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Code No: R05310803 Set No.

III B.Tech I Semester Regular Examinations, November 2007
(Chemical Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks

1. (a) The latent heat of vaporization of ethyl alcohol is experimentally to be 200

cal/gm. at its normal BP of 78 0 C. Its critical temperature is 243 o C. Estimate
the heat of vaporization at a temperature of 180 o C.
(b) Define of heat of solution based on one mole of solution and one mole of solute.
Also derive the relationship between them. [6+10]

2. The gas stream from a sulphur burner is composed of 45 mol % SO2 , and 55 mol%
O2 . This gas stream at 1 bar and 480 o C enters a catalytic converter when SO2
is further oxidized to SO3 . Assuming that the reaction reaches equilibrium, deter-
mine how much heat must be removed from the converter to maintain isothermal
conditions per 100 mol of entering gas Cp / R = A + BT +D/T2 [16]

A 103 B 10−5 D ∆Hf, 25o C ∆Go f, 25o C

J/mol J/mol
SO2 5.699 0.801 -1.015 -296830 -300194
O2 3.639 0.506 -0.227 ----- -----
SO3 8.060 1.056 -2.028 -395720 -371060

3. (a) Discuss the determination of fugacity from equation of state, with special
reference to Vander waals gas and show that, ln f = ln (RT/(V-b)) + b/(V-b)
? 2a/RTV.
(b) Show mathematically that the entropy change on mixing is not zero even for
ideal gases. [12+4]

4. (a) Elucidate the vapor-liquid equilibrium of binary systems with the help of p-x-y
and t-x-y diagrams.
(b) Write and explain models for excess Gibbs energy based on the local compo-
sition. [12+4]

5. (a) Discuss the phase rule and Duhem’s theorem for non-reacting system, explain
in detail.
(b) The binary system of benzene (1) / ethyl benzene (2) conforms closely to
Raoult’s law. Vapor pressures for the pure species are given by the following
Antoine equations:
ln p1 sat /kpa = 13.8594 − t/02773.78
ln p2 sat /kpa = 14.0045 − t/03279.47
Prepare P-xy diagram for a temperature of 900 C. [6+10]

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Code No: R05310803 Set No. 1
6. Determine expressions for GR , HR , SR implied by the vander waals equation of
state. [16]

7. Develop equations that apply to the limiting case of binary LLE for which the
α-phase is very dilute in spices 1 and the β-phase is very dilute in species2. [16]

8. A mixture of N2 , H2 and Argon in the mole ratio 1:3:2 enters a catalytic reactor
for the synthesis of ammonia. The reactor is maintained at 400o C and 20 Mpa.
Estimate the degree of conversion (K = 1096∗ 104 ). [16]


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Code No: R05310803 Set No. 2
III B.Tech I Semester Regular Examinations, November 2007
(Chemical Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks

1. If the heat capacity of the substance is correctly represented by in equation of the

form, Cp = A + BT + CT 2
Show that the error resulting when <Cp >H is assumed = Cp evaluated at the
arithmetic mean of initial and final temperature is C(T2 − T1 )2 /12. [16]
2. Calculate the maximum temperature in degree centigrade when the following gas
is burned with 30% excess air entering at 25 0 C:

CO 30%
H2 15%
CO2 5%
N2 50%

The mean heat capacities of these gages (in cal/ g mole 0 K) are:

CO : 7.587
H2 : 7.138
O2 : 7.941
N2 : 7.507
CO2 :11.92
H2 O : 9.39
Heat of combustion data: ∆Hc (k cal/ g mole) CO = 67.63 and H2 O = 68.32. [16]
3. Derive the relation for the calculation of Gibbs free energy of ideal gas mixture,
starting from fundamental property relation. [16]
4. Vapor-liquid equilibrium data for the system 1, 2 dichloro methane (1) /methanol
(2) at 50 o C are as follows:

P/kpa x1 y1
55.55 0.000 0.000
58.79 0.042 0.093
64.59 0.189 0.265
65.76 0.349 0.349
65.59 0.415 0.367
63.86 0.632 0.418
59.03 0.835 0.484
48.41 0.945 0.620
31.10 1.000 1.000

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Code No: R05310803 Set No. 2
Determine the values of lnγ1 and lnγ2 using Margules equations. Also plot lnγ1 and
lnγ2 Vs x1 . [16].

5. The excess Gibbs energy for a binary system is given by: GE / RT = 0.45 X1 X2 .
The pure component vapor pressures are given by:
ln P1 sat /kPa = 14.39− t/2795.8
o C+230
sat 3644.2
ln P2 /kPa = 16.59− t/o C+239
Obtain the P-x, y diagram for this system at 50o C. [16]

6. Show that the residual Gibbs energy of fluids from Redlich-Kwong equation of state
is G
= Z − 1 − ln(1 − h)Z − bRTa 1.5 ln (1 + h). [16]

7. Name the different types of binary mixtures in terms of solubility. What are the
thecritical solution temperature and the three phase temperature for a partially
miscible liquid solution. Show them on diagram. [16]

8. Write short notes on:

(a) Effect of temperature on equilibrium constant K

(b) Law of mass action. [8+8]


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Code No: R05310803 Set No. 3
III B.Tech I Semester Regular Examinations, November 2007
(Chemical Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks

