HP2
Fax: 066 3421670 Telex: 875511
12 July 19-
10 Wellngton Road
Oear Mr Heather
I am writng to you to ask why you have not settled our statement of 1 Aprl,
No.BE3341 for f4,321.
As we have always received your payments punctually, we are puzzled to
have had nether remttance nor report from you n connection wth t.
As settlement is now 4 weeks overdue we think you may not have received
our letter contanng the statement. We are accordngly enclosing a copy of
the account and you wll no doubt gve it your early attenton.
Yours sincerely
TH Arnold
b) Msodik felszlts
- We regret very much that you have not repled to our letter of ... asking to clear
the amount of f ... outstanding aganst our invoce No... Kindly inform us if there
are any reasonable grounds for your non-payment. Please advise us of what
arrangements you are making for sett/ement.
66 Dvny gnes: Angolul az irodban
- Once again, we would like to call your attention to the enclosed statement, a copy
of which was sent to you with our letter of ... The amount due is E ...
- It is difficult to understand why we have had no reply to our letter of ... asking you
to settJe the amount outstanding on our March statement.
- This is the second letter we have sent you with regard to your May account which
has not been cleared.
- We regret not having received a reply to our letter of ... reminding you that your
account, already more than a month overdue, has not been settled.
- As previously stated the period of credit extended to your company was agreed
as one calendar month from the receipt of a statement.
- I would like to know why you have neither replied nor sent a cheque to clear the
outstanding balance.
- Since we can no longer extend the payment terms which we had oftered you, we
would appreciate your early settJement to bring your account completely up to date.
- ln reply to my letter of ... you promised that the account would be cleared by the
end of ..., yet we have not received you remittance or an explanation.
- If you cannot manage full payment, we will accept fitty per cent in payment now,
the rest to be paid within ninety days.
- If you send us a cheque for E ... right away, together with a plan for paying off the
balance in several instalments, we will be happy to accommodate you.
- We must now insist that either you settle the account or ofter a reasonable expla-
nation for not doing so.
Tel: 0714321564
54 Sunshine Road, London NW2 EU3
Fax: 071 4365786 Telex: 886654
21 Central Road
Cardiff, CR2 TL3
Oear Mr Simpson
10 November 19-
On 1 October we sent you our statement showing a balance due of E3,562.
This sum should have been paid by 15 October and we are quite disappointed
by receiving neither your remittance nor any explanation as to why the bal-
ance has not been cleared yet.
10, Szmlk s kiegyenltsk
We wrote to you again on 30 Oetober, enclosing a copy of the statement but
we are still without any reply from you.
Having dealt with you for a long time, we are quite sure that you have some
good reason for your failure to pay this sum within the agreed time, but regret
very much that you have not informed us of it.
We look forward to receiving your immediate reply by fax or telex. Meanwhile
we must hold your order No.4342BA until we have your payment or an expla-
nation of your delay in replying to our letters.
Yours sincerely
c) Utols felszlts
- ln spite of two reminders your aecount is still outstanding and we have received
no explanation of the delay or indeed any communication at ali from you.
- We have had no reply to any of our letters about your overdue aceount. This is
our last appeal.
- Your account is now serious/y overdue, so it is important that you take immediate
- We cannot understand why you have ignored our two previaus letters.
- We have awaited patientJy any proposal or explanation on your part regarding the
settlement of your account, but since you are not willing, for some reason, even
to give an explanation we have no altemative but to suspend further delivery of
goods and ask you to let us have a eheque by retum.
- We have no wish to ereate difficulties for you - stillless to get involved in litigation
with our customers, but unless we hear from you within oo. days we will have to
consider serious/y the further steps we ought to take to obtain payment.
- We must now insist on settlement by the end of this month at the latest as you
have considerably exceeded the term of credit usually allowed.
- We feel that you have been given sufficient time to elear this balanee and now
insist on payment within the next ten days.
- ln order to avoid handing over the matter to our solicitars, with the strong possib-
ility of a court case following, we ask you to take immediate action about this out-
standing amount.
- If payment is not reeeived within oo. days of the date of this letter we will be forced
to take legal action.
- The matter is being tumed over to our legal department for whatever action they
decide is necessary.
68 Dvny gnes: Angolul az irodban
- Although I am reluctant to take legal action to recover the amount, you leave me
no alternative.
- It is impossible to keep this account open any longer and we are taking measures
to obtain payment through legal channels.
Tel: 071 3322156
23 Mandarine Lane, London SW1 ED3
Fax: 071 3321143 Fax: 665432
43 Main Street
Oear Mr Bergman
15 August 19-
We have asked you repeatedly to settle your outstanding account for f 4,653.
Unforlunately we have received neither a reply from you nor your remittance.
We think we have shown reasonable patience and consideration, but we can
do so no longer and must reluctantly take steps to obtain payment. Unless we
receive your remittance by 31 August, 19- we will be compelled to place the
matter in the hands of our lawyer.
As you know, such a step would damage your credit standing and reputation,
but we regret that there is no alternative for us. We sincerely hope you will
make an immediate payment to Nelson Bank, London, and we can suspend
action against you.
Yours sincerely
M. Barrison
6. Hitetfelvtel, hitelnyjts
Ha egy v e v rendszeresen vsrol ugyanattl az eladtl sokkal knyelmesebb
nylt szmlt (open account) nyitnia az eladnl, teht nem minden egyes szllts
utn fizetni, hanem havonta vagy negyedvenknt. Ilyenkor az elad tulajdonkp-
9. Szmlk s kiegyenltsk 69
pen hitelt nyjt a Ennek a hitelnyjtsi formnak mg nagyobb jelen-
van a klkereskedelemben. Termszetesen a hitelnyjtsnak felttelei van-
nak. Ilyen pldul az adott cg j hrneve, a rgta tart j zleti kapcsolat, a
bankoktl, kereskedelmi kamarktl, ms stb. kapott referencia.
6.1. Hitelnyjts irnti krelem
- Our suppliers usually allow us open account faciltes with quarterly settlements,
and we hope that this method of payment will be acceptable to you also.
- As we fully expect placing further orders, we would like to take advantage of your
ofter of credit facilties.
- As there is no indication of your credit terms in your letter could you let me know
if you would allow us to settle on monthly statements.
- I am writing to ask you if it would be possible for us to grant credit facilities in the
form of payment by 60-day bill of exchange.
- We believe we have established our reliabi/ity with you over the past eight
months and would now like to settle accounts on a quarterly basis.
- As we expect to place even larger orders with you we would appreciate quarterly
settlement terms.
- We are a weil established firm and can ofter references if necessary.
- If you would like confirmation concerning our credit-worthiness, please.contact
any of the following who will act as referees.
- As we have been dealing with you for more than a year we feel that you know us
weil enough to grant our request.
- As we have done business with you for a period of nearly two years we would be
grateful if you would extend credit facilites to us.
- We deal with most of our suppliers on a quarterly basis and you may contact any
of those listed below for a reference.
- We look forward to your confirmation that payment by 60-day bill of exchange is
- We will send our next order as soon as we receive your confirmation that you will
allow the open account facilties we have asked for.
- We can supply banker's and trade references should you want them.
- We can ofter as references our bankers, ... and ... with whom we have had busi-
ness dealings for many years.
- For information about our credit standing please refer to: ...
- Enclosed I am sending you a banker's reference as evidence of our reliable
financial position.
- We have pleasure in giving you below the names and addresses of two firms
who will be willing to provide the information you desire.
70 Dvny gnes: Angolul az irodban
6.2. Referenciakrs gyfe!nkr61
- Mr X has referred us to you for information conceming...
- Will you kindly give us information regarding ...
their activities and credit status.
their financial standing.
- Could you please inform us abouL.
their ability to meet a credit of. ..
- We would a/so welcome information regarding their reputation and creditworthiness.
- Mr X wishes to open an account with us and has given us your name as a reference.
- They state that they have done business with you for the past two years and have
given us the name of your company as a reference.
- Our prospective customers ..... have given us your name as a banking reference.
- Any other information you may be able to pass to us will be treated as confidential.
- We realise that what you may be able to tell us is without responsibility.
- We enclose a (stamped addressed envelope) (postaI reply coupon) for your reply,
and thank you for your cooperation in advance.
6.3. Referenciakrs gyfe!nkt61
- As this is the first time we have done business with you perhaps you will kindly let
us have the usual trade references.
- May we suggest that if you are interested in opening an account with us, you
send us your trade ,and bank references. In this way future business may be
handled on a credit basis.
- Since you require an extension of your credit terms ....
we would appreciate your supplying the name of your bankers and
the names offirms to which reference can be made.
we would be glad if you would complete the enclosed credit-applica-
tion form and retum it to us at once.
we would be glad if you would let us have the names of two firms with
whom you have had regular dealings.
6.4. Vlasz a hitelnyjts irnti krelemre
a) Pozitv vlasz
- We are pleased to inform you that the credit facilities you asked for are acceptable.
- As we have been trading for more than a year references will not be necessary.
- Knowing the reputation of your company there will be no need for us to contact
any referees.
- You may c1ear your accounts by 60-day bill of exchange which will be sent to ....
Bank with shipping documents for your acceptance.
- We have now received the necessary references and are pleased to say that, from
your next order, payment can be made on a quarterly basis against statements.
9. Szmlk s kiegyenltsk 71
-Having received a reply from the referee you gave us we are able to tell you that
as from next month you may settle your account on a documents against accep-
tance basis by 30 dis BIE.
- Monthly terms with a credit limit of E500 would appear to be reasonable.
- We suggest making a part payment of E ... now, and paying the balance by....
- Since you have always met your obligations in the past, we are prepared to allow
you a postponement of payment.
b) Negatv vlasz
- Although you have been doing business with us for some time now, we are not in
the position to offer credit facilities to any of our customers because of ...
- Since our profit is marginal, we cannot grant exception to our terms of payment.
- Unfortunately, we never allow credit facilities to customers until they have traded
with us for over a year.
- Owing to rising inflation we cannot offer credit facilities of any kind at present.
- We regret that we are unable to offer open account terms to customers as our
products are competitively priced and with small profit margins it is uneconomical
to allow credit facilities.
- We regret that we cannot offer you credit for as long as four months, since it
would be uneconomical for us.
- However, if you could offer the usual references and increase your purchases by
at least fifty per cent perhaps we could consider the situation.
6.5. Referenciakrsre adott vlasz
a) Pozitv vlasz
- With reference to your enquiry of ... concerning the firm named on the enclosed
slip, we can advise you that they are old established dealers of the highest
repute and standing.
- We are pleased to inform you that the firm mentioned in your letter of ... is comp-
letely reliable and can be trusted to clear their balances promptlyon due dates.
- Our opinion is that the credit you name could safely be granted.
- Theyare a firm of good repute and have large financial reserves.
- We are willing to assure you that the company mentioned in your letter of ... has
an excellent reputation in dealing with their suppliers.
- The firm you mention are well-known in local business circles and appear to have
a good reputation.
- We find no reason at ali for your not offering the facilities they have asked for.
- We have been doing business with them for over 4 years on quarterly account
terms and can say that their obligations to us have been punctually met at ali
12 Dvny gnes: Angolul az irodban
b) Negativ vlasz
- ln reply to your letter of ... , we would advise some caution in your dealings with
the firm you mention.
- They are inexperienced in this business and extreme caution is advised in
granting credit.
- We have only deaJt with this firm on a few occasions but found they tended to
delay payment and had to be reminded several times before their account was
- They are known to be heavily committed and have overrun their reserves.
Caution is advisable.
- Long credit would involve you in serious risk.
- They often defer payment of their accounts unti! a second reminder is sent to them.
- The company mentioned in your letter of ... have not always sett/ed their accounts
on time.
- We are sorry to say that we cannot recommend the firm as being reliable in their
credit dealings, but this is only based on our own experiences of trading with
Hitelnyjts irnti krelem
21 Glandower Road, Cardiff CF1 2JW
Tel: 0222 16453 Telex: 987656
20 Oak Street
Oear Mr Reynolds
22 October 19-
As you know, we have been trading with one another for the past two years
and our accounts have been cleared by letter of credit. However, at the begin-
ning of our association with you, you mentioned that once a business relation-
ship had been established our accounts would be settled by 60-day bill of
exchange, documents against acceptance. We think you have enough confid-
ence in our firm to a/low this arrangement to be effected.
Please let us know if these terms are acceptable as we intend to place a sub-
stantial order with you in the next few weeks.
10, Szmlk s kiegyenltsk
Ene/osed I am sending you a banker's reference as evidence of our relable finan-
cial poston and the detals of two referees. We look forward to hearing from you.
Yours sincerely
Tel: 0423 534
20 Gak Street, Wellington, New Zealand
Fax: 0423 667 Telex: 76554
The Credit Controller
Worldwide Supply Ltd.
12 Bright Road
Glasgow G12 6RD
Dear Mr MacLoan
30 October 19-
We are woollen goods wholesalers and are writing to you on the recom-
mendation of Mr David Thompson, the accountant at Carter & Kean Ltd.,
Cardiff, UK. who informed us that you would be prepared to act as their
They wish to settie their accounts by 60-day bll of exchange, documents
against acceptance. We want to know if the firm is credit-worthy and has
a good reputation in your country.
Your help wll be appreciated, and the information wll be held in con-
fidence. We will retum the service should the opportunity arise.
Yours sincerely
G. Reynolds
Vlasz a referenciakrsre
Dvny Agnes: Angolul az irodban
Tel: 021067882
12 Bright Road, Glasgow G12 6RD
Fax: 0210 675432 Telex: 996655
20 Oak Street
Oear Mr Reynolds
5 November 19-
I refer to your letter of 300etober concerning the credit-worthiness of Carter &
Kean Ltd.
I contacted them yesterday and they confirmed that they wanted us to act as
their referees, and I am pleased to be able to do so.
The firm has an exce/lent reputation in Great Britain. We have given them
credit facilities for years and always found that they paid on due dates without
any problems.
I am sure that you can have every confidence in this firm and the credit you
name could safely be granted.
Yours sincerely
J. MacLoan
9. Szmlk s kiegyenltsk
Vlasz a hitelnyjts irnti krelemre
Tel: 0423 534
20 Oak Street, Wellington, New Zealand
Fax: 0423667 Telex: 76554
21 Glandower Road
Cardiff CF1 2JW
Oear Mr Thompson
10 November 19-
We are pleased to inform you that we have received the necessary refer-
ences and from the next month you may settle your account on a documents
against acceptance basis by 60 dis BIE.
We look forward to receiving your next order.
Yours sincerely
G. Reynolds
76 Dvny gnes: Angolul az irodban
(Complaints and replies to complaints)
A leggondosabb gyintzs mellett is hibk, hinyossgok a kereske-
delmi gylet lebonyoltsa kzben. Areklamcis levelezsnek soron az a clja,
hogy ezeket a hibkat kikszbljk. A reklamcis levelezs mindig nagyon udvarias,
tapintatos stlusban folyik. figyelembe vve azt a tnyt, hogy mindkt fl elemi rdeke a
problmk gyors, hatkony rendezse.
nzzk meg a reklamcis levl ltalnos felptst, majd nhny
pldt a tmj reklamcis levelekre.
1. Areklamcis levl
1.1. sarok
- I am writing to complain about ...
- We would Iike to inform you that...
- I regret very much that it is necessary to complain about your last consignment.
- When we came to examine the goods despatehed by you on ... we found...
- On examining the goods received against our order No.... we found that...
1.2. A problma kifejtse
- We have to notify you that your last delivery is not up to your usual standard.
- We were surprised to find that the complete order had not been delivered.
- We found that parts of ... were missing.
- Please tell your despatch department to take special care when addressing my
- Upon unpacking the shipment just received we found the ... to be unsaleable.
since the wares' sell-by date has long since passed.
1.3. Javaslat a megoldsra
- We will return the consignment as soon as we hear from you.
- The best solution would be for me to return the wrong articles to you, postage and
packing forward.
- If you could deduct f ... from our next order. we feel that this would settle the
- We are prepared to keep the goods at a substantially reduced price.
- Rather than send a credit note. you could send two replacements which would
probably be easier than adjusting our accounts.
- Under the terms of guarantee. we would be most grateful if you would send a
10. Reklamcik, vlasz a reklamcis levelekre 77
1.4. Erlyesebb figyelmeztets (csak szksg esetn)
- We must insist on more carefui execution of our orders in the future.
- We regret that unless we hear from you by return we will be obliged to cancel the
- We will be compelled to hand the matter over to our solicitors.
- We are very reluctant to take such action and we hope it will not be necessary.
- We trust you will not make it necessary to take legal acon.
1.5. B e f e j e z sorok
- We feel that there must be some explanation, and await your reply with interest.
- Please let us know what you can do to help us to get over this difflculty.
- We would be glad if you would investigate this unfortunate incident and let us
know the result. {
- We maintain our claim for damages and look forward to hearing your opinion.
