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Post Graduate Programme in Management

Theme paper on my Tacit Knowledge Creative Excellence in management: Insights from Indian Ethos

Prasad Sahoo (0353/48)


Submitted by: Siva

Section -A


SL No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Topic Why politics as tacit knowledge Background(Family, Friends) Henry David Thoreau: A little Biography Tacit Implication to the world through Walden Learning for the world through Civil Disobedience My Tacit knowledge and ambitions related to Indian politics and its improvement Conclusion

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Why politics as Tacit knowledge Politics is nothing but all about leadership & according to me its the best of all kind of leadership because it decides the destiny of a whole nation. At its root, politics isnt just about international summits, the ministers bubble or even what politicians do. Politics is the organization of human beings in societies, and about who has the power to do what. The human race has been through many ways (many of them much worse ways) of organizing itself, but even in our radically different global society, the fundamental truth remains the same. Our societies can be organized well or bad, from bottom up or from top down, innovatively or with stagnation, but all these arrangements consist of political relationships between human beings, and all are susceptible to reorganization by the people who make up the societies involved. Politics is a field, which combines many other different subjects like economics, sociology, corporate governance and management, which need an inborn as well as significant quest into the depth of the course to accumulate and implement the knowledge for wide demographics. I have come from a mix of business and politics background. My father, uncle, friends and writings of Henry David Thoreau has inspired me a lot to take interest in politics. So, its a mix of my family background, passion, inspiration for which I have politics as a tacit knowledge. Background (Family & Friends) I belong to a family having business and political background. My father is a former Sarpanch(village head) of Hirapur village, Odisha where he was elected for two consecutive times and he is currently a businessman. His educational qualification is M.A (political science) from Utkal University, Odisha. My father entered into politics in his student career. He was the president of the BJB College during his under graduation days & he was student affairs secretary in his post graduation days & on both cases he had won the election on a greater margin against his opposition. My fathers hobby is to read political news, debating, travelling. He has special interest of gathering knowledge about political activities of other democratic countries. Currently he has shoe business and is also the secretary of chambers of trade of Ashok Nagar area in Bhubaneswar. I am much more influenced by my fathers dedication towards the society. Till now he has visited North, east and some parts of south odisha. He also has been to Bangalore, Coorg, Hyderabad, Madurai and, Cochin. Because of his efforts & helping nature, a under graduation college & common study room was made in village. His religious dimension is reflected in his sayings, if we do something for human kind, then its the greatest service to god. He has been a great influence in my life. He always used to teach meLife is all gods creation, and this life should only be devoted to the service

of human kind My mother is a writer. She is a voluntary writer in Odiya magazines. Her main theme of writing is based on women empowerment & Politics. She has completed her post graduation in Odiya honours from Sambalpur University, Odisha. She was a lecturer in a college before marriage. She has hobbies of writing in magazines, and reading odiya novels. Because of her religious nature, she always wakes up on morning 5 to do her pujas. My mother is a self philanthropic, where if she finds someone in trouble, she will help the person at the moment. I can remember an instant, when an old lady was shivering beside road in winter season and on the way while walking when she saw the lady, she immediately bought a new blanket and offered her. There are many instances like this. Besides this she is a perfect mother for us. She is also the best daughter-in-law of my family. My late grandfather was a former sarpanch(village head). It is because of him that the village is having a primary and secondary school now. His educational qualification is Matriculation. His hobby was talking about people problem and finding solution for it. He visited all the places of Odisha and, 4 Hindu dhams(Badrinath, Rameshwaram, Dwarka,Puri). He is very religious and god fearing person. My late grandmother was housewife. She was a matriculate. She was very religious in nature. I would like to speak some details about my close blood relatives I have one paternal uncle who is an MLA (Member of legislative assembly) in Odisha legislative assembly. He is an advocate by profession. His hobbies include travelling and reading books. His interest is to bring new changes in political world. He has worked for welfare of different demographics in villages. Till now he has visited Bangkok, Hongkong, Japan. He is also the Life Member, Youth Hostel Association of India and Bharat Krushak Samaj & is Member, Estimates Committee, 1965-66 and, parliamentary secretary, Swatantra party, Member, P.A.C. and secretary of the coalition Assembly party, Odisha 1967. I have one best friend day right from my school. He is an IIT Kharagpur graduate in Food engineering and currently works in Britannia as technical manager. Like me, he also has a great interest in politics. He has also influenced me a lot about politics. He was a member of student committee in IIT kharagpur & has taken a lot of initiatives towards student community. His father is asst. manager in a Hotel and also voluntary member of Congress party in Bhubaneswar. His hobbies include reading about politics, business. His interest is to set up an own political party in a long run. Till now he has visited whole south & west india and France, Italy. I did my schooling from Buxi Jagabandhu English Medium School, Bhubaneswar, where I was the second topper of my class in 10th class board exam. My favorite subject during school time was Science and Social studies. After completion of school, I did my +2 Science from B.J.B.College, Bhubaneswar. During +2 science, Physics was my favorite subject, but still I had immense interest to read about politics. I used to discuss about the politics with my father and uncle, who had influenced me a lot. After +2 science, I did B.Tech in computer science & engineering from C.V.Raman

