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A5003/Unit 3 _______________________________________________________________________________



Writing a Curriculum Vitae

A5003/Unit 3 _______________________________________________________________________________


Writing A Curriculum Vitae

General Aim You should be able to write a curriculum vitae which you can use to apply for a job. Specific Objectives At the end of the unit, you should be able to: 1. 2. 3. 4. present qualifications, experience and skills in an appropriate CV format distinguish between relevant and irrelevant information to be included in the CV highlight important details in the CV in relation to the job applied for check for grammatical, spelling and typing errors in the CV

A5003/Unit 3 _______________________________________________________________________________

BEFORE YOU READ If you want to apply for a job, would you send all your certificates along with your application letter? Why/Why not? Would you include your IC number in your CV? If you have worked as a waiter/waitresses at a fast food restaurant, would you include it in your CV? Why/Why not?

INPU T Preparing your Curriculum Vitae / Resume

Special Note: Remembering Dictionary Skills Pronunciation- vitae /vi:tai/ resume /rezjumei/ curriculum vitae and covering letter are British English whereas the Americans use resume and cover letter.

The Resume or Curriculum Vitae (CV) is a document which provides easy reference for your potential employer who wants to know your educational background, work experience and achievements. Basically a Resume or CV should be:

Brief . No potential employers would expect you to send them every certificate you have acquired. You, therefore, need to summarise your achievements, both academic and non- academic, in a clear and easily accessible format. Most people would advise against a resume which exceeds two pages (particularly for a young graduate with very little or no job experience). Do not include information which is already outdated. Comprehensive. Being brief does not mean leaving out important details which could help you get that interview. It is thus very important to decide what should or should not be included in the resume. Specific. This means that the information you give should be very clear and exact. Saying that you know how to use the computer is NOT specific enough. State the software packages you know. Attractive. Yes, appearance is very important. The resume is your potential employers first impression of you. It is very much like an advertising brochure for

A5003/Unit 3 _______________________________________________________________________________

a product. Thus, a good format and style, layout and professionalism will influence the person reading your resume. Generally a resume should contain the following parts : 1) Personal Particulars This section usually consists of the applicant's address, telephone number, date of birth, marital status, nationality etc. If you do not have a telephone at home, you should still provide the telephone number of a person whom you can contact easily. In many instances, applicants are called for interviews through the telephone. In preparing your personal particulars, care must be taken to ensure that the list does not become too long. Remember, your potential employer is more interested in your qualifications and work experience. 2) Education For those who have limited work experience, it may be necessary to start off with your education background and qualifications. You should include under this section the following : i) School/Institute - the most recent one first, with graduation dates. It would not be necessary to mention your primary school! ii) Qualifications - There is no need for you to list out all the results of your examinations. You should only mention your strong achievements. For example: Grade I in SPM with distinctions in Mathematics and English. iii) Courses attended - This refers to courses like typing, short-hand etc. 3) Work Experience/Employment History This is the most important part of the resume. Your practical training is considered working experience and therefore should be included. Besides the name of the company and the duration of the training, you should give specific details of the duties you were given and the exposure gained. Employers like those who are independent. Highlight the special assignments or responsibilities you were given. Mention some of the things you had taken your own initiative to accomplish. If you have other work experience, you should list the most recent one first.

When you mention the job specifications of your previous work experience, make sure that the information given is specific.

A5003/Unit 3 _______________________________________________________________________________

For example, the information given below is NOT specific enough: Job Specifications: trouble-shooting maintaining equipment The above specifications do not say what the applicant was trouble-shooting and maintaining! A better way of presenting the information is: Job Specifications: trouble-shooting computer keyboards and monitors maintaining fire-fighting equipment More examples: Dont just say: auditing administrative duties Say instead: assisting seniors in auditing financial statements of dormant companies and subsidiaries of listed companies. Handling administrative and secretarial duties such as certifying documents, issuing invoices and payment vouchers, organising departmental meetings and recording the minutes of meetings. 4) Skills and Strengths You should highlight the special skills you have, in particular IT skills, language skills etc. If you have your own transport and know your way around the Klang Valley, mention it. This is useful if you are applying for a job which requires you to travel. Having good contacts with the press or mass media is strength if you are applying for a marketing/public relations job. For example: Proficient in Microsoft Word and Excel 2000 Internet savvy able to create Web pages 5) Extra-curricular Activities Under this section you try to show that you are an active and outgoing person. By listing down the clubs and societies of which you held responsible positions, you are telling your potential employer that you are a person who can work and interact with others. Interpersonal and communication skills are very important nowadays. Again, special accomplishments should be mentioned.

