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IT404.NET Advanced VB.NET Project


Name/s: Lim, Ma. Carmen N. Address: 37 Padua St. BFRV LPC, M.M. Student No.: 0000 - 7999 Lecturer: Sir Rudrian Riener Parias Center: 0535 Country: Republic of the Philippines 0535 - 0000 7999 (I-DIT)

IT404.NET Advanced VB.NET Project TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTERI: Introduction CHAPTER II: Analysis & Design 2.1 Description of Current System 2.2 Narrative and requirement specification for new system 2.3 Interface Design 2.4 Procedural Design 2.5 Input/ Output Screen Design CHAPTER III: Development & Testing 3.1 Program Listing pp 24-29 pp 30-35 pp 35-40 p4 p5 pp 6-8 pp 9-14 pp 15-23 p3

3.2 ASP usage with complete Web Application 3.3 ADO usage with web application

3.4 Meaningful object names and standard naming convention - pp 41-42 3.6 Web Application Validation
3.7 Test Plan 3.8 Test Cases 3.9 Test Logs CHAPTER IV: Implementation 4.1 User Manual CHAPTER V: Conclusion ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS pp 64-72 p 73 p 74 0535 - 0000 7999 (I-DIT) pp 43-47 p 48 pp 49-62 p 63

IT404.NET Advanced VB.NET Project CHAPTERI: INTRODUCTION A hobby shop named 2Rats for the Brats is a venture which devotes to distributing anime and toy collectibles to every enthusiast nationwide. Initially, the shop was founded years ago due to the owners fascination in collectible items in general and wishes to share his passion to other hobbyists as well. Now that the shop has gained enough visibility they have already established various shops in distinct areas around the metro manila which are accessible to the mass majority. To be precise, their merchandise is a multitude of mainly anime products, collectors item toys and other miscellaneous things such as comic books and trading cards. The shop aims to be a mogul in their line of trade through marketing hard to find or limited edition anime and toy products as well as common items which they offer for a reasonable price. Due to the shops dedication and long-term commitment in meeting their customers demands they have gained much recognition and respect from a wide crowd of shoppers. Since 2rats for the Brats wishes to gratify their valued clients all the more, they started an online storefront in which makes their catalogue of products easier to browse and purchased by buyers which they can interact with anytime using the network medium.

0535 - 0000 7999 (I-DIT)

IT404.NET Advanced VB.NET Project CHAPTER II: ANALYSIS & DESIGN 2.1 Description of Current System It has been made clear to readers that 2Rats for the Brats hobby shop capitalizes on distributing anime and toy collectibles which aims to make it easier for enthusiasts to fuel their interest. Throughout the shops success they decided to satisfy more customers by launching an ecommerce site in, which is a web page that supports merchants with their marketplace feature. Having an online shop in multiply is beneficial but it was originally a blog site which only focuses on content sharing and has less emphasis on marketing factor of cyberspace. It lacks web tools such as order forms and shopping cart essential for buyers to make purchases. They instead have to connect with their clients through comment boxes, contact numbers and email so they can make negotiations. Although having an online shop in is manageable it is hard to make the sites design more attractive to buyers with their layout editing tools which only provides drab web appearance templates. 2Rats for the brats would like to solve that issue and make it easier to make transactions with their clients whilst making their storefront much presentable and livelier to attract more buyers. They need not to be in despair, there is ASP.Net web 0535 - 0000 7999 (I-DIT) development language that applies the rules of Visual Basic.Net for their desired web applications which can be implemented to a new badass storefront that will be design using HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) and CSS (Cascading Style Sheets).

IT404.NET Advanced VB.NET Project 2.2 Narrative and requirement specification for new system 2Rats for the Brats Hobby shop has now subjected their ecommerce site under reconstruction. They agreed to take the ASP.Net in Visual Basic.Net that works with HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) and CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) to materialize their desired web page. To be able to begin the development phase of their exclusive E-commerce Website, the programmer would have to procure certain system requirements.
Software Requirements Microsoft Visual Studio 2008/ 2010 Express Edition (Freeware) Xampp Control Installer (Freeware) Mozilla Fire Fox 1 +

Hardware Requirements Central Processing Unit Hi-Res Monitor keyboard Windows XP Home/ Professional Minimum Pentium 233-megahertz (MHz) processor 64 MB RAM 1.5 gigabytes (GB) HDD Recommended Pentium 300-megahertz (MHz) processor 128 MB RAM 1.5 gigabytes (GB) HDD Mouse PowerBox

USB Port/ CD Rom DVD Drive Windows 7 Recommended

1 gigahertz (GHz) or faster 32-bit (x86) or 64-bit (x64) processor 1 gigabyte (GB) RAM (32-bit) or 2 GB RAM (64-bit) 16 GB hard disk space (32-bit) or 20 GB (64-bit) DirectX 9 graphics device with WDDM 1.0 or higher

Super VGA (800 x 600)

Super VGA (800 x 600)

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IT404.NET Advanced VB.NET Project 2.3 Interface Design This section of the documentation will exhibit screen dumps specifically of web applications than the HTML and CSS layout. Basically, the design view of the applications was expressed here. Since the web site is database-dependent a data dictionary basing on MS Access 2003 will be attached together with the screendumps. Default.aspx (Main Page: Guest Book)

reg.aspx (Registration Form)

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IT404.NET Advanced VB.NET Project login.aspx (User Log In Form)

prods.aspx (buy and add to cart command buttons)

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IT404.NET Advanced VB.NET Project order.aspx (Registration Form)

ViewCart.aspx (View Shopping Cart Page)

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IT404.NET Advanced VB.NET Project 2.4 Procedural Design 2.4.a Program Flowcharts Default.aspx (Comment Box)

Enter a ChatID & Email Address then Type In a comment on the fields required.

Button Pressed ?

Clear Button Pressed.

txtChatID.Text = txtComment.Text=

Send Button Pressed.

An OledbCommand will execute an SQL syntax which inserts the ChatID, Email, & Comment values into the GBuk table of DB.mdb of 2Rats Website.

Browse or EXIT 2Rats Webpage?




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IT404.NET Advanced VB.NET Project reg.aspx (Registration Page)


Set a Username & Password then key in first name, middle initial, lastname, birthday, gender and email.

Button Pressed ?

Submit Button

An OledbCommand will execute an SQL syntax which inserts the Username, Password, Fullname, birthday, age, gender, email values into the SignUp table of DB.mdb of 2Rats Website. A message box will inform the user that registration was completed then redirects to login.aspx screen.

A:links or Close Window [x] button Pressed


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IT404.NET Advanced VB.NET Project login.aspx (User Login Page)



Enter A Username & Password.

Button Pressed ?

Log In Button

Is username and Password correct?

MsgBox (Access Denied Register First) Response.Redir ect(reg.aspx)

A:links or Close Window [x] button Pressed
An OledbCommand will execute an SQL syntax which selects the Username, Password, from SignUp table of DB.mdb of 2Rats Website. Then redirects to Prods.aspx



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IT404.NET Advanced VB.NET Project Prods.aspx (Products Catalogue Page) C/11 E/12

Buy Button

Button Pressed ?

Add To Cart Button

Response.redirect (order.aspx)

A:links or Close Window [x] button Pressed

An OledbCommand will execute an SQL syntax which Inserts a selected products code, name and price values INTO Cart table of DB.mdb of 2Rats Website.



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IT404.NET Advanced VB.NET Project order.aspx(Order Form Page)

D/12 E/12

Supply personal information details particularly FirstName, LastName, Middle Initial, Home Address, Zip Code, & landline THEN Select an Item. From the product codes drop down list

Orders are Taken Redirects to products

Select an Item. From the product codes drop down list

An OledbCommand will execute an SQL syntax which INSERTS all data INTO Buy Items table of DB.mdb of 2Rats Website.

Button Pressed ? Are there blank fields in form?

Submit button pressed.

A:links or Close Window [x], Sign Out button Pressed

GO button pressed.

Items will be added into a Listbox then total price computes.

Label3.Visible = True Label3.Text = "ALL FIELDS ARE REQUIRED!"


An OledbCommand will execute an SQL syntax which selects a product code, product name and price values FROM Prods table of DB.mdb of 2Rats Website.

Items will be removed from a Listbox then total price computes.

Product Name will be displayed to txtProdName.Text and Price will be displayed in txtPrice.Text.

ADD button pressed.

REMOVE button pressed.

