CH 12

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CH 12

1. Are leadership and management different from one another? If so, how? Leadership- The ability to influence a group toward the achievement of goals. Management- the use of authority inherent in designated formal rank to obtain compliance from organizational members Because management positions come with some degree of formally designated authority, a person may assume a leadership role simply because of the position he or she holds in the organization. But not all leaders are manager, nor, for that matter, are all managers leaders. Just because an organization provides its managers with certain formal rights is no assurance that they will be able to lead effectively. 2. What is the premise of trait theories? What traits are associated with leadership? Trait theories of leadership differentiate leaders from nonleaders by focusing on personal qualities and characteristics. Extraversion is the most important trait of effective leaders. Leaders who are extraverted, conscientious, and open do seem to have an advantage when it comes to leadership. Emotional intelligence is another trait that may indicate effective leadership. 4. What is Fiedlers contingency model? Has it been supported in research? The Fiedler contingency model proposes that effective group performance depends on the proper match between the leaders style and the degree to which the situation gives control to the leader. Leader: Style is Fixed- Task oriented vs. Relationship oriented Considers Situational Favorableness for Leader Leader-member relations Task structure Position power

Key Assumption- Leader must fit situation; options to accomplish this Select leader to fit situation Change situation to fit leader

As a whole, reviews of the major studies that have tested the overall validity of the Fiedler model lead to generally positive conclusion. That is, there is considerable evidence to support at least substantial parts of the model. 6. What are the predictions of the leader-participation model?

The model is far too complicated for the typical manager to use on a regular basis. Although Vroom and Jago have developed a computer program to guide managers through all the decisions branches in the revised model, its not very realistic to expect practicing manager to consider 12 contingency variables, eight problem types, and five leadership styles in trying to select the appropriate decision process for a specific problem.

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