- Will you please take ali steps necessary to get us out of the dilemma in which
your late delivery and faulty shipment have placed us.
- Please treat this matter as urgent.
2. Areklamcis levlre adott vlasz
2.1. Bevezet sarok
- We thank you for your letter of ... and are very sorry to learn that...
- We are most disturbed to leam that you are not whoIly sasfied with our consignment.
- We are greatly surprised to hear that the consignment of ... has not met with your
- I was extremely sorry to learn from your letter of ... of the problems you have
experienced with ... you recentJy purchased from us.
- We are very sorry to receive your complaint that...
2.2. MagyarZat s megoldAs
- We have started an investigation to discover the cause of the problem.
- The mistake was due to a fault in...
- It is unusual for this type of error to arise, but the problem has now been dealt with.
- Having investigated the cause of the problem we have found that the mistake
was made because of an accounng error.
- The reason for the weakness in the units you complained about was due to a
faulty manufacturing process in producon.
- The material you complained about has now been withdrawn.
- The error occurred in our packing and dispatch department, and was due to...
- To put the matter right, we are prepared to exchange the goods for those of
another quality.
78 Dvny gnes: Angolul az irodban
- To make up for the unsatisfactory quality we are ready to grant you a reduction of
f ...
o Would you please retum the goods, carriage forward, and we wll replace them.
2.3. A reklamci visszautasftsa
- Your complaint was found unjustfied.
- We refuse to accept responsiblty for the 1055 suffered...
o We greatly regret that we cannot meet you in this matter.
- We have closely compared the articles you retumed with the samples and can
see no difference.
- An examination has proved that an error on our part is quite out of the question.
- Our engineer has examined the ... you complained about and in his report telis us
that the ... has not been maintained properly. Please look at the instruction book-
let on maintenance...
- Under the terms of the contract, we are not liable to pay damages in the circum-
stances arising, but you wll obviously wish to take your own legal advice.
2.4. Vlasz az erlyesebb figyelmeztetsre
- We feel that your threat of cancellation is unjustified...
- We greatly appreciate your patience in this most unfortunate matter, but as we
have hopes of getting it cleared up in the very near future we must ask you to do
nothing final yet.
- We regret to hear your final remark and sincerely hope you wll not consider it
necessary to take such astep.
2.5. sarok
- Please accept our sincere apologies for...
- We can assure you that ali your future orders wll have our best attention.
- While we greatly regret the inconvenience. we feel sure you wll understand it was
due to circumstances quite beyond our control.
- Finally, may we say that this was an exceptional mistake and is unlkely to occur
- We thank you for your cooperation and promise that we wll do our best to com-
plete future orders with the greatest care.
- Please let us know exactly what adjustment wll be satisfactory to you.
3. Pldk a tmj reldamci6s levelekre
3.1. Reklamci az ru minOsge miatt
- Your last delvery of ... is far below the usual standard.
- The goods we received are not up to the sample.
o The goods we have received do not tally with the sample on which we ordered.
10. Rklamcik, vlasz a reklamcis levelekre 79
- On comparing the goods received with the samp/e, we were surprised to find that
the c%ur was not the same.
- The pattem is uneven in p/aces and the c%ur varies.
- After carefully examining the ... received against our order No... , we are com-
pelled to express our surprise at their poor quality.
- We are sending you enc/osed cuttings from the consignment we received for
3.2. Vlasz a min6sgi reklamcira
- We were very sorry to receive your comp/aint that the material we supplied was
not of the quality expected.
- The defect in quality was due to a faulty manufacturing process in production.
- If you would care to retain the inferior items we would ofter you a substantia/
reduction in price.
- Would you please retum samples of the items you are dissatisfied with, and we
will send them to our factory for tests.
- We are sure you will be complete/y satisfied with the replacement units we have
already sent you franco domicile, duty paid.
3.3. Reklamci hinyos szllitmny miatt
- We regret to inform you that you have not sent us ali the items we ordered; the
following are missing: ...
- On checking the goods received we find that severa/ items on your invoice have
not been inc/uded. Please find enclosed a list of the missing artic/es.
- Unfortunate/y we find you have not sent us al/ the goods we ordered.
- There is a discrepancy between the packing list of case No... and your invoice.
- You have short-shipped this consignment by 150 kg.
- The missing items are indicated on the copy of the order which we enc/ose for
your information.
3.4. Vlasz a hinyos szllftmnyt reklaml levlre
- We greatly regret that you received on/y ... dozen instead of dozen ordered.
On investigation we find that the packers misread the number .
- On making enquiries conceming the missing ... we have discovered that it was
left behind on the quay.
- On receiving your letter and list of goods you say were missing from the consign-
ment, we checked up with the packers. It appears that...
- According to our records the comp/ete consignment was packed. We can send you
evidence of the correct shipment, so that you can take the matter up at your end.
80 Dvny gnes: Angolul az irodban

3.5. Reklamci ksedelmes szllrts miatt

- It is now three weeks since we placed our order for ... and we are stll awaiting
- De/ivery is now ... weeks overdue.
- You will remember that it was agreed the goods would be shipped in time to
arrive here by the end of this month.
- We wish to remind you that shipment within ... weeks was agreed upon as a spe-
cial condition to the order.
- ln your acknowledgement of our order you stated that the consignment would be
despatched within ... weeks and we are therefore very surprised that we have
had no advice of despatch yel.
- Any delay now will cause us a loss of business.
- Every day of delay means loss and inconvenience for us.
3.6. Vlasz a ksedelmes szllrts miatti reklamci6ra
- The goods have left port in the meantime and the documents have been handed
to the bank.
- There was a s/ight dplay due to ..., which held up production for ... days.
- We are extremely sorry about this delay, which you will rea/ise was due to circum-
stances beyond our control.
- Your letter must have crossed with ours advising you of the shipment of the con-
- We will do our best to speed up de/ivery, but find it quite impossible to give your
order priority.
- We regret to inform you that there will be a further 2-week delay in de/ivery.
- We hope the consignment will not arrive too late for your trade requirements.
3.7. Reklamci az ru csomagolsa miatt
- We regret to inform you that on checking the goods received we found that our
packing instructions had been total/y ignored.
- We are sorry to report that the consignment arrived in a defective condition: on
unpacking the cases, we found...
- The corrugated cardboard used is much thinner and less resistant than usual.
- The packing inside the case was too loose, resultng...
- The damage is clearly due to improper packing.
- The cartons appear to have been very roughly handled during loading or dis-
charging, but fortunately the metal bands held firm.
3.8. Vlasz az ru csomagolsa miatti reklamci6ra
- We have passed your complaint to the firm of packers for further investigaton.
- On receiving your letter we got in touch with the packers and asked them to
look into the matter.
10. Reklamcik, vlasz a reklamcis levelekre
- The packers do not agree that there is any defect in the material used as there
have been no previous complaints.
- We are pleased to hear that the metal bands held firm, but we will use stronger
packing in future.
Reklamci hinyosan r1cez6 szlltmny miatt
Tel: 6754329
54 High Street, Newmar1<et 3012, Great Brilain
Fax:8769543 Telex: 775463
Sales Department
34 Main Road
Dear Mr Wilson
OurorderNo.DR 1014-176
10 January 19-
With reference to the above order for 2,000 toner cassettes used in Laser Jet
IV printers Model No.LX234, shipped on SS Swift Euros under the above bill of
lading, we regret to inform you that on arrival forty of the toner cassettes were
missing as two boxes contained a different type of cassette Model No.LX235.
We would Iike to return these two boxes to your company for replacement.
Please treat this matter as urgent.
Yours sincerely
B. Weston
Managing Director
Vlasz a reklamci6ra
Dvny gnes: Angolul az irodban
Tel: 7756432
34 Main Road, Darwin, Australia
Fax: 7754321 Telex: 887790EQ
54 High Street
Newmarket 3012
Great Britain
Dear Mr Weston
20 January 19-
We have received your letter of 10 January about the problem you have had
with your order No. DR 1014-176. We are sorry for the inconvenience you
have experienced.
I have looked into the matter and I was shocked to find that our suppliers had
sent us the wrong items and had also misiabel/ed them, so that our col-
leagues did not realise the mistake. Of couse we should have checked, but I
am sorry to say that we did not do so.
The best I can do is to suggest that you retum the faulty items (we will, of
course, reimburse the shipping costs) and we will replace them with the cor-
rect items or credit you with their value.
We apologise for the error and we can assure you that ali your future orders
will have our best attention.
Yours sincerely
J. Wilson
Sales Manager
10. Reklamcik, vlasz a reklamcis levelekre
Reklamci az ru min6sge miatt
Tel: 6675432
Seashore Lake Road
Codbone Islands
Dear Mr CJifford
44 Riverside Street, Belport
Fax: 6677342 Telex: 544546FD
9 December 19-
We are very sorry to have to complain about your usually very fine merchand-
ise, but upon unpacking the shipment just received (Order No. LH543) we
found the frozen fish to be unsaleable, since the sel/-by date had long since
We are returning the consignment to you so that you may verify the date
stamped on each of the boxes.
As it has never occurred before, we feel that there must be some explanation,
and await your reply with interest.
Yours sincerely
M. Mason
Vlasz a reklamcira
Dvny Agnes: Angolul az irodban
Tel: 01 22334
Seashore Lake Road. Hookstown, Codbone Islands
Fax: 01 22765 Telex: 54465
44 Riverside Street
Dear Mr Mason
18 December 19-
We are most disturbed to learn that you are not satisfied with our goods, and
we sincere/y apoligize for the inconvenience we have caused you.
On going into the matter we found that the goods were, unfortunate/y, not
proper/y checked because of the negligence of one of our temporary em-
p/oyees. /mmediate steps have been taken to tighten the control in our
/nspection Department.
/n view of our long and mutually agreeab/e business re/ations we wish to have
this matter sett/ed to your fuI/est satisfaction and without de/ay.
We have today forwarded franco domicile, duty paid ten boxes to rep/ace
those returned.
We want you to know that we are especial/y sorry that this happened to one of
our o/dest customers.
Yours sincere/y
L. Clifford
10. Reklamcik, vlasz a reklamcis levelekre
Reklamci ksedelmes szllf1s miatt
B. R. BLACK & CO. Ltd.
Tel: 071 6654321
43 Queen Sreet, London EC4 8YH
Fax: 071 6689765 Telex: 88765
20-22 Hunt Street
London EC 3P 2BE
Oear Mr Peacock
15 June 19-
We are writing to you to point out that the above delivery, which arrived yes-
terday, was a week late. We made it clear to you that prompt delivery on your
part is essential if we want to maintain satisfactory stock levels and fulfil our
production schedules.
This is the second time we have had to write you on this subject and we can-
not possibly allow this situation to continue. We are sorry to have to tell you
that unless we have an absolute assurance that you can guarantee prompt-
ness of ali future deliveries, we will have to look for another supplier.
We hope to hear from you very soon.
Your sincerely
S. Gilbert
Vlasz a reklamci6ra
Dvny Agnes: Angolul az irodban
Tel: 071 1234537
20-22 Hunt Street, London Ee 3P 2BE
Fax: 071 1287654 Telex: 884321
B. R. BLACK & CO. Ltd.
43 Queen Sreet
London EC4 BYH
Dear Mr Gilbert
Consignment NO.BX2234
20 June 19-
Thank you for your letter of 15 June, in which you pointed out a late delivery
on the above consignment.
We certainly understand how important prompt deliveries are to the factories
that use our products.
We have looked into the matter, and have found that the delay was due to a
minor fault in the recently introduced electronic data processing of orders at
our head office.
We are, natural/y, very sorry for the inconvenience you have had to 5uffer on
account of our own problems. We can promise you that future orders from you
will be dealt with promptly, and the consignments will reach you by the dates
Yours sincerely
T. Peacock
11. Levelezs a
11. A
(Correspondence with agents and ageneies)
A nemzetkzi kereskedelem nagy szzalka gynksgeken keresztl bonyoldik. Na-
gyon sokfle gynksg ltezik aszerint, hogy milyen szolgltatsokat nyjtanak az l-
taluk kpviselt cgeknek (pl.: sellng agents, buying agents, brokers, factors, commission
agents, merchant shippers etc.). Most azt vizsgljuk meg, hogy milyen lev-
elezs meg az gynk s a megbz kztti illetve milyen fonto-
sabb levelezsi tmk addnak az gynki tevkenysg sorn.
1. Ajnlkozs kpvise16nek
1.1. Bevezet sarok
- We have been informed by Mr Smith that you require an agent to assist in mar-
keting your products here in Hungary.
- We note from your advertsement in the "Financial News" that you are looking for
a reliable firm with good connections in ... trade to act as your agent in Hungary.
- We are acting as agents for a number of British and Gennan manufacturers and
are interested to know whether your finn is already represented in Hungary.
- I sawyour products at ... Fair and would like to know whether you have con-
sidered the possiblties of the market in this country.
- If you are not already represented here, we would be interested in sellng your
goods and acting as your agent in Hungary.
1.2. Rtermettsg s sszekttetsek
- As a leading finn of importers and distributors, with branches in most of the prin-
cipal towns, we have developed valuable links with a wide variety of outlets.
- With more than 20 years' experience as agents we have a thorough knowledge
of the market and a well-developed sales organisation.
- We have the knowledge of local conditions and the experience and resources
necessary to create a good demand for your products.
- We maintain close connections with potential customers and are represented by
a keen staff in various parts of the country.
- We have specialzed in the purchase of ... and believe that with our reputation
and connections we can serve you weil.
- We are still a small finn but we hope to increase our activites in the near future.
1.3. Apiaci helyzet rtkelse
- There seem to be good prospects for your products provided the quality is right
and the price competitive.
Dvny Agnes: Angolul az irodban
- We have reason to beJeve that your ... could be succesfully introduced in Hungary
and should be glad to receive a small shipment of ... to test the market.
- We are confident that there will be a positive response of the market although we
think it is impossible yet to judge the sales level that could be reached.
- There is no demand here for up-market articles of this type but less expensive ...
sel/ wel/.
- Market conditions are difficult at present and sales will probably not exceed f ...
1.4. Referencik
- Please find enclosed our trade and bank references. We trust you will find them
- If you require any assurance of our standing we suggest you refer to ... bank, and
to ... Ltd.,with whom we have held the sole agency for the past 10 years.
- We will of course be happy to supply you with a list of references, as weil as any
further information you may require.
1.5. A megllapods felttelei, a jutalk
- Please let us have your ideas regarding commission, terms of payment, etc.
- Subject to a satisfactory agreement on terms and conditions, we would be happy
to represent you in this country.
- If our proposition is of interest to you we would appreciate information regarding
the volume of sales to be reached and the amount you are prepared to invest in
initial publicity.
- We are prepared to do business with you either on a consignment basis or by
placing firm orders, if your prices and terms are right.
- We would be willing to act on a del credere basis in retum for an additional com-
mission of 3 per cent.
- We regret to state it is only as sole agents that we could accept your ofter.
1.6. Zro mondatok
- We appreciate your confidence in us and thank you for giving us the first opportu-
nity of taking up your agency.
- We look forward to your draft agreement setting out the terms and conditions of
the above agency.
- We are confident that an arrangement based on a sole agency would be to our
mutual advantage and await your reply with interest.
11. Levelezs a k p v i s e l v e l
Tel: 036 1998888
32 Edmond Street
London, SW1 DE3
Great Britain
Dear Sirs
1016 Budapest, Liliom u.12.
Fax: 036 1997777 Telex: 55555KI
3 January 19-
Our bankers, the Commercial Bank, inform us that you are interested in seI/-
ing your products in Hungary.
As it is our intenton in the near future to start importing Englsh china and
pottery, we are interested in contacting a number of prominent manufacturers
in Britain with a view to choosing lnes suitable for the Hungarian market.
As one of the oldest establshed importing and distributing firms here, we
have developed valuable Inks with a wide variety of out/ets in ali rl3gions of
our country.
We have spacious and wel/-equipped showrooms not only in Budapest at our
headquarters, but also in Gyr, Pcs and Debrecen, which offer admirable
faclties for display.
We are confident that there w11 be a positive response from the market and
we propose that you should send us a representative selection of your goods
together with leaflets.
We w11 of course be happy to supply you with references, as weil as any fur-
ther information you may require.
We suggest the fol1owing terms for our agreement:
- we operate as sole agents for you in Hungary,
- we receive a commission of 10 per cent on ali orders,
- advertising costs are borne by both parties,
- the duration of contract is for three years.
We look forward to your early decision and w11 welcome your comments. If
90 Dvny Agnes: Angolul az irodban
you find the suggested terms satisfactory, please send your formai agreement
for signature.
Yours faithfully
D. Lovas
2. keresnk
2.1. sarok
- Your name and address have been kindly given to us by ... and we write to ask
you whether you would be prepared to consider acting as our agent in London.