A5003/Unit 3 _______________________________________________________________________________

For example: I was involved in organising a book exhibition and a seminar on 'Public Speaking' when I was a committee member of the English Language Club (PUO 1995-97). Interests and achievements in sports should be mentioned. Some companies are very keen on sportsmen and sportswomen. 6) Honours/Awards Put in the awards you have obtained, especially awards for outstanding achievements. For example: Obtained Second Prize in the Perak State Technology Innovation Competition 2001 Institute of Higher Learning Category 7) Other Information In this section you put in information which you think is useful but does not fit into the other sections. For example, you can put in your interests. 8) References You should supply the names of two persons who can vouch for your capabilities and character. You should include: i) The name of the person, ii) His/Her job title, iii) The company he/she is working for, and, iv) His/Her address and phone number. You should not simply use peoples names without first informing them. Remember, your Head of Department may not know who you are. It will be very awkward if your referee is contacted and he does not know who you are. If you do not have a reliable referee, you can write Will be available upon request.

A5003/Unit 3 _______________________________________________________________________________

Task 3.1

Based on the input above, decide whether the following statements are TRUE or FALSE. Give your reasons.
1 .

You should include in your resume your UPSR and PMR results

2 . 3 . 4 . 5 .

You should list your latest work experience first.

Internet savvy means able to use the Internet.

Extra-curricular activities refer to your academic results.

You dont have to inform the referees before you put their name down as referees.

Task 3.2

In groups of three or four, compare CV 1 and CV 2. What are the differences between them. Which one is better? Why? One member of the group is required to present a report on your findings. The following expressions may be useful for your presentation: We feel that ....... This is because ..... We notice that ........... The first CV is ........, whereas the second one is ....... Another difference is the .......... In terms of format, ......... In terms of content ..........

Tips for Presentation!

A5003/Unit 3 _______________________________________________________________________________

presented more clearly; Firstly, the CV ....... Secondly, .......... Thirdly ....... Finally, ........

more attractive etc.

Let me summarise the main strengths of CV no. .......

We feel that CV no. ____ is a much better one because

CV 1
Type of document: RESUME

PERSONNEL PARTICULAR Name: ABDUL HALIM BIN TALIB Adreess: 34 Sari 22 Taman Chempaka31400 Ipoh Perak Darul Ridzuan IC. No.: 800002-08-7655 Bith certificate No.: A63276582 Race:Malay Sex: Male Helthe: Excellent National: Malaysian Place of Birth: Ipoh General Hospital Date of Birth: 07/09/01 Fathers occupation: Technician Mothers occupation: Housewife EDUCATION 1) 1983 - 1988 Victoria Primary School 2) 1989 1993 Victoria Institute, K.L 3) Dis 1993-95 Politeknik Ungku Omar 4) Jan 1997 Dis 1997 Politeknik Ungku Omar

UPSR result 5 As PMR 3 As 4 Bs SPM Grade 1

Certificate in Engineering Electrik Diploma in Engineering Electrik

WORK EXPERIENCE Jan 1998 Ogos 1998 Help Manager Project to do work Sept 1989 - June 1990 Dec 1988 - May 1988

Site Engineer

Practical Training at SONY ELECTRONICS BHD. Assistant Sales at SETRON WATCHES,

EXTRA-CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES Chief Editor of the Club English Language Secretary of the Club Japanese Language Prefect Library of Victoria Institute. A member of the school soccer team. A members of the Society History A member of the Society Math

A5003/Unit 3 _______________________________________________________________________________
A members of the Geografi Club Other Information Proficient in Computer Qualified lifeguard Full clean driving licence (B & D) and my own vehicle Can work under pressure and meet tight deadlines Speak fluent Bahasa Malaysia and English; able to converse in basic Cantonese REFERENCE: Tuan Haji Abdul Rahman Bin Talib Pengetua Victoria Institut , KL