Enter a number Quantity after the Price textbox

Button Pressed ?

Button Pressed ?

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IT404.NET Advanced VB.NET Project ViewCart.aspx (View My Cart Page)

Button pressed ?

Clear all button Pressed

A:links, Signout or Close Window [x], Sign Out button Pressed

An OledbCommand will execute an SQL syntax will DELETE ITEMS FROM Cart table WHERE Username session matches in DB.mdb of 2Rats Website.


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IT404.NET Advanced VB.NET Project

2.5 Input Screen Design Default.aspx (Comment Box)

Chat ID: E-Mail: Comment:




Data Dictionary (MS Access 2002-2003)

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IT404.NET Advanced VB.NET Project reg.aspx (Registration Form) Set a Username: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Set a Password: First Name: Middle Initial: Last Name: Birthday: Gender: E-mail: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA A AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAA MALE SUBMIT 99 FEMALE 9999

Data Dictionary (MS Access 2002-2003)

1 6

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IT404.NET Advanced VB.NET Project login.aspx (Log In Form) Username: Password: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Log In

Data Dictionary (MS Access 2002-2003)

prods.aspx (Product Catalogue Page) HTMLImg.jpg Product Photo

Product Name: ITEM NAME Product Code: P001 Price: 0000.00 Php

Data Dictionary (MS Access 2002-2003)

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Data Dictionary (MS Access 2002-2003)

1 8

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IT404.NET Advanced VB.NET Project ViewCart.aspx (View Shopping Cart) Prod Code Item Name Price
Clear All

Data Dictionary (MS Access 2002-2003)

1 9

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IT404.NET Advanced VB.NET Project 2.6 Output Screen Design Default.aspx (Guest Log) Chat ID XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Comment XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX

Data Dictionary (MS Access 2002-2003)

reg.aspx (Registration Form) all data input in the registration form will be saved in Register table of DB.mdb file of 2Rats Webpage. X Registration was successfully completed!! OK Response.Redirect to login.aspx

Data Dictionary (MS Access 2002-2003)

2 0

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IT404.NET Advanced VB.NET Project login.aspx (User Log In Form) If Username and Password is valid then Response.Redirect to prods.aspx

Else If Username and Password is invalid then.. X Access Denied! Wrong authentication details or you must be registered first. OK

Data Dictionary (MS Access 2002-2003)

prods.aspx (Add to Cart Button) all data items in a specific product will be appended to Cart table of DB.mdb file of 2Rats for the Brats Website. X Access Denied! Wrong authentication details or you must be registered first. OK

Data Dictionary (MS Access 2002-2003) 0535 - 0000 7999 (I-DIT)

2 1

IT404.NET Advanced VB.NET Project prods.aspx (Buy Button) Response.Redirect to order.aspx

Order.aspx (Order Form) Add Button XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 99.99

Remove Button

Submit Button X Orders were been taken wait for response from 2Rats for the Brats Team. OK

Data Dictionary (MS Access 2002-2003)

2 2

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IT404.NET Advanced VB.NET Project ViewCart.aspx (View Shopping Cart) Selects items from Cart table of Db.mdb of 2Rats Website where session username matches.

Prod Code XXXX


Price 99.99
Clear All

Data Dictionary (MS Access 2002-2003)

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IT404.NET Advanced VB.NET Project

CHAPTER III: DEVELOPMENT & TESTING 3.1 Program Listing Default.aspx (Guest Book)
Imports System.Data.OleDb Imports System.Data Partial Class _Default Inherits System.Web.UI.Page Dim cmd As New OleDbCommand Dim objcmd As New OleDbCommand Dim con As New OleDbConnection("Provider = Microsoft.JET.OLEDB.4.0; Data Source=C:\xampp\htdocs\2Rats\App_Data\DB.mdb") Protected Sub btnSend_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnSend.Click If txtChatID.Text = "" Or txtEmail.Text = "" Or txtComment.Text = "" Then Label2.Visible = True Label2.Text = "All fields are required" Else Dim query1 As String query1 = "INSERT INTO Gbuk(NickName,Email,Comment) VALUES('" & txtChatID.Text & "','" & txtEmail.Text & "','" & txtComment.Text & "')" con.Open() cmd = New OleDbCommand(query1, con) cmd.ExecuteNonQuery() con.Close() Label1.Visible = True Label1.Text = "Your post will take a while to show up, come back later after a minute or so!" End If End Sub Protected Sub btnCLR_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnCLR.Click txtChatID.Text = "" txtEmail.Text = "" txtComment.Text = "" End Sub Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load datagridView1() End Sub Sub datagridView1() Dim ds As New DataSet Dim dt As New DataTable ds.Tables.Add(dt) Dim da As New OleDbDataAdapter da = New OleDbDataAdapter("Select ChatID, Comment from Gbuk", con) 'da.Fill(dt) End Sub End Class

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IT404.NET Advanced VB.NET Project reg.aspx (Registration Form)
Imports System.Data.OleDb Imports System.Data Partial Class reg Inherits System.Web.UI.Page Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load For index = 1 To 31 DDDLDay.Items.Add(index) Next For index = 1950 To 1999 DDLYear.Items.Add(index) Next End Sub Protected Sub btnSub_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnSub.Click Dim bday As String = DDLMonth.SelectedValue + "" + DDDLDay.SelectedValue + "" + DDLYear.SelectedValue Dim a = Val(DDLYear.SelectedValue) Dim b As Double = 2012 Dim c = b - a Dim age As String = c If txtUser.Text = "" Or txtPass.Text = "" Or txtFname.Text = "" Or txtMI.Text = "" Or txtSname.Text = "" Or DDLMonth.SelectedValue = "" Or DDDLDay.SelectedValue = "" Or DDLYear.SelectedValue = "" Or rbSex.Text = "" Or txtEadd.Text = "" Then lblWarn.Text = "All fields are required" Else Dim cmd As New OleDbCommand Dim con As New OleDbConnection("Provider = Microsoft.JET.OLEDB.4.0; Data Source=C:\xampp\htdocs\2Rats\App_Data\DB.mdb") Dim sql As String sql = "INSERT INTO Register(Uname, Pword, FullName, Birthday, Age, Gender, Email) VALUES('" & txtUser.Text & "','" & txtPass.Text & "','" & txtFname.Text & txtMI.Text & txtSname.Text & "','" & DDLMonth.SelectedValue & DDDLDay.SelectedValue & DDLYear.SelectedValue & "','" & age & "','" & rbSex.Text & "','" & txtEadd.Text & "')" con.Open() cmd = New OleDbCommand(sql, con) cmd.ExecuteNonQuery() con.Close() 'lblMSG1.Text = "Your age is: " 'lblMSG2.Text = Val(lblMSG1.Text) + c MsgBox("You have successfully registered.") Response.Redirect("login.aspx") End If End Sub End Class

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IT404.NET Advanced VB.NET Project login.aspx (User Log In Form)
Imports System.Data.OleDb Imports System.Data Partial Class login Inherits System.Web.UI.Page Dim cmd As New OleDbCommand Dim con As New OleDbConnection("Provider = Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; Data Source = C:\xampp\htdocs\2Rats\App_Data\DB.mdb") Protected Sub btnLogIn_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnLogIn.Click Dim query As String query = "SELECT * FROM Register WHERE Uname='" & txtUname.Text & "' AND Pword='" & txtPword.Text & "'" cmd = New OleDbCommand(query, con) con.Open() Dim reader As OleDbDataReader = cmd.ExecuteReader() Dim ctr As Integer Do While reader.Read() ctr = ctr + 1 Loop

If ctr = 1 Then Session("Uname") = txtUname.Text Response.Redirect("prods.aspx") Else MsgBox("Access Denied! Please register First.") Response.Redirect("reg.aspx") End If con.Close() End Sub End Class

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IT404.NET Advanced VB.NET Project prods.aspx (Products Catalogue Controls)
Imports System.Data.OleDb Imports System.Data Partial Class prods Inherits System.Web.UI.Page Dim cmd As New OleDbCommand Dim con As New OleDbConnection("Provider = Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; Data Source = C:\xampp\htdocs\2Rats\App_Data\DB.mdb") Protected Sub linkOut_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles linkOut.Click Session("Uname") = "" Response.Redirect("login.aspx") End Sub Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load Dim cmd = New OleDbCommand("SELECT * FROM Register WHERE Uname = '" & Session("Uname") & "'", con)


