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A HISTORY OF THE KERALA SCHOOL OF HINDU ASTRONOMY {IN PERSPECTIVE) By K. Y. SARMA VISH VESHVARANAND INSTITUTE HOSHIARPUR’ 1972 While mathematical and @stronomical studies suffered @ setback in North India from the 13th century, such studies conti- nued uninterrupted in pockets like Kerala, in the south, far removed from the vortex of politi- eal and other tribulations: A Proper evaluation of these investi- gations anda full account of the literature thereof has, all along, been a desideratum. The present History of the Kerala School of Hindu Astronomy attempts to depict, in pers- pective, the contribution of Kerala to mathematics and astronomy, in six chapters devoted, respece tively, to : I, Some salient features of Kerala astronomy; Il, Antle elpation .of modern mathematical discoveries by Kerala astronomers ; IM. Major trends in Kerala Jyotisa: IV. Kerala astronomers ; V. Bibliography of Kerala Jyotisa and VI, Bibliography of Kerala- based Jyotisa. Of particular interest herein are ch, II, demonstrating the anticipation of several modern theorms, ch. IV, giving details of the lives and works of about eighty astronomers, and ch. V, identifying as many as 752 works and 111 authors, with full documentation such as manuscripts of the works, dates of authors and works, earlier writings and indication of the contents of the texts, It is to be hoped that the ptesent History will provide historians of mathematics with a fair idea of the contribution of Kerala to Hindu astronomy. Price: Rs, 20 sarees: — Reaarg: Gen, Editor — VISHVA BANDHU hywustu-es Phone :23808 Vishveshvaranand Book Agency farasatiaee GeaH AVSIT PUBLISHERS & BOOKSELLERS ns ~ fa .0. Sadhu Ashram, HOSHIARPUR- 146021 Se ra ee Freee erga, gleenege (re, wes) ToShe Arun Ke Upadhyay, IPS, 9, Cantonment Road, butkeck= 753 001+ pit No. &_ 9385 dae 3-11-2000 i Order No. Letter Date 7+ 11-2000 PARTICULARS Qnty. A History of Kerala schoolof 1 “Hindu Astronomy Ksudrakalpasutra 1 00 Bhasikasutra 1 00 00 Less 10% | 00 00 | 00 Charges 115 | 00 ane deage fe. &. ah. t. gaTE! antao Fagaa gaTes veTeaT Printed and published by DEVA DATTA, Shastri at the V.V.R.I. PRESS, Hoshiarpur (Pb., India) a a

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