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I am Sin, half of the greatness that was Sin-Etel. Half, you ask? Half.

Because my lieutenant, Azbrudal, a much lesser demon, somehow managed to split my personality between myself, Sin and Etel, the other self. Upon gaining his own sovereignity, he split us in two. Azbrudal then usurped my position and tried to kill me, but he was made very busy (and is still very busy) trying to contain my 37 legions, trying to gain followers. My legions are not happy about what Azbrudal has done. Etel fled the nine hells, to other realms. I had no other purpose than to give chase to him. I followed his path, a wide swath of destruction, from realm to realm, universe to universe. I soon realized I had a connection with him, with myself I could sense and know what realm he was in, and if I was in it. I just could not discern his exact location. In a universe I only knew as Oxlyia, I met a seer who had been in Etels accompaniment for several weeks. The elderly blind woman told me much as she accompanied me in tracking Etel down. She was able to see with her witch-sight that the only course of me getting back what I want, my full self and my throne in Hell, was to consume Etel. Since he is a sub-part of me, he can only get stronger if I am defeated, and he consumes all of me. I can consume small parts of him, but he can only gain true selfdom if he consumes my whole. In that plane of Oxlyia, I encountered Etel, and fought him. I almost had him defeated, until he split his shape. A dozen of him split from himself, and all but one escaped. I was able to kill that one part, and consume it. The power and strength I felt was exulting! With the seers help, I was able to follow Etel and his 10 copies to another plane. What I found there changed me forever.

It was another plane, but what I found there shocked me to my core; Somehow, here, time flow had changed. The world was a planet that worshipped a figure I was very familiar with: Etel. He had somehow, maybe upon coming here in his portal, arrived 400 years before me. He and his had taken over the world, and turned it into a theocracy of himself. In his world, I had been made a monster, much like Satan had been made the devil by Judaism and Christianity. I had to hide myself and learn new tricks. On the plane of Etel, I had to live in the shadows and slowly kill, lie, cheat, and stealth my way close to Etel. I learned how to hide in plain sight; turning my body into wisps of smoke and hypnotize people, possess them, or lie and twist their thoughts and emotions to get them to do what I needed them to do. Thus was Sin truly born. I infiltrated into the throne room, and possessed Etels second hand man. On a night where it was only him and I in his chambers, I attacked him and revealed myself. As I held him down and let my jaw distend, he began to laugh. I paused, uncertain. Etel said, You think this is the True One? I am only a fragment of him. He has reformed, gather his other fragments to him, and gone to a new plane where great things are happening. Upon interrogating him, which was a long, painful and drawn out process that last about 2 months, I finally broke him and got him to tell me where the true Etel was going: the plane of the birthplace of Hell: Earth. He was planning on doing something to return to Hell and usurp Azbrudal. I needed to go to Earth, stop his plan, and carry out my own return to my Throne. I consumed the fragment, made a portal to earth, and there found my natural form to be that of insubstantiality. This worked for me. There, I found that he had aligned himself with some villains, and their plans were large in scope. I knew I could not possibly join them, as he would be against it from the get go. So I had no choice in the matter. I found a

companion, a so called super-hero. The companion could only sense my presence, didnt know I was there. The companion joined a group of superheroes opposed to the villians. I revealed myself to them, and told my intentions of aiding them.

As a side note, I should describe Etel: Since he is half of the being Sin-Etel, he has completely different qualities than Sin. Where Sin is insubstantial, prefers to hide behind machinations and spiderwebs, decoys and the like, Etel is a bulky monster who thinks not of the future but of the now thus he is a violent monster. Think something along the lines of Venoms bulk, with moments of calm and when pushed, explosive rage similar to hulk. His skin is red, and wears a lot of bronze armor/chains.

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