College of engineering, Bhubaneswar. During my B.Tech I got Student of the year award for scoring highest marks in my branch. I was the department rank 2 of in B.Tech. After B.Tech. Also, I was the department rank 2 in B.Tech. I have been also awarded the senior merit scholarship from Govt. of odisha for my academic performance in B.Tech. I have worked in Accenture for 1.5 years as Software Engineer in Bangalore & Mumbai. In extracurricular achievements, I have won 2 writing competions for best writing in school. I was a regular writer of my school and college magazines and also got many accolades for it. My theme of writing was always related to society and politics. I was the winner in Inter college programming contest during B.Tech. Also, I was the runners up in technical quiz competition during B.Tech and also winner of Rotary club quiz competition in school. Also, I am the winner of Rotary club debate and extempore competition during school time. In B.Tech, I was Secretary of treasurer department in student affairs committee. Apart from that I was the sports and events coordinator in B.Tech where I have organized numerous events. Till now I have visited places like Karnataka, Odisha, Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Goa, Maharashtra, West Bengal, and Kerela. Besides my curriculum, I am always interested to build my leadership skills. I have attended many leadership lectures conducted by Rotary club in Bhubaneswar. One among them is Crisis Intervention Specialist training programme held in Trident Hilton, Bhubaneswar by Red Cross Society. The main goal of this training programme was to bring forward the educated youth & prepare them to deal with the unexpected situations that arise in the society due to natural calamities like flood, tsunami, earth quake, cyclone etc. & take leadership to extend a helping hand to the people to cope up with the social & emotional problems after the calamities. Taking volunteer ships in NGOs & working for the needy is my passion. So Ive contacted to some NGOs who directly assign me jobs when they feel so. My recent article was on the summary & backdrops of RTI rules in WB on CRY east volunteer blog. While working for them I got more ideas about the problem from grass root level. My hobbies include writing, stamp collection, reading books and motivating the people around me. My interest lies in to make our society clean. Among all movies, my best movies are Sarkaar, The Manchurian candidate, the shawshank redemption, Forest gump, A perfect candidate, State of the union. I love to watch news channels. From books, favorite are "Walden, Civil Disobedience, The prince, the communist manifesto, Dreams from my father: A story of race and inheritance, The Little Black Book of Success: Laws of Leadership for Black Women, Secrets of Effective Leadership". But from the books, Walden and Civil Disobedience has motivated me a lot. Three things have influenced me a lot in my life to get attracted towards politics. They are my parents, teachers and, author named as Henry David Thoreau (Author of Walden and Civil Disobedience). As my father and uncle belong to politics, I got largely influenced by them because of their dedicated work for the society. My family values & fathers teaching always compel me to do something for society. I also got motivation from my favourite teachers.