Dim drx As OleDbDataReader = cmd.ExecuteReader() While drx.Read() lblname.Text = drx("Uname") End While If Session("Uname") = "" Then Response.Redirect("login.aspx") con.Close() End If End Sub Protected Sub btnBuy_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnBuy.Click Response.Redirect("order.aspx") End Sub Protected Sub btnAdd_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnAdd.Click If Session("Uname") = lblname.Text Then Dim query As String = "INSERT INTO Cart(ProductID, Uname, ProductName, Price) VALUES('" & lblPcode.Text & "','" & lblname.Text & "','" & lblPname.Text & "','" & lblSP1.Text & "')" cmd = New OleDbCommand(query, con) 'con.Open() cmd.ExecuteNonQuery() con.Close() MsgBox("this item was added to your cart!") Else Response.Redirect("login.aspx") End If End Sub Protected Sub btnBuy0_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnBuy0.Click Response.Redirect("order.aspx") End Sub

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IT404.NET Advanced VB.NET Project Order.aspx (Registration Form)
Imports System.Data.OleDb Imports System.Data Partial Class order Inherits System.Web.UI.Page Dim cmd As New OleDbCommand Dim con As New OleDbConnection("Provider = Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; Data Source = C:\xampp\htdocs\2Rats\App_Data\DB.mdb") Protected Sub LinkButton1_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles LinkButton1.Click Session("Uname") = "" Response.Redirect("login.aspx") End Sub Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load Dim cmd = New OleDbCommand("SELECT * FROM Register WHERE Uname = '" & Session("Uname") & "'", con) con.Open() Dim drx As OleDbDataReader = cmd.ExecuteReader() While drx.Read() Label2.Text = drx("Uname") End While If Session("Uname") = "" Then Response.Redirect("login.aspx") con.Close() End If End Sub Protected Sub ddlCode_SelectedIndexChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles ddlCode.SelectedIndexChanged End Sub Protected Sub btnSubmit_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnSubmit.Click If txtFname.Text = "" Or txtLname.Text = "" Or txtMI.Text = "" Or txtHome.Text = "" Or txtHome2.Text = "" Or txtHome3.Text = "" Or txtZip.Text = "" Or txtTel.Text = "" Or txtMob.Text = "" Or txtEAdd.Text = "" Or ddlCode.SelectedValue = "" Or txtProdName.Text = "" Or txtPrice.Text = "" Or txtQTY.Text = "" Or rbMode.Text = "" Then Label3.Visible = True Label3.Text = "ALL FIELDS ARE REQUIRED!" Else Dim query1 As String query1 = "INSERT INTO BuyItems(FullName, MailAddress, Landline, Mobile, Email, ProductCode, ProductName, Total, PayMethod) VALUES('" & txtFname.Text & txtMI.Text & txtLname.Text & "','" & txtHome.Text & txtHome2.Text & txtHome3.Text & txtZip.Text & "','" & txtTel.Text & "','" & txtMob.Text & "','" & txtEAdd.Text & "','" & ddlCode.SelectedValue & "','" & txtProdName.Text & "','" & txtTotal.Text & "','" & rbMode.Text & "')" 'con.Open() cmd = New OleDbCommand(query1, con) cmd.ExecuteNonQuery() con.Close() MsgBox("Order Information Taken!") Response.Redirect("prods.aspx") End If End Sub

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IT404.NET Advanced VB.NET Project
Protected Sub btnGo_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnGo.Click Dim query As String query = "SELECT * FROM Products WHERE PCode='" & ddlCode.SelectedValue & "'" cmd = New OleDbCommand(query, con) 'con.Open() Dim reader As OleDbDataReader = cmd.ExecuteReader() reader.Read() txtProdName.Text = reader("PName") txtPrice.Text = reader("Price") con.Close() End Sub Protected Sub btnAdd_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnAdd.Click ListBox1.Items.Add(txtProdName.Text) ListBox2.Items.Add(txtPrice.Text) txtTotal.Text = Val(txtTotal.Text) + Val(txtPrice.Text) * Val(txtQTY.Text) End Sub Protected Sub btnRMV_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnRMV.Click ListBox1.Items.Remove(txtProdName.Text) ListBox2.Items.Remove(txtPrice.Text) txtTotal.Text = Val(txtTotal.Text) - Val(txtPrice.Text) * Val(txtQTY.Text) End Sub End Class

ViewCart.aspx (Registration Form)

Imports System.Data.OleDb Imports System.Data Partial Class ViewCart Inherits System.Web.UI.Page Dim cmd As New OleDbCommand Dim con As New OleDbConnection("Provider = Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; Data Source = C:\xampp\htdocs\2Rats\App_Data\DB.mdb") Protected Sub LinkButton1_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles LinkButton1.Click Session("Uname") = "" Response.Redirect("login.aspx") End Sub Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load Dim cmd = New OleDbCommand("SELECT * FROM Register WHERE Uname = '" & Session("Uname") & "'", con) con.Open() Dim drx As OleDbDataReader = cmd.ExecuteReader() While drx.Read() Label1.Text = drx("Uname") End While If Session("Uname") = "" Then Response.Redirect("login.aspx") con.Close() End If datagridShow() End Sub Private Sub datagridShow() Dim ds As New DataSet Dim dt As New DataTable ds.Tables.Add(dt) Dim da As New OleDbDataAdapter da = New OleDbDataAdapter("Select * from Cart Where Uname = '" & Label1.Text & "'", con) da.Fill(dt) End Sub Protected Sub btnRMV_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnRMV.Click Dim sql As String sql = "DELETE From Cart Where UName ='" & Session("UName") & "'" cmd = New OleDbCommand(sql, con) cmd.ExecuteNonQuery() con.Close() End Sub End Class

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IT404.NET Advanced VB.NET Project 3.2 ASP Usage with Complete Web Application The preceding chapters had depicted the structure of our Website thoroughly. Now this phase of the document will demonstrate the usage of ASP.Net visual basic codes in relation with its web application.
Default.aspx (Guest Book) USAGE
Protected Sub btnSend_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnSend.Click If txtChatID.Text = "" Or txtEmail.Text = "" Or txtComment.Text = "" Then Label2.Visible = True Label2.Text = "All fields are required" Else Dim query1 As String query1 = "INSERT INTO Gbuk(NickName,Email,Comment) VALUES('" & txtChatID.Text & "','" & txtEmail.Text & "','" & txtComment.Text & "')" con.Open() cmd = New OleDbCommand(query1, con) cmd.ExecuteNonQuery() con.Close() Label1.Visible = True Label1.Text = "Your post will take a while to show up, come back later after a minute or so!" End If End Sub Protected Sub btnCLR_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnCLR.Click txtChatID.Text = "" txtEmail.Text = "" txtComment.Text = "" End Sub

Web Application

Class File Type: Code Behind. Description: IF-ELSE statements were used to enforce a restriction that prohibits the fields of the guestbook to be left blank.

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IT404.NET Advanced VB.NET Project

reg.aspx (Registration Form) USAGE

Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load For index = 1 To 31 DDDLDay.Items.Add(index) Next For index = 1950 To 1999 DDLYear.Items.Add(index) Next End Sub Protected Sub btnSub_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnSub.Click Dim bday As String = DDLMonth.SelectedValue + "" + DDDLDay.SelectedValue + "" + DDLYear.SelectedValue Dim a = Val(DDLYear.SelectedValue) Dim b As Double = 2012 Dim c = b - a Dim age As String = c If txtUser.Text = "" Or txtPass.Text = "" Or txtFname.Text = "" Or txtMI.Text = "" Or txtSname.Text = "" Or DDLMonth.SelectedValue = "" Or DDDLDay.SelectedValue = "" Or DDLYear.SelectedValue = "" Or rbSex.Text = "" Or txtEadd.Text = "" Then lblWarn.Text = "All fields are required" Else Dim cmd As New OleDbCommand Dim con As New OleDbConnection("Provider = Microsoft.JET.OLEDB.4.0; Data Source=C:\xampp\htdocs\2Rats\App_Data\DB.mdb") Dim sql As String sql = "INSERT INTO Register(Uname, Pword, FullName, Birthday, Age, Gender, Email) VALUES('" & txtUser.Text & "','" & txtPass.Text & "','" & txtFname.Text & txtMI.Text & txtSname.Text & "','" & DDLMonth.SelectedValue & DDDLDay.SelectedValue & DDLYear.SelectedValue & "','" & age & "','" & rbSex.Text & "','" & txtEadd.Text & "')" con.Open() cmd = New OleDbCommand(sql, con) cmd.ExecuteNonQuery() con.Close() MsgBox("You have successfully registered.") Response.Redirect("login.aspx") End If End Sub

Web Application

Class File Type: Code Behind. Description: A variable has been declared to compute for the value of age in this application then IF-ELSE statements were used to enforce a restriction that prohibits the fields of the guestbook to be left blank. A message box prompts to the user that they have registerd successfully.