A5003/Unit 3 10 _______________________________________________________________________________

CV 2
34 Sari 22 Taman Chempaka 31400 Ipoh Perak Darul Ridzuan Telephone no.: 05-457438 E-mail Address: ahalim@tm.net.my ___________________________________________________________________________________

Date of birth : 23 July 1970 Marital Status : Single Place of Birth: Ipoh Nationality : Malaysian

Jan 1997 Dec 1997 Politeknik Ungku Omar Jalan Dairy, 31400 Ipoh Diploma in Electrical Engineering Certificate in Electrical Obtained GPA Score of 3.33 (B+ average) SPM Grade 1 with Distinctions in Mathematics and English

Dec 1993 - Politeknik Ungku Omar Engineering Dec 1995 Jalan Dairy, 31400 Ipoh 1988 - 1993Victoria Institute Jalan Durian, 22000 K.L.

July 1990 Present Site Engineer at MMN BINA Sdn Bhd, Petaling Jaya Construction Company Assisting Project Manager in coordinating and evaluating electrical installation/wiring Sept 1989 - June 1990 BHD., Penang Preparing progress reports Supervising a group of 20 foreign workers Practical Training at SONY ELECTRONICS Free Trade Zone. Exposure gained : Maintaining fire-fighting equipment Data Processing and Programming (using C+ Trouble-shooting computer keyboards and Worked as a Sales Assistant at SETRON KOMTAR, Penang.


+) monitors Dec 1989 - May 1988 WATCHES,

A5003/Unit 3 11 _______________________________________________________________________________

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1988 - 1989 Politeknik Ungku Newsletters. Secretary of the Japanese Language Club of Politeknik Ungku Omar handled official correspondence for the club and organised Japanese Language classes for members. Arranged visits to Japanese companies. 1986 - 1987 1987 - 1988 the 1986 K.L. the semi-finals. School Prefect of Victoria Institute. A member of the school soccer team. Participated in Inter-School Soccer Competition - managed to enter Chief Editor of the English Language Club of Omar. Was involved in the publication of the Club's quarterly


Proficient in Microsoft Word, PowerPoint and Excel, and AutoCAD 2000. Able to create Web Pages Qualified lifeguard (Bronze Medallion) volunteer lifeguard at the MPI Swimming Complex in 1987. Full clean driving licence (B & D) and my own vehicle familiar with Kuala Lumpur, PJ and Klang. Can work under pressure and meet tight deadlines Speak fluent Bahasa Malaysia and English; able to converse in basic Cantonese Fluent in written Bahasa Malaysia and English


Recipient of Public Service Department Scholarship (1999-2000) 1st Runner-up in English Language Debate (1998)

I enjoy travelling and meeting people very much. My other interests are music and swimming.

The following persons have agreed to provide any additional information regarding my qualifications and character : Tuan Haji Abdul Rahman Bin Talib Head of Communications Time Engineering Sdn Bhd Jalan Dairy, 31400 Ipoh Perak Darul Ridzuan IR David Kwan Yoke Tong Chief Engineer Sony Electronics Sdn Bhd Lot 123/124, Penang Free Trade Zone 12005 Penang

A5003/Unit 3 12 _______________________________________________________________________________ Tel : 05-557622 ext 62 Tel: 04-654637 ext 34

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Task 3.3

Work in groups of three, compare Abdul Halims CV with the CV below. Can you find at least 3 differences. Pay special attention to content, presentation and appearance. Be prepared to present your answers in front of the class. Useful Language Expressions There are basically three main differences. Tips The first is, .. for Presentation! The second is, .. And, the third is We are able to find more than 3 differences. We have . We are able to see other differences such as . Abdul Halims CV is ., whereas Shamilas CV is . In addition, we also find that ..