They always taught me that it will always be easier to survive in a clean and transparent society. Also, I am much inclined to the person Henry David Thoreau, about his ideologies, about his thought process and his progress of life towards the whole mass of civilization and his teachings through his tacit writings. A brief mention about him and his writings is mentioned below. Henry David Thoreau: a Little Biography Henry David Thoreau (July 12 1817-May 6 1862) was born in Concord, Massachusetts. He was an American author, poet, philosopher, freemason, abolitionist, naturalist, development critic, surveyor, historian and leading transcendentalist. He is best known for his book Walden, a reflection upon simple living in natural surroundings, and his essay Civil Disobedience, an argument for individual resistance to civil government in moral opposition to an unjust state. Thoreaus friend Ralph Waldo Emerson had a great influence on Thoreaus life. Emerson encouraged Thoreau, to devote himself to writing. Tacit implications to the world through Walden Walden was first published as Walden or, Life in woods. The work is part personal declaration of independence, social experiment, and voyage of spiritual discovery, satire, and manual for self reliance. Published in 1854, it details Thoreau's experiences over the course of two years in a cabin he built near Walden Pond, amidst woodland owned by his friend and mentor Ralph Waldo Emerson, near Concord. He explains that most people live their lives as if sleeping, blindly following the ways of their parents, and become trapped into these lives by owning property and slaving in jobs to maintain their way of life. In contrast, he sought to discover the true necessities of life. The self discovery of his tacit awakening led him to create a new existence for himself at Walden, where he found joy and fulfillment in nature, the key to achieving such a life, he says, is simplicity. He spent his time during the first summer at Walden hoeing beans, rather than reading, or sitting all morning watching and listening to the birds. That reverie is broken by the whistle and rumble of the passing train, which reminds Thoreau of the destruction of nature and country life by progress and industrialization. In the evening, the hoots of the owls make him melancholy, reminding him of human cries of sorrow. He sees in himself dueling impulses, to animality and to spirituality, and seeks to strengthen his spiritual self, refraining from hunting or eating meat. He expressed this to the world by naming it Higher Laws As the weather grows colder in October and November, he builds a chimney and plasters the inside of his walls. When the pond freezes, he studies the bottom of the lake and the formation of ice bubbles within the ice itself, thus always encouraging the civilization to observe and think tacitly on the problem. This also speaks that the human being at the contemporary time is

so overwhelmed with the existing solutions; they lose the creative side of handling problems in different ways. Thoreau describes looking at the transformed landscape from the centers of lakes and seeing it in a new light and hearing animals, including owls and foxes chased by hounds. By these words he has asked the human being to connect the different dots of life and to find the happiness in simplicity. Towards the end part of the book he describes saying the lake gradually begins to crack and groan and break apart. Sand breaks through the snow and flows like foliage down the banks of the railroad. The birds begin to return and the trees become greener. Thus after spending a life in the quest of nature for the long peaceful times near Walden the author explores the cyclical part of human nature, the bringing and goings of life, the universal truth of life through the incessant existence since the ancient times. He concludes by saying that he left Walden because he had many more lives to live, many more things to do for the civil society and its upliftment. He urges his readers to turn inward on immense spiritual journeys of self-discovery; to find fulfillment in nature rather than riches; and to avoid conformity and live his own life as he must. He concludes with the story of a bug which emerged from the wood of a table after sixty years and hopes that human beings will likewise awaken and emerge into a new life. Learning for the world through Civil Disobedience Henry David Thoreau wrote Civil Disobedience in 1849, which reflects his utmost tacit ideology towards the political implication at the contemporary time. Thoreau opens his essay with the motto "That government is best which governs least." His distrust of government stems from the tendency of the latter to be "perverted and abused", before the people can actually express their will through it. Thoreau views government as a fundamental hindrance to the creative enterprise of the people it purports to represent. He cites as a prime example the regulation of trade and commerce, and its negative effect on the forces of the free market. He expressed to the society that Resistance is the highest form of patriotism because it demonstrates a desire not to subvert government but to build a better one in the long term. Thoreau inculcated the change through democratic means. The position of the majority, however legitimate in the context of a democracy, is not tantamount to a moral position. Thoreau believes that the real obstacle to reform lies with those who disapprove the measures of government while tacitly lending it their practical allegiance. Thoreau sees a paradoxically inverse relationship between money and freedom. The poor man has the greatest liberty to resist because he depends the least on the government for his own welfare and protection. Thoreau values the contributions of American government for the society, their pragmatism and their diplomacy, but feels that only someone outside of government can speak the Truth about it. Not surprisingly, Thoreau holds in low esteem the entire political class, which he considers incapable of devising