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IT404.NET Advanced VB.NET Project
login.aspx (User Log In Page) USAGE
If ctr = 1 Then Session("Uname") = txtUname.Text Response.Redirect("prods.aspx") Else MsgBox("Access Denied! Please register First.") Response.Redirect("reg.aspx") End If

Web Application

Class File Type: Code Behind. Description: IF-ELSE statements were used to enforce a restriction that filters the correct username and password from the incorrect ones. It used response.redirect codes to access the exclusive pages of 2Rats for the brats website.

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IT404.NET Advanced VB.NET Project
prods.aspx (Product Catalogue) USAGE
Protected Sub btnBuy_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnBuy.Click Response.Redirect("order.aspx") End Sub Protected Sub btnAdd_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnAdd.Click If Session("Uname") = lblname.Text Then Dim query As String = "INSERT INTO Cart(ProductID, Uname, ProductName, Price) VALUES('" & lblPcode.Text & "','" & lblname.Text & "','" & lblPname.Text & "','" & lblSP1.Text & "')" cmd = New OleDbCommand(query, con) 'con.Open() cmd.ExecuteNonQuery() con.Close() MsgBox("this item was added to your cart!") Else Response.Redirect("login.aspx") End If End Sub

Web Application

Class File Type: Code Behind. Description: a response.redirect code that leads to the order form page was employed for the Buy button in the interface. If Else statements only allows users that are logged in to add an item to the cart.

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IT404.NET Advanced VB.NET Project
order.aspx (Order Form) USAGE
Protected Sub btnSubmit_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnSubmit.Click If txtFname.Text = "" Or txtLname.Text = "" Or txtMI.Text = "" Or txtHome.Text = "" Or txtHome2.Text = "" Or txtHome3.Text = "" Or txtZip.Text = "" Or txtTel.Text = "" Or txtMob.Text = "" Or txtEAdd.Text = "" Or ddlCode.SelectedValue = "" Or txtProdName.Text = "" Or txtPrice.Text = "" Or txtQTY.Text = "" Or rbMode.Text = "" Then Label3.Visible = True Label3.Text = "ALL FIELDS ARE REQUIRED!" Else Dim query1 As String query1 = "INSERT INTO BuyItems(FullName, MailAddress, Landline, Mobile, Email, ProductCode, ProductName, Total, PayMethod) VALUES('" & txtFname.Text & txtMI.Text & txtLname.Text & "','" & txtHome.Text & txtHome2.Text & txtHome3.Text & txtZip.Text & "','" & txtTel.Text & "','" & txtMob.Text & "','" & txtEAdd.Text & "','" & ddlCode.SelectedValue & "','" & txtProdName.Text & "','" & txtTotal.Text & "','" & rbMode.Text & "')" cmd = New OleDbCommand(query1, con) cmd.ExecuteNonQuery() con.Close() MsgBox("Order Information Taken!") Response.Redirect("prods.aspx") End If End Sub Protected Sub btnAdd_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnAdd.Click ListBox1.Items.Add(txtProdName.Text) ListBox2.Items.Add(txtPrice.Text) txtTotal.Text = Val(txtTotal.Text) + Val(txtPrice.Text) * Val(txtQTY.Text) End Sub Protected Sub btnRMV_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnRMV.Click ListBox1.Items.Remove(txtProdName.Text) ListBox2.Items.Remove(txtPrice.Text) txtTotal.Text = Val(txtTotal.Text) - Val(txtPrice.Text) * Val(txtQTY.Text) End Sub

Web Application

Class File Type: Code Behind. Description: IF-ELSE statements implements a restriction that prohibits the fields in the order form to be left empty. Message Box informs the user that their orders have already been received by the application. Items Add and Remove syntaxes were used for the behavior of buttons in the ListBox of 2rats for the brats order form.

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0535 - 0000 7999 (I-DIT)

IT404.NET Advanced VB.NET Project 3.3 ADO Usage with Web Application This portion of the documentation expresses how a database engine was used for 2Rats for the brats ecommerce site.
Default.aspx (Guest Book) USAGE
Imports System.Data.OleDb Imports System.Data Dim cmd As New OleDbCommand Dim objcmd As New OleDbCommand Dim con As New OleDbConnection ("Provider = Microsoft.JET.OLEDB.4.0; Data Source=C:\xampp\htdocs\2Rats\App_Data\DB.mdb") Dim query1 As String query1 = "INSERT INTO Gbuk(NickName,Email,Comment) VALUES('" & txtChatID.Text & "','" & txtEmail.Text & "','" & txtComment.Text & "')" con.Open() cmd = New OleDbCommand(query1, con) cmd.ExecuteNonQuery() con.Close() Dim ds As New DataSet Dim dt As New DataTable ds.Tables.Add(dt) Dim da As New OleDbDataAdapter da = New OleDbDataAdapter ("Select ChatID, Comment from Gbuk", con)

Web Application

Database Table Structure: Table Name: GBuk

Class File Type: Code Behind. Description: OleDb library has been imported for the coding of this web application that is necessary to connect the program into a database. An ole db command was declared to

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0535 - 0000 7999 (I-DIT)

execute the sql query which inserts Guest Book data items into its designated table.

IT404.NET Advanced VB.NET Project

reg.aspx (Registration Form) USAGE

Imports System.Data.OleDb Imports System.Data Dim cmd As New OleDbCommand Dim con As New OleDbConnection ("Provider = Microsoft.JET.OLEDB.4.0; Data Source=C:\xampp\htdocs\2Rats\App_Data\DB.mdb") Dim sql As String sql = "INSERT INTO Register(Uname, Pword, FullName, Birthday, Age, Gender, Email) VALUES('" & txtUser.Text & "','" & txtPass.Text & "','" & txtFname.Text & txtMI.Text & txtSname.Text & "','" & DDLMonth.SelectedValue & DDDLDay.SelectedValue & DDLYear.SelectedValue & "','" & age & "','" & rbSex.Text & "','" & txtEadd.Text & "')" con.Open() cmd = New OleDbCommand(sql, con) cmd.ExecuteNonQuery() con.Close()

Web Application

Database Table Structure: Table Name: Register Class File Type: Code Behind. Description: OleDb library has been imported for the coding of this web application that is necessary to connect the program into a database. An oledbCommand was declared to execute the sql query which inserts Register data items into its designated table.

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0535 - 0000 7999 (I-DIT)

IT404.NET Advanced VB.NET Project
login.aspx (User Log In Form) USAGE
Imports System.Data Dim cmd As New OleDbCommand Dim con As New OleDbConnection ("Provider = Microsoft.JET.OLEDB.4.0; Data Source=C:\xampp\htdocs\2Rats\App_Data\DB.mdb") Dim query As String query = "SELECT * FROM Register WHERE Uname='" & txtUname.Text & "' AND Pword='" & txtPword.Text & "'" cmd = New OleDbCommand(query, con) con.Open() Dim reader As OleDbDataReader = cmd.ExecuteReader() Dim ctr As Integer Do While reader.Read() ctr = ctr + 1 Loop If ctr = 1 Then Session("Uname") = txtUname.Text Response.Redirect("prods.aspx") Else MsgBox("Access Denied! Please register First.") Response.Redirect("reg.aspx") End If con.Close()

Web Application

Database Table Structure: Table Name: Register Class File Type: Code Behind. Description: OleDb library has been imported for the coding of this web application that is necessary to connect the program into a database. An oledbCommand was declared to execute the sql query which selects the username and password that matches the data the user imputed into the log in form within the register table of 2Rats for the brats website.