12 Persiaran Gunung Rapat 3 Taman Mewah 31400 Ipoh

Tel: 05-3125773 E-mail: il2020@yahoo.com


Technical designer position using previous structural experience and well-developed skills in drawing and AutoCAD. 1998 1999: UNGKU OMAR POLYTECHNIC Diploma in Civil Engineering Cumulative GPA 3.75/4.00 1996 1998: PORT DICKSON POLYTECHNIC Certificate in Civil Engineering Cumulative GPA 3.60/4.00 1990 1995: S. M. K. MAIN CONVENT IPOH SPM Distinctions in English and Mathematics

A5003/Unit 3 13 _______________________________________________________________________________


Jan 1998 Dec 1998: PC UNLIMITED KINTA CITY IPOH Customer/Sales Service Assistant Assembled PCs and installed software and computer accessories Handled customer complaints Provided after-sales service Jul 1997 Dec 1997: W. S. LAU & ASSOCIATES, Kuala Lumpur. Industrial Training Designed multi-storey building structures (4 storeys) manually and using computer software Calculated earthwork cut and fill areas using computer software Supervised load tests on site Rawang Highway Project Drew housing sewerage and water supply system plans using AutoCAD 2000 Designed sewerage and piping for housing projects Taman Sensasi, Sungai Buaya, Selangor


Proficient in AutoCAD 2000, Microsoft Word, Excel and PowerPoint Speak 4 languages well: English, Malay, Cantonese and Tamil Currently learning Japanese (Intermediate level) Able to create simple Web Pages Can work under pressure to meet tight deadlines Independent and self-motivated Clean driving License (B & D) Aug 1999 Dec 1999 Secretary, Japanese Language Club, Ungku Omar Polytechnic Handled official correspondence for the club Wrote minutes of meetings Organized Japanese language Classes for members Arranged visits to Japanese companies Jan 1997 Jul 1997 Secretary, Volleyball Club, Port Dickson Polytechnic Handled official correspondence for the club Wrote minutes of meetings Organized inter-polytechnic competitions Jan 1999 Jul 1999 Represented Port Dickson Polytechnic in the shot-put event in the 1999 Inter-Polytechnic meet 1st runner up



Recipient of Public Service Department Scholarship (1999) 1st runner up in the 1999 Perak State AutoCAD Competition Best Speaker of the 1999 English Language Club Debate

A5003/Unit 3 14 _______________________________________________________________________________


Will be available on request

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Task 3.4


Read the two CVs again and see how Abdul Halim and Shamila describe their work experience and skills. Example: Abdul Halims CV:

Preparing progress reports

Trouble-shooting computer keyboards and monitors

Shamilas CV
Supervised load tests on site Calculated earthwork cut and fill areas using computer software

Now you use the following key words to describe your own experience and skills. Only use the words which you feel are relevant. Note that you can use two of the key words together. You can also use other words if the ones below are not suitable. Note: You can use BOTH the verbing form and the Simple Past Tense to describe your past work experience. However, you should choose one form when you write your CV. RESPONSIBILITIES: Using the Verbing form: Supervising ____________________________________________________ Developing _____________________________________________________ Designing ______________________________________________________ Operating _____________________________________________________ Maintaining and repairing _______________________________________ Inspecting _____________________________________________________

Using the Simple Past Tense form: Performed _____________________________________________________ Monitored _____________________________________________________

A5003/Unit 3 16 _______________________________________________________________________________

Installed _______________________________________________________ Handled _______________________________________________________ Kept records of _________________________________________________ Ensured quality of ______________________________________________ Assisted engineers in ____________________________________________

SKILLS AND STRENGTHS I am able to: Use ___________________________________________________________ Handle ________________________________________________________ Operate _______________________________________________________ Speak and write fluent ___________________________________________

Proficient in __________________________________________________________ Good knowledge of ____________________________________________________ Experienced in _______________________________________________________ Possess good skills in __________________________________________________

BEFORE YOU READ If you had the chance to interview your favourite actor/singer or a very important person, what would you ask him/her? Things to ask: (Example) Education background Favourite food

A5003/Unit 3 17 _______________________________________________________________________________

Task 3.5 Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow: Reading Passage