the most basic forms of legislation. In his last paragraph, Thoreau comes full circle in discussing the authority and reach of government, which derives from the "sanction and consent of the governed." Democracy is not the last step in the evolution of government, as there is still greater room for the State to recognize the freedom and rights of the individual. Thoreau concludes on a utopic note, saying such a State is one he has imagined "but not yet anywhere seen." My Tacit knowledge and ambitions related to Indian politics and its improvement What my tacit knowledge says is, writing is a powerful weapon to fight all kinds of political & social evils, so my goal is by using it, I want to build awareness among common mass and bring the change in it. As an individual I would like to create access, share and apply the tacit knowledge that exists among the society. Unless someone has a god father, it is not easy to flourish in politics in India. Even if you venture, you are going to fail. Creating total new system will be a very risky task. It should be always better "By being in the system, change the system". We have not achieved the full fruits of our System. Systemic elements have loop-holes. Population need to understand the problem & try to get the best out of the systemic support. Just waiting to exploit the system does not yield any results. Even if you create a new system, this trend will jeopardize everything. So, my goal is to change the political system being a part of the system. Simon sinek described as "a visionary thinker with a rare intellect", Simon teaches leaders and organizations how to inspire people. Ive derived his famous idea of golden circle, which provides insight on how to turn an idea into a social movement. The Golden Circle is an idea,

an alternative perspective, that explains why some people and organizations are more innovative, more influential, command greater loyalty and are able to repeat their success over and over. It describes that the leaders & organization who lead, they all think, act & communicate in the same way & its completely opposite to everyone else. This explains why some leader & organization lead all over the world. We can explain it with these three simple terms. Why, How & What? I will base my tacit knowledge upon the golden

circle for a greater impact on the mass, thus what Ill do? How Ill do & why Ill do? will be my approach towards the change in politics. My approach will be to go from inside to outside of the golden circle. Which serve the purpose of the people "why" I need to do what my dream is to do for the Indian politics. Based on this approach Ive realized the following issues which are gradually becoming an incurable disease of our society, which will work as the "why" of my vision for a healthy political system. I have listed some of the political issues which our Indian society is facing. It consists of mainly social and economic issues. Under social issues, Corruption is one of the major social issues in India. Also, there is a division between different sections of people based on religion, caste, region, race in Indian society which speaks about the lack of unity. This has led to the rise of political parties with agendas targeting to one or a mix of these groups. Some parties focus only on a particular group. Some other parties claim to be universal in nature, but tend to draw support from particular sections of the population. Many political parties are involved in caste, religion or language-based politics, which effects India's growth and progress. Thus the collectivism and holistic approach to the problem is entirely subjugated by the inherent problems in the party constructs itself. Again on another part of the story, Economic issues includes poverty, starvation, homelessness, unemployment, development that turmoil politics. India. Lack of a market economy & over government regulation and red tape, known as License Raj is the main cause of poverty in India. Another cause is a high population growth rate, although demographers generally agree that this is a symptom rather than cause of poverty. The surplus of labor in agriculture has caused many people to not have jobs. The below section includes What and How to do. So, my short term goal (After 3 years) will be to write different enlightening periodicals and books in politics. I would like to be involved in writing many diversified periodicals and gradually start write book by using my accumulated knowledge throughout my career and passion. During school & college time my writings had very good impact on my friends. Even Ive realized very often some group of the society, For example- Housewives, elderly people who have writing skills but they dont find time or, dont think seriously that it may work as an wonder to bring social & political changes. Also, I would like to start a magazine which will create an opportunity especially for this group of people to share their knowledge on social & political issues in India. For easy access to this platform I would use the social networking sites & internet. As my background is related to computer engineering, so it will be easy for me to develop blogs, websites, question forum & publish the outcomes in the magazine or articles in news paper, so that the maximum use of the involvement of people will be not just a dream but a reality. Fund raising through various sources & purchasing of pre-owned computers will be another step to provide facility to the underprivileged. I want to bring revolution towards major social & political issues India is facing and encourage