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prods.aspx (Products Catalogue) USAGE

Imports System.Data Dim cmd As New OleDbCommand Dim con As New OleDbConnection ("Provider = Microsoft.JET.OLEDB.4.0; Data Source=C:\xampp\htdocs\2Rats\App_Data\DB.mdb") Dim cmd = New OleDbCommand ("SELECT * FROM Register WHERE Uname = '" & Session("Uname") & "'", con) con.Open() Dim drx As OleDbDataReader = cmd.ExecuteReader() While drx.Read() lblname.Text = drx("Uname") End While If Session("Uname") = "" Then Response.Redirect("login.aspx") con.Close() End If If Session("Uname") = lblname.Text Then Dim query As String = "INSERT INTO Cart(ProductID, Uname, ProductName, Price) VALUES('" & lblPcode.Text & "','" & lblname.Text & "','" & lblPname.Text & "','" & lblSP1.Text & "')" cmd = New OleDbCommand(query, con) cmd.ExecuteNonQuery() con.Close() Else Response.Redirect("login.aspx") End If

Web Application

Database Table Structure: Table Name: Products Class File Type: Code Behind. Description: OleDb library has been imported for the coding of this web application, that is necessary to connect the program into a database. An oledbCommand was declared to execute the sql query in ADD to cart button which inserts a products data INTO cart table of DB.mdb of 2rats for the brats website.

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IT404.NET Advanced VB.NET Project

order.aspx (Order Form) USAGE

Imports System.Data Dim cmd As New OleDbCommand Dim con As New OleDbConnection ("Provider = Microsoft.JET.OLEDB.4.0; Data Source=C:\xampp\htdocs\2Rats\App_Data\DB.mdb") Dim cmd = New OleDbCommand("SELECT * FROM Register WHERE Uname = '" & Session("Uname") & "'", con) con.Open() Dim drx As OleDbDataReader = cmd.ExecuteReader() While drx.Read() Label2.Text = drx("Uname") End While Dim query1 As String query1 = "INSERT INTO BuyItems(FullName, MailAddress, Landline, Mobile, Email, ProductCode, ProductName, Total, PayMethod) VALUES('" & txtFname.Text & txtMI.Text & txtLname.Text & "','" & txtHome.Text & txtHome2.Text & txtHome3.Text & txtZip.Text & "','" & txtTel.Text & "','" & txtMob.Text & "','" & txtEAdd.Text & "','" & ddlCode.SelectedValue & "','" & txtProdName.Text & "','" & txtTotal.Text & "','" & rbMode.Text & "')" 'con.Open() cmd = New OleDbCommand(query1, con) cmd.ExecuteNonQuery() con.Close() MsgBox("Order Information Taken!") Response.Redirect("prods.aspx") End If Dim query As String query = "SELECT * FROM Products WHERE PCode='" & ddlCode.SelectedValue & "'" cmd = New OleDbCommand(query, con) 'con.Open() Dim reader As OleDbDataReader = cmd.ExecuteReader() reader.Read() txtProdName.Text = reader("PName") txtPrice.Text = reader("Price") con.Close()

Web Application

Database Table Structure: Table Name: BuyItems Class File Type: Code Behind. Description: OleDb library has been imported for the coding of this web application, that is necessary to connect the program into a database. An oledbCommand was declared to execute the sql query to INSERT INTO & SELECT data items FROM BuyItems table of DB.mdb of 2rats for the brats website.

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IT404.NET Advanced VB.NET Project
ViewCart.aspx (View Shopping Cart) USAGE
Imports System.Data Dim cmd As New OleDbCommand Dim con As New OleDbConnection ("Provider = Microsoft.JET.OLEDB.4.0; Data Source=C:\xampp\htdocs\2Rats\App_Data\DB.mdb") Dim cmd = New OleDbCommand("SELECT * FROM Register WHERE Uname = '" & Session("Uname") & "'", con) con.Open() Dim drx As OleDbDataReader = cmd.ExecuteReader() While drx.Read() Label2.Text = drx("Uname") End While Dim ds As New DataSet Dim dt As New DataTable ds.Tables.Add(dt) Dim da As New OleDbDataAdapter da = New OleDbDataAdapter("Select * from Cart Where Uname = '" & Label1.Text & "'", con) da.Fill(dt) Dim sql As String sql = "DELETE From Cart Where UName ='" & Session("UName") & "'" cmd = New OleDbCommand(sql, con) cmd.ExecuteNonQuery() con.Close()

Web Application

Database Table Structure: Table Name: Cart

Class File Type: Code Behind. Description: OleDb library has been imported for the coding of this web application, that is necessary to connect the program into a database. An oledbCommand was declared to execute the sql query to SELECT & DELETE data items FROM cart table WHERE username matches UName column of DB.mdb of 2rats for the brats website.

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IT404.NET Advanced VB.NET Project 3.4 Meaningful Object names and Standard Naming Convention

A list of variable names used is exhibited here complete with other specifications.
Variable Name GridView1
GuestBook (Default.aspx) Description Comments for the Guestbook in 2Rats for the DataGridView Brats is posted and displayed. This gets the Chat ID of a TextBox guest. This gets the email of a TextBox guest. This is where messages are TextBox composed by the guests. This publishes the messages Button composed by the guests This clears the guestbook Button whenever a guest changes their mind. Register (reg.aspx) This is where the user must TextBox declare a username. This is where the user must TextBox declare a password. This is where the user TextBox inputs their first name. This is where the user inputs their first name. This TextBox is where the user inputs their middle initial. This is where the user TextBox inputs their surname. This is where a user opts for DropDownList their birth month. This is where a user opts for DropDownList their birth date. This is where a user opts for DropDownList their birth year. This is where a user opts for RadioButtonList their birth month. This is where a inputs their TextBox Email Address for newsletters. A command that validates Button the data given by the user in the registration form. Object Caption Data Driven None None None Send Clear Data Type String

txtChatID txtEmail txtComment btnSend btnCLR

String String String Command Command

txtUser txtPass txtFname

None None None None

String String String


String None None None None None

txtSName DDLMonth DDDLDay DDLYear rbSex txtEadd

String String String String String




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IT404.NET Advanced VB.NET Project
Log In Form (Default.aspx) Description

Variable Name txtUName txtPword btnLogIn linkOut btnBuy btnAdd


Caption None None Log In SignOut Buy

Data Type String String Command Command Command Command

Where a registered user enters TextBox their Username Where a registered user enters TextBox their password This validates the authentication Button details of a registered user Products Catalogue (prods.aspx) A hyperlink which logs out the LinkButton user from the web site. Will bring the user to the order Button form to make a purchase.


Will add an item into the users shopping cart.

Add to

Cart none Clear All None None None None None None None None None None None
GO String String

GridView1 btnRMV txtFname txtLname txtMI txtHome txtHome2 txtHome3 txtZip txtTel txtMob txtEAdd ddlCode btnGo txtProdName txtPrice txtQTY btnAdd btnRMV ListBox1 ListBox2 txtTotal rbMode btnSubmit

View My Cart (ViewCart.aspx) Populates a list of items in the DataGridView users shopping cart Nullifies the users online Button shopping carts. Order Form(order.aspx) Gets the first name of the buyer. TextBox

TextBox TextBox TextBox TextBox TextBox TextBox TextBox TextBox TextBox DropDownList Button TextBox TextBox TextBox Button Button ListBox ListBox TextBox RadioButtonList Button

Gets the last name of the buyer Gets the middle initial of the buyer Gets the first part of the home address of the user for mailing purposes. Gets the second part of the home address of the user for mailing purposes. Gets the third part of the home address of the user for mailing purposes. Gets the zip code of the users postal address Gets users telephone number Gets the users mobile number Gets the users email address Gets a the product code of the purchase item Fetches product code data. Shows a product name. Shows a products price. Gets the number of products being ordered. Adds an item into ListBox1 Drops an item into ListBox1 Where product name is added or removed. Where price is added or removed. Show the total costs of products ordered.

None None None 0535 - 0000 7999 (I-DIT)


None None None None


Mode of payment options. Validates the oreder details.

4 2

IT404.NET Advanced VB.NET Project 3.5 Web application Validation
Guest Book (Default.aspx) Chk No. Data Name Input Type Uniqueness Length Range Process Its data is captured by an oledbcomm and sql syntax and inserted into GBuk table in the DB.mdb file of 2Rats for the Brats website Its data is captured by an oledbcomm and sql syntax and inserted into GBuk table in the DB.mdb file of 2Rats for the Brats website Its data is captured by an oledbcomm and sql syntax and inserted into GBuk table in the DB.mdb file of 2Rats for the Brats website


Chat ID

A guest will define his or her username that only consists of alphanumeric characters. 1 to Max and A to Z

The data accepted by this field will be chat nicknames for the guest.