The Meteoric Rise of Resourceful Ramli Abbas

When Ramli Abbas joined Motorola Malaysia Sdn. Bhd. about 23 years ago, he did not expect that one day he would be playing a major role in steering the multinational cooperation. Ramli 47, was at that time executive assistant to the general manager of the Motorola plant in Penang, which was then still small in size, with only about 400 employees. Today after serving the company for more than two decades, Ramli justifiably takes pride in having been entrusted by Motorola International to head its operations in Malaysia. He was appointed vice-president and country manager of Motorola Malaysia effective Jan 1 this year. Motorola Malaysia today has a workforce of about 12,000 making it Motorola Internationals largest workforce in a single country outside the US. Motorola International recorded a group turnover of RM6.7 billion last year. Recalling his early days with Motorola, Ramli said he was involved in helping to lay the foundation for the setting-up of the Motorola plant in Penang. Prior to joining Motorola, Ramli served three years in the government sector 1 year each in the general planning unit of the prime ministers department and the research division of the International trade and industry ministry. My first role in Motorola was to study and put its investment in Penang in order and deal with issues like manpower planning, expatriate administration, investment incentives, technology transfer and tax holidays. My experience working in the government sector helped me a lot in handling these matters with various government agencies and the private sector he said. After serving at the Penang plant for five years, Ramli, who holds an honors degree in economics from Universiti Malaya, was given the chance by the company to do his Masters in Business Administration (MBA) in the US. Motorola sponsored my studies at the Nova University in Florida. At the same time, I worked in its plant in Florida, holding several managerial positions until 1981. It was a golden opportunity for me as I had the chance to kill two birds with one stone getting experience at the international level and finishing my MBA, he said. In 1982, Ramli returned to Malaysia and was appointed the Motorola regional training director for Asia Pacific, where he was involved in providing direct consultancy services and training in the areas of delivery, design, consultancy and training administration. Motorola has 19 manufacturing plants and 12 research and development (R&D) centres in Asia Pacific. Its presence in the region extends to Australia, China, India, Hong Kong, South Korea, Singapore, Taiwan and Japan. Five years after returning to Malaysia, Ramli became the Motorola director of human resources for Asia Pacific South, responsible for all human resource functions. The job also made Ramli the internal consultant to Motorola Internationals major business groups within the region, including its communications sector, semi conductor products sector and cellular group.

A5003/Unit 3 18 _______________________________________________________________________________ It was indeed a very challenging role as Motorola has about 37,000 employees in this region and its ales in Asia Pacific as in 1995 amounted to US$8.6 billion (RM21.5 billion), accounting for 32 percent of the corporations worldwide revenue, he said. After spending three years in the position, Ramli was again sent to Florida. This time he was given a bigger role as principal consultant to the chief executive officer of Motorola Internationals paging products group. In that capacity, he helped the CEO in visioning and strategy, resulting in sales growth from only US$600 million(RM1.5 billion) in 1991 to US$3 billion (RM7.5 billion) last year. Having to oversee an international operation which has 12 divisions with 14,000 employees world-wide, I learnt a lot in terms of running a global business, Ramli said. Today, as Motorola Malaysia vice-president and country manager, Ramli is responsible for the continued growth and success of the companys operation here. Motorola has five plants locally, producing semiconductors, communication units for equipment such as cellular phones, walkie-talkies and components for car systems and the computer industry. The company has a large R&D facility in Penang, which has about 100 engineers and is headed and run by Malaysians. Last year alone, it spent about RM11.5 million on R&D and training. The Taiping-born Ramli is married and has four grown children. His hobbies are golf and tennis. (The Star, 17 March 1997)

A. Understanding the text Read the following sentences. The sentences trace Ramlis educational and work history. But the sentences are not in the correct chronological order. Put them in the right order in the boxes provided below: 1. Appointed Executive Assistant to the General Manager in Motorola plant in Penang. 2. Studied at Universiti Malaya for a degree in Economics. 3. Appointed Motorola Director of Human Resources for Asia Pacific South. 4. Worked in the government sector. 5. Appointed Vice-President and County manager of Motorola Malaysia. 6. Studied for an MBA degree in Nova University, Florida 7. Appointed Principal Consultant to the Chief Executive Officer of Motorola Internationals Paging Products Group in Florida 8. Appointed Motorola Regional Training Director for Asia Pacific. 1.