- The Chamber of Commerce in ... has kindly given us your name and we write to
ask whether you would be interested to take over the sale of our products in
Great Britain.
- When we met at the ... Fair you mentioned that you were interested in an agency.
- We thank you for your letter of .... giving us full details of your experience and
business connections and offering to act as our agents in Great Britain.
- We are keen to expand our exports to... and have decided to appoint an agent to
handie our export trade with your country.
- We have read with interest the account of your activities and would very much Ike
to welcome you as our agent.
- We should prefer acompany with some experience in our field which already has
a well-establshed sales network.
2.2. Az ru s a piac
- Under separate cover illustrated catalogues, brochures and other relevant informa-
tion are being despatched showing the type of goods we make.
- We should be glad to know what goods are suitable for your market.
- We are convinced that our very competitive prices will ensure steady and increas-
ing sales in your country, despite heavy competition.
- We would be glad to know on what terms you would be willing to represent us
and approximately what amount of stock you would wish to hold.
2.3. Hirdets
- Adequate publcity would of course be necessary.
- We are willng to spend a minimum of f ... to mount a successful advertising cam-
paign during the first year.
- We enclose a complete advertising scheme with drafts and drawings and would
ask you for your comments.
11. Levelezs a 91
- Our products should be advertised in the national newspapers and in ali relevant
magazines in your country.
2.4. Akpviselet felajnlsa
- As your firm is already weil known to us we would Iike to offer you the agency.
- We have pleasure in offering you the sole agency and would be glad to learn as
early as possible the terms and conditions on which you are going to operate as
our agent.
- If you are interested in representing us we suggest that a preliminary meeting be
arranged to discuss in general terms the kind of agency that we could joint/y set up.
2.5. Amegllapods felttelei
- We are prepared to offer you a commission of 10 per cent on ali sales made
through you as sole agent for Hungary.
- We suggest a commission of 10 per cent on the FOa values, with a further del
credere commission of 2 per cent, payable every three months against account
- You will operate as our exclusive representatives in Hungary.
- The appointment will be for a trial period of two years.
- During the continuance of this agreement you will not sell any competing prod-
ucts either on your own account or on account of any other firm or company.
- Ali goods are to be supplied and invoiced by us direct to customers with copies to
- You will send us your account at quarterly intervals.
- We will reimburse you for ali reasonable expenses.
- You will carry stocks of articles for which there is Iikely to be a steady
demand in order to meet small orders quickly.
- We will make an annual contribution of f ... to the cost of local advertising.
- Either party will be free to terminate the contract at any time with six months' writ-
ten notice.
- If the business transacted through you in any year amounts to less than f ... the
agreement may be cancelled immediately.
- We enclose two copies of our usual agency contract. Please return one copy to
us after signing.
2.6. Zr mondatok
- As we wish to reach a quick decision may we look forward to hearing from you
very soon?
- Kindly let us know if this proposal interests you.
- We would be glad to learn that you are ready to accept the agency on these tenns.
- We hope to receive your acceptance of these terms and look forward to a long
and successful cooperation.
92 Dvny gnes: Angolul [IZ irodban
Tel: 071 4453675
1016 Budapest
Liliom u.12.
Dear Mr Lovas
32 Edmond Street, London, SW1 DE3
Fax: 071 4432768 Telex: 44389ROCH
10 January 19-
Thank you for your letter of 3 January, in which you ofter to act as our agents
in Hungary.
We are anxious to extend the market for our products and are looking for a
really active, go-ahead agent with experience of the trade.
As your firm is already well-known to us we are prepared to ofter you a sole
agency for an initial period of two years on the basis of a ten per cent commis-
sion on ali sales of our products in your country.
We will supply you with samples of the goods and will furnish you with cata-
logues periodically.
Mr Brian Lee, our export manager, would be pleased to call on you at the end
of the month when he will be visiting Budapest to discuss details.
As we wish to reach a quick decision we look forward to hearing from you
very soon.
Yours sincerely
M. Roberts
3. Az gynki tevkenysggel jr levelezs
3.1. Megbiz6 az ru rtkesitsr61
- As requested we have arranged to send you 10 cases of .. o marked ..., and
enclose our pro-forma invoice and B/L.
11. Levelezs a 93
- ln order to test the market we are shipping to your address an assortment of our
specialities as specified below.
- We enclose the bill of lading and the insurance policy, and hope that the clearing
of the goods will present no difficulty.
- As the demand for ... seems brisk at the moment we rely on your making every
effort to place them at satisfactory prices.
- We give you a free hand in matter of price, on the understanding that you do not
sell the consignment under f ...
- You will of course credit our account with net proceeds.
3.2. Az ru vsr1srl
a) Megbz a
- Please purchase and ship on our account for delivery not later than ... the follow-
ing goods: ...
- We have recently received a number of requests for ... and would be glad if you
sent us a consignment of ...
- This morning we have instructed you by telex to buy on our beha/L
- We ene/ose our indent No... which contains full instructions as to packing, insur-
ance and shipping documents.
- I leave the question of prices to your discretion.
b) a megbznak
- As requested we have bought for you....
- We have been able to obtain ali the goods specified in your indent No... and have
shipped them by ...
- We are pleased to inform you that we have obtained particularly favourable terms ...
- We ene/ose the invoices of the various suppliers, together with our Summary
Sheet showing a balance of f ... in our favour.
3.3. Piaci jelents
- You asked me to let you have my report on the possibi/ity of increasing exports to ...
- Our report will show that....
there is a growing demand for ...
the market is still depressed.
- We are convinced that if you can reduce prices...
- We regret to report that it is becoming increasingly difficult to sell your goods in
this country.
- We are sorry to say that marketing your goods has proved to be more difficult
than could have been expected when we overtook the task of representing you.
- We very much regret the fali in sales, which is no doubt due to the recently
imposed import duties.
94 Dvny Agnes: Angolul az irodban
- We must draw your attention to the growing competition in this market.
- If you wish to hold your position on this market some reduction in price seems
- It would be of utmost importance to avoid delays in delivery.
Tel: 071 3342567
44 Green Avenue
New York
NY 2345678
Dear Mr Wakefield
23 Raven Street, London SW2 ED3
Fax: 071 3356745 Telex: 776310
15 June 19-
We are pleased to inform you that the consignment of video recorders dis-
patehed on 10 May arrived in perfect condition on the scheduled date.
We enclose account sales for the past month showing a balance of f1,800 in
your favour. If you draw on us for this amount at 60 days, we will accept the
draft on presentation.
We are very sorry for the fali in sales in the past two months, which is
undoubtedly due to the growing competition from Far East Asian countries.
No doubt you have plans to meet this strong competition which we will now
have to face ali over Europe. Our opinion is that if you wish to keep your hold
in this market, it will be necessary to make an all-round reduction in prices
and launeh an extensive advertising campaign.
We wish to continue to represent you and are fairly sure that the high reputa-
tion of your products in this country will ensure the continued support of many
We look forward to your reply.
Yours sincerely
M. McGregor
_12. Egyb tmk
(Miscellaneous correspondence)
Az zleti letben sokfle trgykrben kldhetnk leveleket. Ilyenek pldul az utaz-
sok, ltogatsok, tallkozk megszervezse, meghvsok, rszvtnyilvnt s gratu-
ll levelek stb.
1. Hivatalos meghrvsok
- The Chairman and Directors of (cg neve) have pleasure in inviting you to attend
a reception at (hely) on (dtum) at ( i d p o n t ) in honour of.... R.S. VP.
- Mr ... requests the pleasure of the company of Mr and Mrs ... at a Coctail Party to
be held at the ... Hotel on ... at...
- Mr and Mrs ... request the pleasure of Mr and Mrs ... 's company at dinner on ... at...
2. Vlasz a meghivsokra
- Mr ... thanks the Chairman and Directors for their kind invitation to the dinner on
... which they have much pleasure in accepting/ which they are unable to accept
owing to a previous engagement.
- Mr and Mrs ... thank Mr and Mrs ... for their kind invitation to their Coctail Party on
..., but sincerely regret that a previous engagement prevents them from accepting.
- Mr and Mrs ... announce with much regret that owing to unforeseen circum-
stances they are obliged to recall their invitation to a buffet supper on ...
Hivatalos meghivs s vlasz a hivatalos meghivsra
Chairman of the Board of Sunshine Inns Co.
requests the pleasure of the company of
AIrI/HdAlrs Smi/It
at a Coctail Party
to be held at Park Hotel
on 10th July at 11 o'clock
(Dark suit)
R.S. VP. Secretary to Ben Wilson, 57 Denton Road, London
96 Dvny gnes: Angolul az irodban
Mr & Mrs Smith thank Mr Ben Wilson for his kind
invitation to a Coctail Party on 10th of July and
have much pleasure in accepting.
Barti hang meghlvs s vlasz a meghlvsra
Dear Mr Stone,
I was very glad to learn from your letter that you will be in London next week
and I'd be delighted if you could spare an hour to have lunch with me.
I could meet you either at your hotel or at my office, whichever would be more
convenient for you on Friday, at 12 o'clock.
I am looking forward to seeing you soon.
Yours sincerely,
:lJ. Kiu;
Dear Mr King,
I was very pleased to receive your letter this morning, inviting me to have
lunch with you next Friday. I would be delighted.
Both the day and the hour suit me admirably, and I will be in the foyer of the
Park Hotel at 11.45.
I am looking forward to our next meeting very much.
Yours sincerely,
.Af, StPUt
12. Egyb tmk 97
3. Tallkozk kezdemnyezse
- I would appreciate the opportunity of meeting you to discuss the full details of this
- Our Managing Director, Mr ..., would like to call on you on... to discuss the project.
- I am planning to be in ... next month, and was wondering if we could arrange a
meeting to discuss ... Perhaps I can phone you when I arrive to fix a date.
- I would welcome the opportunity to talk things over with you personally.
- Our Export Manager, Mr ..., will be in London on ... and would Iike to visit you.
- I am writing to confirm our telephone conversation this morning. We will meet at
your office on ... at...
- I will contact your office on the telephone on my arrival in ... where I will be stay-
ing at the Hotel...
4. Vlasz a tallkozst kezdemnyez61evlre
- Thank you for your letter of ... in which you requested an appointment with Mr...
- It was a pleasure to receive a letter of ... and to learn that you are making plans
to visit this country.
- Our Export Manager Mr ... will be pleased to see you at ... hours on 4 March and
would be grateful if you would confirm the appointment on your arrival in London.
- Please let us know the time of Mr ... 's arrival here; we will then arrange to meet
him at the airport and drive him to his hotel.
- Unfortunately, Mr... will have to postpone the appointment he made with you for
... as he has been called away to...
Tallkozst kezdemnyez61evl
Tel: 012435676
Mr. K. Robinson
BusMach Ltd.
41 Straight Lane
London EC3 DE2
Dear Mr Robinson
32 Fulton Road, Wellington
Fax: 012445677 Telex: 887654
4 May 19-
As I mentioned in our last telephone conversation, I am planning to spend a
few days in London next month. The dates are now settled: I will arrive at
Heathrowon Monday, 21 June (Flight BA 501 1420) and leave on Thursday.
I will be staying at the Park Hotel, Richmond Road, London W1.
98 Dvny Agnes: Angolul az irodban
On 12 June I already have some appointments, but could come to your office
any time on Tuesday, 13 June. Would you kindly leave a message at my hotel
letting me know what time would suit you.
I would Iike to discuss with you the percentage of commission you could give
us for distributing your SWIFT OeskJet printers in New Zealand. As we have
already indicated, 8% is unacceptable to us: we requireat least 10%.
ln the hope that we can come to an agreement, I am looking forward to meet-
ing you soon.
Yours sincerely
A McG/yde
Vlasz a a tallkozst k e z d e m n y e z levlre
BusMach Ltd.
Tel: 071 2234561
41 Straight Lane, London EC3 DE2
Fax: 071 2234564 Telex: 886754
32 Fulton Road
Oear Mr McG/yde
14 May 19-
Mr Ken Robinson has asked me to confirm the appointment you made to see
him. He looks forward to meeting you at 11.30 in his office, at the above
address, on Tuesday 13 June.
Yours sincerely
L. Petterson
12. Egyb tmk
5. Utazsi e16kszletek
5.1. Jegyvsris
- I would fike to reserve a seat on the flght to (hely) from on (dtum)
and returning on (dtum).
- Would you please book two economy seats on flight MA 222 on 20 November.
- To confirm our telephone conversation this morning, would you please book a
retum ticket on the Ostend-Dover car ferry in the name of Mr ... for (dtum).
- Please book a tourist class cabin for (nv) to (hely) sailing on (dtum). If there
are no places available, please let me know what altematives you can ofter.
- I enclose a bank draft for f ... in full payment.
- Please confirm the reservation and forward the necessary travel ticket.
5.2. SZllodai szobafoglals
- We would be glad if you would reserve the following accommodation for two of
our directors, Mr ... and Mr ... : 2 single rooms, if possible each with private bath-
room, from 4 August, for 2 nights.
- Please confirm this reservation by return and let us know the full cost including
VAT and service charges.
-I am writing to confirm the booking that we made by telephone this morning: ..
- He would greatly appreciate if you could let him have a room overlooking the
park as the front rooms are rather noisy.
- Unfortunately I have to cancel my original booking: 1 double room for Friday, 10
May, for 2 nights.
Dear Sirs,
With reference to our telephone conversation this morning would you please
book two tickets in the names of GR Lorren and H. Morton, our directors,
who will be travelling London Heathrow - Athens on flight BA 302 at 12.05
hours, on Friday 21 January.
I would appreciate your sending the tickets as soon as possible, and find a
cheque for f 220 enclosed.
Yours faithfully,
D. Gilbert
Dear Sirs,
Dvny gnes: Angolul az irodban
Mr Daniel Milton, the Managing Director of this Company, wll be visiting
Dublin in October for the Irish Textle Exhibition and hopes that you wll be
able to accommodate him again at your hotel.
He wll greatiy appreciate if you can let him have the same room as last year.
Mr Milton wll need some reception faclities as weil, as he wll have many
business meetings. He a/so requires a garage space during this period, if not
in your underground car park, at least somewhere nearby.
Mr Milton plans to arrive at ~ b o u t 17.00 hours, 12 October.
Kindly confirm this reservation by return and let us know the full cost including
VAT and service charges.
Yours sincerely,
F. Fidgerald
6. Avendglts megksznse
- I am most grateful to you for your warm hospitalty during my recent stay in ...
- We would Iike to express our sincere thanks for ali the help you have given us.
- I am writing to thank you most warmly for the attention and excellent hospitality
you extended to me during my stay in .
- Please express my thanks also to Mr who was most helpfui in making our talks
- Ilook forward to the time when I can return the hospitality if you should visit us at
any time.
- I wish to thank you most sincerely for so kindly making your plant available to our
team of visiting engineers. They were very impressed with your works, as weil as
by the hospitality shown to them.
12. Egyb tmk
Dear Mr Bo/ton,
While I was in America, I had the pleasure of visiting your company and hear-
ing something of your business operations. Your kindness and wholehearted
cooperation, let alone your true American hospitality, made my trip not only a
most successful, but a/so an extremely pleasant one.
The opportunity to meet you is something I had long looked forward to, and I
can only hope now that one day I may be able to receive a visit here from you.
Ilook forward to hearing from you.
Yours sincerely,
S. Wilkins
7. E g y t t r z s rszvtnyilvnitlevelek
- We were most grieved to hear of Mr ... 's death.
- It was a great shock to hear the sad news of Mr ... 's sudden death.
- May I offer you my sincere condolences. If there is anything I can do to help you,
please do not hesitate to let me know.
- The sudden and unexpected passing away of Mr. ... has created a gap in your
organization which cannot be filled easily.
- We are writing to express our sincere sympathy.
- Please convey our sympathy a/so to his family.
- I know he wll be greatly missed by ali your staff and I wll certainly miss his
integrity and good humour in my business dealings with him.
Dear Mr Jackson,
I was shocked to hear about the sudden death of Mr B. Evans, and offer my
condolences. His passing must mean a great loss to your institution and his
associates. He was a fine person and a well-Iiked man who wll be sadly
missed by ali who knew him.
Please pass my sincerest sympathies on to his family.
Yours sincerely,
K. Rymond
102 Dvny Agnes: Angolul az irodban
8. Gratull levelek
- May we congratulate you on your appointment ...
- It was with great pleasure that we learnt of your promotion ...
- We wish to express our great pleasure on hearing of your success...
- Please convey our best wishes and congratulations to Mr ... on his promotion.
- We were delighted to read in the papers that you had received oo. and we want to
congratulate you at once.
- May we say that we think no one has done more to deserve this reward.
- We want to send you our very good wishes.
- May we express our sincere good wishes.
- We would Iike to send you our congratulations on the occasion of your company's
fiftieth anniversary.
Dear Mr Lorren,
I would Iike to ofter my congratulations on your being appointed Regional
Manager for Europe.