people to raise their voice against them with different digital media as well as social media platform. Presently some channels are waking up to eradicate corruption & also taking initiatives to reach to the people. For example Satyameva jayate has worked very rapidly to stop corruption in many field. I would like to take help of such initiatives to throw light on the corruption going on our surroundings & also encourage people to come forward through my articles. Youth leaders are the need of Indian politics, but should not be imposed on people. Rather, they should be figured out from the grass root level and groomed up. India is a land of million hidden talents. All they need is a proper platform. If such a platform is given, it will not only attract more and more educated and professionals into politics but also strengthen the core value of the largest democracy of the world significantly. So, as an educated, responsible youth I would like to create my own political party, which will include techies & highly qualified youth and experienced people, who have keen interest in politics, as its member, irrespective of the caste, religion, race etc. Focus should be given on talent and it would be completely merit based. Our focus will be on how to reach to the people & cover a wide range of population in a short period to make them aware about the political issues like corruption. As education on political science in India is completely theoretical and there are no training programs or, full time educational programme for future politicians, So I will make sure that the people who gets selected to my party, will go through an extensive training programme which will include Ethics, Responsibility for society, implementation etc. so that they can for betterment of society properly. Also, I will make sure that candidates having criminal records are not allowed to enter my party. As, the social networking cites are most popular hangouts for youngsters now days, I can use it for the awareness of their friends & people for the possible revival of the India political system. The main problem in current system is that there are no clear responsibilities assigned to anyone. The best solution would be before assigning any ministry or, role or, profile, there should be clear cut roles or, responsibilities defined from Cabinet minister till peon level. Before assigning any task or, funds, full responsibilities should be assigned to persons & keep and hawks eye over progress and, expenditure. Thats the reason I will pull talent from the society to enter into my political party so that people who loves their job can be assigned for their desired field. After my party comes to power, first I want to bring revolution in Human resource development & education. As we know our country India is now in the second position over the world population. People takes this negatively, no doubt population control measures should be taken to maintain a balance, but what has happened no one can change it. So, we should take it positively and with this population we know that one of the main resources that is needed for the improvement and betterment of any country is the human resource, in

which we are rich. So we just need to utilize it properly. In my view a minister with the portfolio of Human Resource development can bring a great change. Hence, my party will have strong implementation in HR department. Our motive is to bring social change, so when a countrys people will be educated and, self sufficient then they will be financially good. So when someones financial position is good then he can afford better health facilities, better education not only for him but for his family also. By this way if families will be self sufficient, it leads to a society and lastly they all will develop a good and growing country. Also, I will ensure as a political leader that 30 days of time limit to any public services to decide upon the applications sent by common people. All applicants to any public office should be replied, permissions granted, certificates given and any other services should be provided to the public within 30 days or early. Officials who fail to enact upon this will be heavily penalized. Also, I will make sure that, Investment is done in nascent sectors in India. As over two-third of the population lives in rural areas, public investment should focus on developing agriculture and basic infrastructures. The private sector should invest and trade with new regions, but not as long as theyre unprofitable or inaccessible. Greater public-private partnership and committed and efficient bureaucratic machinery is required to tackle poverty. Hence, I will make sure coming to power I will implement this in a proper scale. Also, I will encourage funding to cottage industries with subsidized loan, So that It provides large amount of employment opportunities to a large scale of people specially women. Hence, it can solve the employment problem to some extent. Also, I found that in current political scenario, many welfare programs come, but they are not properly enacted. So, I will ensure all welfare programs to be properly implemented for the welfare of the people. Also, I have felt that there is no fair process in campaigning by different parties in India. People in India never cast their vote for the person rather for the party. This misleads the right outcome of the elections. So after my party come to power, I want to implement one way of proving the fair process to the people. I will make sure that, prior to election the advertisement of the candidates should be carried on by an independent group of specialists, who will unbiasedly make the people aware of the bio-data of the candidates. Campaigning on party names must be penalized heavily and the party names must be kept secret until the voting process ends. People should get adequate chance to know about the candidates personality and his/her past performances and interest towards the development of the nation. This way the peoples voice may be preserved to the best extent and independence prevails well. Taking volunteer ships in NGOs & working for the needy is my passion. So Ive contacted to some NGOs who directly assign me jobs when they feel so. My recent article was on the summary & backdrops of RTI rules in WB on CRY east volunteer blog. While working for them I got more ideas about the problem from grass root level. As a future leader my strategy will be to reinforce &