Limited to 28 alphanum eric characters only.


Email Address

A guest will give up his or her username which can only be upto 150 alpahnumeric characters.

An email address will be a captured by this field.


Limited to 150 alpha numeric characters

TxtComm ent


A guest will write a message in this field.

This will get a sentence of paraghraph which expresses a guests insights or greetings.


Limited to upto 500 alphanum eric characters only.

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IT404.NET Advanced VB.NET Project

Register (Default.aspx)
Chk No.



Input Type







A username is composed of at least 20 alphanumeric characters.

This is where a user will set his or her username.


Limited to 28 alphanumeric characters only.

Its data is captured by an oledbcommand sql syntax and inserted into SignUp table in the DB.mdb file of 2Rats for the Brats website



A password is composed of at least 20 alphanumeric characters. A guest will give up his first name here using letters A to Z only. A guest will give up his middle initial here using letters A to Z only. A guest will give up his last name here using letters A to Z only.

This is where a user will set his or her password


Limited to 150 alpha numeric characters Limited to up to 35 alphabetical characters only. Limited to up to 2 alphabetical characters only. Limited to up to 35 alphabetical characters only. January to December Only

Its data is captured by an oledbcommand sql syntax and inserted into SignUp table in the DB.mdb file of 2Rats for the Brats website Its data is captured by an oledbcommand sql syntax and inserted into SignUp table in the DB.mdb file of 2Rats for the Brats website Its data is captured by an oledbcommand sql syntax and inserted into SignUp table in the DB.mdb file of 2Rats for the Brats website Its data is captured by an oledbcommand sql syntax and inserted into SignUp table in the DB.mdb file of 2Rats for the Brats website Its data is captured by an oledbcommand sql syntax and inserted into SignUp table in the DB.mdb file of 2Rats for the Brats website Its data is captured by an oledbcommand sql syntax and inserted into SignUp table in the DB.mdb file of 2Rats for the Brats website Its data is captured by an oledbcommand sql syntax and inserted into SignUp table in the DB.mdb file of 2Rats for the Brats website Its data is captured by an oledbcommand sql syntax and inserted into SignUp table in the DB.mdb file of 2Rats for the Brats website Its data is captured by an oledbcommand sql syntax and inserted into SignUp table in the DB.mdb file of 2Rats for the Brats website


First Name

This acquires a users first name.



Middle Initial

This acquires a users middle initial.


Last Name

This acquires a users lastst name.



Birth Month

Where user will select his birth month

This acquires a users birth month.


Birth Date

Where user will select his birth date

This acquires a users birth date.

1 to 31 only


Birth Year

Where user will select his birth year

This acquires a users birth year.

1945 to 1999 only.


Sexual identity

Select male or female

This acquires a users sex.

Male or female only.



Email address

Email address format.

This acquires a users email adress.


Limited to up to 150 alphanumeric characters only with @ symbol.

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0535 - 0000 7999 (I-DIT)

IT404.NET Advanced VB.NET Project

Order Form (Order.aspx)

Chk No.



Input Type






First Name

A guest will give up his first name here using letters A to Z only.

This acquires a users first name.


Limited to up to 35 alphabetical characters only.

Its data is captured by an oledbcommand sql syntax and inserted into BuyItems table in the DB.mdb file of 2Rats for the Brats website


Last Name

A guest will give up his last name here using letters A to Z only. A guest will give up his middle initial here using letters A to Z only.

This acquires a users lastst name.


Limited to up to 35 alphabetical characters only. Limited to up to 2 alphabetical characters only. Limited to up to 150 alphanumeric characters only. Limited to up to 150 alphanumeric characters only. Limited to up to 40 alphabetical characters only. Upto 5 numeric characters only Upto 7 numeric characters only Upto 11 numeric characters only Limited to up to 150 alphanumeric characters only with @ symbol.

Its data is captured by an oledbcommand sql syntax and inserted into BuyItems table in the DB.mdb file of 2Rats for the Brats website Its data is captured by an oledbcommand sql syntax and inserted into BuyItems table in the DB.mdb file of 2Rats for the Brats website Its data is captured by an oledbcommand sql syntax and inserted into BuyItems table in the DB.mdb file of 2Rats for the Brats website Its data is captured by an oledbcommand sql syntax and inserted into BuyItems table in the DB.mdb file of 2Rats for the Brats website Its data is captured by an oledbcommand sql syntax and inserted into BuyItems table in the DB.mdb file of 2Rats for the Brats website Its data is captured by an oledbcommand sql syntax and inserted into BuyItems table in the DB.mdb file of 2Rats for the Brats website Its data is captured by an oledbcommand sql syntax and inserted into BuyItems table in the DB.mdb file of 2Rats for the Brats website Its data is captured by an oledbcommand sql syntax and inserted into BuyItems table in the DB.mdb file of 2Rats for the Brats website Its data is captured by an oledbcommand sql syntax and inserted into BuyItems table in the DB.mdb file of 2Rats for the Brats website


Middle Initial

This acquires a users middle initial.


Home address 1

First part of a mailing address

This acquires a users middle initial.



Home address 2

Second line of a mailing address

This acquires a users lastst name.




City for the mailing address

This acquires a users birth month.



Zip Code

ZipCode for mailing address.

This acquires a users birth date.


Telephone number

Where user will give up his telephone number.

This acquires a users birth year.


Sexual identity

Buyers mobile number

This acquires a users sex.




Email address

Email address format.

This acquires a users email adress.


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IT404.NET Advanced VB.NET Project

Order Form (Order.aspx)

Chk No.



Input Type







Product Code

A guest will give up his first name here using letters A to Z only.

Is the product code of an item.

4 alphanumeric characters.

Its data is captured by an oledbcommand sql syntax and selects prodname and price from Prods table in the DB.mdb file of 2Rats for the Brats website



Product Name

A guest will give up his last name here using letters A to Z only.

This shows an items product name.


Its data is retrieved by an oledbcommand sql syntax and selected prodname and price from Prods table in the DB.mdb file of 2Rats for the Brats website Its data is retrieved by an oledbcommand sql syntax and selected prodname and price from Prods table in the DB.mdb file of 2Rats for the Brats website Entered by the user then multiplies with a products fixed price.




A guest will give up his middle initial here using letters A to Z only. A guest will give up his middle initial here using letters A to Z only. A guest will give up his last name here using letters A to Z only. Where user will select his birth month Where user will select his birth date Where user will select his birth year

Shows a product items price.





Indicates how many items were ordered. Adds an item into the list box when pressed. Drps an item from the list box when pressed. Contains items from product name text field. Contains items from price text field.

Upto 3 digits only.



Add Item


Pressed by the user to add an item into ListBox1 Pressed by the user to remove an item from ListBox1 Returns an item from the products name text box. Returns an item from the price text box. Its data is captured by an oledbcommand sql syntax and inserted into BuyItems table in the DB.mdb file of 2Rats for the Brats website Its data is captured by an oledbcommand sql syntax and inserted into BuyItems table in the DB.mdb file of 2Rats for the Brats website


btnRMV ListBox1

Remove Item


17 ListBox2 18

Product Name List Box


Price List Box




Mode of Payment

Select male or female

Gets Mode of payement.

GCash, PayPal or BDO only. Sum total of all the product items costs is a double data with 2 decimal places.




Email address format.

Sums up the total costs of items ordered.


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User Log In (login.aspx) Chk No. Data Name Input Type Uniqueness Length Range Process
Its data is captured by an oledbcommand sql syntax and selects a matching username and password from register table in the DB.mdb file of 2Rats for the Brats website Its data is captured by an oledbcommand sql syntax and selects a matching username and password from register table in the DB.mdb file of 2Rats for the Brats website Authenticate the username and password entered by the user.



A username with 20 alphanumeric characters is accepted here.

This will accept an authorized username for somebody.


Limited to 20 alpha numeric characters



A password with 20 alphanumeric characters is accepted here.

This will accept an authorized password for somebody.


Limited to 20 alpha numeric characters


Log In

A command that validates a users username and password.

Submits a username and password for verification.


View My Cart (ViewCart.aspx) A command that erases all products in the users shopping cart.


Clear all

Nullifies items in a users shopping cart


Deletes all product items in shopping cart.

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0535 - 0000 7999 (I-DIT)

IT404.NET Advanced VB.NET Project 3.6 Test Plan 2Rats for the Brats Ecommerce site is evidently designed through a complex of HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) and CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) plus ASP.Net which specializes in Visual Basic for the web applications. It will now need to undergo a series of test cases to ensure its optimum performance and usability with regards to the programming aspect of the website.