A5003/Unit 3 19 _______________________________________________________________________________






B. Focus on Language 1. To kill two birds with one stone means A. to do two things at the same time B. to achieve two goals with the same effort C. to get two people to do the same thing for you 2. To lay the foundation for the setting up of the Motorola plant means A. to organise activities for Motorola B. to help in the setting up of Motorola C. to get the foundation for the buildings of Motorola ready 3. tax holiday means A. not having to pay tax for a period of time B. having a holiday with money saved from taxation C. having to pay less tax to the government for a period of time
5. In the 7th paragraph, Ramli said he was involved in providing direct consultancy services ..... Use the language form was involved in to complete the following sentences:

was involved in ____________ after sales service was involved in ____________ family-day activities for the company was involved in ____________ and ____________ plant equipment was involved in _____________ technicians and general workers

A5003/Unit 3 20 _______________________________________________________________________________

Task 3.6

Transfer the qualifications and work experience into an appropriate CV format. You can use the format below. There is no need to complete the whole CV. EMPLOYMENT HISTORY 1997 present Vice-President and Country Manager of Motorola Malaysia Responsibilities:


Task 3.7

Imagine that you have just finished your final year examination or that you are in the final semester. Prepare your resume. For this task, marks will be awarded for: Relevant information Clear and specific description of work experience & strengths Design and layout Marks will be deducted for: Spelling mistakes Grammatical mistakes Poor printing quality

A5003/Unit 3 21 _______________________________________________________________________________

Now that you have completed the first draft of your resume, you should check for errors. Learning to edit your own resume is very important because a resume or a letter full of mistakes creates a bad impression. Mistakes are commonly made in: (Discuss with a partner and see if you could correct the underlined errors.) FOCUS ON LANGUAGE Checking for Mistakes

a) Spelling (All spelling errors are UNFORGIVABLE) Bahasa Malaysia / English Spelling. For example: Ogos 2001 Oktober 2002 Technical Institut, Sepang, Selangor SPM Gred 1 obtained distinctions in Matematik and Sains Committee or Commitee

Confusing Spelling. For example: Maintainance or Maintenance

(Note : If you use a word-processor, you should use the spell-checker to check for spelling mistakes. ) b) Punctuation c) Grammar

Singular and Plural Nouns A. Forgetting the Plural -s For example: Handling customer enquiry and complaint (wrong) Preparing progress report (wrong) When we use a countable noun in a general sense we should use the plural form. Hence, we should use enquiries, complaints and reports. B. Putting s after a Singular Noun For example: A members of the Askah Wataniah (wrong) The Presidents of the English Language Club (wrong)

A5003/Unit 3 22 _______________________________________________________________________________

C. Uncountable Nouns Some words are UNCOUNTABLE so you cannot put an s at the back of them. They are always singular. If you spell them in the plural form, it will be incorrect. For example: Selling office equipments (wrong) Providing technical advices to customers (wrong) Additional Informations (wrong)


Tenses In writing your resume you can use the past tense to describe your previous work experience. However, make sure that you use the tense consistently. For example: Handled official correspondence and prepare minutes of meetings (wrong) Participate in the AFTA exhibition 2001 (wrong)


Active and Passive Forms For example: was handled the maintenance of boilers (wrong) was supervised twenty trainees (wrong) Incorrect verb forms For example: am do maintenance work on computer hardware (wrong) was took part in organising the Malaysian Computer Carnival 2001 (wrong) was wrote minutes of meetings (wrong) Infinitives For example: Can operated Microsoft Word and Excel 2000 (wrong) Able to conversed fluently in English (wrong) Prepositions For example: Represented Port Dickson Polytechnic in the Inter-Polytechnic Games on 1999 (wrong) Excel on writing clear and effective reports and letters (wrong) Word Forms For example: Able to participation in team projects (wrong) My interested are reading and sports. (wrong)





viii) Consistency In listing out your previous work experience, you need to make sure that the words you use are of the same grammatical group and that they follow

A5003/Unit 3 23 _______________________________________________________________________________

the main stem, for example: My duties at the company included: - keeping progress reports - prepare preventive maintenance schedules - in charge of twenty operators - relief technician (Note: in the above sentence preparing preventive maintenance schedules should be used instead. This is consistent with keeping ... and the stem .... duties included:. in charge of is also unsuitable here because it is not correct to say My duties at the company included in charge of twenty operators. The same mistake is made with relief technician. It is important to make sure that the list of duties follows the stem My duties at the company included .....)

