May 29, 2012 Follow Up Letter To Festival

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effre . . In 1: Direct Fax: (616) 965-9351 Emmi:

May 29, 2012 Via Email and 1st Class Mail

Frank M. Scutch, Ill Price Heneveld, LLP 695 Kenmoor Avenue, SE. PO. Box 2567

Grand Rapids, MI 49501-2567 Re: Existing Agreement between Cedar Springs and Red Flannel Festival Dear Mr. Scutch: As I believe you are aware, I have been working with an ad hoc committee of the Cedar Springs City Council relative to discussions between the City and your client, the Red Flannel Festival (RFF). Among other items under discussion between the parties is the nancial role, if any. of the City with respect to the annual Festival, After lengthy discussions and a thorough review of the Citys adopted budget, the ad hoc committee has authorized me to communicate its willingness to recommend to the City Council that the existing agreement between the City and RFF be amended to add a provision that in the event the City generated prots from the sale of items bearing the trademarks. logos, etc. at
issue, the City would waive fees to the RFF for City-incurred expenditures associated with the

Festival in that particular year. I was also asked to emphasize that the City strongly desires to work with the RFF and to assist it wherever reasonably possible in efforts to reduce costs. However, after its review of the C itys budget, the ad hoc committee is convinced that additional contributions from the City are simply not possible. The City remains committed to working with the RFF and would welcome the opportunity sit down with representatives of the RF F to develop additionai cost savings. I understand you will forward this proposal to your client and respond at your earliest convenience. Should you have any questions about this proposal, please do not hesitate to
contact me. 1/2


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Very truly yours, /



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