No one has done more to deserve this honour. Your well-known enthusiasm
and experience are the very qua/ities that are needed for this posion.
You can count on me and my company to give you any assistance you
require, and I wish you every success for the future.
Yours sincerely,
T. Adams
13. Sz- s (angol-magyar)
13. SZ-
accept (v.) elismer, elfogad, tvesz; - an offer
ajnlatot elfogad; - a bill (draft) vltt (intz-
vnyt) elfogad
acceptable (a.) elfogadhat; - price (terms)
elfogadhat r (fizetsi felttelek)
account (n.) szmla [zleti knyvben); foly-
szmla kvetels; - balance szmlaegyenleg;
bank(ing) - bankszmla, folyszmla; in full
sett/ement of our - szmlnk teljes kiegyen-
ltsl; open - nyitotUnylt szmla; send
goods on open - "nyitva" szllts; outstand-
ing -s kifizetetlen szmlk settle an - szmlt
accounting (n.) knyvels, knyvvitel; elsz-
mols; szmvitel; - error knyvelsi hiba
acknowledge (v.) elismer, visszaigazol [levelet,
rendelst, stb.); - a debt tartozst elismer; -
(the) receipt nyugtz
address (v.) cmez, irnyt, kld; - a letter to sy
levelet intz vkihez
adjust (v.) elrendez, kiegyenlt; - an account
szmlt kiegyenlt/kifizet; szmlt kifizet
adjustment (n.) elrendezs, kiegyenlts, elsim-
ts; - of claims/complaints reklamcik/pana-
szok rendezse/orvoslsa
advance (n.) halads, in -

advantage (n.) haszon; take - of the
offer l az ajnlattal, elfogadja az ajnlatot; to
sy's - vki
advertisement (n.) hirdets, reklm
advice (n.) rtests; - of arrival az ru
szl rtests; - of collec-
tion inkassz-rtests; - of letter of credit r-
tests az akkreditv megnyitsrl; - of deliv-
ery trtivevny, szlltlevl; - of dispatch. of
goOOs rtests az ru feladsrl; until fur-
ther - tovbbi rtestsig
advise (v.) 1. rtest; - of the arrival rtest az
ru please - us by telex
krem rtestsen telexen 2. tancsol; Mr X
has -d us to contact you X r tancsolta, hogy
vegyk fel nnel a kapcsolatot
agency (n.) gynksg, kpviselet; - on del
credere basis jtllsi alapon dolgoz gynk-
sg; delkredere-gynksg; sole - kizrla-
gos gynksg/kpviselet
agent (n.) gynk, commercial -
kereskedelmi gynk; commission - jutalkra
dolgoz gynk; del credere - v. - on del
credere basis jtllsi alapon dolgoz gynk;
exclusive - = sole - kizrlagos gynk; for-
warding - szlltmnyoz, local -
helyi gynk; sa/eslselling - eladsi gynk;
appoint an - gynkt nevez ki
agreement (n.) 1. egyetrts, (meg)egyezs; by
mutual - klcsns megegyezssel; arrive at
(v. come to) an - megegyezik/megllapodik
vkivel; 2. megllapods, egyezmny,
air waybill (n.) lgi fuvarlevl
airtight (a.) lgmentes
allowance (n.) (r-)engedmny, cskkents, le-
alternative (n.) vlasztsi alternatva;
there is no - but nincs ms mint
amount (v.) kitesz (to sg vmilyen sszeget); the
invoice -s to E100 a szmla sszege 100 font
annual (a.) ves; - account ves elszmols; -
tumoverves forgalom
anticipate (v.) elvr, biztosra vesz, kiltsba he-
lyez; - a rise emelkedsre szmt; an in-
crease in prices is -ed remelkeds vrhat;
as -ed szmtsunk szerint; we - a prompt
reply azonnali vlaszra szmtunk
anticipation (n.) 1. vrakozs, vrs; in - of
your early reply vlaszukat vrva
apologize (v.) bocsnatot kr; we
- for the deiaya ksedelemrt elnzst krnk
apology (n.) bocsnatkrs; let-
ter of - levl; offer an - men-
please accept our -ies krjk
elnzsket; please convey our -ies to your
customers krjk, tolmcsolja zletfelnek
appeal (n.) krs, felhvs
appficaton (n.) krvny, folyamodvny, kre-
lem; - form krvny
appointment (n.) kinevezs, kijells; - of an
agent gynki megbzs
appreciate (v.) mltnyol, rtkel, megbecsl;
we would - your reply vrjuk vlaszukat .
approval (n.) helyesls, jvhagys; send/sup-
plygoods on - megtekintsre kld rut
approximate (a.) krlbelli; -
value rtk
arrange (v.) - for sg gondoskodik
arrangement (n.) -s (pl.) intzke-
dsek; make -s intzkedsket tesz
as per szerint
assist (v.) segt, tmogat
associate (n.) trs, partner, munkatrs
assort (v.) kivlogat, osztlyoz; in -ed co/ours
and sizes klnfle sznekben s mretekben
assortment (n.) vlasztk, szortiment; - of
samples mintakollekci
assurance (n.) biztostk, megnyugtats
assure (v.) 1. biztost, biztoss tesz; - defivery
biztostja a szlltst; 2. llt; we can -
you of our attention biztosthatjuk, hogy gon-
dosan fogjuk gyt intzni
attach (v.) (to sg. vmihez);
please fnd -ed csatoltan megkldjk; we
have received your letter with the -ed docu-
ments megkaptuk levelt s a csatolt okm-
attention (n.) figyelem, gondoskods, elintzs;
- finelphrase annak a levlrsznek a neve,
amelyben vki figyelmbe ajnljuk a levelet;
'for the - of Mr X X r figyelmbe; give - to
sg elintz vmit; receive - elintzst nyer; your
orders wll have our best - biztosthatjuk
nket rendelsk leggondosabb
we would fike to draw your - to the fact that
felhvjuk figyelmket arra a tnyre, hogy;
thank you for your - ksznjk figyeimt
avalablty (n.) -
ofgoods cikkek knlata
avalable (a.) rendelkezsre ll, meg-

average (n.) tengeri szlltmnykr, hajkr;
particular - klns hajkr; free oflfrom par-
ticular - klns hajkr kizrsval
balance (n.) 1. egyenleg, szald; bankszmla,
folyszmla; - at your debt az nk terhre
mutatkoz egyenleg; - earned forward egyen-
Dvny gnes: Angolul az irodban
legtvitel; - in your favour az nk javra mu-
tatkoz egyenleg; 2. mrleg, knyvelsi mrleg
bankruptcy(n.) fizetskptelensg
basis (n.) alap; on a commission - jutalkos
alapon; on eash basis kszpnzes alapon;
order on a regular - rendszeresen rendel
batten (n.) heveder, lc
bll of exchange (n.) vlt
bll ofJading (n.) hajraklevl
blemish (n.) hiba
board (n.) 1. deszka; paprlemez; 2. lelmezs;
3. haj fedizete; free on - (f.o.b.) brmentve
hajba rakva; 4. tancskoz testlet, tancs,
bizottsg; - of directors igazgat tancs
bonded (a.) vmkteles,
vmraktrban elhelyezett
box (n.) lda, doboz;tok
branch (n.) 1. fikzlet, filil; - office fikiroda;
2. g, gazat; - of business zletg
breakage (n.) trs; risk of - trsi kockzat
broker(n.) alkusz, gynk,
bulk (n.) mlesztett ru, tmegru;
nagy mlesztett; in - nagy ttelben; -
store nagybani raktr
eampaign (n.) "hadjrat", kampny; advertis-
ing/pubficty - hirdetsi kampny; mount an
advertising - hirdetsi kampnyt indt
eancel (v.) visszavon, sztornroz; - an order
rendelst visszavon
eancelJation (n.) visszavons, rvnytelents,
felbonts, sztornrozs
earboy (n.) kosaras palack, (sav)ballon
eargo (n.) rakomny; - space rakodtr
earnage (n.) 1. vasti kocsi, vagon; 2. fuva-
rozs, szllts; terms of - fuvarozsi felt-
telek; 3. fuvardj; - forward fuvardj utnvte-
lezve; - extra fuvardj kln felszmtva; -
paid brmentve, fuvardj fizetve
earry (v.) 1. szllt, fuvaroz; -ing company
fuvaroz vllalat; 2. visel, hordoz, vllal; -
costs viseli a kltsgeket; - a risk kockzatot
vllal; 3. (elljrkkal s -
forward tvisz; - into effect megvalst, vgre-
hajt; - on folytat; - on negotiations tr-
gyalsokat folytat; - out teljest, megvalst,
vgrehajt; - out an order rendelst teljest
earton (n.) kartondoboz
eash (n.) kszpnz, pnztrllomny; - against
documents kszpnzben okmnyok ellen-
13. Sz- s (angol-magyar)
ben, okmnyos inkassz; - at maturity lejrta-
kor - before delvery leszllts
eltt kszpnzben - discount
kszpnzfizetsi engedmny; - on arrival
kszpnzfizets az ru megrkezsekor; - on
delivery (rv. C.O.D.) utnvt; - price
kszpnzr; - with order megrendelskor
kszpnzben net - kszpnzfizets
engedmny nlkl; on - basis kszpnzes
alapon; spot - azonnali fizets
catalogue (n.) jegyzk, lajstrom, katalgus; at
the - price rjegyzki ron; order on - rjegy-
zk alapjn rendel
caution (n.) vatossg, figyelmeztets
certificate (n.) bizonytvny, igazolvny, bizony-
lat; - ot origin szrmazsi bizonytvny; insur-
ance - biztostsi bizonylat
chairman (n.) elnk
charge (n.) kltsg, dj; delvery - kzbestsi
kltsg; torwarding -s szlltmnyozsi klt-
choice (n.) vlaszts, vlasztk; make a -
kivlaszt; take one's - vlaszt; we have no -
but nincs ms vlasztsunk, mint; we can
after you a - of.. nagy vlasztkot tudunk
ajnlani nnek
circular (n.) krlevl
elaim (n.) kvetels, Uog)igny, reklamci; -
form IOOge a - against
sy kvetelssellreklamcival lp fel vkivel
szemben reklaml; maintain the - tor dam-
ages fenntartja akrignyt
c/ean (a.) tiszta, mentes; - bill of ex-
change okmnyokkal nem kisrt vlt; - bill of
lading htrnyos mentes v:
"tiszta" hajraklevl; - letter of credit feltte-
lekhez nem kttt v. okmnyok nlkli meg-
c/ear (v.) kifizet, ktelezettsgnek eleget tesz;
- a cheque csekket bevlt
clent (n.) gyfl,
elose (n.) vg, befejezs; - for cargo rakomny-
collection (n.) 1. beszeds, behajts, inkassz;
beszedett sszeg; documentary - okmnyos
inkassz; 2. sszegyjts, elhozatal; - and de-
livery(rv. C &D) elhozatal s hzhozszllts
colourfast (a.) szntart
cof1Jmission (n.) jutalk, bizomnyosi/kzvet-
dj; - agent jutalkos gynk; - on sg vmi
utn jr jutalk; saleslselling - eladsi/forgal-
mi jutalk
committed (a.) elktelezett
compel (v.) knyszert
compensation (n.) krtrts, ellenszolgltats
competition (n.) verseny, konkurencia; be able
to meet - versenykpes; tace/meet - felveszi
a versenyt competitive (a.) versenykpes; -
price versenykpes r; supply goOOs on -
terms versenykpes felttelekkel szllt rut
complain (v.) panaszkodik (of sg vmire);
panaszt emel (against sy vki ellen; to sy
vkinl); kifogsol, reklaml (of/about sg vmit)
complaint (n.) panasz, kifogs, reklamci; let-
ter of - reklamcis levl
comply (v.) eleget tesz (with sg vminek); teljest
(with sg vmit); we shall be prepared to - with
your request kszen llunk eleget tenni kvn-
component (n.) alkatrsz
condition (n.) 1. felttel, kikts; -s laid down in
the contract a rgzitett fel-
ttelek; -s of a letter of credit az akkreditv fel-
ttelei; general -s of carriage ltalnos szl-
ltsi felttelek; in accordance with the -s a
felttelek szerint; on - that... azzal a felttellel,
hogy; 2. llapot, helyzet goOOs must be in per-
fect - az runak tkletes llapotban kell
confident (a.) magabiztos, biztos (of sg vmi-
ben); we are - that... bizosak vagyunk benne,
confidential (a.) bizalmi, bizalmas; private and -
bizalmas magngy
confirm (v.) igazol, visszaigazol, elismer; we -
our letter/our te/egram/our telephone conver-
sation igazoljuk levelnkeUtviratunkaU tele-
confirmation (n.) igazols, visszaigazols;
- of order rendels-visszaiga-
zols; - of receipt elismervny; letter of -
(vissza)igazol levl
consider (v.) megfontol, mrlegel; we have
carefully -ed your proposal javaslatukat ala-
posan megfontoltuk
consignee (n.) cmzett [rukldemny)
consignment (n.) kldemny; szlltmny; -
note bizomnyi szmla, konszignci
contact (v.) - sy/sg rintkezsbelkapcsolatba
lp vkivellvmivel
contract (n.) megllapods, egyezmny; szer-
long-term - hossztv megllapo-
correspond (v.) 1. megegyezik, megfelel, ssz-
hangban van (with/to sg vmivel); - ,!,ithlto
sample egyezik a mintval; 2. levelez (with sy
cost (n.) kltsg, nkltsg; - and freight (rv.