reward the NGOs to work together directly for the backward group of society, which will bring rapid changes in their development. Usually in India many NGOs work for the people using the aid as their source of income, which brings the financial shortage to the programme to be implemented, because the funding for the programmes are not enough for the programme itself. So my approach to this problem will be to use the existing resources of the society properly. For collection of the surplus food & clothes for the destitute, orphanage, old age home, I will form a group of youth & unemployed people, so that they can just spend few minutes from their daily routine to collect the food & cloth items from their locality. If the basic needs like food & cloth can be fulfilled, then people can think about education. I would like to take initiatives to form group of unemployed youth, who will take responsibility to educate the children of their surroundings, those who are bound to earn livelihood for their family. Also, reward for the best teacher & best student will be the incentive to encourage them. Thus the use of existing resources will be possible by the mere investment of recreational activities. Also, the rule of mandatory education till class 10 will be properly implemented. Also, as economy is one of the most important factors in international relations, if not everything. So, I will ensure that India should start trade relations with Pakistan in every sphere. Having trade relations both will be interlinked. This would lead to the improvement of international status as well as the synergy between both countries. After solving all the basic problems like education, corruption, criminal candidates in politics etc, the problems like naxalism and terrorism will be automatically solved. If not, then their will be ample opportunity to remove naxalism and terrorism from its roots. From the day Anna hazare has come forward for the historical movement, I am supporting him through social sites & email, because what Anna Hazare is doing is a perfect example of the civil disobedience written by Thoreau. In the American tradition, men have a recognized and cherished right of revolution, from which Thoreau derives the concept of civil disobedience. A man disgraces himself by associating with a government that treats even some of its citizens unjustly, even if he is not the direct victim of its injustice, though It remains to be seen how Annas supporters will use of his favored Jan Lokpal Bill and other available instruments for ensuring government accountability. Now everyone is writing or debating but unable to come to a common platform to raise our voice. I can arrange some platform using technology and management skills, and do something for the nation. For this it is not necessary youth only need to be involved, everybody can be involved. With a simple concept of law must be a martial law and quick, Let hundred people die for the right cause. During Independence though we call it as Ahimsa satyagraha, many people have not lost their life so let us sacrifice. I am not saying life but some time and bit of money (very small) to change the society

for our self. CONCLUSION While explicit knowledge is important, what is often critical is an organizations ability to create access, share and apply the tacit or un-codified knowledge that exists among its d the wider innovation system of which it is a part. The paper concludes that while tacit knowledge is clearly a major resource that organizations rely on to cope with change, it does not follow that knowledge management approaches that rely on codifying this knowledge are the way forward. Instead, what it does suggest is that better management of the learning processes, through which tacit knowledge is generated, would be a more useful contribution to innovation and innovation capacity - in other words, a shift from knowledge management to learning management. Though all these individual initiatives are each a step forward towards the development and refinement of our existing system to uplift the civilization, the tacit implications is going beyond in course of executing these at a holistic level. As many of these examples cited above qualify for the broader vision and improvement of the national setbacks, I would like to remind that they are also very important criteria for the basic improvements without which the sustainability in governance is impossible.


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