1. Water and a liquid mixture of propane and butane are admitted into a vaporizer at
50 o C and leave as vapors at 175 o C. The hourly 25 kg water, 350 kg propane and
550 kg of butane are admitted. Estimate the heat requirement in the vaporizer.
Component Latent heat of vaporization Boiling point a b×103 C×106
o o
cal/gm mole at 100 C temp Tc C
Propane 5038 96.6 8.41 35.95 -6.97
Butane 6138 151.8 2.25 45.40 -8.83
Water 10388 96.6 7.14 2.64 0.046
Cp =a+bT+cT2 where Cp is in cal/mol.k and T is in K. Mention the assumption
made to solve the problem. [16]

2. Carbon monoxide gas is burned at constant pressure with 100% excess air. The
reactants enter at 25 0 C and the exhaust gases leave the reaction chamber at 1200
C Estimate the heat loss from the reaction chamber
Standard heat of combustion of CO=-282,900 J/mol
Cp =a+bT+cT2 Cp in J/mol-K, T in K
The constants of a, b, c are: [16]

a b×103 c×106
CO2 26.75 42.26 -14.25
N2 27.02 5.81 -0.29
O2 25.29 13.25 -4.20

3. (a) Derive an expression for estimating fugacity of a liquid at a given T and P.

(b) The partial molar volume of methanol in methanol- water. Solution at x1 =
0.3881 (mole fraction) is 39.176 × 10 −6 m3 /mol. The density of the mixture
is 905.376 kg/m3 . Calculate the partial molar volume of water in the solution.

4. Derive and discuss the Wilson equation as a model of solution behaviour for mul-
ticomponent system. Discuss the merits of this model over others. Explain its
temperature dependence also. [16]

5. (a) Explain bubble print and dewprint.

(b) Describe the vapor/ liquid equilibrium calculation procedure for DEW P. Va-
por and liquid phases may be considered as non- ideal. [6+10]

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Code No: R05310803 Set No. 3
6. When the compressibility factor Z is a function of P, T show that the residual
entropy of fluids from virial equation of state is SR = − PR dB
. [16]

7. Discuss about LLE and draw its solubility diagrams represented in the form of an
‘island’ [16]

8. In a laboratory investigation, acetylene is catalytically hydrogenated to ethylene at

1,1200 C And 1 bar. If the feed is an equimolar mixture of acetylene and hydrogen,
what is the composition of the product stream at equilibrium? The reactions are
C2 H2 → 2C + H2
K1 = 4x105 , K2 =2.5x10−6 . [16]
2C + 2H2 → C2 H4


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Code No: R05310803 Set No. 4
III B.Tech I Semester Regular Examinations, November 2007
(Chemical Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks

1. Water and a liquid mixture of propane and butane are admitted into a vaporizer at
50 o C and leave as vapors at 175 o C. The hourly 25 kg water, 350 kg propane and
550 kg of butane are admitted. Estimate the heat requirement in the vaporizer.
Component Latent heat of vaporization Boiling point a b×103 C×106
cal/gm mole at 100o C temp Tc o C
Propane 5038 96.6 8.41 35.95 -6.97
Butane 6138 151.8 2.25 45.40 -8.83
Water 10388 96.6 7.14 2.64 0.046
Cp =a+bT+cT2 where Cp is in cal/mol.k and T is in K. Mention the assumption
made to solve the problem. [16]

2. (a) 40 kg of ethyl alcohol and 50 kg of acetic acid are charged into a reactor to
yield ethyl acetate as per the reaction,
C2 H5 OH (l) + CH3 COOH (l) = C2 H5 OOCCH3 + H2 O
The reaction is 60% complete. Estimate the heat effect of this process heat of
combustion in cal/mol: C2 H5 OH = -326700; CH3 COOH = - 208300; C2 H5 OOCCH3
= - 538760, H2 O(l)= - 68.3 Kcal/gm mole.
(b) Write short notes on effect of temperate on heat of reaction. [10+6]

3. (a) Estimate Z, HR and SR at 70 o C and 200Kpa for an equimolar vapor mixture

of propane and pentane using virial expansions B11 = -276, B22 = -809, B12
= -466 cm3 /mol.
(b) Write and explain fundamental residual property relation. [10+6]

4. For Diethyl ether (1) - Chloroform (2) at 30 o C, γ α 1 = 0.71 and γ α 2 = 0.57, P1 sat =
33.73 kPa and P2 sat = 86.59 kPa. The system is believed to governed by Margules
type of equations for activity coefficients. Prepare a p-x-y diagram for the system
at 30 o C. [16]

5. (a) Explain bubble print and dewprint.

(b) Describe the vapor/ liquid equilibrium calculation procedure for DEW P. Va-
por and liquid phases may be considered as non- ideal. [6+10]

6. Show that the residual Gibbs energy of fluids from Redlich-Kwong equation of state
is G
= Z − 1 − ln(1 − h)Z − bRTa 1.5 ln (1 + h). [16]

7. Discuss about liquid-liquid Equilibrium (LLE). Draw liquid-liquid solubility dia-

gram with proper labeling. [16]

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Code No: R05310803 Set No. 4
8. For the gas phase reaction CO2 (g) + 2H2 (g) ⇔ CH3 OH (g) at 10000 C and at
500 bar pressure,calculate the equilibrium composition using the following data:
K = 0.68 at 10000 C; The fugacity coefficients at this pressure:
CO2 =0.99; H2 = 1.15; CO = 1.08; H2 O = 0.86. [16]


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