c. & f.) kltsg s fuvardj [megjellt rendel-
tetsi az eladt terheli); - and insur-
ance (rv. c. & i.) kltsg s biztosts [meg-
jellt az eladt terheli); - insurance,
freight (rv. c.i.t.) kltsg, biztosts, fuvardj
[megjellt kiktig az eladt terheli); - of pro-
duction termelsi kltsg
count (v) (on/upon sy/sg) szmt (vkire/vmire)
cover I.(n.) 1. boritk; under separate - kln
levlben; 2. biztosts; open - nylUhatrozat-
lan szl biztosts
cover II. (v.) 1. magban foglal, fellel; vonat-
kozik vmire; kisr vmit; -ing lefter
the problem -ed in your lefter a levelkben
rintett krds; 2. biztost; be -ed against fire
esetre biztostva van
crate (n.) (Ic)rekesz
credit I. (n.) hitel; documentary - okmnyos
meghitelezs; long-(term) - hossz lejrat hi-
tel; short-(term) - rvid lejrat hitel; - dealing
hitelgylet; - faci/ities hitelnyjtsi
sgek, hiteleszkzk; - standing (becslt) hi-
telkpessg, bonts; --worthiness hitelkpes-
sg; givelgranflopen sy a credit hitelt ad/nyjU
megnyit vkinek
credit II. (v.) jvr, szmln elismer; - an
amount to a person egy sszeget vki javra r;
- an account with a sum vki szmljt egy
sszeggel elismeri
cross (v.) keresztez; your lefter -ed ours leve-
lk keresztezte a minket
currency (n.) pnzegysg, valuta, pnznem
customer(n.) fogyaszt; gyfl
customs (n.) (pl.) vm; - authority vmhatsg;
- clearance vmkezels, vmbl val kivlts;
- declaration vmru-nyilatkozat
damage (v.) megkrost, krt okoz, megrongl;
-d by sea-water srlt; -d goods
srlt ru; badJy (slightJy) -d slyosan (kis-
s) srlt; get -d megsrl, krt szenved; in
the event of being -d krosods/srls
Dvny gnes: Angolul az irodban
damp-resisting (a.) nedvessgll, nedvessg
ellen szigetelt
deal (dealt. dealt) (v.) 1. kereskedik (in sg vmi-
vel); 2. foglalkozik (with sg vmivel); 3. zleti
sszekttetsben ll (with sy vkivel)
dealer (n.) (sajt szmlra dolgoz)
- in sg vmilyen terleten kereskedik
dealing (n.) -s (pl.) viszonylat, kapcsolat; have
-s with sy zleti sszekttetsben ll vkivel;
credit - hitelgylet
debit (v.) megterhel; we have -ed your account
with [20 megterheltk szmljukat 20 fonttal
debt (n.) tartozs, adssg; kvetels
decision (n.) elhatrozs, dnts
decline (v.) 1. visszautast, megtagad; - an offer
ajnlatot visszautast; 2. hanyatlik; prices are
-ing az rak esnek
deduct (v.) levon; charges -ed kltsgek le-
defer(v.) elhalaszt; - paymentfizetst elhalaszt
definite (a.) meghatrozott, pontosan -
time delivery meghatrozott szllts
del credere (n.) hitelszavatossg, delkredere
de/ay I. (n.) ksedelem; haladk,
- in delivery szlltsi ksedelem; with the
least possible - a leggyorsabban; with-
out - ksedelem nlkl, azonnal
delay II. (v.) ksleltet, kslekedik; -ed delivery
ksedelmes szllts; interest for -ed payment
ksedelmi kamat; be -ed ksik
deliver(v.) rut leszllt, szlltst teljest
delivery (n.) szllts; - date v. date of - = -
time v. time of - szlltsi
demand (n.) kereslet; activelbrisklheavy/
keen/liveJy/strong - lnk kereslet; steady -
lland kereslet; - is high for sg nagy a keres-
let vmire supplyand - knlat s kereslet;
there is a brisk - for sg lnk a kereslet vmi
department (n.) 1. osztly, rszleg; - store
nagyruhz accounting/account - knyvelsi
osztly; commercial - kereskedelmi osztly;
financial - pnzgyi osztly; forwarding -
szlltmnyozsi osztly; personnel - sze-
mlyzeti osztly; 2. (US) minisztrium
design (n.) minta; terv; szerkeszts,
konstrukci; the products are of the most up-to
date - a termk a konstrukci;
fashionable - divatos mintalkonstrukci
despatch = dispatch
13. Sz- s (angol-magyar)
destination (n.) rendeltetsi hely; country of -
rendeltetsi orszg
devaluation (n.) lertkels, devalvci
director (n.) igazgat; - general vezrigazgat;
board of -s igazgatsg; managing - gy-
discontinue (v.) abbahagy, megszntet; meg-
-d goods ru, melynek gyrtst be-
szntettk; this line has been -d e cikk gyr-
tst abbahagytk
discount (n.) rengedmny, rabatt; - price en-
gedmnyes r; first-order - megren-
delsnl adott rengedmny price - renged-
mny; quantity - mennyisgi rabatl; trade -
viszonteladi rengedmny
discrepancy (n.) eltrs,
discretion (n.) megitls, belts; lleave it to
your -tetszsre bzom
dispatch (n.) elklds, felads; - of goOOs ru
elszlltsa; duelpayab/e on - of the goods az
ru feladsakor day of - felads
napja; place of - felads helye; port of -
display (v.) killt, kitesz, bemutat [rut]
disposal (n.) rendelkezs; at sy's - vki rendel-
kezsre ll; I am at your - rendelkezsre
distributor (n.) (US) lerakallulajdonos, eloszt
sajt szmlra dolgoz klfldi gyfele; ex-
clusive - kizrlagos
do (did, done) (v.) - business kereskedik
document (n.) okmny, okirat; -(s) against
acceptance (rv. D/A) ruokmnyok vlt
elfogadsa ellenben (szolgltatandk ki);
-(s) against payment (rv DIP) ruokmnyok
fizets ellenben (szolgltatandk ki)
documentary (a.) okirati, okm-
nyos; hiteles, bizonyt - collection ok-
mnyos inkassz; - credit okmnyos meghi-
draft (n.) 1. tervezet; - of a contract
dstervezet; 2. intzvny, vlt, intz-
vnyezs; bank - v. banker's - bankvlt
draw (drew,drawn) 1. hz, von, vonz; we wish
to - your attention to the fact fel szeretnnk
hvni a figyelmket arra a tnyre... ; 2. (fel)raj-
zol, (fel)vzol; - up an agreement kidolgoz
egy megllapodst; 3. kap, felvesz [pnzt]; -
against a UC meghitelezsre pnzt vesz fel; -
a cheque csekk sszegt felveszi; - money
from the bank bankbl pnzt vesz fel; 4. - on
sg vmit ignybe vesz, vmihez nyl; - on an
account szmlrl pnzt vesz fel; 5. killt
[csekket, vltt]; intzvnyez (on sy vkire) -
on sy at sight for the invoice amount vkire
ltra szl vltt llt ki a szmla
due (a.) 1. esedkes;
- date lejrat, amount - kve-
tels/jrandsg sszege; balance - to us by
Mr "X. "X" r egyenlegknt fennll tartozsa;
2. kijr, in - time
ben; 3. vrhat, (megrkezse) esedkes; the
goods are - (to arrive) tomorrow az runak
holnap kell megrkeznie; 4. - to sg vmi kvet-
keztben, vmi miatl; the de/ay was - to an
accident a ksst baleset okozta
duly (adv.) 1. vminek helyesen;
the contract was - signed a cg-
alrtk; 2. pontosan;
we - received your letter levelket
duplicate (n.) msodpldny; in - kt pldnyban
effect (v.) vgrehajt, megvalst, eszkzl; -
paymentfizetst teljest
effective (a.) valsgos, tnyleges; hatsos,
effort (n.) fradozs, prblkozs,
kisrlet; make every - to mindent elkvet,
enc/ose (v.) csatol, mellkel (with sg vmihez);
please find -d mellkelve tiszteletlel meg-
kldm; enclosure (n.) (rv. encl.) mellklet
engineer(v.) pt, ltrehoz
enquire = inquire
enquiry= inquiry
entry (n.) bers, bejegyzs, elknyvels
estimate (n.) 1. becsls, rtkels; approximate
- becsls; 2. klcsgvets, r-
vets, put in an - szlltsi ra-
jnlatot tesz
ex works a gyrban tvve
exceed (v.) tllp, thg, meghalad; - expecta-
tions meghaladja/fellmlja a vrakozsokat
exception (n.) kivtel; make an - to the rule
eltekint a szablytl
exchange (n.) 1. csere, csereforgalom; - of
goods rucsere, rucsere-forgalom; - of
experiencesl information tapasztalatcsere; -
of letters levlvlts
execute (v.) - an order rendelst teljest
execution (n.) vgrehajts, teljests; - of an
order rendels teljestse
exempt (a.) mentes, felmentett; - from charges
kltsgmentesen .
exhibition (n.) killts; - stand killtsi plet/
killthely; intemational - nemzetkzi kill-
ts; display on an - killtson bemutat
expect (v.) elvr, szmt vmire; we - your reply
expectation (n.) vrakozs; beyond - vrakoz-
son fell; contrary to - vrakozs ellenre; in
- of your reply vlaszukat vrva; answer/meet
(come up to) -s megfelel a vrakozsoknak
expiration (n) lejrat, esedkessg; - date
lejrati at the time of - v. onlupon - lej-
extend (v.) 1. meghosszabbt, prolongl; - the
time of payment a fizetsi meg-
hosszabbtja; -ed time limit 2.
kiterjeszt, nagyobbt, gyarapt; - the credit
a hitelkeretet; - the market for sg
vmi piact
extention (n.) meghosszabts, prolongls; -
of a credit meghitelezs rvnyessgnek
facility (n.) ( lt. pl. -ies) kszsg;
knnyebbsg, kedvezmny; -ies for payment
fizetsi felttelek; -ies of transport
szlltsi banking -ies
bankszolgltatsok; credit -ies hitel(keret).
factor (n.) gynk, bizomnyos
faufty (a.) hibs, hinyos, fogyatkos; - design,
materials and workmanship hibs tervezs,
rossz anyag s kidolgozs; - packing helyte-
len/szakszerutlen csomagols
firm (n.) cg, trsasg;
f1uctuation (n.) ingadozs, hullmzs; market-s
piaci (r)ingadozsok; - in prices ringadozs;
be subject to price - ringadozsnak van
formality (n.) formasg, alakisg
forward (v.) szllt, felad, tovbbt; please -
"tovbbtand", "krem utna kldeni"
forwarding (n.) 1. elklds, felads, tovbbts;
- advice feladsi rtests; 2. szlltmnyozs,
szllts; - agency/company/firm szlltm-
nyozsi vllalat/cg; - agent szlltmnyoz,
Dvny Agnes: Angolul az irodban
- department szlltmnyozsi osz-
tly, expedci
free (a.) 1. szabad; - offer spontn ajnlat;
2. ingyenes, kltsgmentes, vmmentes; -
sample ingyenminta; delivery - ingyenes hz-
hozszllts; 3. kltsgmentesen; - alongside
ship (rv. f.a.s.) kltsgmentesen a haj oldala
mell szlltva; - on board (rv. f.o.b.) kltsg-
mentesen hajba rakva; - quay (rv. f.o.q.)
kltsgmentesen rakpartra tve; - on rail (rv.
f.o.r.) kltsgmentesen vasti kocsiba rakva
freight (n.) 1. rakomny, szlltmny; - cargo
teherrakomny; - chargeslexpenses fuvaro-
zsi kltsgek; 2. fuvardj; - rates/tariffs fuvar-
djttelek, fuvardjszabs; - prepaid a fuvardj
(a berakodsi fizetve
freighter (n.) teherhaj; scheduled - menetrend-
frequency (n.) gyakorisg; - of f1ights (sailings)
fulfil (v.) teljest; - conditions feltteleket teljest
fumish (v.) (sy wth sg) ellt vmivel, ad, nYjt
grade (n.) fokozat; low- goods gyen-
ge ru; standard -
sg; top -legjobb
grant (v.) engedlyez, ad, nyjt; - an allowancel
discount engedmnyt ad; - credit hitelez, hitelt
guarantee (v.) kezeskedik, szavatol; fully -d
szavatolt vmi ellen
hesitate (v.) ingadozik, habozik; do not - to con-
tact me ksedelem nlkl vegye fel velnk a
honour (v.) (vltt) elfogad/kifizet
immediate (a.) azonnali, rgtni; - delivery
azonnali szllts; - payment azonnali fizets;
- shipment azonnal (lt. a
szmtott kt hten bell) szlltand ru
impose (v.) rr (sg on sy vmit vkire); - duty on
sg vmot vet ki vmire
inability (n.) kpessg hinya; we regret our - to
offer you these goods sajnljuk, hogy erre az
rura nem tudunk ajnlatot tenni
inconvenience (n.) knyelmetlensg, alkalmat-
incorporated (n.) (rv Inc. (US) rszvnytr-
increase I. (n.) emelkeds; - n demand keres-
let nvekedse. - n/of prce remels, re-
13. Sz- s (angol-magyar)
increase II.(v.) nvel, emel; nvekszik, emel-
kedik; - the cost nveli a kltsget; - the priee
emeli az rat
indent (n.) behozatali megrendels, vteli meg-
index (n.) (pl. indiees v. indexes)
index(szm), mutat
inffation (n.) inflci
initial (a.) kezdeti; - order indt ren-
inquire (v.) felvil-
gostst kr; - about sg/sy vmi/vki rdek-
- about the financial standing of a firm
vmely cg pnzgyi helyzete irnt
inquiry (n.) 1. tudakozds; - form
2. ajnlatkrs; letter of -
levl; with reference to your - of. .. hivatkozs-
sal ... -kor kelt levelkre; 3.
kereslet; there is good - for these goods ez
az ru nagy keresletnek rvend; 4. vizsglat,
kutats; after carefuI - we fnd gondos vizs-
glat utn gy ltjuk
inspecf(v.) megtekint, megszemll, megvizsgl
instalment (n.) 1. rszlet(fizets); as an -
against balance due a tartozs rszlet-
fizetsl; by - rszletre
instruct (v.) utast, megbz
instruetion (n.) rendelkezs, utasts,
packing - csomagolsi
insuffcient (a.) elgtelen; - packing hinyos
insurance (n.) biztosts; - against ali risks
minden kockzatra biztosts; -
agency biztostsi gynksg; - agent biz-
tostsi gynk; - certifcate biztostsi
bizonylat; - claims biztostsi krignyek; -
cover biztostsi fedezet; - from warehouse to
warehouse biztosts hztl hzig/raktrtl
raktrig; - policy biztostsi ktvny
insure (v.) biztost; - sy/sg against a risk
vkiUvmit biztost vmilyen kockzat esetre
interest (n.) rdekessg, fontossg,
a matter of great - nagy fontossg dolog; be
of - to sy rdekel vkit; we will be pleased to
hear whether these offers are of - to you krjk,
kzljk, rdeklik-e nket ezek az ajnlatok
investigate (v.) kikutat, megvizsgl, tanulm-
nyoz; please - the matter and inform us of the
result krjk, vizsgljk meg az gyet s
kzljk az eredmnyt
invoice (n.) (ru)szmla, faktura, rujegyzk;
commercial - kereskedelmi szmla; consular
- konzuli szmla; as indicated in the enclosed
- a mellkelt szmla szerint; in sett/ement of
our-szmlnk egyenltsl; payable on pre-
sentation of - a szmla bemutatsakor fize-
pro-forma - proforma
szmla; sett/e an - szmlt kifizet
item (n.) rucikk
jurisdiction (n.) 1. igazsgszolgltats; court of
original - brsg; 2. illetkessg,
hatskr; have - in sg illetkes vmiben
leaffet (n.) reklmcdula
legal (a.) trvnyes, jogos; jogi, -
action per; - advice jogi tancs; - claim jogos
kvetels; - department joggyi osztly;
enforce payment by - measures a fizetst
bri ton knyszerti ki; take - steps tr-
vnyes eljrshoz folyamodik
legally (adv.) trvnyesen, jogilag; - binding jo-
gilag jogrvnyes
letter of credit (n.) meghitelezs, akkreditv,
hitellevl; documentary - okmnyos meghite-
lezs, ruakkreditv; irrevocable - visszavon-
hatatlan akkreditv; revocable - visszavonhat
akkreditv; issue a - meghitelezst nyit; hitel-
levelet bocst ki; revokelwithdraw a - meg-
hitelezst visszavon
liablty (n.) ktelezettsg; tartozs;
limited - korltolt -ies (pl.) pnz-
beli ktelezettsgek, tartozsok; meet one's
-ies ktelezettsgeinek eleget tesz
liable (a.) - for sg vmirt
limited (a.) korltozott, korltolt; L- (rv. Ltd.
(GB); - liablty korltolt - liablty
company korltolt trsasg; -
quantity korltozott mennyisg
line (n.) foglalkozsi g, szakma; - of business
zletg,szakma; special - szakma; be in the
same - of business ugyanabban a szak-
mban dolgozik; these goods are not in our -
ez az ru nem vg szakmnkba
lining (n.) bls, burkolat; case -ldabls
litigation (n.) pereskeds
load (v.) megterhel, megrak, rakodik; ready to -
rakodsra ksz; -ing date berakods ja
look (v.) - forward vr vmit; -ing forward to your
answervlaszukat vrva
lass (n.) vesztesg, kr
maintain (v.) fenntart, karbantart; - an
aceount with a bank szmlja van egy
banknl; - the price tartja az rat; - good con-
nections j kapcsolatokat tart fenn
maintenance (n.) fenntarts, karban-
tarts .
manager (n.) igazgat, osztly-
advertising - a propa-
ganda osztly assistanVdeputy - he-
lyettes business - keres-
kedelmi vllalat igazgatja; com-
mercial - a kereskedelmi osztly
credit - a hitelosztly export - az
export osztly general - vezrigaz-
gat; purchasing - a beszerzsi osztly ve-
sales - az eladsi osztly
manufacture (v.) gyrt, feldolgoz, megmunkl
manufacturer (n.) gyrt, gyros; -'s agent a
gyrt zem
mark (n.) 1. jel, jelzs; -s on packages ru-
jelzs csomagokon; trade - vdjegy; 2. nyom,
market (n.) piac, be in the - for sg vmi-
lyen rut keres, vmely ru megvtelre haj-
land; a promising - igretes piac
marketing (n.) rtkests, forgalomba hozatal;
a folyamatos rtkests (s az ennek megfe-
termels) biztostsra tervezett intz-
kedsek; marketing
maturity (n.) lejrat, esedkessg; aVon - ese-
dkessgkor, lejratkor; date/day of - lejrati
measure (v.) mr; vmilyen -ing up to ....
meet (v.) 1. tallkozik (sy vkivel); 2. tapasztal
(with sg vmit); this will meet with your full
satisfaction ezzel teljes mrtkben meg
lesznek elgedve; 3. kielgt [szksgletet],;
megfelel [kvetelmnyeknek]; - the date meg-
tartja - a demand keresletet kiel-
gt; - one's needs szksgletet kielgt; - the
requirements kvetelmnyeknek eleget tesz
merchant shipper (n.) sajt szmlra dolgoz
[tengerentli forgalomban]
miss (v.) hinyzik, hinyol; -ing amount hinyz
negligence (n.) gondatlansg, hanyagsg
negotiation (n.) trgyals; break off -s megsza-
ktja a trgyalsokat; carry on/conduct -s tr-
gyalsokat folytat; commencelopen/start -s v.