The website will be tested in a Physical and Logical manner which encompasses the design and encryption aspect of the web applications used with regards to ASP.Net Visual Basic. The subject of the testing will specific test data that is crucial for the web sites functionality.

The testing procedure aims to: Ensure that all web applications work in coordination with its interface. That the visual basic codes used to create web applications are error free. All database connections are working and responsive. Detect whether there are malfunctions as soon as possible before presenting the website. Test Cases for 2Rats for the Brats Online shop will commence on the pages to 0535 - 0000 7999 (I-DIT) follow, read ahead.

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IT404.NET Advanced VB.NET Project 3.7 Test Cases

Test Case No.

01 Checking if the comment box in the about page appends data into the GBuk table of DB.mdb file of 2Rats Website


then publishes those data as a stream of comment in the grid view.

Test Data

query1 = "INSERT INTO Gbuk(NickName,Email,Comment) VALUES('" & txtChatID.Text & "','" & txtEmail.Text & "','" & txtComment.Text & "')" da = New OleDbDataAdapter("Select ChatID, Comment from Gbuk", con

The visual basic codes for the guestbook of 2Rats Expected Test Result for the Brats website should work as expected.

Actual Result


No sign of any errors.

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IT404.NET Advanced VB.NET Project

Test Case No.

02 Checking if the registration form appends all items into its


designated table in the DB.mdb file of 2Rats for the brats website.
sql = "INSERT INTO Register(Uname, Pword, FullName, Birthday, Age, Gender, Email) VALUES('" & txtUser.Text & "','" & txtPass.Text & "','" & txtFname.Text & txtMI.Text & txtSname.Text & "','" & DDLMonth.SelectedValue & DDDLDay.SelectedValue & DDLYear.SelectedValue & "','" & age & "','" & rbSex.Text & "','" & txtEadd.Text & "')" con.Open() cmd = New OleDbCommand(sql, con) cmd.ExecuteNonQuery() con.Close() MsgBox("You have successfully registered.")

Test Data

The visual basic codes for the registration form of Expected Test Result 2Rats for the Brats website should be able to receive input data and allow users to log into the web page immediately.

Actual Result


No errors detected.

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Test Case No.


Checking if the log in form validates username and password


of users then redirects to prods.aspx

Test Data

query = "SELECT * FROM Register WHERE Uname='" & txtUname.Text & "' AND Pword='" & txtPword.Text & "'" cmd = New OleDbCommand(query, con) con.Open()

The visual basic codes for the User Log In form of 2Rats for the Brats website should be able to validate Expected Test Result authentication data and allow users to view the restricted pages.

Actual Result


Absolutely Error Free

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IT404.NET Advanced VB.NET Project

Test Case No.


Checking if the log in form validates username and password


of users then redirects to prods.aspx

Test Data

query = "SELECT * FROM Register WHERE Uname='" & txtUname.Text & "' AND Pword='" & txtPword.Text & "'" cmd = New OleDbCommand(query, con) con.Open()

The visual basic codes for the User Log In form of 2Rats for the Brats website should be able to validate Expected Test Result authentication data and allow users to view the restricted pages.

Actual Result


Absolutely Error Free

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IT404.NET Advanced VB.NET Project

Test Case No.


Checking if the SignOut link button enables the user to log


off the website.

Test Data

Session("Uname") = "" Response.Redirect("login.aspx")

The visual basic codes for the Sign Out link button of Expected Test Result 2Rats for the Brats website should be able to enable the user to log off and redirect to log in form.

Actual Result


Absolutely Error Free

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Test Case No.

06 Checking if the encryptions in the add to cart button really


appends products into the Cart table of the Db.mdb file of 2Rats for the Brats website.

Test Data

If Session("Uname") = lblname.Text Then Dim query As String = "INSERT INTO Cart(ProductID, Uname, ProductName, Price) VALUES('" & lblPcode.Text & "','" & lblname.Text & "','" & lblPname.Text & "','" & lblSP1.Text & "')" cmd = New OleDbCommand(query, con) cmd.ExecuteNonQuery() con.Close() MsgBox("this item was added to your cart!") Else Response.Redirect("login.aspx") End If

The visual basic codes for the Add to cart button of 2Rats for the Brats website should be able to append Expected Test Result product data into the Cart Table of the DB.mdb file of 2Rats for the Brats website.

Actual Result


No Errors Found 0535 - 0000 7999 (I-DIT)

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IT404.NET Advanced VB.NET Project

Test Case No.


Checking if the View Cart Items retain product items that had


been added to the cart by a particular user.

Test Data

da = New OleDbDataAdapter("Select * from Cart Where Uname = '" & Label1.Text & "'", con) da.Fill(dt)

The View Cart datagrid should display items added to the Expected Test Result shopping cart by the particular user.

Actual Result


No visible errors.

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IT404.NET Advanced VB.NET Project

Test Case No.


Checking if the Clear All Button of the shopping cart gridview


removes all items in there of a specific user.

Test Data

sql = "DELETE From Cart Where UName ='" & Session("UName") & "'" 'con.Open() cmd = New OleDbCommand(sql, con) cmd.ExecuteNonQuery() con.Close()

The View Cart datagrid should REMOVE all items added to Expected Test Result the shopping cart by the particular user.

Actual Result


No visible errors.

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IT404.NET Advanced VB.NET Project

Test Case No.


Checking if the items in the Order form of the 2Rats website


append into their designated table.

Test Data

query1 = "INSERT INTO BuyItems(FullName, MailAddress, Landline, Mobile, Email, ProductCode, ProductName, Total, PayMethod) VALUES('" & txtFname.Text & txtMI.Text & txtLname.Text & "','" & txtHome.Text & txtHome2.Text & txtHome3.Text & txtZip.Text & "','" & txtTel.Text & "','" & txtMob.Text & "','" & txtEAdd.Text & "','" & ddlCode.SelectedValue & "','" & txtProdName.Text & "','" & txtTotal.Text & "','" & rbMode.Text & "')"

All data inputs in the order form of the 2rats for the brats Expected Test Result website should append into the BuyItems table.

Actual Result


No errors existing.

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IT404.NET Advanced VB.NET Project

Test Case No.

11 Checking if the go button that fetches data basing on the value of


product code dropdown list retrieves its equivalent value into the product name and price textbox.

Test Data

query = "SELECT * FROM Products WHERE PCode='" & ddlCode.SelectedValue & "'"

The Go button should retrieve the product name and price data Expected Test Result basing on the product code drop down list

Actual Result


No visible errors.

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IT404.NET Advanced VB.NET Project

Test Case No.


Checking if the add items button inserts an item into the


products list box below.

Test Data

ListBox1.Items.Add(txtProdName.Text) ListBox2.Items.Add(txtPrice.Text)

Expected Test Result

The ADD button should induct an item into the list box below.

Actual Result


No visible errors.

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IT404.NET Advanced VB.NET Project

Test Case No.


Checking if the REMOVE button drops an item from the


products list box below.

Test Data

ListBox1.Items.Remove(txtProdName.Text) ListBox2.Items.Remove(txtPrice.Text)

Expected Test Result

One item in the products listbox should be removed.

Actual Result


No visible errors.

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IT404.NET Advanced VB.NET Project

Test Case No.


Checking if the Prices of the items compute for the total


amount of costs.

Test Data

txtTotal.Text = Val(txtTotal.Text) + Val(txtPrice.Text) * Val(txtQTY.Text)

Expected Test Result

The arithmetic for the total cost of items should compute.

Actual Result


No visible errors.

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IT404.NET Advanced VB.NET Project

Test Case No.



Checking if all images in the website load correctly

Test Data

<img src=PICTURE.jpg></img>

All images should be visible in the 2rats for the brats Expected Test Result website.

Actual Result


No visible errors.

