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UNIT - I Number Representation:

Number System Binary Hexal Octal Codes BCD Excess 3 Gray codes - Ascii Ebcdic - etc.

UNIT - II Boolean Algebra:

Booleans laws logic gates Boolean Simplification K map Sum of Products method Product of sums method.

UNIT - III Combinational Logic:

Encoder, Decoder, Multiplexer, Demultiplexer, Exclusive or gates and applications Prom Pal Logics.

UNIT - IV Negative Numbers & Arithmetic Design:

Negative Numbers: 1s & 2s Compliment representations 9s & 10s compliment representations half & full adder design half & full subtracter design.

UNIT - V Sequential Logic:

Flip flops: RS, D, JK, I , JK Triggering : level and edge Registers: four shift registers counters; ring counters, synchronous & asynchronous counters modulo counters.


UNIT - I Introduction to System Software:

Introduction to system software and machine Architecture Simplified instructional computer Traditional machines - RIBC Machines.

UNIT - II Assemblers:
Basic Leader functions machine dependent and machine independent loader features Loader design options Implementations Examples.

UNIT - III Loader and Linkers:

UNIT - IV Macro Processors:

Basic Macro Processor Functions machine independent macro processor Features Macro processor Design Options Implementations Examples.

UNIT - V Compliers:
Basic Complier Functions Machine Dependent complier features Machine Independent complier features complier features complier design options implementations examples.


Introduction to COBOL History Character Set Cobol Words data names and Identifies figurative Constants reserved word Coding Program Compute statement Arithmetic verb.

Cobol Program structure IDENTIFICATION, ENVIRONMENT, DATA AND PROCEDURE DIVISIONS Picture clause editing Picture Clause level structure.

Control Statement Goto Goto DEPENDING ON IF Statement PERFORM verb Move Statement Table Handling Single, Two dimensional Array Handling, Search Verb Character handing Inspect Verb String and unstring Verb.

File organisation Indexed Random Sequential file Handling Sorting and merging a file updation

Computer Application in Business Computer Applications in project management computer applications in personal and administration accounting information system computer applications in materials management computer application in production planning and control computer application in purchasing - computer application in credit and collection - computer application in warehousing marketing information systems manufacturing information system computer application of the future multimedia computer application in science and technology.

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