Dvny Agnes: Angolul az irodban
enter into/upon -s with sy vkivel trgyalsokat
network (n.) hlzat; - of agents gynki hlzat
notice (n.) 1. rtests, kzls; - in writing rs-
beli rtests; until further - tovbbi rtes-
tsig; without further - kln rtests nlkl;
without (previous) - rtests nl-
kl; 2. rtestslfigyelmeztets; fel-
szlts; felmonds
notify (v.) bejelent, rtest, kzl
obligation (n.) ktelezettsg, ktelessg; meet
one's - eleget tesz (fizetsi) ktelezettsge-
oblige (v.) ktelez, knyszert; be -d to do sg
knytelen vmit megtenni
observe (v.) megtart, betart; packing instruc-
tions must be strictly -d a csomagolsi utas-
tsokat szigoran be kell tartani
obtain (v.) kap, megszerez
obtainable (a.) kaphat, elr-

offer (v.) felajnl, felknl, ajnlatot tesz; - at
lower prices alacsonyabb ron tesz ajnlatot;
- compensation krtrtst ajnl fel; - firm k-
ajnlatot tesz; - on approval nem kte-
ajnlat; - subject to prior sa/e
elads fenntartsval tett ajnlat; - without
engagement nem ajnlatot tesz; -
with time-limit ajnlatot tesz; binding
- ajnlat make an - ajnlatot tesz
open I. (a.) nylt, nyitott; - account nylt!
fedezetlen szmla; nyitott szllts [mint
fizetsi mdj; send the goods on - account
"nyitva" szllt; the contract is - a
mg nincs teljestve; the offer is - until can-
celled az ajnlatot visszavonsig fenntartjuk
open II. (v.) nyit, megnyit - an account with a
bank szmlt nyit vmely banknl; - credit in
sy's favour with a bank hitelt!akkreditvet nyit
vki javra egy banknl
opportunity (n.) alkalom, alkalmas
at the earliest - a alkalommal;
by first - az indul hajval
order I.(n.) 1. rendels, a megrendelt ru; - as
per sample rendels minta szerint; have a full
- book tbb rendelst nem tud vllalni; - form
megrendelsi - number rendelsi szm;
advance - bulk - nagybani ren-
dels; confirmation of - rendels visszaiga-
zolsa; execution of - rendels teljestse;
13. Sz- s kifejezsgyjtemny (.ango/-magyar)
finn - visszavonhatatlan/fix rendels; initia/ -
megrendels; regu/ar - rendszeres meg-
rendels; repeat - ismtelt rendels; tria/ -
prbarendels; accept an - elfogad megren-
delst; cancel an - rendelst visszavon; con-
finn an - rendelst visszaigazol; dec/inal
refuse an - rendelst nem fogad el; give best
care/attention to an - megrendelst gondosan
teljest; make up an - sszellt egy megren-
delst; place an - with a finn for sg megren-
delst ad egy cgnek vmire; 2. rendelkezs;
rendelet [rtkpapron]; made out to - rende-
lsre szl;
order II. (v.) megrendel; for immediate /prompt
delivery azonnali szlltsra rendel; - from
stock raktrrl rendel; - on a regular basis
rendszeresen rendel
out/et (n.) piac; retai! -s elrust
zletek, boltok
outstanding (a.) kifizetetlen, rendezetlen, ht-
ralkos; - accounts kifizetetlen szmlk; -
amount htralkos/kifizetetlen sszeg
overall (a.) teljes, tfog, ssz-; - length teljes
hosszsg, legnagyobb hosszmret
overdue (a.) 1. rg esedkes, lejrt, elmaradt; -
delivery ksedelmes szllts; 2. be - ksik
over/eaf(adv.) htlapon, tloidaion
over/ook (v.) elkerli a figyelmt, nem vesz
owing (a.) jr (to sy vkinek)
pack (v.) csomagol; - in cases (crates) ldba
(rekeszbe) csomagol
packing (n.) csomagols, burkolat; - charges/
expenses csomagolsi kltsgek; - instruc-
tions csomagolsi utastsok; - list/note/slip
konszignci, csomagolsi jegyzk, ldaspe-
cifikci; adequatelcompetent/proper/satisfac-
tory - csomagols; in-
nerlinsidelinterier - csomagols; losses
or damages from insufficient - will be for your
account a hinyos csomagolsbl szrmaz
vesztesg vagy kr az nk szmljt terheli;
manner/method of - csomagolsi md
part shipment (n.) rszszllts
particular (n.) rszlet, krlmny; adat
partnership (n.) szvetkezs, trsasviszony; tr-
sas cg; generaVordinary - kzkereseti trsa-
sg; contract a - with sy v. enter/go into -
with sy trsul vkivel; withdraw from a - kilp a
pay (paid, paid) (v.) fizet, kifizet; - back vissza-
fizet/megfizet [tartozst]; - down kszpnz-
ben fizet, ad; the goods were dufy
paid for az ru ellenrtknek kifizetse rend-
ben megtrtnt; - money into sis account
befizet vki szmljra; - off teljesen kifizet;
- off by insta/ments rszletekben
trleszt; - out kifizet
payment (n.) (ki)fizets; - against/by letter of
credit fizets meghitelezssel; - by cheque
fizets csekkel; - on receipt of invoice fizets
szmla ellenben; tenns of - fizetsi felt-
telek; part - rszfizets
per (prep.) 1. ltal, tjn; - S.S. "Argos" az
"Argos" hajval
percentage (n.) szzalk(arny); szzalkos
place (v.) elhelyez, rtkest, befektet; - an
order with sy megrendelst ad fel vkinek,
megrendel rut vkinl
please (v.) rmet okoz; tetszik; be -d to do sg
rmmel tesz vmit; we are -d to infonn you
rmmel tudatjuk nkkel; we are -d with the
quality of the goOOs meg vagyunk elgedve
az ru
pleasure (n.) rm; we have/take - in infonning
you v. we have - to infonn you v. we have the
- of infonning you rmmel rtestjk, hogy
policy (n.) biztostsi ktvny; floating - szllt-
mnybiztostsi keretktvny
port (n.) - of call (kszlet-/rufelvtel
stb. vgett) - of discharge ki-
position (n.) llapot, helyzet; financial - pnz-
gyi helyzet; be in a - to do sg megtehet vmit,
kpes megtenni vmit
postage (n.) port, brmentests
postponement (n.) elhalaszts
power(n.) hatalom, kpessg; it is not in (v. it is
beyond) our - nem ll mdunkban; if it is with-
in our - ha mdunkban ll
precondition (n.) prompt shipment is
a - to our order az azonnali szllts megren-
preliminary (a.)
premises (n.) (pl.) helyisg; on the - a helysznen
premium (n.) biztostsi dj
president (n.) elnk
price (n.) r; - range rtartomny; - list r-
folyamlap, rfolyamjegyzk; competitive -s
versenykpes rak; list - rjegyzki r; net -
netto r; gross - brutto r; keen -s leszortott
rak, versenyrak; rise in -s remelkeds; fali
in -s rcskkens; -s are slippinglgoing
down/fallngldropping cskkennek az rak; -s
are steady stabilak az rak
prior (a.) korbbi; subject to - sale
elads fenntartsval
priority (n.) accord/give - to sg/sy
vkinek/vminek ad; have/take -
over sy van vkivel szemben
proceed (v.) eljr; we shall - as directed uta-
stst szerint fogunk eljrni
proceeds (n.) (pl.) bevtel, hozam; the - have
been credted to your account a befolyt
sszeget szmljuk javra rtuk
process (v.) megmunkl, feldolgoz, kikszt;
brmunkt vgez
producer (n.)
profit (n.) nyeresg, haszon, profit; - margin
prospect (n.) kilts, business -
zleti kiltsok
provided (that) (conj.) feltve, hogy; azzal a fel-
ttellel, hogy
provisional (a.) ideiglenes
publicity (n.) hirdets, hrvers, reklmozs
purchase (n.) vsrls, vtel; bulk - nagybani
purpose (n.) cl, szndk; for the - of sg vmely
clbl; for customs -s vm cljaira; on -
szndkosan; answer the - megfelel a clnak
quality (n.) flesg, fajta; - certificate
bizonyitvny; - controVnspection
- requirements/specfica-
tons kvetelmnyek; average - t-
choice - legkvlbb
commercial - deviation of
- eltrs; low/poor - gyenge
sg; high-- goods ru; medium -
kzepes substandard - tlagon aluli
superior - kivl top -leg-
kivlbb the - is up to the standard

query (n.)
quotation (n.) 1. r, rfolyam
Uegyzs); 2. rajnlat; detai/ed - rszletes
rajnlat; competitive - versenykpes ra-
jnlat; inclusive - rajnlat minden kltsg-
et belertve; - without engagement ktele-
Dvny gnes: Angolul az irodban
zettsg nlkli rajnlat; submt a - rajnlatot
quote (v.) 1. rat megllapt, rajnlatot tesz; -
sy a price for sg rajnlatot tesz vkinek vmire;
2. hivatkozik vmire, idz vmit; - this number in
your reply please vlaszban szveskedjk
erre a szmra hivatkozni
raise L (n.) emels
raise IL (v.) emel; - the prices emeli az rakat
range (n.) vlasztk; ruflesg; - of patterns
mintakollekci; - of products cikkvlasztk; full
- of samples teljes mintakollekci
range (v.) vltozik, mozog, ingadozik; prices -
from ... to ... az rak ... s ... kztt ingadoznak
rate (n.) dj, fuvardj; ali-in - mindent tfog
(minden kltsget magba foglal) dj; current
- rvnyben djszabs; freight - fuvardj
(ttel); general cargo -s darabru-djszabs;
inclusive - mellkkltsgeket is magban
foglal r; G. V. (grande vitesse) - nagy se-
bessgi dj
raw material (n.) nyersanyag
ready (a.) ksz, elksztett; - for dispatch szll-
tsra ksz
reasonable (a.) 1. rtelmes, - ofter
ajnlat; 2. mrskelt, mltnyos; kel-
- price mltnyos r
rebate (fl.) 1. rengedmny, rabatt; quantity -
mennyisgi rabatt; allow/grant a - enged-
mnyt/rabattot ad; 2. visszafizets, visszat-
rts; freight - fuvardj-visszatrts, refakcia
receipt (n.) tvtel, kzhezvtel; acknowledge-
ment of - tvteli igazols; advice of - tvteli
rtests; on - of this lettere levl vtelekor
receive (v.) kap, elfogad; - goods rut tvesz; -
goods against order rendelsre rut kap; - in
payment fizets fejben kap; -d with thanks
ksznettel tvettk; your letter wll - our
immediate attention levelkkel ksedelem
nlkl foglalkozni fogunk
recommend (v.) ajnl, javasol, tancsol; your
firm has been -ed to us by Mr X X r ajnlotta
neknk cgket
recommendaton (n.) ajnls, javaslat; letter of-
ajnllevl; on/upon - of syvki ajnlsra
reduction (n.) cskkents, leszllts, mrsk-
ls; price - rleszllts
refer (v.) 1. cloz, utal, hivatkozik (to sg/sy
vmire/vkire; -ring to your letter hivatkozssal
levelkre; 2. utal, utast; for any information as
13. Sz- s (angol-magyar)
to our standing we - you to ... pnzgyi
val felvilgostsrt forduljon
... hez
referee (n.) referencit ad szemly
reference (n.) 1. utals, hivatkozs, megem-
lts; - number hivatkozsi szm; in/with - to
your letter levelvel kapcsolatban; please
ensure when replying that the above - is
given vlaszukban szveskedjenek a fenti
szmra hivatkozni; 2. felvilgosts, inform-
ci; bank -s bankreferencik; give sy as a -
hivatkozik vkire; givelsuppty -s referencikkal
szolgl; have good -s j referencikkal ren-
refund (v.) megfizet, visszafizet; - the expenses
megtrti a kltsgeket; - sy krtalant vkit
regard (n.) 1. szempont, tekintet, vonatkozs;
in/with - to sg vmit tekintettel vmire;
2. -s dvzlet; with kind -s szves dvzlettel
regret (v.) sajnl; we - to inform you sajnlattal
reimburse (v.) visszafizet, megtrt; - sy's
expenses megtrti vki kltsgeit
reject (v.) visszautast; - goods ru tvtelt
visszautastja; - an offer (an order, a com-
plaint) visszautast ajnlatot (rendelst,
rety (v.) (meg)bzik; (upon/on sy vkiben); you
may - on us szmthat rnk
reminder (n.) fizetsi felszlts;
(levl); letter of - levl
[rendels/fizets stb. srgetse]
remit (v.) tutal
remittance (n.) 1. tutals, utalvnyozs; 2.
(pnz)kldemny, tutalt sszeg
replacement (n.) helyettests, ptls, kicse-
rls; ru
represent (v.) kpvisel, megtestest; - a firm
egy cget kpvisel
reputation (n.) hrnv; be of bad - rossz
enjoy/have a high/good - j hre van
require (v.) megkvn, megkvetel, ignyel,
szksge van (sg vire); if -d szksg esetn
requirement (n.) kvnalom, kve-
telmny; meet/suit the -s kielgiti a kvetel-
research (n.) kutats, vizsglds; - and devel-
opment (R & D) kutats s fejleszts
reserve (v.) fenntart, tartalkol; - ali rights min-
den jogot fenntart
responsibility (n.) szavatossgi
ktelezettsg; accept/assume - for sg
sget vllal vmirt; bear - viseli a fele-
declineldisclaim - elhrtja a
sget; take the - of sg vllal
vmirt; without - on our part min-
den nlkl
resume (v.) folytat, jrakezd; - correspondence
with sy ismt levelezni kezd vkivel; - produc>-
tion jra termelni kezd
retain (v.) visszatart, - the possession
of the goods megtartja az rut
retum (n.) 1. visszatrs, visszarkezs;
visszaklds, visszajuttats; trts, viszon-
zs; by - (of) post postafordultval; -s (pl.)
haszon, hozam, hozadk, jvedelem, nyere-
sg, profit; annual-s vies jvedelem/bevtel
rise I. (n.) emelkeds, nvekeds; - in/of prices
rise II. (v.) emelkedik
risk (n.) kockzat; - covered fedezett kockzat;
at your - az nk veszlyre s kockzatra
rotation (n.) vlts, vltakozs; by/in - sorrend
sa/e (n.) elads, rtkests; -s (pl.) az eladott
rumennyisg; eladsok; ruforgalom; -s are
high jl fogy az ru
sample (n.) anyagminta, ruminta; be up to - a
mintval egyezik
satisfaction (n.) 1. kielgts, kiegyenlts; - of
a demand kereslet kielgtse; 2. megel-
geds; to the - of sy vki megelgedsre
schedule (n.) terv, temterv, temezs; produc>-
tion - a termels betemezse; tight - szoros

scheme (n.) terv, tervezet; vllalkozs
selection (n.) vlogats, kivlaszts, vlasztk;
- of models kollekci; great/richlvaried - nagy/
gazdag/vltozatos vlasztk; make one's -
sell (v.) elad, rust; elkel; goods - weil jl fogy
az ru
service (n.) szolgltats, kiszolgls; after-sa/e
- elads utni customer - gy-
flszolglat; delivery - hzhozszllts
settlement (n.) 1. rendezs, elintzs; megol-
ds; 2. kifizets, kiegyenlts [szml]; elsz-
mols; - of an account szmla kiegyenltse;
quarterly - negyedvenknti elszmols
shade (n.) rnyalat, szinezet
114 Dvny Agnes: Angolul az irodban
shipment (n.) 1. hajrakomny, szlltmny; 2.
hajba raks, behajzs; szllts; ready for-
behajzsra/beraksra/feladsra ksz; part -
rszszllts; regular - rendszeres szllts
short-ship (v.) hinyosan szllt
signature (n.) alrs; confirm by one's - al-
rsval present/submit for - be-
mutat alrs vgett
size (n.) mret, nagysg
slip (n) bizonylat, igazol szelvny; credit -
jvrsi szelvny/rtests
sole (a.) egyetlen, egyedli; - agency kizrla-
gos kpviselet; - agent/representative kizr-
lagos -Isingle trader (US) nll
(nem trsas v. rszvnytrsasgi alapon

specification (n.) rszletezs, rszletes lers;
darabjegyzk; specifikci; -s for delivery
szlltsi - of a contract
(pontokba foglalt) kiktsei; -s of
goods rujegyzk, specifikci, konszignci;
specify (v.) pontosan meghatroz; kikt; the
goOOs -ied belowaz alant rszletezett ruk
specimen (n ) minta, mintapldny
stand (n.) killthely, elrusthely [killtson]
standard (n.) 1. szabvny, norma, mrtk; 2. mi-
norma, up to (the)-
szabvny kvnt meet
severe quality -s megfelel a szigor

standing (n.) helyzet, llapot; j hrnv; credit-
hitelkpessg; financial- pnzgyi llapot
state (v.) kijelent, llt; megllapt
statement (n.) szmads, kimutats, jegyzk; -
of account folyszmla-kivonat
stipulate (v.) kikt, meglla-
podik; -d terms kikttt felttelek
stock (n.) kszlet, rukszlet, raktrkszlet;
carry -s rukszletet tart; supply from - rak-
trrl szllt; -s run out/-s are exhausted ki-
fagya kszlet/kimerl a kszlet
strapping (n.) pnt, szortlemez subject to sg
vminek kitett; vmi al
submit(v.) bemutat,
subsidiary (n.) fikvllalat, lenyvllalat
substantial (a.) lnyeges, jelentkeny
substantially (adv.) lnyegesen, jelentkenyen
suitable (a.)
supplier szllt,
supply I.(n.) ellts, beszerzs; szllts, szllitmny
supply 1I.(v.) ellt (sy with sg vkit vmivel); szllt (sg
to sy vmit vkinek); - from StDC/C raktrrl szllt
surveyor(n.) fellvizsgl, szemlsz
suspend (v.) felfggeszt, flbeszakt; megszn-
tet, beszntet; - paymentfizetst beszntet
take (took, taken) (v.) kapcsolatokban) -
advantage of sg kihasznl/ felhasznl vmit; -
account of 59 figyelembe vesz vmit; - action
talk (n.) beszlgets; -s trgyalsok
tally(v.) megfelel, egyezik
tariff (n.) djszabs
temporary(a.) ideiglenes, tmeneti
term (n.) 1. lejrat [vlt];
- of a contract teljestsi
hatrideje; rvnyessgi ideje; - of
delivery szlltsi - of payment
fizetsi on - 2. (ll. pl.