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IT404.NET Advanced VB.NET Project 3.8 Test Logs
PCSO Lottery Digits Generator Test Log Project: IT404.Net Event: N/A System: ASP.NET WebSite Date: 2012.06.12 Build: ASP.NET VB Time: 2:21 -3:10 PM Config: N/A Tester: Ma. Carmen Lim Tool: Visual Web Developer Express 2008 Result: No Errors Detected

Test Script Test Case: 1 Passed: Yes Test Case: 2 Passed: Yes Test Case: 3 Passed: Yes Test Case: 4 Passed: Yes Test Case: 5 Passed: Yes Test Case: 6 Passed: Yes Test Case: 7 Passed: Yes Test Case: 8 Passed: Yes Test Case: 9 Passed: Yes Test Case: 10 Passed: Yes Test Case: 11 Passed: Yes Test Case: 12 Passed: Yes Test Case: 13 Passed: Yes Test Case: 14 Passed: Yes Test Case: 15 Passed: Yes Metric: LOC 456 Metric: LLOC 124 Signature: Ma. Carmen N. Lim

Results Version Failed: No Deferred: No Failed: No Deferred: No Failed: No Deferred: No Failed: No Deferred: No Failed: No Deferred: No Failed: No Deferred: No Failed: No Deferred: No Failed: No Deferred: No Failed: No Deferred: No Failed: No Deferred: No Failed: No Deferred: No Failed: No Deferred: No Failed: No Deferred: No Failed: No Deferred: No Failed: No Deferred: No Metrics Calculation: n/a Calculation: n/a Date: 2012.05.10

Result Comment: Error-Free Comment: Error-Free Comment: Error-Free Comment: Error-Free Comment: Error-Free Comment: Error-Free Comment: Error-Free Comment: Error-Free Comment: Error-Free Comment: Error-Free Comment: Error-Free Comment: Error-Free Comment: Error-Free Comment: Error-Free Comment: Error-Free

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IT404.NET Advanced VB.NET Project CHAPTER IV: IMPLEMENTATION The 2Rats for the Brats ecommerce site has already surpassed the web design and development phase and is now operational. It was constructed through the use of HTML (Hypertext Markup Language), CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) and ASP.Net in Visual Basic encryptions. At this stage it can already be utilized although it hasnt been launched in the World Wide Web yet. Since the website hasnt been published into the Web-o-sphere, this portion of the documentation shall only demonstrate to the user on how the e-commerce site will be facilitated through visual studio 2008. NOTE: Certain systems requirements were met before this demonstration was done. (see page 5 for the detail.) The ecommerce site isnt all that difficult to use, actually, the majority of our society has already been familiarized with the internet. The internet is a very popular communication medium nowadays and most human beings connect with each other online so its likely that a user already has an idea on how to operate this website. Using 2Rats for the brats is only a matter of surfing its web pages like everyone does in social networks we shall start this web demonstration on flipping through the next page. 0535 - 0000 7999 (I-DIT)

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IT404.NET Advanced VB.NET Project 2Rats for the brats is used in the same manner as one would browse a web site on the internet, so each page of the ecommerce site will be demonstrated. The Home Page The home page acts as the frontispiece Ecommerce of site. the It

welcomes the user into the web space and usually what captures the attention of the users. updates It also from contains the

administrator of the website.

As the user scrolls down this page they will come across a Guest Book where they can leave a message that is addressed to the web page.

To be able to take advantage of the guestbook the user must give a chat 0535 - 0000 7999 (I-DIT) name of his liking then enter his email right after that type in a comment whichever that he has in mind and hit send. A label on top of the guest book will notify the user that his post will take a while to be published and he has to refresh the page after a few minutes. The guestbook cannot be left blank or it wont accept any data.

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IT404.NET Advanced VB.NET Project The About Page There isnt really much to do in this page for its sole purpose is to only describe to the

user the company profile of 2Rats for the brats website.

This page contains a descriptive about the Ecommerce site; the main goal of the business and terms & conditions of which makes the users aware of the legal matters and rules of the online shops trade. Although there isnt much activity in this page it is very crucial to inform the users on how they should behave in the website.

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IT404.NET Advanced VB.NET Project The Products Page Before anybody views this page they must be a member of the 2Rats for the Brats Ecommerce site or else they are prohibited from viewing the page since it asks for login details initially. When a user has already Logged

into the products page they will

immediately see a catalogue of all the anime and toy

items available in 2Rats for the brats website. All the user can do in this webpage is to canvas for items and opt whether to buy an item? Or add it into a cart. When the user adds an item into the cart a message box will indicate that it has already been placed inside a shopping 0535 - 0000 7999 (I-DIT)

cart which can be viewed clicking on the upper right link of the page and there it goes.

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IT404.NET Advanced VB.NET Project Lets say a user has added an item into a shopping cart at this point. They will be able to view it into the view my cart page.

As depicted above, a spreadsheet like chart enlists all the items the specific user has picked from the products catalogue that they would like to purchase. If a user changes their mind they can completely renew their shopping cart contents by clicking clear all button. That command will erase all items in the cart as a result and the user can shop in the products page once again to rearrange their wish list. Alternatively, the user might wanna buy a product right away in order to do so they will click the Buy button within a specific item. When they have done so, they will be redirected into the order form of the ecommerce site

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IT404.NET Advanced VB.NET Project From the buy button the order form will look something like this: The user must suffice all the required fields in it. The order form has a short billing system so the user will know how much money he or she will need to spend. To operate our billing system one must select an item from the product code dropdown menu. Click GO button! The product name and price will be generated in their respective text fields. Enter a quantity, this must be an integer from 1 to a thousand. When there is a quantity press ADD button. As you can see the item has been inserted into the list box below then computes for the total automatically. 0535 - 0000 7999 (I-DIT) Press REMOVE button to reverse that move anytime. When you add more items prices will continue to sum up. Next, choose a gender. Then hit submit button a message box will appear saying orders are taken and the user will be redirected into the products page again.

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IT404.NET Advanced VB.NET Project The Contact Page Is only a simple and clean website which presents the contact details of 2 Rats for the brats website to the users of whom we assume are customers.

The purpose of this site is to open a line of communication to the hobby shops customers and enable them to reach the vendor through phone, mobile or email instantly. The user can directly email 2Rats for the Brats by clicking on their hyperlinked email address. This action will open up Microsoft outlook and the user must know their way from there. A typical user will only grab 2Rats for the Brats email address and 0535 - 0000 7999 (I-DIT) compose a message on either Google mail or Yahoo mail. It is essential to the business to have an open communication with their buyers so they will be able to able to make better deals with them via voice or texts.

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IT404.NET Advanced VB.NET Project The Registration Page This page is essential enabling user become valued member of for a to a

the 2Rats for the Brats

Ecommerce site. The user will be required to provide important information demanded buy each of the text fields, drop down menus and radio buttons. The user must define the following details: a Username and Password of their choice First name Middle Initial Last Name Date of birth Gender Email address 0535 - 0000 7999 (I-DIT)

They will have to click submit at will, if a field is left blank a label will tell them.

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IT404.NET Advanced VB.NET Project The Log In Screen The user must simply enter a username and password then click Log In Button, if the


user will be lead to the products page

else they will be taken to the registration

page. This concludes the user manual phase of this documentation and it only needs to be publicized to be able of genuine benefit to 2Rats for the brats Ecommerce site.

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IT404.NET Advanced VB.NET Project CHAPTER V: CONCLUSION The documentation is at a close for parting remarks the author would like to express that it was enjoyable making an Ecommerce site for 2Rats for the brats using her knowledge in HTML (Hypertext Markup Language), CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) and ASP.Net in visual basic. It has been a bit challenging for her to actually try to integrate all those web languages together without conflict but was able to solve the matter later on. She stresses out that encoding and scripting web applications using in visual basic is a little bit unstable for starters. One must have a profound understanding of HTML Hypertext Markup Language, Cascading Style Sheets and VB.Net before anyone has the capability to use the ASP.Net web application language in visual basic. This web development codes are not for amateurs and this is definitely a must learn buy Information Technology professionals to broaden their knowledge in building web pages. According to the author of this document, it is a breeze to encode in ASP.Net once you have gotten a hang of it since it interoperates with external file due to its application of visual basic concept which is Object Oriented. The web developer can directly connect their webpage into MS Access database which saves time trying to link to MySQL and other validations. Although, there is a downside in using ASP.Net in visual basic since it will need a license from Microsoft which will be pricey and needless expense.

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Firstly, Special thanks to the almighty God who blessed me with the capability to complete such tasks, my family and friends who encouraged and supported me in my education through out. Extending my credits to the hard work and dedication of the entire management and staff of Informatics Filinvest Alabang meant for our quality education. My utmost gratitude to Sir Rudrian Riener Parias for ensuring we learn every crucial lesson there is regarding ASP.NET correlating with websites.

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