SHIFT Working Constitution

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I. This organization shall be referred to as Secular Humanists Initiating Free Thought (SHIFT).

The independent cause previously referred to as the Critical Thinking Initiative (C.T.I.) shall be merged and reorganized in name, purpose, and structure with SHIFT.

II. Purpose i.


SHIFT is a working collaboration of atheists, agnostics, non-theists, humanists, freethinkers, and other individuals who wish to foster the ideals of scientific inquiry, critical analysis, skepticism, democracy, and naturalism. SHIFT is not an anti-religious organization. It is our position that religion hinders these faculties which we consider secular, and that these faculties must be developed, practiced, and encouraged within our communities for a philosophy of life that allows individuals to lead responsible lives, contributing to the continued utility of humanity. It is the position of SHIFT that the values previously mentioned must be honed and practiced actively in order to produce individuals skilled in their day-to-day implementation. As such, SHIFT will challenge its members to this purpose with group dialogues, critical analyses, public discourse, and educational opportunities that promote the values already stated, while exposing and encouraging exploration of values and ideas which support and grow from these.

III. Organization i. SHIFT shall operate in three non-exclusive committees. Members of SHIFT may opt into participating in as many or as few of these committees as they are willing, able, and fit to take on, at the discretion of the executive committee. In addition to these committees, SHIFT is devoted to participation within, and input from, a public of likeminded individuals, of which one may be a member participating in at varying levels. ii. SHIFT Executive Committee Shall be responsible for organizing events, dividing workload, providing feedback, issuing responsibilities, providing final discretion between committees (including organization within), and upholding the constitution, the values, and the mission of SHIFT. iii. SHIFT Committee of Discourse and Free Thought (C.D.F.T.) Shall be responsible for practicing and applying the above-mentioned skills and values in discourse toward achieving the mission of SHIFT. C.D.F.T. members have the right to be represented in all SHIFT organizational meetings. In addition, representatives and participants of this committee will have the right to propose organizational changes, educational opportunities, and events to be allotted time for consideration by the Executive Committee. C.D.F.T. Officers will be responsible for designating and organizing responsible discourse responding to challenges assigned by the Executive Committee. iv. SHIFT Committee of Critical, Rhetorical Analysis (C.C.R.A.) Shall be responsible for practicing and applying the above-mentioned skills and values in critical, rhetorical analysis toward achieving the mission of SHIFT. C.C.R.A. members have the right to be represented in all SHIFT organizational meetings. In addition, representatives and participants of this committee will have the right to propose organizational changes, educational opportunities, and events to be allotted time for consideration by the Executive Committee. C.C.R.A. officers will be responsible for designating and organizing critical, rhetorical, informative analysis as assigned by the Executive Committee. v. Public Likeminded individuals of the public are considered a valuable resource as the audience for SHIFT, and shall be granted the right to transparency, honest analysis, truth in information, responsibly prompt revision of mistakes, and free-speech. Members of the public have the right to submit suggestions at any time, which may be picked up and assigned consideration by any of the above-mentioned committees. Public has the right to attend and shall be partitioned time to speak during SHIFT meetings, and may elect other members of the public to speak on their behalf. Members of above-mentioned committees retain their membership as a member of the public, with all the rights and privileges included. These shall be maintained by all members of the public who remain committed to the values outlined in this constitution, at the discretion of the Executive Committee.

IV. Officers and Committee Chairs i. Each SHIFT officer shall be elected to serve for one academic school year starting the Summer I Session and ending in the Spring session, corresponding with the Chandler-Gilbert Community College calendar, with elections being held at the final SHIFT meeting of each spring semester. Elections for vacant officer positions may be held as needed. ii. SHIFT Executive Committee shall consist of the following officer positions: President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer. In addition, the SHIFT Executive Committee shall include the following positions: Constitutional Chair, Educational Chair, and Social Media Outreach Chair. Any of these officer and committee positions may be occupied by two people (i.e. co-President or co-Secretary) in the case that the majority of electoral votes designate this to be. a. President(s) (Officer) Shall be responsible for attending; or designating a representative of his position with a maximum of three consecutive unexcused absences for, each official SHIFT meeting; delegating responsibility to carry out Executive decisions to Executive Committee members, as well as assign responsibilities to C.D.F.T and C.C.R.A. Committees; conduct SHIFT meetings, events, and activities and/or delegating those responsibilities to other SHIFT officers or Committee members; coordinating SHIFT activities, events, and projects; and shall coordinate the organization and structure of the SHIFT club. Responsibilities handed out for a non-officer member of SHIFT on the part of the President must be accompanied by signature of the President as well as his representative, which will be copied for each partys records. b. Vice President(s) (Officer) Shall coordinate SHIFT activities, events, and projects with non-SHIFT organizations (e.g. HEAT, ETC, SSDP). c. Secretary/Historian(s) (Officer) - Shall be responsible for attending, or designating someone to attend, all SHIFT meetings, to report on SHIFT activities to all Committees and the Social Media Outreach Officer for discretion of public transparency, and to archive these. The Secretary shall also maintain SHIFT meeting minutes and a detailed archive of SHIFT activities (flyers), events, and Newsletters within a Resource Database, and be responsible for coordinating the SHIFT Orientation Powerpoint to be revised each year after elections. d. Treasurer (Officer)- Shall be responsible for planning fundraising, compiling and presenting financial proposals to SHIFT Executive Committee, and maintaining a detailed budget of SHIFT funds e. Constitutional Chair Shall be responsible solely to interpret the constitution of SHIFT and represent this at all Committee meetings, or else designate this position to another individual for a maximum of three consecutive unexcused absences. f. Educational Chair Shall be responsible for planning, investigating, and proposing educational opportunities and events for SHIFT to the Executive Committee, including working closely with C.D.F.T. and C.R.R.A. to identify needs, goals, and opportunities of each. g. Social Media Outreach Chair Shall be ultimately responsible for maintaining aSHIFTs Social Media Outreach program, including, but not limited to, the SHIFT facebook page, twitter account, and public email account, and representing SHIFTs position within those positions. iii. SHIFT Committee of Discourse and Free Thought (C.D.F.T.) shall consist of two co-officer positions, elected by C.D.F.T. members, responsible for designating members toward the issued challenges of the Executive Committee, and representing C.D.F.T. members in all meetings, as well as to C.R.R.A. Officers and Members. iv. SHIFT Committee of Critical, Rhetorical Analysis (C.C.R.A.) shall consist of two co-officer positions, elected by C.R.R.A. members, responsible for designating members toward the issued challenges of the Executive Committee, and representing C.R.R.A. members in all meetings, as well as to C.D.F.T Officers and Members.

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