-s) felttelek, kiktsek; -s and conditions of
contract kiktsei s felttelei; -s of
credit hitelfelttelek; -s of delivery szlltsi
felttelek; -s of payment fizetsi felttelek; -s
of sa/e eladsi felttelek; -s of trade csere-
arnyok; favourable -s felttelek 3.
-s (pl.) fizetsi felttelek, r, djszabs; Please
quote us your best -s for delivery of krjk
tegye meg legalacsonyabb rajnlatt ... nek a "-.
testimonial (n.) igazolvny, igazols;
tighten (v.) megszort, megszigort; - controls
megszigortja a korltoz rendszablyokat
total I. (a.) sszes, teljes, egsz; - amount tel-
jes sszeg; - cost sszkltsg; - lass krl
vesztesg teljes sszege; - value teljes rtk;
- weight sszsly
total II. (v.) rg (to sg vmennyire); the amount
-s to f100 az sszeg 100 fontra rg
trade (n.) kereskedelem, ruforgalom; - agree-
ment rucsereforgalmi megllapods; - terms
kereskedelmi szokvnyok; fuvarparitsok; -
tumover kereskedelmi forgalom; - union szak-
szervezet; foreign - klkereskedelem; free -
zone szabadkereskedelmi vezet; domesticl
home/inlandl interiorlintemal - belkereske-
delem; retail - kiskereskedelem; who/essle -
nagykereskedelem; - allowanceldiscount vi-
szonteladknak nyjtott rengedmny
trader (n.) 1. singlelsole - (US) nl-
l (nem trsas v. rszvnytrsasgi alapon
13. Sz- s (ango/-magyar)
kusz; 3. kereskedelmi haj
transaction (n.) 1. lebonyolts, elintzs; - of
business zleti gyek intzse; 2. gylet,
zletkts, transakci; banking -s bankgy-
letek; business - kereskedelmi gylet
transfer (n.) tutals; bank - banktutals; maii
- levlbeli tutals; te/egraphie - tvrati tu-
, tals
triplieate (n.) harmadpldny; make out in -
hrom pldnyban llit ki
tumover (n.) zleti forgalom, ruforgalom; meg-
understand (v.) rt, megrt; we - that gy tud-
juk, hogy
understanding (n.) megllapods, megegyezs;
on the - that... azzal a felttellel,hogy; come
to an - with sy megllapodik vkivel
undue (a.) indokolatlan; - risk indolkolatlan koc-
un/oad (v.) !irak/lerak rakomnyt/terhet; - eargo
rakomnyt kirak [hajbl); - ship hajt kirak
unshrinkab/e (a.)
up (adv/a.) felfel, fent; magas(an) [rban, ter-
melsben stb.); receipts are - on those of /ast
year a bevtelek a tavalyihoz kpest emel
kedtek; - to sg a) valameddig - to
now v. - to this day mind a mai napig; --to-
date korszeru; --to-date information napra-
ksz informci; b) valameddig [rtkben);
vminek - to samp/e
a mintnak business is - az zleti/
gazdasgi let javul; the market is - again a
piac ismt megszilrdult
up-market (a.) - ame/es ignyes s
sznt rucikk
va/ue (n.) rtk; egyenrtk; - added rtknve-
keds; - added tax (rv. VAT) rtktbblet
ad (FA)
variation (n.) vltozs, ingadozs
verify(v.) igazol,
vesse/ (n.) haj, vizi
voyage (n.) (nagy) tengeri utazs
warehouse (n.) ruraktr, kzraktr
waterproof (a.) vzhatlan; - paeking vzll cso-
weight(n.) sly
who/esa/e (a.) nagybani, nagykereskedelmi
workmanship (n.) mestersgbeli tuds; kivitele
zs, kidolgozs; - of a produet a gyrtmny
kidolgozsa; good (poor) - j (gyenge) kivitel;
high-quality - osztly kivitel
wrap (v.) beburkol, becsomagol; - (up) in paper
papirosba csomagol
116 Dvny gnes: Angolul az irodban
adssg debt
ajnl recommend; X r -otta neknk cgket your
firm has been recommended to us by Mr X
ajnls recommendation; ajnllevl letter of
recommendation; vki -ra on/upon recom-
mendation of sy
ajnlat after, -ot tesz make an after,
-ot tesz after firm; nem - after on
approval, after without engagement;
-ot tesz after with time-limit, - bind-
ing after
ajnlatkrs inquiry; levl/etter of
akkreditv ld meghitelezs
alrs signature; -val confirm by
one's signature; bemutat - vgett presenU
submit for signature
alap basis; jutalkos -on on a commission
alkatrsz component
alkusz broker
lllpot 1. condition; az runak tkletes -ban
kell lennie goods must be in perfect condition;
2. Id helyzet; 3. standing; pnzgyi llapot
financial standing
llt state
alternatva ld
r price; -tartomny price range; netto - net
price; brutto - gross price; versenykpes -ak
competitive prices
rajnlat quotation; rszletes - detai/ed quota-
tion; versenykpes - competitive quotation; -
minden kltsget belertve inclusive quota-
tion; ktelezettsg nlkli - quotation without
engagement, -ot ad submit a quotation; -ot
tesz qoute; -ot tesz vkinek vmire quote sy a
price for sg
remelkeds increase in price
rengedmny 1. discount, price discount;
viszonteladi - trade discount, 2. rebate; -t ad
allow/grant a rebate; 3. allowance; 4. Id leszl-
rucikk item
ruforgalom ld forgalom
ruhz department store
rukszlet stock; -et tart carry stock
ruminta ld minta
ruraktr warehouse
tutal remit
tutals remittance; transfer, bank- bank transfer
tvesz 1. receive; rut - receive goods; ksz-
nettel tvettk received with thanks; 2. Id elfo-
tvtel receipt, -j igazols acknowledgement of
receipt, -i rtests advice of receipt, a levl
(t)vtelekor on receipt of this letter
azonnali immediate; - szllts immediate deliv-
ery; - fizets immediate payment
bankszolgltat(sok) banking facilities
becsls estimate
brmentests postage
beszntet suspend; fizetst - suspend payment
betart observe; a csomagolsi utastsokat
szigoran be kell tartani packing iristructions
must be strictly observed
betli trsasg limited partnership
bevlt (csekket) clear a cheque
bevtel proceeds
bizalmas confidential; - magngy private and
bizonytvny certificate; szrmazsi - certificate
of origin
bizonylat certificate; slip; biztostsi - insurance
biztos confident (vmiben of sg); -ak vagyunk
benne, hogy we are confident that
biztost 1. assure; -ja a szlltst assure deliv-
ery; -hatjuk. hogy gondosan fogjuk gyt
intzni we can assure you of our attention; 2.
cover, esetre -va van be covered
against fire; 3. insure; biztost vkit/vmit vm
ilyen kockzat esetre insure sy/sg against a
biztosts 1. cover, nylt/hatrozatlan szl
- open cover, 2. insurance; minden kockzat-
ra - insurance against ali risks; -i
gynksg insurance agency, -i krignyek
13. Sz- s (magyar-angol)
insurance claims; -i fedezet insurance cover;
-i ktvny insurance policy
bocsnatot kr apologize; a ksedelemrt bocs-
natoVelnzst krnk we ap%gize for the de/ay
extend; -i a hitelkeretet extend the credit,
-i vmi piact extend the market for sg
cg firm
cl purpose; vmely clbl for the purpose of sg;
vm -jaira for customs purpose; megfelel a
-nak answer the purpose
cmzett [rukldemny] consignee
csatol attach (to sg vmihez); -tan megkldjk
please find attaehed
csere exchange; ru- exchange of goods;
tapasztalat- exchange of experiences
cskken decline; az rak cskkennek/esnek
prices are declining
cskkents ld leszllts
csomagol pack
csomagol wrap; paprosba - wrap (up) in paper
csomagols packing; -i utastsok packing in-
devalvci ld lertkels
dj 1. (biztostsi) premium; 2. (fuvar) rate; min-
den kltsget magba foglal - ali-in rate;
fuvar- freight rate; rvnyben -szabs
current rate; 3. tarift
dnts decision
egyenleg ba/ance; az nk terhre mutatkoz
- ba/ance at your debit; -tvitel ba/ance car-
ried forward; az nk javra mutatkoz - ba/-
ance in your favour
egyezmny ld megllapods
elad sell
elads sa/e
eleget tesz (vminek) comp/y (with sg)
elfogad accept; ajnlatot - accept an ofter/ take
advantage of the ofter; vltt (intzvnyt) -
accept a bill (draft);
elfogadhat acceptable; - r (fizetsi felttelek)
acceptable price (terms)
elhalaszt defer; fizetst elhalaszt defer payment
elhalaszts postponement
elhatrozs ld dnts
elintzs attention; -t nyer receive attention
elismer acknow/edge; tartozst - acknow/edge
a debt
elismer ld elfogad
eljr proceed; utasts szerint fogunk eljrni we
shall proceed as directed
elktelezett committed
ellt supp/y (vkit vmivel sy with sg)
ellenszolgltats ld krtrts
elnzst kr ld bocsnatot kr
elnk chairman, president
precondition; az azonnali szllts
megrendelsnk -e prompt shipment is a pre-
condition to our order
instruction; csomagolsi -ok packing
instructions; ld specifikci
advantage; vki to sy's
in advance
elrendezs adjustment, reklamcik/panaszok
rendezse adjustment of c/aims/comp/aints
elszmols settlement, negyedvenknti -
quater/y sett/ement
emel increase; raise; -i az rat increase!raise
the price
emels raise
emelkeds rise; r- rise in/of prices
emelkedik rise
(levl) reminder; ld fizets
engedmny ld rengedmny
inquire; - vmi/vki inquire about
rntkezsbe lp vkivellvmivel contact sy/sg
rtk va/ue; -tbbletad va/ue added tax (rv.
rtkests ld elads
rtest 1. advise; - az ru
advise of the arriva/; krem -sen telexen
please advise us by te/ex; 2. notify
rtests advice; notice; az ru
szl - advice of arriva/; inkassz- - advice of
collection; - az akkreditv megnyitsrl
advice of tetter of credit, - az ru feladsrl
advice of dispatch of goods; tovbbi -ig unti!
further notice; rsbeli - notice in writing;
kln - nlkl without further notice;
- nlkl without (previous) notice
esedkessg ld lejrat
vi annua/; - elszmols annua/ account, - for-
galam annual turnover; - jvedelem/bevtel
annual returns
felads dispatch; az ru -a/elszlltsa dispatch
liable (vmirt for sg)
1. liability; korltolt - limited liability;
2. responsibility; -et vllal vmirt accept/
assume responsibility for sg v. take the
responsibility of sg; viseli a -et bear responsi-
bility; elhrtja a -et decline responsibility;
minden - nlkl without responsi-
bility on our part
felfggeszt suspend
felmonds notice
felttel condition; terms (pl.); a
rgztett -ek conditions laid down in the con-
tract, az akkreditv -ei conditions of a letter of
credit, ltalnos szlltsi -ek general condi-
tions of carriage; a -ek szerint in accordance
with the conditions; azzal a -lel, hogyan con-
dition that; kiktsei s felttelei
terms and conditions of contract, hitel-ek
terms of credit, szlltsi -ek terms of delivery,
fizetsi -ek terms of payment, eladsi -ek
terms of sale; -ek favourable terms
fellvizsgl surveyor
felvesz (pnzt) draw; bankbl pnzt vesz fel
draw money from the bank; meghitelezsre
pnzt vesz fel draw against an UG; csekk
sszegt -i draw a cheque
fenntart ld tart 1.; reserve; minden jogot -
reserve ali rights
figyelem attention; X r figyelmbe for the atten-
tion of Mr X; felhvjuk figyelmket arra a
tnyre, hogy we would like to draw your atten-
tion to the fact that, ksznjk figyeimt thank
you for your attention
fikiroda branch office
fikvllalat subsidiary
fizet ld kifizet
owing (vkinek to sy)
fizets payment, - meghitelezssel payment
against/by letter of credit, - csekkel payment
by cheque; - szmla ellenben payment on
receipt of invoice; -j felttelek terms of pay-
ment, rsz- part shipment, -i felszlts re-
minder; letter of reminder
folyszmla ld szmla
folyszmla-kivonat statement of account
Dvny gnes: Ango/u/ az irodban
folytat carry on; trgyalsokat - carry on negoti-
forgalom turnover
fuvardj 1. carriage; - utnvtelezve carriage
forward; - kln felszmtva carriage extra; -
fizetve/brmentve carriage paid; 2. freight,
-ttelek/szabs freight rates/tariffs; 3. rate; ld
dj (2)
fuvarlevl (lgi) air waybill
fuvaroz carry, - vllalat carrying company, ld
fuvarozs carriage; ltalnos -i felttelek gen-
eral conditions of carriage; ld szllts
gondoskodik arrange for sg
gyrt manufacture
gyrt manufacturer
gyrhetetlen unshrinkable
haj vessel
hajkr average; klns - particular average;
klns - kizrsval free of/from particular
hajraklevl bill of lading
hajrakomny ld szlltmny
hlzat network; gynki - network of agents
hanyagsg negligence
harmadpldny triplicate
haszon ld
haszon 1. profit, retums (pl.) -kulcs profit margin
haszon; 2. Id
term; teljestsi hatrideje
term of a contract; fizetsi - term of payment,
-re on term
helyettests replacement
helyisg premises (pl.)
helyzet position; pnzgyi - financial position
hiba blemish
hibs faulty; - tervezs faulty design; hibs/
helytelen csomagols faulty packing
hirdets advertisement, publicity
hrnv reputation; rossz -/hre van be of bad
reputation; j -e/hre van enjoy/have a high/
good reputation
hrvers publicity
hitel credit, okmnyos meghitelezs documen-
tary credit, hossz lejrat - long-term credit,
rvid lejrat - short-term credit, -gylet credit
de9ling; -kpessg credit-worthiness; -t nyjt
vkinek give/grant/open sy a credit
hiteleszkzk credit facilities
hitellevlld meghitelezs
13. Sz- s kifejezsgyjtemny (magyar-angol)
hitelszavatossg del credere
hivatkozs reference; -i szm refence number
hivatkozik refer (vmire/vkire to sy/sg)
hozam ld bevtel, haszon
ld csatol
ideiglenes provisional; temporary
igazgat 1. director, vezrigazgat general
director, - managing director, 2.
manager; vezr- general manager
igazol 1. confirm; -juk levelnket! tele-
fonbeszlgetsnket we contirm our letter! our
telephone conversation; 2. verify
igazol szelvny slip
inflci inflation
ingadozs f1uctuation; piaci (r)-ok market f1uc-
tuations; r- f1uctuation in prices; r-nak van
kitve be subject to price f1uctuation
ingadozik range; az rak s ... kztt inga-
doznak prices range from to...
