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Visual Problems

Different Visual problems 1. Visual AcuitySharpness of vision , especially as tested with a snellen chart. Normal visual acuity based on the snellen chart IS 20/20. Kinds of visual Acuity: Nearsightedness or myopiacondition where a person is capable of seeing nearby objects with greater activity than distant objects. Causes of Nearsightedness: Children who was born prematurely often develop eye conditions that affect the shape of the eye and maybe more likely to develop nearsightedness. Myopia is caused by an eye whose shape doesnt permit itto focus on distant objects. Symptoms of Nearsightedness: Blurry vision when looking at distant objects The need to squint or partially close the eyelids to see clearly Headaches caused by excessive eyestrain Difficulty seeing while driving a vehicle , especially at night(night myopia).

Remember: People usually first notice myopia in their teenage years , when they experience headaches and it becomes apparent than other people can see distant objects better than they do. Farsightedness or hyperopiaAn error of refraction in the human eye that causes light rays to focus behind the retina instead of on it. A person who is farsighted has normal vision at a distance but has a

trouble focusing on a nearby objects . Farsightedness can be corrected with refractive lenseseither glasses or contact lense and In some cases by surgery. Also known as hyperopia. Causes of Farsightedness: As people get older their eye muscle become less able to compensate for hyperopia. After age of 60, most people have some difficulty seeing close-up details clearly. This is called presbyopia. It becomes increasingly common in the years after age 50. The lens becomes thicker and more rigid, and the range of distance at which you can focus (called accommodation) arrows. Symptoms of Farsightedness: Difficulty seeing near objects clearly Headaches Eyestrain Treatment Wearing glasses or contact lenses is the most traditional hyperopia treatment and in many cases, remains a good option for farsighted patients.

2. Presbyopia A visual condition which becomes apparent especially in middle age and in which loss of elasticity of the lens of the causes defective accommodation and inability to focus sharply for near vision. Causes of Presbyopia: Gradual loss in elasticity of the lens Symptoms of Presbyopia: When they perform near work such as embroidery or handwriting they may have headaches or eyestrain or feel fatigue. They hold reading materials at arms length in order to focus properly.

3. StrabismusCross-eyed is disorder in which both eyes cannot focus on the same point at the same time. Strabismus has nothing to do with having cross-eyes and everything to do with having ones eye half open. Causes of Strabismus: Muscle of the eye do not work together. As a result , one eye looks at one object , while the other eye turns in a different direction and is focused on another object. When this occurs , two different images are sent to the brain one from each eye. This confuses the brain and the brain may learn to ignore the image from the weaker eye. Symptoms of Strabismus: The eyes do not move together and may be appear crossed at times. The other eye will appear turned out, up or down from wherever the first eye is focussed. Depth perception loss Double vision Vision loss

4. AstigmatismAbnormal curvature of the lens so that images are indistinct or disorted. Astigmatism is a natural and commonly occurring cause of blurred vision. The exact cause is not known. Astigamatism has two(2) senses: 1. (ophthalmology)impaired eyesight resulting usually from irregular conformation of the cornea. 2. (optics)defect in an system in which light rays from a single point fail to converge in a single focal point. Symptoms of Astigmatism: Blurred vision which can be associated with fatigue Eyestrain Blurred vision

5. Color blindnessPeople suffering from this are sensitive to light --- dark only. Color blindness can be hereditary condition cause by disease of the optic nerve or retina. Acquired color vision problems only affect the eye with the disease and may become progressively worse over time. Patients with a color vision defect caused by disease usually have trouble discriminating blues and yellows. They tend to see colors in a limited range of hues; a rare few may not see colors at all. Causes of color blindness: Red /green and blue color blindness appear to be located on at least two different gene locations. The majority of affected individuals are males. Females are carriers , but not are normally affected. This indicates that the X chromosome is one of the locations for color blindness. Male offspring of females who carry the altered gene have 50-50 chance of being colorblind. The rare female that has red/green color blindness or rare still , blue color blindness , indicates there is an involvement of another gene. Symptoms if Color Blindness: Objects appear as various shades of gray (this occurs with complete color blindness and its very rare. Reduced vision

Partial color blindnesscolor blindness may be partial (affecting only some colors)or complete(affecting all colors). Complete color blindness is very rare. Those who are completely color blind often have serious eye problems as well.

Reported by: Ronaliza Tafalla BSIT 1-5

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