Task 3.8

Correct the following sentences (each item contains more than one error):

1. My responsible at the company included: trouble-shooting production equipments and prepare a report manage monthly operational budget and designing covers for a companys magazine. 2. Extra-curricular Activities: A comittee members of the English Language Societies Represent the Perak State in the 100m and 200m events on the 2000 MSSP 3. Career Objectives: Marketing position using previous experience on promoting consumer product and well-develop interpersonal skills 4. The following person have agree to provide any additional informations regarding to my qualifications and character: 5. SPM Gred One obtain distinction in Mathematic and Statistic 6. Strenth: Can work under presure to meet tight datelines Independence and self-motivate

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Part A Below are the different sections you would normally find in a CV. However, they are not in the correct order. Rearrange them. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Part B Tick the information below which you would highlight in your CV. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. You won the best student award when you were in Standard 3. ( ) Your final-year project which was given an A grade. ( ) You obtained just a pass for your English. ( ) Drivers licence. ( ) Travelling experience. ( ) Identity card number. ( ) E-mail address. ( ) You participated in a walkathon to raise funds for the needy. ( ) Part C In the following questions, 3 words/phrases are underlined and marked A, B and C. Decide if any one of them contains an error (mistake). If you think that there is no error, choose answer D. 1. Extra-curricular Activities:

Reference Honours and Awards Other Information Activities Skills and Strengths Personal Details Education / Qualifications Work Experience / Employment History

Committee members of the Robotics Club. A B Secretary of the Students' Council. No Error C D

A5003/Unit 3 25 _______________________________________________________________________________ 2.

Work Experience: A 1998 2001

Technician Air-conditioning with INTEL (M), Penang. B No Error D

Maintaining and repairing chillers and air-conditioners C

3. Handled official correspondence for the company A B Write minutes of meetings No Error C D

4. Assembled PCs and installed software and computer accessories A B Handled customer complain No Error C D 5. Activities:

Participated in the 1999 AFTA exhibition


Arranged visits to Multi-national companies B C

No error D

6. Career Objective: Accounting position using previous experience in handling full-sets of account A B And well-developed computer skills. No error C D

Designed and implemented a new purchasing programme computer, including a A B recipe costing and inventory. No Error C D Assisted Senior Engineers in prepare progress reports and supervising a group of A B 20 foreign workers. No Error C D Strengths: A Fluently in spoken and written Bahasa Malaysia and English B C



No Error D

10. Highly motivated, accurate, thorough and precise in attention to details. No Error A B C D

A5003/Unit 3 26 _______________________________________________________________________________

Questions 11-15: Choose the word with the CORRECT SPELLING from each of the following pairs: 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. A. explanation A. commitment A. committee A. personel A. maintenance B. explaination B. committment B. commitee B. personnel B. maintainance

How well did you do in the self-test?

You have just completed 31 questions. Use the following guide to see how well you have understood the unit: More than 28 correct 20 27 correct 15 19 correct Fewer than 14 correct Well done! Good! You have understood most of the unit. Still, you should try to find out why you got the answers wrong. You should revise the areas which you did not do well. Well, you should talk to your lecturer about the problems you face in understanding the unit.

A5003/Unit 3 27 _______________________________________________________________________________

Part A Correct arrangement: 6 7 8 5 4 2 3 1 Part B You should tick 2, 4, 5, 7, 8 Part C 1. A 2. B 3. C 4. C 5. D 6. B 7. A 8. A 9. B 10. D 11. B 12. B 13. B 14. A 15. B

How well did you do in the self-test?

You have just completed 31 questions. Use the following guide to see how well you have understood the unit: More than 28 correct 20 27 correct 15 19 correct Fewer than 14 correct Well done! Good! You have understood most of the unit. Still, you should try to find out why you got the answers wrong. You should revise the areas which you did not do well. Well, you should talk to your lecturer about the problems you face in understanding the unit.

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