ingyen free; -minta free sample; -es hz-
hozszllts free delivery
inkassz col/ection; okmnyos - documentary
intzkeds(ek) arrangements (lt. pl.); -et tesz
make arrangements
jogi legal; - tancs legal advice
jogilag legal/y, - legally binding
jogos legal; - kvetels legal claim
jvr credit; vki javra jvr egy sszeget
credit an amount to a person
jutalk commission; -os gynk commission
agent, vmi utn jr - commission on sg;
eladsi/forgalmi - sales/sel/ing commission
kampny campaign; hirdetsi - advertising/
publicity campaign; hirdetsi -t indt mount an
advertising campaign
kap receive; rendelsre rut - receive goods
against order; fizets fejben - receive in pay-
ment; ld. tvesz
kapcsolat dealings (pl.); zleti kapcsolatban ll
vkivel have dealings with sy
karbantarts maintenance
krigny e/aim, e/aim for damages; -t
lap e/aim form; fenntartja a -t maintain the
e/aim for damages
krtalant refund (vkit sy)
krtrts compensation
katalgus cata/ogue
knyelmetlensg inconvenience
knyszert compel
kpvisel represent, egy cget - represent a tirm
kpviselet ld gynksg
ld gynk
inquiry form
krs appeal
kereskedelem trade; kereskedelmi szokvnyok
trade terms; kereskedelmi forgalom trade
turnover; kl- foreign trade; bel- domes-
tic/home/inland/interior/internal trade; kis-
retai! trade; nagy- who/esale trade
kereskedik 1. deal (vmivel in sg); dealer in sg;
2. do business
kereslet demand; lnk - active/brisk/ heavy/
keen/lively/strong demand; -et kielgt meet a
krvnyapplication; application form
ksedelem delay, szlltsi - delay in delivery;
- nlkl/azonnal without delay
ksedelmes overdue; - szllts overdue delivery
ksleltet delay
ksz ready, szlltsra - ready for dispatch
kszpnz cash; -ben okmnyok ellenben/ ok-
mnyos inkassz cash against documents;
lejratkor (-ben) cash at maturity,
leszllts ellt -ben cash before
delivery; -fizetsi engedmny cash discount,
-fizets az ru megrkezsekor cash on
arrival; -r cash price; megrendelskor -ben
fizetend cash with order; -es alapon on cash
kezeskedik ld szavatol
kzhezvtel ld tvtel
killt 1. (rut) display, 2. (csekket, vltt); vki
ltra szl vltt llt ki a szmla sszegrl
draw on sy at sight for the invoice amount
killts exhibition; nemzetkzi - international
killthely stand
kiegyenlt adjust, szmlt kiegyenlt adjust an
kiegyenlts 1. Id elrendezs; 2. sett/ement, a
szmla -e settlement of an account
kifizet 1. (szmlt) ld kiegyenlt; 2. clear; 3. hon-
our, 4. pay
kifizetetlen outstanding; - szmlk outstanding
accounts; - sszeg outstanding amount
kikt stipulate; -tt felttelek stipulated terms
port; kirakod - port of discharge
kilts prospect, zleti -ok business prospects
kinevezs ld megbzs
kirak unIoad; rakomnyt - unload cargo; hajt -
unload ship
kitesz (sszeget) amount to sg ; a szmla 100
fontot tesz kil szmla sszege 100 font the
invoice amounts to f100
kivet impose (vmit vkire sg on sy); vmot vet ki
vmire impose duty on sg
kivitel(ezs) workmanship; j (gyenge) - good
(poor) workmanship; osztly - high-
quality workmanship
kockzat risk; fedezett - risk covered; az nk
veszlyre s -ra at your risk
kltsg cost, charge; kzbestsi - delivery
charge; szlltmnyozsi -ek forwarding
kltsgmentes free; -en a haj oldala mell
szlltva free alongside ship (rv. f.a.s.); -en
hajba rakva free on board (rv. f.o.b.)
konstrukci design; divatos - fashionable design
konszignci consignment note
knyvels accounting; -i hiba accounting error
knyvvitel ld knyvels
korltolt limited; - trsasg limited
(liability) company; - hitellimited credit
krlevl circular
ktelezettsg 1. liability; pnzbeli -ek liabilities
(pl.); -nek eleget tesz meet one's Jiabilities;
2. obJigation; eleget tesz (fizetsi) -einek meet
one's obligations
ktvny (biztostsi) policy
kvetels 1. elaim; -sel lp fel vkivel szemben
lodge a elaim against sy; 2. debt
kvetelmny requirement, kielgti a -eket
meet/suit the requirements
kld (levelet intz vkihez) address a letter to sy
kldemny consignment
kutats research; - s fejleszts research and
develpment (R & D)
lenyvllalat ld fikvllalat
lertkels devaluation
lgmentes airtight
1. (vlasztsi) alternative; nincs ms
mint there is no alternative but, 2.
faciJity; szlltsi facili-
ties of transport
lejrat 1. expiration, expiry, -i expiration
date; -kor at the time ofv. onlupon expiration;
Dvny Agnes: Angolul az irodban
2. maturity; -kor at/on maturity; -i nap
date/day of maturity
leszllts reduction; r- price reduction
levelez correspond (vkivel with sy)
levlvlts exchange of letters
levon deduct, kltsgek levonsval charges
msodpldny dupJicate
megllapt state
megllapods agreement, contract, hossz-tv
- long-term contract; ld megegyezs
megllapodik (vkivel) ld megegyezik (vkivel)
megbzs appointment, gynki - appointment
of an agent
megbzik rely (vkiben uponlon sy)
megegyezs agreement; klcsns mege-
gyezssel by mutual agreement; ld megl-
megegyezik 1. (vkivel) arrive at (come to) an
agreement, 2. (vmivel) correspond (withlto
sg); (meg)egyezik a mintval correspond
withlto sample
megfontol consider; javaslatukat alaposan
-tuk we have carefully considered your pro-
meghitelezs letter of credit, okmnyos - docu-
mentary letter of credit, visszavonhatatlan -
irrevocable letter of credit, visszavonhat -
revocable letter of credit; -t nyit issue aletter
of credit; -t visszavon revokelwithdraw aletter
of credit
meghosszabbt extend; a fizetsi -ja
extend the time of payment
megkvetel require
approximate; - rtk approximate
megnyit open; szmlt - vmely banknl open
an account with a bank; hiteltlakkredilvet - vki
javra egy banknl open credit in sy's favour
with a bank
megrendel ld rendel
megrendels ld rendels
megszerez obtain
megszntet discontinue; a cikk gyrtst
megszntettk this line has been discontinued
megterhel debit; -tk szmljukat 20 fonttal we
have debited your account with f20
megvizsgl 1. investigate; krjk, vizsgljk
meg az gyet s kzljk az eredmnyt
13. Sz- s (magyar-angol)
please investigate the matter and inform us of
the result, 2. inspect
mellkel ene/ose (with sg vmihez); -ve meg-
kldm please find ene/osed
mellklet enclosure
mltnyos reasonable; - r reasonable price
ld bocsnatot kr
mentes exempt, kltsgmentesen exempt from
mret size
mrlegelld megfontol
quality, gyenge -u aru low-grade
goods; szabvny- standard quality/grade;
the quality is up to the
standard; legjobb - top quality/grade; -j
bizonytvny quality certificate; -vizsglat
quality control/inspection; tlag- average
quality; szokvny- commercial quality, -i
eltrs deviation of quality;
minta sample. specimen
mintakollekci assortment of samples; range of
pattems; teljes - full range of samples
mintapldny ld minta
nagy ttelben in bulk
nagybani wholesale
nedvessgll damp-resisting
nvel ld emel
nyeresg ld haszon
nyersanyag raw material
nylt open; - szmla open account
nyugtz acknowledge (the) receipt
nyjt grant, hitelt - grant credit
okmny document, ruokmnyok vlt elfo-
gadsa ellenben (szolgltatandk ki) docu-
ments against acceptance (rv. D/A); ruok-
mnyok fizets ellenben (szolgltatandk ki)
documents against payment (rv. O/P)
okmnyos documentary; - inkassz documen-
tary collection; okmnyos meghitelezs docu-
mentary credit
ssz- total; sszkltsg total cost, sszsly total
osztly department, kereskedelmi - commercial
manager, a propaganda osztly
advertising manager, a kereskedelmi
osztly commercial manager; a
beszerzsi osztly purchasing man-
ager, az eladsi osztly sales man-
panaszkodik (vmire) complain (of sg)
pnzegysg currency
pnznem currency
pereskeds litigation
piac market
port ld brmentests
postafordultval by retum (of) post
ptls ld helyettests
profit ld haszon
rakodik load; rakodsra ksz ready to load;
rakodsi loading date
rakomny 1. cargo; -tr cargo space; 2. freight,
teher- freight cargo
referencia reference; bankreferencik bank ref-
erences; -kkal szolgl give/supply refer-
ences; j -kkal rendelkezik have good refer-
reklm ld hirdets
reklaml (vmit) complain (of/about sg)
reklmcdula leaf/et
reklmozs ld hrvers
rendel order, azonnali szlltsra - order for
immediate/prompt delivery; raktrrl - order
from stock; rendszeresen - order on a regular
rendels order, - minta szerint as per sample;
tbb -t nem tud vllalni have a full order book;
megrendelsi order form; -i szm order
number; advance order, nagybani - bulk
order, - visszaigazolsa confirmation of an
order, - teljestse execution of an order,
megrendels first order, ismtelt - repeat
order, rendszeres - regular order, -t elfogad
accept an order, -t visszavon cancel an order;
-t visszaigazol confirm an order, (meg)-t ad
egy cgnek place an order with a firm for sg
rendelkezs disposal; vki -re ll at sis dis-
posal; -re llok I am at your disposal
rendeltetsi hely destination
rszlet(fizets) instalment, -re by instalment
rszszllts part shipment
rszvnytrsasg incorporated (rv. Inc. US.)
sajnl regret
segt ld tmogat
srlt be damaged; - ru damaged goods;
slyosan (kiss) - badly (slightly) damaged
specifikci specifications of the goods
ld szlltmnyoz
sly weight
szabvrry standard; - up to (the) standard
szakma line; line of business; special line;
ugyanabban a szakmban dolgozik be in the
same line of business
szllt forward; deliver, ship; hinyosan - short-
ship; ld fuvaroz
szllts 1. Id fuvarozs; 2. delivery; -i hatri-
date of/time of delivery; 3. shipment, rsz-
part shipment, rendszeres - regular ship-
ment, 4. "nyitva" - send goods on open ac-
szlltmny consignment, shipment
szlltmnyozs forwarding; -i vllalat forward-
ing agency/company/firm
szlltmnyoz forwarding agent
szllt suppler
szmads statement
szmt count (vkire/vmire on/upon sy/sg)
szmla 1. account [zleti knyvben); -egyenleg
account balance; bank-, foly- bank(ing)
account, -nk teljes kiegyenltsl in full set-
tlement of our account; nyitotUnylt - open
account, kifizetetlen -k outstanding accounts;
-t kiegyenlt settle an account, 2. invoice;
kereskedelmi - commercial invoice; szmlnk
egyenltsl in settlement of our invoice; a -
bemutatsakor payable on presenta-
tion of the invice; pro-forma invoice; -t
kifizet settle an invoice
szmvitel ld knyvels
szavatol gurantee; -t vmi ellen fully
guaranteed against
szzalk percentage
szerint as per
ld megllapods
szntart colourfast
sztornroz ld visszavon
szksge van require
tmogat assist
tancs board; igazgat- board of directors
tancsol advise; X r -ta, hogy vegyk fel
nnel a kapcsolatot Mr X has advised us to
contact you
trgyals negotiation; talk(s) (lt. pl.) megszakt-
ja a -okat break off negotiations; -okat folytat
carry on/conduct negotiations; -okat kezd
commence/open/start negotiations v. enter
into/upon negotiations
trsasg company, association; (trsasviszony)
partnership; -i partnership contract,
kzkereseti - general/ordinary partnership
Dvny Agnes: Angolul az irodban
trsul contract a partnership with sy v. enter/go
inte pamership with sy
tart 1. maintain; szmlt - egy banknl maintain
an account with a bank; -ja az rat maintain
the price; j kapcsolatokat - fenn maintain
good connections; 2. meet, meg-ja a
meet the date
tartozs ld adssg
teherhaj freighter
teljest 1. execute; rendelst - execute an
order, 2. fulfil; feltteleket - fulfil conditions
tervezet draft; draft of a contract,
tmegru bulk
trs breakage; -i kockzat risk of breakage
tovbbt forward; -and please forward
dvzlet regards (pl.); szves -tel with kind
gyfl clent; customer
gyflszolglat customer service
gylet transaction; bank- banking transaction;
kereskedelmi - business transaction
gynk agent, broker, factor, kereskedelmi -
commercial agent, jutalkra dolgoz - com-
mission agent, jtllsi alapon dolgoz - del
credere agent, kizrlagos - exdusive/sole
agent; helyi - local agent, eladsi - sales/sell-
ing agent, -t nevez ki appoint an agent
gynksg agency, kizrlagos - /kpviselet
sole agency, jtllsi alapon dolgoz -/
delkredere- - agency on del credere basis
jrakezd resume; jra levelezni kezd vkivel
resume correspondence with sy, jra termelni
kezd resume production
utnvt cash on delivery (rv. C.DD.)
temezs schedule; a termels -e production
temterv ld temezs
zletg branch of business
vlaszts choice; nincs ms -unk, mint we have
no choice but
vlasztk assortment, range; selection; cikk -
range of products; nagy - great selection
vllal carry; -jaIviseli a kltsgeket carry costs;
kockzatot - carry a risk
vlt 1. bill of exchange; 2. draft; bankvlt
l:Jank(er's) draft
vltozs variation
valuta currency
13. Sz- s (magyar-angol)
vm customs (pl.); -hatsg customs authority,
-kezels customs clearance; -ru-nyilatkozat
customs declaration
vm6rizetben bonded
vr (elvr) anticipate, expect, look forward to;
azonnali vlaszra -unk we anticipate a
prompt reply, vlaszukat -va in anticipation of
your early reply, vlaszukat -juk we expect
your reply, vlaszukat -va looking forward to
your answer
vrakozs 1. anticipation; - ellenre contrary to
anticipation; 2. expectation; -on fell beyond
expectation; - ellenre contrary to expec-
tation; megfelel a -nak answer/meet (come
up to) expectations
vsrls purchase; nagybani - bulk purchase
vdjegy trade mark
verseny competition; -kpes be able to meet
competition; felvesz a -t face/meet compe-
versenykpes competitive; - r competitive
vesztesg loss
visel (kltsget) ld vllal
vissszatart retain
visszafizet refund, reimburse; -ilvisszatrti a
kltsgeket refund/reimburse the expenses
visszaigazol [levelet, rendelst, stb.] ld elismer,
visszaigazols confirmation; rendels -a confir-
mation of order, (vissza)igazol levl letter of
visszautast 1. decline; ajnlatot - decline an
ofter, 2. reject, az ru tvtelt -ja reject
goods; - ajnlatot (rendelst, panaszt) reject
an ofter (an order, a complaint)
visszavon cancel; rendelst - cancel an order
visszavons cancellation; az ajnlatot -ig fenn-
tartjuk the ofter is open untl cancelled
vzhatlan waterproof, - csomagols waterproof
Dvny Agnes: Angolul az irodban
account (banking)
a.r.; NR
ali risks
minden kockzatra
lgi fuvarlevl
banker's draft
Bill of Exchange
Bill of Lading
Bills of Lading
cash against documents
kszpnz okmnyok ellenben
carbon copy
cost and freight
ktsg s szllts
cost, insurance
kltsg, biztosts s szllts
and freight
carriage, insurance
fuvardj, szllts
paid to
s biztosts fizetve
carriage paid
fuvardj fizetve
cash on delivery
cash with order
documents against
okmnyok elfogadsa ellenben
delivered at frontier
clorszg hatrig szlltva
delivered duty paid
vmolsi s szlltsi kltsg,
amig az ru el nem jut a
Oebit Note
terhelsi rtests
Oeferred Payment
rszletfizets v. utlagos fizets
dIs; O/S
(at)... day's sight;
lttl. .. napra
...days after sight
European Union
Eurpai ni
Free Alongside Ship
kltsgmentesen a haj
14. Rvidtsek
Free on Board
kltsgmentesen a
Free on Quay
kltsgmentesen rakpartra tve
Free on Rail
kltsgmentesen vagonba rakva
free of particular
a biztost klns
hajkrt nem trt
grande vitesse (fr)
bejegyzett (cg) (US)
Letter of Credit
kereskedelmi hitellevl
korltolt trsasg)
motor vessel
motoros haj
Public Limited Company
P.O. Box
Post Office Box
per pro - on behaIf of
postage and packing
brmentests s
csomagolsi kltsg
please tum over
with reference to
rpondez s'il vous
vlaszt krjk
plait - please reply

Value Added Tax
rtknvekedsi ad
with particular average
klns hajkrt belertve
126 Dvny Agnes: Angolul az irodban
A Handbook of Commercial Correspondence
Oxford University Press 1992
A Guide to Business in English (Kereskedelmi ismeretek angol nyelven)
KIT Kft s KVIF 1992
Levelezs s kapcsolattarts az zleti letben angol nyelven
Novotrade Kiad Kft. - Prentice Hall International 1992
English Business Letters
Longman 1990
Business Letters for Ali
Oxford University Press 1991
Angol n y e l v levelezs
OTK 1991
Englisch fr Kaufleute
Langenscheidt KG 1991
Commercial Communication
Longman 1991
Angol - magyar klkereskedelmi sztr
Kzgazdasgi s Jogi Knyvkiad 1986
Nyomtatta s kttte a Kaposvri Nyomda Kft. - 141028
F e l e l s v e z e t : Mike Ferenc

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